ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2018-19October 22, 2018Today’s Agenda (Day 40)Homework Check: Ch 6 PPT QuestionsClass Activity Begin Ch 6 PPT Review Ch 6 Vocabulary Quiz HOMEWORK:Read Chapter 6 – The Human Population and Its ImpactComplete Ch 6 Cornell NotesCh 6 – The Human Population and Its ImpactAge structureBirth rate/crude birth rateCultural carrying capacityDemographic transitionFamily planningFertility rateTotal fertility rateInfant mortality rateLife expectancyMigrationPopulation changeReplacement level fertility rateDeath rate/crude death rateREMINDERS:Ch 6 PPT Questions – Oct. 22Ch 6 Vocabulary Quiz – Oct. 22Ch 6 Cornell Notes – Oct. 23Ch 6 Test Oct. 25ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2018-19PPT QuestionsThe Human PopulationWhat density-dependent growth-limiting factors were faced by humans during the hunter-gatherer period?The Fertile Crescent was an especially biodiverse area. Explain each of these reasons why.It was a “bridge” Proximity to the Mediterranean SeaVariety in elevationFloodplainDefine agriculture:What was the role of plowing?What was the role of artificial selection?What impact did agriculture have on the human population?What growth-limiting factors were removed?What change took place during the Industrial Revolution?Describe each medical discovery made during the Industrial Revolution.Germ Theory –Vaccines –Antibiotics –Water Treatment –The human population grew at a fixed rate before the industrial revolution. What does this mean?The human population grew at an exponential rate after the industrial revolution. What does that mean?Label fixed growth, exponential growth, and the Industrial Revolution on the human population graph.Give the formula for calculating doubling time. Complete the doubling time data table.YearGrowth RateDoubling Time15430.10%17370.12%18030.28%19280.56%19750.92%19871.89%Human DemographicsDeveloping countries tend to be:Older or Younger?Poor or wealthy?Growing in population size or shrinking?Developed countries tend to be:Older or Younger?Poor or wealthy?Growing in population size or shrinking?Which type of country is primarily responsible for the exponential growth of the human population?What is demographics?Define each of these demographic variables:Life Expectancy – Total Fertility Rate – Replacement Level –What is gross domestic product (GDP)?What is GDP per capita?The Genuine Progress Indicator is meant to be an improvement over GDP. What different factors does it include?Define emigration.Which type of country is more likely to experience emigration?Define immigration.Which type of country is more likely to experience immigration?What two variables are displayed in a population pyramid?Label the types of growth shown by these pyramids.Demographic Transition Model What is the demographic transition model?What changes occur during each of the stages of the model?Describe the birth rate, death rate, and changes in societal conditions for countries in each of the stages of the demographic transition:Pre-industrialBirths __________Deaths __________Pop. Growth: __________Early transitionBirths __________Deaths __________Pop. Growth: __________Late transitionBirths __________Deaths __________Pop. Growth: __________IndustrialBirths __________Deaths __________Pop. Growth: __________Post-industrialBirths __________Deaths __________Pop. Growth: __________Pre-industrial countries have many pronatalist pressures. Describe each. What changes in the early transition stage to cause the population to grow so fast?What efforts take place in the late transitional stage to slow down population growth? The length of time a country spends in the ___________ and _______________ stages determines how large its population will grow.Label the preindustrial, transitional, industrial, and post-industrial stages on this graph.-23812517335500What is an antinatalist policy? Give an example.Give the year 2100 population size projections.Low: ____________Medium: ___________High: ____________ ................

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