Weeks 1-4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Guiding Question: How can I help create a positive learning environment for my classmates and myself?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I demonstrate personal responsibility in PE class?Can I use positive language and feedback in order to encourage my peers?What is fitness, and what activities help me improve my personal fitness?What is it important to warm up and cool down after I’m physically active?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I demonstrate personal responsibility in group settings with no reminders?Can I use positive language when participating with players of different skill levels?What are the components of health-related fitness?Can I demonstrate safe warm-up and cool-down activities?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I demonstrate responsible interpersonal behavior with my peers and with adults?Can I actively involve others with higher and lower skills in group activities?What is the different between health- and skill-related fitness?How can warm-ups impact my performance in physical activities?OPEN ModulePersonal & Social Responsibility Personal & Social ResponsibilityFitness Knowledge Fitness KnowledgeInstant ActivityName NoodleReflection PerfectionDynamic Warm-UpDynamic Warm-UpSkill DevelopmentRobotics LabReflection PerfectionIce, Water and SteamFoam Ball FrenzyCooperative TriathlonDown and Back RelayPlank Tag1-Minute Fitness ChallengesInvisible DumbbellsDice StretchHealth-Related Fitness ChallengesPlank TagDice StretchWalk ‘n Talk Cool-DownAssessmentHolistic RubricSelf-AssessmentDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricFitness PortfolioSelf-AssessmentFitness PortfolioFITNESSGRAM?DOK QuestionsEquipment ListPSR Equipment LinkPSR Equipment LinkFitness Knowledge Equipment LinkFitness Knowledge Equipment LinkOther ResourcesOPEN Instant ActivitiesOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosFITNESSGRAM?Weeks 5-8Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Guiding Question: How does being physically active improve my personal health and fitness?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I throw a ball underhand to a partner or target with accuracy?Can I recognize open space?Can I choose different activities that demonstrate different health-related fitness components?Can I identify ways to improve my habits to help me become healthier?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I throw a ball overhand to a partner or target with accuracy and control?Can I move into open space in order to receive a pass from a partner?Can I complete fitness assessments accurately and with max effort?What opportunities are available in my community for me to be active and improve my health?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I throw both under- and overhand using a mature throwing pattern?Can I move into and out of space in order to create passing lanes?Can I analyze the results of my fitness assessment and compare those results to healthy fitness zones?Can I chart participation in activity outside of physical education class and analyze my chart to improve my fitness?OPEN ModuleInvasion Basics Invasion BasicsFitness KnowledgeFitness KnowledgeInstant ActivityToss 3Fitness RelayPlug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Food Card Warm-UpSkill DevelopmentFitness RelayOver ThereThe GrouchGolden GoalieGolden GoalieFour CornersOver ThereSwitchSkill-Related Fitness ChallengesPlank TagWalk ‘n Talk Cool-DownRoll the DiceDice StretchHealth-Related Fitness ChallengesAssessmentHolistic RubricSelf-AssessmentDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsFitness PortfolioFITNESSGRAM?DOK QuestionsFitness PortfolioFITNESSGRAM?Language QuizEquipment ListInvasion Basics Equipment LinkInvasion Basics Equipment LinkFitness Knowledge Equipment LinkFitness Knowledge Equipment LinkOther ResourcesOPEN Instant ActivitiesOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosPlug & Play FitnessFITNESSGRAM?Weeks 9-12Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12Guiding Question: Can I learn the skills that I need to participate in a variety of physical activities?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I strike an object with a paddle, sending it over a net?Can I accept corrective feedback from the teacher?Can I move while changing direction, level, and speed?Can I demonstrate respect for myself and others while we work to complete ninja challenges?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I strike an object demonstrating a mature pattern?Can I listen respectfully when others are giving me feedback?Can I use a variety of locomotor skills to complete ninja challenges?Can I demonstrate the importance of social interactions in order to encourage my classmates?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I strike an object over a net with accuracy?Can I give corrective feedback respectfully to my peers?Can I demonstrate mature patterns for various locomotor skills?Can I demonstrate respect for myself by asking for help to improve my performance?OPEN ModulePickleminton PicklemintonNinja Warrior Ninja WarriorInstant ActivityPickleminton Pancake Flipper Ninja Warrior Training TagAgility Ninja TagSkill DevelopmentHello PaddlePancake FlipperBirdie in the CageBirdie in the CageSpat the SpotPeer AssessmentNinja Warrior TabataHometown Hero ChallengeNinja Warrior TabataRegional Heart ChallengeAssessmentSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsPeer Assessment WorksheetHolistic RubricSelf-AssessmentSEL Reflection GuideHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsSEL Reflection GuideEquipment ListPicklemintonEquipment LinkPicklemintonEquipment LinkNinja WarriorEquipment LinkNinja WarriorEquipment LinkOther ResourcesOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosKids Heart ChallengeKids Heart ChallengeWeeks 13-16Week 13Week 14Week 15Week 16Guiding Question: Can I move safely without teacher reminders?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I jump and land using a mature pattern?Can I work cooperatively during long rope activities?Can I dribble while traveling in general space?Can I catch a pass from my partner?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I jump a rope consecutively?Can I praise my classmates when they do a good job in jump rope activities?Can I dribble with control of the ball and my body while changing speed and direction?Can I make an accurate pass to my partner’s hands?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I combine jumping patterns and rhythms to perform various challenges?Can I accept all classmates into jump rope activities regardless of skill level?Can I combine dribbling with other skills during practice drills?Can I pass and catch in a dynamic activity environment?OPEN ModuleJump Rope Jump RopeBasketball Skills Basketball SkillsInstant ActivityBack to BasicsMatch Me If You CanToss 3Dribble TriathlonSkill DevelopmentJump Rope Battle BagsCreative Mode StationsMatch Me If You CanLong Rope BasicsLong Rope RhymesSurvival Mode StationsDribble TriathlonHand SkillsDriver’s TestKnuckle CollectorsDribble TagPassing TriathlonShoot, Dribble, Pass, DribbleAssessmentSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsEquipment ListJump RopeEquipment LinkJump RopeEquipment LinkBasketballEquipment LinkBasketballEquipment LinkOther ResourcesKids Heart ChallengeKids Heart ChallengeOPEN Instant ActivitiesSkillastics BasketballOPEN YouTube VideosSkillastics BasketballOPEN YouTube VideosWeeks 17-20Week 17Week 18Week 19Week 20Guiding Question: Can I combine locomotor and manipulative skills during a physical activity or game?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I pick up a lacrosse ball and move with it in general space, demonstrating control?Can I work independently and safely in all activities without teacher reminders?Can I dribble in space while keeping control of the ball?Can I pass a ball with accuracy?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I demonstrate the cues for throwing a lacrosse ball?Can I work safely with peers and equipment without teacher reminders?Can I dribble in space, with control, while changing speed?Can I pass a ball with accuracy and control?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I throw a lacrosse ball with accuracy?Can I apply safety principles in order to create a positive learning environment for everyone?Can I dribble with control while avoiding a defender?Can I pass and receive a ball with accuracy and control?OPEN ModuleLacrosse LacrosseSoccer SoccerInstant ActivityYum, Yum, YumClean Your YardToss 3 (Soccer Passing)Toss 3 (Soccer Passing)Skill DevelopmentClean Your YardMusical LaxTarget PracticeLax TagSharks in the SeaPartner Toss and CatchScrambleShark AttackPass vs DribbleShark AttackKeep AwaySoccer TagAssessmentSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsEquipment ListLacrosse Equipment LinkLacrosse Equipment LinkSoccer Equipment LinkSoccer Equipment LinkOther ResourcesOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN Instant ActivitiesOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN Instant ActivitiesOPEN YouTube VideosWeeks 21-24Week 21Week 22Week 23Week 24Guiding Question: Can I cooperate with my friends and enjoy physical activity together?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I work independently and safely during physical activities?Can I describe the role of rules and etiquette in physical education?Can I recognize the fitness components that relate to invasion games?Can I identify and describe a strategy used for opening space in invasion games?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I work safely with my peers and equipment during physical activities?Can I demonstrate and follow all rules and etiquette?Can I identify fitness activities that will help improve my performance in invasion games?Can I identify and describe a strategy used for closing space (defense) in invasion games?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I apply safety principles to create a safe and positive environment for everyone?Can I discuss the importance of unique etiquette elements of various games and activities?Can I create an activity plan that includes fitness activities for improving my performance?Can I apply both offensive and defensive strategies during invasion games?OPEN ModulePersonal & Social ResponsibilityPersonal & Social ResponsibilityInvasion BasicsInvasion BasicsInstant ActivityPlug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Star Wars TagPlug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Fitness RelaySkill DevelopmentCooperative TriathlonMachine ShopAerobic Pattern PerfectionRobotics LabAerobic Pattern PerfectionDown and Back RelayOver ThereFour CornersSwitchTeam HandballSwitchTeam HandballInvasion TriathlonAssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricSelf-AssessmentDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricLanguage QuizSelf-AssessmentEquipment ListPSR Equipment LinkPSR Equipment LinkInvasion Basics Equipment LinkInvasion Basics Equipment LinkOther ResourcesOPEN YouTube VideosPlug & Play FitnessOPEN Instant ActivitiesOPEN YouTube VideosPlug & Play FitnessOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosWeeks 25-28Week 25Week 26Week 27Week 28Guiding Question: Can I use teacher and peer feedback to improve my skill performances?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I use the movement concepts of direction and force during Pickleminton activities?Can I recognize open space during a game of Pickleminton?Can I engage in all challenges without teacher reminders?Can I perform the dance steps demonstrated by my teacher?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I use direction and force to improve my accuracy to a target?Can I attempt to strike an object so that it moves to open space?Can I identify the health-related components of fitness most related to class challenges?Can I combine dance steps into a routine?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I vary direction and force in order to gain an advantage in 1v1 Pickleminton?Can I apply basic offensive and defensive strategies during Pickleminton?Can I identify the skill-related components of fitness most related to class challenges?Can I combine locomotor skills into a dance with correct rhythm?OPEN ModulePicklemintonPicklemintonNinja WarriorDanceInstant ActivityReindeer Games (Teacher Choice)Reindeer Games (Teacher Choice)Plug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Counting 8sSkill DevelopmentSplat the SpotTime to Get SMART1V1 Pickleminton1V1 Pickleminton2V2 PicklemintonStation DayNinja Warrior TabataStudent Ninja ChallengesCha Cha SlideCupid ShuffleSpace JamAssessmentSMART Goal GuideDOK QuestionsHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsLanguage QuizHolistic RubricSelf-AssessmentSEL Reflection GuideSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsEquipment ListPicklemintonEquipment LinkPicklemintonEquipment LinkNinja WarriorEquipment LinkDance Equipment LinkOther ResourcesOPEN Instant ActivitiesOPEN Instant ActivitiesPlug & Play FitnessOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosWeeks 29-32Week 29Week 30Week 31Week 32Guiding Question: Can I demonstrate skill combinations to participate in a variety of physical activity choices?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I discuss the impact of jumping rope on personal fitness?Can I jump and land during dance activities?Can I discuss the role of personal fitness in basketball performance?Can I talk to my classmates about why I enjoy dancing?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I identify the components of health-related fitness improved by jumping rope?Can I perform jumping and landing to a beat and on cue during dance activities?Can I identify the components of health-related fitness that are improved by playing basketball?Can I compare reasons why I enjoy dance with reasons why I enjoy other physical activities?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I identify the health- and skill-related fitness components related to jump rope?Can I combine jumping and landing with locomotor skills to perform dance routines?Can I identify the health- and skill-related fitness components related to basketball?Can I discuss why I like certain dances more or less than others?OPEN ModuleJump RopeDanceBasketball SkillsDanceInstant ActivityPlug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Dancin’ TrainPlug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Trolls SeptemberSkill DevelopmentJump Rope RoutinesRoutine PerformancesStation DayFjaskernLooking UpCan’t Stop the FeelingShoot, Dribble, Pass, Dribble3v3 Bounce BallStation DayVirginia ReelHip Hop Virginia ReelDance ChoiceAssessmentJump Rope Routine Task CardSelf-AssessmentLanguage QuizHolistic RubricHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricLanguage QuizSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricLanguage QuizEquipment ListJump RopeEquipment LinkDance Equipment LinkBasketballEquipment LinkDance Equipment LinkOther ResourcesPlug & Play FitnessOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosPlug & Play FitnessOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosWeeks 33-36Week 33Week 34Week 35Week 36Guiding Question: Can I work cooperatively with classmates as we focus on improving our skills?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I move safely and effectively into open space?Can I move safely and effectively while using equipment?Can I combine dribbling and passing during soccer activities?Can I use a continuous running approach to kick to a target?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I combine the movement concepts of speed and direction in order to find and move into open space?Can I safely and effectively change directions in order to travel in a variety of pathways?Can I execute a leading pass to a moving partner?Can I kick the ball on the ground and in the air?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I combine locomotor and manipulative skills in order to maintain control of a lacrosse ball during all activities?How do my behaviors have an effect on the land, plants, and animals of my community?Can I pass and receive with a mature pattern?Can I demonstrate a mature pattern while kicking for distance and accuracy?OPEN ModuleLacrosseNext Gen Science(Estuary Conservation)SoccerSoccerInstant ActivityPlug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Estuary ExplorationPlug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Toss 3 (Soccer Passing)Skill DevelopmentPartner Toss and CatchMusical LaxLacrosse BasketballStation DayProtecting the EstuaryChesapeake Bay RestorationSoccer TagWindowsSoccer GolfWindowsShooting ThunderStation DayAssessmentSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricLanguage QuizHolistic RubricExit SlipsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricLanguage QuizEquipment ListLacrosse Equipment LinkEstuary Equipment LinkSoccer Equipment LinkSoccer Equipment LinkOther ResourcesPlug & Play FitnessOPEN YouTube VideosChesapeake Bay FoundationPlug & Play FitnessOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN Instant ActivitiesOPEN YouTube VideosWeeks 37-40Week 37Week 38Week 39Week 40Guiding Question:Can I demonstrate the physical skills and movement concepts that I’ve learned throughout the school year?Essential Questions Gr 3Can I recognize the role of rules and etiquette in a variety of physical activities?Can I work safely with equipment in physical activities?Can I throw overarm, demonstrating a mature pattern?Can I strike a ball with a bat, sending it forward?Essential Questions Gr 4Can I demonstrate etiquette and follow rules to create a positive learning environment?Can I work safely with peers and equipment in physical education class?Can I throw to a partner with accuracy and control?Can I strike a ball with a bat using proper grip and demonstrating a mature pattern?Essential Questions Gr 5Can I discuss the etiquette involved in various games and activities?Can I apply safety principles in order to maintain a positive learning environment for everyone?Can I catch a throw at different levels?Can I strike a pitched ball?OPEN ModuleField Day Field DayBat and Ball Games Bat and Ball GamesInstant ActivityPlug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Plug & Play Fitness (Teacher Choice)Two Ball TossersCatch on the SandlotSkill DevelopmentChoose Individual and Relay ChallengesChoose Team andWater ChallengesCatch on the SandlotThrow-Run DerbyHome-Run DerbyBaseball TagSandlot BaseballBaseball TagBrannbollStation DayAssessmentObservations of concepts listed on Academic Language CardsObservations of concepts listed on Academic Language CardsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsSelf-AssessmentHolistic RubricDOK QuestionsLanguage QuizEquipment ListField DayEquipment LinkField DayEquipment LinkBat and BallEquipment LinkBat and BallEquipment LinkOther ResourcesPlug & Play FitnessOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN Dance ModuleOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube VideosOPEN YouTube Videos ................

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