Infection Control Worksheet

Infection Control Worksheet

Please answer all questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1. A nurse is caring for two patients, one has pneumonia, and the other was in a car accident and has a broken leg and arm. The patient with pneumonia is having a severe coughing episode, so the nurse rushes into the room and suctions the mucous out of the patients’ trachea so he may breathe better without putting gloves or a mask on. Four days later, the patient who had been in a car accident develops a severe cough and complains of difficulty breathing. His chest xray shows pneumonia. Using the chain of infection, describe how this patient contracted pneumonia.

2. Differentiate between antiseptics and disinfectants. Provide an example of each.

3. How are surgical instruments cleaned after use?

4. When must standard precautions be used?

5. You are taking care of a patient who is complaining of loss of appetite, pain in his joints and nausea. You notice the whites of his eyes are yellowish and his urine is dark brown. He has a history of intravenous drug use, but has been “clean” for six months. What do you think is wrong with this patient?

6. You are taking care of a patient with severe nausea and vomiting. Name two types of PPE you must wear when caring for this patient.

7. What is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of disease?

8. You are caring for a patient with an active herpes infection. What types of PPE would you wear? What type of isolation has this person been placed in?

9. You are caring for a patient with influenza. What types of PPE would you wear? What kind of isolation has this person been placed in?

10. You are taking care of a patient with active tuberculosis and the doctor has ordered an x-ray. What type of PPE does the PATIENT have to wear to the x-ray room in order to prevent spreading his disease to other people in the hospital?

11. Name five ways Hepatitis B can be spread.

12. A woman works in the laboratory in a local hospital. When she was hired, she was asked to go to the Employee Health Department to get her Hepatitis B vaccination. She didn’t believe the vaccination was necessary, so she signed a paper saying that she declined to get the vaccination. Six months afterward, a tube of blood in the lab broke and the contents splashed on her face. Lab work was drawn on this employee, and she tested positive for Hepatitis B. Is the hospital responsible for paying for her treatment? Can she sue? Why or why not?


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