
“Come on, Scarli,” urged Violet. The Australian Shepherd panted to keep up with the African wild dog. There was an eating contest at the restaurant near their home, and Violet wanted to sign up. The prize was free meals at the restaurant for the winner until the end of the year. Scarlett was unsure about this contest, fearing it would have serious effects on her friend. “Are you sure about this, Vi?” Scarlett asked, concerned. She knew her friend was no stranger to swell into a large blueberry very often, but those were easily reversible. If Violet did this contest, she would definitely have some fat on her body.“You know it!” shouted Violet in response. She was confident in her stomach to eat everything that to be eaten in order to win, if it was the last thing she’d ever do. Soon, they arrived at the restaurant, where a big stage had been set up, with a long table spanning across it, and seven seats, five of which were already filled. Violet could just see someone at the sign-in desk. After that contestant went to take her seat on stage, Violet quickly rushed over.“Am I just in time to sign up?” she panted. The guy grinned as he gave her the pen to sign with. “You’re the last one to sign up. Congratulations.” Violet beamed happily as she scribbled her name down on the paper. Scarlett panted up behind, just as Violet finished writing down her name. A look of worry crossed the Shepherd’s face as she saw her friend’s name on that list; she really hoped Violet knew what she had gotten herself into.“Don’t strain yourself, Vi,” said Scarlett. “Don’t shed your fur, Scar,” scoffed Violet, “I’ve got a stomach of steel!” As if to prove herself, she gave her slim gut a hearty smack. Scarlett just gulped as Violet made her way up on stage and took her seat. She noticed the other six contestants up there with her; some were nearly as slim as Vi, whilst two of them were rather plump, with noticeable pot bellies.Scarlett took her seat in the audience, which suddenly went quiet as waiters brought out the meals. Everyone gasped at the sight of what lay before the contestants: each one had to eat two plates piled high with burgers and hot dogs. Violet drooled at the sight before her, as her stomach let out a loud growl; she had made sure not to eat anything all day, so that she’d have plenty of room in her tummy for the contest.A giant monitor displayed the time limit of 20 minutes, and once the alarm sounded and the timer began to countdown, everyone immediately started eating. Violet tore into the plate of burgers, wanting to eat both meals simultaneously. She ate the first burger in large chunks, taking each bite immediately after swallowing the last bite. Once the first burger was finished, she moved on to the first hot dogs, eating it in the same manner. As Violet continued back and forth, she didn’t pay attention to her stomach slowly expanding.Scarlett watched in amazement, her friend storm through the mountains of food. She couldn’t help but look at how her rivals were coping too. Some were eating differently than how Violet was doing, and most weren’t eating as fast. The only one who seemed to be keeping pace with Violet was a female Arabian horse, with a black short jacket, white crop top, and denim jeans. The horse did look a bit plump though, with chubby cheeks and a slight belly. Scarlett hoped Violet didn’t notice this fierce competitor, otherwise she might push herself too far. Violet didn’t notice the mare keeping pace with her. She figured that if she was gonna win, she couldn’t afford any distractions. She was about halfway through her meal, when she started to feel full, her stomach feeling slightly stretched, but tried not to pay it any mind. She desperately wanted to win this contest, and couldn’t afford to settle her tummy. But when she was three-fourths done, she felt a stabbing pain in her stomach, which was practically begging her to stop. She was determined not to let it stop her from winning, so she pressed on, despite her eating pace slowing down.It wasn’t until the timer went off that Violet finally stopped eating, slumping back in her chair, moaning at how incredibly stuffed she was. She looked down and gasped at the sight before her: her belly was immensely bloated! She looked like she was 9 months pregnant with oversized triplets. She gave it a slight pat, and winced at how tight it felt, as it gurgled loudly trying to digest all the food. She felt very dizzy and woozy, so much that she didn’t notice the other contestants, most were slumped over the table, their meals not even half-finished, while the Arabian mare’s meal was just behind Violet’s, but it wasn’t enough.The judge walked up on stage and, after examining the results, lifted Violet’s arm up, declaring her the winner. The crowd cheered and applauded the contestants, while Scarlett looked at her friend with worry, particularly her humungous belly. Once everyone was allowed up on stage to congratulate the contestants, Scarlett rushed over to her friend’s side.“What’d I *hic* tell ya?” Violet moaned, “stomach of steel.” Her belly continued gurgling loudly as it digested her massive binge. Scarlett looked at the damage to her friend’s figure, worried she might not be able to become slender again, but that was the least of her worries.“I *hic* won,” Violet moaned happily, “I get free meals for the rest of the year!” This news made Scarlett’s heart sink with fear; the year had barely begun, and Violet could eat whatever she wanted. Not only that, but because of her new big tummy, Violet would now be eating lots of large meals, just to satisfy her stomach. And she feared her friend would only get fatter.“Ya know,” Violet said slowly, smoothly rubbing her big belly, “I look good with this tummy. I wonder how much bigger it can get.” ................

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