Vol. 1. No. 37. Wednesday, Jbly ID. 1D44

Published In Italy


Allies 20 Of 48 States To Permit Voting


In On


By Federal Ballot Heavy Prussian Battle Looms

Men From Other States Red Armies Must Apply To Vote But 15 Miles

Tojo Loses Job As Chief


As Absentees

From Reich Of Japan's General Staff NE of Port

of WtAhSe H4I3NGstTaOteNd. wilJlulpyer1m8i--t Twveotnitnyg by Federal ballot In the November election, apacrtcmeontrcdirciulnargjustto raeleWaaserd Dfeollowing the expiration of the time

MOSCOW, July 18 -- Soviet armies consolidated their positions on the west bank of the Nlemen River within 15 miles of East Prussia to-

WASHINGTON, July 18 -- Premier Hideki Tojo lias been retonight. moved as chief of the Japanese general staff, Tokio radio reported

The broadcast said Genera! Yoshijiro Umezu. Commander in Chief of the Kwantung army, who at present is in Manchuria, has

ADVANCED ALLIED HEADQmoUuAnRtTianiEg nRthSeir,tewrraaJyiunl,yt5h1trh8o--uAgArlamteyrdiftlfriiogcohuptlst-

limit on July 15 under which states could approve Its use.

The following states oer tilled

that eratlhbaellyot fwrooumldmenaccoevpetrsetahse aFseda-n auxiliary to their state absentee ballot: California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts. Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico. North Carolina. Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah .Vermont and Washington.

Members of the armed forces,

day and poised themselves for a drive to the southeast comer of Hitlerland in the region of the Masurian Lakes where the great

RInustsheo-lGaestrmwaanr. battles were fought As the Russian drive sped on.

fortification fever was reported sweeping the East Prussian border. Civilians have been ordered to dig in and the Germans may attempt a stand before the Soviets reach the lakes. It was here in 1914 that

German and Russian armies staged

been appointed to succeed Tojo. The announcement gave no indication of whether Tojo will remain os Premier but his removal was seen here as an indication that

JPaacpiafni'c.s war lords arc greatly worried over the turn of events in the

Tojo's ouster followed closely the shake up in the Japane:?e naval command announced yesterday which saw Admiral Shigetaro Shiinada fired as Navy Minister. Admiral Shimada, who was succeeded by Admiral Naokani Nomura, was the fourth top-ranking Jap naval of-

ficer to be dismissed or disappear since the war started. Removal of Tojo came as a complete surprise for it had been supposed that he controlled the Jap government with an iron grip.

reached the Arno River this morning when American elements enteeraesdtthoeftLowenghoofrnP,ontmedaerrka,ingnortthh-e

northernmost point of the advance in Italy. Allied forces were reported to be closing in oil the great port

coapinptdoysidategimooalniintsaitonndsc.oexntteinnsuiovues misnteufbile>lodms

cor(rAesSptoanrdsenatndreSpturriUpejs tfhreonfta-lllinoof LeAgfhtoerrn lonopkji>ncgareddownimmoinnenthte. city



their mighty struggles, ending in a victory for German armies under

Recent bombings of Japan's homeland and U. S. successes in all phases of the Pacifio campaign apparently loosened his hold.

from a nearby hill, he said tho residential section did not gccui

but two of these states can use the Marshals Ludendorf and von Hin-

as damaged as a year of bomb-

Tremendous Federal ballot if they take an oath denberg at Tanneberg.

that they applied for a state balceivelot obnefeore bSeefpotr.e 1Ocatnodberdid1. nFoltorirdea*

inFdiacrattheedr tnhoartth,Sofvrioentt-lairnmeiersepohratds opened an assault on Kaunas,


sunk bionr.gIshnealnsidtaeiieoandxsc,pmhieghwctatsiselniddpibwclaGayoet.cer]k.medanThbeydeshhmaiorp--s

daonedsnG' to members of the armed

Opened In France Soldiers from the other 28 states

^LgiultalhruduaitnnigxalnlthuceaXpListXtarlaig8ahUntUd robUaCausd>tviaootnuo

!Koenigsbei* through city of Insterberg.



would pave the way fer a Ru&sian

wiU be able to vote only by state drive on Tilsit in Northern East

absentee ballots. Many soldiers who Prussia close to the Baltic.

Vote the Federal receive the state

ballot ballot

may later for which

Other Red armies were speeding for Brest-Liiovsk and Bialy^tok,

they had applied. In that case vot- twin bastions covering the route to

liontg sohfofuicledrsbesayexethcauttedtheansdtatmeaiblaeldalso. If It arrives in time, the state

Warsaw and central Poland. A sensational dash by Marshal Rokos-

instead of the Federal be counted.

ballot will

sovsky'(sConftoirncuesed broonugphatge t8h)em


State ballots have the advantage of cowring Federal and state elec-

German Plants Attacked toral offices, while the Federal bal-

lofticemussetekenrse.cessarily omit state of-

By 15th AAF Bombers A new War Department circular

also sets up the procedure for voting the Federal ballot by eligible

men departing from an overseas

satrartiivoen ufnotril thaefteUr. O3c.towbehro. wTohnu'st men returning on hospital ships, on rotation, or under orders will

U. S. Bombers Attack get a chance to vote en route, say

voting officials.

MAAF HEADQUARTERS. July 18 -- Liberators, with a Lightning escort, bombed the Manzeli Dor nler aircraft factory at Friedrichshafen, on the north shore of Lake Constance, southwest of Munich, in southern Germany, in a heavy raid today, it was reported at 15th AAF

headquarters. Flying Fortresses,

with Mustangs escorting, hit the

Memmingen airdrome, 60 miles

Ammo Blast Causes Flying Bomb Sites west of Munich.

The sweeps into southern Ger many met with large numbers of


CanSaHdAiEaFn. tJruolopys 1o8f --theBr2intdishArmayn,d supported bybardmetnthinehigsrteoartye,st opaiernebdom amajor attack east of the Ome River and southeast of Caen, General Dwight Eisenhower an-

nounced in a special communique tonight. More than 1,600 British and American heavy bombers, more than 500 mediums and hun-

dreds of fighter bombers saturated the battle area before the attack openeardd LawunMdoenrtgoGmeneerrya.l Sir Bern-

coSmHmAuEnFic,atJiuolnys 18c--enStte.r Loa.ndthesouvirtcael of power mafndoy,rIs fairlmalryge ipnartAmoefriNcoarnhlaatneds,todaiyt.was officially announced

Organized German resistance north and northeast of St. Lo col-

lapsed this morning after a week of fierce fighting around the town. of Hiwthleorm's fcoruagchkt paatratCraosospienros,, bseogmaen

Martinville was captured by the Atemredraiy.foiaednsmorteirn fitrhee. Bfearcfeiuof saiintdenstih-e place changed hands tux times yes-

Yank spearheads threatened to cut the main St. Lo-Periers lateral road in two places, and one o! Lwta.s Goenlny. 2O00mayrardsBraadwlaeyy'sfropmatrotlhse hdirgohvewayw.ithAinnothtewro Ammielreiscaonf Pceoriluemrna.

On the west coast 1st Army troops were reported to have en-

tered Lessay from the west and efafsotodeadfteAry mRaikveirn.g crossings of the

In the Evrecy sector fighting was every bit as hard although some ground was gained.

LONDON, July 18 -- American air

Polish troops or the 8th Army today efftherocugtheofdth'ea Gceomrpmlaente pobsrietaiko-n

southwest of Ancona, Adriatic port, it was also announced. The city wwaesst graanvdelythethrseoauttehnedby frtohme tUhteU Army push. Thus both ends of the 150-mlle German defenses in Italy, prize coastal cities, were fast reach-

Iningtanhe"unmtiedndalbel,e'' armor and infantry was enlarging their Amo River bridgehead north and west of Arezzo. German resistance was stiffening in this sector, but Allied gains were reported

Leading 5th Army troops were reported fighting their way through the last of the hill mass south of the Amo. In front or them was more level country than that through which they fought at a

mile a day speed from Cecina durng the last three weeks.

WITBHy aTHSEtaff-FICFoTrHresApoRnMdYent OUTSIDE LEGHORN. July 17 < De-

layed)-- In the tremendous effort to crack stubborn German resis-

tance before Leghorn. American artillery today threw one of its concentrations of fire in (Continued on 8)

Heavy Casualties German fighters and flak was in- to withdraw last night and the power was turned full blast on

Palau, Yap, Woleai tense. Several enemy planes were

destroyed. Early reports indicated

evacuation was carried out heavy American pressure.


Germany's latest weapons today when between 500 and 750 Forts

Get Heavy Bombing SAN FRANCISCO. July 18-- Two

ammunition ships being loaded at the Port Chloago U. S. naval depot in upper San Francisco Bay ex-

ploded last night, erupting in flames



in the bombing

On the eastern side of St. Lo and Liberators blasted the Nazi ex-

two miles away, the village of

perimental stations at Peenemunde

and Zinnowitz on the Baltic sea-


Peenemunde, which was attacked


FDR Endorses Wallace , visible for a hundred miles and

causing te"nshiveeadvamyage, c1a2stuhaltNiaevsa"l aDnidstreixc-t

Gives Dems Free Hand Headquarters announced today.

severaerls is kmnoontwhns aasgoanby eRxpAeFrimbeonmtba-l station for both flying bombs and loMnogr-eranagtetackrsockoents.the supply dumps

rHaEnAgDinQgUAARlTliEeRdS,planJeuslydr1o8p--peWdide6-5 tons of bombs on Pabu. Yap and Woleai in the western Carolines

os ''sCeavseuraeltiases eawrillyl ubneofhfeiacivayl bruetporntost Pinrdeiscsa.tedE.a"rlytheestNiamvaytestorladngUenditeads high as 650 dead and injured.

As the Navy continued its Investigation, officers estimated that be-

tween 200 and 250 officers and enlisted men could be listed "missing

CHICAGO. July 18 -- President you will be chosen permanent

Roosevelt let it be known today he chairman of the convention and be-

would vote for the renomination of

cause I know that many rumors ac-

Henrydent iAf h.e Wwaelrleacea fdoerlegVaitcee tPorestih-e Democratic convention but left it to the convention itself to make

company all conventions I am

wholly willing to give my own personallecttiohnoofugaht icnanrdeigdaartde tofortheViscee-

for flying bombs were made yesterPas ddayeby 8CtahlaAisAF arheeaavibeosthoveirn tthhee morning and evening. At night RAF Hallfaxes and Stirlings attacked

oflvyeirngerBnebFrrolaimncnbe., wihnislteallMaotsioqnusitoiensnowretnht-

and 63 tons upon much-poundcd MRcaaocbmAamruutlnhiuqriunereNpeoorfwtedG.eBrniTethraeailne,xDptoloouddgailyna'gss of a bfauul eatltack.dump featured the Ra-

In the Aitape-Wewak area of New Guinea, where some 45,000 Japs are trapped, light enemy prob-

Last Call For Mauldin a10n0d Nparvyesupmeerdsondneeald."havAen baedednittioankaeln

to hospitals.

the choice, the Associated Press reporSteend.. Samuel Jackson, of Indiana,

President. I do this at this time because I expect to be away from

Washington for a. few d^ys.

ing atstietimopnstsalongtothpeeneDtrriantieumAolrliedRivpeorwere repulsed.

Two vessels docked beside a loading wharf either were destroyed or

damaged badly and the personnel of these craft suffered heaviest.

permanenvtention,cmahdeapiurbmlainc aofletttheer ?`fcroonmMr. Roosevelt saying he did not wish to appear to be dictating to

'The easiest way of putting it is this; I have been associated with Henry Wallace during the past lour years as Vice President, for eight

the party conclave.

years collier while he was Secre-

Brazilians In Italy

The Wallace supporters immediately hailed the Presidential en-

WASHINGTON. July 18 -- The

dorsement as insuring renomina-

Brazilian Expeditionary Force ar-

tion, but in the opposition camps

rived in Naples July 16 to join the emphasis was upon Mr. Roose-

Allied armies in Italy, it was announced officially here today.

The Brazilian force has been In

velt's assertion "obviously the conletter, dvaenttioen dmust dJoultyhe 1d4ecifdrionmg." HyTdhee

ftoarrey otfhaAt.gIricliukletuhrei,m aanndd Iwerlelspebcethim, and he is my personal friend. For these reasons I personally would vote for his renomination if I were delegate to the convention. At the same time I do not wish to

appear in any way as dictating to






Park, N. Y., follows: "In the light of the probability

the con(vCeonnttiionn.ucdObvoinoupsalgye t8h)e con-

Cartoons In Book Form

The Bill Mauldin cartoons in book form arc still around in a

lainmyitedmoqruaentiptyr.intTehedreafwtoenr't thbee present lot are sold out.

Units and individuals who want to buy them should drop into the circulation office of Stars and Stripes. 152 Via del Tritonc and get them as soon as possible. They won't last much longer.


BHuErAmDeQsUeARvTilElRaSge. ofJuNliyng1t8hr--outhToh.e

Jap strongpoint blocking Allied progress toward Tiddim from the Imphadaly aftearreaa,heawvays acratpiltluerreyd bayrersatgeer,-

sSoauitdheatsotdayA'ssia cHoemadmquunaritqeures. from In southeastern China, accord-

have ing ltoaBuBncChedrepaortr,entehweedJapaassnaeuslet on the city of Hengyang in Hunan pinrovtihencec.ityFisguhbtuirnbgs, haits wabseensaisde.v.ere

1 r

rm s





Efretat 'Montrvjhtrs J


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Wednesday, July 19. 1944

Tricot /

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^Oesrnant ^ ^PortSttd.


Bresies^hS --


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Argentan \MoJrelPrtm*suH

Moutns te Marche /





U>y Che^Fitse ?


The Germans are pvtUo| up terrific oppo sition against Allied attempts to break oat



every possible means of chewed up and driven

wFaocarroyyiue/nr^ idsn-t_SotEy.vLtrhe*VLece$oyrtonleuIaetntusektrtinahrletsroopoapfdo.sLietsTeshaeysecBtaronirdt.isHhSta ................

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