Chapter 11

Handout 6-1 Student’s Name _________________________Chapter 6: Principles of Effective Communication--QuizCircle the letter of the best answer to each multiple-choice question. An Emergency Medical Responder should position herself to communicate with a patient:a.above eye eye level.c.well below eye any level that is comfortable.The personal space around a patient is ________ feet in all directions.a.3b.4c.5d.6Which of the following is a barrier to communication?a.Good lighting b.Quietc.Being at patient’s eye leveld.Distractions A(n) ________ question cannot be answered with a one-word d.optional Which of the following is NOT a pitfall in a successful patient interview?a.Providing false reassurance b.Interrupting a patient’s answerc.Letting the patient talk d.Asking leading questionsThe person who introduces the communication process is called the:a.receiver. b.sender. c.delayer. d.obstructer. A two-way radio that can be carried on a belt is referred to your patient has impaired hearing, you should:a.exaggerate when speaking.b.use very simple words. c.shout. d.ask a family member for help.Which of the following is the best way to handle a patient who can’t communicate due to mental impairment?a.Don’t communicate; just transport to the closest hospitalb.Ask another health care provider to tell you about the patientc.Keeping trying to communicate with the patientd.Use alternate forms of communication, such as sign language10. Nonverbal communication may be relayed through our:a.words that we use.b.written messages. c.tone of voice. d.body language. ?2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.EMR 9Handout 6-2 Student’s Name _________________________The Call: Talking About Chest PainRead the scenario. Then, in the space provided, answer the questions that follow.You are called to a 49-year-old male who is complaining of a sharp, stabbing pain in his chest. Upon your arrival, the man’s daughter introduces herself and leads you into the garage. There you see her father sitting on the floor with his fist clutched to his chest.After a scene size-up, you approach the patient, introduce yourself, crouch down to his eye level, and ask him his name and age. “I am Roberto Gonzalez,” he replies. “I’m 49, but I feel like 100. Am I having a heart attack?”You reply that you cannot make a diagnosis but that you will relay a description of his condition to the medical personnel who take him to the hospital. You listen carefully and take notes as he describes his chief complaint. Your initial assessment shows that the patient is alert, but his breathing is rapid and shallow. You administer oxygen, explaining that it should help ease his breathing. Then, as you take the patient’s baseline vital signs (breathing—28; pulse—120, regular, bounding; BP—160/100), your partner begins a SAMPLE history, explaining the general purpose of her questions as she goes along.What aspects of good communication are demonstrated in this scenario?What information would you include in the transfer of patient information to the Paramedics who take over this patient’s care??2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.EMR 9Handout 6-3 Student’s Name _________________________Chapter 6 ReviewIn the space provided, write the word or words that best complete each sentence. Communication that occurs between three or fewer participants is called _________ __________.A type of communication that focuses on advancing the physical and emotional well-being of the patient is called __________ ___________. When there is a ____________ of ____________ , information about the assessment and care that an Emergency Medical Responder provides is handed off to incoming EMS providers or receiving hospital personnel. When communicating with a person with impaired hearing, the Emergency Medical Responder should speak ____________. A __________ is a fixed antenna that is used to boost a radio signal. A question that can be answered with a yes or no response is called a direct or ____________-____________ question. Distractions or physical objects that impede assessment of care are called ____________ ____________ ____________.____________ ____________ is an area, approximately 3 feet around a patient, in which the patient feels relatively comfortable. The __________ is the thought, concept, or idea that is being transmitted during communication. A(n) ____________ radio is a two-way device mounted in a vehicle. ?2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.EMR 9Handout 6-4 Student’s Name _________________________ListingComplete each listing activity on the lines provided.1.List seven pitfalls that can interfere with a successful patient interview.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.List five general rules that an Emergency Medical Responder should follow when using a radio.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.EMR 9Answer Key Handout 6-1: Chapter 6 Quiz1.b2.a3.d4.c5.c6.b7.a8.d9.b10.dHandout 6-2: The Call: Talking About Chest PainThe Emergency Medical Responder introduces himself and crouches at the patient’s eye level. He does not guess at a diagnosis, but he does make an effort to provide as much information as possible in an honest and direct manner, showing the patient that he is engaged and is listening to what the patient is saying.The following information should be transferred to the Paramedic:Patient’s condition (initially & currently)Patient’s age and sexChief complaintBrief, pertinent history of what happenedHow you found the patientRelevant past medical and traumatic conditionsVital signsPertinent physical exam findingsCare given and patient’s response to this careHandout 6-3: Chapter 13 ReviewInterpersonal communicationTherapeutic communicationtransfer of carenormallyrepeaterclosed-endedbarriers to communicationPersonal spacemessageportable (mobile)Handout 6-4: Listing1.Any seven from the following list:Not paying attention to a patient who is talking (active learning)Talking with the patient when there are too many distractionsNot having enough privacyNot having a comfortable enough environmentNot giving the patient enough personal spaceNot answering the patient’s questions honestlyTalking too much (not letting the patient talk)Interrupting the patient’s answersGiving the appearance that you are judgingAsking leading questionsGiving unwarranted or unauthorized adviceProviding false reassurancesNot using the best interview technique (not using open-ended or closed-ended questions when appropriate) 2.Any five from the following list:Speak slowly and clearly.Hold the radio (microphone) about 4 inches from the mouth.Speak on the radio only when necessary.Listen for other radio traffic before transmitting.Avoid using patient names and other confidential (protected) information on the radio.Speak professionally. (Avoid slang, jargon, humor, or EMS providers’ names.)Be sure that your radio battery is charged and/or have a spare available. Follow local radio procedure or protocols. ?2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.EMR 9 ................

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