NET RESULTS… PASS, SET AND CLIMB HIGHER !CORE STABILITY FOR VOLLEYBALL ATHLETES“CORE” has definitely become a trendy topic in sport.BUT WHY ??Core is the basis for all body movement.To move your arms and legs efficiently and forcefully, they must be attached to something solid and stable.Everything about the body is connected.We draw energy from our core which is transferred throughout the body.The torso acts to support arm and leg actions. For example- during a volleyball approach- a stabilized core is better able to transfer power to the limbs for a higher jump and more powerful hit.OKAY…WHAT EXACTLY IS THE CORE ??The abdominal and back muscles from your shoulders to your hips surround the core area of the body.However, there is more to core training than just strengthening these 2 areas.TRAIN MOVEMENTS, NOT INDIVIDUAL MUSCLESDo not work muscles in isolation- For example- ab crunches or back extensions.More importantly, perform exercises that require global core stabilization.Athletic performance improves when muscles are integrated.For example- Triple Extension Exercise- Dumb bell cleans involve triple extension movement patterns by applying force with the feet against the ground while extending at the hips, knees and ankles. Training this movement pattern can improve height for block and jump approaches.This is a Dumb bell CleanSECRET TRUTH…Therapists and trainers would rather give fun and interesting exercises for shoulders, knees and ankles.Unfortunately, unless your core is stable, you are not going to obtain the full benefits of the fun stuff.Exercises such as squats, dead lifts, etc. are extremely dependent upon core stability.Once sufficient core stability is developed, these exercises are great for enhancing core STRENGTH & POWER.Not having sufficient core stability can lead to poor technique and possible injury.While training the core takes some time and effort, it’s easier and less painful than injury rehabilitation.LET’S TALK ABOUT “AB” WORKCrunches and curls DO strengthen the abdominal muscles.HOWEVER, too much emphasis on abs and not enough on core stabilization is a mistake.Crunches and curls increase mid-back hunching (kyphosis).This places undo stress on the spine- something we would like to avoid.Do core stability exercise in place of crunches.Yes ! We said replace crunches !!!LISTEN UP, GIRLS To counter some biomechanical and physiological differences, females need core stability and posterior chain work.Focus on muscles on the back part of the body.These play an important role in performance and optimal posture.Increased glute and hamstring strength is critical to prevent ‘knock knees’ (knees angled inward) and ACL tears (anterior cruciate ligament).More and more research is also coming forth finding a relationship between poor trunk stability and shoulder injury.If core training can contribute to faster recovery times and minimize the number of missed practices and competitions…why wouldn’t you want to train your core ?!?BLAH, BLAH, BLAH…WHAT ARE THE EXERCISES ?The exercises do not need to be complex.Focus on basic movement patterns with body weight or light loads only.WARM UPPrepare yourself mentally and physically.Dynamic stretching- HEY-that was what the very first NET RESULTS was all about !This will help raise your core temperature and prepare your muscles to move.DON’T FORGET TO BREATHE !!Breathing from your diaphragm (belly) can help create a stronger, more stable core.WORTH NOTING- REST Don’t make the mistake of training tired.Fatigue leads to poor form and you risk injury.Without adequate rest and muscle recovery, exercise reps will not be of good quality and technique suffers.Here we go …GLUTE BRIDGETRAINS: Glutes, hamstrings, muscles of lower back (spine extenders).START: Lye on your back. Place feet flat on the ground. Brace your core (tighten your abs and glutes).ACTION: Raise your hips. Keep body in a straight line from knees to shoulders.HOLD X 30 SECS X 5 REPS.**Lift toes up off ground and press through heels. This will prevent overuse of the quadriceps muscles on the front of your leg. PLANKTRAINS: Shoulder, hip and core stabilitySTART: Lie face down. Bend elbows to 90 degrees and place under shoulders. Brace your core muscles. ACTION: Raise body up onto elbows and toes. Keep back straight. HOLD X 30 SECS X 5 REPS.**Remember to breathe SIDE PLANKTRAINS: Shoulder, hip and core stabilitySTART: Lie on your side. Bend your elbow under your lower shoulder. Brace your core muscles.ACTION: Push up off ground with lower elbow. Raise hips. Keep a straight line from shoulders to ankles.HOLD X 30 SECS X 5 REPS.**Keep your toes upCLAMSHELLSTRAINS: Hip abductors (muscles on the outside of your buttock)START: Lie on side. Rest head on arms. Bend knees to 90 degrees. Brace your core muscles.ACTION: Raise top knee toward ceiling and return to start.10 REPS X 3 BOTH SIDES**Keep your hips forward and do not let them roll backwardMOUNTAIN CLIMBERSTRAINS: Hip flexors, core stabilitySTART: Top of a push up position. Brace your core muscles.ACTION: Pick up one foot and bring your knee to your chest. Put foot back down to start position. Repeat with other leg.10 REPS EACH LEG**Practice slowly to learn proper technique. Keep hips elevated.It may take several weeks until these exercises become easy. When they do, try some more dynamic core movements:OVERHEAD BALL LUNGEPerform a forward lunge while pressing a ball upward.Alternate legs. 15 REPS X 2 SETS WALKING LUNGEPerform alternating leg lunges while walking. Raise opposite arm of forward leg while lunging.Walk 10 meters. Repeat x 3.STABILITY BALL PUSH UPSPerform a push up with hands on the ground while legs are on a stability ball.8 REPS X 2 SETS STANDING CABLE/ THERABAND ROWSBrace core muscles while performing standing rowing action.15 REPS X 3 SETSBRIDGES/PLANKSProgress to single leg supportGreat work ! ................

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