
-3390900-92202000Forsakenby Bella KuckelDesigned to be Worthy2020ForsakenBy Bella KuckelDesigned to be Worthy2020Published by:Designed To Be Worthy102 W.McElhaney RoadTaylors, SC 29687Copyright2020 Designed To Be Worthy. All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.First printing March 2020Dedicated toThe great authors who inspire so many writers to truly reach for their dreams. “Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can.”—J. R. R. TolkienAcknowledgements First, I must thank Mrs. Husman for her wonderful instruction and encouragement. Without you, I would be lost! And to my parents who provided the chance for me to participate in English Accelerated. It has been an incredible blessing. Special thanks to my mom who listened as I poured out my writing worries on her even if she didn’t know what to do about it! Also, Mom, thanks so much for attempting to help me with my covers and the map.Thanks to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church for allowing our use of their facilities, and to Mrs. Wong who has done such a wonderful job running Vanguard.Shout out to my classmates who all laughed at me and my two-hundred-page book, which actually turned out to be more than two hundred. Thanks a lot, people! To Catherine Hansen, my fellow classmate and writing buddy who provided a great review for my novel. And Briley, girl, you’re awesome.And, most of all, to God, who put this story on my heart before I even knew I was taking English Accelerated. He formed Esli’s story and provided a way for me to share it with the world. To God be all the glory!Table of ContentsPrologueUnexpected ChangesAwakened MemoriesStrange ThingsHard to BelieveEventful HappeningsFriend to FriendStrike and StrifeWinds of ChangeA Tournament of WillsHard KnocksTruth or LiesTaken AgainQuestions and no AnswersNew FamilyA God Who LovesAccepting FateThe End is NearWorth Fighting ForFighting for MemoriesFinally BelovedEpilogueprologueIt is the ninth year of the reign of King Arren. The queen has had her second child. They named her Evana: Beloved of God. And she truly is! The child is but two weeks of age and has already shown great promise with the gift. The firstborn adores his new sister. The God has blessed the royal family beyond measure with their two jewels. All are happy for them. But High Prophet Berrin has foretold a calamity, one that will change the course of the future. He has caused much fear amongst the people in this joyous time. King Arren has been preparing for this disaster as well as he can without knowing what is coming, but no one has yet told Queen Sarra what the Prophet said. Sadly, the queen has not been recovering from her delivery as well as we had hoped.Meanwhile, the princess Evana’s potential is rather frightening. She draws power from the Sourcestone like no one else. If only we had guarded our knowledge of the Stone more carefully when the Gifted One Amell died, taking all his precious recordings with him. The dear girl was born with golden hair and deep blue eyes, just like her brother Jarren, but already her hair is turning dark, and her eyes are showing flecks of gold, testimony to her powerful gift and personality.Evana has done some rather startling things for a child of her age and has managed to shatter a glass vase without touching anything during one of her fits, something her talented four-year-old brother has not yet accomplished.We shall all pray to the God and ask that she use her gift for good, not harm, in the future. In addition, we must entreat Him that the coming disaster not be quite as harsh as the esteemed Prophet foretold.Loremaster OrrwinYear 412; Third epochchapter oneUnexpected ChangesRain poured down on the small village of Amborrly. The townspeople lodged in their warm houses, not bothered by the violent wind and rain. Only one person was out on this ghastly night: a young girl who was trudging through the ankle-deep muck on the flooded road. The girl’s determined eyes were fixed on the welcoming light of an inn. A sign outside the door read The Snowmare and depicted a crudely carved horse head sloppily painted white. But no matter how bad the sign looked, everyone agreed that the inn served the best food in town, probably because of Semmon, the outstanding Serrish cook. Of course, the villagers had their doubts about the man—how could you be sure a foreign man with such dark skin hadn’t been a cohort with the Dark Ones, and who knew what his name meant? However, his cooking made up for whatever other faults he had.The girl reached the Snowmare and slumped down on the back doorstep, slightly protected from the torrential rainfall. She knew the routine: wait out here every Secondday and Fifthday evening, hoping that Semmon would remember what day it was and hoping Werron wouldn’t find her and murder her.The door creaked open, and the girl sat up, alert and expectant, basking in the sudden warmth. A maid slipped out of the inn, bundled in cloaks and carrying a bucketful of muddy water. The maid turned and probably shrieked, but no one could hear anything in the storm. The bedraggled girl on the doorstep could see the recognition and hatred in the servant’s eyes. The maid sloshed her bucketful of water out into the rain, and the already-soaked girl knew it was no accident when half the dirty water splashed over her.The maid went back into the inn, and the girl savored one more moment of heat before the door closed. She huddled down again and waited.Nearly a half hour later, the door opened again, and Semmon’s dark head poked out. Grasping the girl’s arm in his strong grip, he hauled her into the kitchen.“Rotten night, eh, Esli?” Semmon’s deep, serene voice didn’t flinch at using her name. Several servants shot looks of deep disgust at the girl, but Esli ignored them and slouched down in a corner.“You shouldn’t have let me in. Werron will kill you,” she said, her voice raspy. She cleared her throat.“Last time he tried to do that, I showed him who was boss,” Semmon growled, his voice changing exceptionally when referring to the innkeeper.“I’m actually more worried that he’d kill me,” Esli muttered. Her stomach rumbled loudly.Semmon grabbed a plate of food off a counter. “Here. Eat.”Esli didn’t bother thanking him and dug in. “Got any ale?”“I would give you some, but I don’t want this whole stupid, superstitious village after my head again.” He set a mug of water in front of her.Esli grunted assent and continued to scarf down food. As she ate, an energized look came to her peculiar golden eyes, and her thick ebony hair slowly dried in the heat. Unrestricted warmth seeped into her for the first time in days.After licking the plate clean and eating every bit of meat and gristle off her chicken bone, her eyelids drooped. She picked herself up off the floor and nodded thanks to the only man in town who was human enough to take care of an orphan with a cursed name.“Stay here for the night,” Semmon offered.Esli’s eyes widened a little. “You know what would happen if I did.”“Bah,” he waved away her protests. “I’ll take care of him.”Knowing fully what would happen if Werron, the innkeeper, found her, she cautiously lowered herself back into the corner, making herself as small as possible. Since she had not slept well in days, she quickly fell asleep, feeling extremely grateful to Semmon. “Curse you, Semmon!” Werron’s apoplectic voice shattered Esli’s slumber. She scrambled up, trying to get away from the beating she knew was coming. A sharp blow caught her between the shoulder blades, and she tripped. She fell to the wooden floor and splinters pierced her hands. Werron’s leather belt struck her again, and she curled into a ball, hoping to survive the beating.Suddenly, the blows stopped. Esli risked a glance upward. Semmon clutched Werron’s beefy arm, stopping the next brutal cuff.“Strike her again, and I’ll strike you.” The steel in the large black Serrish man’s voice subdued Werron, and he dropped the belt.Semmon let go of him, and Werron grabbed Esli by the scruff of her neck. “Never come back in here, Forsaken One,” he spat, then dragged her roughly to the door. He struck her forcefully across the face and threw her out onto the muddy street.Esli touched her swollen cheek and lip and spat blood into the sludge on the road. Her back and face throbbed, and blood trickled from a wound on her shoulder.“Do not bring your curse here,” Werron shouted, anger straining his voice. “I won’t have it.”Knowing how superstitious Werron was, Esli uttered a few well-placed curses at him loudly. Werron turned a sickly color, then a deep red. He hissed, “Take your plague somewhere else.”Esli made a rude hand gesture at his retreating form and crawled unsteadily to her feet. The storm had died down to a drizzle, and it was almost dawn. Esli groaned as pain shot through her head, making her cower. After retching into the slush on the road, she straightened dizzily and staggered back home.Home for Esli was an abandoned hut outside Amborrly on the border of the woods. The small, leaky, drafty place was Esli’s only place of refuge. By the time she arrived, the sun was peeking over the far-off mountains, soaking the countryside with a rosy light. Esli stopped and gazed at the breathtaking sight. All her life she’d been spurned and hated, and yet this view always brought her a soulful peace. Breathing in the invigorating air, she turned towards her shack to get a few more hours of sleep.Pain suddenly bloomed in her chest, and she fell on all fours. Rolling over cautiously, Esli squinted in the morning light in an effort to see what had hit her. There was no one in sight. She lurched to her feet and backed slowly toward the hut, keeping alert. Again, stabbing pain hit her, and she stumbled against a tree. Now the cramping came nonstop, and Esli collapsed, unaware of the shriek bursting from her throat.A long throb resounded in her head—and Esli could hear it. It was almost like a call, searching for someone, traveling over all of Erindorr. It tore through her, blaring like a trumpet, until it finally faded.Esli gave a sob of relief and lifted her pounding head, but she could still hear something—and it was growing louder. A rasping voice—coveting and triumphant—suddenly whispered, I am coming for you, Great One. Esli screamed as it grew steadily louder until it was almost bursting her eardrums.An unfamiliar stern male voice pierced her subconscious and bellowed over the noise, “Close your mind, Eslin.”Esli moaned at the pressure. “I don’t know how.”The man, obviously upset, shouted a prayer, “Holy Creator, please close her mind against the forces of evil.”The pain flared, and Esli writhed on the ground, screaming. Then it stopped abruptly, leaving Esli with ringing ears and a throbbing head. The chaos in her mind vanished, and the man’s comforting presence disappeared.Wiping tears from her cheeks, she stared at her hands, which were tingling softly. Heat radiated from her body, washing her with energy. A faint feeling of fear invaded her mind, and it took Esli a moment to realize it wasn’t hers. She spun around and stared. A rabbit sniffed the air, his velvety nose quivering. The fear emanated from it. Esli timidly reached out for the creature’s mind and gasped when she felt it.Hello? she sent the thought mentally, wondering if the rabbit would sense her.The animal gave a wild leap. Esli started in surprise and mentally squeezed the rabbit’s mind. The rabbit plummeted mid-leap and twitched feebly before lying still.Esli went over to it and prodded it with a stick. It was clearly dead. Esli stared. How had she done that?As the sun beamed through the puffy clouds, Esli sighed and rubbed her pounding head before trekking past the trees toward the village. Maybe Semmon would be out. She could ask him if he knew what was happening to her.She hurried from the woods, her head still throbbing and echoes of the strange voice resonating through her mind.“I have found her, Darr. I found the Great One, the prophesied one,” an old man’s voice croaked out of the darkness.The young man to whom he was speaking squinted in the dark, trying to find his master. The raspy voice seemed to come from the very walls of the cell-like room. “Her, Master Morgus?”“Yes. It turns out we were all wrong to wait for a mighty man, with power as great as the Stone, to come save the Arronome from utter desolation. The promised one is a young girl, living a tortured life in a small town called Amborrly on the border of the Sun Mountains. You will go fetch her for me.”“The Sun Mountains? But, Master, that is a three-day journey, and I thought you were going to finish my Seeker training.” Darr tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice, knowing his master would grow angry with him if he even sounded as if he were defying his orders. He could sense that it was useless to ask how Master knew all this. Morgus was a Seeker. He knew everyone’s secrets.Darr clenched his fists as this thought flitted through his head. No. Master Morgus had promised to never intrude in Darr’s mind. But what about that time I sensed someone sneaking in my mind? Only Master knows how to do that because he taught me how to keep everyone else out.Stop. He couldn’t doubt Master, or Morgus might detect treachery in him and remove him from his spot on the Gorrane as captain.To his surprise, though, his master gave a quavering laugh, a whispery noise that made Darr shiver.“Darr, don’t you realize the enormity of this moment? This girl is the one I’ve waited my whole life for.”Apparently, Master hadn’t intruded in his mind this time. Maybe Darr’s fears were unfounded.His master’s trembling laugh turned gleeful. “Now, you will have to take the most trusted of the Gorrane to this village so I can get her before the Arronome do.”“Yes, Master.” Darr bowed. “How shall I transport her?”“You will have to use the ahklenn tonic. I already have it prepared.” Something rustled in the corner. Darr watched as wispy, dark blue light filled the room. The strands of light were connected to his master’s hands. The light illuminated Morgus’s hideously wrinkled face.“Here,” his master wheezed. The light reached out, holding something within its swirling depths. Darr reached into the glow and pulled out a small glass vial filled with a goopy, red substance.Darr winced when he saw the amount of the potion inside the crystal container. “Master, don’t you think this might be a bit too much? This much could kill even a strong Gifted one.”His master laughed, a raspy, sickly sound. “I know, Darr. I know. But I don’t think you’ll have to worry.” The light surrounding Morgus vanished, leaving Darr blinded by the change.“Now hurry. The Great One is waiting.”chapter twoAwakened MemoriesEsli walked down the road aimlessly, knowing that to go to the inn so soon after being thrown out would almost be committing suicide. She passed Jonn’s apple stall and ignored the murderous look he shot her as he stood protectively in front of his booth, holding a whip. Jonn was a farmer who lived a few miles outside the town and hated Esli enormously because she occasionally swiped an apple from his stall.She smirked at him as she passed and scoffed at the unnerved look on his face. The gullible townspeople were so easy to frighten. As soon as Jonn turned his back on her, she stole back and grabbed an apple off his stand. She took off at a run, knowing that he’d immediately miss the piece of fruit. Sure enough, moments later Jonn raced after her, bellowing curses and waving his belt.Esli sped through the town, taking shortcuts down alleyways and weaving her way around buildings. Jonn was bulky, but he was fast for a man of his size. She rounded a store and stopped short, realizing that Jonn had gone the opposite direction and now cut her off. Esli darted into an alley, knowing that Jonn was mere feet away from her. He barreled into the alley, still cursing her loudly, and nearly ran into her. Esli had realized too late that the alleyway dead ended. She sprinted down the alley, cursing herself furiously, knowing she was caught. She wished she were back at her hut, when suddenly her fingertips began to glow, and the air in front of her rippled and tore apart. Through the hole in the air Esli could see trees. She screamed and tried to stop, but she was running too fast. She dove through the opening, unable to turn back.She landed hard on a pile of dead leaves and gasped, the wind knocked out of her. Scrambling to her feet, she turned and saw Jonn’s shocked face staring at her through the rippling air.The fissure shrank slowly. The last thing Esli heard before it shut was Jonn’s frightened voice screaming, “Witch!”His belt descended as the opening contracted. With a strange sucking noise, the rift closed on the strap and cut it cleanly in half.Esli touched the split belt with a quivering hand and vomited as fear and bewilderment overcame her, the strange power physically draining her body. Eventually, her stomach emptied, and she sat up weakly. Wiping her mouth, she whispered hoarsely, “What’s happening to me?”The sun was setting when Esli resolved to go back to the village. When she arrived, the streets were already emptying as the townspeople went home for the night. Esli passed the small home where Father Tolmarr resided. The elderly priest was outside saying his evening prayers over the town. Esli cursed him under her breath. She had good reason to hate him. This was the man who had named her Eslin—Forsaken of the gods—and in doing so, subjected her to a lifetime of hatred from others.The superstitious townsfolk thought that anyone with a cursed name deserved to be cast out of society. So, they did their best to accomplish that, and unfortunately Esli had to bear the entirety of this weight.Father Tolmarr had christened every orphan in the town, giving them names that meant Riches or Happiness, knowing that the villagers would only choose a child with a good title. But apparently, he had run out of names by the time Esli came along, she thought bitterly as she passed the praying priest.“Eslin,” Father Tolmarr’s loathed voice broke into her thoughts.She turned and glared. “What?”A passing woman shot her a scandalized look at her tone. Esli ignored her and continued scowling.The priest beckoned her over, and she went, still looking daggers at him. Tolmarr raised his arms in a petitioning stance and resumed his prayers.“What do you want?” Esli asked loudly over his mutterings.“Eh?” The priest glanced up, looking bewildered.“You called,” she reminded him with a roll of her eyes.“Ah, yes.” Father Tolmarr looked around nervously and lowered his voice. “Today is your sixteenth age-day.”Esli stared at him. “How would you know that?”“Because today the compulsion is lifted,” the old man said solemnly.“What compulsion?” Esli knew he must have lost his mind.“The compulsion that forced me to conceal your past till you turned sixteen.”“My … past?” Esli stammered, stunned by these revelations. “What do you know about my past?”“Well now,” Tolmarr muttered uneasily, “Well, I—”“Tell me,” Esli commanded, feeling irritated with his vague answers and mumbling. When he didn’t answer right away, she reached out for his mind like she had with the rabbit. The priest’s mind was much more complex, but it was quite easy for Esli to read. She searched through the jumble of thoughts and memories in his mind. She reached further and found she could hear what he was thinking. How do I tell her? If only the prophet had let me rename her!Esli drew away from his contemplations and sent a thought to him. Tell me what you know, priest.Tolmarr flinched and breathed, “By Besra in heaven, girl, you do have the gift.”Esli stared at him, openmouthed. “Really? How?”“How else can you explain how you just communicated mentally with me?” He sighed. “I suspected as much when that prophet used the gift to put the compulsions on us.”“What do you mean? I’m not under a compulsion,” Esli listened to his responses hungrily, relieved at finally getting answers.“Yes, you do. That man told me so when he—” Tolmarr stopped suddenly, as if embarrassed by something.“Yes?” Esli was determined to get all the answers she could.Tolmarr hung his head. “I didn’t name you.”Esli reeled back as his statement hit her. “What? B-but everyone said you did!”“They were meant to believe that, and so were you. I couldn’t tell you otherwise because of the compulsion.”“Who did, then?” Esli whispered, almost afraid to hear his reply.Tolmarr sighed. “A man who called himself a prophet of the God.” The priest stopped, lost in thought.Esli reached out for his mind again and gasped as his recollections flooded over her. A picture grew in her head and became so real that Esli knew she was looking in on one of Tolmarr’s memories.Something blurred on the edges of Esli’s—or rather, Tolmarr’s—vision. Esli focused on the haze and realized it was rain. She turned around in the vision and gaped in shock. Tolmarr stood in front of her, praying on the porch of his house, almost exactly where he was now. On closer inspection, Esli found that his gray hair had brown highlights in it and his face didn’t hold so many wrinkles.Out of the gloom a horse and rider galloped into the town. The rider dismounted in front of Tolmarr, carrying a small bundle.“Are you the priest?” The voice was obviously male.Tolmarr nodded absentmindedly, looking as if this happened every day.The man’s strange electric blue eyes bore into Tolmarr, but Esli felt like he was staring at her also, looking through her. “Here.” The man shoved the bundle into the priest’s arms.Tolmarr lifted the blanket. With a shock, Esli realized she was looking at her baby self. The child had thick flaxen hair with streaks of black, and her eyes were an intense blue, dotted with gold. Esli knew her own eyes were golden and her hair completely black, but there was something about the baby—her rather round face, her tiny mouth with little dimples threatening to break out into a huge smile, her large eyes that turned up a bit at the edges, those odd colorings in her hair and eyes—that made her so familiar. Every time Esli had seen her reflection, she had seen these features.Esli reached to touch the little girl’s cheek, but she couldn’t see her hand. Surprised, Esli recollected that she was viewing a memory. It all seemed so real.Tolmarr touched her forehead and began the naming ceremony. “Your name, little child, blessed of the holy gods, will be—”“No,” the man interrupted. “She already has a name. She is to be called Eslin.”Tolmarr paled. “Do you know what would happen if you were to name her that?”“Yes,” the man murmured. “The God chose it.”“Fool,” Tolmarr spat, his expression becoming livid. “Her life will be misery. Do you really want her to have that?”“No,” the man murmured. “But the God commanded it.”“And who is your god?” Tolmarr snarled. “Who are you?”“My God is the only God. He is the one who created everything, who rules supreme.” The man’s voice strengthened in volume. “I am His prophet.”“You’re a Wayfollower, aren’t you. One of the Arronome,” the old priest accused.“I wasn’t aware that anyone knew what we are called,” the prophet’s voice held a slightly amused tone.“I did my research when I became a priest.” Tolmarr glared at him and tucked the blanket more securely around little Esli.The prophet suddenly leaned in closely. “You will not speak a word of this night to the girl until her sixteenth age-day. You shall protect her with your life.”Tolmarr’s eyes went out of focus, and he stared into space, his expression slightly glazed. The prophet reached down and touched Esli’s forehead.“Dear child, I am sorry for your future pain,” he murmured. Sitting up, he turned to the queasy-looking priest. “If you take care of this girl, the God will bless you bountifully, but if you do not, your life will be as cursed as hers will be.”Tolmarr nodded, his face pasty. “O-of course, sir.”The prophet clicked his tongue at his horse and galloped out of the gloomy, drenched town.Esli jerked herself out of Tolmarr’s memory and reeled as all this information flew through her head. “Who was that man?”Tolmarr shrugged, somehow not noticing she had been in his head but still knowing who she was talking about. “Not sure, except that he’s a prophet of one of the major gods.”Esli rubbed her temples. She was ready to go back home and sleep the day away. “Well, I … have things to do.”“Wait.” Tolmarr hurried into his house and came back holding a cloth-wrapped loaf of bread. “Take this.”Esli stared at the loaf stupidly. “W-what?”“Take the bread.” The priest pushed it into her hands and turned back to his house.“Why?” Esli asked softly, unable to comprehend his kindness.Tolmarr coughed uncomfortably. “I should’ve done more for you in the past. That’s as much as I can do for you right now.”“Thank you,” Esli stumbled over the words, unused to saying them. She jogged away, hoping to avoid another episode involving her gift.chapter threeStrange ThingsEsli awoke to the cry of a hawk. Yawning loudly, she stood and ran her fingers through her tangled mat of hair. Having never held a comb in her life, her hair was a disgusting mess of dried dirt, tangles, and lice.Esli ducked under the sagging doorway, then stepped onto the splintered porch where her rain barrel sat. Plunging her head in, she scrubbed as much of her knotted mane as possible.A hawk’s shriek rang out again. Esli lifted her dripping head and looked up at the sky. Straight overhead, a single bird dotted the blue sky.Esli frowned. Usually there were many birds flying over the trees and singing in the woods, but now everything seemed unnaturally quiet.The black bird was a few yards from the treetops and was dropping noticeably lower. With a sudden shriek, the hawk dove for Esli, claws outstretched.Esli gave a small scream and ducked. The bird whooshed past, inches from her head. Esli caught a glimpse of blood-red eyes looking back at her. They were glowing. She shuddered and watched the hawk fly away toward the Sun Mountains. It released a triumphant cry and was answered by two other hawks’ calls.Esli stumbled back to her house, wondering what in all of Erindorr had just happened.That afternoon, Esli went back to town. It had been two days since Tolmarr’s startling revelation, and she had stayed home during that time, contemplating what he’d said and wondering about the prophet’s identity. What if he had known her parents? If he was still alive, then maybe he knew who they were. Maybe Esli still had a chance at a better life.Esli sighed. She had wanted to know who her parents were before, but had no way of doing so, and there still seemed to be no way. Seeing Tolmarr’s memories awakened in her the need for knowledge.Esli walked past the Snowmare. A maidservant on the porch whispered something behind her hand to another girl. Esli’s sharp hearing caught one word: “Witch.” Apparently, word of her encounter with Jonn had spread.She rolled her eyes. Great. Just what she needed, another reason for the townspeople to hate her.A yell came from behind her, and the gatekeeper skidded into view. “Soldiers are coming! Make way!”Esli started in surprise. There hadn’t been authentic soldiers since the downfall of King Arren and Queen Sarra.“Are you sure?” she asked the man.He cast her a frightened look. “Yes, of course I’m sure. They told me they came from some Lord Morgus of the Eastern Mountains!”“Well, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they really are soldiers,” she countered.The gatekeeper looked disgusted. “I know what I’m talking about, girl.”“Sure you do,” Esli muttered. The thunder of galloping horses filled the air, and eight riders appeared.The mass of people on the streets pressed back against the buildings, pushing Esli back with them. Everyone fell silent as the leader dismounted.“Where is your priest?” His voice was strong and loud.No one replied.“Answer me.” Even from the back of the crowd Esli could hear the impatience in his voice.Father Tolmarr hobbled into view, bellowing, “All right, all right, what’s wrong now?”“Ah, the priest.” The man raised his voice as if addressing the whole crowd. “I'm looking for a girl.”“Well, friend, there are a lot of girls here. You need to be more specific,” Tolmarr said pleasantly.The man didn’t answer. Trying to see the stranger, Esli pushed her way past an extremely bulbous man and stood on her tiptoes, wishing she were taller. The stranger was tall and covered in black cloth. A dark mask and hood covered all his face except for his eyes, black gloves and boots concealed his hands and feet, and a sable belt secured his dark pants over his tucked-in tunic. One spot on his clothing stood out. A large, crimson-red eye was embroidered onto the front of his tunic. The flaming orb seemed to be moving, actually seeing. He ignored the priest’s remark and turned to someone in the crowd.“You know of whom I speak, don’t you, Jonn?” he whispered loudly.The crowd murmured in shock as all wondered who the strange man was. A few moments later the stranger’s voice rose above the mumbling, “I’m looking for the cursed girl.”Esli stumbled as his words went through her. Trying to keep from panicking, she pushed her way back through the crowd. She had to get away. Whatever the men wanted, it couldn’t be good.The townspeople moved aside as one, leaving the way clear to Esli. Lifting her chin defiantly and cursing the villagers mentally, she turned to face the men.“What do you want from me?” Try as she might, her voice still squeaked in fear. Squashing the urge to swear, she widened her stance and clenched her fists.The leading man stared at her, evidently unimpressed by her show of bravado. Esli felt a soft nudging in her mind. Someone was trying to get past her mind’s walls. Scowling ferociously, she mentally pushed the intruder away, not wanting anyone to find a flaw in her defenses.One of the men behind the leader gasped, paled, and swayed on his horse before toppling onto the dusty stone street.“Captain Darr! Olarr is down.” One of the men dismounted and knelt beside the fallen man, feeling for his pulse. A moment later he looked up, his face horrorstruck and accusing. “His mind has been forced.”Esli stared. She had no idea what the man was talking about, but she had an awful feeling it had something to do with her.The captain turned to her. “Hm. I see.” He stepped towards her and drew a knife from his belt.That was the only motivation Esli needed. She spun around and ran. The townspeople struggled to get out of her way. Adrenaline pounded through her, creating the energy for her to keep going.“Stop!” Father Tolmarr’s voice barely registered to Esli through the blood pounding in her head. Scrambling behind a produce stand, she peeked out, hoping she was hidden.Tolmarr stood in front of Captain Darr, holding his hand up in a shielding gesture. “Don’t hurt her.”Darr smirked, and one of his men stepped forward. Holding a spear, he drove the blunt end into the priest’s stomach. The old man doubled over, gasping for breath before he collapsed on the dirt road, wheezing threats and curses.Darr bent down and whispered something to Tolmarr, then vanished. Esli blinked. All she had seen as he disappeared was a swirl of black smoke.“Hello.”Esli’s heart stopped momentarily and she shrieked in shock. Spinning around, she kicked her leg out and felt it connect. The person swore. She gasped softly as she realized whom she had hit.The captain stood in front of her, rubbing his masked jaw. “Well, you do have a strong kick.” He reached down and yanked her up roughly. “Get up. You’re coming with me.”“Wh-why?” Esli stammered and cried out as his gloved fingers dug into her right arm.Darr chuckled softly. “All in good time, Eslin.”Esli gaped at him. How did this man know her name? She squelched the urge to scream and bit back the million questions that popped into her head. Trying to wrench her arm out of his iron grip, she kicked his shin and swung her left fist at his stomach.Darr caught her hand, inches from his stomach, and pulled her close to him in something that would have seemed like an embrace if he hadn’t been trying to break her arm.“Settle down. We’ve got a three-day journey ahead of us, and I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t fight me.”Esli glared at him but stopped struggling, feeling that it would be useless.A woman stepped forward, holding out a cloth satchel. Esli noticed she was dressed much the same as the captain was, but her black tunic lacked the embroidered eye. “Captain, will you administer the tonic to the captive now or later?”Esli shivered. That couldn’t be good.Darr took the bag. “Thank you, Lieutenant. Once we leave this town, I’ll do it.” He raised his voice, “People of Amborrly, I am glad to say that I shall be relieving you of this young girl.”Murmurs floated through the crowd, and a man stepped forward. “Where are you taking her?”Esli’s heart jerked in hope once she recognized Semmon. He could help her, right?“My master has need of her gifts.” Darr tightened his grip on her. “Do not try to hinder me, or there will be consequences.”“Semmon, please,” Esli begged as Darr dragged her to his horse.Semmon averted his gaze from her. Esli felt all hope fade as he looked away. “Semmon!”Darr shoved her at his lieutenant. “Anni, tie her up and get her out of here. I will try to appease the townsfolk.”Lieutenant Anni nodded and grabbed Esli roughly. “Don’t fight, and I won’t hurt you too much.”Esli bit back a couple choice words she would’ve liked to say and let Anni bind her wrists. Anni heaved her up onto a horse, leaving Esli on her stomach across the saddle. She mounted in front of her, nearly knocking Esli off in the process.“Watch it,” Esli grunted as Anni reached back and secured her to the saddle with thick ropes.Anni glanced at Darr and clucked to her horse. Three of the men followed her, bringing the still body of Olarr, while the rest stayed with the captain.Esli bounced awkwardly on the end of the horse, held to the saddle only with the ropes around her.This is not how I imagined my day going, she thought as they hit a bump. The edge of the saddle drove into Esli’s stomach, knocking the breath out of her.She watched as the only place she had ever known faded into the distance.chapter fourHard to BelieveTrees flew past as they galloped down the dirt road. Esli bit back yet another curse as mud splattered on her face.The group slowed, and Esli looked around intently as well as she could while tied sideways across a horse.They were in a small clearing in the middle of some trees by the side of the road. Anni shifted, and two men dismounted and began unloading bundles from their horses.Anni swung off her horse and somehow unbound Esli without even touching her. Esli fell to the ground and groaned as pained spiked through every inch of her body.She tried to roll over but stopped as Anni’s sharp boot heel dug into her wrist.“What in Besra’s name are you doing now?” Esli spluttered as one of the soldiers stepped forward and pulled her to her feet.Anni ignored her and stalked away. The man dragged Esli over to a tree and bound her to the trunk.“Oh, seriously, you just have to tie me up yet again,” she said sarcastically, her patience wearing thin at everyone’s stony silence. “Of course, I’m going to run away when it’s obvious any of you would kill me if I move in the wrong direction.”Abruptly, the soldier yanked her bonds, quickly cutting off her blood circulation. Esli gasped at the sharp pain and managed to swear just before he gagged her.The man nodded at Anni and walked over to Olarr’s still body, which was lying on a bedroll. He closed his eyes.Esli glanced around. Everyone around shut their eyes. She stared as the man who had bound her reached out his hand and touched Olarr’s chest.Esli nearly choked on her gag as the man’s hands glowed with grey light. She watched with wide eyes as everyone else’s hands also flickered with differently colored light.Suddenly, Olarr’s body jerked, and he let out a rasping cough. Everyone opened their eyes and went about their business as Olarr shakily stood up and stretched.He glanced at Esli, and she thought she saw a faint shadow of fear cross his face briefly before he turned away.Esli laid her head back against the hard tree trunk and stared up at the sky. Whatever was happening, it was frightening … and familiar. The strange glowing light and quiet people reminded her of something. Her power. She had mentally communicated with Tolmarr using her power.She reached out with her mind and cringed as comments exploded into her mind. She recognized Anni’s voice saying, Binn, guard the prisoner. If she moves, shock her. I’ll explain to Darr. Everyone be careful around her. She’s dangerous.Esli scoffed behind her gag. So that was why they were all so quiet: they could talk to each other’s minds, just like that strange man had done in her head when she received her gift … Wait a minute. That meant these people were also Gifted, which meant maybe she could use her powers to hurt them and escape.She suddenly realized everything had gone quiet. All the soldiers were staring at her, expressions of shock and fear on most of their faces.For the first time, one of the men spoke in a trembling voice, “How did you sense our connection? It was protected.”“Shut up, Carr,” Anni snapped. She stepped forward and raised her hands. “Whoever taught you how to do that must’ve been skilled, considering you’ve only had your gift for a few days.” Her hands glowed with orange light, and she sneered, “But you won’t do it again.”She lifted her luminous hands, and Esli braced herself, reaching out for the lieutenant’s mind, just as she had done with the rabbit and Tolmarr.She felt her mind connect and realized she could feel Anni’s power. The woman was forming her energy into a weapon. Suddenly, a ball of light formed in the air in front of Anni and flew straight at Esli’s face.Esli could feel the power, almost as if she had a connection with it as well as with Anni. She reached out with her mind and grabbed the ball, just inches from her face. Straining against the energy Anni was forcing onto her, Esli pushed it back at the lieutenant.Anni stumbled, and Esli caught the beginning of a stray thought from her mind, How the–Esli forced the power toward Anni, but the woman kept trying to thrust it at Esli. Just give up already, Esli thought angrily.Growling around the rag in her mouth, Esli mentally reached for the core of Anni’s power and broke the connection between the lieutenant and her gift. The ball exploded with a huge flash of light, and Anni screamed, a loud, nerve-wracking sound. Her hands stopped glowing, and she collapsed.A horse whinnied, and Darr galloped into view, followed by the men who had stayed in Amborrly with him. He jumped off his horse as it ran, and he floated to the ground, his eyes and hands glowing with deep, forest-green light. “Anni!”He knelt by Anni’s side and lifted her into his arms, his power still flickering around him. The woman lifted her head and coughed out, “I’m all right, Darr. Just a little shaken.”He nodded and slowly stood, helping Anni to her feet. Grabbing the cloth bag Anni had handed him earlier off his horse’s saddle, he stalked toward Esli, an unreadable expression on his face.Esli braced herself for whatever awful thing he was about to do to her. A bead of sweat trickled down her face as he pulled a clear vial from his sack and knelt beside her. His green-gray eyes bore into her.“Hello, Eslin.” His voice sounded muffled beneath his mask. Tearing off her gag, he yanked the stopper out of the vial with his teeth. Using his other hand, he pried open her lips and dumped the goopy contents into her mouth.She thrashed as he pinched her nose, forcing her to swallow. After the unpleasant tonic slid down her throat, she felt perfectly fine. She gave him a confused frown, wondering what was supposed to happen.“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough,” Darr remarked, seeming to have read her mind.Suddenly, heat burned inside her, traveling slowly through her body. She stared as her veins bulged against her skin. They were turning red, the same color as the potion. Pain flared in her head, and her whole body felt like it was on fire. She gasped short breaths, trying to get air into her lungs as they began to constrict.A scream burst out of her as she strained against her bonds, foaming at the mouth past her gag, sweat pouring down her face. She dry-heaved against her gag, and all the sounds around her were suddenly magnified.Darr’s inscrutable face blurred as the whole world turned white.Voices. Whispering voices … A strange creaking noise … People hurrying past.Esli opened her eyes, slowly taking in her surroundings. She was in some sort of room carved out of stone. A large wooden door was closed in front of her with two torches flickering on both sides of it.She was bound to a simple wooden chair. Her gag was gone, and there was no one to be seen in the room.Something rasped behind her. It sounded like someone breathing. A shudder went down her spine as blue light filled the room. She knew what that was, and she didn’t want to deal with it.A scraping noise behind her made her strain to see what it was. What if they had stuck her in here with a wild animal, a hungry one?She barely stifled a scream as an old man appeared in a puff of black smoke a few feet in front of her. His twisted legs dangled at odd angles below him, aglow with blue light, and it took Esli a few moments to realize he was floating, just inches from the ground.“Who in Erindorr are you?” Try as she might, her voice trembled.The old man laughed, a creaky, rasping sound that set every one of Esli’s nerves on edge. “My name is Morgus, and you are Eslin.”“Do tell,” Esli muttered, annoyed that yet another person knew her name. “How old are you, like two hundred?”“No, actually, I am nine hundred eighty-two.” The man must have noticed Esli’s dumbstruck expression because he added, with a slightly amused tone, “That was meant to be a joke. I know I am old, but I did not realize I had forgotten how to make a joke.”Esli rolled her eyes. Well, at least he wasn’t ignoring her like everyone else. “Where am I and what do you want with me?”“You are in Jazarr, home of the Gorrane.”Esli stared at him, bemused. “Okay, so who are the Gorrane?”Morgus’s smile made Esli cower. “The overseers of my army.”“Oh really, you have an army? I find it hard to believe that such an old man actually leads an army,” she thrust at him.Morgus cackled, “Oh, no, I don’t lead the army. My captain Darr does. I’m sure you have met him.”Esli shuddered as she remembered the strange tonic entering her body.“You are scared, aren’t you,” Morgus stated.No, really? Esli wanted to snap, but she constrained herself to merely cursing under her breath.Morgus smirked, his wrinkled lips twisting into a horrible expression. “You want to run, instead of being stuck here with a madman. You feel like a caged animal. You have always hated tight places because they make you feel powerless. And you don’t like feeling powerless, do you, Eslin?”She gaped at him. “H-how did you know all that?”Morgus sighed contentedly, “I am a Seeker. I have the ability to find people’s deepest, darkest secrets they have buried inside of them. I can tear down people’s mental defenses within seconds, exposing everything they’ve ever tried to hide.”Esli sat up straighter and tried to strengthen the walls around her mind. Her voice trembled, “Well, at least you’re honest. Unless that was another joke?” she asked, half hopefully.“No, unfortunately for most people, that part is true,” Morgus smiled, seeming to enjoy her discomfort. “I also noticed you seem to have retrieved a memory recently. I think I recognize that prophet.”Confusion raged in Esli’s mind at his words. “Morgus—um, Sir, do you know how to connect memories in order to retrieve information?” she asked in an attempt to mask her real wish. That she wanted to find her family.“Well, now, Eslin, some memories are too hard to recover.”Feeling her hopes crumble, Esli drew in a shaky breath. “Are you sure?”Morgus’s smile didn’t seem so evil now. “Give me some time, Eslin, and maybe I can help you.” He floated to the door and clapped his hands. The door flew open revealing a stern-looking, muscular woman wearing a simple purple robe.“Etti will show you around and explain what we do here. She will also freshen you up and get you something to eat.” Morgus’s voice rasped as he breathed, and he gasped, “Just follow her.”Esli’s bonds fell off, and she stood, massaging her numb wrists and legs. She looked back at Morgus, who had settled himself in an ornate wooden chair.“Sir, will I see you again soon?”“All in good time, Eslin, all in good time.”chapter fiveEventful Happenings Esli followed Etti down the smooth stone hall, observing every detail—from the ancient tapestries to the intricate carvings on the walls. Large wooden doors dotted the stone walls. She ran her fingers over the deep etchings. There were strange figures and complex runes trailing along the wall.She paused at a particularly interesting one that looked like a picture of a mountain exploding. “What are these things?”Etti glanced back at her. “Those are runes in the ancient language from when our founders first came to Jazarr. They carved their history onto these very walls, leaving a legacy for all the students here to cherish.”Esli snorted in amusement. “You cherish stone walls?”Etti bridled at her tone. “Our history is a noble one, one that needs to be remembered. You will respect our founders.”“Or what?” Esli muttered under her breath as they continued down the hall and went down a winding set of stairs.“Your room will be on the fourth floor with the other girls of your age.” Etti’s long strides forced Esli to jog to keep up.“How many floors are there?” Esli was panting now from trying to speak and run at the same time.If Etti noticed her problem, she didn’t mention it. “Six. We were just on the sixth, which is Lord Morgus’s dwelling and training spot. The floor we are on now is where the Gorrane reside.”Esli glanced around nervously, wondering if any of the soldiers who had captured her would find her and hurt her again. Trying to keep her mind off that thought, she muttered, “What’s on the other floors?”“The first floor is used for classes, and that is where the Hall is. The second is also used for classes, and bedrooms are located there for the younger children. The third is dwelling for other students.”They reached another set of stairs and ambled down the twisting staircase. By the time they reached the bottom, Esli felt like someone had sucked all the breath out of her.She bent over and wheezed, “Where are we now?”“Your floor,” Etti responded tartly, not looking winded at all.Etti pushed open a wooden door, revealing a large room with about ten beds in it. A torch dotted each corner of the room, and a large fire roared in the hearth. An eye, engraved into the wall, hung above the fireplace. The beds had simple matching quilts and pillows on them, and a little wooden desk with drawers sat next to each bed.Despite the comforting fire, it was a cold, dreary looking place, and Esli shuddered at the thought of living here. There were no windows, no sources of outside light.“You’ll share this room with nine other girls,” Etti remarked and strode into the room. She pushed open another door, this one leading to a large washroom with stalls in it. Washing fountains stood about the place, and four more torches were attached to the walls.Etti motioned to a stool in front of one of the washbasins. “Sit down.”Esli obeyed tentatively, not knowing whether or not she wanted to trust this lady.Something yanked her hair sharply, and she jumped to her feet with a yelp.“Settle down.” Etti huffed, annoyed. “I’m only brushing your hair.”Esli settled back in her chair sheepishly and let Etti brush her tangled mat of hair.After a few moments of constantly watering eyes at the pain and some occasional curses, Esli’s hair was brushed and washed with lotion. Etti said the lotion was supposed to kill lice, but Esli honestly thought it might end up killing her instead, judging by the smell.Esli ran her fingers through her now smooth hair, amazed at the change. “I didn’t know hair could feel like this.”Etti grunted, “Just wait till I cut it.”Esli sat up straighter. “Wait, what? I don’t want you to cut my hair …”Her voice trailed off as Etti chopped off a first lock. Esli watched, amazed, as the pile on the floor grew larger and larger.“How much are you cutting off?” she asked, barely keeping the trepidation out of her voice.Etti only huffed and carried on with her work. Finally, she set aside her shears and breathed, “There, now you look much less like a vagrant.”Esli snorted with confused laughter. “Um, thank you?”Etti handed her a small mirror. “Have a look for yourself.”Esli looked into it and blinked, shocked by the clear image. The only times she had ever seen her reflection had been in a puddle of water or a shop window, but this showed her features so clearly, she didn’t know what to think.She had always known she had golden eyes, mainly because of how people screamed or said something nasty about her eyes when they saw them, but also because Semmon had politely told her why people reacted that way. But she had never guessed how unique they were.Now they stared back at her, revealing yet another strange thing to set her apart from others. Esli directed her attention to her other features. Her nose was slightly round and long, but not as repulsive as she had worried.Luckily it’s not crooked like Jonn’s, she couldn’t help thinking as she twisted her head to get a better view.Etti sighed and snatched the mirror out of Esli’s resisting hands. “I assume that’s the first time you’ve seen yourself in a mirror,” she stated and put the mirror in a drawer. “What do you think?”Esli stared off into space. “I’m not ugly.”Etti groaned, “No, what do you think about your hair?”“Oh,” Esli stopped and recalled what she had seen. Etti had cut her hair just below shoulder level and had layered it, letting it curl away from Esli’s face. It was quite unlike the tangled mess Esli was used to, but it was very pleasant. “It’s different.”Etti sighed, “That’s all the thanks I’m getting?” Without waiting for an answer, she lifted Esli to her feet with one arm, then dragged her out of the washroom and into the bedroom. “There are some clothes on that bed. Put them on and be quick about it.”Esli picked up the soft wad of clothes and carried them back into the washroom. Once there, she looked at her new attire. There was a simple soft white tunic that hung just past her hips, a brown leather vest, gray cloth trousers, a short dark gray cloak, and a pair of black boots along with a leather belt. She laced her jerkin up and dashed out of the room to show Etti.“What do you think?” she asked roughly, not allowing herself to show any apprehension and hoping she wouldn’t get rebuffed.“You now look like every other kid here,” quipped Etti in a bored tone.Esli grinned, knowing Etti had no idea how comforting those words were.Etti grabbed her arm again and led her out the door. “Let me show you what class you’re going to be in.”Esli struggled. “But I’m hungry.”Etti growled a curse and suddenly her hand glowed a violet color, creating a rift in the air in front of them, much like the one Esli had made when she had been running from Jonn.A wonderful smell of stew and fresh bread wafted through the portal. Etti reached in and grabbed a plate of bread and cheese, then shoved it into Esli’s open arms.“There. Happy?” She strode down the hall without looking back.Esli grinned and jogged to keep up, cramming bread into her mouth as fast as possible.After a few more steep flights of stairs, they arrived at the bottom floor. Etti stopped in front of a door, and it opened.Esli glanced around, wondering how the door had opened, but she quickly shrugged the question away. Probably another weird mind trick Gifted people do.All noise inside the room died as Etti shoved Esli into the room, saying, “I’ve got a new one for you, Diarra.”The room had many little desks filled with small children, most poring over open books. One child was busy ripping pages out of his book and mending them with a glowing hand. Another was sound asleep, drool running down her chin.The young lady at the front of the room quickly recovered from the interruption and forced a smile. “Wonderful. Definitely glad to have her.” She turned to one of the kids. “Martta, move your books and let the new kid sit.”The girl Martta scowled at her teacher but shoved her books over and scooted to the far end of the bench in front of her desk.Etti gave Esli a sharp nudge. “Go on, then.”Mournfully, Esli looked at her and mumbled, “These kids are all like nine years old.”“I know. They are beginners, just like you.” Etti gave her a small smirk. “I’m sure you’ll have a great time.”Esli stumbled over to her desk, her face burning, and plopped down on the creaky seat.“Now, if you’ll please introduce yourself, Miss, we’ll carry on,” the lady, Diarra, instructed in a dull voice.Esli slouched further down in her seat. “My name’s Eslin.”Diarra’s face contorted slightly at the name, something Esli had come to anticipate. “Well, that’s wonderful. Welcome to Jazarr, Eslin.” She clapped her hands once, seizing almost everyone’s attention. “Class, please give Miss Eslin a warm welcome.”All the kids mumbled “Welcome” and went back to staring at their books.As Diarra resumed the lesson, Esli observed her surroundings.They were in a stone room, much as Morgus’s room had been. Yet again, torches were the only source of light. There were about twenty desks lined up in the room, with a larger one at the front where Diarra sat. A few tapestries hung on the walls, depicting battles, castles, and strange creatures.Esli sighed at the general dreariness of the room and looked at Diarra. The lady was saying, “If you were paying attention in class yesterday, you’ll remember we have our class physical training today as the tournament is only in one month.”Everyone listening sat up a little straighter as if they had been anticipating this moment. Someone poked the sleeping girl, who woke up with a loud snort.“Now, if everyone would please line up against the wall, I’ll explain the rules.” The teacher waited as the students scrambled over each other to get the best spot, Esli following more slowly in order to get in the back of the line. Diarra waved her hand, which was now glowing with a coral color, causing a book to float into the air and flip around. “I know you’ve all been waiting for the time when you would finally be able to use your power like the masters can, but there is a reason it takes a lot of training to get there.” She glanced at a torch on the wall, and it went out, leaving a thin trail of smoke behind it. “Today you will learn how to fortify your mind in order to defend yourself from prying intruders.”The boy next to Esli made a funny noise, causing Esli to glance over. He was literally rocking back and forth on his heels in excitement. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the teacher.“In order to block your mind from others, you must build a mentally build a wall. Now, this sounds easy enough, but in reality, this is quite a difficult task to master.” Diarra walked down the row of children. “I will give each of you thirty seconds to build a wall, then I will try to get past it. Your time begins now.”Esli looked around. Everyone seemed very confused as to how they were supposed to build mental walls, but most seemed to be trying. The boy beside Esli again was making strange sounds, but this time he had his eyes tightly shut, and he muttered under his breath.Esli tried to build a wall around her mind, like she had done when she first found her power, but it didn’t seem to change anything at all. Diarra was now stalking down the line of children staring into their eyes. The first boy she looked at yelped and closed his eyes. The girl next to him lasted two seconds before bursting into tears. Martta paled as Diarra looked at her, and she seemed to be having trouble holding down her breakfast. Finally, it was almost Esli’s turn. The boy next to her stopped mumbling and stared straight into Diarra’s eyes, then he flinched and moaned.Diarra stepped back and looked at her students. “Who can tell me what was wrong with your defenses?”Martta’s hand flew up. Obviously, she had been pondering this question already. Diarra nodded at her, and Martta blurted, “My wall was just a picture in my mind, not an actual defense. You just pushed it aside and looked at all my thoughts.” She blushed and shot a glance at the boy who had yelped. “Not that I had anything to hide.”“Well, that is a simple way of putting it.” Diarra put two fingers to her lips and said, “You need to reach for your power, not picture a wall. Use your gift to push the intruder away. If you can find your power, you can find theirs, and you can stop them before they even reach your mind. Try it,” she commanded and stepped up to Esli.Esli reached out with her mind and felt Diarra’s power. It swirled around, elusive yet still easy to find. She could sense it nudging at her walls, striving to get past. She smirked as Diarra blanched at her lack of success. Esli reached for the link between Diarra and her and did the same thing she had done with Anni, cutting off Diarra’s connection with the gift. Esli wondered what might happen if she took Diarra’s power, instead of merely cutting it off, but Martta’s cry distracted her.Her face pale, Diarra swayed and stumbled backward. She gasped out, “How did you …” She turned away and barked, “Class is dismissed. Gather your things and go to the Hall, immediately.”Esli hurried out the door, intent on getting away before the teacher called her out. Stumbling down the hall, she looked around wildly, wondering where she was. Now running, she rounded a corner and nearly screamed as she came face to face with a girl.The girl was not as successful in holding back her emotions. Releasing a blood-curdling shriek, she swung out her fist and caught Esli in the eye.“AH!” Esli screeched and held up a hand to her throbbing eye. “What in Besra’s name–?”“Oh, gods, I am so sorry,” the girl stammered, choking back a hysterical laugh. “You scared me.”“I scared you?” Esli gingerly prodded her eye and swore at the pain. “By Drakkos, that hurts!”“Oh, mighty Erryk, please don’t strike me dead,” the girl muttered, calling on one of the major gods. She shifted uneasily. “Is there anything I can do for you?”“Actually, yes, if you could show me to the Hall and get me some ice,” Esli snapped, settling her hand over her eye.“Oh, yes, of course. Just follow me,” the girl said eagerly and started down the hall, muttering curses all the way.Esli sighed and hurried after her.chapter sixFriend to FriendThe girl led Esli quickly, glancing back every now and then, still mumbling to herself. Esli stumbled after her, half-blindly, trying not to trip over anyone.Whereas the halls had been empty before, now they were filled as students came pouring out of their classrooms.Esli knocked shoulders with a boy as she struggled to keep the girl in view, jarring her hand and causing her to yelp at the pain. The boy turned.Esli caught her breath. “Darr?”It was indeed the Gorrane captain, but now he was missing his mask. He still wore his black outfit, complete with a long black cloak that swirled around his feet as he sidestepped the flow of people.Esli stared at his face. Without his mask, he seemed so young, so … so normal. His hair was sandy-colored and disheveled, and his green-gray eyes seemed to stand out even more than before. Blond stubble shadowed his face, and a yellowish-purple bruise accented his chin.Darr coughed, “Are you done scrutinizing me yet?”“What?” Esli blushed. “Um, yeah.” She didn’t know what to say to this mysterious person who had captured her and hurt her without blinking, but now stood before her a normal human.Darr smirked and gestured to her face. “I see someone gave you a matching bruise. Who was it? I would like to thank them for getting revenge for me.”Esli’s face burned as she touched her eye. So that’s where he got that bruise. She had kicked him in the face.The girl Esli had been following appeared in the emptying hall. As soon as she locked eyes on Darr, her mouth fell open, and she shook her head hastily at Esli.Esli shrugged and pointed at her. “She did.”The girl groaned out loud and stumbled over to Esli and Darr, mumbling, “I am so sorry, Captain. She’s new here and doesn’t know the rules yet.” She shoved Esli down the hall.“Well, make sure she learns, or else I will, Miss Fayne,” Darr called after her, then spun around and continued down the hall.Esli struggled to keep up with the irate girl, who was now ranting at her, “What in Besra’s name were you thinking? You walk up to some random person who just so happens to be the captain of the Gorrane and talk to him.” She turned to Esli, fear evident on her face. “You could have gotten us both killed!”Esli frowned, defensive. “He’s not a random person. He’s the one who captured me and brought me to this hole.”“Oh,” the girl mumbled. “Well, this isn’t a hole. We’re in a mountain.”“Really?” Esli looked around. “If we’re above ground, why didn’t they put any windows here?”The girl stared at her, a bewildered expression on her face. “What do windows have to do with anything?”“Everything’s so dark here.” Esli barely repressed a shudder, determined to keep her tough fa?ade up.“I guess it is,” the girl said slowly in an uncomfortable manner, then she brightened. “But you get used to it. And anyway, people don’t normally stick windows in a mountain. C’mon, let’s get something to eat.”Again, Esli followed the girl down the hall, now wondering at the girl’s peculiar behavior at Esli’s comment. They passed through a giant pair of double wooden doors, emblazoned with a single eye on each. The eyes looked familiar … Esli shook off the feeling and walked into the Hall, then stopped and gasped.The room they were now in was more like a huge cavern than anything else. The roof stretched up until it was just barely visible in the very bright bluish light. Esli thought it would have been dim in the Hall, but the light was almost as bright as outside. The light itself was coming from the hanging torches on the walls, but the fire in these was blue, and it flickered slowly instead of crackling like most fire. The girl must’ve noticed Esli’s stares because she remarked, “That’s not actually fire. It’s the gift.”“Why is it blue?” Esli asked.“They say it’s Master Morgus’s power because it is blue, but no one really knows what his power looks like.”“Oh, it is blue,” Esli recalled. “I saw it.”The girl looked at her incredulously. “Are you seriously saying you saw Master Morgus?”“Yeah. Why?”“Because we hardly ever see him! He’s almost always on the top floor.” The girl paused and looked around quickly before murmuring, “They say he’s not doing too well.”Esli wondered why she was whispering, but she also lowered her voice, “He didn’t seem very well when I was there, but that was after he had been talking to me. Maybe he was just tired.”The girl shrugged. “It’s impossible to tell with him.”Esli went back to observing the Hall. Many individual tables sat scattered about, and a long table, laden with mouthwatering treats, sat in the far end of the room. The Hall was packed with hungry students who were digging into the food.Situated at the end of the Hall, a large roaring fire crackled with real fire. Several students chatted in front of its comfortable flame.Tapestries and carvings abounded on the walls, just like they had in the halls. Esli stared at the largest carving, situated just above the fire. It was a huge eye, painted red.Esli tapped the girl on the shoulder. “Why are there so many carven eyes around here?”“It is the sign of the Seekers,” the girl explained, then dragged Esli over to a table. “Come meet my sister.”Esli was about to point out that she didn’t even know who the girl was, let alone her sister, but before she could, the girl pushed her onto a bench next to a slim girl. “Erra, I want you to meet someone.”Erra turned to Esli and smiled. Esli stared for a few moments, shocked that anyone could be that beautiful. Erra’s wavy golden-brown hair hung down to her waist, and her large sky-blue eyes were wonderfully accented by her pale skin.When she spoke, it was in a smooth voice that sounded like soft music, “It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Erra.”Erra’s sister turned to Esli, her expression embarrassed. She sheepishly admitted, “I don’t even know your name.”“I was wondering when you’d notice,” Esli couldn’t help but say. She shook Erra’s hand. “I’m Eslin, but you can call me Esli.”Instead of flinching like most people did, Erra smiled even wider than before. “I like that name.” She looked at her sister, an amused light dancing in her eyes. “Can I assume Pinny had something to do with that bruised eye?”Flushing, her sister mumbled, “It was an accident.” Then she laughed and shook Esli’s other hand. “I’m Pinny, by the way. Pinny Fayne.”Esli looked at Pinny beside Erra, surprised at the differences in their features. Next to Erra’s tall, slim figure, Pinny looked rather short, and her eyes were stone-gray, not at all blue. Her hair was ash-brown and straight. Despite these differences, Esli could tell by their face shape— and their perfectly sized noses— that they were sisters.Pinny smirked. “I know. Beside Erra, I look like a homely little creature.”Erra frowned at her sister. “Oh, Pinny, stop saying that.”Pinny just smiled again. “I’m fourteen, and she’s eighteen. How old are you?”“Sixteen, I think,” Esli replied, feeling drawn to this unlikely pair.Pinny settled back in her seat with a contented sigh. “Erra, isn’t it always nice to make new friends?”Erra laughed. “Yes, silly.” She looked at Esli with a smile. “Yes, it is.”Esli beamed back. Here were two people who actually seemed to accept Esli as who she was, not who she wished she could be. “I think I might like it here in Jazarr.”“Well, even if you hate it, you’ve got us,” Pinny stated matter-of-factly. “We’re friends now.”Esli stumbled onto one of the ten beds in her room late that night, Pinny still chattering next to her. After taking her on a long tour, Erra and Pinny had discovered Esli was staying in the same room as them, and Pinny hadn’t ceased to talk of the coincidence ever since then.“Can you believe we’re really roommates?” she asked for the fiftieth time.Somehow, Erra was still smiling at Pinny’s constant noise. “Yes, Pinny, I think we can both believe it. Isn’t that right, Esli?”Esli unlaced her vest and took off her boots while answering in exasperation, “Yeah, I said that twenty minutes ago, Pinny.”Pinny sighed happily. “I know, but it’s still pretty cool.” She plopped onto the bed next to Esli and whispered conspiratorially, “Now that we’re friends and roommates, we can have real friend to friend conversations.”“What’s a friend to friend conversation?” Esli asked, confused by yet another one of Pinny’s strange ideas.“It’s when best friends tell all their juicy secrets.” Pinny explained, her eyes gleaming in the torchlight.“That sounds wonderful,” Esli mumbled, honored at being considered someone’s best friend but frightened at the thought of telling all her “juicy secrets”.Erra laughed and swung a pillow at Pinny. “Go to sleep, Pinny. Deep discussions can wait till tomorrow.”Pinny caught the pillow and threw it at Esli with a squeal. Esli hurled it at Erra’s face, catching her in the head.Everything went quiet as the other seven girls who were in the room stared at Erra. She stood up, her back to Esli, her shoulders shaking.Suddenly, she jumped on Esli with a wild yell and pounded her with the feather pillow, her laugh sounding most un-Erra-like.Then all the girls joined in, screaming and slinging pillows at each other.Esli grinned as a pillow smashed into her face. This was what she’d always wanted, to be able to play with friends without shame of her position, without fear of being rebuffed.Maybe life here won’t be as bad as I thought.chapter sevenStrike and Strife“Strike!” a man’s voice rang out, and sixteen balls of light flew through the air, some colliding with one another and exploding, others catching their targets.The students who were hit stumbled back while their opponents blasted them again.Esli bit her lip as she concentrated on forming another light ball. All the students wore power-shields, as her instructor called them, but the blasts still stung.She slung her ball of energy at her opponent, catching him in the face and throwing him a couple feet across the room.“Line!” the instructor called.All the students scrambled back into their lines, eight in each row.“Switch opponents,” Borren, Esli’s instructor, shouted.Pinny lined up across from Esli, wiggled her eyebrows, and mouthed, You’re going down.Esli snorted and stuck her tongue out at her friend as soon as Borren’s back was turned.“Gather … and strike!” Again, sixteen balls of light flew through the air.Esli’s ball caught Pinny’s in midair, and they exploded, forcing both Esli and Pinny back. Esli tossed another power-ball at Pinny and dodged the one Pinny tossed back. A yelp signified Esli’s successful hit.Esli blasted Pinny again, and a squeal burst out of her throat as Pinny shot two balls at her, one of them catching her left arm.Instantly, her arm went numb. Growling curses, Esli threw a lopsided blast at Pinny, which missed entirely and flew at Borren.Pinny gasped, and they both watched in shock as the ball collided into the wall by Borren’s head.“Line!” Borren roared, his face contorting magnificently.The students got back into their rows, each nervously eyeing the instructor.“Who here cannot follow simple instruction, thus endangering their instructor’s life?” the irate master yelled.“Oh, gods,” Esli muttered.Borren did an about-face. “What was that, Miss Eslin?”“Nothing,” Esli squeaked, then instantly regretted it as Borren caught her by the ear.“Nothing, eh?” he hissed. “I’ll show you nothing!”He dragged her to the front of the classroom, still holding on tightly to her ear. Esli winced and yelped as he dug his fingertips into the top of her ear. Turning around abruptly, he yelled to the class, “Who thinks they can blatantly disrespect me to my face? Eh?”No one answered.“That’s what I thought,” he snapped, pinching Esli’s ear again, making her hiss at the pain. “Miss Eslin here has grown too pompous, thinking she can attack her instructor and get away with it.”“It was an accident!” Esli yelled, frustrated with Borren’s conceited air.“Oh, really, Miss Eslin?” He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, his breath smelling like rotten fish, “I don’t think it was, and I get to make the choices around here.”Esli cursed him, but he merely dropped her on the ground. He sneered, “Class, we have a new target to practice on.”Some of the bigger students cracked their knuckles and grinned threateningly.“Wait, you can’t do that!” Pinny protested loudly. “I’m the one who made her miss.”“Well, then, you get to come up here with her, Miss Fayne.”The class watched as Pinny bounded up onto the stage, a determined light in her eyes. “It’s against the rules to bring harm to a student, Master Borren.”Esli reached out for Pinny’s mind and formed a connection with her angry friend.Pinny, it’s fine. Borren’s just being a jerk. You don’t need to get hurt for me.He’s scared of you, Esli. You’ve moved up two classes in the past month, and he’s trying to stop you from entering the tournament. Nobody moves up that fast. Pinny glared at Borren like she wished she could tell him all that without being expelled.Esli groaned mentally. Pinny was going to get hurt for no reason. He’s just a big bully. I’ve been beaten many times. I can handle another one.“No,” Pinny said out loud. “No, you can’t, Esli, because it’s wrong. You should not be treated as scum because you’re special.” She walked up to Borren, her fists clenched at her sides. “He’s jealous of you.” She swung her hand out, gesturing to the whole class. “They all are.”Borren’s fists glowed softly. Esli could feel his power gathering. “Miss Fayne, you have detention for a week with me after classes.”“I don’t care,” Pinny muttered rebelliously.Borren’s face grew red, and Esli sighed. This was going too far. She seized Borren’s gift and cut it off from him, leaving him empty of all his power.Borren screamed and fell to the ground, writhing. The whole class stared at him, some of the girls whimpering.Esli started a connection with his defenseless mind. Master Borren, you cannot hurt me or my friends any longer. I will give you back your power, but be warned, I will take it again if I have to.Borren moaned, and Esli poured his energy back into him.The weakened teacher scrambled to his feet, a crazed expression in his eyes. “Class … is over.” He stumbled to his desk and dry-heaved.The class clambered out the door, some students screaming, others crying loudly.Esli grabbed Pinny’s arm and hauled her into the hall. Turning around sharply, she hissed, “Pinny, you could have gotten hurt! By Besra, can you just listen sometimes? I told you I could handle him!”To Esli’s surprise, tears welled in Pinny’s eyes, and she sobbed, “I’m so tired of you having to put on a tough fa?ade, Esli. You don’t deserve to be hurt.”Deeply touched by Pinny’s show of affection, Esli put her arm around her and forced a smile. “Well, I do appreciate your bravery, Pinn. But now I will probably get detention for attacking an instructor,” she added with what she hoped was a comforting grin.Pinny sniffed and wiped her face. “Sorry about that.”The girls slowly made their way to the Hall. The flow of students around them diminished until they were alone.Suddenly, the pattering of running feet resonated throughout the hallway. Etti sprinted into view.“By the gods, Eslin, I’ve been looking for you all morning,” she wheezed and seized Esli’s arm roughly. “Master Morgus asked for you.”Esli struggled as Etti pulled her down the hallway and glanced back at Pinny. Flashing her a weak smile, she stumbled along behind Etti, bemused.“What are we doing?” she asked as she barely caught herself from tumbling down the steps.Etti grabbed her arm again and yanked her up the steps, panting, “Master Morgus needs to speak with you on the matter of the tournament.”Fear speared Esli, causing her stomach to writhe uncomfortably. She staggered onto the sixth floor, breathing heavily as Etti pulled her to Morgus’s door.“Here she is, Master.” Etti forced Esli into the room and bowed as she backed out.Esli squinted, trying to see in the dim lighting and using her power to search for Morgus. She felt his gift emanating from a corner in the dark room, and she turned just as he lit up with blue power. The light cast strange shadows across his wrinkled face. He leaned forward in his wooden chair and rasped, “It is good to see you, Eslin.” Esli stared at him stoically, waiting for him to get to his point.“Ah, well, I see you are not in the mood for needless talk, so I’ll put this as plainly as possible.” He sipped out of a crystal goblet filled swirling red light.Esli stared at it, wondering what he was drinking, but Morgus cleared his throat, distracting her from her train of thought.“I want you to compete in the winter tournament, just to test where you stand in your power.” He plunked his tumbler onto a small wooden table and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I see much potential in you, much more than anyone else I know.”Esli hesitated before venturing, “Even Darr?”Morgus cackled, his blue light swirling in small eddies around his hunched form. “Always a competition, eh?” He sobered slightly before answering, “But, yes, more than Darr. I want you to use your power to the fullest, Eslin.” He beckoned to her, and she felt herself move forward, his energy flowing around her, compelling her to obey.He stopped her only inches away from him and grasped her face in his hands. Esli struggled against the pull of his power, trapped within its clutch.Morgus’s black eyes began to glow with blue light as he stared into her own golden ones. “Don’t be afraid, Eslin. I can teach you things no one else could even imagine.”She ceased struggling, his intense gaze forcing her to listen.“I want the best for you. I want you to find your strength,” he hissed, still holding her face. Esli felt something in her writhe as his eyes glowed brighter. “I want you to become my next captain.”Esli gasped as his compulsive power left her, leaving her breathless and weak. She stared at her master, stunned by his comment. “Captain? But sir, isn’t Darr a good captain?”Morgus released her face. “Yes, he is, but it all goes back to what we were saying. You have more potential for the gift than Darr ever will.” Esli rubbed her sore chin and pondered his remark before answering slowly, “So, you think I have more power than Darr?”Morgus sighed loudly. “Did I not just say that? You’re special, Eslin. So, tell me, do you want me to train you?”Esli glanced at her hands and mumbled, “Can you teach me to use my gift to force others to do what I want?”“Like whom?” Morgus gazed at her, his expression unreadable.Slowly, Esli formed her thoughts into a sentence. “Like Werron. And Jonn, and the other villagers who mistreated me.” She swallowed and massaged her shoulder. Memories of Werron’s belt still replayed in her mind. “I want them to feel the pain I felt. I need to show them that I am worth more than they ever could’ve guessed.”Finally, Morgus reacted. A huge smile spread across his face. “I think I might be able to help you with that.” He abruptly stopped glowing, leaving them both in the dark. “First, show me your power.”Esli grasped her gift, and the room filled with bright golden light. She stared at her flickering hands, mesmerized by the beautiful radiance.“Good, good,” Morgus rasped. “Now, reach out with it. Search all of Erindorr for the one you want revenge on.”No, she thought. It’s wrong. Don’t hurt anyone. Anger burned in her as she thought of how she had been abused. Those people didn’t deserve mercy.She opened her mental defense and poured her energy out, searching for the one she wanted revenge on. With a thrill, she felt his mind. It was open to her search, for he held no power.She formed a connection with his defenseless mind. Hello, Werron.Gods! the man cursed mentally, instantly panicking at the voice in his head.Esli reached further and found she look through his eyes. Bright, natural light filtered in through Werron’s eyelids, and Esli realized he had just woken up as he blinked sleepily, trying to focus on the mysterious voice in his head.Esli glimpsed someone bent over a metal pot in the inn hearth. Her heart leapt as she recognized Semmon’s curly hair. Semmon!Werron cursed again, this time out loud, and Semmon turned, his kind face weary.“Yes, Werron?” His voice was exhausted as he stirred his stew.“Nothing, man. Stick to your work,” Werron mumbled.As Werron yawned and settled back in his seat, Esli forced her words through his mouth. “Semmon!”Semmon whirled around again. “By the gods, man, what do you want?”Esli smirked as an idea formed in her mind. She couldn’t directly tell Semmon what was going on because he didn’t know she was Gifted, but she could have a little fun.Werron whimpered as Esli compelled him to say, “The gods have cursed me, Semmon. Fetch the priest. I fear my life is ending.”Semmon gaped at Werron, a bemused look on his face. “O-of course, sir.” He hurried out, casting a frightened look over his shoulder.Werron cursed again and clutched his head with his hands. “What in Besra’s name is going on?”Hatred shot through Esli as she spotted Werron’s belt hanging on the doorframe. You’ll never know.She poured power into him, ignoring his screams, knowing he would soon die.That’s enough, Eslin. Morgus’s voice thundered in her mind. You have gotten your revenge.Still looking through Werron’s eyes, Esli winced at the terror and insanity in his mind as he raved and thrashed on the ground.Pain suddenly spiked in her mind, forcing her back to Morgus’s room.Morgus’s blue light encircled her, freezing her in place as he coughed weakly, “You have much power, Eslin. What you have just done has gone far beyond what I imagined you could do in so short a time.”Esli stared at her still-glowing hands. “I shouldn’t have destroyed Werron’s mind.”“Maybe not, but it shows your greatness. Is that not what you wanted?”Tears prickled her eyes as she remembered the horror in Werron’s mind. “Not like that,” she mumbled. “Master Morgus, do you think what I did was wrong?”Morgus smiled, stretching his face unnaturally. “No, Eslin, I think you have done well stepping into your power.”Esli pushed away the guilt gnawing at her. She believed she was wrong, but if Master said it was fine then maybe her fears were unfounded.Maybe she could control the monster inside of her.Two Years Laterchapter eightWinds of ChangeA blast knocked Esli off her feet and she flew through the air, her arms flailing as she screamed. She slammed into the ground and wheezed as her breath was knocked out of her.Another blast soared toward her, and she feebly raised her hand and formed a shield around herself. The ball exploded against it, throwing her even farther back.“Eslin, focus!” Morgus bellowed from his wheelchair.Esli scrambled to her feet shakily as her opponent raised his hand again. Made from Morgus’s blue energy, the light specter was shaped like a normal man. The feature that set him apart from any other man was his glowing and flickering form.Esli lifted her hand and summoned enough power to form a light ball. She released it, and it struck the image in the shoulder. Her opponent stumbled before righting himself, while Esli hit him with another light blast.The light image opened his mouth and gave a silent scream, clawing at the hole in his chest. Esli growled, feeling her power well up inside her, fighting to get out.She raised her hands and released a steady stream of energy at the specter, letting it tear through his body, destroying him.Before she could recover from the fight, another blast hit her from behind. She cursed and spun around. Three new specters charged her.She let out a yell and summoned all her power, releasing it in one blast, annihilating her enemies immediately. With a frustrated roar, she felt her gift well up inside of her instantly, hardly changed by the vast amount she had used.She turned and screamed at Morgus, “I can’t control it! My power is too much, too hard to restrain,” she mumbled, feeling her energy coursing through her. Her hands were still glowing from her excursion, and she could tell she was flickering with her power.Morgus sighed. “I know it’s hard, but you have to control it. You don’t have a choice.”Esli released some of her anger by cursing bitterly to any god who would listen.Morgus watched her, a twisted smirk on his wrinkled face. “I know the pain, Eslin. I know.”The door swung open, and Darr strode through and bowed to Morgus. “I have come as you called, Master.”“Good, good.” Morgus wheeled his chair around to look at Esli. “I have a task for you, Darr.”Darr bowed low again. “Anything, Master.”Morgus coughed weakly before answering hoarsely, “I need you to train Eslin to control her powers.”Esli stared at him. “What?”“Did you not just say you needed help restraining your gift?” Morgus asked, then glanced back at Darr. “Every evening after I am done with her, you will take Eslin to the Gorrane training room and help her learn to control her power.” He lowered his voice, even though Esli could still hear him, “This is essential for her to continue her training with me.”Darr’s face contorted, and he looked as if he would rather die than do such a thing. He forced out, “Yes, of course, Master.”“Go with him, Eslin,” Morgus commanded.Esli shot a murderous look at her master and trudged over to Darr.Darr spun around and stalked out the door, not waiting for Esli. She miserably plodded after him, dreading her new training.Darr led her to a different room, this one much like Morgus’s, but it had a weapons rack and dummies lined up against the wall.Darr strode over to the dummies and turned to Esli. He growled, “Get over here and stand in front of a dummy.”Esli obeyed sulkily. A tingle in her head told her someone was trying to connect with her mind. She reached out and felt Darr’s power. Opening the connection, she winced at the iciness in his voice.We will begin by working on defense. Darr grabbed a staff off the rack.Mental defense or physical? Esli asked, confused by his actions.In response, Darr swung the staff, knocking Esli off her feet. He smirked as she cursed and scrambled to her feet. Physical.The next blow caught her on the side of the head, sending throbbing pain shooting through her head. She blinked away stars and feebly tried to block his next swing which caught her hand, instantly bruising it.He kicked out her legs, and she crashed to the ground, groaning.In order to control your power, begin by learning to control your temper and keep a clear head in a fight, he sneered.The wooden staff smacked her on the side of the leg. If you can successfully learn to fight without your gift, you will not be as dependent upon it, thus making it your minor focus, which leads to you being able to control it.Esli saw the next blow coming and reached out with her power, seizing the staff with her mind. Darr blinked in surprise and struggled to pull the stick back, but Esli held on with her mind, refusing to let go.You are not supposed to use your power! he yelled in their connection.She kicked out her leg, knocking him off his feet. I don’t care! It’s my best chance to survive.“It will also hurt you if you can’t control it,” he gasped out.She glared at him. “Well, maybe I’m willing to take that risk. Especially if it keeps me safe.”Darr sighed. Nothing will keep you safe, Eslin. It is survival of the fittest, and your emotions make you weak.He rose to his feet, rubbing his right arm. Next lesson. Learning to attack without killing.Esli watched as his hands glowed with green light, forming a light specter like Morgus had.The specter stood still in front of Esli, its blank stare making her shiver.Now, reach out for its core and immobilize it without killing it.Esli mentally reached out and easily found the image’s core. Suddenly, the specter rushed at her, its arms stretched out as it strained to get her. She jumped aside and squeezed its core, demolishing it in a puff of dark smoke.I said without killing it, Miss Eslin. Darr’s voice sounded sarcastic in her mind, and she glanced at him. He busily formed another specter. Try again. He looked up at her, his green-gray eyes boring into her. Try to imagine you are torturing the light specter, tearing its mind to pieces. There was a strange, frightening gleam in his eyes. Destroy its mind but not its body.Esli stepped up to the specter and reached out for its core. As before, it rushed at her.She mentally took his core and forced her own power into it. The light specter stopped and jerked.She continued pouring energy into it, knowing that taking in more power than physically possible would eventually destroy the recipient. The light image let out a silent shriek and clawed at its head. Its chest emitted a golden glow as she added more and more energy to it.Suddenly, the specter fell limply to the ground, its chest barely moving.Esli stared at it, shocked at the exultant feeling washing through her. She had literally just destroyed something’s mind, even if it was only a figment of the power. She was surprised that the victory felt so good.Very good, Darr owned grudgingly. But look. The specter’s bare torso was suddenly more solid than the rest of him. Red marks covered its body, as if someone had beaten him.Esli stared, her exultation fading as she took in the sight. Did I do that?Darr smirked at her stunned expression. Yes. He began unlacing his tunic.Esli watched him, confused. “What in Besra’s name are you doing?”I’m going to let you try to seize my mind without physically harming me. He tossed his shirt aside and turned to her.She took in his muscular form with trepidation. Just looking at his athletic body cemented her realization that he could easily beat her in any physical fight.You can stop staring, Darr’s thought burst into her mind, making her blush and look away. Now try to destroy my core without harming me, like you did with the light specter.Esli bit her lip. But what if I actually hurt you?He rolled his eyes. That’s the point, Eslin. A green glow emanated from his fists. But I won’t make it easy for you.Esli barely managed to block his blast as it sped toward her face, and she quickly sent her own at him.He disintegrated it with a wave of his hand and formed a light blade, then hurled it at her face. She dodged it and reached for his mind.It was heavily guarded, and Esli could barely feel his core. She started tearing down his walls, but he fought back. Seizing more power, she kept pouring it into him.His defense shifted, and Darr stumbled. His ball of light flew off to the side, entirely missing Esli and striking the weapons rack.He strengthened his mental defense and released another stream of light at her. She formed a shield and caught the energy, then sent it back at him.She summoned her gift and released it in one blast like she had done with Morgus’s light specters. Her power slammed against Darr’s defense, crumbling it instantly.Darr let out a strangled cry and collapsed as Esli poured her energy into him.As soon as he fell, Esli cut off their connection and rushed to his side. “Oh, gods, are you all right?”He groaned and sat up. “I’m fine.” He gestured at his mark-free torso and gruffly admitted, “I suppose you passed the test.”Esli’s legs felt weak as she helped him to his feet. “I didn’t want to hurt you, but I lost control.” She hesitated. “It was almost like my power was trying to get out.”Darr sighed. “I don’t think you understand. The gift isn’t a thing that is trying to get out; it’s your own magic to control and use.”“Well, it’s not that way for me,” Esli said defensively.Darr huffed and picked up his staff. “Training is over. Come back after your class with Morgus tomorrow, and we’ll work on attacking.” He set the staff down on the weapon table, slipped his tunic over his head, and stalked out of the room, not waiting for Esli to answer.She sighed, watching as Darr’s immobilized light specter slowly faded. “You’re kidding.” Pinny stared at Esli, her expression shocked. “First Master Morgus, now Darr. You’ve got personal lessons with both of them.”Erra shook her head in amazement. “Unbelievable. Your gift must be great for Master Morgus to want to help you so much.”It was evening. The girls were in their room after dinner, and Esli had just told them the news of her training with Darr.Esli punched her pillow and settled in front of the fire. “Well, it’s not so wonderful when you’re actually there, being beaten up.”“Still,” Pinny protested, “you’re getting beaten up by Captain Darr of the Gorrane.”“Yeah, great.” Esli grumbled. “I nearly got a concussion and a bunch of broken bones, and here my friend is fawning over the man who beat me up.”Pinny blushed and arranged her blanket. “You don’t have to be so touchy all the time.”Esli rolled her eyes and used her gift to make the fire dance with a golden hue. “I just hope I can learn to control my power soon so I can get out of my lessons.” She glanced at the stone wall. The golden flame cast brilliant shadows against it, revealing the carven Seekers’ eye. “I truly hope so.”Esli sighed and plopped her plate on the table, then slumped down with her head in her hands and groaned.“That bad, huh?” Pinny said sympathetically.“Don’t even talk about it,” Esli huffed and propped her feet up on Pinny’s chair, bumping Pinny.Pinny shoved her off and stole a slice of her toast. “Well, it’s not my problem.”Esli rolled her eyes and turned to Erra. “How are you, Erra?”Erra smiled. “I’m fine. I’m sorry your classes have been going so badly.”Pinny slurped at her soup. “Buck up, Esli. The tournament is only three weeks away, and then you can beat someone up.”Esli sighed again. “I don’t want to beat anyone up.”“Since when do you not want to do that?” Pinny asked, amazed.“Since my lessons with Darr.” Esli stirred her soup half-heartedly. “Trying to torture people can change your perspective a little, even if they’re only light specters.”Pinny noticed her friend’s troubled expression and quickly changed the subject. “Well, you’ve moved up so much in the past two years, you could try for a spot on the Gorrane. Will you?”Esli glanced at her, confused. “You know that’s been my plan since Master Morgus told me I should.”Pinny flushed and gulped her water, then gagged and spat it out.Amidst Erra’s and Esli’s peals of laughter, Pinny choked out, “Who in Erindorr put salt in my water?”Erra winked at Esli. “Well, it certainly wasn’t Esli, considering she just got here.”“Erra!” Pinny yelled and shoved her sister off her stool then tackled her.Esli laughed at their antics, then sighed and stared at the Seeker sign on the wall. The giant eye seemed to bore into her, revealing her every thought.Esli shuddered at the thought of Darr’s light specter silently screaming, the pain evident on its face. Darr’s words rang through her mind; Nothing will keep you safe, Eslin. It is survival of the fittest.chapter nineA Tournament of WillsThe Hall bustled with activity as the day of the tournament arrived. Etti strode around, barking orders to nervous students.Esli nibbled on the piece of toast Erra had forced into her hand earlier, urging her to eat something. She barely managed to swallow the dry bread.Pinny patted her shoulder and handed her a glass of water, with a murmured, “It’s all right, Esli. You got this.”Esli gulped the water resolutely and strode to Morgus, who sat in his chair on the makeshift pedestal just above the stage. She bowed quickly to him.“Ah, Eslin, what is it?” he coughed out.She kept her expression emotionless and said, “I wanted to thank you for your training. I am sure I am ready for this.”Morgus wheezed in laughter, “Don’t be ridiculous, Eslin. Of course you’re not ready.” He sipped on a goblet of his strange potion. “Now go get in your place. We’ll start in a few minutes.”Esli barely caught herself from rolling her eyes and went to stand among the contenders.Suddenly, a large light-dome formed over the stage to protect the audience, and Morgus’s magnified voice rang out in the large Hall.“Welcome, contestants. Seeing you all waiting for your turn on the stage almost makes me wish I could be down there with you.” He cackled, “Almost.”The bystanders all laughed nervously, but none of the contenders thought it was amusing.Esli glanced around. Sweat trickled down her neighbor’s face, and he shifted uncomfortably. A girl near Esli shut her eyes tightly and muttered a prayer.“Anyway, I wish most of you the best of luck, and the others— well, I’ll be cheering for your downfall,” he croaked, then took a sip of wine before continuing, “Let the autumn tournament begin.”Morgus’s blue light filled the air, illuminating the anxious contestants, and a horn sounded.As the first contenders stepped onto the stage and waited for the signal, Esli glanced up. Standing on the pedestal next to Morgus, Etti held the horn pompously and beamed down at everyone. Etti blew the horn again, and the competitors blasted each other.Esli plopped onto the ground. It would be a while before the Gorrane and their opponents would fight. She closed her eyes and sighed, letting her weariness wash over her.A few hours later, Esli awoke with a jerk. Someone dug their boot into her side again, and she hit out.Anni dodged her blow and smirked down at her. “What are you doing? You haven’t fought at all, and there are only a few of the Gorrane left. You might as well go sit with the audience.”Esli ignored her and brushed off her vest, looking at the stage as she did so. Two Gorrane were facing off. She hadn’t realized how long she had been asleep.“Did you hear me?” Anni growled.Esli turned to her. “Well, yeah, you’re basically yelling. If you could quiet down, I’d appreciate it.”Anni stared at Esli, her face growing red. Just then, Darr walked up.“Ready, Anni?” he asked in a bored voice.Anni glared at Esli. “I’ve been ready.” She stalked over to the line of contestants.A cheer rang from the crowd. Esli glanced at the stage. Olarr of the Gorrane had just sent his opponent Binn flying into the light-dome, thus ending their fight.“Does anyone want to challenge Olarr of the Gorrane?” Etti’s magnified voice asked the contestants. No one responded.“All right, then,” Etti mumbled then announced, “Carr of the Gorrane and Metta Terren, rank nine!”The new contenders strode onto the stage amongst cheers while waving and bowing.Esli observed Metta discreetly. She was two ranks higher than Esli, but mainly because she had been at Jazarr for more than ten years. Her muscular form was quite forbidding, and Esli believed she had intimidated her way through the ranks, for she seemed to be all brawn and no brains. There could be no way she could have passed the tests at the end of each rank without cheating.Carr and Metta lined up on either side of the stage and faced each other. Etti blasted the horn, and Carr blocked Metta’s first blow before sent a scarlet stream of light at her. Metta blocked it, but Carr’s next blow cut past her light-shield, causing her to stumble.Carr formed a knife of light and threw it at Metta’s face. She reached her hand out as it whistled past her, grabbed it, and hurled it back at him.It clanked against his light-shield and dissolved. Suddenly, Carr formed two large balls of light and directed them at Metta.She stumbled as the first one broke her shield and screamed as the next ball caught her in the arm. Her arm erupted into crimson flames as she staggered and fell.Carr hit her again, and she flew through the air and crashed against the light-dome. Screams rang out from the crowd as she hurtled to the ground.Suddenly, Metta was encased in violet light. Etti floated off the pedestal and landed on the stage, gently lowering Metta to the ground.The unconscious girl remained limp as Etti picked her up. Esli could see blood trickling from her head, and she sighed. Too often students received concussions or worse during the tournaments.Etti handed Metta off to the physician and then strode back to the pedestal. Her enhanced voice inquired, “Do any contestants want to challenge Carr of the Gorrane?”The question was met with silence. Carr bowed deeply, a cruel smirk on his face as he waved and kissed his hand to the crowd.A few scattered applauds sounded in the audience, but most bystanders glared at him. He stepped off the stage, and a few of the Gorrane congratulated him. Judging by their exaggerated hand motions and coarse laughter, they were mocking Metta’s performance.Etti ignored them and announced, “Captain Darr and Lieutenant Anni of the Gorrane!”Anni swaggered onto the stage and beamed at the cheering crowd, followed by Darr who merely nodded to Master Morgus and took his place.The horn sounded and Anni immediately blasted Darr. The captain formed a shield an instant before the blast hit him, and he sent a flaming ball of light at her face.She waved her hand, and it dissolved. Forming an army of light blades, she flung them at Darr. He suddenly soared into the air, his entire body flickering with forest-green light. The blades curved around, tracking his movements.While in the air, he spun around and released a blast of power that filled the entire dome, knocking Anni off her feet and destroying the blades. As Anni scrambled to her feet, Darr landed on top of her, pinning her to the ground. She struggled but to no avail.Darr lifted his glowing fist and yelled, “Do you yield?”Anni laughed hoarsely. “Gods, of course not. C’mon, Darr, give the crowd a show they’ll remember.” She winced as he brought his hand closer to her face. “Or not.”Only the contestants could hear Darr as he growled, “I have better things to do than torture you.”“Oh, fine, Your Mightiness, I yield,” she shouted so Etti could hear.Etti blew her horn and shouted, “Lieutenant Anni yields.”Some people in the crowd cheered, and others groaned in disappointment.Darr helped Anni to her feet and patted her shoulder. “Sorry, Anni, you’ll have to wait until the next tournament.”Anni scoffed, but Etti’s voice drowned out her next comment.“Does anyone challenge Captain Darr of the Gorrane?” Etti sounded bored as people made their way to the exits. Everyone knew no one would dare contest Darr.Now, Eslin, go show them who you really are, Morgus’s voice burst into Esli’s mind.She stepped forward and shouted to Etti, “I would like to challenge Captain Darr.”Time seemed to freeze as Esli bounded onto the stage.Etti coughed uncomfortably. “Uh, if you’re sure …” she trailed off as Darr turned to Esli. He looked puzzled, but only for a moment.His green eyes bore into her. “I accept your challenge, Eslin.”Esli felt Pinny’s power knocking in her mind and sighed. Knowing that opening a connection with Pinny would be the worst possible thing, she ignored the incessant knocking. She strode to her place and strengthened her mind’s defenses.Darr lined up on the other side of the stage, and Esli barely had time to breathe a prayer to any god who would listen before the horn sounded.Darr didn’t move, though, and Esli didn’t want to make the first move. She plodded to her right, and he mirrored her actions, always staying exactly opposite from her.Finally, he formed a huge energy-ball and hurled it at her face. Instead of dissolving it, she caught it with her power and absorbed it into herself.A few audience members gasped. Most students were probably unaware absorbing the power was possible.She blasted him with a stream of light. In response, he caught her blow and formed at least ten light specters. They rushed at her, their arms outstretched.She side-stepped the first specter and drove her glowing fist into its solid frame. Her hand sank into its chest like it was a feather pillow. The apparition staggered and disappeared in a puff of black smoke.Suddenly, a hand scraped down her back, scorching her and setting her tunic on fire. She extinguished the flames with her mind and turned to the specter who had attacked her. He charged at her, and she blasted him in the chest before he reached her.Eight more light specters plowed toward her. She launched herself into the air, safely out of reach of their grasping fingers.Morgus’s voice broke into her mind, and she winced. She had forgotten they still were mentally connected. Eslin, destroy the specters and fight Darr one-on-one. The audience needs to see who is really in charge.Esli glanced at Darr. He stared up at her, his expression emotionless, letting his specters do all the work.She seized a vast amount of her power and threw it at the light apparitions who were vainly trying to reach her. They instantly vanished as the light touched them, and black smoke filled the light-dome.Using the thick smoke as a cover, she floated above Darr and formed a rope of light. It snaked out, caught Darr’s arm, and flung him into the air toward Esli.Darr glided smoothly past her, his ball of power flying at her face. Esli barely managed to catch it, and then she formed three balls of light, sending them subsequently toward him.Darr dodged the first, dissolved the next, and caught the last ball. He formed a horde of blades as Anni had done and hurled them at Esli.She soared above them, but the light-blades tracked her and streaked toward her. She demolished a few, but they were flying too fast for her to retaliate.Eslin, focus. You are here to prove who is the greatest student in Jazarr.Esli nearly screamed as Morgus’s voice burst into her mind, having again forgotten he was connected to her mind. She quickly re-collected her thoughts and, hoping she kept the sarcasm out of her voice, answered, Thank you, Master.Master Morgus? Darr’s startled voice added to her connection, and she groaned. Of course, Darr had to find the connection. Now Master Morgus’s plan would be ruined.Apparently, Morgus had the same thoughts, for he withdrew from her mind quickly, making it feel as if he had never been in her head.Esli released another huge blast of energy that disintegrated the flying light-blades and glanced at Darr, the both of them still floating in the air. He looked horrified as he finally realized he had been betrayed. Then, his face took on a murderous expression, and he rushed at Esli, his fists glowing with power.Esli cut her power and fell through the air. Screams rang out from the crowd as she plunged in a gentle arc downward, her arms straight at her sides. As the ground loomed in her vision, she spun in the air and fired at Darr before settling gently on the stage.Darr barely avoided the blast of energy. Her next attack scraped past him, singeing his arm. He swore loudly and floated down toward Esli.Finish this now, Eslin. Morgus’s voice sounded bored, and Esli felt a twinge of annoyance at his indifference. She wondered briefly how he had gotten back into her head so easily as she dodged a flaming blast from Darr.She reached inward and felt her power surging through her, straining to escape her defenses. Esli glanced at Darr’s hate-filled face and realized he would give her no mercy.Her mental shields shifted as he poured his gift at them, and she stumbled in surprise before quickly strengthening her defenses. He gasped softly as she realized the captain had formed a connection while her shields were weak.Have you grown careless, Eslin? Darr sneered in her mind. You have so much power, yet you are too weak to control it.Anger surged through her at his taunts. I am not weak.But you are afraid. Afraid of your power, afraid of the monster in you. It controls you. Nothing anyone can do will help you.“Shut up!” Esli roared and fortified her mental shields, forcing Darr out of her mind. She snarled as she noticed his defenses had not been affected by her attack.It all comes down to experience. Two years is not enough time to become a master. Darr smirked and hurled a light ball at her face.She disintegrated the blast and poured energy onto his shields while narrowly dodging his next attack.His defense trembled, and he stumbled back, surprised by her sudden burst of power. She snuck past his weak defenses and located his core, energy radiating from it.Thrusting her power at his core, Esli felt it tremble as the green light shining from Darr’s hands flickered feebly. The captain paled as she forced more power in him.Suddenly a yell burst from his throat, and he collapsed, his core nearly destroyed. Esli stepped over to him and leaned down.“I don’t want to kill you, Captain,” she hissed. “But I most certainly will if you don’t yield.”Darr glared at her rebelliously, his lips drawn in a firm line.“Fine,” Esli growled and ignited her power, letting it flow through her, radiating off her body. She raised her glowing fist to his face. “Yield or die, Darr. It’s your choice.”She set her light-encased hand on his shoulder, and the smell of scorched cloth filled the air. Darr’s eyes widened as the golden flames licked his skin, and he released a pained groan.“Just give up,” Esli advised, determined to ignore his suffering. Her power creeped up his face, and a bitter smell of burnt flesh oozed from him.A scream tore from his throat, and, his entire body quaking as the light-fire spread, he rasped, “I yield.”“He yields!” Esli shouted to Etti. “He’s done!”Esli cut off all her power, relief flowing through her. She had won.She was captain of the Gorrane.chapter tenHard KnocksThe crowd stared as Esli gazed up at them in victory, shocked murmurs trickling through the audience.Etti, her wide eyes expressing amazement, slowly made her way to the stage. Once there, she took and lifted Esli’s arm, her magnified voice proclaiming, “The winner … Captain Eslin of the Gorrane!”A few scattered cheers and whistles rang out from the crowd, but most just watched in disbelief.Darr heaved himself to his feet, blood oozing from his singed shoulder and face. His hateful glare cut Esli deeply. She had hoped maybe one day she could call him a friend, but now she realized it could never be that way.Darr limped off the stage, his blond hair sticking out at odd angles as he held his head high. The other Gorrane greeted him, confused awe on their faces. Judging by Darr’s annoyed expression, they were peppering him with questions.Esli looked up at Morgus. He gave her the barest nod, but to Esli it meant everything. She had finally earned Master’s respect but at a great cost.She stalked off the stage and out of the Hall, feeling eyes following her retreating form.Esli stared at the crackling fire, lost deep in thought. The room she shared with the other girls seemed small, confining. She wanted to get out of the mountain and run without fear.She sighed and repositioned herself in front of the comforting flame. Glancing up, the etched Seeker’s eye caught and held her gaze. She shuddered, feeling, not for the first time, that someone watched her out of the scarlet-painted eye.Suddenly, the door burst open, and Pinny tripped into the room, closely followed by Erra. Pinny, clumsy as always, stubbed her toe on someone’s bed and sprawled to the floor.Esli jumped up and reached to help her to her feet, but Pinny scrambled up before she could. The irate girl turned on Esli and released a barrage of words Esli had never realized Pinny knew.Erra gently pushed Pinny aside and smiled at Esli, not quite able to hide her worry. “What Pinny means to say is congratulations.”Esli waited for a break in Pinny’s cursing before stating, “Well, thank you very much, Pinny.”Pinny glared at her, tears welling from her eyes. “Esli, you promised to tell us things like this!” She sniffed back a sob. “What if you had been killed, and I never got to say goodbye?”Esli stared at Pinny, shocked by her behavior. She turned to Erra and stopped, recognizing the pain in her friend’s eyes.Esli stumbled over her words, realizing how wrong she’d been. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think how my actions would hurt you both.” She felt tears tickling her own eyes, and she blinked them away, determined not to show emotion. “You’re right, Pinn, I did promise, but Master Morgus made me promise to him not to tell anyone about our plan.”Pinny sniffled and continued glaring at her, her face unyielding. Finally, she sighed and mumbled, “I forgive you.”Erra gave a little laugh and hugged Esli. “Of course we forgive you.”Esli smiled and drew Pinny into their embrace. The three girls stood there in front of the fire in a rare moment of comradeship.Finally, they broke away, and Pinny chuckled, “Oh, by the way, congratulations on your win. You should’ve seen Anni’s face after you left. She looked like she wanted to murder someone.”Esli smirked. “That someone is probably me.”The girls laughed and settled in front of the fire as Esli regaled her harrowing experience.The logs in the hearth popped and crackled as the night dragged on. None of the girls seemed to notice as the Seeker’s sign began glowing slightly, but Esli shivered at the ominous feeling nagging at her mind. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy as captain. She had made enemies, and a lot of them.She was a wanted person now.Murmurs followed Esli as she trekked down the hall, heading for breakfast. She strode around a bend and halted.A group of the Gorrane loitered about the entrance to the Hall, obviously waiting for something. Esli knew she was the one they expected.She stalked down the hall, her eyes fixed on the wooden doors. Sensing malicious intent radiating from behind her, she stopped with a sigh and glanced over her shoulder.Carr, Binn, and Olarr followed Anni toward Esli. Anni strode up to her and gave a mock bow.“How are you this morning, Captain?” she inquired with a smirk that made Esli want to hit her.“Fine until I saw you, Miss Anni.” Esli gave her a wide smile that she hoped showed her disdain for the one-time lieutenant.Anni’s face twisted in a hateful expression, and she spat, “You’ll never be a good captain.”Exasperated by this blatant show of loathing, Esli seized her power, and her fists glowed as she stepped toward Anni. “Well, that’s not your decision to make, Anni. So, shut up and get away from me.”Anni stepped back, enraged, her hands trembling. Esli knew she had just crossed the line. Undoubtedly, Anni was now her enemy.She pushed past the furious Gorrane members and forced the doors open with her mind. They slammed open, drawing almost everyone’s attention to Esli. She bit back a curse and stomped to Pinny and Erra. Esli plopped into a seat and snatched a piece of roast venison off Erra’s plate.Erra smiled good-naturedly. “Good morning, Esli.”Esli grunted in greeting and scarfed down the crisp slice of meat.Slowly, the Hall went back to normal after Esli’s startling entry, but students still glanced at Esli as they passed or murmured something to their friends.Esli made her way to the food table and served herself a plate. Just then, the doors burst open again, and Etti scurried through, her eyes wildly searching the crowd of students.Esli set her plate down and waited for Etti to find her, slowly eating a slice of toast with wildberry jam on it.Etti tripped her way to Esli and grabbed her arm. “Come with me, Captain.”Esli stumbled after her, wondering why Etti always had to drag her places.Etti pushed her way past the Gorrane, who were still situated in the hallway, Darr now with them. Esli glanced back over her shoulder. She hadn’t seen Darr since the fight the night before.His green eyes seemed to burn into her as they tracked her progress down the hall. She tore her gaze away from his wounded face as a curve in the hallway separated them.Etti led Esli up to Morgus’s room, where Esli had assumed they were going. She pushed open the door and shoved Esli inside.Morgus snored in his wheeled chair next to a small table with a pile of clothes on it. He jerked awake as Esli banged the door shut behind her.He coughed and rasped, “Ah, Eslin. Or I suppose I should say Captain Eslin. Congratulations on your victory.”The compliment was so foreign coming from Master Morgus that Esli stared for a moment before bowing and murmuring, “Thank you, Master. But it is all due to your training.”“Yes, of course, it is,” Morgus remarked, immediately pompous again. He lifted the clothing next to him and handed it to Esli.Confused, Esli took the clothes. “What is this for?”Morgus coughed for a few moments before answering, “These are your new captain’s clothes. I would’ve had a ceremony for you, but many of the Gorrane are unhappy about this change in leadership, and I’m afraid they might disturb something.”Esli stared at the black clothes in her hands, noting the scarlet embroidered eye on the front of the tunic and recalling Darr had been wearing a simple black tunic. He no longer had the symbol of Master’s trust.She stammered, “Thank you, Master. But if the Gorrane are disrespecting you, why do you not teach them a lesson?”Morgus laughed creakily. “Oh, Eslin, I do love your spirit. That is one reason I wanted to speak with you. I need you to be my spy, someone who keeps everyone else in order. This will be one of your many duties as captain.”Esli bowed. “Thank you, Master Morgus.”“Now, go on, Eslin, try on your new outfit.” Morgus dismissed her with a wave of his hand. “And remember, you are my most trusted Gorrane now.”She strode from the room, wondering what her new responsibilities were.Esli hurried down the hall to show Pinny and Erra her new ensemble. She rounded a corner and sprawled onto her face.Scrambling to her feet, she spun around and saw Anni’s fist a second too late. Sharp, blinding pain speared her, and red exploded in her vision.Anni tripped her once more and drove her fist into Esli’s gut. The other Gorrane stepped forward as Esli wheezed and struggled to stand, but she collapsed as another blow struck her head. She curled into a ball, once again a little girl hoping her beating would be over soon.Seconds later, a thought registered in her mind. She was captain. She was Morgus’s most trusted Gorrane.Esli reached inward mentally and felt the wild mass of power swirling inside her. Suddenly, an idea formed in her mind as she remembered what happened when she tore down other people’s defenses.Acting on her impulse, she dropped her mind’s shields. No longer defended, she felt her attackers surge into her mind, no doubt wanting to destroy her.Anni’s triumphant voice shouted in her head, Tear apart her mind!As the Gorrane reached for their gifts, Esli formed her shields again, forcing her attackers out of her mind. Screams rang out, and Esli scrambled to her feet as the Gorrane stumbled away from her, some of them dropping on the floor, senseless.She wiped blood from her split lip and spat on Anni. “Good day, friends.”She limped away from the moaning Gorrane, intent on finding Pinny and Erra.Three days later, Esli knelt before Morgus, updating him on the events of the day.“Good work, Captain,” he remarked. “I know it’s been hard to get the Gorrane to respect you, but I have a feeling they will rethink their actions the next time they attack you.”Esli gingerly fingered the jagged cut next to her eye and muttered, “They’d better.”Morgus cleared his throat loudly and took a sip of his strange glowing potion. “It is now time to begin your more serious training.”Esli stared at him, confused. “But you’ve been training me for more than two years now. What could be more important than what I’ve already learned?”Morgus cackled, “Oh, Eslin, there is always something new to learn.” He beckoned to her. “Rise now, Captain, and we will learn the secrets of the Seekers.”chapter elevenTruth or Lies“Wait, so now Master Morgus is teaching you something new, and you can’t tell me?”Esli shoved aside clothes, searching in her drawers for her cloak. “Yes, exactly, Pinny.”“Why won’t you tell me?” Pinny sounded hurt as Esli groaned.“Because Morgus commanded me not to,” Esli huffed and threw her comb down in frustration. “Where’s my stupid cloak?”Pinny lifted Esli’s blanket off her bed and pointed underneath it. “Right here.”“Thanks,” Esli sighed and fastened her cloak under her chin. Striding to the door, she called over her shoulder, “I’ve got to go. See you.”Pinny watched as the wooden door closed behind her friend.Something strange was definitely going on.“Eslin, welcome.” Morgus beckoned to her. “Come here.”Esli hastened to his side, intrigued by a strange baaing noise coming from behind Morgus. “What do I learn today, Master?”Morgus grinned and tugged on a rope tied to the armrest of his wooden chair. A small goat scampered into view.Esli stared at the creature and muttered, “By the gods, my life gets stranger every day.”Morgus ignored her comment and handed her the rope which she took gingerly, keeping the goat at a fair distance from her.“We have practiced controlling light-specters, now it is time to experiment on a living creature, hence the kid,” Morgus explained.Esli cursed in surprise as the baby goat released a mournful maa. “Why in Erindorr does it have to be a goat?”“What? Would you rather a donkey?” Morgus snorted as he shifted in his seat.Esli sighed resignedly.“Now, this will be much different than the light-specters. The goat will act by instinct when you control it,” Morgus coughed.Esli glanced at the goat which was now gnawing contentedly on the rope. Groaning inwardly, she reached for its mind and felt its core. All animal cores seemed insignificant compared to humans, and this goat was no different.She formed a connection with the creature and, instead of sending a thought like she usually would, she went deeper into its mind and projected a command into its mind. Come to me.The kid snorted and continued chewing on its restraints. Esli stared at it, amazed, and tried again. Come here, now.The goat belched, the rope lying in tatters at its feet, and nosed the stone floor.“Get your filthy rump over here, you idiot!” Esli yelled, smacking her hands together.The little goat, startled by her show of frustration, trotted behind Morgus’s chair. Esli’s master laughed loudly as Esli swore.“I told you its instincts would get in the way.” Morgus wiped tears from his eyes with a shaking hand. He composed himself enough to say, “Try again, but show no mercy. It is only a goat.”Esli seized the goat with her gift and dragged it out from behind Morgus’s chair. “Now behave, you good-for-nothing animal.”The goat baaed loudly and struggled against the golden power encircling it. Growling softly, Esli forced a command into the kid’s mind. Shut up.Abruptly, the goat’s annoying protests ceased, plunging the room into a strange silence. Esli grinned at her victory and ordered the goat to rear up.The animal, obviously confused by its instincts and the commands, rolled its eyes in terror before flailing its front legs into the air. The wild action caused the goat to collapse on its side, where it lay quietly, its body barely moving.Esli forced it to rise with her mind. The baffled creature scrambled up then trotted over to her, its tongue lolling out of its mouth.Morgus’s voice coughed, “Now crush it, Eslin.”“But …” Esli paused. “Sir, it—”“Crush it.”So Esli crushed it.The little goat’s core winked out like an extinguished candle, and the dead animal thumped to the ground.Esli stared at it, a faint feeling of remorse stirring in her heart.“By Besra, Eslin, it’s only a goat.” Morgus softened his voice. “You did well.”“Thank you, sir.” Esli brushed away her guilt.Morgus suddenly glowed with his blue power, and he floated through the air, gesturing for Esli to follow. “Now we will practice traveling through portals.”Esli hurried after him, the dead goat forgotten.“Whoa, slow down, Esli. I get you’re excited, but still,” Pinny stated as she watched Esli scarf down a piece of toast.Esli ignored her and shoved a handful of wildberries into her mouth, swallowing the mouthful without second thought.Today was Esli’s last day of captain training before she could focus completely on becoming a Seeker. The training had taken nearly a month, but Morgus thought she was ready to move on. Her master had planned a special task for her, and then she would be a full-fledged Gorrane.“I wonder what your task is,” Pinny mused. Receiving no answer from Esli, she slurped a spoonful of soup loudly.Erra frowned at her disapprovingly. “Seriously, Pinny?”Suddenly, the Hall doors burst open, Etti stumbling through.“Well, here’s your escort, Esli.” Pinny shook Esli’s hand solemnly.“Erra and Pinny Fayne!” Etti scurried toward them. “Come with me.”Pinny and Erra exchanged puzzled glances before rising and making their way toward Etti.“Wait,” Esli called to Etti, “where are you taking them? What about my task?”Etti avoided making direct eye contact with Esli. “We will send for you when it is ready.”She hurried out of the Hall, Erra and Pinny following close behind.Esli watched them go. Something didn’t feel quite right about this whole ordeal.“Esli.”Esli jerked awake. Etti’s face wavered into view.Esli struggled up sleepily, scrubbing at her eyes. “E-Etti? What’s going on?”Etti dragged her out of the bed. “Your task is about to begin.”“What the … Etti, it’s midnight!” Esli groaned and clutched her bedpost, her head swimming from getting up too fast.“Yes, and your task begins in five minutes,” Etti hissed, weaving her way around beds holding sleeping girls.Esli swore as she finally realized what that meant. “There’s no way we can get there in time.” She ignited her power and formed a portal next to her bed. “Come on, Etti.”The tall lady stumbled back to Esli and hurried through the rift, Esli following her.Morgus’s door stood before them, and, as Etti knocked, Esli straightened her black tunic nervously, the loud hammering at the door ringing in her head.The wooden door swung open, and Etti shoved Esli into the dark room.Squinting in the dim light, Esli could barely make out Morgus’s chair. Suddenly, Morgus’s blue energy filled the room, illuminating the faces of all the Gorrane.Morgus floated into view, his form alight with blue fire, and his magnified voice rang out, “Eslin, Captain of the Gorrane, welcome to your final task. You have trained well so far, never wavering in your assignments, but be forewarned, this task will demand much of your sanity.” He paused and coughed while Esli shuddered at the sudden chill sweeping through the room.His words echoed in the cavern. This task will demand much of your sanity.Esli scowled and glanced at Darr. His pale face appeared blue in Morgus’s power. A shiver crawled down her spine when she saw his green eyes.A haunted look lurked in them. An expression of insanity.Morgus’s light stretched farther, revealing Anni and Carr, both holding a hooded form.Suddenly, Esli knew. Her heart wrenched as her trust in Morgus crumbled. A small whisper crawled out of her throat, “No.”Morgus boomed into the silent room, “In order to truly become captain and to gain my complete trust, you must do as I say.” He nodded to Anni. “You must kill those you love.”The two Gorrane ripped the hoods off their captors, revealing Pinny and Erra, both petrified with Morgus’s gift.Everyone turned to Esli, watching her reaction.Hate, bitter and consuming, welled inside her. Her trust was broken. Morgus had betrayed her. She shoved down the scream that rose in her throat and forced a stoic look on her face. She could show no weakness for them to exploit.“Will you, Eslin?” Morgus asked, his voice stern.Suddenly, a memory rose in Esli’s mind, one she had forgotten over time. Her little seven-year-old self, confidently stating to Semmon as he cleaned her bloody face: “The whole world is out there, Semmon. One day I’m going to go build a new life for myself, away from this rat-hole. Then, Werron can’t hurt me anymore.”Semmon had chuckled, his bulky form shaking with his hearty laugh. “What about me?”“Oh, you’re coming, too. I can’t leave you behind.” Little Esli had grinned happily. “I’ll never hurt someone I love.”“Never?” Semmon had unexpectedly grown serious. “I truly hope you find the strength to keep that promise.”Esli jerked herself out of the memory, hardly aware of the cool tears dripping off her face. So much for maintaining a strong fa?ade, she thought ruefully as she swiped at the tears.She glared at Morgus, her power writhing as hate and bitterness surged through her. “I’ll never harm someone I love.”Feeling the evil intent radiating from her master, she readied her gift, knowing he would attack.“Well, then,” Morgus hissed, his face twisting with loathing. “you won’t mind if I do?”His power swelled, lifting the trapped girls off their feet. They hung in the air, their eyes glazed as they barely breathed.“This is your last chance, Eslin. I would advise you to not do anything stupid,” he sneered.Esli let her energy flow out of her, setting her hands aglow with a golden light. “Everything I do is stupid, Morgus. Why stop now?”She blasted him before he could snap back, and his body flew across the room, her power pushing him through the air.Etti shrieked and formed a blanket of light that caught Morgus, just inches from the ground.“Curse you, Etti,” Esli mumbled and blasted one of the Gorrane who moved to attack.Erra and Pinny, both free of Morgus’s gift, thudded to the ground and lay still.Esli barely turned in time to see Anni and a new Gorrane member rushing at her. The one-time lieutenant swung her fist, but Esli sidestepped. Anni stumbled from the force of her missed blow.Pale pink light swirled around Esli legs as the new Gorrane, Batti, tried to freeze her. Esli snorted and dissolved her attacker’s power. She had seen this young lady’s performance when she beat Binn, a former Gorrane. It was entirely chance—and Binn’s fault— that she had won.Esli blasted the girl in the face and heard her nose crunch. Wincing, Esli watched as Batti clutched her face, blood and tears trickling off her cheeks.Four more Gorrane dashed toward her, and Esli felt her power leap, eager to get out, but she forced it down, knowing it would consume her.Suddenly, Morgus’s light encased Esli and lifted her into the air. She squirmed wildly he flung her upward.A scream burst from her throat as she flailed, but she quickly recovered and used her gift to slow her descent. Anger pulsed through her. Her gift, her monster, welled inside her, urging her to drop her defenses. She knew she couldn’t control it.So she released it.Her golden energy burst out of her, tearing through the room and destroying every shield. Screams filled the air as the vulnerable Gorrane scrambled away from her.Esli knew she was being consumed by the temptation of her vast power. But she didn’t care. Anger, hate, and bitterness drowned out her other emotions, and she turned to look at Pinny and Erra.Pinny had her arm around Erra’s weak form, fear in her eyes as she gazed at Esli.Suddenly, Batti’s gift again encircled her. Esli swore loudly and let her power tear out of her.Batti screamed as the light consumed her, scorching her immediately. Her white-blond hair shriveled in the heat, and her skin melted as fire climbed across her body.Bile rose in Esli’s throat at the stench, and she watched Batti’s charred form disintegrate into a pile of ash.Carr, his face contorting angrily, slammed her with a scarlet blast. Esli absorbed it and felt her power grow. She seized Carr’s mind with her gift and forced a command into his head.Carr froze, and his hands inched toward his throat, scratching at his neck. His hands glowed with his gift, and they ripped into his skin. Within a few moments, he collapsed, dead, having torn his own throat out.Forcing down the urge to vomit, Esli ignored the shrieks around her and glanced at the ceiling of the cavern. Seizing a vast amount of her power, she blasted it. Rocks hurtled down as sunlight peeked through the opening.Despite her ravenous gift straining in her, Esli felt peace wash over her. She hadn’t seen the sky in years. Now, she drank in the sight of the beautiful blue sky laced with wispy clouds.But her relief was short-lived. A blast hit her from behind, and she absorbed it, but suddenly three more blows hit her.Esli formed a shield around herself and shouted, “Pinn, get out of here!” Pinny grabbed Erra and used her power to propel them both out of the hole in the ceiling. Esli watched them go and glanced at Morgus.Etti bent over his motionless form. Esli’s blast must have hit him harder than she thought. A blow hit her shield, and she hurled a light-ball at her attacker. A scream rent the air, and Esli peered out to see who she had hit.Anni clutched the side of her face, blood trickling between her fingers. She snarled and launched herself at Esli.Esli dodged her charge and barely kept back a curse as the other Gorrane all rushed at her, determined to avenge their master. As her gift writhed within her, she connected with each of her attackers’ minds before releasing a blast that linked with the Gorranes’ core, tearing at their powers.Her opponents stumbled back, some collapsing under the pressure of her gift, others losing control of their power. As the Gorrane Olarr jumped at her, she drove her illuminated fist into his chest. It sank deeper than she had expected, and, as he let out a choking cry, she yanked it out roughly. He sagged, dead before hitting the ground.Unexpectedly, a sharp blow glanced off Esli’s head, and darkness ate at the edge of her vision. As her vision dimmed, she saw Darr’s face floating above her own, a crystal vial in his fist.A hand grasped her face, and a bitter sensation filled her mouth. The bright sunlight seeping through the ceiling faded, taking Esli with it.chapter twelveTaken AgainWhite light filtered through Esli’s eyelids. A murmur of voices barely registered in her mind as footsteps echoed close to her ear.She pried her stuck eyelids open and stared at Erra’s sky-blue eyes floating above her. Esli groaned and struggled to sit up as Erra gently pushed her back down.Her body quivering, Esli rasped, “What happened?”Erra laid a wet cloth on Esli’s forehead and gave her a strained smile. “We escaped from Master Morgus through the hole you made in the ceiling. Darr knocked you over the head with Morgus’s chair and forced ahklenn down your throat. Pinny used her power to lift you out, and we ran down the mountain. It’s been three days since we escaped, and we’ve been caring for you ever since.”Esli knocked Erra’s hand away and sat up. Tears prickled at her eyes as she hung her head. “I killed them, didn’t I?”Erra hesitated, obviously pondering what to say. “Well, they were attacking you.”Esli let the tears flow as she sobbed, “I didn’t want to … they just wouldn’t leave me alone.” She made no effort to wipe away the teardrops and wailed, “They were so easy to kill. It felt like squishing a bug. They were worthless in my eyes. All they wanted to do was hurt us.”She sniffled as teardrops slid down her face. Her voice rose to a scream, and she jumped to her feet. The world spun as her confused emotions whirled. “I’m sorry, so sorry. I abused my powers. I put you and Pinny in danger.”Erra put her arm around her and murmured, “It isn’t your fault, Esli.”Esli shoved Erra away and shrieked, “Yes, it is! I killed them, and I might hurt you even if it is an accident!”She turned and sprinted blindly through the trees.“Esli, come back!” Erra cried, scrambling after her.Esli dashed onward, not looking back, with tears streaming down her face. She tripped and slammed onto the ground. Crumpling into a miserable heap, she wailed, feeling her gift pushing against her, striving to get out.She didn’t care anymore. She dropped her defenses and screamed as her power surged out of her. She lay on the ground, paralyzed by the shocking amount of energy. An explosion shook the earth, the reverberations quaking through the forest. As the echoes faded, Esli scrambled to her feet, flickering with golden light.She stood in a clearing, demolished trees scattered about her, stumps poking out of the ground. Wiping away tears with trembling fingers, she stared at her other hand. Light danced across it, leaping lightly like heatless flames.Glancing around again, she suddenly realized she had knocked down the trees with her power. Bile rose in her throat as she gazed upon the wreck, the fallen trees revealing more ruin she had brought upon something.Tears again gushed from her eyes as she stumbled down the mountainside.Water splashed Esli, and she flinched at the shocking coolness.She had been stumbling down the mountain for close to three hours, her mind utterly devoid of any thoughts but to run. Regarding the cold stream swirling past her feet, she sighed, not caring in the slightest that she was completely lost.A branch crackled behind Esli, and she spun around, using her power to search for the cause of the noise. As a faint mood of curious desire prickled her nerves, she followed the feeling with her mind.Esli stared up at the treetops, golden sunlight filtering through them, and momentarily forgot the strange emotion around her.Suddenly, a wild cry rang out, and Esli was abruptly encased in nets. She yelped as a wooden club swung toward her face.Crimson exploded in her vision, and pain tore through her as everything went dark.Esli moaned and struggled to touch her throbbing forehead, but her arms wouldn’t respond. Wrenching her eyes open, she stared at her arms in panic.Thick, scratchy ropes bound her to a tree trunk, so tight she could barely move her hands. She released a torrent of curses, hardly believing how many unfortunate events had passed since she ran away from Erra.“Esli?” someone whispered.Esli jerked her head to the side and stared at the tree next to her.Pinny and Erra sat side-by-side, bound with the same thick ropes holding Esli. Pinny had a cut lip, and dirt was smeared across Erra’s forehead.“What in Erindorr are you doing here?” Esli gasped.“Shh!” Pinny hissed. “We were captured by a crowd of people in masks a few hours ago and brought here.”Esli laid her head against her tree and stared at the quivering leaves above her. How had it happened that they had all been captured?“Gods, I hate this day,” she growled and reached for her gift. To her utter shock, she encountered a foggy mass of nothing.Her shock must have shown, for Pinny remarked, “Our captors forced ahklenn tonic down your throat while you were unconscious.”Esli sensed a shriek burning inside her. She hated feeling so powerless, knowing she was no longer in control.She forced down the scream and took in her surroundings for the first time since gaining consciousness.The girls were situated on the edge of a clearing. Cloth tents encircled a roaring fire, and people chanted around the blaze. As Pinny had mentioned, their captors wore strange wooden masks shaped like animal faces.A shirtless man with a carven hawk’s face covering his own strode onto a makeshift podium and lifted his arms above the masked congregation. A strange language poured from his mouth, and the people’s chants grew louder.Suddenly, the fire roared and exploded, flames licking at the tops of the trees. The masked people fell down on their faces, incantations rolling off their tongues as the man on the stage bowed before the fire, his voice rising to a scream.The captive girls watched the strange performance in awe.“Now that’s something you don’t see every day,” Pinny whispered, sweat trickling down her face at the heat of the fire.Esli turned to the girls. “We need to get out of here. I can’t use my gift, but if Pinny can get these ropes off, maybe you, Erra, could guard us.”Erra nodded, her eyes wide. “But you know how using the power to harm people weakens me.”“Yeah, so we’ll have to work fast,” Esli muttered and took charge. “Pinny, get these ropes off us.”Pinny grinned. “I’ve always wanted to have an adventure like this.” Her hands glowed and the ropes writhed.“Hurry!” Esli barked, watching as their masked captors rose individually. Three men stalked toward the girls.The bindings fell away, and Esli scrambled to her feet, grabbing Erra’s arm and pushing Pinny behind the tree.Then the three masked men spotted them. One emitted a howling shriek while the other two charged the girls.Erra stepped away from Esli, her hands flickering with coral light. She stared at the men, and they crumpled with strangled cries.Esli barely caught her friend as she collapsed. Slinging Erra’s insensible form over her shoulder, she caught Pinny’s elbow and yanked her away from the camp.“C’mon, Pinn!” she shouted over the growing clamor behind them.One of their pursuers howled and shot a bolt of energy at them, his companions cheering loudly.Esli cursed and ducked as the blast hit a tree which slammed into the ground, blue flames licking at its bark. Of course, their strange attackers had the gift.She shouted at Pinny, “Take him out!”Whooping, the ecstatic girl shot a blast at the man. It caught him in the chest and slung him backward.“Direct hit!” Pinny cheered.“Shut up,” Esli hissed and jerked her behind a tree as another blast hurtled toward them. It struck the ground near them, the explosion knocking them both off their feet.Esli scrambled to her feet, grabbed Erra’s limp hand, and hauled her forward, Pinny stumbling behind her.Suddenly, the mountainside sloped downward, and Esli slid a few paces before catching herself. Pinny, not noticing her abrupt stop, smacked into her, throwing them both forward.The girls tumbled, screaming, down the muddy incline, rocks and dirt knocking loose and thudding into them. The incline grew steeper as they descended.Esli barely managed to catch hold of a boulder as Pinny shot past her, her arms flailing as she shrieked.“Pinn!” Esli yelled and glanced back. A crowd of the masked people were closing in on them, whooping and swinging wooden clubs.Esli spotted a glimpse of white in between her and their pursuers. Erra!Clawing at the slick boulder, Esli hauled herself to her feet and stumbled forward, slipping every few steps. Her friend struggled weakly, her leather vest caught on a low-hanging tree branch.Esli tripped again, but she managed to grasp Erra’s arm as she fell. The vest tore with a loud ripping sound, and the girls slid a few paces down the incline.Esli staggered to her feet and shouted, “Erra, follow me!”Erra stumbled after her half-blindly. Esli risked a glance backward. Their attackers were gaining quickly as the girls ran down the steep slope.A bubbling stream broke the incline. Esli leapt into gurgling water and waded against the strong current toward Pinny who stood on the opposite bank, her hand outstretched for Esli to grab.Suddenly, bright yellow light encircled Pinny, and she froze, her eyes glazing over.“Pinny!” Esli screamed and struggled out of the water, Pinny standing rigidly mere feet away from her. Esli glanced back at Erra. The sickly-looking girl was fighting weakly against the roaring current.Esli gasped as a tall man stepped out of the bushes, the lower half of his face covered with forest green cloth. His dark brown eyes bore into her as Pinny floated toward him, her immobilized form yielding easily to his power.Esli watched her helpless friend, torn between her and Erra, desperately wishing she could use her gift.Then three more men stepped from the undergrowth, one grabbing Esli’s arm as the others waded toward Erra. Esli struggled uselessly against her captor’s strong grip.The man grasping her twisted her wrist behind her back, causing her to swear loudly as he shoved her at Pinny. Meanwhile, the power holding Pinny disappeared, dropping the girl onto the hard ground. She wheezed and curled into a ball as Esli crawled toward her.Suddenly, the man with the yellow energy yanked her to her feet roughly and stared into her eyes. His voice sounded muffled as he demanded, “Who are you?”Esli glared at him, determined not to answer. She turned to Erra and watched as her captors dragged her out of the water and released her next to Pinny.Esli studied Erra’s pale face worriedly, but the pasty girl gave her a wan smile. Definitely not very reassuring.The man holding Esli jerked her over to the other girls and dropped her.“Tell me who you are,” he ordered.Esli opened her mouth to speak, but Erra beat her to it.“My name is Erra, and these are my sisters, Pinny and Eslin.” She held a hand to her wet forehead weakly.The man turned to Esli. “This one doesn’t seem to be related to you, Miss.”Esli glared at him as Erra stammered, “Uh, she’s our half-sister.”“Where are you from?” he inquired, skepticism obvious on his face.Esli spoke up, “Amborrly, by the Sun Mountains.”The man looked at his comrades. They stepped forward and seized the girls.“Come with us,” the brown-eyed man instructed.“Who are you?” Esli called after him.He scrutinized her before answering, “Tarran, captain of the King’s guard.”Esli stumbled. “Captain of the king? Which king?”Tarran blinked. “King Arren.”“But he’s dead,” Esli protested.His face contorting into a strange grimace, Tarran turned away. “Follow me.” The other three men herded the girls after the captain, their cloth masks concealing any emotion they might have shown.The girls marched for nearly an hour, and Esli grew worried as she watched Erra’s face pale with every step. Finally, she turned to Tarran.“Excuse me, but my friend is ill. Could we rest?” Esli asked, her voice laced with accusation.Tarran halted and looked back, a strange smile lurking on his lips. “We’re nearly there.”Esli opened her mouth to ask where “there” was when the captain and his men stopped in a clearing. Stone bricks and pillars lay scattered, their weather-beaten sides revealing age.Tarran emitted a low whistle, and two other warbles answered him. Four men stepped out of the undergrowth and forced cloth hoods over the girls’ eyes.Esli didn’t resist, knowing it would be useless. She could hear Pinny mumbling threats as the men led them forward.After what seemed like eternity, someone removed the hoods, leaving the girls blinking in the bright sunshine.Esli’s jaw dropped as she observed her surroundings. They stood on a paved stone street, people thronging past shops and low buildings.A horse clattered down the road, its hoofs beating against the stones. People hurried out of the way, some waving to the man mounted on the horse.Esli stared. Everything about this bustling town was so different from Amborrly. It seemed as if everyone were completely happy, and the joyfulness appeared to be contagious.Tarran swept out his hand and gestured to the busy village. “Welcome to Ebronn, town of the Arronome.” He strode down the street, his men and the girls following. Esli gaped as a vast castle came into view. Its brilliant stonework showed incredible talent. An immense moat encircled an intimidating stone wall, and the castle’s drawbridge hung open.As they crossed the drawbridge, Esli noted the murky water in the moat and wondered what wild creatures dwelt in the cloudy depths. A loud rapping drew her attention to Tarran. He stood in front of a small gatehouse, knocking against the wooden door.A bleary-looking gatekeeper appeared, his brown cap tilted to the side. “Who’s it?” Then he noticed Tarran and straightened. “Oh, Captain, go on in.”Tarran grinned at him as he passed. “Thanks, Wills.”Wills gave him a sloppy salute and shut the door.Tarran led the way through the gate, and Esli could barely keep her jaw shut as she goggled at the busy life within the castle’s walls.A large courtyard was filled with rough soldiers in dingy leather armor sparring with wooden swords. Peals of laughter filled the air as small children tossed a cloth ball into the air. A maidservant scurried past the captain and curtsied before hurrying on.Esli saw the form of a hunched man in a dark cloak silhouetting the entrance of the castle. Her nerves tingled as a strange feeling of familiarity hit her.She strode over, disregarding the curious stares from onlookers. The man extended a wooden cane as she drew near, his slouched frame informing her of his old age.She halted in front of him and stared into his electric blue eyes slightly hidden by his large hood, and a rush of nausea overwhelmed her as she rasped, “I know you.”The man straightened and tugged off his hood, his peculiar eyes holding her gaze. “So, you’ve finally arrived, Great One.”chapter thirteenQuestions and No AnswersEsli scrutinized the lavish throne before her, ignoring the bead of sweat inching down her face. Pinny shifted next to her and grunted.The girls had been waiting for half an hour. After Esli’s strange meeting with the old man, Tarran had escorted them to a vast room with rows of wooden benches. He had told them to wait and stalked out the door, leaving two men to guard them.Esli heaved a sigh and adjusted her position. The wooden seats weren’t exactly soft. She turned to Erra.The weak girl was still pale, and she swayed slightly on her bench.“Hold on, Erra,” Esli muttered and stood, intent on finding something to help relieve her friend’s discomfort.The door thudded open, and Esli cursed in surprise.“Ooh, foul language. How exciting.” The speaker strode into view.It was a young man, dressed in a dark red velvet doublet, his puffy white tunic sleeves poking out of the extravagant jerkin. A thin circlet of gold crowned his chin-length flaxen hair, and his brilliant blue eyes shone in excitement.Overall, Esli was not very impressed with the energetic young man, at least not until Tarran announced, “All hail Prince Jarren of Erindorr.”Everyone present, which included Pinny and Erra, the two guards, Tarran, and a thin, fidgety man, bowed. Esli just gaped, not believing this … this boy could really be royalty.And if it was true, that meant the rumors were true. One of the royal family had survived, which meant the boy before Esli was the rightful king to all Erindorr.She glanced at Tarran, noticing the reproachful frown on his face. Realizing she hadn’t bowed, she quickly stooped to do so, but the prince interrupted her gesture.“All right, enough with useless decorum, let’s get down to business.” He cracked his knuckles and grinned. “First question, who are you? Next, wh—”“Are we on trial?” Pinny broke in.Prince Jarren turned and frowned at the men standing awkwardly before him. “Seriously? You captured three girls and didn’t tell them why?”Tarran rolled his eyes and motioned to the throne at the front of the room. “Your Highness, sit down.”Jarren scowled at Tarran. “Who makes the orders, Captain, you or me?” He strode up to the throne and plopped down, instantly seeming uncomfortable.The tall, extremely thin man deposited a book onto a desk near the prince’s throne and twitched his spectacles off his nose, ignoring the threatening glare Jarren shot him. Positioning an inkwell onto the wooden tabletop, he dipped a feather pen into the dark liquid and scribbled on a piece of parchment.Tarran dropped onto one of the wooden benches and propped his feet up, utterly nonchalant. He grinned at the prince and wiggled his eyebrows.Suddenly, Esli realized what was different about the men. They all seemed completely comfortable with each other. A strong feeling of comradeship permeated the air, and even Jarren’s sour look appeared to be fake. They obviously were all closely-knit, especially Tarran and the prince.Something clacked against the stone floor in the doorway, and the old man who had called Esli the Great One strode into the room, wielding his wooden cane. Esli stiffened and watched him discreetly.The men present stood and bowed deeply to him. Apparently, he was of high standing.He hobbled up to Jarren and placed a hand on his shoulder before turning to the girls and nodding.“Whoa,” Pinny whispered. “He’s got weird eyes.”“Shut it,” Esli hissed and directed her attention to the man.The thin man with the feather pen squeaked, “Presenting High Prophet Berrin, esteemed priest of the God.”The prophet raised his staff. “Let the trial commence.”“Finally,” Jarren muttered. “Blazes, man, you took long enough.”The fidgety man cleared his throat and shot the prince a warning look.“Oh, fine, Tobbs,” Jarren growled. He sat up and smoothed his doublet. “Welcome, esteemed prophet. May we please continue?”The prophet retained a stoic expression. “Of course, Your Highness.” He turned to the girls, not making direct eye contact with Esli. “What are your names?”“Eslin, Erra, and Pinny. Oh, and Eslin’s not their sister,” Tarran stated, pointing to each girl in turn.“Thank you, Captain,” the prophet responded, heedless of the interruption.With a glare that could melt metal, Tobbs uttered a little “ahem” before motioning for Berrin to continue.Tarran grinned and leaned back as the prophet asked, “Where are you from?”Pinny spoke up, “Erra and I lived in Jazarr for most of our lives.”Everyone stared at her. “Jazarr?” Tobbs rasped. “In the Eastern Mountains?”Berrin beat Pinny to answering. “Yes, Master Tobbs.” He looked at Esli, his penetrating gaze sending shudders down her spine. “What about you, Miss Eslin?”Esli glared at him and shook off the odd feeling. “I think you know, Prophet.”Tarran huffed. “Why does she keep acting like she knows you, Prophet Berrin?”Berrin murmured, “It is not the time for that answer.”Tarran settled back, content with the response. He ruffled his light brown hair, creating a windswept appearance, and stared at Esli, a small smirk lurking on his lips. “Well, Miss Eslin, what about you? The prophet might know where you live, but the rest of us do not.”“I told the truth earlier, Captain,” she sneered. “I really am from Amborrly.”Tarran snorted sarcastically. “So, you’re angry because I don’t trust you? You don’t trust me, and I’m just returning the favor.”Esli turned her back on him. “I don’t want your trust.”“That’s enough,” the prophet’s voice sternly reprimanded them.Tarran ran his fingers through his hair once again and nodded to Berrin, an abashed expression on his face. Esli huffed and slumped in her seat, completely done with everything.Berrin cleared his throat and smiled at the girls. “You are probably wondering why we brought you here. Well, to put it plainly, we know you have the gift.” He turned to Esli. “Even though your power is hampered by the ahklenn tonic, it is easy to see you hold much of it.”Esli mentally swore. “So, you want to abuse my gift also?”The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to Esli.His expression confused, Jarren, before Tobbs and Berrin could stop him, demanded, “What in blazes do you mean?”Esli opened her mouth to snap at the prince’s insolence but stopped and hissed as pain flared in her head. Her vision glowed red while screams rang in her ears. She whimpered, helpless, her mind replaying that awful day. Batti, screaming, her blond hair curling about her face as she shriveled to a crisp; Anni, blood flowing down her face, her lips bared in a snarl; Carr clawing his out throat as Esli commanded his mind.With a shriek, Esli pulled herself out of the horrific memory and dry-heaved. Pinny’s frightened face swam in and out of view, and a rabble of voices echoed in Esli’s mind.“Is she all right?” Erra’s frantic voice gasped.Esli shoved Pinny away and staggered to her feet, tears trickling down her cheeks.Something wavered in her view. Berrin. He stood before her, compassion on his face.“Eslin, you can be forgiven,” his serene voice resonated through her mind.Esli screamed, the terrible vision still flickering in her memory. Grasping at her power, she sobbed at the confused muddle of her emotions and the hindered energy.She thrusted Pinny and Erra away, intent on running. Stumbling to the door, she glanced back.His face grave, the prophet stated, “Running from your pain will only hurt worse, Eslin. It cannot help you.”“Don’t call me that!” Esli shouted and scrambled through the door, tears swimming in her eyes.“Esli!” Erra’s voice faded as the weeping girl sprinted down a hall of bright, cheerful tapestries.When Esli stumbled past a wooden door, she barely noticed what she was doing as she shoved it open and hurried through.Dazzling sunlight blinded her, and she staggered back before recollecting her wits. She stood in vast garden, beautiful flowers beckoning to her.She gently touched one of the colorful plants and smiled through her tears at the simple beauty of its purple petals. Looking up, she let the sun’s rays soak into her face, drying her tears quickly.She dropped on all fours and crawled off the dirt path under the flower bushes, their branches and green leaves hiding her from anyone’s prying view.Looking around her little hiding place, Esli observed the trampled branches and wondered if they had been purposely pushed down. A gentle breeze whispered through the garden, washing all questions from her mind.She curled into a ball, emotionally drained. Her eyelids drooped, and her light breathing deepened as the warm light seeped into her skin.Something rustled next to her, and she jerked out of the warm cloud of sleep.The bright sunlight was now golden, and she realized she had been sleeping for quite some time. She turned as the leaves trembled again.Tarran’s lightly tanned face poked through the branches, and Esli released a startled shriek and shoved him.“Blazes!” the young captain exclaimed as he scrambled to his feet and brushed dirt off his cloak. “I was only checking to see if it was you. We’ve been looking for you for hours.”Esli didn’t move from her hiding place. “Sorry.”Tarran cautiously stuck his head back through the leaves. Esli couldn’t help but snicker at his awkward position, and she patted the ground next to her. “Come sit.”He laughed and scrambled into the confined place. Esli tucked her feet in, trying to avoid touching him as he repositioned himself.“I guess you found my famous hideout,” he remarked as he plucked a fresh green leaf off his cloak.“Your hideout?” Esli wrinkled her nose at the thought of the grown man crawling under the bushes.Tarran chuckled again as he caught sight of her face. “Yeah, I found it when I was nine, and it’s been mine ever since.”“Well, in that case, I’ll leave,” Esli pushed aside the branches to scramble out.“If you say so. I haven’t been here for close to two years, though, so I don’t know if it still counts as mine.” He leaned back and tucked his arms behind his head, gazing up through the swaying leaves.Esli stopped and turned to him. “How old are you?”The captain grinned. “Twenty-two.”“You hid here when you were twenty?” Esli smirked at the thought.“Hey, don’t judge. You’re here, aren’t you? You can’t be too much younger than me.” He tousled his hair again and stuck a grass blade into his mouth. Esli rolled her eyes. She was getting rather irritated with his indifferent personality.She huffed and settled in her former position, forcing Tarran to slide backwards. Reaching back to snap off an annoying branch, she wondered aloud, “Were Erra and Pinny worried about me?”Tarran chuckled. “Like blazes they were. Tobbs, Berrin, and I all left Jarren with them to go find you. The last thing I heard was your friend, Pinny, yelling at him.” He snickered. “Jarren’s face was priceless. He looked like he was in a cage with wild animals.”Esli couldn’t help but grin at the thought of an irate Pinny ranting at the Crown Prince of Erindorr. “Pinny’s like that.”Tarran shoved aside branches and peered out at the path. “I suppose we’d better inform everyone that you’re safe.”Esli crawled out of the undergrowth, followed by Tarran. She stood and brushed off her tunic.Tarran turned to her and smirked. “I like your hair.”She reached up and felt her fuzzy head. Twigs and leaves clung to her hair. With a chuckle, she yanked on a particularly stubborn stick and gritted her teeth at the stinging pain.“Let me help you.” Tarran gently untangled the intrusive branches from her hair.Esli bit her lip as she sensed his fingers separating her hair. She didn’t like this. The feeling of someone being so close reminded her of Darr, and the thought of Darr always brought painful memories.“There.” Tarran stepped back to view his handiwork. “Much better.”“Thanks,” Esli muttered and headed for the garden entrance.“Where are you going?” The captain called after her. “We need to go that way.” He pointed in the opposite direction.Esli sighed and changed courses.A crash and a brief shriek shattered the still air, and loud cursing sounded from the garden entrance.Pinny appeared, a broken clay flowerpot in her hand, her face flushed and her eyes angry. Spotting Esli, she yelped and sprinted to her, discarding the cracked pot.“Esli! Oh gods, girl, please don’t run off like that ever again,” she yelled in Esli’s face.Esli winced as spittle flew from Pinny’s mouth, coating Esli’s cheek. She sighed and patted her irate friend on the shoulder, using her other hand to scrub the saliva off. “Thanks, Pinny. Now, let’s go back to the castle.”Pinny gave the captain a searching glare. “For Besra’s sake, what is he doing here? I had a hard-enough time getting away from the other one.”Esli swallowed a laugh and glanced at Tarran. His eyes were twinkling, but his face remained impassive.When Pinny got no answer, she continued as if nothing had happened. Grabbing Esli’s arm, she yanked her down the path. “We need to go find that prophet and the prince. They said they had lodging for us.”“What?” Esli looked at Tarran. “Why are we staying here?”Tarran shrugged. “I expect the God has told Prophet Berrin to keep you here. Often, the God wants us to do something, and He’ll explain it later.”“Does Berrin rule you? And why do you say the God? Are you Wayfollowers?” Esli asked, confused.Tarran stared at her, his brown eyes wide. “No, Berrin is a messenger for us. The God uses him to explain His plans.” He paused briefly and lowered his voice. “And yes, I am a Wayfollower. We believe there is only one god, the God.” With a smile, the captain strode toward the garden entrance. “Come, we mustn’t keep the esteemed prophet waiting.”Pinny and Esli hurried after him, each lost in their own confused thoughts.chapter fourteenNew FamilyGolden sunshine filtered through thick mahogany curtains, lightly resting on Esli’s sleeping form.An explosion of shattering glass jolted Esli awake, and she jerked upright, still half-asleep.She stumbled out of bed, scrubbing sleep from her eyes, and bit back a surprised curse as someone’s voice yelled from outside her door.“Essi, wake up. Mamma’s going crazy ‘cause Pinny’s trying to help in the kitchen again.” Esli opened the door and smiled at the speaker. It was a little boy, his auburn hair sticking in every direction, highlighting his deep green eyes. His wrinkled shirttails hung in front of his trousers again, and Esli sighed. This was the third morning he had put on his tunic wrong.“Rayyon, I thought I taught you how to put your tunic on.” She spun him around and unbuttoned the piece of clothing.Little Rayyon squirmed and whined, “Your hands are cold, Essi!”“Oh, come now, they can’t be that bad,” she chuckled at the dark scowl on his face as she straightened his now-fixed tunic and patted his shoulder. “All better.”Grinning, Rayyon tackled her, ignoring her loud protests, but he was soon pinned under her strong grasp.“Poor little Rayyon, bested by a girl yet again,” she teased and tickled him.His loud squeals filled the air as they rolled over, his small frame now on top of her.“I got you now, Essi!” he cheered and pounded his fist on her chest.“Rayyon!”The wrestlers both looked up guiltily at the young lady standing in the doorway. Her long chestnut hair flowed over her shoulders, framing her round face. Freckles spilled over her nose and onto her cheeks, accenting her hazel-brown eyes. A small frown twisted her full lips, and her furrowed brow expressed her displeasure. At nineteen years old, Rayyon’s sister Gwynndolen was a strict and aloof girl, at least with Esli.As Rayyon sulkily made his way to the girl, Esli ventured, “It wasn’t a problem, Gwynn. We were just having some fun.”Gwynn clutched Rayyon’s hand. “Nevertheless, Eslin, Mamma told Rayyon to behave around you ladies, for you are our guests.”Esli ran her fingers through her tangled raven hair and watched Gwynn lead a struggling Rayyon out the door. She sighed and strode to the washbasin. Two weeks ago, the girls had moved into the Trenon’s home. Seven-year-old Rayyon Trenon had taken an instant liking to Esli, though she wasn’t sure why. She knew that of three girls, she was the moodiest and least appreciative of anything, but the little boy didn’t seem to care.Allon Trenon was a blacksmith, well-known throughout Ebronn. He and his wife, Remma, had three children: Gwynn, Imma, and Rayyon.They had offered to give the Faynes and Esli lodging, something the prophet Berrin had been adamant about. When Esli had tried to ask him why they had to stay in Ebronn, he had said something about answers coming in the God’s time.Lacing up the bodice of her dress, Esli wondered why everything that had happened to her and the Faynes had been so confusing since they left Jazarr.Her door burst open, and Esli whirled around. Twelve-year-old Imma skipped into the room, her braided pigtails bouncing behind her.“Esli, breakfast is served!” she called excitedly and plopped onto Esli’s bed.Esli exhaled heavily. “Thanks, Imma.”Imma grinned and led the way to the warm kitchen, chattering loudly the whole way.Remma was sweeping up shards of pottery as Esli walked up. “Oh, Eslin, dear, there is some toast waiting over by the stove. And make sure you get some fruit. Oh, your friends and Gwynn went for a stroll.”Esli grinned at the lady’s motherly care. “Thank you, Madam Trenon.”Remma thumped her wooden broom against the floor. “Excuse me, Eslin, how many times have I told you to call me Remma?”With a chuckle, Esli patted Remma’s shoulder. “Sorry, Remma.”The woman turned back to her work, satisfied, while Esli scarfed down toast and jam. Washing down the meal with a cup of fresh goat’s milk, Esli said a hurried farewell to Remma and strode out the door.Outside, the cool breeze whispered through the trees, bringing with it scents of blooming flowers and plants. Esli breathed in the fresh air, letting it fill her lungs and chase away her worries.She wandered about for some time and eventually found herself crossing the castle bridge. The gatehouse was empty, and Esli didn’t think twice as she slipped into the courtyard.Two soldiers were sparring with staffs as Esli strolled across the courtyard, and a group of elderly ladies chatted by a door leading to the castle. A flock of birds fluttered down and landed on the cold cobblestone ground, their little heads bobbing as they pecked at the ground. With squawks of protests, they flitted above Esli’s head as she ambled through the pack, her billowing cloak frightening them into the air.Trudging past the group of women, Esli came to another courtyard. A row of archery targets lined one of the walls encircling the enclosure. Shoved against a wall, a few weapon racks held bows and swords.An arrow thwacked into a cloth target, quivering in the red spot which marked the center of the target. Tarran nocked another arrow and aimed, his muscular arms bulging against his sleeves.Pausing, Esli watched as his next arrow struck the target, splitting a feather off the first shaft, and she pondered how to best venture her question to the captain. She knew Madam Grenna Tennsley, the old lady who kept a sharp eye on all the young people, was constantly patrolling, and Esli doubted Grenna would appreciate her being alone in the presence of a man.Smirking, Esli strode to the weapon rack and selected a beautifully carved longbow. Who cared what Grenna Tennsley would think.She waited for Tarran to release another arrow before calling, “Morning, Captain.”Jerking his head in Esli’s direction, Tarran relaxed his grip on his longbow and nodded to her. “Morning, Miss. You need something?”She strolled to him and held out her bow. “I was wondering if you could teach me to fight.”Tarran stared at the bow and wrinkled his brow. “Why?”Esli cleared her throat, hoping he wouldn’t ask too many questions, and said, “I’ve been watching you practice for the past few days, and I’d like to be able to protect myself with more than just the power.”Tarran raised his eyebrows. “You were watching me?”Flushing brightly, Esli mumbled, “I was just passing through, and I saw you.” Something about the captain’s easygoing personality made Esli feel awkward around him. She didn’t want him to assume anything about her. Taking a deep breath, she launched into an explanation. “Your technique with combining your weapons and the gift to attack and defend is very intriguing. I don’t want to depend on my power as much as I have been doing.”With a grin, Tarran remarked, “You know Madam Tennsley would not approve.”Esli smirked. “Exactly.”Tarran burst into laughter. “I like you.” He took a moment to consider. “I guess I can spare some time to train you.” He took her bow and plucked the string. “Where’d you get this?”Esli gestured to the weapon table. “From the rack.”“Huh,” the captain grunted and nocked an arrow. Drawing the string to the corner of his mouth, he aimed and released the shaft into a gentle arc. With a dull thud, it struck the center of the target.He handed her the bow. “Go get the arrow.”Esli shot him a puzzled look and obeyed reluctantly. The arrow had sunk a few inches into the target. She wrenched it out and hurried back to Tarran.The captain grinned, his brown eyes lighting up. “Thanks. That saved me some trouble.”Esli spluttered in protest, but then fell silent, not knowing how to respond to him. Shooting him a glare, she shoved the arrow into his hands.Tarran shrugged nonchalantly at her attitude and passed her the bow. “Now you try.” The next instant, he snorted and adjusted her grip. “No, you use these fingers to hold the arrow on the string.”Esli rearranged her grasp on the wooden weapon and pulled back the string, surprised at the difficulty. With a strained grunt, she loosed the arrow and yelped as the string scraped against her arm, instantly raising a nasty purple bruise.Tarran burst into laughter at her shocked expression. Esli tossed the bow onto the ground and smacked his shoulder.“Some teacher you are! For Besra’s sake, you could at least try to help me.” She rubbed the growing bruise.Tarran choked down his laughter and picked up the bow. “You should never leave your bow on the ground. It will harm your string.”Esli glared at him rebelliously and turned away to find her arrow. It was nowhere in sight.Tarran grinned. “Looking for your arrow? I think it landed somewhere in Kimdon.” He dodged the blow she aimed at him. “Fine, be that way. It’s by the weapon rack.”Esli trekked tiredly over to retrieve her arrow, her shoulders sagging as weariness surged through her.Tarran noticed her dejected appearance. “What’s up?”She dropped the arrow and collapsed beside it. “I just had really set my hopes on getting these lessons.” Heaving a sigh, she added, “Everybody is so nice here, but I often feel like they are expecting something of me. I’m different, Tarran, and nobody understands.”Tarran seized her arm and yanked her to her feet. “Well, griping about it isn’t going to get you anywhere. Let’s shoot a few more rounds, and I’ll teach you defensive tactics with a sword.”Esli already held her bow in her hand. “All right!”The wooden sword swiped down and cut just next to Esli’s leg. She yelped and swung her weapon blindly.“C’mon, Eslin, you have to try,” Tarran growled as he easily blocked her strike.“I am trying!” Esli’s yell morphed into a squeal as Tarran clipped her leg with the flat side of his sword. “Ouch!”“Always stay on guard,” Tarran admonished and whacked her hand. Esli’s sword tumbled to the ground, and she plopped down next to it, exasperated. “I’ll never get it.”“Not if you have that kind of attitude,” Tarran crouched next to her. “Remember what I told you, Eslin. Focus on your surroundings. Know what is around you so you don’t get caught by your opponent.”Esli closed her eyes and listened. Metal clanked loudly over by the weapon rack … So, someone was practicing. Voices came to Esli from the entrance to the practice courtyard. The new recruits were probably here for their lessons. Opening her eyes, she saw a laughing little boy run across the courtyard, a young woman chasing him. A flock of birds descended before a maid who was tossing crumbs onto the ground. The smell of freshly clipped grass registered in Esli’s mind, and she detected a scent of body odor and stinky feet. She turned and burst into laughter.“What?” Tarran asked, bewildered. Esli choked down her merriment. “You smell!”While he processed this information, Esli tackled him and snickered, “Always keep up your guard, Tarran!”Spluttering, Tarran rolled out from underneath her and pinned her down with one arm. “Why, you little—”Laughing, Esli squirmed out of his grasp and snatched her wooden sword. Holding the blade to his throat, she raised her eyebrows. “Little what?”He grasped her sword and pulled her forward. Esli fell awkwardly into his arms as he wrenched the weapon away from her.“Captain!” Esli and the captain both flinched visibly. Turning to the speaker, Tarran gave her a weak smile. “Yes, Madam Tennsley?”Grenna Tennsley strode to Esli and yanked her away from Tarran. “Is this what you do as soon as my back is turned? Flirt with all the girls?”Tarran looked so aghast at the accusation that Esli couldn’t hold back a chuckle.Grenna spun around, hands on her hips. “And you, Miss Eslin, should know better than to be alone in the presence of a man.”Esli grinned broadly. “Excuse me, Madam, I raised myself. How am I to know any better? I lived in a town where immoral people thrived. Being alone with a man wasn’t the worst thing that could happen.” Grenna’s face had grown pasty as Esli was speaking. Both she and Tarran stared at Esli, shocked by this revelation.“I’m only joking,” Esli hastily reassured them, but the captain and the elderly lady merely gazed at her, Grenna horrified, Tarran stoic.“Well.” Grenna breathed deeply before snapping, “Obviously, you need instruction in etiquette. I will speak with the prince, and I will see if I can arrange something.”“What in blazes do you mean?” Esli asked, bewildered.Grenna tossed her short gray hair. “Now I know you’ve been spending too much time with Tarran.” She strolled away, leaving Esli and Tarran speechless.Tarran drew in a breath. “And that is why Grenna Tennsley is the most feared woman in all Ebronn.” He glanced at Esli. “Was what you said true? About the town you lived in?”Esli crossed her arms and hunched over, wishing she hadn’t mentioned Amborrly. “Yeah, it was just life. Plenty of young girls were assaulted. I was only left alone because I’m cursed. It’s the one good thing my name did for me.”Tarran stood silently before picking up her sword and offering it to her. “Are you up to sparring?”Esli rolled her eyes and snatched the blade out of his hands. She didn’t want to be babied. “What do you think?” Brandishing the weapon fiercely, Esli struck at his legs, cuffing him before he could react. She wiped the sweat off her brow, determined not to show any emotion that the discussion had brought to the surface.Tarran had been training Esli for nearly three weeks, having decided she was worth the effort, or, as he put it, she “had enough fight in her to last a little while”. She had quickly proved that her grit would go farther than he could’ve imagined. She couldn’t quit now.Breathing heavily, Esli grinned through her sweat as she blocked Tarran’s blow. She swung her sword in a wide arc, clipping his forearm.She wouldn’t quit now.chapter fifteenA God Who Loves“So, do you like him?”Esli turned to Pinny. “Like who?”Pinny smirked. “Tarran, of course.”Snickering, Gwynn added, “You’ve set your sights high, haven’t you?”Esli glanced at her confusedly, and she explained, “He’s the most attractive guy in Ebronn. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”“No, I really haven’t,” Esli mumbled and quickened her pace, intent on escaping the prying questions. Catching up to Erra, she grinned nervously. “Well, Pinny’s obviously found a new friend. Two peas in a pod, eh?”Erra smiled wanly, her face strangely pale. She slung her arm around Esli’s neck and leaned heavily on her.Worried, Esli asked, “Erra? Are you all right?” Erra nodded feebly and mumbled, “Merely exhausted. The healer’s work never seems to end with the Plague sweeping through the town.”Esli braced her weak friend carefully. Ever since Esli had begun training with Tarran nearly two months before, Erra had been apprenticing for Master Ardonn, Ebronn’s main healer. Erra’s kind and gentle nature had instantly made her a favorite among the patients, but unfortunately it took a lot of her strength to keep up with the constant demands of the ill.A cloaked man strode down the castle garden’s dirt path, his cane supporting him. He called out, “Greetings, Eslin.”“Morning, Prophet.” Esli nodded to him respectfully. After seeing his strong character, she had grown to esteem the elderly prophet.The prophet laid a hand on Erra’s shoulder, his blue eyes expressing concern as he spoke to Pinny, “Miss Pinny, the prince has requested your presence with him immediately.”Pinny blushed scarlet as the other three girls looked at her in awe. “O-of course, Master Prophet.”She scurried after him, ignoring her gawking friends.Gwynn inhaled sharply. “Well. What do you think that’s all about?”Esli smirked. “Not sure, but maybe you shouldn’t be teasing me.” She strolled through the garden gates, wondering what was going on.“Esli!” Pinny hissed.Thock. Esli’s arrow struck the target’s center as she turned to Pinny. “Yeah, what?”“I need you to follow me,” Pinny whispered.Sighing inwardly, Esli hurried to her friend. Who knew what Pinny was doing now. “How’d your meeting with the prince go?”Pinny flushed and averted her gaze from Esli’s sweaty face, her eyes darting wildly. “Uh, I’ll tell you later.”Esli didn’t feel like prying. “Whatever.”Pinny led her quickly out of the castle’s training yard and across the courtyard. As they entered the main castle building, Esli asked, “So, can you tell me where we’re going?”Pinny stopped in front of the giant double doors leading to the Great Hall. “In here.”Esli stepped into the vast room. She hadn’t been here since the interrogation four months before.Prince Jarren, Tobbs, Berrin, and Tarran loitered in the front of the room, near Jarren’s throne. They all glanced up as Esli strode in, and Tarran flushed, fiddling with the sword hanging by his side.Berrin announced, “Miss Eslin, you are no doubt wondering why we summoned you here. The prince, his assistant, and I are all witnesses for Captain Tarran. Oh, and Miss Pinny.”Esli stared at Tarran, utterly baffled. “And what is Tarran doing?”Tarran wiped his sweaty hands on his cloak and swept his fingers through his hair nervously. “Esli— Miss Eslin— I would like to ask your permission to court you.”A thousand questions flew through Esli’s mind as she froze in shock. Her breath came in short gasps as she registered his question. “C-court me?”Berrin broke in, “The matter of courting is merely a formal way of getting to know someone.”Esli nodded feebly. Grenna’s etiquette lessons had taught her that much. Swallowing her astonishment, she whispered, “Why me?”Tarran gulped and glanced at the prince. Jarren wiggled his eyebrows at the captain, a mischievous expression on his face.“Because I admire your spirit and personality.” Tarran’s voice strengthened as he spoke. “You have made me view the world in a new way. I have been challenged in my beliefs, and yet I feel stronger in my faith than before.”Esli continued staring in shock. At least he hadn’t said anything extremely flowery. She mentally berated herself. This was Tarran. Of course he wouldn’t be overly dramatic.“Well?” Berrin prompted her. “What is your answer?” She shot Pinny a frantic look. Her friend grinned unsympathetically. Esli scowled at her and turned to Tarran, working up an answer in the meantime. “I … I would like to accept, but it’s a lot to think over.”Apparently the spokesman of the group, the prophet again answered, “This is not a real commitment to a relationship. This is only a chance to become more familiar with one another.”Esli gritted her teeth. She had no idea what to do. Anything to get away. “I accept your request.” There. That sounded fancy.“All right!” Jarren cheered and grinned at Pinny. “Thanks for your help, Miss Pinny.”“Pinny?” Esli spun around, aghast. “You knew?”Pinny rolled her eyes. “Of course. I was one of the witnesses.” She looked at Jarren. “Should we introduce them to their chaperone?”Esli groaned inwardly at the expression on Pinny’s face. She was enjoying this way too much.The double doors burst open, spilling Grenna Tennsley into their midst. The elderly lady stalked up to the prophet.“I thought you were going to use me as a witness, esteemed prophet,” she snapped.Berrin thumped his cane against the ground and sighed loudly. “Captain, Eslin, this is your chaperone.” Esli mumbled a curse and glared at Pinny who was chuckling behind her hand. The surprise of being asked to court Tarran was suddenly killed by the realization that Grenna would be watching their every move.Judging by the shock on Tarran’s face, he hadn’t known either. The captain quickly recovered though, and he smiled sheepishly. “Esli, would you like to go for a stroll around the garden?”Grenna cleared her throat. “No informal titles while courting, please.”Tarran gritted his teeth and offered his arm to Esli. As she reached to take it, their chaperone broke in, “No touching, either.”Esli groaned loudly and stalked out of the room, Tarran and Grenna trailing behind her.How much more could one person take?“Congratulations!” Erra cried as Esli told her the news. She turned to Pinny. “So, that’s what you were doing with the prince? Planning this?”“Yeah.” Pinny grinned. “I guess we were right, eh, Gwynn?”The girl smirked as Esli blushed. “Of course we were.”Remma smiled at Esli. “Are you happy with this, dear?”Esli paused. Was she truly happy? Slowly processing her thoughts, she answered, “Yes, I think I am. It’s a big change, but I do like him.”“Well, I think this calls for a celebration.” Remma led the way out the door. “Come on, I’ve got a cake in the oven.”Laughing, the girls followed her. Esli glanced back as she realized one of their number was missing.“Erra? You coming?” she asked, worriedly examining her friend’s pale face.Erra paused in the doorway, swaying slightly. Suddenly, she coughed and clutched her head. A gasp tearing out of her throat, Esli lunged for her friend, seconds too late as Erra hit the ground. Esli grabbed her arm and patted her lifeless face frantically.“Erra!” Pinny rushed back and knelt beside her sister.Remma took one look at Erra and barked, “Gwynn, go fetch healer Ardonn. Pinny, help me take her inside.”Esli watched in shock as they carried her unconscious friend into the house. Stumbling to her feet, she struggled away from the house, away from the pain.The stream trickled, adding to the symphony of the whispering breeze. The soft wind kissed Esli’s face, burning her dry eyes. She leaned back and stared at the sky. Three lone clouds dotted the sky, marring the deep blue beauty.A branch crackled behind her, and she tiredly reached out with her mind. Tarran’s power gathered in the forest.As Tarran stepped out from the trees, tears suddenly prickled Esli’s eyes. Jumping to her feet, she threw her arms around his sturdy form and clutched him firmly, fearing she would lose her composure if she released him. “Oh, Tarran,” she whispered, fiercely blinking back tears.He patted her head awkwardly as they embraced, and Esli vaguely realized they had never truly touched each other in an affectionate way. She squeezed him tighter, banishing the thought from her mind.He murmured gently in her ear, “Madam Remma has requested you come back and see Erra.”Esli swallowed hard, forcing down her sorrow. Her voice quivered as she whispered, “All right.”He gripped her hand and guided her through the woods carefully.When they arrived at the Trenons’ home, Remma was waiting outside the house.“Erra’s been asking for you,” she said softly, the grief in her eyes almost more than Esli could bear.Esli nodded and made her way into the house. Sobbing met her ears as she entered the kitchen.Pinny rocked back and worth, wails tearing from her throat as Gwynn placed a comforting arm over her. Gwynn spotted Esli and murmured to Pinny, causing the distraught girl to look up.“Esli, I-I …” She broke off, tears streaming down her face.Esli laid her hand on her friend’s shoulder and walked toward Erra’s room, her mind a confusing mass of emotions she didn’t want to deal with. She cracked open the door. Dim light and a smell of crushed herbs greeted her.She strode to Erra’s bed and knelt beside the pallet. “Erra, I’m here.”Erra coughed weakly and turned her head in Esli’s direction. “E-Esli?”“Yes.” Esli arranged the bedclothes around her friend. “It’s all right.” Those words sounded so shallow. Nothing was all right. Another part of Esli’s life was crashing down. A tear dripped off her cheek, and she wiped it away hurriedly.Erra must’ve seen her action, for she mumbled, “It’s not bad to cry, Esli.”With that, Esli burst into tears, sobs racking her entire body as she clutched Erra’s hand. “I-I’ve already lost so much. Do you have to go, too?”Erra smiled weakly. “I don’t fear death, Esli. I used to, but now I’ve found a reason to be joyful.”She coughed again, her body trembling violently. When she recovered, she explained, “I’ve accepted the God, Esli. The Arronome’s God.” She paused. “I never told you, for I didn’t know how you would take it. You never seemed to have much patience with things like religion, and I didn’t want to hurt you.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, and Esli had to strain to hear her. “But I don’t have any fear now. The God has strengthened my faith.”“Erra, I …” Esli trailed off, not knowing what to say. “I am truly happy that you have found joy, and I hold nothing against you for accepting the Wayfollowers’ God.”Erra struggled to sit up, her voice emanating urgency. “The God commanded me to tell you something, Esli. Even though you are forsaken of all the petty gods, you are loved by the one true God. Accept Him, and you will find new purpose for your life.” She grasped Esli’s hand. “Please, Esli. He said that your life had to be difficult. He is preparing you for your future.”Erra slumped back in her bed, her breathing heavy and labored. “Please, think about Him, Esli.”“Erra?” Esli smoothed the sick girl’s long hair off her forehead.Erra’s eyes slid closed, and she mumbled, “Please.”“Of course,” Esli agreed. Anything to keep her friend alive. “Stay with me, Erra.”A feeble smile played on Erra’s lips as her hand went limp, falling out of Esli’s grasp.A cry tore out of Esli’s throat, and she frantically reached for her friend’s core. It was gone.Erra was dead.“Esli?” Tarran’s worried voice broke through Esli’s numb thoughts.He stuck his head through the swaying branches leading to the small hiding place in the garden bushes.She ignored him and shredded another leaf. The pieces fluttered down to join the others.Tarran scrambled into the bushes and laid a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Esli.”“How can you say you worship a God who loves?” She snarled and turned on him. “How do you believe that? If He’s so great, why is there so much pain and death in this world?”Tarran sighed. “I don’t know, Esli. But I believe the God loves us. I don’t know why awful things happen, but I do know God is the only way to true happiness.”“Then what about all the other gods?” Esli asked, confusion whirling in her mind.Tarran laid his hand over hers. “I don’t believe they exist. The God is the only one. The petty gods are just images of Him that people have invented.”Esli leaned back against his chest and wrapped his arms around herself with a sigh. “How did you escape Madam Tennsley?” Tarran gently rested his chin on her head.Esli chuckled, grateful for the distraction from her emotions. “Actually, I told her the truth. That I needed to be alone. She said she was going to watch the garden entrance. How’d you get past?” She twisted her head to see his flushing face.“I saw her, so I climbed over the wall when she wasn’t looking,” Tarran laughed. “I used to do it all the time.”Esli smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.Death was an ugly monster, but if what Erra and Tarran said was true then maybe the God could help her overcome the pain.She just had to trust Him.chapter sixteenAccepting FateA large gray stone floated above Esli’s head as she controlled it, her golden power flickering around its rough surface. Distant shrieks echoed in her mind, and she gritted her teeth, the boulder trembling as her attention wavered.“Focus, Esli.” Tarran’s voice broke through the cries. “Ignore it.”As she struggled to drown out the screams, Esli mumbled a lullaby Remma sang to Rayyon every night.Sleep, my child, sleepFear nothing, I am hereI will hold you, I will keepMy promises I will bearFear not, my child, fear notMy love for you is greatI know my love is caughtI will force the shadows to abateSleep, my child, sleepThe rock shuddered as a bead of sweat trickled down Esli’s face, and suddenly the stone exploded.Cursing, Esli brushed stone fragments off her tunic and turned to Tarran. “It’s hopeless. I can’t force my power to do what I want. It’s been nearly five months since I lost control in Jazarr, but I’m still no closer to commanding it.” With a frustrated sigh, she plopped onto the ground.Tarran knelt beside her and rested his hand on her shoulder then winced as Grenna called out, “No touching.”He shot their elderly chaperone a glare and helped Esli to her feet.“No touching!” Grenna yelled again, her hands on her hips.“Leave us alone,” Tarran muttered rebelliously and turned to Esli. “Do you want to talk about it?”Not really. She brushed away the thought. She could trust Tarran.“I’m afraid, Tarran. Afraid that if I use my power, I’ll turn back into the monster that killed the Gorrane.” Her stomach roiled as Batti’s screams again broke into her thoughts. “I don’t want to face that part of me again.”“You’re not a monster, Esli, and you won’t become one. Yes, you lost control of your gift, but that doesn’t mean you can’t command it again.” He lowered his voice. “Don’t let the bad things define your life.”Esli stood, feeling somewhat bolstered. “I guess I might as well keep practicing.”She seized her power, determined not to cower away from the swirling depths within her. Grasping another large stone, she hurled it into the air and formed a portal to catch it. The boulder hurtled through the portal and, once she created another rift, rolled onto the ground next to her.Tarran cheered as Esli wiped sweat off her face. She could feel her power boiling inside her, struggling to get out. Forcing it down, she relaxed slightly. Maybe she was overthinking this. Maybe she was safe from herself.Tarran strode toward her and hesitantly asked, “May I see your power?”Confused, Esli wondered what he meant. He’d been seeing her gift the entire day. Then she realized. “Oh. Are you sure?”Tarran nodded resolutely, and Esli opened her mind to him. She felt his presence enter her energy.He gasped softly as he beheld the vast amount of power she possessed. Esli formed a connection with him.Do you see my problem?Esli couldn’t read his emotions as he answered, Yes.Finally, he smiled at Esli, complete trust in his eyes. “I believe in you, Esli.”She blinked back tears and embraced him, needing something to hold onto.“NO TOUCHING!” Grenna stormed up and jerked Esli away from Tarran.Anger surged through Esli, and she turned to yell at Grenna but stopped as she saw Berrin striding toward them. “Berrin?”“Eslin, the God commanded me to come find you,” the prophet puffed. “It is time for answers.”Esli stared at him in surprise. “What answers?”“To the questions that cling to your mind. The ones you ask yourself every morning and evening, and every moment in between.” His blue eyes seemed to drill into her. “For example, ‘Am I truly supposed to be here?’, and ‘Does the God actually exist?’” He glanced at Tarran. “‘How can there be so much joy and pain at the same time?’” Shocked, Esli mumbled, “I suppose the God told you all that?”Berrin smiled at her gently. “My dear girl, what do you think?” He clapped his hands, and four of the castle guards stepped out of the trees. “Now, take these men and go into the woods. Keep wandering until you find the place that feels right.”Hearing the urgency in his voice, Esli nodded and hugged Tarran quickly before Grenna could react. “Goodbye, Tarran.”Grenna opened her mouth to protest, but a glare from the prophet silenced her.Tarran placed his hand on top of her head. “I love you, Esli.”Esli flushed, a warm feeling spreading over her. She smiled up at him, joy drowning out all other emotions, at least until Berrin interrupted, “I am sorry, but you need to go.”Still blushing, Esli nodded again and beckoned to the men. With one lingering glance backward at the three people behind her, she set off through the trees.It was time for answers.A bird twittered softly in a tree above Esli’s head as she led the men through the undergrowth. A branch snagged her cloak, and she jerked it away quickly, a feeling of desperation pervading her senses.One of the guards stopped and hacked at a particularly strong thorn bush. Sweat trickled down his face as he asked, “So, where are we going, Miss?”Esli waited impatiently for him to cut down the shrub. “I don’t know. I’m just obeying the prophet’s command.”Another soldier hissed, “Tenn, High Prophet Berrin told us not to ask questions.”Tenn growled in annoyance at his comrade. “I know, but aren’t you curious?”The other soldier rolled his eyes. “Come on, Tenn. Follow the lady.”Esli ignored them and dashed through the foliage. She knew she had to find the place of answers, wherever that was.Nearly five hours later, she collapsed beside the river, utterly exhausted. The four men stopped with her, panting.“I know we’re close. We’ve made good time. It usually takes close to nine hours to make it to the river,” she gasped and splashed water over her face.Tenn groaned. “There’s no possible way we could’ve made it this far so fast.”His companion, Boyyen, snorted, “Haven’t you learned, Tenn? With the God, even the impossible is easy.”Esli observed the men curiously. Judging from their banter during the trip, they all seemed to have different opinions on how the God worked. Tenn acted like He was a bothersome father who said a lot and did nothing. Boyyen seemed almost frightened of the God and treated Him like He was some commander who would punish every wrong word or action. The other two men appeared to have mixed emotions about Him.She turned to Tenn. “How can you say you worship the God, yet you treat Him as if He’s not worth trusting? If you don’t want to believe in Him then don’t. No one’s forcing you to.”Tenn gaped at her, shock etched onto his face.Glancing at Boyyen, she added, “If the God is so loving, don’t you think He might forgive you if you mess up? I don’t think you’re wrong to be wary around Him, but I also believe you can be a little more trusting.”Boyyen pondered her statement seriously.Why did I say all that? Esli flushed. “Let’s keep moving. It’s nearly dark.”She set off at a jog, wryly thinking, When I decided to trust You, God, I didn’t mean I was going to preach to everyone!The men followed her uncomplainingly now as the sky darkened. The full moon rose above their heads, lighting the way through the thick woods. A wolf howled, and Tenn muttered under his breath.Three hours later, they all stumbled wearily into a clearing. Suddenly, Esli knew she had to continue by herself. She turned to the exhausted men and ordered, “Bed down here for the night, men. I’m going on alone.”Boyyen shook his head fervently. “Miss, Prophet Berrin commanded us to protect you.”“Trust me, Boyyen.” She smiled. “Trust the God.”Boyyen nodded reluctantly and barked to his companions, “You heard her, men. Set up camp.” He looked at Esli. “The God go with you, Miss.”“And you,” she responded and sprinted into the forest.The shadows seemed much more intimidating now that she was alone, and once she yelped as an owl hooted loudly. Berating herself mentally, she growled in frustration and forced her way onward, the thickening woods making visibility poor.Nearly an hour later, she stopped and looked around. Something felt different about this place …COME.Esli flinched and whirled around, startled by the vibrant voice. Abruptly, her gift jerked within her, pulling her through the trees.She didn’t understand. It almost felt like someone was … controlling her power, dragging her forward.She stepped into a large clearing and gasped. Beautiful white flowers encircled a smooth lake reflecting the bright light of the moon, its depths seeming to call to Esli.Her power still tugging her forward, she tiptoed toward the flowers. Her heart beat wildly at the mysteriousness of the place. The trees were perfectly still, and the flowers seemed frozen in place as Esli walked toward the lake. Nothing moved, and all was silent. Esli looked around curiously, wondering why even the atmosphere was still. The air seemed to be holding its breath, for there was no breeze. Stepping over the perfect, pristine white flowers, Esli made her way reverently over to the clear water, knowing that there was something, almost like a energy greater than hers, at work here. She breathed in the smell of pine trees and the sweet scent of fresh berries. Esli glanced down at her feet. Strangely, the berry smell seemed to be coming from the flowers. It was perfectly silent. Esli knelt by the water and peered in. She spotted a few rocks and plants dotting the lakebed. Reaching out, she touched the motionless water, disappointed at the boring sight. As soon as her hand brushed the water, a shock ran through her, and a ripple spread out across the water. The water swirled, and suddenly Esli saw bright stars reflecting in the water. With a gasp, she watched as the stars spiraled toward her. In unison, they settled on top of her reflection.She squinted. The stars almost looked like … a crown. What did that mean? Why would she have a crown? What was the lake trying to show her?WATCH, the voice rang in her mind again.So, she watched. Suddenly, a fire burned within the water, devouring the stars. Esli leaned closer until her face was nearly touching the still lake. The flames cleared until Esli could see an outline of a building. Confusion raged in Esli’s mind. What was going on? She felt heat rising from the water as she bent forward. Sweat dripped off her face and hit the water, creating small ripples that grew and spread. She leaned closer … and closer … Her nose touched the water.Instantly, hot pain shot through her, and a shriek built in her throat as her vision swirled around her. When her sight cleared, she was standing in an abandoned street, burning buildings surrounding her.A blue explosion lit up the sky, and Esli hurried forward to investigate. She skidded around a corner and gasped.Dead bodies littered the ground while multicolored powers flowed through the sky. The burning silhouette of a large castle filled Esli’s view.Someone screamed, and Esli jerked around. A ball of orange light soared through the air and sizzled through Esli’s waist. She gasped, expecting pain, but nothing happened. It took her a moment to realize she was viewing the scene, like she had with Tolmarr’s memory. She wasn’t a part of the action.Her stomach clenched as she watched the ball of light strike a young lady in the chest. It tore through her, and the girl dropped dead.Esli gritted her teeth. She had expected answers, not this. She didn’t want to see anyone else die.A man shadowed one of the nearby doors. Another blast zoomed through the air, and the man dissolved it with a wave of his hand.As three soldiers dressed completely in black with red eyes embroidered on their tunics sprinted into view, the man stepped forward and formed a red shield.Esli gasped as she caught sight of vivid blue eyes beneath the man’s hood. It was Berrin.Suddenly, it made sense. Berrin had named her and brought her to Amborrly. Maybe this memory would show her what had happened.She glanced around frantically, searching for answers. What if her family was here? She sprinted excitedly down the street until she reached a large open courtyard. Blue and gold powers flitted through the air, touching each other quickly before leaping away.Mesmerized, Esli watched the two opposing gifts perform a beautiful, yet deadly, dance. She linked the gifts back to their possessors.A tall, rugged man wielded the golden power, and Esli observed him openly. She had never seen anyone else with a golden gift. She had thought she was the only one.Esli turned to the bearer of the blue energy and felt as if someone had punched her in the gut. Her former master, his face twisted into a hideous snarl, attacked his opponent ferociously.She stared, confused. What was Morgus doing here? Why was he attacking the other man?A muffled cry drew her attention, and she hurried through a gaping hole in one of the buildings.A young woman was clutching a little boy’s hand, tears streaming down her face. “Please, my lady, don’t do this.”Esli turned and saw a beautiful lady dressed in ornate fabrics peering out at the dueling pair in the courtyard. The richly dressed woman’s voice sounded tired, “I must, Jenna. My place is beside my husband. I will not leave him to die.” She smiled down at the little boy, tears glistening in her eyes. “Protect my little Jarren and get him to safety.”A thrill shot through Esli. This was Queen Sarra of Erindorr, which meant the man fighting Morgus was … King Arren. Esli was viewing the Battle of Almorr, where the old castle was razed to the ground.The queen planted a kiss on young Jarren’s forehead and forced Jenna out the door. “Go, before Morgus sees you.”“Excuse me, my queen, what about Evana?” a maid asked from the shadows.At that moment, Berrin burst through the sagging doorway. “My lady, give me Evana, quickly.” The queen handed the princess to Berrin unquestioningly, but the prophet paused before taking the child. “Your Highness, the God has commanded me to change the princess’s name.”“Do whatever the God says, Berrin. I trust you,” Sarra answered.The prophet took the child and stepped into the light, revealing the baby’s face.No. Esli stared, disbelief stopping all other emotions. No, no, NO.The little princess whimpered, and Queen Sarra bent over her.“My baby, my precious baby,” she murmured, tears dripping onto the child’s face. “My beloved Evana.”Tears streamed down Esli’s face, and a wail burst out of her throat. She was the princess. She was Evana. The missing princess everyone assumed had died in the attack on Almorr.“NO!” she screamed, unable to accept it. This was her family, her parents, her brother … And her parents were about to die.She lunged for the queen but slipped through her. NO.The queen strode into the courtyard, her fists glowing with violet light, Esli hurrying after her. Sarra formed a light-ball and hurled it at Morgus.Esli’s old master cursed as the blast scraped his arm. Suddenly, his whole body burst into blue flame, and he cackled, the same terrible laugh Esli had experienced so many times.A long blast of light shot out of his hands, striking King Arren in the chest. The king hung, suspended, in the air for a moment before falling in a gentle arc to the ground.“NO!” Esli and Sarra screamed at the same time, Esli rushing to her dead father, Sarra attacking Morgus.Esli knelt beside the king and whimpered, “Please, no, no, no …”The king’s blue eyes seemed to emanate love, even in death. His legs twisted at an unnatural angle beneath him, and an urge to help him shot through Esli, but she was unable to do anything.A cry drew Esli’s attention, and she blinked through tears. The queen’s arm had burst into blue flame, yet she struggled toward Morgus.Esli watched, love and respect growing for this courageous woman as she stumbled through the pain. Sarra lifted a flickering hand.“Protect my little loves, my Father,” she whispered and shot a ball of light— toward the castle, just above where Morgus floated.The blast collided with the castle wall, and stones soared down, striking Morgus out of the air. He screamed as a falling stone pinned him to the ground, crushing his legs.Sarra formed a shield around herself, but it flickered as the heavy boulders beat through it. Suddenly, her defense wavered, and a small rock glanced off her burnt arm. The queen fell with a scream, too weak to defend herself as rubble poured from above.When the dust cleared, Esli found the queen’s crushed body, nearly entirely covered with debris. She collapsed beside her dead mother.“Why?” she sobbed. “Why, God?”I HAVE CHOSEN YOU. YOU ARE MY BELOVED CHILD. THOUGH YOU THINK YOU ARE FORSAKEN, YOU ARE LOVED BY ME.Tears trickled down Esli’s face as the God’s presence warmed her from the inside. “I don’t understand. Why is there so much pain?”BECAUSE I AM PREPARING YOU.The God’s comforting presence disappeared, leaving Esli alone in a memory of pain and death.chapter seventeenRestored LoveLight swirled in Esli’s vision as she pried open her eyes. She sat up and gasped as water rushed off her face. She had been lying underneath the surface of the lake, yet somehow her lungs were clear of water. Crawling tiredly out of the lake, Esli barely noticed that her clothes were completely dry. She collapsed on the mossy ground in the middle of the white flowers and stared at the bright sky. The sunlight soaked into her skin as she rested, cushioned by the soft ground. Suddenly, she jerked upright. It was midday. She had been in the water ever since the night before. With a bemused gasp, Esli leapt to her feet and scrambled away from the lake into the woods.She had to find Berrin.“Esli!” Tarran shouted as she sprinted into the castle courtyard.She bent over, gasping heavily. “B-Berrin. I-I need him.”Tarran scrutinized her worriedly. “Of course.”He hurried off, and Esli collapsed onto the rough stone ground. The four soldiers who had accompanied her staggered into the courtyard, one nursing a bruised leg.“Who knew some emotional girl could be so fast?” Tenn wheezed, his hands on his knees.Berrin marched toward Esli, his wooden cane striking the ground loudly with stride, Tarran and a group of people following him. He peered into her exhausted eyes and tilted his head. “Do you know?”Esli understood what he meant, and she nodded. The prophet took her arm, and she scrambled to her feet, a cramp spreading in her side.“What’s wrong with you?” Jarren’s voice scattered her thoughts.Esli stared at him, unable to devise an answer, her mind a confused jumble of emotions.“Your Highness …” the prophet trailed off and looked at Esli. “Eslin has something to tell you.”“Well, spit it out,” Jarren demanded. “I can’t stand needless suspense.”Esli rolled her eyes. Brothers really could be annoying.Pinny jogged up to Esli, the Trenons and Tarran right behind her. “What in Erindorr were you doing? You worry us all sick because the prophet says you had an ‘urgent task’ then you just show up out of nowhere? What’s going on?”Esli opened her mouth to speak but found she couldn’t form a coherent sentence. “Uh …” She paused and thought hard. “Well, I traveled for a long time and found a lake with white flowers around it—”“The Evenlake,” Berrin interrupted.“Yeah, that.” She continued, “Anyway, I looked in, and I saw a memory of the Battle of Almorr.”Jarren stiffened. “Did … did you see it all?”Esli nodded wearily. “It was awful.”Jarren paled, and Esli figured she probably could’ve said that in a more comforting way. Too late. She sighed and blurted, “Jarren, I’m your sister.”For the first time Esli could remember, Jarren swore. “That’s not funny.”“I’m not joking,” she snapped. “Why would I jest about something like that?”Running his fingers through his hair, Jarren stared at her with wide eyes. “You’re serious.” She glared at him, and he mumbled, “You’re Evana.”“That’s what I’ve been trying to say!” she huffed. Jarren whirled around and poked Berrin in the chest. “You knew, didn’t you?”“Wait a second, he’s right.” She stomped up to the prophet, her hands on her hips. “You knew the whole time.”The siblings stood side-by-side and glared the old prophet. He merely laughed at their angry expressions. “It’s a wonder nobody noticed that you are family,” he teased.A hand settled on Esli’s shoulder, and she jerked around. Tarran beamed at her, his kind smile sending a thrill down her spine.“So you’re the princess,” he stated. He slowly removed his hand from her and asked, “Does this change anything between us?”Esli gaped at him. “Blazes, NO.”He grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that.”Pinny enveloped Esli in a wild embrace mixed with tears while she laughed hysterically, “Oh, honey, I’m so happy for you!”Esli chuckled and patted her excited friend on the back. “Thanks, Pinn.”The Trenons all bowed awkwardly as Esli turned, from Allon to little Rayyon.“Oh, come on.” Esli grabbed Remma in a tight hug. “Thank you so much for everything you did for me.”Remma wiped away tears. “Oh, Your Highness, it was a pleasure.”“Call me that again, and I might not be so grateful.” Esli gave her a mock glare and spun around. “Well, Berrin, now what?”Berrin smiled at her. “Now we celebrate!”The crowd cheered and dispersed.Esli glanced around in confusion. “Where’s everyone going?”Jarren grinned. “We’re going to celebrate in true Erindorrian style. It’ll probably take until tomorrow evening to have everything ready, but it’ll be worth the wait.” He shot Tarran a pointed look. “Captain, can we continue that discussion we were having earlier?”Tarran nodded, a little nervously, Esli couldn’t help but notice, and followed Jarren.“What do you think that’s all about?” she muttered to Pinny, but her friend was eagerly prattling to a rather subdued Gwynn.Esli looked up, observing everything from the castle gates to the towers soaring above everyone.She was home.Esli jerked awake, startled by the softness of the sheets enfolding her.She yawned and stretched, wondering where she was. Oh, yeah right. I’m the princess.She was in a huge bedchamber that easily could’ve held twenty people. Ornately carved furniture surrounded her, and an open wardrobe stuffed with rich clothing stared at her.Esli sighed and rolled out of bed, wanting to get to the training yard before anyone else woke up. Blindly fumbling with a set of lavish clothes, she finally gave up and slipped her dirty trousers over her night tunic. Yanking on the pair of Allon Trenon’s old boots that she requested from Remma many months before, she clasped her cloak under her chin and strode out into the hallway.She made it to the empty training field without much incident except to knock over a crystal vase and watch it explode against the ground. A maid had scurried out of nowhere to help her, and Esli had decided to leave the girl to it.The sun was just peeking over the castle wall as she selected a bow and quiver. After a few shots, she felt warmed up enough to practice some harder moves.A few hours later, the courtyard had filled as random people came to watch Esli discreetly, or openly in some cases, but no one attempted to converse with her. She sighed in frustration. So what, she was the princess. That didn’t mean everyone had to treat her like a glass doll.“Morning, Esli,” Tarran called, striding toward her.Finally. “Where have you been?” she snapped.“Whoa, Your Mightiness, I was sleeping,” he held up his hands in an innocent gesture. “What’s up?”Esli huffed, “Everyone keeps looking at me.” Then she softened her voice. This was Tarran. She had no reason to be angry with him. “Sorry.”“It’s fine. I get it, you’re stressed.”“That’s a simple way of putting it,” Esli mumbled and released an arrow. It struck the center of the target, shaving a feather off another shaft.A large group of castle guards entered the courtyard, talking boisterously, Grenna trailing them anxiously.“We’ve got company,” Esli groaned.Tarran spotted Grenna and nodded to a random soldier. The guard hurried off and, judging from his exaggerated hand motions, initiated a conversation with the elderly chaperone.Good luck with that, soldier, Esli thought wryly. Abruptly, she and Tarran were surrounded by guards.“Well, excuse me,” Esli muttered. “I was practicing.”She turned to tell Tarran to get the rowdy soldiers to leave and froze in shock.Tarran held his hand out to her. A delicately carved metal rose dangled from a thin chain, glistening in his palm.She knew what that meant. Disbelievingly, she whispered, “No way.”Tarran grinned at her. “Will you marry me, Esli?”It took Esli less than half a second to shout, “YES!”She threw her arms around Tarran’s neck, laughing with shock and joy. “You—you little …”“Little what?” he smiled down at her, happiness lighting in his eyes.“You wonderful person,” she breathed then flushed. This was totally un-Esli-like. Esli didn’t say things like wonderful, at least not in a romantic way. Who cares? I’ve changed, and I hope for the better.Tarran leaned closer to her, his hands encircling her waist. “Can I kiss you?”Of course, her mind shouted, but she said, “What about Grenna? And all these soldiers?”“I don’t think you need to worry about Grenna.” He smirked. “And these men helped me plan this, so I feel like they should see some fruit from their labor.”Esli craned her neck and spotted Grenna frantically— and unsuccessfully— trying to force her way through the dense crowd of guards.She grinned. “Well, in that case … what are you waiting for?”“Oh, Esli, I love you,” he chuckled and pressed his lips against hers, cutting off her remark.She inhaled sharply but relaxed as a peaceful feeling swept over her. His warm breath caressed her skin, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. The soldiers cheered loudly, some whistling for their captain. Esli laughed against Tarran’s face, which made the kiss even more awkward because Tarran wouldn’t let go, and she didn’t want him to.Suddenly, she felt herself being jerked away from Tarran’s embrace, and she gasped in surprise.Grenna, her hands on her hips and her eyes blazing fury, shouted, “Of all the insubordinate things—”Esli dangled the necklace in front of their chaperone’s face.Grenna choked down her torrent of words with difficulty and stared at the charm. “Oh, my.”Tarran put his arm around Esli. “I believe that was a ‘congratulations’, my love.”Esli swatted his chest with a chuckle. “I like your way interpreting Madam Tennsley.”Spluttering loudly, Grenna gaped at them, disbelief on her face.“And I think that strange noise means ‘kiss the one you love’.”He swooped down, and his lips brushed hers so softly, she wondered if she’d imagined it.“Oh, all right, spare me.” Grenna shook her head at the captain, almost teasingly.Wait, what? Grenna Tennsley, teasing?With a laugh, Tarran steered Esli around. Tenn, the soldier who had escorted Esli to the Evenlake, held an elaborately carved bow. Tarran plucked it up and offered it to Esli with a sweeping gesture.“Delivery to my lady from her captain.” He closed her hands around it. “I carved it myself.”“Oh, Tarran. It’s beautiful,” she breathed and plucked the string. It vibrated sweetly.Esli nocked an arrow and drew back the string. With a soft twang, the arrow sped toward the target, striking it with a dull thud.“Like it?” Tarran asked with a grin. At Esli’s nod, he lowered his voice. “Do you want me to call you Evana?”Esli pondered his question. “No. Esli is who I am. I know in my heart that I am loved, and that means more to me than a name ever could.”Tarran smiled understandingly and placed her rose locket around her neck. It flopped against her chest, a reminder that she was engaged. She beamed, joy rushing through her. She was engaged.Tarran saluted her sharply, his men following his example as they marched off. Esli gazed at the bow resting in her hands. Oh, thank You, God. She turned to Grenna. Her formerly grumpy old chaperone smiled fondly. “Are you truly happy, Your Highness?”Esli breathed deeply, Tarran’s kiss replaying in her mind. “Without a doubt, Madam.”“Well, my dear, congratulations.” Grenna laughed, “I am glad I don’t have to struggle to keep up with you two anymore. I’m growing a little too old for this.”Shame rushed through Esli as she thought of every time she had misjudged Grenna— which was basically every moment she saw her. “Grenna, I’m sorry I rebelled so much.”“Oh, come, none of that.” The lady brushed off her apology. “This is a day to rejoice. Apologies can wait. Now, let’s find you a dress for the celebration tonight.”Soft music floated through the Great Hall as people milled about the large castle, exploring the ancient building.Inside the Great Hall, Esli stood by the refreshments table with Pinny and Gwynn, retelling her engagement story for the fiftieth time and explaining how Grenna had miraculously managed to find a ball gown for Esli because, as she said, a princess must always dress for the occasion.Honestly, Esli thought the dress was an incredible waste of fabric although it was beautiful. The pale blue corset held long, tight sky-blue sleeves that slipped off her shoulders and traveled to Esli’s wrists. An ivory sash encircled Esli’s waist, separating the light blue top from the indigo skirt. The skirt itself was a thing to behold, for it flared out, creating a blue cloud around Esli. A sheer overlay of white and silver fabric caused the dress to shimmer in the lantern light.Overall, Esli felt like a fake.Her golden engagement rose was her only comfort in her outfit. She reached up and touched it, recalling how gently Tarran had clasped it around her neck.“So, what does the rose mean? I got the rest of the story, but why a rose?” Pinny broke into Esli’s thoughts.Gwynn eagerly explained, “It doesn’t have to be a rose. Mainly, an engagement token can be anything, but it is most generally a charm on a necklace. It shows commitment to the agreement to remain true to one another throughout betrothal. Once married, both members accept a matching ring to show their lasting dedication.”“Oh, how sweet,” Pinny gushed.Esli rolled her eyes. More like, mushy nonsense. Even if she had no physical thing to show her commitment to Tarran, she’d still hold fast to him. But I guess it is nice anyway.“You look beautiful.”Esli whirled around, a smile stretching her lips. “There you are.”“Care to dance?” At Esli’s nod, Tarran placed his hand on her back and led her through the crowd of swaying couples.Tarran grinned down at her as they flowed to the music. “How are you and Jarren getting along?”Esli snorted. “I’ve barely seen him since yesterday, so it’s hard to tell. I don’t know how to react to this. It’s so strange, knowing my past. I’ve lived in fear of that knowledge for so long, and then it was thrown on top of me.”The music drowned out Tarran’s next remark as the tempo picked up, and he guided her back to the refreshments table. He gestured toward one of the empty halls. “Want to get away before Madam Tennsley sees us?”“Oh, yes, please.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the hall.The music instantly quieted as the walls blocked the sound.Tarran sighed and stretched. “Much better.”Esli hauled him to a small balcony enclosed by curtains. She yanked the drapes shut and smiled innocently at Tarran. “Just in case.”Tarran motioned to drapes. “Should I ask why we need these?”Esli stood on tiptoes and pecked him on the lips. “For that.”Tarran grinned. “Ooh, you mischievous little thing.” He suddenly drew her into his arms and kissed her.Esli breathed in the embrace, surrounded by love. She rested her hands on his shoulders and sighed into the kiss.“Well, excuse me.”The guilty lovers spun around, Esli entrapped against Tarran’s chest. Jarren stood before them, a huge grin on his face as he took in the sight. He shook his head in mock sorrow. “Insubordination, people.”“Go away,” Esli huffed and shut the drapes in his face. “Oh, very well. I’ll go get Madam Tennsley to handle you two.”He strode away, but Esli chased him as well as she could in her cloud of fabric.“Jarren! Don’t you dare—” She stopped with a gasp as Grenna appeared around the corner.The former chaperone eyed them suspiciously. “And just what are you doing back here?”Jarren pasted on an innocent grin. “Oh, Madam, I was showing my sister the moon. It’s quite beautiful, isn’t it?”Grenna glanced out the balcony at the moon skeptically. “Yes, very pretty.”She spun around and left, obviously on a mission.“Thanks.” Esli smirked to Jarren. “Were you really going to show me the moon?”“Believe it or not, yes,” he answered softly, more gently than she had ever heard him speak. He clenched his fists behind his back and stared up at the brilliant moon. “I remember showing you the moon, Evana. I was only four, but I would explain it anyway.”He turned to Esli. “I missed you so much, Eva.”“Eva?” she whispered, tears in her eyes.“My nickname for you. After the attack, when Jenna brought me here, I used to imagine you calling me ‘Jarr-Jarr’ although I made that up.”Esli embraced her brother. “I missed you too, Jarr-Jarr.”Jarren smiled and held her tight as Tarran encircled them both in his arms.They stood there, in the light of the moon, the bond of love uniting them.chapter eighteenThe End is NearThe door burst open, spilling Berrin’s scarlet power into Esli’s dim room.“Princess, wake up!” His urgent voice pierced the haze of sleep around Esli, and she sat up slowly.“B-Berrin? What’s wrong?” She smacked her lips and yawned.A bundle of fabric hit her face, and she yelped loudly, now fully awake.“What was that for?” she demanded, clawing her way out of the huge bed.“Get dressed, Your Highness. The God has commanded you to find the Sourcestone.”Esli stared stupidly at the clothes in her hand and jumped as Berrin smacked his cane next to her head.“Get dressed! I’ll wake the others.” He bounded out of her room with an energy that belied his age.The Sourcestone?Tearing off her nightgown, Esli slipped into a clean tunic and some trousers then cinched it with a belt. Throwing a cloak over her shoulders, she stuffed her feet into new leather boots. She stumbled out the door and was joined by a sleepy Pinny and an alert Tarran. The captain nodded briskly to her as Pinny yawned loudly enough to wake the whole castle.“What’s going on?” Jarren mumbled as he joined the group behind Berrin.Berrin launched into an explanation. “I awoke ten minutes ago with the God commanding me to tell the princess this: The time has come for the Sourcestone to be revealed. Evana, it is time for you to find out why you have the power that you do.” The prophet paused and recalled the God’s words. “He said the end is near, Princess. I’m not sure what that means, but He told me to inform you.”Esli nodded, finally grasping part of the situation. “Is anyone to go with me?”Berrin motioned as he spoke, “Captain Tarran will lead seventy men to guard you, and Miss Pinny will be your emotional support.”At that moment, Pinny looked like she needed emotional support. She gaped dumbly at the Prophet. “We’re going somewhere?”Berrin shoved Esli, Tarran, and Pinny toward the exit. “Evana, ignite your power. You must never stop it. Keep your shields strong but retain control over it. This is the only way you can find the Stone. Your energy is naturally drawn to the Sourcestone.”Esli seized her power and felt it roil inside her. Oh, shut up, you stupid gift. Now was not the time cower away from her power.She had a job to do.Rain pattered against Esli’s cloak, soaking her to the skin. She wiped at the water running down her face and gasped out, “Pinny, watch your step. There’s a small drop-off to our right.”Pinny murmured assent and passed the message down the line.They were traveling single file across the plains of Erindorr toward the South Mountains, Esli leading the seventy men, Tarran, and Pinny. Where is my power taking us? Esli couldn’t help but wonder. And why seventy men? This could be much faster with only a few. She peered up at the dark sky. And if it would stop raining.Abruptly, her gift jerked in her, dragging her through the tall reeds. Her foot caught on a root, and she slammed into the ground.“Esli! Are you all right?” Pinny asked frantically.“Yeah, just fine,” She grumbled. Stupid power.In the cloudy light, she spotted a small dirt path twisting out of sight in the reeds.Maybe you aren’t as dumb as I thought you were, she grudgingly added and hissed to Pinny, “There’s a path here. Follow me.”Feeling her way almost blindly down the path, Esli stumbled and tripped again, landing in the mud. She bit back a curse and scrambled to her feet.“Watch your step,” she muttered back to Pinny. It wasn’t much fun being the leader in this weather.They had been traveling for nearly two days through the soggy plains. The torrential rainfall reminded Esli of Amborrly, where it was always either the wet or the dry season, nothing else.She shook away the thought and trudged on. Suddenly, a huge fork of lightning tore the sky in two. A startled yell burst out of Esli’s throat, and she ducked instinctively. A roar of thunder seemed to shake the earth, and Esli heard cries from behind her. She poked her head above the reeds and gasped as another burst of lightening rent the sky, illuminating the horizon. “Pinny!” she shouted over the thunder. “Pinn, I saw them! The South Mountains!”Pinny released a joyful cry and yelled the news back to Tarran.Esli’s hands slipped on the slick mud as she crawled along the path, trying to find a foothold to help her stand. Rising shakily, she cringed as lightening split the clouds.A great cheer rose from behind her, and she assumed the men had heard the news. Grinning, Esli noticed that the end of the path led straight to the foothills of the mountains.“Praise God,” she breathed and staggered out of the tall grass.Soon they arrived at the foothills, and she commanded her men to set up camp. With a groan, Esli collapsed onto a boulder, utterly exhausted.Tarran fell next to her. “You look great.”Esli rolled her eyes and glanced at her body. Covered with mud from head to toe, her clothes seemed to be dyed a dull brown color. “I’m sure you’ve seen me in better.”Tarran smirked, his eyes weary. He leaned back against the stone and sighed heavily as the rain dusted his face. “Can you tell if we’re close?”Esli stroked his wet locks thoughtfully. “I’m not sure. My power seems more … wild than usual, so maybe that’s a good sign.”Pinny strolled up to them and plopped down on Esli’s other side. “How’s life?”“Tiring,” Esli mumbled as fatigue overcame her. Unexpectedly, her energy writhed, causing her to jerk upright.Tarran saw her shocked expression. “What’s up?”Fighting to keep the panic off her face, Esli replied hurriedly, “We need to move.” She scrambled to her feet and yelled to the men, “Pack up camp. We have to get out of here!”“Esli?” Tarran trotted after her. “What’s going on?”Esli turned to him, her face pale. “I don’t know, but something feels wrong about this place.”Suddenly, a loud rumbling filled the air, and Esli screamed, “Move!”She stumbled away, the men following her as rocks sprayed off the mountain.“Rockslide!” one of the men cried and hunkered underneath a small overhang.Esli staggered off the path to a large cave. Dread filled her as she watched the pouring rocks devour their camp. Tarran and Pinny collapsed into the cavern.Slowly, the rumbling faded, and Esli peered out of the cave entrance.There was nothing left of their camp. Mounds of rubble covered what used to be their belongings.Esli sighed. “Tarran, check if everyone’s all right.”Tarran nodded, and Esli felt him use his power to call out to his men. She turned to Pinny. “You good?”Her face pale, Pinny whispered, “I think I sprained my ankle.”Biting back curses at their dire circumstance, Esli smiled wanly and helped Pinny stand up. “We need to keep moving. I can feel it.”Pinny gritted her teeth and ventured to take a step. She collapsed immediately and cursed. Esli beckoned to one of the men who had stumbled into the cavern. “Carry her.”The soldier bowed and heaved Pinny off the ground. The hurt girl shot Esli an uncomfortable look as she clung to the guard.“Esli.”Esli turned and spotted Tarran. “Yeah?”He sighed. “We lost two men underneath the debris, and three others are wounded.”Groaning inwardly, Esli pasted on a stoic expression. “See if we can recover the bodies, and we’ll bury them before we head out.”Tarran laid a comforting hand on her shoulder before stepping out of the cave. Esli sighed, sorrow nearly overcoming her. She felt responsible for the deaths. After all, she was the princess, and she had led these men out here.Pinny spoke up from the soldier’s arms. “Esli, this isn’t your fault. You couldn’t have prevented their deaths. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”“You really are my emotional support.” Esli smirked at her. “It would be more comforting if you didn’t look so ridiculous.”Pinny scowled at her. “You’re the one who told him to pick me up.”Esli turned away. Despite Pinny’s words, she felt as if she could’ve done something.A little fire crackled, emitting barely enough heat to warm the three people hunched over it. As she massaged her hands over the small flames, Esli observed Tarran’s drawn face, highlighted by the flickering flames. He had buried his men and was no doubt struggling with the same guilt she felt. Pinny shifted and yelped as her foot twisted. Her expression contorted with pain. With a heavy sigh, Esli offered her friend a freshly brewed mug of herbal tea.They had hiked up the mountain after the funeral, carrying their wounded men. Since climbing close to the top of the mountain, the air had grown much colder. It didn’t help that Esli’s power was going crazy, forcing her to stay awake though she needed sleep badly. The scouts reported for the next watch shift, relieving the first five men. Esli watched them march about the encampment, their gifts ignited, ready to use at a moment’s notice.“Esli?” Pinny muttered.“Hm?” Esli wearily looked at her friend.Pinny hesitated before asking, “Do you believe in the God?”Esli stared at Pinny, slowly processing her question. “Do I … Um … Yeah, I think I do.”“Why?” Pinny persisted.“Uh,” Esli mumbled. “Because He’s spoken to me.”“But do you believe in Him? Like, do you trust Him?” Pinny scrunched her brow. “Have you accepted Him?”Have you accepted Him? The question echoed through Esli’s mind. She whispered, “Not yet.”“Well, I have, and I just wanted to know if you …” Pinny trailed off and stared at the fire. “Pinny?” Esli asked, urgency surging through her. “I want to accept Him.”Slowly, a huge grin spread on Pinny’s face. “What are you waiting for?”“I …” Esli paused. What was she waiting for? God, I don’t know why I’m so uncertain. I … I want to accept you. I want to be forgiven— but will you really forgive me? A soulful peace flowed through her, and she suddenly knew He would always accept her. She was forgiven.She smiled at her friend. “Yeah, I’ve accepted Him.”Pinny grinned back. “Good rid—"Abruptly, a scream pierced the silent night. Esli leapt to her feet as orange light lit up the sky, illuminating a limp form hurtling through the air.The body smashed into the ground, and Pinny shrieked.Esli stared down at the dead man. It was one of her soldiers. She dropped beside him and heaved him onto his back.A gaping hole in his chest showed where the power had hit. Fighting back nausea, Esli closed the man’s eyes.“The God go with you, soldier,” she whispered and scrambled up. “Tarran! Defensive positions!”The captain nodded sharply and yelled commands to his men. They quickly grouped in strange formations that meant nothing to Esli.She turned to three guards huddled together. “You two, with me.” Pointing at the other, she ordered, “Carry Pinny.”Pinny muttered a quiet protest as the reluctant soldier heaved her over his shoulder.Esli ventured into the dark woods growing on the mountain. Catching sight of an orange glimmer, she took off running, her two guards following her closely. The glow flickered as the possessor of the gift expertly weaved through the trees. Esli could sense the energy emanating from the owner, and she reached out with her mind— and gasped.The Gifted one she was pursuing was Anni. And if Anni were here, that meant …“Halt,” she hissed, holding up her hand.Her men stumbled to a stop and warily looked around. Esli motioned for them to be silent, and she seized her power, thrusting herself into the air.She hovered above the trees and scouted the area. Propelling herself down the mountainside, she reached a large clearing and jerked to a stop.An army rested below her, ranks upon ranks stretching into the trees. Thousands of soldiers extended as far as she could see, all of them dressed in black outfits with red embroidered eyes on the tunics.Esli swore softly as she recognized the emblem. Seriously? Frantically, she formed a connection with Tarran’s mind. Tarran, we’re under attack! Morgus is here, and he’s brought an army. Get to the top of the mountain, and I’ll meet you there.Esli felt alarm surge through Tarran. Hurry, Esli.Esli launched herself back toward the mountain peak, calling to her men as she did so; Fall back to camp and await my orders.The soldiers confirmed her command, and Esli cut off the connection.When she arrived back at the camp, Tarran was herding his men up the mountainside.“There you are,” he breathed, obviously relieved. “What are we going to do?”Esli already had an answer. “We need to contact Berrin and ask for his advice. Meanwhile, we’ll climb the mountain for higher ground and defend ourselves from there.” She arched her neck to look at the high peak towering above them. “And I have a Sourcestone to find.”chapter nineteenWorth Dying ForAn explosion rent the air, throwing Esli off her feet. She scrambled up and blasted her assailant in the chest.C’mon, Berrin! she thought frantically as she formed a light-shield around herself, blocking three more attacks.It was the morning after Esli had spotted Morgus’s army. She had immediately contacted Berrin, but the prophet was unable to help.We’ll be slaughtered! She forced down the thought. Now was not the time for negativity. She needed to stay alive.Shooting a blast at her attackers, she stunned them and sprinted away. The Sourcestone was still missing.Suddenly, the air in front of her shimmered and split, revealing a young man. He stepped out of the portal and dissolved a blast flying toward Esli.He bowed to her. “Your Highness, the prophet Berrin and your brother are on their way with an army. The esteemed prophet sent me and my soldiers to reinforce your men.”Esli nearly cried in relief. “Thank God! Get your men in here now.”The soldier bowed again, and unexpectedly the air flickered as numerous portals opened.Esli listened as the leader formed a connection with the new guards and mentally yelled, All right, men, spread out and protect the princess.He turned back to Esli. “There are only a hundred of us, but Berrin is on his way. If the God grants him speed, he might arrive in time.”Might. “Thank you, soldier,” she answered crisply. “Please find five willing men to guard me as I search for the Sourcestone.”“Of course, Your Highness.”Esli dashed off, the five men following her quickly. She felt her energy heave as she entered the mountain peak. Earlier, she had scouted the area and found the opening to the mountain. Her core had strained to pull her inward, and she naturally assumed the Sourcestone was in the mountain. Now all that was left was to find the Stone and wait for the God to explain why he wanted her here. Hopefully, that would be soon.Esli seized her power and let it flicker over her body, lighting the cavern. Tarran, I’m in the mountain.Great. We’re all falling back.That didn’t bode well.Within moments, men poured into the cave, supporting wounded comrades and toting dead bodies.Tarran found Esli, his face pale. Blood splattered his face, and dirt clung to his clothes. “We lost twelve men before the reinforcements arrived.” He lowered his voice. “We’re losing, Esli, and it’s bad. Where’s Berrin?”She sighed. “The God only knows. He’s coming, though. We just have to survive.”“I don’t know if we can,” he muttered so only she could hear. “You have to find that Stone.”A boom shook the mountain, throwing Tarran and Esli off their feet. Esli quickly scrambled off Tarran as dust and debris rained down.“I’m going now,” she agreed, kissing him softly. “I’ll be back.”Another loud bang sounded, and the rock wall crumbled. Morgus’s soldiers poured into the mountain, blasting the Arronome as they came.A light-ball crackled through the air, aimed for Esli’s face. Tarran dissolved it before she could react, and he gave her a small shove.“Get out of here. We’ll protect you.”Esli glanced from the tunnels leading into the mountain and back to the Jazarr soldiers. “Stay safe.”She lunged for a tunnel, her power urging her forward, and five men followed after her. Pausing at the burrow’s entrance, she shot a brief look backward. The Arronome faced overwhelming odds, but she knew finding the Sourcestone was the only way she could help.She sprinted through the tunnel, her gift guiding her around the many twists and turns. Reaching a fork in the burrow, she paused briefly and looked back. Her men staggered up to her, panting heavily.YOU MUST GO ALONE.Esli gasped as warmth flowed through her at the God’s voice. She turned to the guards.“Get back to the fight. I need to go on alone.” She raised her hands to stop any protests. “I’m safe. Don’t worry about me.”The men nodded reluctantly and trotted back the way they had come.Esli took the passage on the left, her power jerking wildly. She must be near to the Stone.As she stumbled through the dark tunnel, illuminated by her energy, she noticed ancient-looking runes hewn into the rock walls. She ran her finger over one, the strange carvings making no sense to her.A distant rumble shook the mountain, jolting her back to her task. She staggered forward, her crazed gift making it hard to concentrate.Suddenly, she reached a small doorway elaborately decorated with carvings and symbols. She stepped through— and gasped.The doorway led to an enormous cavern, its ceiling stretching beyond her line of sight. She gaped, but the vastness of the cave was not what had captured her attention.In the middle of the cavern, a simple stone glowed with pure white light, almost too white. The snowy-white brightness flickered along the stone’s surface, revealing a peculiar ring of carvings surrounding the Stone.She had found it. The Sourcestone.With timid steps, she ventured closer to it, fighting against the strain of her power. Once she stood close enough to touch it, she halted.Heat burned through her as she gazed at the Stone, and her breathing hitched at the sudden pain.ESLIN, MY DAUGHTER, WELCOME TO THIS PLACE OF WORSHIP.Confusion shot through Esli. Worship?YES. THIS MOUNTAIN USED TO BE A TEMPLE FOR ME, LONG BEFORE ERINDORR WAS FOUNDED. BUT MY PEOPLE FELL AWAY AND WORSHIPED THE STONE RATHER THAN ME. THE STONE HAS SERVED ITS PURPOSE, AND IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND YOUR EXISTENCE. YOU MUST LISTEN.Esli clutched her head as the God’s voice rang through her mind. “Y-yes, Sir.”YOU HAVE WONDERED MANY TIMES WHY YOU HOLD SO MUCH POWER. MY DAUGHTER, IT WAS FOR ONE PURPOSE.The God fell silent, and Esli waited with bated breath.YOU ARE THE STONE, ESLIN.Esli gasped, bewildered. “What?”WHEN I FORMED THE SOURCESTONE, IT WAS INTENDED TO BE A CONNECTION BETWEEN ME AND MY PEOPLE, BUT THEY WORSHIPED IT INSTEAD OF ME. I CREATED YOU TO BE THE STONE INSTEAD. AS YOUR TASK DRAWS NEAR, REMEMBER THIS: THE END IS NEAR.“W-why am I the Stone?” Esli stammered, unable to grasp the fact.YOU WILL KNOW WHEN THE TIME COMES.With that, the God’s presence left Esli, leaving her in a mass of confused thoughts.As the mountain trembled again, Esli placed her hand on the glimmering Sourcestone.Pain flared in her head, and a scream burst out of her throat as her golden power shot out of her, mingling with the white light of the Stone. She collapsed, her hand sticking to the Stone’s surface.The blended gifts soared up into the cavern, tearing through the rock as if it were dirt. Rubble crashed around Esli, but her gift formed a shield around her.She stared in awe as the golden-white power spread outward, consuming everything in its path. As she frantically tugged on her hand, she finally dislodged her fist from the Stone’s surface.The expanding energy halted and dissolved, leaving a mass of destruction behind.Esli sprinted out of the cavern. Whatever her task was, she knew she needed to protect the Stone, but she couldn’t do that alone.Dirt sprayed around Esli as a boulder crashed next to her. She waved her hand, disintegrating the rock wall in front of her. Ever since her encounter with the Stone, she felt more energy surging inside her. She might be the Sourcestone in human form, but she didn’t understand how she was surviving the insane amount of power.She stepped through the hole she had formed and stopped.Bodies and debris littered the ground, and explosions of energy lit up the air. Rocks tumbled down as the mountain trembled again.Esli dashed onward, arriving at the battle. Igniting her gift, she chopped down one of the attacking Gorrane with a light-blade and treaded around the body. The soldier she had saved nodded in thanks and darted off to stop another of Morgus’s followers.Her men, scattered about the cavern, fought hard, and Pinny and Tarran were nowhere to be seen. A cry drew Esli’s attention, and she spun around.Pinny leaned against a large boulder, her gift flickering weakly as she strove to hold off her attacker. Esli blasted the Gorrane and scrambled to Pinny’s side.“Where’s Tarran?” she asked Pinny, failing to keep the panic out of her voice.Pinny muttered something unintelligible and slumped back.Princess, we’re here! Berrin’s voice cried in her mind. Did you find the Sourcestone?Yes. Esli breathed thanks to the God for the timely arrival.An orange blast struck an Arronome, killing him instantly, and Esli gritted her teeth. She knew where that came from. Hurrying over, she spotted Tarran and Anni fighting ferociously. Esli formed an army of light-blades and hurled them at Anni.The Gorrane lieutenant blocked them, surprise in her eyes as she struggled to fend off Tarran’s attack.Anni disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and Tarran turned to Esli, relief in his eyes.Suddenly, a huge blast of power struck Tarran’s chest, and he fell with a gasp.“Tarran!” Esli screamed and dove for his side, ignoring Anni as she floated above their heads.“Aw, how sweet,” the Gorrane sneered. “What, did you love him?” She formed a long light-sword and hissed, “It must hurt to watch the ones you love die. I might as well—”A scarlet ball crackled through the air, striking Anni in the back and slinging her into the wall. She fell with a thud and lay still.Esli watched her die, dread twisting in her chest as she looked down at Tarran. “Tarran? Tarran, please don’t go.”The wounded captain pried his eyes open. “E-Esli?”Esli grasped his hand tightly and smoothed his hair off his forehead. “I’m here, Tarran.”A smile, full of pain and love, played at his lips as he gasped out, “Y-you’re worth dying for.”A tear slipped off Esli’s face, striking his cheek. She gathered his bleeding form in her lap and pressed her lips to his, a sob threatening to break out of her throat.She reached for his core and felt it flicker feebly before winking out.“No,” she choked. “Please, God, not Tarran.”She frantically seized her power and attempted to force it into Tarran’s extinguished core. “No, no, no. Please.”A hand rested on Esli’s shoulder, and she whirled around, still clutching Tarran in her arms.Berrin gazed at her, his eyes full of sorrow. “He’s dead, Evana.”A wail tore out of her, and she collapsed on Tarran’s limp chest. Tears gushed from her eyes as she sobbed, Berrin’s comforting presence behind her.“NO!” she screamed. Why, God? After everything you’ve taken from me, why the one I love the most?I AM HERE.Esli couldn’t grasp why there was so much pain and death in the world, but she realized that the God was the only one she needed. She gently released Tarran’s lifeless form, love surging through her for him and the God.“May the God go with you, my love,” she whispered, trusting that he was in the God’s hands.All her hopes for a future of life and happiness crumbled, and suddenly her task made much more sense. The end is near.She lifted her quivering hand and slowly evaporated the ground, creating a slope that led down … to the Sourcestone.She turned to Berrin, wiping tears from her eyes. “I need your help.”chapter twentyFinally BelovedThe Arronome gathered together in the Sourcestone’s cavern, some dragging hurt friends on cloaks, others bandaging wounds.Esli looked around at her exhausted men, Jarren next to her, his face pale. He had arrived in the nick of time. Fourteen out of the seventy men who had accompanied Esli survived, and they had been struggling to make it out alive.Jarren, grief in his eyes, muttered hoarsely, “What’s the plan, Eva?”Esli placed a comforting hand on her brother’s shoulder. When Tarran died, she had lost her love, and he had lost his life-long friend.“I know what I need to do with the Sourcestone, but I’ll need protection. Set up a guard around the entrance. Keep the Gorrane off me,” she commanded. She turned to Pinny. The girl massaged her sprained ankle, pain twisting her features. “Pinny, please help Berrin with the wounded men.”Everyone scrambled to obey her orders, and Esli smiled through her weariness, appreciative of the service. God, am I really supposed to do this?THE END IS NEAR.Esli stepped up to the Sourcestone, glancing around to make sure everyone was out of the way. Heaving in a deep breath, she ignited her power.Shrieks rang out from behind her as Morgus and his followers attacked in a desperate attempt to reach the Sourcestone. Esli refused to look back as she shot a blast at the Stone.Eva, what in blazes are you doing? Jarren’s confused voice broke into her thoughts. She had forgotten that she had left her mind open in a connection with her army.Trust me. She cast a brief look over her shoulder at her brother. He nodded slowly.Suddenly, a blue explosion threw her off her feet. Morgus floated through the opening, his twisted body alight with power. “Traitor!” he shrieked at Esli as he hurtled toward her.Esli ducked and formed a shield, blocking his light-blast. Gritting her teeth, she attacked the Stone again.Morgus settled behind her, hovering inches above the ground. “Do you even know what you’re doing? That Stone is what holds our world together. If you destroy it, you destroy us all.” Esli struck the Sourcestone with a light-ball. The Stone appeared to absorb the energy. Well, that didn’t work.Morgus snarled, “You’re a troublemaker, just like your parents. I had to dispose of them, and now I’ll do the same to you.”Anger burned through Esli, but she concentrated her attention on the Stone. She had to stay focused.A blast caught her between the shoulder blades, and a yelp escaped her throat. She strengthened her shield and poured more power into the Stone.A bitter yell burst out behind her, and she shot a glance over her shoulder. Jarren leapt at Morgus, hatred in his eyes.PROTECT HIM.Esli lunged away from the Sourcestone and dissolved Morgus’s blast. Using her energy, she formed a cocoon of light around Jarren, forcing him away from the Gorrane master.Morgus shot her again as her attention was diverted, and the blast singed her shoulder. She blinked away the pain and shouted into the connection, Jarren, there’s nothing you can do about it. Revenge will get you nowhere.I need to protect you, Jarren’s voice echoed through her head, broken and sorrowful. I was too weak to help our parents. I can’t let that happen again.This is my choice, Jarren. Trust me. Jarren met her eyes, his own full of pain as he hesitantly answered, All right. Just … don’t leave me.Esli turned away, not wanting to make empty promises. Who knew what might happen.Morgus blasted her, but her shield absorbed the blow. Esli bit her lip. Nothing she was doing was affecting the stone.By now, a desperate battle was raging around her, but she had to continue with her task. She forced her focus through the screams around her and located the Stone’s core.The shocking amount of power frightened her. It felt identical to the gift storming inside her, yet it was so much purer than her own.She timidly pushed energy into the Stone, and her power writhed. With a gasp, she realized the Sourcestone had added more power to her core.“What do you have left to fight for? You’ve lost everything,” Morgus hissed as he floated a safe distance from Esli. “You are fighting for memories. Memories of dead people who can’t assist you. You’re helpless, Eslin.”“Not really,” she muttered, forcing more power into the Stone. Just keep going.Suddenly, Morgus’s power struck her shoulders, but this time it didn’t stop. Esli could feel her shield crumbling, and she glanced over her shoulder. Morgus shot a steady stream of blue energy at her. It overwhelmed Esli’s light-shield, and she shrieked as burning pain shot through her.Through the haze of pain, Esli had one constant thought: Keep going.She squeezed more energy into the Stone’s core, her power growing with each blast. USE THE PAIN.Esli gasped at the sudden burst of pleasant warmth. Use the pain.She dropped all her shields and compelled Morgus’s power into her core. Abruptly, her power surged as she screamed.A crack shot across the smooth surface of the Sourcestone, and white light spilled out of it. Sweat trickling down her face, Esli continued forcing Morgus’s power through her core and into the Stone.Morgus, his expression twisting hideously, cut off his power, making Esli stumble from the sudden change. The Stone’s fracture ceased spreading as Esli frantically attempted to overload its core.Instead, more energy flowed into her. Groaning in frustration, she realized she would have to use Morgus’s gift with her own. It was the only way she could have more power than the Stone.She hurled a light-ball at Morgus, and he snarled as he caught it.“What game are you playing, Forsaken One?” he snapped, throwing an army of light-blades at Esli.One of them sliced her leg as dissolved the others. His next blast struck her in the face, only slightly hindered by the feeble shield around her.“Not a game,” she mumbled through a mouthful of blood and touched her nose. Blood gushed from it, but it wasn’t broken. Thank God. “Not forsaken.”He forced another stream of power at her, and she dropped her light-shields, absorbing the energy. Spinning around, she again forced his power into the Stone.The mountain quaked as the fracture grew larger. With a cry, Morgus cut off his power, and Esli cursed.He had figured out why she was using his energy.The Gorrane Master glowered at Esli. “You think you’re so smart, using me to destroy the Stone? Well, I don’t think so.”“Took you long enough,” she rasped and spat blood on the ground. Now what should she do? “Uh … Why’d you kill my parents?”A smirk spread on Morgus’s face. “Because of you. When your mother gave birth to you, I sensed your power. I attacked Almorr to find you.”Dread doused Esli like a sudden chill. “Why would you even want me?”Morgus released a dramatic sigh and launched into his tale. “Many years ago, I found a way to get more power. Doing so drained the life from me, but the gift strengthened me. Anyway, I formed a cycle: every time old age caught up with me, I would take someone else’s power. It would remove a bit of my life, but I would just add more with the gift.” He coughed loudly. “There are many aspects of the gift that people can’t comprehend.”Esli finally understood. “You were trying to take my power.”Morgus cackled. “You have so much of it. The Sourcestone … It is the only thing that can compare with your gift.” He paused, probably to relish her shocked reaction.Esli rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know.”“Oh,” Morgus croaked. Then he brightened. “But now that you have led me to the Sourcestone, I’ll never run out of energy again.” He glanced at the leaking Stone. God, how do I destroy it now? Esli inquired, panic rising.USE MY POWER.“What?” she wondered aloud. She observed the Stone. The God’s power? I don’t understand.Berrin’s voice broke through her thoughts. Then pray, Evana.“Oh, blazes,” she muttered, having forgotten she still had the connection running. Ignoring a snicker in her mind, probably from Pinny, Esli asked, “Uh, God, if you have some power I could use, that’d be great …” She trailed off, feeling dumb.Amusement welled in her, and she knew it wasn’t her own merriment. Was the God … laughing at her?Well, excuse me, she thought angrily, then the answer hit her. All the power was the God’s. “Oh.”She seized her energy, embarrassment rushing through her. Morgus turned away from the Stone, greed emanating from him.“Now that I have the Sourcestone, I don’t need you around anymore,” he stated, and his power licked over him.Anger surged through Esli. That was all her old master thought of her. She was merely a thing to be used, and once he was done, he could just cast her off.She lunged for the Stone, her gift boiling furiously. As she clapped her hand onto the cracked surface, heat burned through her, searing her very soul.With a furious yell, Morgus launched himself at Esli, grasping her wrist— and screamed.They formed a chain, locked together by the pain: Morgus clutching Esli, his energy flowing into her; Esli clasping the Sourcestone, both of their powers pouring out of her; and the Stone itself, sitting innocently, the cause of all the trouble.With a deafening roar, the Sourcestone exploded. A brilliant white shockwave tore through cavern, knocking every person off their feet.The white light encompassed Esli, filling her vision and lifting her into the air. A gasp froze in her throat as she hung paralyzed by the light. She could see nothing but white all around her.Shock ran through her as her power receded. She could feel it peeling sharply away from her, like a keen blade was carving the gift out of her soul.Warmth spread throughout her immobilized form as the God entered her mind.WELL DONE, MY BELOVED CHILD. IT IS TIME TO COME HOME.Esli sensed her own core flicker. As a loud rushing noise like a waterfall pervaded her hearing, she smiled, finally understanding.She was beloved.epilogueWhite light … Whimpers … Cries for help …Darr pried open his eyes, blinking in the natural light of the cavern. The ceiling had been nearly entirely blown off with the blast from the Sourcestone.He struggled to his feet, gritting his teeth at the sharp pain in his arm. Glancing down, he saw blood dripping off his torn sleeve.A loud cry filled the cavern, seizing Darr’s attention. A young man, his straw-blond hair slicked with sweat, knelt beside Esli’s limp form. Darr staggered forward, hardly believing the truth.Esli was dead.He dropped to his knees, close enough to see his former captain.She lay in a huddled heap, her stained cloak spread underneath her. Something struck Darr as strange as he gazed at her dead body.Her hair was golden blond, almost to the point of white.He inched closer, attempting to avoid detection. The young man clutched Esli’s body in his arms, his eyes haunted by sorrow.“Oh, Jarren,” a soft voice breathed.Darr glanced at the speaker and flinched. Pinny Fayne knelt beside the man named Jarren, her arm around his shoulders, tears tracking down her face. She looked up and saw Darr.Shock shot across her face, followed by anger, and finally sorrow. Pinny nodded curtly to Darr and turned away.Relief flowed through him as Pinny’s accusing eyes left his face. He peered back at Esli.Her eyes remained open, the blank look haunting Darr, and he got his second shock. Her eyes were blue, not the wild gold he had always seen. Brilliant sky-blue, just like … Suddenly, Darr realized. Just like the young man’s.As a tear dripped off Jarren’s face, the captain limped away, the man’s sorrow grating against Darr’s nerves.He collapsed next to Morgus’s body, hatred rushing through him. This man was a liar. Darr sighed. Too late, he realized Esli hadn’t been his enemy— Morgus had been.As Darr stared at his dead master’s form, footsteps broke his thoughts, and he glanced up.An elderly man leaning on a cane peered down at him, his intense blue eyes boring into Darr. “Did you know this man?”Darr glared at him silently until he perceived that he owed Morgus no loyalty. “Yes. Or I thought I did.”The old man offered Darr his hand. “I am Berrin, prophet of the God.”Darr allowed Berrin to heave him onto his feet. “Darr.”“But you are more than that, aren’t you?” the prophet inquired, still gazing at Darr.Darr glanced away uncomfortably. “I was the captain of the Gorrane.” He flinched. What had caused him to say that? To distract himself and the prophet, he pointed and asked, “Who is that man over there?”The prophet didn’t look away. “Prince Jarren of Erindorr. Eslin was his sister.”Darr stared at the prince, fighting to keep the shock off his face. Morgus had informed him of Eslin’s true identity after she had betrayed them both, but Darr hadn’t realized Jarren had also escaped from Almorr.“Can you fight without the power?” The prophet’s question startled Darr out of his reverie, and he answered hesitantly, “Yes.”“Good,” Berrin commented, finally looking away.Annoyed by the prophet’s cryptic answer, Darr threw caution to the wind. “Why did Eslin die? Why didn’t she just run?”Berrin sighed wearily. “It was the only way Jarren could take his rightful place on the throne of Erindorr. If she hadn’t destroyed the Sourcestone, he would’ve been instantly overthrown by the Gifted who would oppose him.”Darr reached for his power and encountered nothing. Dread clenched in his stomach, and he stared at the grieving prince.His whole world crumbled as he took in events that had occurred. He was homeless, hungry, tired, and at the complete mercy of the Arronome. Morgus’s students were in the same place as he was, and technically he would need to lead them, seeing as he was the captain.“Have no fear, Darr, the God will watch over you,” Berrin stated, seemingly having read his mind. Just then, Pinny led the prince over. Jarren looked crushed. His shoulders sagged as he shuffled behind Pinny, and his eyes were haunted with pain. Berrin squeezed Jarren’s shoulder comfortingly and knelt before him. “My king, the God says this: ‘Jarren, king of Erindorr, trust me always, and I will guide you. Listen to my commands, and I will bless you. Take comfort, for I am with you’.”Jarren nodded to the prophet, and Darr thought his sorrow made him seem more like royalty. The king turned to Darr. “Who are you?”Darr flinched. Now was the time to test if the Arronome were merciful. He saluted and bowed before the king. “Darr of the Gorrane, former captain to Lord Morgus.”Jarren glanced him over. “I suppose you have fighting experience?”“Yes, Your Highness,” Darr responded.Jarren rubbed his eyes wearily. “Wonderful. Come with me. I need help gathering the wounded.”Darr bowed again and followed the king, surprised by his attitude. Maybe the prophet was right. Maybe the Gorrane could find a place among the Arronome.Maybe Darr could be redeemed.About the Author Bella Kuckel is a fifteen-year-old aspiring author, actor, and artist. When not frantically typing or acting in front of her mirror, she loves reading books, especially fantasy and anything fiction. She lives on a farm in Inman, South Carolina, with nine siblings and a random assortment of animals. Having been homeschooled her whole life, she has been exposed to many great novels and authors. She is proud to present Forsaken as her first completed novel, and she hopes to bring many more stories to the world.Class photo 2020-1150620-62484000 “Father Tolmarr had christened every orphan in the town, giving them names that meant?Riches?or?Happiness,?knowing that the villagers would only choose a child with a good title. But apparently, he had run out of names when Esli came along. . .”???What’s in a name? Everything, as Eslin well knows. Living a cursed life had taught Eslin her value, but on her sixteenth age-day, she was launched unsuspectedly into the next part of her life, which became a whole new paradigm, a life in which she excelled because of her gifts. The action in this breath-taking novel will keep you turning pages all night, but the heart of this novel will spin in your head and in your heart much longer than a single night. Just knowing who you are and for whom you are fighting is key, as Eslin discovers. Reminiscent of C.S.Lewis, J.R.R.Tolkien, and other classic writers because of their fantastical worlds in which a battle for good rages,?Bella Kuckel's masterfully inventive fictional world, where not all is as it seems, challenges the reader to cheer for good to defeat evil.??????????????????????? --M.B.Husman ................

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