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New Powers and Abilities for MEGS by Morgan Walter Champion

Introduction: With a superhero game, there are always characters who have abilities that either cannot be built with the existing rules, or can be built within the existing rules, but at an exorbitant cost. This is an attempt to aid GMs and players by providing them with more options. Many of these rules are from The List Rules Document 4th Edition and from , the latter which will be shown in green. For such rules, I will list the person who designed them, plus any helpers. Some abilities originally came from Eric Langendorff's BoHmods.pdf from the Files section of the Yahoo Groups site. These will be shown in dark blue, unless they have been added to , in which case they will be shown in green. I have also used some abilities from the Addendum to the Sidekick Sourcebook. They will be in this light blue color. Some (such as Grasp, which was formerly the Reach Power) have been renamed.

(Some game content is also in this light blue color. This comes from another DC Heroes website I used to have a link to. If anybody knows from which website they come from could you please let me know at morgan_champion@.)

Upon finding out about the Exponential Gaming blog, I have also decided to include the MEGS content there. Such content will be in grey. I will also adapt such content, if I feel it necessary (i.e. the new version of Vampirism on the blog is just two Bonuses, as is the Mind Drain and Spirit Drain Powers. I just replaced them with two more generic Bonuses). I should also note that because of this, many Powers tend to repeat themselves (EMP and Pulse are basically two different versions of the same Power, for instance).

I recommend that you choose what you think is best for your individual campaign, and discard anything from this document that you do not think would suit the campaign.

Note: I needed a shorthand way of referring to Attributes, Powers & Skills as a whole. Henceforth anything which is measured in APs will be called Abilities.

Further note: To save space, Advantages, Bonuses, Flaws and Drawbacks all have their own sections. Powers will only have Bonuses and/ or Limitations listed in the description of the Power if they are specifically for that Power. If a pre-existing Bonus and/or Limitation can be applied to a new Power, it will be listed in the appropriate section of this document.

New (& Revised) Advantages: Ageing Reduction Advantages v1.0 By Sebastien Andrivet Helpers: Geomancer Slowed Ageing [Cost: 5 HPs*] Description: This advantage increases the life-span of a character by a factor of x4 to x10 (as determined by the Player and the GM at the Character Creation stage). Such characters normally age at this reduced rate throughout their lives. Ageing attacks directed against the character, such as Spirit Drain with the Ageing Bonus, will have their RV increased by 5 APs. Human characters undergoing anti-agathic treatments, supers possessed of healing factors, and long-lived aliens often have this Advantage. Near-Immortal [Cost: 15 HPs*] Description: This advantage increases the life-span of a character by a factor of x20 to x100, making his total lifespan at least a millennium. Such characters usually age by this retarded rate throughout their lives, or they age normally to adulthood after which ageing is retarded. Aging attacks directed against the character, such as Spirit Drain with the Aging Bonus, will have their RV increased by 15 APs. Super heroic gods and demigods often have this Advantage. Immortal [Cost: 25 HPs*] Description: This advantage increases the life-span of a character to infinity, making him unaging. Such characters usually age to their adult forms after which they stop ageing completely. Aging attacks directed against the character, such as Spirit Drain with the Aging Bonus, will have their RV increased by 25 APs. Cosmic beings often have this Advantage. Area Knowledge Advantage enhancers Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Helpers: Eric Langendorff, William Chamberlin

Cost: Each enhancer costs as much as the Area Knowledge Advantage that it is supporting. Description: The following two enhancers to Area Knowledge provide an extraordinary level of information. These are usually the result of technology (for instance being cybernetically interfaced with a large spaceship so as to know where everything is and what is happening), super-intuition, ultra-luck or magic. Characters using these bonuses include Diego “Rush” Zhao, the Question (Veitch urban shaman take) or Mercury (the fixer working with Faith in the video game Mirror’s Edge. Area Knowledge — Floorplans Bonus

A Character with an Area Knowledge Advantage enhanced with the Floorplans Bonus can navigate any germane area (wilderness, buildings, streets, subway tunnels, deadly labyrinths full of monsters, etc.) as if they had extensively studied its annotated floor plans. This works even if they’ve never set foot in the specific area in question – they just know where they are, where stuff is, and how to navigate from point A to point B. Video game enthusiasts can imagine this as having the best possible minimap unfolding in one’s mind, with zooms and colour codes and flags. Area Knowledge — Real-Time Bonus

A Character with an Area Knowledge Advantage enhanced with the Real-Time Bonus has their information current to the second. An example of use would be, rather than “where can I generally find cannabis dealers?” as per normal Area Knowledge, to ask “where can I be certain to find a cannabis dealer right now?“. This is information that falls under the normal purview of Area Knowledge, but absolutely up-to-date. Another example would be “where’s a good bar still open for at least two more hours?” or “how late is the route 402 bus?”.Smartphone enthusiasts can imagine this as having real-time status flags for every business and service, legal or not, throughout the area. Note — Real-Time Bonus plus Floorplans Bonus

It is possible to have both Bonuses stacked on a given Area Knowledge – which means that the “minimap” is updated and retagged to the second. For instance, if a fire is raging in a building, a Character with a relevant Area Knowledge and both Bonuses will have accurate knowledge of burned out and weakened areas, collapsed floors and ceilings, etc. as they stand right now. Another example would be navigating subways tunnels – the Character would know exactly where all the subway trains are and drive their own vehicle in the tunnels with zero risks of a collision.

Aren't I Awesome [Cost: 20HPs]: Description: This Advantage is the opposite of Leadership, in that it enables the possessor to drain the HP of his allies. HPs so drained may not be used for Character Advancement, and may only be used to have the character perform some awesome feat (hence the name of the Advantage). The character has no conscious control of who (or when) he (or she) drains of HPs, and is generally unaware that he (or she) has this Advantage. Morgan's Notes: This Advantage was intended to model how Green Lantern Kyle Rayner often outdid more experienced superheroes. Unconscious draining of HPs seemed the best way of defining how Kyle managed this.

Artificial Intelligence [Cost: 5HP*]:

Description: The character's mind is actually a sophisticated program. The character is immune to all Mental Attack Powers without the Affects Artificial Intelligence Bonus or Mystic Link.

Morgan’s note: This Advantage was intended to replace the Self-Link (Gadgetry) Power. It was based on the Digital Mind Advantage from GURPS Fourth Edition. It enables the creation of humans with artificial brains (e.g. D.A.R.Y.L. or Sylia & Mackie Stingray from Bubblegum Crisis).

Artist (Cost: 10HP each):

A character with this advantage has extensive knowledge and ability in an artistic endeavour. It can only be a single art form: painting, comic art, singing, guitar, acting, ballet, gourmet cooking, animation, special effects, writing, journalism, etc.

The character can create works of art in his chosen medium. This is a dice action requiring a lot of time. The AV/EV of the roll is equal to the Artist’s INFL/AURA and the OV/RV is 4. The RAPs gained indicate the quality of the art:

1-2 RAPs: The piece or performance is acceptable, if somewhat unimaginative. The Artist will go on starving.

3-5 RAPs: The piece or performance is creative and well received. The Artist will earn a reasonable amount.

6-9 RAPs: The piece or performance is extraordinary and worthy of accolades and critical acclaim. The Artist will earn very good money for it.

10+ RAPs: The piece or performance is a genuine masterpiece, both innovative and well crafted. No one who sees it will ever forget it. The Artist will never have to work again.

Art is not a quick process, but it is so variable that giving any sort of timetable for it is impossible. Instead, it’s up to the GM to use his best guess as to how long the creation of a piece or the learning of a performance takes. Simple or straightforward art may take 10-13 APs. More involved or technical art may take 18-20 APs. Some art is extremely time intensive, like novels, movies, or marble statues. These could take 21-23 APs.

A character may possess more than one Artist advantage, indicating that he is skilled in several techniques, but the advantage may only be purchased once to cover any one particular form of art. Thus, a character could not purchase the Artist (Dancing) Advantage three times to achieve a cumulative modifier.

This advantage replaces the Artist skill.

Astounding Potential Advantage [COST: 150/175/200HP*]

Description: The Astounding Potential Advantage denotes the case of a character who rapidly improves their various stats and develop new Powers, Skills, increase various Attributes, etc. This is simulated in game by multiplying all costs incurred during the Character Growth process by the Factor purchased with the advantage. A chart with the factor costs is listed below.

Potential Chart

Factor Cost

1/3 150 HP

1/4 175 HP

1/5 200 HP

This is, of course, an intrinsically game-breaking ability; especially since in many campaigns, the baseline Character Advancement rules are considered to be too rapid and some sort of house rule multiplier is slapped onto Character Advancement costs.

Atmosphere Adaptation (L), (G) or (S)

Cost: 10/25/50

Description: The Atmospheric Adaptation Advantage allows a character to live in a hostile environment as if it were his natural habitat. A character could be Adapted to live under water or in the harshest desert climates. The character will still need to eat sleep and breathe in some form no matter what the adaptation. If a character is adapted to live in a place that is poisonous however s/he must pay 25 points for the greater (G) version instead of 10 for the lesser (L) to be able to breathe normal air as well as the adapted air. Those with the superior version, (S) of this can breathe any atmosphere at all and can eat anything that provides enough mass. The Atmosphere adaptation can never be used to adapt to an environment that causes more than 5 APs per hour of damage for reasons other than conditions attack. A character could not be atmosphere adapted to live on the sun or to not breathe at all for example. Animals that can only live in a swamp or in high mountains would be described as the (L) form of this. Attractive (Restricted) [Cost: 10 HP*]: Description: The character is attractive, but only to certain people. (Hence, they get a cheaper version of the Attractive advantage). Example: Ukyo (of the Ranma ½ manga) has two guys after her. (Tsubasa, and much later in the manga, Konatsu). The catch is, they are both cross-dressing males. As other male characters don't show any real interest in her (including Ranma, the boy she's obsessed with) I came up with this limited version of the Attractive Advantage. BALANCE [COST: 10 HP] Description: The character never loses his or her balance, even when running on a narrow rope or beam. Biorythm [COST: 10 HP†] v1

By Sébastien Alexandre Andrivet

Description: A Character with this Advantage has a regular, waning and waxing flow of power which alternatively makes him more powerful and weaker. The rhythm must be easily identifiable, and the “up” and “down” periods must be of equivalent length – for instance day/night, full moon/new moon, equinox/solstice, Halloween/Christmas, winter/summer, etc. During the period defined as the “up” period, the Character operates one Genre higher than the rest of his environment – for instance if the campaign operates in the usual Mock-Real Genre, then the character uses the Action Genre during his “up” period. Likewise, during the “down” period, the Character operates one Genre lower (if you are already playing in the Real Genre, use the Brutally Real Genre listed in the Custom Genres section). If the campaign uses a custom Genre, the GM must design the higher and lower Genre from his campaign’s Genre, using the basic Genres as a guideline. The Biorythm advantage is based on the notion that the Character is every bit as likely to have adventures during his “up” period than his “down” period – although he can maneuver to try to have more critical events occur during his “up” period. If the Character concept abuses the Advantage – for instance by being in his secret identity at day and only adventuring at night, then defining day as “down” and night as “up” - the GM is free to disallow that Character the Biorythm Advantage or, in true comic book fashion, to keep throwing adventures and dangers at the Character during his “down” period, with the same intensity as whatever occurs during the “up” period. Can Join the Uni-Mind [Cost 10HP]: Description: A character with this Advantage can join with the Uni-Mind (The group mind of the Eternals). While normally available only to the Eternals, characters with a mental link to a specific Eternal (their gann josin) might also have this Advantage.

Combat Schticks (new and revised:) Note: These Advantages are mainly used in combat, so they have their own section. To distinguish them from normal Advantages, they will be headlined in dark violet. Ambusher [Cost 20HP]: Description: A character with this Combat Schtick is an expert at setting up ambushes and sneak attacks. If the character successfully ambushes his (or her) target the character (and everybody with him, if the character has the Leadership Advantage) gets an additional +1CS to all their attacks, until one side is defeated. The character cannot use the Advantage again until another ambush can be set up, which cannot be done in the same adventure. Designer's Notes: This Advantage was intended to represent characters such as The Frightful Four, who made a practice of ambushing the Fantastic Four. Ancient Master [Cost: 5HP per Subskill]: Description: A character with the Ancient Master Schtick can perform Martial Arts feats that astonish less experienced practitioners, but is easily exhausted. In game terms, Ancient Masters can expend a number of HPs equal to their APs of Martial Artist (if higher), instead of using their Physical Attributes. This Schtick must be purchased individually for each Subskill that it applies to. This feat should generally be purchased by aged martial arts masters only (hence the name), and hence requires the purchaser to either have the Age (Old) Drawback or one of the Aging Reduction Advantages listed above. It also may be used in conjunction with Combat Mastery (see below), but only if the number of levels of this Advantage equals or exceeds the number of Martial Art Subskills the character can use in the same phase. Designer's Notes: This Advantage was intended to enable aged martial artist characters (such as Happosai from Ranma ½) to use their Martial Arts Skill at full effectiveness, despite their presumably lower Physical Attributes. Armor Optimization [Cost: 5 points]

By: Dr. Peter S Piispanen

Description: The Character can gain the optimum benefits of any type of armor, even partial covering armor. This Shtick is of little use for those wearing a full body covering armor. For a fee of 5 HPs, any incoming random shots are guaranteed to hit the best type of non-fully covering armor the character happens to wear; this even covers armor that normally is not large enough to provide any protection from incoming attacks. For example, a helmet is normally alone not large enough to provide adequate protection of the wearer, in which case it would offer its’ /BODY/ score as RV, but this Shtick can enable any type of armor, however small, to take the full force of any incoming attack by paying the same HP fee. Likewise, for such a fee, any and all Trick Shots against the character during that turn, aiming to get around the character’s armor, receive a further +3 CS on their OVs. Additionally, this HP fee enables armor, such as a Vest or a Helmet, to take the full damage (i.e. damage from crashes) gained from crashing with a vehicle. The same rule might apply for any eventual falling damage gained by the Rocketeer using a failing Jet Pack. Judge Dredd and Psi-Judge Anderson have this Shtick. The Rocketeer, in the movie by the same name, also has this Shtick, and frequently is protected from falling damage by his helmet and blocks bullets using his helmet or his rocket pack. Partial Coverage Armor Table

A helmet doesn’t normally give any protection, but can effectively be used as armor by a user of Armor Optimization paying the HP fee. Vest, Jacket, Long Coat and Full Body Suit protect their wearer at all times. All armors can be by-passed by Trick Shooting around them, except for Full Body Suits. Shields have to be used to performing the Blocking maneuver in order for them to protect the user, but protection can also be made into an Automatic Action by paying the Armor Optimization HP fee.

|Trick Shot OV CS to bypass: |Factor Cost Modifier: |Example: |

|+1 if prone, otherwise +0 (+3/A) |-4 |Helmet |

|+0 (+3/A) |-3 |Shield |

|+1 (+4/A) |-3 |Vest |

|+2 (+5/A) |-2 |Jacket |

|+3 (+6/A) |-1 |Long Coat |

|no Trick Shot possible |0 |Full Body Suit |

*The /A denotes use of the Armor Optimization Shtick. Block Expert [Cost: 25HP]: Description: A Character with this Advantage gains a +1 CS bonus to his AV for Block attempts when using a melee weapon. Bloodless Gunfighter by Vincent P. Bartilucci

Description: Characters with the Bloodless Gunfighter Schtick are extraordinarily skilled at using lethal weapons in non-lethal ways. Despite its name, this Schtick need not refer to a character's Weaponry (Firearm) Skill; a character can instead take this Advantage to explain his ability to use his long sword or crossbow in non-lethal combat. This Schtick could represent a cowboy who is skilled at shooting the guns out of his opponents' hands or a swordswoman who is adept at knocking targets senseless with the flat of her blade. As always, the GM is final arbiter of what is considered a lethal weapon – in some Genres this Schtick may be completely disallowed.

Whenever a character with this Schtick declares a Trick Shot in order to avoid entering Killing Combat with his ordinary lethal weapon, he gains +1 to his EV. Brute [Cost: 15HP]: Description: A character with this advantage is extremely strong and relies on that strength to win fights. This could represent the fighting ability of a giant or a fantasy barbarian. He may link his Martial Arts skill to his STR. However, he does not receive the +2 to Initiative for Martial Arts. He may also link his Weaponry skill to STR, but only if he does not have the Energy Weapons, Firearms, and Heavy Weapons Subskills (If those are desired they must be purchased separately). This advantage is only available when the Martial Artist or Weaponry skills are first purchased. It may not be added later. A character with this advantage cannot have the Mystic Warrior or Psionic Warrior advantages. Combat Mastery Replaces: n/a. [Cost: 10/25/50 HP] †: Description: A Character with Combat Mastery may use more than one of the Assault, Battery, Blocking and Defense Subskills in a phase. At the 10 point level, he may use up to two of the Subskills in one phase; for 25 points, he may use up to three of the Subskills; and for 50 points, he may use all four Subskills in the same phase. Combat Reflexes [Cost: 25 HP] †: Description: This is an enhanced form of Lightning Reflexes. It not only raises the character's Initiative by 2 points, but also raises the character's physical OV by the same amount. As it is an enhanced form of Lightning Reflexes, a character cannot take both Combat Reflexes and Lightning Reflexes. Morgan's notes: You could also build a similar Advantage that raises AV and Initiative by 2 points. However, I would not permit a PC to have both Advantages – in such a case, I'd require the player to raise the characters DEX by 2 APs and purchase the Lightning Reflexes Advantage instead. Conditional Soaking [Cost: 20 points*] By Sebastien Andrivet: Description: The Character has the ability to endure amounts of a specific type of damage superior that which his BODY and HPs would suggest. The specific form of attack (e.g., fists and blunt weapons, heat and flame, suffocation, etc.) should be specified when taking the Advantage: for instance Conditional Soaking (Punches). When attempting LDD against the attack type his Conditional Soaking applies against, the Character will use a HP cost for LDD that is one point lower than the current Genre. For instance a Character in a Gritty campaign (where LDD cost is 3) with Conditional Soaking (Punches) would have a Last Ditch Defense cost of 2 versus such attacks. This Advantage cannot reduce LDD cost below 1, and is thus useless in Humor and Action Genres. It is thus normally taken by Characters operating in "lower" Genres. Contender [Cost: 10 points in most campaigns, where changes in Genre are quite rare; in environments where Genre often change, the GM's decision as to the price is final, and it might get pretty high.] Description: The DEX and Martial Arts / Weaponry (melee) of a Character with the Contender Schtick rise as he operates in Genres higher than his normal Genre. One Genre higher than normal means a +1 AP to both Skills, two genres is +1 to DEX and Skills, two levels is +1 DEX and +2 Skills, three is +2 DEX and Skills, and so on. Thus, if the modern Question were to leave his native Real Genre for a guest appearance in a Mock-Real book (i.e., a standard modern super-hero book), he would get +1 to his DEX and existent Skills – and thus DEX 08, Martial arts: 08.This represents the discrepancy of the Question being a highly ranked martial artist able to school most opponents who aren't world-class masters, but encountering problems with some groups of thugs as he operates in a genre where you can't realistically manhandle more than three or four street toughs without taking risks. CONTINGENCY PLANS v1.1 Writer: Peter Piispanen

Schtick designed for: Doctor Doom, Fantomex, Spartan of the Wildcats, Catman

Schtick Cost: 25 or 50 HPs depending on the Genre (Low realism to High realism, respectively)

Description: Most characters with this Schtick _always_ have several backup and escape plans. In-game the Schtick-owner pays a fee of 25 HPs when immediate defeat is apparent upon which he/she immediately appears to die from some cause or just mysteriously vanishes, while in reality being at another safe location. To other characters, he will appear to fall to his death, be disintegrated by the next attack or the like.

However, while paying the fee the Player also has to state the reason for how he can appear to die - and usually requires the resources and/or skills to pull this off - and should preferably come up with new explanations with each use of this Schtick. Possible reasons could include: robotic double,

clone, lost twin brother, hologram, teleportational switch with a dummy, magic resurrection, it was an alien shape shifter all along and so on. If the reason is well explained and in line with the Character's life and skills, the Player could receive a small Role-Playing Bonus during all of

this too.

For example, if the Schtick-user regularly employs technological or biological replicas of himself or others, he might exchange himself against a robot, clone etc. by paying that same fee. By use of this fee, it can actually have been the real character at the beginning of the fight, but still turn out that it wasn't him at all in the end, but a fraud or copy!

Despite the name of the Schtick the Schtick is not only limited to characters known for excessive and meticulous planning (such as Dr. Doom and Fantomex), but also to others that can pull off the "resurrection" act quite commonly. An example is Spartan of the Wildcats who transfers his

consciousness to a new robotic body in his lab upon the destruction of his old robotic body during an adventure. Another character having this Schtick not due to extensive planning, but due to mystical reasons, was the old version of the Batman villain Catman who just seemed to return from certain death a number of times (likely up to nine times; although this could arguably be simulated by use of the Invulnerability power instead even if it is not a perfect fit).

While it is a common trope in comics to appear to die only to resurface again, most such characters will instead merely rely on their HPs to miraculously survive and will therefore not have this relatively rare Schtick.

Designer's Notes: What about the cost of use (i.e. the fee)? Well, a Desperate Recovery Roll costs 15 HPs and a Premonition function costs 50 HPs (which is too costly IMO!), which is why I'm leaning towards a cost of either 25 or 50 HPs in-game. While designing this Schtick to not only be of use to NPCs but also to Players, my Player agreed to a useage cost of 50 HPs (it's a fairly realistic genre) and the restriction of requiring a Reason was also his own idea to minimalize abuse; his Character does have the Skills required to pull this off too. In Doc Doom's case he can just explain it away as robotic doubles or, actually, as a clone (which he has been known a

to make too). Given the idea of restriction requirements (the Character basically needs to have the Connections, Headquarters, skills or other means to make copies possible) I think it would be sufficient to have a cost of 25 HPs "only" per use since this meta-Schtick is essentially rewriting the continuum to a small degree, the cheapest form of which is a cost of 15 HPs (the infamous but expensive Hawkman paying a fee throws a beaker of acid found in a lab in Solomon Grundy's face example). It's just a way of getting away and pulling the wool over everyone's eyes – there will naturally not be any refunds for all the other HPs spent in the adventure before the Schtick

use even if the character who then died wasn't really the original (since we don't know when the Schtick will be used). The Schtick is useful for some of the characters who quite regularly and expectedly pull off the "”appear to die and disappear"” act and never end their adventures in jail (yes, most of those with this Schtick are villains). Deadly Fighter [Cost: 50 points]: Description: Characters with this Advantage have little qualms against murdering opponents. By paying a 10 HP fee a character with Deadly Fighter does not lose the rest of his HPs when he engages in Killing Combat. Developer's Note: This Advantage was developed for the Hawkman V writeup, but it's also common for anime & manga heroes to have this Advantage. Morgan’s Note: Note that it should be approved on a case-by-case basis: Ranma Saotome probably doesn't have Deadly Fighter, but InuYasha does – and both characters were created by Rumiko Takahashi! Devastator [Cost: 20 HPs]

By Peter Piispanen

Description: A character with the Devastator Schtick is extremely adept at critically injuring his opponents. Care should be taken by the GM when allowing this Schtick since it potentially might unbalance the game, although it really is not much more powerful that the theoretically opposite No Vital Areas Advantage. It allows the character to very easily inflict Critical Blows and Devastation Attacks upon his opponents, while not necessarily having to have huge skill levels (he might, for example, be an expert at anatomy seeing multiple attack points to choose between). The OV increase, upon trying such an attack, is one column shift less that ordinary, while the RV changes are unchanged. The No Vital Areas Advantage (NVA) is still useful against a Devastator. The following rules are always used, instead of the usual, by the Devastator character:

|Maneuver: |OV: |RV: |

|Critical Blow |+1 CS |-3 CS |

|Devastating Attack |+3 CS |-6 CS |

|Critical Blow (vs. NVA) |+1 |-3 |

|Devastating Attack (vs. NVA) |+3 |-6 |

Lobo might have this Schtick.

Disarm Expert [Cost: 25HP]: Description: A Character with this Advantage gains a +1 CS bonus to his EV for Disarm and Take Away attempts when using a melee weapon. Expert Kicker [Cost: 10 HP]:

Description: A character with this Advantage gets a +1CS bonus to AV when using kick attacks. The character cannot use weapons with a kick attack, unless the character is using Exotic Weaponry Subskill and a weapon that can be used with the feet (generally a shoe or boot).

Designer's notes: Many characters with Martial Arts use kick attacks (especially the Kamen Riders) so I thought there should be a way to boost the effectiveness of kick attacks.

1 Fastball Special [Cost: 20 HP]: Colossus is the master of the Fastball Special Schtick, which consists of grabbing a trained comrade and forcefully throwing him at an opponent. The thrown person can perform a Charge attack, or just attempt a normal, flyby attack. In both cases, having Schtick (Fastball special) allows Colossus to add, using AP math, his own AV and EV to his comrade’s. A Character with the Schtick (Fastball Special) can also give HPs to the thrown Character, even if he doesn’t have Leadership, during the Fastball Special. The Fastball Special was usually performed with Wolverine, who was perfectly suited for the role of the projectile due to his compact size, unbreakable bones and razor-sharp claws, but has occasionally been done with other X-Men. Like many other spectacular special manoeuvres, it is used solely when dramatically appropriate – once every few issues. Occasionally, the Fastball Special has been used to simply hurl an acrobatic team-mate to a point that person couldn’t otherwise reach, or to provide combat mobility. For instance, Shadowcat cannot deliver an attack as a Fastball Special projectile under most circumstances, but was occasionally thrown close to an enemy so she could land, roll and attack. Such positioning manoeuvres require a Strenuous Acrobatics (athletics) roll for the projectile; failure means landing in the wrong spot or taking a full Phase to recover from the throw. Fusillade [Cost: 25 HP]: Description: This Schtick is nearly unique to Nightcrawler – it involved grabbing a target and doing a quick succession of teleports in a single Phase, covering less than 3 APs of distance, in order to have the teleportation shock stun the opponent. The teleportation shock for all involved parties is raised by 5 APs. Nightcrawler will usually “brace” for this by spending HPs on LDD against his own Power. Designer’s notes: Obviously this Schtick only makes sense if the Character can teleport *and* some sort of shock with an EV is involved while doing so. But as you know, Schticks are designed to cover very specific cases. Grenades of Doom [Cost: 25 HP]

Description: The Character uses grenades (or other thrown, exploding projectiles) that sometimes have fiercer effects than should be expected, hurting beings that are normally proof against such weaponry. The Character can lend HPs to his grenades (this is a very specialized version of Leadership), which they presumably will use for their Bomb power or equivalent. The Character can still expend HPs on throwing the grenade, for instance on a difficult throw. In realistic genres where the character cannot freely use HPs to increase the APs of his grenades effects, this Shtick allows the character to spend HPs on his grenade attacks, making him deadlier than most. Alternatively, the GM may opt to halve the rate of Bomb’s decreasing APs over a radius effect, thus making bombs even deadlier over distance. In the case of the Green Goblin, this shtick is useful with his Pumpkin bombs, Anti-spidersense gas grenades, Wraith smoke grenades and Wraith KO gas grenades.

Hard Headed [Cost: 10 HP]:

Description: A character with this Advantage is one who loves to use a head butt. If their hands or other attacks are incapacitated they can head butt a foe without risking damage to the head. This is a normal physical attack.

Heart-seeker [Cost: 10 HP]:

Description: A character with this Advantage prefers to aim for the heart in combat (requiring a Critical Blow). When aiming for the heart, the CS penalties for the Critical Blow are reduced by +1CS. Morgan's notes: I originally intended this for Stoker's version of Jonathan Harker (who is a far more effective (and interesting) character than Hollywood (or Alan Moore) thinks), but it seems like a great Advantage for vampire hunters in general.

Improvised Weapons) [Cost: 20 HP]

Description: The Character does not incur penalties when handling an object as a weapon, even if it was not designed to be used as a weapon: chairs, broomsticks, small furniture, vases, etc.

Note that this doesn’t cover a superhuman or near-superhuman ability to use otherwise harmless objects as deadly weapons or projectiles, as Bullseye or Arsenal do. This Advantage just negates the penalty for using unwieldy objects as weapons. It does not, for instance, enhance their EV.

Jackie Chan and Lady Killer have this Shtick.

Indestructible Costume (Cost: 5 HP):

Some characters are constantly tearing and destroying their costumes. This can compromise a hero’s identity, to say nothing of his modesty. Not so the character with this handy advantage! This character’s costume can not only endure the rigours of the character’s powers without harm, it is practically indestructible. At best, your cape might get ripped up or a sleeve torn, even if blasted with enough force to kill you!

License to Kill (Cost: 20 HP)

A character with this advantage is authorized by the government to exercise lethal force in certain situations. Thus, the character may not be penalized for using Killing Combat. There are two types of characters given a License to Kill: Law Enforcement and Military. The HP cost for both is the same, but the player must specify which License he has when he purchases the advantage.

Note that almost no government would give such a license to a powered character except under extremely unusual circumstances. Black ops superhero teams do not count, nor do antiheroes like the Punisher, even if employed temporarily by the government. The drawback with playing these types of characters is that the rewards are few and hard earned- you just have to be contented with the fact that you brought a permanent end to a villain.

The GM can deny any player this advantage.

Law Enforcement characters include detectives, FBI agents, cops, etc. These characters forfeit no HPs for acting in self defense or the defense of others and lose only a quarter of their HPs for initiating Killing Combat against violent criminals. Deliberately killing an innocent or a villain that obviously is not violent still forfeits all of the character’s HPs for the adventure and causes the character to automatically lose their license and suffer legal consequences. Accidentally killing one still causes a lot of trouble and loses half the HPs of the adventure.

Military characters include soldiers, spies, secret service agents, etc. Military characters are usually only allowed to initiate Killing Combat if ordered to do so by their commanding officer. However, they can engage in Killing Combat to defend themselves or the citizens of their nation with no orders issued if attacked by an enemy. They lose no HPs for either situation. Additionally, Military characters in enemy territory are allowed to freely initiate Killing Combat against enemy military targets with no fear of losing HPs. Attacking a civilian target in an enemy land, engaging in terrorism or torture, or attacking unprovoked and without orders anywhere, loses the character all of his HPs and may also result in serious consequences such as imprisonment, dishonorable discharge, demotion, etc. License to Kill [Cost:25 HP]

Description: The character is a special agent of some powerful government and will not be legally harassed by his country or allied nations for killing people in the pursuit of his missions, within reason. The character will not receive any legal protection from non-allied countries, even assuming he is not disavowed if captured in such circumstances. Also, when the character faces the need to kill somebody the HP penalty for entering Killing Combat doesn’t apply if their opponent was the one who initiated Killing Combat. Finding a different way of doing things, i.e. not entering Killing Combat, must be encouraged and awarded, on the other hand. England, and most other governments, expects her agents to exercise this privilege with discretion, and excessive or arbitrary killings will still result in severe consequences. Indeed, sufficient abuse of this trust may result in the indiscreet agent suffering the ’ministrations’ of another similarly empowered agent in turn. Martial Techniques [Cost: 5 HP for each Technique, and see below]: Description: These Advantages replace the Techniques Subskill of Martial Artist (and the character must have at least 0 APs of Martial Artist to even purchase one of these Advantages). They are listed as follows: Concentrated Attack: (5HP/level): Each level of this Advantage takes a Dice Action to activate (the character doesn't need to use all the purchased levels of the Technique), and provides a cumulative -1CS to the OV of the following hand-to hand attack. This Technique may be applied to any offensive combat maneuver. Counterstrike: When attacked in hand-to-hand combat, character with this Technique may opt to let their opponents attack first, even if they have a higher Initiative. Once their opponent attacks, the Counterstriker can immediately counter-attack (even if it isn't their turn to act), gaining a -1CS to their opponents OV for every negative OV shift their opponents used against them. Counterstriking characters cannot use the Blocking or Defense Subskills of Martial Artist but can use the Assault or Battery Subskill. Laying Back: Characters using this Technique (by expending an Automatic Action) gain a +1CS to their OV. This Technique may be used in conjunction with any defensive or offensive combat maneuver except Pressing The Attack. Submission Hold: The AV/EV & OV/RV of a Submission Hold are determined as though attempting an Offensive Throw (see below), with the RAPs of the attack being subtracted from the victim's Dex (and movement) until the hold is broken. (To break a hold, AV=DX (or Assault Subskill), EV=Str/Body/Will (or Battery Subskill) or APs of Mind over Matter (whichever is higher), while OV/RV= the attacker's Str/Str.) Throwing Maneuver: This is actually two maneuvers: Defensive Throwing and Offensive Throwing. Unlike other Techniques, Offensive Throwing (but not Defensive Throwing) can be performed without having purchased the Throwing Maneuver Technique, but with a +2CS Penalty to the targets OV/RV. A Throwing Maneuver uses the character's Dex/Str as the AV/EV, (or substitute Martial Arts for either AV or EV). RAPs earned serve as the APs of Knockback, with the maximum throwing range being Str-APs of weight. Offensive Throwing uses the target's Dex as OV and the targets Str or Body (whichever is higher) as RV. Defensive Throwing has the same restrictions as the Counterstrike maneuver (see above) but cannot be used in the same phase. It uses the RAPs of the attacker as the OV/RV. (If the attacker missed, treat as an Offensive Throw. If the defender missed,but the attacker didn't he or she takes the RAPs as normal.)

Mystic Warrior (Cost: 20 HP): Description: A character with this advantage is attuned with mystical energies that flow through himself and the universe around him. He has learned to draw upon those energies to fight. This could be a mystical monk or a Jedi Knight. He may link his Acrobatics, Martial Arts, Vehicles, and Weaponry skills to his INFL. This advantage is only available when the skills are first purchased. It may not be added later. A character with this advantage cannot have the Brute or Psionic Warrior advantages. Nerve Pinch [Cost: 40 HPs]

Description: A character with this Shtick is extremely adept at subduing and stunning his opponents. This is done by performing a nerve pinch, choke hold or similar. If he uses his Martial Arts for AV and a Critical Blow, he may score -4 CS to the RV instead of the usual -3 CS RV. The No Vital Areas Advantage is still useful against a character with this Shtick. Paired Weapons (Weapon category) [Suggested Cost: 40 HPs] Designed for: A large number of cinematic, video game, pulp novel and comic book gunfighters (the Shadow, Lara Croft, Chow Yun Fat’s “gun opera” characters, the Punisher… have Paired weapons (Firearms); Miyamoto Musashi pioneered a Paired weapons (Swords) style and Bruce Lee dazzled the world with Paired Weapons (Nunchaku). In many games this Schtick could be considered a normal combat option and not an Advantage. This ubiquity sets Paired Weapons aside from normal Schticks, which is why it is presented first and out of alphabetical order. Suggested cost: Both my and Dr. Piispanen’s cost analysis ends up at this Schtick being worth 5 HPs — since it’s way more common than other Schticks we figured that providing a costing suggestion for it would be nice. Description: This Schtick allows the stunt, now common is fiction and video games, of using simultaneously and efficiently two one-handed weapons. By using two weapons, the Character can increase either the EV or AV of any given attack by one – paired 9mm pistols with Projectile weapon: 04 could have their EV boosted to 05, or our example shooter (with Weaponry (Firearms): 05) could choose instead to increase his AV for that dual-wielding attack to 06. Alternatively, the Paired Weapons Schtick can allow to diminish either the AV or RV penalty by one CS when Multi-Attacking with two active weapons. Both weapons being used will spend Ammo, if applicable, and test R#, if applicable. This Schtick must be taken for a broadly specific category of weapons. Examples include Paired weapons (Firearms), Paired weapons (Sticks), Paired weapons (Kobudo weapons), Paired weapons (Common escrima combinations), Paired weapons (Knives), Paired weapons (Swords), Paired Weapons (Hammer and Sickle), etc. Designer’s notes: Since dual-wielding is so common in fiction nowadays, pay particular attention to characters who seem to alternate indifferently between dual-wielding or wielding just one weapon. If they do so they presumably do not have the Schtick, since not using a second weapon would make little sense if they had it. Parry Expert [Cost: 25 HP]: Description: Character gains a +1 CS bonus to his OV when declaring a Parry while using a melee weapon. [Which only eliminates the OV penalty built into the Parry maneuver.] Point blank [Cost: 15 HPs]:

Description: The character is expert at fighting up close and personal. If a foe gets within 3 feet of the character s/he gains a +1 AV to OV due to his/her ability to deliver powerful blows from grapple distance and deflect attacks. If weapons are not yet drawn foes get a -2 penalty to Initiative against a character with this advantage.

Precise Blocker[Suggested Cost: 15 HPs]: Designed for: Characters who are good at pulling the Block Manoeuvre with an object that should receive penalties due to its small size. Typical examples include Wonder Woman or Shang-Chi with their bracers, Gambit with his quarterstaff or Katana with her sword.

Description: When wielding the specified object type (such as "bracers" or "staves"), the Character can use the Block Manoeuvre without a penalty for size. This means that they perform just as well at Blocking attacks than if they were wielding a full-size shield instead. The Character may take this Schtick with the Subvelocity Limitation (see the Evasion Skill for a description), lowering the suggested cost by 1 point. Ditto for the "Melee Only" Limitation, lowering the cost by 2 points.

Designer notes: First, remember that the Blocking Manoeuvre means standing there and parrying incoming assault without counter-attacking. It's an "active" defense. It's different from characters who can parry attacks while still delivering attacks on their own – for those, it's OV at play.

If the Character is returning projectiles (or even blaster bolts), we're in a different territory (namely the Deflect/Reflect Power). A given Character might have both, though. This Schtick is an admittedly pedantic bit, so the ability to Block without penalties using a small object is a part of the Character and not a property of the object. If I put on Shang-Chi's bracers, I'm not going to Block volleys of shuriken and arrows like he does. I'd clearly be better off with a full-size shield.

There *are* objects that should have the bonus on their own, though. A typical example is sai, jitte and other "blade-catcher" melee weaponry. Their design makes it easier to Block appropriate attacks than a similarly-sized melee weapon would. Psionic Warrior [Cost: 20 HP]: Description: A character with this advantage has honed his mind to master his nerves and body to a degree that is amazing. Alternately, he could be stunningly brilliant and able to use his mind as a weapon in combat. This could represent a warrior genius like Deathstroke or a psionic warrior like a Bene Gesserit. He may link his Martial Arts, Vehicles, and Weaponry skills to his INT. This advantage is only available when the skills are first purchased. It may not be added later. A character with this advantage cannot have the Brute or Mystic Warrior advantages. Rapid dimension jumping [Cost: 20 HPs]

Description: A user with this odd Schtick may use his/her Dimension Travel power to travel back and forth between two dimensions of his choice several times in one single phase by the expenditure of only one single Dice Action. Actually APs of the Dimension Travel Power minus the Travel value and the sum divided by two numbers constitutes the total number of hops available in one phase. In other words, this is a greatly discounted sort of multi-attack, and the effect of this has some unusual if minor benefits:

a) objects may be dropped in or picked up from the other dimension during any of the jumps for whatever purpose, and

b) opponents must roll a Perception Check with the OV/RV being the number of jumps the character makes in that turn in order to successfully attack the character without any penalties; perception failure leads to a +3 CS OV/RV for all attacks, Physical, Mental or Mystical, against the jumping character. This thus serves as an extra effective Dodge by the jumping character at the price of a Dice Action (i.e. one Dimension Travel roll successfully used against the Target Dimension). Should the character also possess the Dodging subskill it may be combined with the effect of this Schtick to add +1 CS to the characters total OV (i.e. APs of DEX + APs of Dodging + 1 CS).

c) it is possible to just disappear from an unwanted battle – unless the opponent also possesses dimension hopping abilities – by hopping into the other dimension if Initiative is won.

In order to prevent abusing this Schtick the GM may declare that every use in a combat scene costs 1 HP. Returnable Weapon [Cost: 5 HP]:

Description: This Schtick requires the character to purchase either the Weapon Specialist Schtick (see below) or Exotic Weaponry with a throwable weapon. If thrown, the weapon will either return to the thrower if it misses (if purchased as a Gadget Advantage) or automatically bounce back to the thrower, unless caught or deflected by the target or another character. Morgan's notes: I've changed the Schtick description so it can be purchased as a Gadget Advantage for boomerangs. Righteous Anger [Cost: 20/40HP]: Description: When angered by somebody doing something stupid or insulting, a woman with this Advantage gets a free Physical Attack (with the insulting character's OV reduced to 0) against the unfortunate character. The first level of this Advantage can only be used on male characters (i.e. Akane Tendo) while the second level is reserved for equal opportunity clobberers like Lina Inverse. Designer's Notes: I got the idea from Baran Sunheart's comments on the July 2 2012 page of the Grrl Power webcomic. He used Akane Tendo as an example, so I just had to include it. Shield Mastery [Replaces: n/a. Cost: 50HP †]: Description: While holding any shield or shield-like object, a Character with Shield Mastery may automatically (no Action required) Block incoming Ranged Attacks — but not explosions or area effect attacks — with the shield. An attacker may circumvent the Character's Shield Mastery with a Trick Shot, although in such cases the Character with Shield Mastery may still choose to perform a regular Block Maneuver. Slippery skin [Cost: 15 HPs]: Description: The character's slippery skin gives the character a + 1CS vs. Grappling (to OV/RV against the grapple attempt and to AV/EV on escaping attempts). Subdual [Cost: 20 HPs]:

Description: A character with the Subdual Shtick is extremely adept at subduing and stunning his opponents. This is done by performing a nerve pinch, choke hold or similar. If he uses his Martial Arts for AV and a Critical Blow, he may score -4 CS to the RV instead of the usual -3 CS RV. The No Vital Areas Advantage is still useful against a character with this Shtick. This Shtick is a low-powered version of the Devastator Shtick. Trick Shooter (attack type) (Low/Medium/High) [Suggested Cost: 15 HP/level] Schtick designed for: The Futurians, Steel III (DC), Lucky Luke, Jinx (animated version) Description: This Schtick indicates that the Character has an abnormally high success rate when it comes to shots not intended to hit someone – but to, for instance, shoot off a weapon held by a foe, cut the line from which an opponent is hanging, and the like. This Schtick allows to ignore Column Shift Penalties to the OV of the shot (or to lower the Difficulty, depending on how the GM works) for ranged Trick Shots and Disarms. Trick Shooter (Low) mitigates one CS of penalty, Trick Shooter (Medium) mitigates two, and Trick Shooter (High) mitigates three (for those extra-difficult trick shots). The Character with this Schtick must specify to which Subskill or attack form it applies (Weaponry (Firearms), Flame Project, Weaponry (Missile), etc.). A more powerful version of this Schtick applies to all suitable ranged attacks made by the Character; a narrower version only apply to a specific kind of trick shot (such as shooting ropes or Disarms against one-handed weapons). Designer’s notes: There is also a precedent for a Trick Shooter Schtick being specific to both an attack form (laser eyebeams) *and* a type of Trick Shot (ricochets on mirrors). Unbreakable Grip [Cost: 25 HP]: Description: A Character with this Advantage gains a +2 CS bonus to his RV against Disarm and Take Away attempts when wielding a melee weapon*.

Underwater Combat [Suggested Cost: 5 HP] Schtick designed for: Alec “Firearm” Swan, a former SBS commando; the Sea Devils Description: When moving and fighting underwater, the Character ignores one CS of penalty to his AV and EV (or one of the CS of Bonus to his opponent's OV and RV). This does not affect movement rate, though that can also diminish the difficulty of staying afloat despite fatigue, diving from an unusual height, and the like. Designer’s notes: More proficient, truly aquatic Characters are better served by Water Freedom. Unfettered Fist [Suggested Cost: 10 HP]: Schtick designed for: Blackbelt, Iron Fist, Gamora, Karate Kid Description: The Character can fully substitute her Martial Artist (Battery) Subskill for her melee attacks without entering Killing Combat. If house rules are in effect to limit the efficiency of EV substitution from Martial Artist under some circumstances or against some targets, the Character can ignore such limitations. If the GM is considering making use of the Impossible Feats rule when it comes to the Character destroying obstacles, a good rule of thumb is to consider that the Character with the Unfettered Fist Schtick has the same ability to destroy solid material as somebody whose EV comes solely from STR (e.g., a Character with a Martial Artist-derived EV of 09 and Unfettered Fist should be considered in the same light as a person with a STR of 09 when it comes to demolishing obstacles made of metal, concrete, etc.) Morgan Champion: The above suggested cost is what I think the Unfettered Fist Schtick should cost as an Advantage. It is almost as common among Martial Artist characters as Paired Weapons are among characters with Weaponry. (Most (if not all) of the Martial Artists in the Ranmaverse seem to have it, to name one example). Originally I had it cost 5 HP, but after seeing characters from the Mass Effect game with the Schtick, but who could only use it when they used Power Reserve to boost their APs of Martial Artist, I decided that it was clearly was more expensive than that. Especially if using my “Advantages as Powers” rules as according to these rules, to have Unfettered Schtick as an Extra on a specific Power reduces the HP cost of the Advantage by 5 points, so logically any such advantage should cost a minimum of 10 HP. Unexpected Help

By Peter S Piispanen

Helper: Tom Eilers

Description: The Schtick-holder has an exceptional Confidant (who has to be created separately), and the Schtick has two separate effects. First off, the Confidant has an amazing knack for showing up exactly when he is needed the most, often gunning down seemingly victorious opponents! He will claim that he followed a blind gamble and the wisdom of another Connection to find the character. Furthermore, if opposition is too great for the character and the confidant to handle, the confidant will bring in even more people to even the odds, up to a maximum of four fillers, as if he knew what to expect. Such fillers will have the stats of veteran soldiers, and are loyal until death. The Confidant himself is created either as a separate character or his/her stats are those of a veteran soldier. In game terms, this happens exactly in the moment, in the same Phase, that the character is hopelessly outmatched and about to die and he chooses to use his Schtick by paying a fee of 10 HPs, and only then. If the Confident has been stated as really being supposed to be somewhere else, the fee goes up to 20 HPs. Paying the fee guarantees that the Confidant plus eventual extra help will show up to try to save the day. For a small fee of 5 HPs, the Confidant or another Connection will instead immediately show up with a vehicle, such as a car or a helicopter to pick up the character. In that case, if in combat, the character better set up an explosive or other offensive device to cover his escape. The second effect is that through an uncanny bond the character can borrow HPs from his Confidant while in the field. The bond can be through prayer, telepathy, radio or anything else appropriate allowing some form of communication. It is enough if the Confidant knows that the character is in the field and prays for his success. Borrowing allows the character some extra degree of luck, and to save his own hide instead of calling in expensive help. It is never possible to borrow up to more than one fourth of the characters own usual HP amount, or one fourth of that adventure’s expected Standard Award. All such borrowed HPs are repaid immediately from that adventure’s Standard Award upon completion. Vedic Gunfighting [Suggested Cost: 10 HP]: Schtick designed for: The Bride of Frankenstein (DC Universe) Description: A Character with at least two suitable Extra Limbs, this Schtick and at least four suitable weapons can basically use the Paired Weapons Schtick twice at once, to gain two more APs to put into AV or EV (or one AP in each). Designer’s notes: The source for the name of this Schtick is that the Bride has been grafted multiple working arms in order to make her look like a traditional Vedic deity. (Morgan Champion: The above suggested cost is twice that of the Paired Weapons Schtick, as the Vedic Gunfighting Schtick is twice as effective as that Schtick). Weapon(s) Master [Cost: 10/20 HP]: Description: A character with this Advantage is a better fighter when armed. In game terms, if the character is using Martial Arts & Weaponry in the same phase, the character gets a +1CS bonus to his Martial Arts score. (Usually this CS bonus is applied to EV). If this Advantage only applies to a single Weaponry Subskill, it only costs 10 HP, while if it applies to all Weaponry Subskills, the cost is 20 HP. Designer's Notes: This Schtick came about to represent characters who are expert Martial Artists, but prefer to use melee weapons. Weapon Specialization [Cost: 5/10 HP]: Description: A character with this Schtick gains +1CS with a particular weapon. This Schtick comes in two levels: Specific Weapon (costs 5 HP) in which the Schtick applies to a unique weapon or a specific brand of weapon, or General Weapon Type (costs 10 HP), in which the Schtick applies to a particular weapon type (e.g. swords). Weapon Specialization may be taken multiple times, but it must be taken for a different weapon type each time (unless the character is upgrading from Specific Weapon to General Weapon Type). Weapon Specialization (Cost: 25HP each): Description: This advantage functions like Scholar, but applied to specific weapons, such as swords, longbows, pistols, power rings, etc. When using or repairing the specialized weapon, the character receives a -2 CS bonus to all OVs. In addition, the character receives a +2 to Initiative when using their favourite weapon(s). This advantage can be taken more than once, with each additional advantage being another weapon. Whirlwind Attack [Cost: 50 HP]: Description: A Character with this Schtick can attack all adjacent targets in hand – to hand combat without suffering Multi-Attack penalties. This Advantage cannot be applied to Powers (even Powers with a Range of Touch) - to do so, buy the Affects Adjacent Targets Bonus for the Power(s) in question. Connection: The Cosmic Beings Community

Cost: 150/100 (High/Low)

Description: This advantage works exactly like ordinary Connections and essentially makes the character himself into a so-called Cosmic Being. It is very common that a character with this Advantage possesses incredibly high mystical stats. Cosmic beings are beings of incredible, celestial power or beings that personify various aspects of the Universe, such as life, death, time etc. The members of Marvel’s Cosmic Beings Community can be summarized as follows: Higher-level Cosmic Beings (these have a High-level connection themselves):

Mistress Death (Embodiment of death)

Eternity (Embodiment of all there is)

Infinity (Sister of Eternity)

Galactus (The Devourer of Worlds)

Kronos (Titan God of Time)

Watcher (Watcher dedicated to studying our space sector)

Lord Chaos and Master Order (Galactic Balance)

Living Tribunal (Cosmic Judge of all realities)

Stranger (Mysterious stranger)

Mistress Love and Sire Hate (Embodiments of Love and Hate)

Celestials (Ancient god-like race)

Middle-level Cosmic Beings (these have a Low-level connection themselves):

Adam Warlock (current wearer of the Infinity Gems)

Eon (ancient entity)

Mephisto (The Devil)

Silver Surfer (former herald of Galactus)

Thanos (Demi-God of Death)

Elders of the Universe (lone survivors of the Universe’s first races)

Certain Entities used for invocations

Lower-level Cosmic Beings (these have no level of connection themselves, but will be contacts):

Various Pantheon Leaders (incl. Odin, Zeus, Manitou, Svarog,

Tezcatlipoca, Itzamna, Osiris and Nuada)

Most Sorcerer Supremes (such as Dr. Strange)

Most Entities used for invocations

Cute [5HPs]:

Description: Cute functions like a weaker version of Attractive. The Character is so adorable (in the “Precious Moments” figurine kind of way) that he gets +1CS to the AV of any Persuasion attempt. It, however, works on nearly all NPCs, except for those who are automatically opposed to cute (grouches). Dream team Author: Sébastien Andrivet [Cost: 5 / 15 HP † ] Description: Dream Team is a cheap version of Leadership, and allows for transferring Hero Points in the same manner. However, this only allows for the transfer of HPs among the core members of a specific group; these members must be listed when the Advantage is taken. A Rupture Condition can be specified by the group when this Advantage is taken ; when this Condition is met, the Dream Team Advantage is lost (though it can be bought again later through Character Advancement) *and* all members of the core group with this Advantage lose half their current HPs with it (round the remainder up). In the case of the Cold War version of the Suicide Squad – for which the Dream Team Advantage was originally designed – the Rupture Condition was "Doc Evans and Jess realize that Karin is in love with Rick". The Rupture Condition must be approved by the GM and all group members with the Advantage. In particular, the GM must make sure the players are interested in going through the drama of the Rupture Condition happening at some point in the campaign. If the group is not interested in having the Rupture Condition – and/or the players are likely to do everything they can so it never happens – do not allow for a Rupture Condition. The Dream Team Advantage costs 5 Hero Points if it has a shared Rupture Condition, 15 points otherwise. In the case of the original Suicide Squad, Karin Grace was often the 'HPs dispatcher' - the other two sent HPs to her and she would pump those plus hers into the person doing the actions they wanted to boost, delivering pep talks and the like to go along with the HPs she was transmitting. Edge [Attribute, Power or Skill]: Author: Sébastien Andrivet and Peter Piispanen

Helpers: Ethan Roe, Eric Langendorff, Vincent Bartilucci, Adam Fuqua

Cost: See below Description: A Character with this Advantage can spend Hero Points on a Dice Action as if the specified Attribute, Power or Skill were one AP higher. If Pushing an Automatic Action using this Attribute, the roll to Push receives a special +1 Bonus to the final die roll. The cost of this Advantage can be paid in two manners:

Accept an equivalent penalty to another Attribute on the same line, or on the same column, of the Attributes grid. This is only feasible for Attributes.

A character creation cost equal to 25% of the cost for raising this Attribute, Power or Skill to the next higher AP (round down).

Designers’ note: This Advantage was created for several characters (such as Wildcat (Ted Grant), Cullen Bohannon or Yoko Tsuno) who seem to occasionally have a higher score in, say, STR, Weaponry (Firearms) or DEX. This performance isn’t consistent enough to peg them to the upper AP, but is regular enough to not be a result of dice rolls and occurs when they are clearly straining. Back during the 1990s, this was referred to (in Wildcat’s case) as “having a STR of 4.5 APs”. This Advantage is a micro-adjustment to reflect the results of the research about the character rather than forcibly fit an oval peg into a round hole. Enhanced Color Perception [Cost: 5 HP]: Description: A character with this Advantage can see more than the three base colors that Homo Sapiens can. This functions as a limited version of Sharp Eye, that only provides the +1CS bonus when distinguishing colors. Morgan’s notes: This Advantage is common among aliens in the Farscape setting. In such a setting, humans (and similar races) have a Minor Physical Restriction (limited color vision). Erratic Genius (Cost: 10 HP): Authors: Sébastien Andrivet and Peter Piispanen Description: This advantage is a watered down and alternative version of the Stroke of Genius advantage from the Sidekick Sourcebook. A Character with this Advantage may use his/her Gadgetry Skill to create items or devices that use technology which is unavailable in the ’real world‘ of the late 20th century (i.e. teleportation devices, force field belts, etc.). Unlike the Stroke of Genius advantage this advantage is applicable when a character is performing work within a given field and has a Scholar Advantage OR a Scientist Subskill. Thus a Scholar is not needed for the advantage to function if the character has a unique Scientist Subskill instead to work from. Additionally, the Character does not have complete control over his creations; sometimes the creations works like planned and sometimes they will have completely different, often negative, effects instead. Any time a creation is built using the Erratic Genius Advantage the GM rolls a hidden Action check (needing 11 on 2D10 to succeed) for the creation to work as intended. This roll can be made the moment the creation is activated and may give rise to interesting situations… EQUIPMENT [COST: 10 HP]: Description: This allows heroes to start with equipment. Each purchase provides the hero 4 minor and one major piece of equipment at the start of play. Minor – hard to get item or requiring special license Major – illegal for civilians or commercially available but expensive Extras [Cost: 5+ HP]: Extras are like Power Bonuses, only instead of increasing the Factor Cost of the Power, they add to the Base Cost. A list of some of the various extras follow this example. They all have been highlighted in yellow to distinguish them from standard Advantages. Extras that are useful in combat also have the dark violet headlines of Combat Schticks. Example: Damage Capacity is a Power that adds its APs of Power to one of the character's Current Resistance Attributes. Thus it is bought as Attribute Boost (5BC, 6FC). Since characters with the above Power can add their APs of Power to their Resistance Attribute when determining LDD, it is bought with the Adds to LDD Extra (see below), raising its Base Cost for 5 HP to 25 HP. Acts as an Advantage [Cost: 5HPs] Description: This Extra is a combination of the Form Function Bonus and the Non-Variable Limitation. It is added to the Base Cost of a Power, and not only prevents Powers such as Neutralize from affecting the Power in question, but also beneficial Powers such as Enchantment and Power Reserve. Even if using a Power such as Shape Change, the APs of the former Power do not change. Example 1: A novice sorcerer is a fan of the webcomic Errant Story and wants to have a winged cat familiar. The winged cat is the size of a normal house cat, so it has 6 APs of Shrinking, bought with the Acts Like An Advantage Bonus. When somebody with the Shape Change Power (bought with the Mythological Animals Bonus) assumes the familiar's shape, that character now has 6APs of Shrinking as long as the Familiar's shape is maintained. If the Shape Changer wishes to change the animal's size, that character has to have the Growth or Shrinking Powers. (The Flight is bought with the Form Function Bonus, and the Winged Limitation). Affected by Other Abilities [Cost: +5HPs]: Description: This Advantage can only be applied to Powers with the Acts like An Advantage Bonus. It allows the former Power to be affected by other Skills and Powers. Example: Lightning Reflexes permanently adds two points to the possessor's Initiative score. This is cumulative with the Initiative boosts from Martial Arts and Superspeed, so the base Power of Enhanced Initiative is bought with the Acts Like An Advantage and Affected by Other Abilities Advantages. Adds to LDD [Cost: +20 HP]: Description: A Power with this Extra adds its APs to a Resistance Attribute (defaults to BODY) when the character is using Last Ditch Defense. It must be purchased separately for each Resistance Attribute it affects. Advantages w/Powers [Cost: 5+ HPs]: Note: You can also use these rules to determine the cost of an Advantage that the character can only use in conjunction with a Power. In order to do so, the character must be able to turn the Power off and on at will. The cost of this is equal to the combined HP of all the Advantage(s) in question, minus 5 HP, applied as an Extra to the Power in question. (See the Extra rules in this document for more information). (Unless the Advantages cannot be used together, or they are used with different Powers. In such cases, the 5HP reduction is separately applied to the HP cost of each Advantages). Any Melee Weapon [Cost: +5 HP]: Description: A Will Force Weapon with this Extra can take the form of any Melee Weapon. Any Muscle-powered Weapon [Cost: +5 HP]: Description: A Will Force Weapon with this Extra can take the form of any Weapon that is powered by the user's muscles (any type of bow or thrown weapon). As In Life [Cost: +20 HP]: Description: Animated Dead with this Bonus are as they were in life (i.e. no reduction of DEX, full mental and mystical attributes, and personality, etc). Berserker Rage [Cost: +20 HP † (Prerequisites: the Rage Drawback)]: Description: A Character with this Extra to the Iron Will Power goes into a berserk rage whenever Iron Will is activated. In this state the character's Rage increases one step, (unless the character has Catastrophic Rage, in which case the Success Number is raised from 4 to 5), INT drops by 2 points and BODY is increased by one point. Can Affect Non-Organic materials [Cost: +10 HP]: Description: A Character with this Extra to the Cell Rot Power can affect non-organic materials, provided they degrade with age. Can Create Water [Cost: +35 HP]: Description: A Character with this Extra to the Water Control Power can use the Power to create water where none is available. The volume of water created is equal to the APs of Water Control. Crudely Discriminatory [Cost: +5 BC]: Description: Life Sense with this Extra can get a crude sense of the person's power level, and

distinguish between the character's team (the Acolytes, in Scanner's case) and outsiders. Double Weapon [Cost: +10HP]: Description: This melee weapon has two striking surfaces (i.e. a quarterstaff). This gives the character a +1CS to either AV, EV or OV, provided the weapon is wielded in a two-handed grip. The character who is wielding a double weapon can change what receives the CS modifier each phase. Force Link [Cost: +10 HP]: Description: This operates in the same manner as Mystic Link, only it relates specifically to Force abilities. Force Linked Powers will be denoted with an (F) after the name of the Power. Mighty Thews (Weaponry Subskill) [Cost: 1 HP]

By Sébastien Andrivet

Helper(s): Dr. Peter Piispanen

Schtick designed for: Roadblock (GI Joe) was the first one

Description: The Mighty Thews Schtick allows a Character to handle weapons that require a strength greater than theirs. Examples include wielding gigantic axes and swords, shooting bows with a disproportionate draw strength, wielding a machine gun like a rifle, or accurately shooting

one-handed a firearm that usually takes two hands to control (such as most sub-machine-guns).

Mighty Thews must be taken for a specific Weaponry Subskill – (usually Weaponry (Missile), Weaponry (Firearms), Weaponry (Heavy) or Weaponry (Melee).

Whether this Schtick is necessary depends on the genre of the campaign. In some stories, any important character can wield a surfboard-sized sword or fire a riot gun one-handed. They don't need to have this Schtick – everybody who wants it has it for free as a Genre Rule. The Mighty Thews Schtick appears in stories where being capable of wielding such weapons without a sufficient high STR is distinctive rather than de rigueur.

If you are using house rules such as Recommended STR for weapons, this Schtick lowers the Recommended STR of weapons within the chosen Subskill by 2.

Designer's note: This is a context-dependent Schtick, usually used in more realistic and low-powered Genres. The Gamemaster should specify whether it is necessary. For instance in many video games melee weapons such as swords are huge, but this is visual exaggeration so the individual designs can actually be seen on the screen—if they had a realistic size it would be impossible to tell any two swords apart. This is just cosmetic, and such weapons don't appear to hit any harder than a real sword would – so a DC Heroes campaign inspired by such environments would treat such giant swords as being just swords. Mighty Thews is just worth one point. It can be understood as a way to "tag" a character for increased suspension of disbelief. It's an

acknowledgement that yes, wielding this weapon that way in unrealistic for somebody like that even in the context of a story, but in this case it's okay.

The early version of this Schtick being intended for characters wielding support firearms as small arms, it was called Walking Tall Machinegun Man. "Mighty Thews" is much more general, more neutral and relies less on an increasingly obscure Alice In Chains reference (and more on a classic R.E. Howard bit). Mobile point of Origin [Cost: +10 HP]: Description: A Power with this Extra affects a point within Range that the character can see. Multiple Strikers [Cost: +5 HP/level]: Description: Characters with Martial Powers (i.e. Claws and Clobber) may have weapons with more than two striking surfaces. Each additional striker adds 5HP to the Base Cost of Claws, and adds to the EV by AP math (i.e. +1 to EV for 2 extra blades, +2 to EV for 3-4 extra blades, etc). It is possible to have multiple strikers add to AV, but to do so requires the character to take one Extra Limb per extra blade. Mystic Link (revised) [Cost: +10 HP]: Description: Powers that have been bought with Mystic Link can be considered learned abilities, and hence Skills. They therefore can be treated as Skills, and get the bonuses a Skill would get from the Intensive Training Advantage. (The GM should probably limit this to characters with the full Occultist Skill (or at least the Ritual Magic Subskill), though.) No Casings Left Behind [Cost: +5 HP]: Description: A firearm with this Extra on its Projectile Weapon Power does not leave shell casings behind after firing. If any detective examines the area afterwards, the character has a -1 CS to any attempts to use the Detective Skill. Personal Immunity [Cost: +5 HP]: Description: A Power with the Personal Immunity Extra cannot damage the user directly. (However this does not prevent indirect damage – if an Energy Blast with Personal Immunity causes a building to collapse, the character with Energy Blast would still take damage from the collapsing building!) Note that this does not protect the user from other people with the same Power! To do that requires the character to possess the appropriate defensive Power, with the appropriate Limitation(s). Protects Internal Structure: [Cost: +5/10/15/20 HP]: Description: Skin Armor with this Extra, not only protects against force or impact, but also against Physical Attacks that damage the character's internal structure such as drugs or toxins. It still does not protect against energy attacks such as Flame Project or Lightning, unless the Skin Armor has the Protects against Energy Attacks Bonus as well. This Extra may optionally be purchased in levels, where the cost of the Extra is reduced by 5 points for every Physical Attack it does not protect against (to a minimum cost of 5 HP).

Designer's notes: I got the idea of this Extra from the Ultron-6 writeup on , in which Skin Armor with this Extra & the Protects against Energy Attacks Bonus was used to represent his adamantium armor.

Psychic Link

Replaces: n/a.

Link: Special (Mental)

Range: Self

Type: N/A

Base Cost: +5 HP

Factor Cost: N/A

Description: Psychic Link is not a distinct Power that functions alone; rather it allows a

Character to purchase a Physical Power and utilize that power to cause Mental effects. For all

intents and purposes, a Psychically Linked Power’s effects are automatically considered Mental,

meaning that such Powers will have greater effect against Characters who are particularly

vulnerable to Mental Attacks or psychic phenomena.

Psychic Link must be purchased in conjunction with a Physical Power. To do so, a Character

must spend 5 extra Hero Points (the Base Cost of Psychic Link) in addition to the Base Cost of

the Power to be linked. The Character then purchases individual APs of the Psychically Linked

Power at that Power’s normal Factor Cost; the Character does not purchase individual APs of

Psychic Link.

Once a Power has been purchased with Psychic Link, it functions exactly as described in its

own Power description, with the exception that the Power now has a Link Attribute of INT if its

Link Attribute was DEX, WILL if its Link Attribute was STR, or MIND if its Link Attribute was

BODY. Certain individual Power descriptions list specific changes that must be made to the way

the power works if Psychically Linked.

Note that there is a difference between “Psychically Linking” and “linking.” A Power that is

Psychically Linked has its Link Attribute changed but is not automatically linked to its Link

Attribute. If a Player wishes to link the Power, he must do so using the new Mental Attribute as

the Link Attribute, receiving all the usual advantages and penalties for doing so (see p. 24).

Short notation for Psychically Linked Powers is the placement of the letter ‘P’ after the APs of

the Power.

Skilled Power [Base Cost Modifier: +20HPs]

Commenters: Sebastien Andrivet, Roy Cowan, Eric Langendorff Description: The converse of the Powered Skill Bonus, this represents Powers that are actually the result of intense training. For example, a heroic martial artist character that developed their leg muscles and engaged in intense physical conditioning might have Jumping and Skin Armor at 01 AP. The high Base Cost modifier (much higher than the equivalent Powered Skill Bonus) reflects two significant advantages of this trait. The first is that Skilled Powers are usually not subject to effects such as Neutralize and Mimic, unlike normal Powers. The second is that it is possible, even common in some comic book settings for Powers to be detectable by various means (scanning devices, special sensory abilities) while Skills are not. (And third, in my campaigns, Skilled Powers do not get the +2 to Factor Cost from the Intensive Training Advantage.) Because of the potential complications above, GMs may wish to exclude this Bonus from their campaigns.

Also, another possible new rule: Will Link [BC: +5HPs]

Description: This allows any Mental Powers (including those Physical Powers that have been purchased with Psychic Link) that are Linked to Int or Mind to change their Link Attribute to Will. Physical Powers must first purchase Psychic Link before they can purchase Will Link, costing a total of +10 to their BC (+5 BC for Psychic Link and +5 for Will Link).

Also, another possible new rule: Aura Link [BC: +5HPs]

Description: This allows any Mystical Powers (including those Physical and/or Mental Powers that have been purchased with Mystic Link) that are Linked to Infl or Spirit to change their Link Attribute to Aura. Physical and mental Powers must first purchase Mystic Link before they can purchase Aura Link, costing a total of +15 to their BC (+10 BC for Mystic Link and +5 for Aura Link). Extra Identity Advantage [Cost 5 HP per extra identity] Description: This advantage, which both Shatterstar and his friend Disaster possess, gives a character access to a false identity with a full paper trail. Including tax records, birth certificate, social security number, false arrest records (if creating a criminal identity), school transcripts, and even (if the character has shapeshifting powers or advanced disguise techniques) different fingerprints. These identities can even have different national citizenship if wanted. This can also help with subplot ideas, as an example, on the TV series Leverage, where all of the main characters have multiple identities, one character (Parker), received a notice to report for Jury Duty for one of her aliases, and since Parker has a rather obvious Socially Inept drawback (raised in isolation to be a perfect thief), she was terrified of the idea. Good episode btw, directed by Jonathan Frakes. A prime example of a character with this advantage would be Batman, and his identity as “Matches” Malone. If you remember Batman didn’t even make this identity up, he was a gangster who closely resembled Bruce, and died helping Batman. Batman assumed his identity, legally he is still alive. Another example would be Andy Dufresne from the movie “The Shawshank Redemption” who created a fake identity from prison and after his escape assumed that identity.

Force Sensitivity (30 Points)

Author: Roy Cowan

While all living things are tied to the Force, Characters with this Advantage have an unusually profound connection to that universal energy field. This grants them preternatural forms of perception and the ability to channel that energy into superhuman feats. Though practice or training is necessary for a Force Sensitive to use such talents routinely (represented by the purchase of appropriate Powers), they can briefly manifest untrained abilities with sufficient concentration. Such uses require the Character to pay an HP cost equal to the Base Cost of the Power to be manifested. The Character then makes an Action Check versus an OV/RV equal to the Factor Cost of the Power with the RAPs equalling the APs of the Power and the number of phases the Character can use it. The AV/EV of the Action Check depend on the manner of concentration. The Character can let the Light Side of the Force flow through them by entering a meditative state, using their INT/WILL as the AV/EV. Alternately, the Dark Side can be channelled by intense emotion, using INFL/AURA as the AV/EV. The latter benefits from a -2CS to the OV/RV, but is also one of the means by which a Character become vulnerable to the influence of the Dark Side. The Dark Side

The ability to use the Force is balanced by the temptation of the Dark Side, the malevolent aspect of the Force. The Dark Side offers a quick path to power at the risk of being under the permanent sway of one’s darker emotions. The Dark Side will try to sway a Character to its side in three particular circumstance. The first such moment is if the Character chooses to manifest a Force ability by focusing intense emotion, as noted above. The second circumstance in which the Dark Side attempts to corrupt Force-users is if the Character acts in a way that is contrary to the Light Side. Whether a particular act meets this criteria is ultimately up to the GM, who should warn the player of this consequence before the act is carried out. However, as with the first option the Character should also be offered a -2CS to the OV/RV of the action in question should they choose to proceed. The final method is for the Dark Side to offer a “gift” of free HPs to be used for a specific act suggested by the Dark Side/GM (such as Luke Skywalker’s final attack on Darth Vader on the Death Star II in ROTJ); the GM should make these offers at moments when the character’s HPs are almost if not entirely depleted to increase the temptation. If the character accepts the HPs, they can be used for the specific suggested act only, including corollary expenditures such as boosting Initiative when preparing to make an attack, and any remaining HPs are lost. The number of HPs is up to the GM but as a general guideline it should be up to 2 to 3 times the APs of the Character's strongest ability relevant to the act being encouraged.

The Dark Side will only try to seduce a character twice per scenario at the most using the third means above; the first and second circumstance can occur as many times as the Character triggers them. Frequently, there will only be one HP offer if any during a given adventure, with two attempts only occurring during a scenario with very significant (i.e. campaign-altering) events. Whenever one of the three circumstances above occurs, the Dark Side makes a Mystic Attack afterwards. Since this is a battle against the character’s own negative emotions the AV/EV and the OV/RV is the character’s INF/SPI. No HPs can be spent by the Character to resist this Check — it is a straight Action Check. RAPs are deducted from Current SPIRIT Condition. The GM also keeps track of the RAPs from each of these Dark Side Checks made by a given character.RAPs from the last Check can be used to boost the AV/EV of the next Dark Side Check as if they were HPs (distribution to be determined by the GM) and the *minimum* RAPs of the current Dark Side Check are equal to the RAPs of the last check. This will tend to have a cumulative effect as the higher AV/EV will often lead to more RAPs, which will boost the next Check even more, and so on.

Example: Luke Skywalker accepts the Dark Side’s Persuasion attempt to attack the Emperor. The attack is blocked by Vader, after which Luke makes a Dark Side Check that nets 2 RAPs. Later, the Dark Side offers HPs to attack Vader and Luke accepts again. After defeating Vader, Luke makes a second Dark Side Check, with the 2 RAPs added to the AV. This time, the Check yields 4 RAPs. This leaves Luke with 4 Dark Side RAPs and 6 RAPs total damage to his Current SPIRIT Condition, which is dangerously close to the Dark Side.

This damage to Current SPIRIT is treated as Bashing damage for all purposes except Resting Recovery Checks, which use the Killing Damage Recovery time. Even after the Current SPIRIT is Recovered these RAPs remain in play as a form of Guilt Drawback. The Character does not get bonus HPs for this and must pay a Guilt Fee each week of game time equal to the Dark Side RAPs. This Guilt Drawback can only be removed by being bought off as usual for Drawbacks (in this case requiring the Character to spend 250 HPs), representing the atonement of the character. If a character’s Current SPIRIT Condition is reduced to 0 by Dark Side Checks, the character falls to the Dark Side, taking on a Villainous Motivation. Friend to All Children [Cost: 10 HP]: Description: A character with this Advantage likes children, and they like him too. If interacting with a child, the character has his attitude adjusted one step upwards on the Attitude Adjustment Table, as does the child(ren). This is because the character doesn't talk down to the children and listens to whatever they have to say (so the character often gets information from the children about anything bad happening in the area). The downside is, attacking, much less hurting a child is the best way to make the character angry. Designer's notes: This Advantage was originally designed for Kotaro Minami (aka Kamen Rider Black), who seemed to have a knack for dealing with children. However, it could be appropriate for other Showa Riders (notably Amazon). Golden Age Advantages: Today I am putting up the advantages from the World at War Sourcebook by Ray Winninger. The sourcebook can be found on Amazon brand new for $12. I highly recommend it. The art in it is completely lame (it barely has any art in it at all), but the info stuffed on the pages is fantastic. It offers a very cool history of World War II and the Golden Age, DC Comics style. It even has stats for Hitler and Roosevelt! I have edited these advantages to fit in campaigns outside of the Golden Age. I present them here for use by people who do not have the World at War and can't get it for whatever reason. Connections [Cost: Variable]: Allied Armed Forces [Cost: Low 8, High 12] Description: This Connection functions exactly like a Connection with the U.S. military except that the Connected character has access to a military leader or soldier serving with the forces of a nation allied with the US. In WWII this would be British, Chinese, Free French, or Soviet military forces. In modern times, it could be almost any nation involved with NATO or the UN. All Golden Age characters who maintain any sort of Connection in the Soviet government or Soviet armed forces following WWII are automatically suspected to be communist sympathizers and often may find themselves targets of alphabet soup (FBI, NSA, CIA, etc) surveillance. Any character who purchases such a Connection must triple the cost of any Connection with the U.S. government or the U.S. armed forces. Such characters are treated as though they have a minor version of the Mistrust Drawback. All-Star Squadron (Golden Age Only) [Cost: Low Special, High 25]: Description: All Golden Age home front characters who do not purchase the Independence Advantage automatically receive a free Low-Level Connection with the All-Star Squadron, entitling them to access the All-Star equipment and information. By spending 25 Hero Points, a character may raise this Connection to high level, indicating that he or she is personally Connected with Liberty Belle or one of the other principal Squadron members. At the GM’s discretion, high-level connections with the Squadron can be used to call for assistance or backup from non-player Squadron members. See Independence for more information. All-Star Squadron members have access to special information and equipment, but they are also subject to orders issued by Squadron leaders.

Alphabet Soup [Cost: Low 12, High 18]

The Alphabet Soup is a nick name given to the various collective of government agencies dedicated to policing and spying on America and its enemies. It includes the CIA (or OSS in WWII), FBI, NSA, ATF, DEA, Secret Service, and others. A High-Level Connection in an Alphabet Soup organization is a director or an important operative. A Low-Level Connection is a clerk or a secretary. Connections at all levels within the intelligence branches of the Alphabet Soup have access to military information and intelligence concerning the secret activities of enemies powers abroad, although the most sensitive information is available only at the high level.

Connections with law enforcement branches of the Alphabet Soup are treated exactly like intelligence connections, except that legal operatives have access to information concerning enemy activities within the United States. They also have access to information about organized crime and criminal syndicates.

Comics also have their own Alphabet Soup organizations that can be included in this connection, such as Checkmate, DEO, SCU, SHIELD, GI Joe, etc.

Enemy or Axis Armed Forces [Cost: Low 15, High 25]

In the WWII of the comics, the Axis powers are almost always depicted as unified militaristic evil powers. Disloyal Axis agents are almost totally nonexistent. For this reason, heroes with an enemy armed forces Connection are extremely rare, hence the Connection’s high cost.

Characters with this Connection must specify whether they are connected with the German, Italian, or Japanese armed forces at the moment of the purchase. Otherwise, the connection functions exactly like the U.S. armed forces connection already described.

Modern characters with Russian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, or Middle Eastern connections will be viewed with suspicion and often may find themselves targets of alphabet soup (FBI, NSA, CIA, etc) surveillance. Any character who purchases such a Connection must triple the cost of any Connection with the U.S. government or the U.S. armed forces. Such characters are treated as though they have a minor version of the Mistrust Drawback.

Hero Team [Cost: Low 10, High 15]

A character with a Connection to a hero team is friendly with a member, whether the Connection is high or low is an indication of just how friendly. Under all but the most unusual circumstances, a Connection with the team can only be used to gain access to the team’s crime files or to borrow its equipment. Even a High-Level Connection can almost never be used to call on a team’s members to take an active role in an adventure unless the character with the connection is an active member.

U.S. Armed Forces [Cost: Low 8, High 12]

In campaigns set during America’s involvement in WWII, all characters with this advantage should specify whether their connection is with the Home Front armed forces, the European Theater armed forces, or the Pacific Theater armed forces. Home Front armed forces direct the official resistance to the Axis sabotage campaigns in the United States, oversee efforts to send American supplies to Allied forces abroad, and control and coordinate activity in military bases located in America. European Theater and Pacific Theater armed forces oversee the operations of American troops, aircraft, and warships in their respective regions.

The Advantage must be purchased more than once if the player wishes his character to have Connections in more than one of these areas.

In modern campaigns, the character should specify which branch of the military to which he is connected: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. Or, if the GM prefers, whether he is connected with the active forces, such as in Vietnam or Afghanistan, domestic forces stationed in the US, or embassy forces stationed in non-war zones over seas.

A high-level Connection with the armed forces is always a high-ranking military leader. Such characters have access to broad strategic and top secret information affecting units stationed in their regions and have the authority to lend equipment and personnel to the Connected character.

A low-level Connection with the armed forces can be any officer or enlisted soldier below the rank of General or Admiral. Such characters have access to information affecting only a tiny segment of their region. A low-level home front Connection, for instance, might be able to pass on information concerning the anti-sabotage campaign in New York City, while a high-level Connection could pass on information about anti-sabotage activities taking place anywhere in the United States. Low-level Connections rarely have the authority to lend the Connected character equipment or assistance and rarely have access to any information that is considered a closely-guarded secret, such as information about experimental weaponry, the date of the forthcoming Normandy landing, and so on.

Armed forces Connections never have any information concerning activities that take place outside of their areas.

Because of the geographical limits in which superpowered heroes may operate, most of these characters would be better off purchasing armed forces Connections on the home front or with domestic forces. Connections with personnel involved in active combat are best left to war front characters.

U.S. Government [Cost: Low 10, High 15]

A High-Level Connection with the U.S. Government is usually a Congressman, Senator, or a Cabinet official. Such characters are aware of everything happening in the government and sometimes have access to important military activities as well (especially information concerning domestic military activities).

Low-Level Government Connections typically represent under-secretaries, staff members, and pages. These people have some idea regarding government activity and occasionally glean a military secret or two, but usually have access to very little important information.

War Correspondent [Cost: Low 10, High 20]

During the war, some journalists and media personalities are allowed to accompany military forces into battle in order to cover their activities for the folks at home. These war correspondents frequently gained access to important military information concerning the activities of the press. In essence, the war correspondent functions as both a Press Connection and Low-Level Armed Forces Connection simultaneously. Anyone who wishes to be Connected to a war correspondent must purchase a High-Level Connection at a cost of 20 Hero Points.

The White House [Cost: Low 12, High 20]

A character with a High-level White House Connection is a personal confidant of the President. Such a character is in a position to ask favors of the President and is usually privy to all but the most closely guarded secrets. A player may not purchase a High-level White House Connection for his hero without explaining in his background how the character acquired the connection.

In modern times, a personal connection to the President automatically results in a massive amount of media attention, almost always negative. Treat this as a mandatory Media Bias drawback for which the character receives no HP bonus.

A Low-Level White House Connection is typically a secretary or staff member. Such a character can provide information regarding the President’s whereabouts and activities, but rarely has access to important secrets.

Free Access [Cost: Low 10, Military 15]

Characters with this Advantage have either a press pass, police identification, bounty hunter’s license, private investigator’s license, or other credentials that allow them to gain entry into areas that have been restricted by the civil authorities (well, at least in comics). Normally, restricted areas include crime scenes, areas where VIPs are present, and operational facilities within police headquarters. If a character purchasing Free Access pays 15 Hero Points instead of 10, he gains all of the above privileges, plus government credentials allowing him access to military installations and top secret government facilities. Characters with the rank of Lieutenant/Captain or higher automatically receive this improvised form of Free Access.

Independence (Golden Age Only) [Cost: 10]

Mere hours after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt contacted all of the mystery men or costumed heroes in the United States and asked them to band together for the All-Star Squadron. He then gave them the task of battling Axis saboteurs in North America. Since very few heroes refused to comply with Roosevelt’s wishes, all characters generated for a Golden Age campaign who do not purchase this advantage are automatically assumed to be members of the All-Star Squadron.

A character with this Advantage is not bound by the restrictions placed on the All-Star Squadron members, but at the same time he receives none of the benefits of membership.

If a player purchases this Advantage and also wants to buy a Connection with the All-Star Squadron, he must pay for the Connection. A Low-Level Connection in this case would cost 20 Hero Points and a High-Level Connection would cost 25 Hero Points. The character’s Background must explain how the hero gained the Connection without becoming an All-Star Squadron member.

Popularity (Golden Age Only) [Cost: 20]

In a Golden Age campaign, all costumed heroes are extremely well liked by the general populace because they personify powerful symbols of the American struggle against the Axis. Thus, all Golden Age heroes are considered to have the Popularity Advantage automatically at no cost. By paying 20 Hero Points, a player may obtain a sort of extreme Popularity to bolster his hero’s public image further. Extreme Popularity doubles the Persuasion Multi-Attack bonus described in the last paragraph of the Popularity description found on page 35 of the DC Heroes 3rd Edition Rulebook.

Rank (revised) [Cost: Variable]

Purchase of this Advantage causes a character to begin play with an official rank in the United States armed forces. The more points spent on the Advantage at the time of the purchase, the higher the rank.

The Rank Advantage is sort of a dual-edge sword. While rank, of course, has obvious privileges, characters with a rank are automatically subject to orders from military superiors. Treat this as an automatic Person of Interest (Benign) drawback for which the character receives no HPs. Characters with the Rank Advantage with the U.S. armed forces and all characters with a rank of O-3 or higher automatically receive the Free Access (Military) and Security Clearance (Low) Advantage at no cost. Those ranked O-7 or higher receive Security Clearance (Medium).

Refer to the table below to determine the exact cost of the Rank Advantage.

|Rank Table |

|Pay Grade |Cost |

|E-1 through E-3 |5 |

|E-4 through E-6 |10 |

|E-7 through E-9 |15 |

|W-1 through W-5 |20 |

|O-1 through O-2 |25 |

|O-3 through O-4 |30 |

|O-5 through O-6 |35 |

|O-7 through O-8 |40 |

|O-9 through O-10 |45 |

|O-11 |50 |

Although there are not many domestic superheroes who will want to purchase a Rank, this Advantage will take on an added importance for generating war front heroes.

Hero Points spent for Character Improvement cannot be used to increase a character’s Rank Advantage. A character can only increase in rank by being promoted by his superiors. Circumstances that can lead to a promotion can range anywhere from internal politics to a reward for valorous service in the field. It is up to the GM to determine whether a character has earned a promotion, and a player may decline a promotion if he feels the character would prefer to remain in the lower rank. Sgt. Rock, for example, has declined promotion many times in order to remain as topkick of Easy Company.

Below is a listing of the US Military ranks by branch and pay grade. The Star Fleet ranks are taken from Star Trek.

Ranks by Branch:


|E-1 |Private |Private |Seaman Recruit |Airman Basic |Seaman Recruit |Crewman Recruit |

|E-2 |- |- |- |- |Seaman Apprentice |- |

|E-2 |- |- |- |- |Fireman Apprentice |- |

|E-2 |Private 2 |Private First Class |Seaman Apprentice |Airman |Airman Apprentice |Crewman Apprentice |

|E-3 |- |- |- |- |Seaman |- |

|E-3 |- |- |- |- |Fireman |- |

|E-3 |Private First Class|Lance Corporal |Seaman |Airman First Class |Airman |Crewman |

|E-4 |Specialist |- |- |- |- |- |

|E-4 |Corporal |Corporal |Petty Officer Third |Senior Airman |Petty Officer Third |Petty Officer Third |

| | | |Class | |Class |Class |

|E-5 |Sergeant |Sergeant |Petty Officer Second |Staff Sergeant |Petty Officer Second |Petty Officer Second |

| | | |Class | |Class |Class |

|E-6 |Staff Sergeant |Staff Sergeant |Petty Officer First |Technical Sergeant |Petty Officer First |Petty Officer First |

| | | |Class | |Class |Class |

|E-7 |Sergeant First |Gunnery Sergeant |Chief Petty Officer |Master Sergeant |Chief Petty Officer |Chief Petty Officer |

| |Class | | | | | |

|E-8 |Master Sergeant |Master Sergeant |- |- |- |- |

|E-8 |First Sergeant |First Sergeant |Senior Chief Petty |Senior Master |Senior Chief Petty |Senior Chief Petty |

| | | |Officer |Sergeant |Officer |Officer |

|E-9 |Sergeant Major |Master Gunnery |Master Chief Petty |Chief Master |Master Chief Petty |Master Chief Petty |

| | |Sergeant |Officer |Sergeant |Officer |Officer |

|E-9 |Command Sergeant |Sergeant Major |Fleet/Command Master |Command Chief |Command Master Chief |Command Master Chief |

| |Major | |Chief Petty Officer |Master Sergeant |Petty Officer |Petty Officer |

|E-9 |Sergeant Major of |Sergeant Major of the|Master Chief Petty |Chief Master |Master Chief Petty |Master Chief Petty |

| |the Army |Marine Corps |Officer of the Navy |Sergeant of the Air|Officer of the Coast |Officer of the Fleet |

| | | | |Force |Guard | |

|W-1 |Warrant Officer |Warrant Officer |Warrant Officer |- |- |- |

|W-2 |Chief Warrant |Chief Warrant Officer|Chief Warrant Officer |- |Chief Warrant Officer |- |

| |Officer 2 |2 |2 | |2 | |

|W-3 |Chief Warrant |Chief Warrant Officer|Chief Warrant Officer |- |Chief Warrant Officer |- |

| |Officer 3 |3 |3 | |3 | |

|W-4 |Chief Warrant |Chief Warrant Officer|Chief Warrant Officer |- |Chief Warrant Officer |- |

| |Officer 4 |4 |4 | |4 | |

|W-5 |Chief Warrant |Chief Warrant Officer|Chief Warrant Officer |- |- |- |

| |Officer 5 |5 |5 | | | |

|O-1 |Second Lieutenant |Second Lieutenant |Ensign |Second Lieutenant |Ensign |Ensign |

|O-2 |First Lieutenant |First Lieutenant |Lieutenant Junior |First Lieutenant |Lieutenant Junior |Lieutenant Junior |

| | | |Grade | |Grade |Grade |

|O-3 |Captain |Captain |Lieutenant |Captain |Lieutenant |Lieutenant |

|O-4 |Major |Major |Lieutenant Commander |Major |Lieutenant Commander |Lieutenant Commander |

|O-5 |Lieutenant Colonel |Lieutenant Colonel |Commander |Lieutenant Colonel |Commander |Commander |

|O-6 |Colonel |Colonel |Captain |Colonel |Captain |Captain |

|O-7 |Brigadier General |Brigadier General |Rear Admiral (lower) |Brigadier General |Rear Admiral (lower) |Commodore |

|O-8 |Major General |Major General |Rear Admiral (upper) |Major General |Rear Admiral (upper) |Rear Admiral |

|O-9 |Lieutenant General |Lieutenant General |Vice Admiral |Lieutenant General |Vice Admiral |Vice Admiral |

|O-10 |General |General |Admiral Chief of Naval|General Air Force |Admiral Chief of Naval|Admiral |

| | | |Operations/ |Chief of Staff |Operations/ | |

| | | |Commandant of the | |Commandant of the | |

| | | |Coast Guard | |Coast Guard | |

|O-11 |General of the Army|- |Fleet Admiral |General of the Air |- |Fleet Admiral |

| | | | |Force | | |

Sidekick [Cost: Variable]

The Sidekick Advantage allows a hero to begin play with a lesser powered (and usually younger) hero as his sidekick, partner, or assistant. In the Golden and Silver Age of comics, sidekicks were extremely common. Modern comics are way too serious for such a concept.

This Advantage has a variable cost that is dependent on the capabilities of the sidekick. A player who wishes to purchase this advantage must first create the proposed sidekick as a complete character. The cost of the Sidekick Advantage is equal to one-third of the total number of Hero Points necessary to create the sidekick, rounding all fractions up. The sidekick’s abilities and methods usually roughly mirror those of the adult hero. For example, the Sandman’s sidekick is Sandy the Golden Boy essentially a younger version of the Sandman himself. Except in rare circumstances, a sidekick will always have the Thrill of Adventure Motivation.

Example: A player is creating a hero named Cowman and wants him to begin play with a sidekick, Calfboy. The player creates the sidekick character using the step-by-step procedure outlined on pages 18-29 of the DC Heroes 3rd Editon rulebook. In the end, the player discovers that Calfboy would cost 400 Hero Points to generate. To begin play with this sidekick, the player must purchase the Sidekick Advantage at a cost of 134 Hero Points (400 divided by 3 equals 134, rounding fractions up).

The Gamemaster plays the role of the sidekick. Sidekicks always have an attitude of Enamored toward their patron hero and almost always follow the patron hero’s orders to the letter. But like Rank, the Sidekick Advantage is something of a two-edged sword. Most sidekicks are rather headstrong and have a penchant for getting themselves into dangerous situations they are incapable of handling, forcing their patron to rescue them. In fact, the ability of sidekicks to get themselves captured or endangered often transforms them into as much of a liability as an asset.

Beginning Gamemasters should probably not allow their players to select this Advantage for the time being. In fact, even highly experienced Gamemasters are advised to monitor closely the creation of the sidekicks for their campaigns. Feel free to prohibit any sidekick who will not make an interesting addition to both the campaign and to the patron hero. You should also prohibit any sidekick who does not have at least one or two foibles built into his personality that might be used against the patron hero.

Unlimited Resources [Cost: 15]

During WWII, gasoline, certain foodstuffs, and other items were strictly rationed by the United States Government, meaning that most Americans were allowed to purchase only limited quantities of these special goods. See the relevant portion of the encyclopedia entry on page 22 of the World at War Sourcebook for details. A character with the Unlimited Resources Advantage, however, is under no such restrictions and may purchase as much of any item as he desires.

Item rationing affects a typical DC Heroes campaign in a couple of ways. Characters without the Unlimited Resources Advantage are required to add a +1 Column Shift to the OV/RV of their Wealth Checks whenever they are attempting to purchase a rationed item. For the purpose of this rule, all parts necessary for the construction of a gadget or artifact are automatically considered rationed items. Characters without Unlimited Resources are also unable to travel at will by automobile, due to gas shortages, sometimes forcing them to rely on alternate and inconvenient methods of transportation. The only time the +1 Column Shift is not used is when a player is making an Upkeep roll, as described on page 125 of the DC Heroes 3rd Edition rulebook.

Rationed items in the U.S. included gasoline, butter, milk, eggs, oil, coffee, leather goods, boots, sugar, and tires.

Gratuitous Fan Service Schtick

Description: A character with this Schtick has a track record of being depicted in a sexually enticing manner at the drop of a hat. While we cannot be certain, it might be a cunning and original strategy to monetise the public's sexual frustration.

This track record must be notable even by the standards of the wider genre, and specify a motif. For instance, here are three characters with this Schtick:

- Black Widow (Romanova during the 1970s) - undressing on-panel (usually to take a shower) whenever possible

- A-Ko characters – panty shots occurring with machinelike systematicity

- Elvira (1988 movie version) - performing tricks relying on her considerable bustline

Each occurrence of this motif earns the Characters 2 Hero Points, as a sort of micro-Subplot representing genre emulation. An astonishingly shoe-horned one is worth 3.

Heart Stopper [Cost: 5 HP]:

A character with this advantage can literally stop their own heart. The largest use for it would be the ultimate way to avoid torture. Usually this power is combined with some form of Invulnerability or else it would be a single use advantage.

Headquarters (revision)

Not every headquarters needs Security and either a Lab or Workshop rating, but they are desirable features.

Security: HQ can be designed with Security. Security is the safeguards and alarms in place to prevent intruders and disasters.

Technological Security has a FC of 3 and includes things like pressure plates, cameras, motion and heat detectors, metal detectors, alarms, sprinklers, vacuum sealed doors, hidden doors, pit falls, giant rolling boulders, etc. It can also reflect outdoors security measures such as mines, pits, trip wires, cameras, etc. Security can only be placed in a Technological HQ.

Mystical Security has a FC of 5 and includes things like illusionary doors and terrain, rooms without exits, guardian spirits, paintings with eyes, animated suits of armor, pass-worded doors, moving staircases, labyrinthine forests, etc. Mystical Security can only be placed in a HQ with a Workshop.

The Security rating of a HQ is the OV/RV of attempts to notice and locate the security and to move freely about undetected and undeterred.

Characters with Spy (Surveillance) or Thief (Security Systems) may attempt to notice security that is hidden if it is indoors. If the Security is outdoors, characters with Military Science (Danger Recognition) may attempt to notice it. Characters with Thief (Security Systems) can try to disarm or avoid technological Security, indoors or outdoors.

Characters trying to notice or avoid mystical Security must rely on powers and ritual spells. It is much harder to notice and avoid Mystical Security, which is why those systems are much more expensive. The OV/RV of spells used to defeat mystical Security is set by the APs.

Laboratories and Workshops: A HQ can be designated a Laboratory or a Workshop. A Laboratory is a scientific shop that makes building gadgets more efficient. A Workshop is an occult shop that makes building artifacts, creating rituals, and casting ritual spells more efficient. Both have a FC of 3.

The rating of the Laboratory or Workshop is the maximum APs of a Gadget, Ritual, or Artifact ability that may be created there. Attempting an ability greater than the Laboratory or Workshop score incurs a +2 CS to the OV/RV of the skill dice action.

Due to a clash between magic and science, characters attempting to construct a Gadget in a Workshop receive a +2 CS to the OV/RV of all their Gadgetry and Scientist Checks. The same holds true for characters who attempt to use Occultist or any Mystical power in a Laboratory.

Once per year, a character must make a Wealth upkeep check for his Laboratory or Workshop. The OV/RV of the check is equal to the Laboratory/Workshop’s APs. RAPs indicate that the check is successful. Failure indicates the lab or shop has fallen into disrepair and cannot be used until repaired. To repair a Laboratory or Workshop the character must pay a number of Hero Points equal to 1/2 the original HP cost.

HP Reserves (Variable)

Description: The character has a reserve of Hero Points that can only be used in certain circumstances, that must be chosen when this Advantage is purchased. The player (or GM) determines how many HPs are in the reserve, and then applies a divisor to determine the final cost. (In general the divisor should be 2, unless the circumstances are particularly rare).

Ignoring (or Ameliorating) Drawbacks (Variable):

Description: This Advantage should only be purchased for Gadgets (or Artifacts), as it reduces the effect(s) of the character's Drawbacks. The base HP cost of this Advantage is equal to the difference in HP (i.e. Reducing a Catastrophic Physical Restriction to a Minor Physical Restriction would have a base cost of 45 HP, while eliminating the Drawback entirely would cost 50 HP. This is before any Gadget or Artifact modifiers).

Immortal (Cost: 20 HP)

This character does not grow old and cannot die of old age. Anything else goes. They can catch diseases, be poisoned, get shot, or be killed in a car accident. However, they will never die of old age, grow senile, or lose their beauty or their hair. Enemies attempting to alter the age of an immortal suffer a +4 CS to OV and RV.

Indestructible [Cost: 100 HP]:

Description: A character who is Indestructible cannot die, even at negative BODY, but instead continues to make Killing Recovery Checks. However, there should be at least one method of permanently killing the character. The character does not get bonus points for this (as per Vulnerability), as in most cases the method would kill a normal human anyway.

Intensive Training (revised) [Cost: 20 HP]:

Description: In my campaigns, the +2 penalty to a Power's Factor Cost only applies to innate Powers, and not to Powers built into an Artifact or Gadget,or to Powers converted into Advantages. It does apply to Powered Skills, though. Furthermore, if a Power is converted into a Skill, it benefits from the same -2 to Factor Cost that a Linked Skill does, provided it is actually bought with the Link Limitation. In any event, it is no longer subject to the +2 penalty to it's Factor Cost.

Life Support (Sleep) [Cost: 10HP]:

Description: A character with Life Support (Sleep) gains no Penalties from lack of sleep or rest, even in such Genres where it such is common. LIGHT-FOOTED[COST: 10 HP]: Description: The character can skim over sand, snow, or ice at full speed. Longevity (Cost: 15 HP): Description: The character with this advantage has an extended lifetime. He will still grow old, though slowly, and die, though after many more years than a normal person. Enemies attempting to alter the age of a character with longevity suffer a +2 CS to OV and RV. Magic Background [Cost: 10HP]: Description: A character with Magic Background is aware of the secret world of magic. In game terms, this gives the character the ability to see things that are normally invisible to human beings, such as astral projections and ghosts. The character may also purchase Mystical Powers with banked HP. (In my campaigns, characters can start with Mystical Powers, but in order to get Mystical Powers after character creation, they have to either obtain an Artifact or somehow obtain Powers from a magical being). However, the downside of Magic Background is that having this Advantage makes the character detectable by Powers such as Magic Sense. Example: Wizards and witches in the Harry Potter series. In the Potterverse, wizards and witches live in magical communities that Muggles cannot perceive, they can see Dementors (which are invisible to Muggles), and can learn Mystical Powers. Wizarding Britain also has a book in which the name of every baby wizard (or witch) is inscribed. Designer's Notes: Magic Background was originally designed for DC Heroes Second Edition, and was removed from the game after it was pointed out that only human beings had to take it. The above rules were my attempt to make it actually useful. In game terms, you can define Magic Background as Magic Sense: 2 APs with the following Bonuses: Can Use Powered Senses with Magic Sense (+2 FC), Discerning (+1FC), Innate (+1FC), Triggered (+1FC). Creatures, objects & locations that cannot be observed by mundanes would have Mystically Linked Invisibility at 1 AP, Always On and with the following Bonuses: Innate (+1 FC), & Undetectable by Non-Mystical Powers (+2FC). MAGIC RANK ADVANTAGE

Magic Rank (Novice, Disciple, Adept, Master or Sorcerer Supreme)

“There is more to the study of mysticism and the occult than most people might even dream!  In the mystic order to which I belong, it is indeed written that practitioners of the mystical arts must choose a disciple or disciples, to insure the continuity of the struggles against malefic forces, but only at such a time that it is fitting and proper !”

-Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth Dimension. Description: The Magic Rank Advantage is a measure of the Character’s status within the mystical community. The character’s rank determines what abilities he may possess. A member of a lower Rank will usually heed a member of a higher Magic Rank, unless they are a member of an opposing school. To defeat an opponent of another school is considered glorious, particularly if the school opposes the character’s own and the opponent is of higher rank. In the Marvel Universe, a character will, by experience, upgrade a Ritual into a full Mystic Power (which are always mystic linked). If using the rules below free slots for powers or rituals may be created by upgrading a ritual or downgrading a power into a ritual. When getting permission to increase Magic Rank to the next level the full cost has to be paid. The advantages and disadvantages of each level are described below: Magic Rank (Novice) [Cost: 5 HP]:

Description: A Novice spends most of his time with his master. He can study tomes and scrolls and even perform magic found therein, but he cannot yet learn spells of his own (i.e. no ritual may be memorized, spells that he has read in a tome or on a scroll must be studied each time he uses them since he cannot commit them to memory).

Occult Knowledge (Ritual Casting): Maximum of 3 APs.

No Powers

Usually has a Low-level Connection to a higher-Ranked Mentor

Cannot have Magic Background, Sorcery, or Connections to any entities

Magic Rank (Disciple) [Cost: 15 HP]:

Description: The Disciple assists his master in some of his rituals and is spending more time adventuring than a novice. He may learn new spells from his master’s written works. 

Occult Knowledge (Ritual Casting, Create Object): 3-6 APs

Up to five Rituals may be memorized: Maximum of 10 APs each

Up to two Mystic-Linked Powers (if he has Magic Background): Maximum of 7 APs each

Usually has a Low-level Connection to a higher-Ranked Mentor

Can purchase Magic Background

Cannot have Sorcery or Connections to any entities Magic Rank (Adept) [Cost: 25 HP]:

Description: The Adept spends more time adventuring than he spends with his master, though he is still at his master’s beck and call.

Occult Knowledge (All except Mentor): 5-10 APs

Up to eight Rituals may be memorized: Maximum of 13 APs each

Up to five Mystic-Linked Powers (if he has Magic Background): Maximum of 10 APs each

Usually has a High-level Connection to a higher-Ranked Mentor

May purchase a Low-level Connection to the Mystic community

Can purchase Magic Background, Sorcery, and up to two Low-Level Connections to any suitable entities Magic Rank (Master) [Cost: 50 HP]: Description: The Master spends very little time with his mentor (who is probably now of the same rank as the character), but much of it in contemplation, study, and adventuring. If he qualifies, he may find a student of his own to teach.

Occult Knowledge (All): 8-18 APs

Up to twelve Rituals may be memorized: No limit on APs

Up to ten Mystic-Linked Powers (if he has Magic Background): Maximum of 20 APs each

Usually has a High-level Connection to his former Mentor

May purchase a High-level Connection to the Mystic community

Can purchase Magic Background, Sorcery, and up to five High-Level Connections to any suitable entities (and any number of Low-level Connections)

Many Masters from Schools of Order will have the Magician’s Code Drawback Magic Rank (Sorcerer Supreme) [100 HPs]

Description: There is only one Sorcerer Supreme in each dimension, who is the focus of magic energies and attention and often that dimension’s protector or defender. A Sorcerer Supreme can only lose his title if he is formally challenged by a Master, who, if he defeats the Sorcerer Supreme, takes over the title. Doctor Strange is the current Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth-616 dimension. If Strange ever loses the title of Sorcerer Supreme he will lose 4 APs from Sorcery and Occultist as well as 1 AP in each Mystical Attribute. The new Sorcerer Supreme gains these APs, which will return to Strange if he regains the title. Maniacal Laugh [Cost: 10 HP]: Description: A character with this Advantage has a laugh that is frankly terrifying. Whenever the character laughs, everybody around him suffers a -1CS to their OV/RV against any Intimidation and/or Interrogation attempts from the laughing character. However, as the character is clearly a raving loony, Persuasion attempts by the laughing character get a +1CS to OV/RV, instead. Mastermind (Cost: 15 HP): Description: A character with this advantage is especially cold and calculating when dealing with others. He may have no real emotions, such as an android, or may simply be a ruthless and manipulative soul like Lex Luthor. He may link his Charisma skill to his INT. This advantage is only available when the Charisma skill is first purchased. It may not be added later. Master Of Interaction (specific Manoeuvre) Writer: Kal El el Vigilante and Sébastien Andrivet Schtick designed for: “Garbo”, Adam Adamant Suggested cost: Ten HPs for Characters who also have Gift of Gab. Seven HPs otherwise. Description: If a Character with Master of Interaction successfully performs the corresponding Character Interaction Manoeuvre, they gets a -2CS Column Shift Modifier to the target OV/RV instead of the usual -1 Bonus. If the Character also has the Gift of Gab Advantage, the total bonus becomes -3CS. The Master of Interaction Schtick can be taken several times, for different Character Interaction Manoeuvres. Mind Link [Cost: 50 pts] By Dr. Peter S Piispanen Description: The character has a mental link (with unlimited range) with another person, and can use that person's skill, memories and experience at will. Normally, Mind Link is one-way only- two-way Mind Link requires both characters to have the Mind Link Advantage. Examples: Marvel's Leader had a Mind Link with Rick Jones: in Mercedes Lackey's Magic's Pawn, she had Staven & Tylendel Frelenneye, two twins who had a two-way Mind Link with each other. Mystic Entity Connections (Equal to a Powerful Connection plus 5 HPs for every two Powers listed)

The benefits of invoking entities fall into two categories. The first is an AP boost for Powers. If a Power is used while invoking the appropriate entity, a Low Connection garners a +1AP to the Power, while a High Connection gets + 2APs. If Sorcery is being used to mimic the Power in question, calculate any Mystical Bashing Damage by the APs of the Power BEFORE the boost. For example, a sorcerer with a High Connection to Agamotto who invoked him before mimicking an Energy Blast with Sorcery could use a 10 AP Blast but only take MBD as if an 8 AP Blast were used. The second benefit applies to rituals. Any Ritual that invokes an entity decreases the OV/RV for Ritual Casting by 1CS for a Low Connection and 2CS by a High Connection. Successful entreaties may obligate the character to undertake various tasks at the entity’s request in the future, particularly if the character has a High Connection to said entity. Failure to act at the entity’s behest may result in a loss of the Connection. Note: Characters with the Magic School Advantage gain similar bonuses to Ritual Casting as they get with a Mystical Entity Connection. If a character has both, he only gets the benefit of one or the other at any given time, though the character can freely choose which Advantage he is using at the moment. Use of Dimensional Magic is most often used by experienced sorcerers as it is the least draining. It does have its risks, however. If the ritual is interrupted or not performed properly, the entity may cause an occult catastrophe to occur or the spell may completely backfire on the sorcerer. Most mages therefore keep their entity Connections satisfied and hone their Occultist Skills to perfection. Most powerful sorcerers have several established Connections that they call upon when using Dimensional Energies. Deities denoted with a (+) are magic entities for Order (“good”) and those with a (-) are entities for Chaos (“evil”). All others are unknown or neutral. The spells listed for each entity are the ones that benefit from invoking said entity. Entities described as “Unknown” can grant their followers with various new powers, information or increase in power; since they have not had sufficient appearances to codify them in this regard, they serve as a resource for GMs looking to build new types of entities.

Agamotto (+): Energy Blast, Exorcism, Flash, Hypnotism, Iron Will, Neutralize (vs. chaotic creatures only), Mind Probe, Telepathy, Truesight

All-Freeing (+): Thief (Escape Artist, Locks and Safes, Security Systems)

Amtor the Unspeakable: Suspension

Ancient One (+): Awareness, Broadcast Empathy, Damage Transference, Exorcism, Regeneration, Truesight

Avanahm: Unknown

Balthakk: Energy Blast, Magic Blast

Bromagdon: Acid, Mind Blast, Mystic Freeze

Chthon (-): Unknown

Cinnibus: Energy Blast, Magic Blast

Cyndriarr: Projectile Weapons

Cyttorak: Force Manipulation, Glue, Magic Shield, Projectile Weapons, Snare

Daronthon: Unknown

Darkhold (-): Animate Dead, Animate Shadows, Aura of Fear, Cell Rot, Darkness, Dimension Travel (Banishment, Summoning), Enchantment, Exorcism, Spirit Drain, Vampirism.

Daveroth: Projectile Weapons

Death: Death, Mind Drain, Spirit Drain, Vampirism

Demons/Chaos (-): Dimension Travel (Banishment, Summoning), Enchantment, Exorcism, Flame Animation, Personality Transfer

Denak: Dimension Travel (Summoning), Projectile Weapons

Dormammu (-): Unknown

Dragons: Animate Dead, Resurrection

Dyzakk: Glue, Snare

Eternity (+): Awareness

Falroth: Dimension Travel (Summoning), Flame Project, Resurrection

Faltine: Energy Absorption, Energy Blast, Exorcism, Iron Will, Neutralize (vs. animation and entrapment powers only), Truesight

Faralloh (-): Dimension Travel (Summoning): Farralohs only

Hoggoth (+): Claws, Cold Immunity, Dimension Travel, Ice Production, Neutralize, Omni-Arms

Ikonn (-): Hypnotism, Illusion, Mind Blast

Ikthalon (-): Frostbite, Ice Production, Icing, Snare

In-Betweener: Neutralize, Omni-Power (Only for Powers opposite to another Power in use — Flame Project vs. Ice Production for example)

Krakkan: Snare

Living Tribunal: Awareness, Detect, Dimension Travel (Travel), Teleportation, Truesight

Mabdhara (-): Dimension Travel (Summoning)

Mephisto (-): Dimension Travel (Banishment, Summoning), Enchantment, Exorcism, Flame Animation, Illusion, Spirit Drain

Munnopor (+): Flash, Fog, Knockout Gas, Neutralize (any Field/Shield power), Sensory Block

Mytorr: Unknown

Nirvalon (+): Exorcism (Emotion Control only), Mind Shield, Skin Armor

Oshtur (+): Crystal Production, Mystic Freeze, Neutralize, Telekinesis

Pohldahk: Two-Dimensional

Raggadorr: Control, Snare, Sound Nullify, Systemic Antidote

Rangsabb: Unknown

Satannish (-): Life Sense, Lightning, Obscure, Weather Control

Seraphim: Detect (Evil), Dimension Travel (Travelling), Extended Hearing, Eye of the Cat, Flight, Force Field/Shield, Magic Field/Shield, Mind Field/Shield, Neutralize (vs. Glue/Snare only), Postcognition, Precognition, Reflection/Deflection, Remote Sensing, Skin Armor

Set (-): Animal Control (Reptiles), Hypnosis, Personality Transfer, Poison Touch

Shuma-Gorath (-): Control (vs. Demons only), Energy Blast, Magic Blast

Sligguth (-): Dimension Travel (Summoning): Sligguth only

Suzygy: Fabricate, Matter Manipulation, Transmutation

Valtorr: Air Control, Fog, Friction Control, Glue, Hypnotism (sleep only), Lightning, Mystic Freeze, Snare

Vishanti (+): See separate entities of Agamotto, Hoggoth and Oshtur.

Watoomb: Dimension Travel, Luck Manipulation, Super Breath, Teleportation

Zom (-): Dimension Travel, Flight, Snare Mystique [Cost: 10 HP †]: Author: Mayfair Games

Designer's Notes: This is a formal description of the Advantage first introduced for Batman's official DC Heroes 3rd Edition writeup.

Description: Characters with Mystique have developed a particularly unnerving reputation among a particular group, such as the criminals in the character's home city. When the character makes a dramatic appearance immediately before making an Intimidation Check, he receives a -1CS to the OV of the Intimidation attempt. Omni-Knowledge v1.0 [Cost: 50*]: By unknown Description: Omni-Knowledge is a more flexible version of Omni-Scholar, allowing the Character to spend 15 HPs to acquire a Scholar of his choice, 10 HPs to gain an Expertise or Language, or 5 HPs to acquire a Familiarity. The acquired Advantage lasts for the whole adventure; if the player wants her Character to retain the Advantage for the following adventure, she must pay the HP fee again. The player can also opt to pay a +5HPs fee to have the HPs serve for Character Advancement. For instance, if a Character with Omni-Knowledge pays 20 HPs to acquire Scholar (Military Fixed-Wing Aircraft) for the adventure's duration, this counts as 15HPs being used for Character Advancement to acquire that Scholar as per standard Character Advancement rules. Outside the loop of destiny [Cost: 20 HP]: By Sébastien Andrivet

Description: The Character is not bound by Destiny, and thus can reverse the fate of the cosmos by his actions during crisis that would overshadow anybody else. Any crisis of cosmic proportions (Infinity crossovers, Crisis on Infinity Earth, Infinite Crisis, Thanos’ plan to kill half the universe, etc.) automatically counts as two Subplots for the character. The Character *will* be involved in events foreshadowing any such cosmic crisis, giving him insight into what will happen. On top of this short adventure, the Character gains the benefits of completing a Subplot as he begins focusing his energies on the impending cosmic saga (i.e., he gets HPs). Likewise, the Character *will* be involved in the thick of things when the cosmic conflict hits the universe. Being involved likewise counts as a Subplot for that Character, who will get the related HPs for completing the Subplot at the most dramatically appropriate moment (GM’s call). Parapsychologist (Cost: 15 HP) Description: A character with this advantage is knowledgeable in the Occult, but not particularly spiritual about it. Instead, he approaches it from the point of view of a science. This could be a parapsychologist character, such as a ghost hunter or an archaeologist like Indiana Jones. This character’s Occult Knowledge Subskill extends beyond the magical and occult and into more modern and scientific forms of occult lore like cryptozoloogy, UFOs and abductions, conspiracy theories, and parapsychology and ghost hunting. He may link his Occultist skill to his INT. This advantage is only available when the Occultist skill is first purchased. It may not be added later. Pet (revision) Familiars: Description: Magicians who have Pets may designate them as Familiars who share a mystical connection with the character. The two have a telepathic bond that connects them at any distance and allows them the ability to always locate one another. The sorcerer can always use his HPs on his familiar as though they were the familiar’s own. When casting spells, any mystical bashing damage taken by the character may be divided as desired between the sorcerer and his familiar. However, Killing damage taken by the familiar is shared in equal measure by the sorcerer. Thus, if the familiar loses 3 BODY to killing combat, then so does the sorcerer. To designate a Pet a Familiar adds a +1 FC to the Pet’s Mystical attributes.

Regrows limbs [Cost: 25 HP]: By Dr Peter S Piispanen and Roy Cowan Description: A character with this Advantage can regrow lost limbs by making normal Killing Recovery Checks. It does not speed up healing (if you want to do that, you need to buy the Regeneration Power with the Regrowth Bonus).

Remote Control [Cost: 5/10 HP]: By Morgan Champion Description: A Gadget with this Advantage can be controlled at a distance. Note that if bought as part of a Gadget, the Gadget must be controlled by an external control unit. It has two levels:

Basic Control [Cost: 5 HP]: The Gadget can be controlled at a distance, but the gadget-user has to use his (or her) normal senses, thus normally limiting the effective range to the controller's line of sight. Example: Standard remote controls.

Full Control [Cost: 10 HP]: The controller can see or hear from the Gadget's point of view, and even speak from it, using a microphone inside the Gadget. At this level the controller's HPs can be transferred to the Gadget, as if the controller had a limited version of Leadership that can only be used with the Gadget. Fictional examples are quite common, and include the Creatures With The Atom Brain from the cult movie of the same name and the robot Commissar from the early Avengers.

Reputation [Cost: 25 HP]: By Dr Peter S Piispanen Description: A character with this Advantage is largely perceived as particularly fearsome. Whenever this character's name is spoken aloud an Intimidation check is made by the speaker against anyone of an opposing Motivation (villainous if the character is heroic, for example) who happens to be within earshot. Standard Multi-Attack Penalties apply at the GM's discretion. Possible Modifiers Intimidation Check Modifier: "I hear he's in the area." +2 to OV/RV "He's been patrolling your neighbourhood" Standard OV/RV "I hear he wants to talk to you." -2 CS to OV/RV "He's onto us!" -4 CS to OV/RV Developer's Note: This Advantage is best suited to pulp/4-color campaigns and might be out of place in grittier Genres unless the character in question is extremely powerful and widely feared.

Resource Salvage Advantage [Cost: 25HP]:

Description: A Character with the Resource Salvage Advantage makes no purchases, instead fully capable of “living off the land,” locating whatever he needs in the trash or in obscure corners nobody else would consider. In terms of mechanics, the Character has no Wealth/Resources Rating of his own. However, when a Wealth Roll is required, the Character may use, as AV/OV, half the APs of Wealth of the wealthiest character in the region (the “region” is defined by the GM, and should depend on the situation). RAPs, of course, act as normal. Retains Consciousness during cryo-sleep [Cost: 10 HP]: Description: A character with this Advantage can still think during cryo-sleep, and still gets the physical benefits of being in Suspension. This Advantage was originally for the Riddick writeup on , but I've seen other characters with this Advantage too. Ritual Discipline Scholar: Specific Element [Cost: 25 HP]:

Description: This was chiefly inspired by Mercedes Lackey's Elemental Masters series, in which all magicians have powers based on a specific Element ((usually Earth, Air Fire or Water). Each Element has its own list of Powers, and a magician can only have one of these Scholars (At least in this series. Other authors have magicians who can wield multiple elemental magics)).

Approved Powers (Air) — Air Animation, Air Control, Air Walking, Lightning, Weather Control.

Approved Powers (Earth) — Animate Dead or Damage Transference, Earth Animation, Earth Control, Plant Control, Plant Growth, possibly Skin Armor.

Approved Powers (Fire) — Bomb (fire-based), Flame Animation, Flame Being, Flame Control, Flame Immunity, Flame Project.

Approved Powers (Ice) — Claws (ice knives), Cold Immunity, Frostbite, Ice Animation, Ice Control, Ice Production.

Approved Powers (Water)— Water Animation, Water Control, Water Freedom, Weather Control (only to control storms).

Note: The Ice Element comes from another paranormal series (by a different author) about a magical assassin called Spider who wields both Ice and Stone magic.

Ritual Discipline Scholar: Symbology [Cost: 40 HP]

Description: Symbology is the mystical art of tapping the power stored within cultural icons and imagery for use in their magic. As people view symbols repeatedly each day, and place psychic energy into the meaning of that symbol, the mystical power builds up. Whether they are ancient runes of power or the marketing logos of modern consumer culture, a symbologist has studied the signs of their own culture. The mystic is practised in the ways of tapping that power and directing it for great effect. Approved Powers — Regeneration, Broadcast Empathy, Adrenaline Surge, Precognition, Skin Armor, Magic Field, Lightning.

Scholar (revision)

To help determine the OV/RV of Scholar checks, use the guide lines below:

Very Common [2 OV/RV]High school science or literature, pop culture trivia, television history or politics, literary knowledge revealed in movies

Common [4 OV/RV] College science or literature, history and politics found in easily available books

Uncommon [6 OV/RV] Cutting edge science, occult knowledge, politically unpopular or incorrect theories of theology, history, or politics

Very Uncommon [8 OV/RV] It’s no longer taught or is extremely politically incorrect- such as the rules for ancient art or how Sherman’s war crimes and tactics inspired Hitler’s own

Rare or Complex [10 OV/RV] Knowledge that has been obscured or lost to history, deep occult lore, advanced science, or knowledge that can only be gained by deduction, such as the analysis and comparison of literature

Very Rare or Complex [12 OV/RV] Who shot Kennedy, what landed at Roswell, where the Ark is buried, theoretical science

Suppressed or Dangerous [15 OV/RV] Cthulhu mythos, the names of real leaders of government, the location of the Cross

Scholar (Ritual Disciplines) (Cost: 25 HP each unless otherwise indicated)

The following new disciplines are available:

Chaos Magic (Cost: 25 HP): This form of magic deals with the bizarre, the unexpected, and the chaotic. Casters of this type of magic open themselves to channel the wild forces of Chaos, never really knowing what their mystical abilities will render into reality. Approved Powers: Confusion, Mutation, Dumb Luck, Fortean Rain, Hex, and Polymorph.

Dimensional Magic (Cost: 45): This potent discipline deals with alternate dimensions and planes of existence. Its followers are explorers in other realms of existence with the power to traverse dimensions, channel cosmic energies, and travel the astral realms to point in space, time, or thought. Approved Powers: Awareness, Dimension Travel, Sensitivity, Spirit Travel, Teleportation, Time Travel, and Two Dimensional.

Druidism (Cost: 25 HP): This form of magic deals with the natural world, with plants and animals. It is the favoured magic of the Celtic gods and the repository for their wisdom. Approved Powers: Animal Control, Animal Summoning, Awareness, Eye of the Cat, Life Sense, Plant Animation, Plant Control, Plant Growth, Polymorph, Shape Change, Speak with Animals, Speak with Plants, and Weather Control.

Elder Magic (Cost: 50): This form of magic deals with the Old Ones and their dread agents. These strange gods are older than creation, twisted, and mad, generally caring nothing for human affairs. In fact, it is unknown whether they even realize that their cultists are calling upon them for aid. The ultimate goal of this insane discipline is to align the stars and open the gateway through which the Old Ones and their minions shall return. Approved Powers: Age Manipulation, Animate Dead, Aura of Fear, Awareness, Control, Dimensional Travel, Fortean Rain, Mental Illusion, Mutation, Necroscope, Personality Transfer, Polymorph, Speak with Spirits, Spirit Travel, Suspension, Swarm, Warp, and Water Freedom.

Illusionism (Cost: 25 HP): This discipline involves trickery, pranks, mischief, and misdirection. It is the subtlest of the Arts, altering perceptions and fooling the weak minded. Approved Powers: Animate Image, Darkness, Flash, Fog, Illusion, Invisibility, Mental Illusion, Phobia, Sensory Block, Shadow Animation, Truesight, and Two Dimensional.

Mesmerism (Cost: 25 HP): This form of magic deals with telepathy, hypnotism, and mind control. It enchants and entangles, alters perceptions and plumbs the recesses of memory. Like Alchemy and Elementalism, it has a close affiliation with science. While uncommon in the modern era, in the Golden Age mesmerism was perhaps the most popular discipline. Approved Powers: Charm, Cloud the Mind, Compel Truth, Comprehend Languages, Confusion, Control, Exorcism, Hypnotism, Iron Will, Mental Freeze, Mental Illusion, Mind Probe, Personality Transfer, Shouting, and Telepathy.

Shamanism (Cost: 25 HP): The world around us is filled with spirits. Spirits of the living that animate all life and fill the universe with energy and spirits of the dead that offer wisdom and guidance. Shamans can speak to these spirits, sing to them, and gains from them assistance and guidance. Approved Powers: Awareness, Animal Mimicry, Animal Summoning, Eye of the Cat, Life Sense, Necroscope, Plant Growth, Shape Change, Speak with Animals, Speak with Plants, Speak with Spirits, Spirit Travel, and Weather Control.

Spirit Medium (Cost: 25 HP): This form of magic deals with ghosts and spirits of the dead. Mediums, oracles, and sensitives are the practitioners of this ancient art. In the modern day so many frauds have claimed these powers that the real practitioners frequently seek anonymity. Approved Powers: Awareness, Exorcism, Iron Will, Life Sense, Necroscope, Postcognition, Precognition, Sensitivity, Speak with Spirits, Spirit Drain, Spirit Trvael, and Truesight.

Technomagic (Cost: 25 HP): This cutting edge magic deals with the modern world of machines and computers. It is the modern version of Alchemy, the art of mad science, and the least understood of magical disciplines. Many magicians fear this magic and where its influence could lead the human race. Approved Powers: Animate Object, Cybertelepathy, Energy Control, Fabricate, Pulse, Radio Communication, and Virtual Projection.

Transformational Magic (Cost: 25 HP): This magic deals with the Metamorphosis, one of the primal forces of reality. It transforms people and things, willingly and otherwise. Approved Powers: Chameleon, Matter Manipulation, Molecular Chameleon, Polymorph, Self Manipulation, Shape Change, and Transmutation.

White Magic (Cost: 25 HP): This form of magic is the antithesis of Darkness magic, the mysticism of the Light. It exists to help in combating darkness and evil and uncover deceit and falsehood. Approved Powers: Awareness, Compel Truth, Damage Transference, Enchantment, Exorcism, Healing, Iron Will, Magic Resistance, Sensitivity, Truesight, and Turn Undead.

Witchcraft (Cost: 40 HP): This form of magic is used for a wild variety of things like fertility, crops, sex, love, cures, curses, etc. It is the oldest of all magic and embodies the wisdom of centuries of wise men and women who sought an understanding of the world around them. Approved Powers: Animal Control, Animal Summoning, Aura of Fear, Awareness, Eye of the Cat, Fortean Rain, Healing, Hex, Plague Touch, Poison Touch, Polymorph, Precognition, Postcognition, Remote Sensing, Sensory Block, Shape Change, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Speak with Spirits, Suspension, Systemic Antidote, and Weather Control.

Scholar (Spellcraft) [Cost:20 HP]

Description: When researching existing spells (in a magic library, an old tome, etc), the character rolls his Occultist Skill vs. the APs of the Ritual; when trying to recognize or understand a new ritual, the character makes a Perception/Detective check vs. the APs of the Ritual. In both cases, the character gets a bonus of -2 CS to the OV/RV. Additionally, characters with this Scholar can easily come up with new rituals "on the fly" during adventures. This enables such characters to buy rituals for various attacking powers (with low casting time and no components needed, but still paying the HPs for it) in the middle of combat. When creating a new ritual, the character has a +2CS higher Ritual Casting skill. The Spellcraft bonus only applies to ritual creation—casting rolls do not benefit from Spellcraft.

Scholar (Witchcraft) v1.1 [Cost: 25 HP] By – Dr. Peter S Piispanen

Helper – VBTusky Description: This scholar makes an evil character into an effective witch or a good character into an able witch-hunter. A character using witchcraft for rituals gains the power to do so using the energies of greater devils or the Devil himself. The witch has, very often, sold his/her own soul or brewed and drunk a potion of organic concoctions (“doing the cauldron”), in exchange for this power. Also, sometimes witches are experts within the fields of alchemical magic and thus possess the Scholar (Alchemy) Advantage. A character that purchases Scholar (Witchcraft) is given the chance to be an actual witch. This gives a number of automatic advantages and disadvantages; they are automatically granted a Low-level connection to a greater devil or Satan himself, free of charge, that serves as the witch’s master (remember that these can be Invoked; See the list-created Marvel Magic Sourcebook), and since they also are so adept at learning spells to the extent of being a power they gain a specialized advantage named Magic Background – Witch (which works exactly like Magic Background and is the only and easy way to denote a character being a witch). To the disadvantages belong a number of things; the character can be affected by Rituals that affect witches (tracking in on their Magic Background – Witch). Additionally, the witch’s presence can be noticed, not only using Magic Sense, but also since horses start to sweat, fire turns into a clear blue and cream sours. Lastly, all witches have a fatal vulnerability (Range of Touch) and Partial Attack Vulnerability (-2 CS RV) to anything containing salt (including objects impregnated with salt; drinking salt water would be lethal) and are unable to enter holy ground; on holy ground a witch actually catches fire and quickly burns up (the witch is attacked by an EV 08 which is immediately cross-referenced against his/her BODY for RAPs each phase on holy ground. In addition, no magical Powers or Rituals that would increase his / her RV (Density Increase, Skin Armor, Dispersal…) may be invoked there). A character with this Scholar gain certain benefits when performing specialized pursuits; this grants a -2 CS to the OV/RV when casting a Ritual that mimics the listed powers below (this magic is considered black): Invulnerability, Flight, Life Sense, Object Awareness, Sensory Block, Spirit Drain (with Aging Bonus), Telekinesis and Voodoo. Good characters do not normally cast magic using witchcraft, since it is against their alignment to do so, but instead use the knowledge of the Limitations that each witch-spell has. Witch magic has almost always in-built limitations, which neutralizes or hinders the effect of the spell, and this is used by good witches, so called witch-hunters, against the witches themselves. Characters with Scholar (Witchcraft) receives a standard +2 CS to their RV versus any Power or Ritually mimicked Power directed at him by a witch, if they are aware that they are being aware by witchery, to simulate this (good opportunities for cool role-playing here). The witchcraft in the Warlock movies was full of counter-spells and hexes… presumably even counter-hexes have counter-spells. This could result in prolonged and very tricky combat situations.

Serial Immortality [Cost: 15 HP]

Description: A character with Serial immortality can pass on their experiences and personality to either a direct child or a clone. A character can only have one descendent incarnation at any one time. Both the transferring character and the Clone will have some variety of token that both will have to be physically in possession of for the transfer to take place. There is no maximum range of transference. When a character either reaches an advanced age or is dying (for a 25 HP fee) s/he can conduct a transfer ritual that acts like the Personality Transfer power except: Use is permanent, Recipient must be willing, and the recipient’s personality (if one exists) becomes convergent with the transferring one. No skill or power of the new individual can be beyond its link attribute. If the attribute raises the power or skill automatically raises to as high as the original level. No attribute can go up more than 2 APs as part of the transference. The resultant character will have all the memories of the previous but will almost always have personality shifts.

Shadow Self [Cost: 05/10 HP]: Description: This Advantage allows the character, when properly illuminated, to somehow project an altered shadow. Example: the shadow may clearly be that of a stylized giant cat, even though the character looks perfectly human. The animate shadow version of this Advantage allows them to change the shadow they project on each occasion. Example: Shadow may be a cat's one day and a hangman’s gallows the next day.

Slithering [Cost: 10 HP] Description: The character can slither along the ground at normal walking/running speeds. This allows a character to move quickly while maintaining a very low profile.

Soulless (Miscellaneous Advantage): Description: Characters with this Advantage have no soul, and cannot be affected by certain attacks that target souls. Such characters also generally have the following things in common: (1) Cannot Be Killed: The character cannot die except in certain circumstances (generally involving the return or destruction of the soul. If the soul is in an object or another person, destroying the soul's container will enable the soul to pass on). In general, this means the character has the Invulnerability Power (or the new Indestructible Advantage), though in some rare cases, the character might also have Regeneration. (2) Doesn't Age: In many cases, the Soulless one doesn't age. This definitely doesn't apply if the character is “born without a soul”, but does apply if the soul is imprisoned elsewhere. ( The British horror film The Asphyx, being a notable exception!) If the soul passes on, though, the character instantly reverts to his (or her) true age. If this is the case, the character should have one of the Aging-Reduction Advantages (usually Immortality). (3) Doesn't Care: Traditionally, Soulless ones only care about themselves. They cannot love, but they are also immune to certain attacks, like the Ghost Rider's Penance Stare.

Stroke of Genius [Cost: 10 HPs]:

Description: This Advantage functions as Genius, but only for a specific item. That item can be modified as long as the modifications themselves would not require genius. For example, a character with Stroke of Genius (Battle suits) could add a standard computer to his power armor, but he couldn't add an artificial intelligence.

Strong in the Force [Cost: 25 HPs]: Description: This Advantage allows the character access to Force abilities. However, it also makes them vulnerable to corruption by the Dark Side. Characters who are Strong in the Force are allowed to purchase Force-Linked Powers, Occultist (F), and Force Rituals (each of these is detailed below). These abilities are available only to those who are Strong in the Force. Due to the subconscious prescience possessed by those Strong in the Force, they almost invariably have Lightning Reflexes and high skills in areas requiring split-second anticipation and quick reaction time such as Vehicles and Weaponry (Melee). These abilities are purchased as usual. It should be noted that there are many individuals who possess some or all of these abilities without being Strong in the Force (Wedge Antilles, Jango and Boba Fett, Han Solo), so having high scores in these areas is not a de facto indicator of unusual Force-sensitivity. The ability to use the Force is balanced by the temptation of the Dark Side, the malevolent aspect of the Force. The Dark Side offers a quick path to power at the risk of being under the permanent sway of one’s darker emotions. At dramatically appropriate moments of the GM’s choice, the Dark Side will try to influence a character’s actions in one of two ways. The first is to suggest a particular course of action as if using the Charisma Skill to make a Persuasion Attempt. The APs of Charisma are equal to the character’s INF, representing the internal struggle between the character’s Light and Dark Sides. The character can resist this Persuasion as usual (see “Character Interaction Against the PCs”, BoH:SE pg. 165). The second method is to offer a “gift” of free HPs to be used for a specific act suggested by the Dark Side/GM (such as Luke Skywalker’s final attack on Darth Vader on the Death Star II in ROTJ) ; the GM should make these offers at moments when the character’s HPs are almost if not entirely depleted to increase the temptation. If the character accepts the HPs, they can be used for the specific suggested act only and any remaining HPs are lost. The Dark Side will only try to seduce a character twice per scenario at the most. Frequently, there will only be one attempt if any during a given adventure, with two attempts only occurring during very significant (i.e. campaign-altering) events. If done twice, the Dark Side will use Persuasion first to weaken the character’s resolve and/or drain HPs before offering the HP gift as a follow up. If a character succumbs to Persuasion or accepts HPs from the Dark Side, the Dark Side makes a Mystic Attack after the suggested act is carried out (whether it is successful or not). Since this is a battle against the character’s own negative emotions the AV/EV and the OV/RV is the character’s INF/SPI. No HPs are spent on this roll — it is a straight Action Check. RAPs are deducted from Current SPIRIT as with any Mystical Attack. The GM also keeps track of the RAPs from each of these Dark Side Checks made by a given character. RAPs from the last Check can be used to boost the AV/EV of the next Dark Side Check as if they were HPs (distribution to be determined by the GM) and the *minimum* RAPs of the current Dark Side Check are equal to the RAPs of the last check. This will tend to have a cumulative effect as the higher AV/EV will often lead to more RAPs, which will boost the next Check even more, and so on. If a character’s Current SPIRIT Condition is reduced to 0 or below by Dark Side Checks, the character falls to the Dark Side, taking on a Villainous Motivation. Example: Luke Skywalker accepts the Dark Side’s Persuasion attempt to attack the Emperor. The attack is blocked by Vader, after which Luke makes a Dark Side Check that nets 2 RAPs. Later, the Dark Side offers HPs to attack Vader and Luke accepts again. After defeating Vader, Luke makes a second Dark Side Check, with the 2 RAPs added to the AV. This time, the Check yields 4 RAPs. This leaves Luke with 4 Dark Side RAPs and 6 RAPs total damage to his Current SPIRIT Condition, which is dangerously close to the Dark Side. The damage to Current SPIRIT can be recovered normally, but the RAPs remain “in play”. Characters who have RAPs from a Dark Side Check gain the Guilt Drawback (they do not get bonus HPs for this) and must pay a Guilt Fee each week of game time equal to the Dark Side RAPs. This Guilt Drawback can be bought off as usual, representing the atonement of the character. This is the only way to clear the slate of Dark Side RAPs.

Super Numerate (Cost: 10 HP):

A character with this advantage has a mind like a calculator and is capable of adding large numbers or groups of numbers together instantly. He can also instantly calculate precise odds and accurately calculate exact distances. Note that computers and robots do not need to purchase this advantage. It is considered an intrinsic part of their functioning.

Surreal Sensitivity [Cost: 15 HPs] By Sébastien Andrivet

Helper: Eric Langendorff

Designer's notes: Advantage originally developed for Crazy Jane, Rebis and the Scarab.

“See, what we've been forgetting is that Orqwith is not real. It's a fiction that's somehow been boosted into reality. So it's not as complex as the real world. Haven't you noticed all the coincidences?”

- Crazy Jane Description: The Character has a power of intuition that allows her to grok surreal, phantasmagorical events that would leave others completely puzzled and unable to progress past the impression that what is happening doesn't make any sense.

Such intuitions are reached by spending Hero Points, allowing a bewildered Player to rely on her Character's sensitivity to gain some insight. In a Mock Real Genre (a common Genre for such stories), spending one Hero Point will result in vague sensations about what sort of phenomena are at work, scattered impressions, a fuzzy idea of themes, some images. Spending five Hero Points will result into a more useful intuitive leap, one that leaves a stumped Player with some plausible course of action and at least a partial understanding of why such a course of action would make sense. (HP fees may be adjusted for harsher or more free-flowing Genres).

This form of intuition works with the sort of high weirdness and unreal crises that is often associated with DC's Vertigo imprint in the early 1990s, in books such as Doom Patrol, Shade the Changing Man, Enigma, Kid Eternity and the like. Other paranormal situations (such as Gothic Horror or UFO Conspiracies) have sets of rules that are better-known and more obvious, and are much less likely to leave the Players completely stumped as to what to do. A typical application would be Characters with an exceptional sensitivity toward the surreal, such as Crazy Jane and Rebis, intuitively gaining an understanding of what's going on and what all these weird events and characters mean and how they work — while a Character devoid of such an Advantage, such as Cliff Steel, has no idea about what is going on and reacts blindly since very little makes sense from his point of view. Having such an Advantage works well in a RPG context, where it is quite easy for things to make perfect sense from the Gamemaster's point of view but leave even a penetrating Player stumped by the surreal events going on.

SWINGING/BRACHIATING [COST: 10 HP]: Description: The character can swing at normal running speeds through forests and cities (areas with natural or artificial structures above swinging height) using vines/ropes/webbing or simply his or her arms. Three- In-One [Cost 400 HP]: Description: When three Destroyers perform a specific ritual (takes about ten minutes), they receive a +2 to all stats and powers for one hour as they combine their powers and merge together. Tribal Representative [Cost: 5 HP]: Description: The character is an official representative of a Native American tribe, so has a quite specific legal status and may not be subjected to certain American regulations and enforcement policies. True Faith [Cost: 10/20 HP]:

Description: A character with the True Faith advantage has achieved or been granted sufficient enlightenment and grace according to the precepts of his or her religion that he or she has special advantages against the forces of Elemental Evil, such as vampires and demonic entities. Examples of such a character include a Christian cleric, Jewish rabbi, or Islamic Imam of healthy spirit and strong faith, a lay person of healthy spirit and strong faith, a genuine Buddhist or Taoist sage, a genuine Hindu brahman, or a "pagan" shaman. Characters are not required to have the True Faith advantage to belong to religious tradition; however, they must have True Faith to be able to wield their faith against Elemental Evil creatures.

If the character with True Faith belongs to a religous tradition which believes in a cosmic divide between elemental good and elemental evil (such as most forms of Christianity, Judaeism, or Islam and many forms of Shintoism, Hinduism, and paganism), he or she can use of a holy symbol or its equivalent to conduct a spiritual attack for physical damage. The character with True Faith affects any entity of Elemental Evil regardless of whether that entity belongs to the same religious tradition as the character or to a completely different one.

If the character with True Faith belongs to a religious tradition which does not believe in such a cosmic divide (such as Taoism, Buddhism, and some of the more mystical forms of Christianity, Judaism, etc.), he or she can not use a holy symbol for damage. However, he or she is able to ignore direct superpowered attacks from an entity of Elemental Evil and to ignore direct superpowered defences when attacking an entity of Elemental Evil. This does not mean that he or she can ignore indirect damage. Thus, an inexperienced vampire might attack such a character with a hypnotic gaze, unaware that it will have no effect, while an experienced vampire would lift up a car and throw it at such a character, knowing that the car (being indirect damage) might still injure or kill the character.

The higher power version of this advantage allows any character with True Faith from any religion to consecrate or sanctify as appropriate for his or her religion. A common example of this would be the creation in a horror story of Christian holy water that acts as a chemical attack against an entity of Elemental Evil or the creation in an anime of a Shinto seal which acts similarly. Please note that, in the comic book universe, a sanctified item can not be used by anyone who distrusts or outright disbelieves its background religion. Thus, for example, in the comic books, Christian holy water could be wielded by a Christian with True Faith, by a Shintoist with True Faith who accepts Christianity as a possibly viable religion, or by an Asitru with True Faith who is not certain about Christianity but has no real doubts about it, either; however, Christian holy would be nothing more than ordinary water with no extra effect when wielded by someone who has

True Faith but who outright scorns Christianity. In the comic books, simply being wielded by an atheist is sometimes enough to cancel out any consecration or sanctification.

(In the above case, the AV/ EV of the attack is the Faithful character' s Influence and Aura with a +2 CS bonus, with the OV/RV as the Elemental Evil entity's Influence and Spirit. RAPs are taken as Damage to the entity's Body. Use of a holy symbol in this way is a dice action. Most cinematic vampires flee rather than face the attack. The ceremony for creating Christian holy water or a Shinto seal takes 1 min (4 APs) to conduct and costs HP in proportion to the power of the Elemental Evil.) Fiction is full of examples of the massive-overkill-of-holy-water attack. If a character attempts to dump an Elemental Evil character in a pool of holy water or its equivalent, this is considered a team attack. As many as -7 CS could be applied to the defending Elemental Evil (see team attack).

On a larger scale, the character with True Faith can sanctify a small building or similar location as a hallowed place. This is most often done to cemeteries, churches or temples, very specific groves, and similarly places. Keep in mind that every religion which allows a location to be sanctified also has means by which its sanctification can be cancelled. Any entity with Elemental Evil can not enter a successfully sanctified location unless invited or unless the entity manages to win an Aura vs Aura struggle against the combined might of all those believers involved in the sanctification (only the leader of which must have True Faith). Keep in mind that, although a non-believer or doubter will be protected by the hallowed place, that non-believer can not contribute to the Aura vs Aura struggle to keep out the entity of Elemental Evil. Sanctifying a place requires a lengthy ceremony with religious trappings. The GM must use discretion on where this is possible to do. Determining HP cost and times for the creations of True Faith can be adjudicated fairly effectively by using the gadgetry development model.

Vehicle Specialization (Cost: 25 HP each): This advantage functions like Scholar, but applied to specific vehicles, such as jets, motorcycles, starfighters, power armor, etc. When operating or repairing the specialized vehicle, the character receives a -2 CS bonus to all OVs. In addition, the character receives a +2 to Initiative in their favoured vehicle. This advantage can be taken more than once, with each additional advantage being another vehicle. Vehicular Transformations: There are several Japanese superhero characters who, if they transform while operating a vehicle, the vehicle also transforms. Here are some suggestions for doing that:

Alter Ego: If the character has Alter Ego, the vehicle must have Alter Ego as well.

Insta-Change: If the character can only use Insta-Change on a specific vehicle, the vehicle itself must be bought with the Insta-Change Advantage. Otherwise, Insta-Change must be bought twice, once for the character, and once for the vehicle.

Morgan’s Notes: This rule came about after watching Kamen Rider Agito on YouTube, who definitely has this ability. After thinking about Battle of The Planets, I realized that the members of G-Force had the same ability, but unlike Agito, they could only transform themselves and their special vehicles. Agito's predecessor, Kamen Rider Kuuga didn't have this ability, though given his signature ability (to transform held objects into weapons) he probably could develop it. Note: After watching a few more episodes of the Kuuga series, we were introduced to Gouram, which is basically a flying robotic bug that can act as barding for the character's mount (which includes Kuuga's motorcycle). Voice [Cost: 10 HP]: Description: The character's voice is exceptionally clear and resonant, giving the character a +1CS to the AV of any Interaction Checks where the character can speak. Designer's Notes: This is basically GURPS's Voice Advantage. WALL-BOUNCING [COST: 10 HP]: Description: The character can move at regular walking speed without touching the ground by bounding back and forth between nearby vertical surfaces (walls). For example, he or she can proceed down hallways or climb an alleyway between two buildings (bouncing from wall to wall). WATER-WALKING [COST: 20 HP]:

Description: The character can walk or run over water or other liquids as if on land.

New (& Revised) Bonuses: Abilities boosted by AP Math (+1FC): Description: A Meta-Power with this Bonus can add the APs of a mimicked Attribute, Power or Skill to the same Attribute, Power or Skill already possessed by the character via AP maths (i.e. +1APs to the higher AP value) but the new AP value is used as the APs of Meta-Power required to mimic the ability. Actual Sunlight (+1FC): Description: A light-based Power with this Bonus actually emits sunlight, which triggers Vulnerabilities in characters who have a Vulnerability to sunlight. (Or triggers / deactivates Alter Egos that are affected by sunlight- such an attack would cause the Gray Hulk to revert back to Banner, but would cause Dr. Gilbert "Gil" McKenna to become The Hideous Sun Demon!) Additive (+2FC): Description: Instead of substituting its APs for AV, EV, OV & RV, a Power or Skill with this Bonus adds to the ability in question. This Bonus must be taken separately for each function the power effects: that is, a Power that added to AV, OV & EV would have a +6 FC Bonus, and Martial Arts that added to any one of its base Subskills would have a +8 FC Bonus! Adds to BODY (+2FC): Description: Density Increase and/or Growth with this Bonus adds its APs to the character's BODY, not just RV. Example: The Super-Skrull has 2 APs of Density Increase, Always On with this Bonus. While he has 10 APs of BODY, he only paid for 8 APs. Adds to OV vs. Grappling & Wrestling Attacks (+1FC): Description: A Defense Power with this Bonus adds its APs to the character's OV, not just the RV, but only if the character is targeted by a Grappling or Wrestling attack. Example: The Aquaman Imagine Stan Lee version has 6 APs of Skin Armor, Linked to BODY with this Bonus. Adds to Sweep Attack (+1FC): Description: A Power or Skill with this Bonus adds its APs to the AV of any Sweep Attacks the character makes. Affects Adjacent Targets (+1FC): Description: This Bonus is only available for Dice powers with a Range of Touch. It enables the user to make a single Dice Action on everything within 0 APs, without Multi-Attack penalties. Affects Artificial Intelligences (+1FC): Description: This Bonus is only available for Dice Powers that use the subject's Mental and/or Mystical Attributes for their OV/EV, such as Control and Telepathy (but not Interface). It enables those powers to effect machine intelligences (such as characters with the Artificial Intelligence Advantage or the Self- Link (Gadgetry) Power). Affects Initiative (+1FC): Description: A Power with this Bonus may substitute its APs for its Link Attribute when determining Initiative. If the Power adds its APs to that Attribute, its APs also add to Initiative. In general, this Bonus should only be applied to Powers that are intended to substitute or add to the character's Action Attributes. Affects Multiple Targets (+1FC/level): Description: This Bonus may only be purchased for Powers that are Usable by Others. Each level of this bonus doubles the number of targets that the Power can affect at the same time. If purchased for the +2 FC version of usable against others, it still doesn't allow the character to use the Power on himself, though a character with the +5 FC Bonus could do so. Also Audial (+1FC) Description: Chameleon with this Bonus can be used to perfectly mimic a subject's voice. Always On and Already Factored In — Usage note Author: Sébastien Andrivet Description: This shorthand is frequently employed in entries – almost always for Growth, though it is occasionally used for Density Increase (Self Only) or Shrinking. It means that the core effects of Growth have already been factored into the stats – STR, Physical RV, movement rates, Physical OV. Aspects of Growth that are not part of a character sheet (possibility to do Sweep Attacks, reaching the top shelves, being easily spotted, etc.) are handled normally. But use the numbers provided for everything else. In an entry where Growth is noted as being Always On and Already Factored In, the Growth Power is thus largely cosmetic, telling how large the character is in APs but not playing much of a role otherwise – since everything is already factored into other characteristics. It is not intended as something to use when building Player Characters – just a simple shorthand for Non-Player Characters stats. Any Form of Vermin (+1FC): Description: Vermin Form with this Bonus enables the user to change the type of vermin they can change into, every time they use this Power. Applies to Time Travel (+1FC): Description: FTL Travel with this Bonus can also add the AP modifiers it provides to the APs of Time Travel for determining the APs of time the character can Time Travel to. Area Effect (Gadgets) (+100BC, +3FC): Description: Jinx and/or Reinforce with this Bonus affect all Gadgets within 3 APs of the area (unless their AP level exceeds the APs of Jinx). If applied to Jinx all Gadgets of equal or less APs have their Reliability Number increased by 1 and must make a Reliability Check, while if this Bonus is applied to Reinforce, all Gadgets in the area have their Reliability Number reduced by 1. [Attribute] Substitution (+2FC): Description: A Power (or Attribute, if bought for an Artifact or Gadget) with this Bonus can be substituted for an existing Attribute (usually STR) when the character so desires. While this Bonus is normally bought for Telekinesis, it can be bought for other Attack Powers. If an attack Power substitutes for STR, the character can use the Power in conjunction with Martial Arts & Weaponry as per the normal rules. Note that, unless the Power can move objects, the character must still use his normal STR to move them. Autofire (+1 FC to attack power):

Description: The Autofire Bonus is given to weapons whose normal mode of fire is a burst. When using a weapon with the Autofire bonus, Multi-Attacks have their penalty reduced by one CS, to a minimum of – 0 CS. Automatic Defense (+1FC / +2FC): Authors: Mike Winkler and Roy Cowan

Description: This Bonus allows defensive Powers to automatically activate when an appropriate attack occurs. For example, a character whose Force Field has Automatic Defense will have the Power automatically activate when he is Physically attacked, defending him against the incoming attack. When a Power with Automatic Defense activates, it does not consume an Automatic Action as it normally would. However, turning off the Power afterward would consume an Automatic Action. Furthermore, the Power will automatically activate whether the character wishes it to or not. A character whose Teleportation Power has Automatic Defense will teleport aside to safety no matter the character's wishes. The standard Bonus as described above has a +1 Factor Cost. If the character can choose not to have the Power activate, the Bonus becomes Controllable Automatic Defense and has a +2 Factor Cost. Break Control (+2FC/+3FC): Description: Iron Will with this Bonus not only can be used to avoid being controlled – but can also be used to break such control – the APs of Iron Will are added to the characters AV & EV when trying to break the effects of Control and similar Powers. If Iron Will only adds to one of the above (AV or EV) it is only a +2CS Bonus. Burst Mode (+1FC): Description: An Attack Power with this Bonus can be fired in short bursts as well as the normal attack mode, adding +1 to the die roll (after doubles) for each burst. This comes in two forms:

If the Attack Power has an Ammo rating, each burst reduces the available Ammo by one. The number of bursts cannot exceed the Ammo rating.

If the power has no Ammo rating, each burst reduces the EV by one, to a minimum of 1 AP.

Can Adapt Attributes (+2 FC): Description: The character can adapt a type of attribute. Each type- physical, mental, or mystical is a separate Bonus. To use this Bonus, the character must touch the target, requiring a Dice Action with the attacker’s DEX as AV/EV and the target’s DEX as OV/RV. RAPs indicate that the target has been touched.

Can acquire skills/scholars (+2 FC): Description: A Mental Power with this Bonus can be used to acquire skills and Scholars. The Skill or Scholar can only be used as long as the power is still in use.

Can Adapt From Energy Traces (+2FC):

Description: Adaptation with this Bonus can be used to Adapt Powers after they have been used, as long as they leave substantial energy traces behind in the area.

Can Affect Animals (+1FC):

Description: This Bonus can only be bought for Powers that normally only affect sentient beings (or once-sentient beings, in the case of the Animate Dead Power). It enables the Power to affect normal animals as well as sentient beings..

Can Affect Inanimate Matter (+2FC):

Description: Any Earth-based Power with this Bonus is not limited to just earth and rock; it can affect any solid, unliving substance (synthetics, metals, even formerly living substances like hardwood floors).

Can Affect Organic Matter (+3FC):

Description: Matter Manipulation (or a Meta-Power with this Bonus mimicking this Power) with this Bonus can affect both inorganic and organic matter

Can Affect Skills (+1FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus can affect Skills, even if the normal version can only affect Attributes and Powers.

Can Allocate Attributes and/or Powers (+1FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus can boost Attributes and/or Powers as the character desires, even if the normal version can only boost Attributes and Powers in a specific fashion.

Can ALSO heal old disabilities and handicaps (+1FC):

Description: A healing power with this bonus can also heal things like blindness, deafness and being lame, even if the character has had such Drawbacks for years.

Can Alter Frequencies (+1FC):

Description: Reflection/Deflection with this Bonus can change the frequency of an energy-based attack, enabling the Reflector to damage the attacker with his own attack, even if the attacker would normally be immune to the energy-based attack.

Can Assume Alien Forms (+2FC):

Description: Shape Change and/or Transform with this Bonus can be used to take the forms of alien forms (but not imaginary creatures).

Can Attack Spirits (+1FC):

Description: Exorcism with this Bonus can be used to physically attack spirits with a range of touch, as long as the attacker succeeds with an Action Check.

Can Avoid Drawback (+1FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus does not have to make the Power subject's suffer from a Drawback that characters who are affected by the Power normally suffer from. (Example: Jack-Jack doesn't necessarily gain Strange Appearance when he uses Mutation).

Can Block Energy Attacks (+2FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus can be used to Block energy attacks as if it were a solid object with BODY APs equal to the APs of the Power.

Can Cause Suicidal Actions (+5FC):

Description: Hypnotism with this Bonus can be used to have the victim commit suicide.

Can Change Into Plant Forms (+1FC):

Description: Shape Change with this Bonus can be used to transform into plant forms.

Can Contact The Dead (+5FC):

Description: A Mental Power with this Bonus can be used upon dead people. This normally requires the corpse's presence, unless the character has Death Sense (basically Life Sense with this Bonus).

Can Create Barriers (+1FC):

Description: A Dice Power with this Bonus can be used to form defensive barriers. By taking a Dice action, the APs of Power may be added to the character's RV for that Phase. In some circumstances (creating a steel wall between yourself and an opponent with a rifle) the defenses will persist. Multiple barriers stack.

Can Detect Medical Conditions (+1FC):

Description: Life Sense with this Bonus can be used to determine whether living creatures it detects have any medical conditions.

Can exceed the APs of Self-Link (Gadget) (+1FC)

Description: A Power or Skill with this Bonus can exceed the APs of the character's Self-Link (Gadgetry).

Can Heal Diseases (+1FC):

Description: Damage Transference with this Bonus can be used to cure most diseases.

Can Inhale Gasses (+3FC):

Description: Superbreath with this Bonus can be used to inhale a volume of gas equal to the APs of Superbreath. Relevant Defensive Powers still add their RV versus the effects of the gas.

Can Mimic Advantages (+1FC):

Description: Meta-Powers (e.g. Adaptation, Animal Mimicry, Mimic, Omni-Power & Sorcery) with this Bonus can mimic Advantages, as well as Powers & Skills. This reduces the APs of the Power by 1 per Physical Advantage, or 3 APs per Mental or Mystical Advantage. If an Advantage has multiple levels, then this AP subtraction is multiplied by the Advantage level.

Can Mimic Advantages and Drawbacks (+1FC):

Description: The Meta-Power can mimic Advantages and Drawbacks, but each Advantage and/or Drawback mimicked reduces the available APs by 2.

Can Mimic Any Attribute (+2FC):

Description: Mimic with this Bonus can duplicate any superhuman Attribute, not just STR, but also DEX, BOD, INT, etc.

Can Mimic Multiple Animals (+1 FC):

Description: The character can split the APs of Animal Mimicry among multiple animals, provided the first is mimicked at full power. In the case of duplication of ability, e.g. running speed or high STR, the Ability is taken at the higher level +1 AP (like the stacker rules). If the character wishes and has the APs of power. They can mimic as many animals as they choose.

Can Mimic / Turn into a Fantasy or Exotic Animal. (+2FC):

Description: If a character has Animal Form and/or Animal Mimic with this bonus can mimic/ transform into Fantasy or Exotic Animals. The rules for exotic powers are identical to that of the Power Meta-Morph. APs of Animal Form can be used to augment these exotic powers as normal.

Can Mimic Natural Weaponry (+1FC):

Description: Animal Mimicry users with this Bonus can substitute their APs of Animal Mimicry for the EV of the animal (usually Claws).

Can Mimic Self-Link Powers (+1FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus (usually Self-Manipulation) can mimic Self-Link Powers such as Self-Link (Lightning).

Can Power Electrical Devices (+1FC):

Description: Electrical Powers with this Bonus can also provide power for electrical devices.

Can Reattach Limbs (+1FC):

Description: Invulnerability with this Bonus also allows the user to reattach severed limbs.

Can Remove Memories (+2)

Description: Hypnosis with this Bonus can also remove some or all of the target’s memories.

Can Reshape Any Solid Matter (+1FC):

Description: Earth Control with this Bonus can also reshape solids, not just move them.

Can Set Locks (+1FC):

Description: If the Thief Skill is bought with this Bonus it can be used to setlocks as well as open them.

Can Substitute for Range (+1FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus (usually Telepathy) can substitute its APs for another Power with less APs, but only for determining that Power's Range.

Can Substitute for Speed & Range (+1FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus (usually Telekinesis) can substitute its APs for the Speed & Range of a thrown missile weapon.

Can Suffocate Fires (+1FC):

Description: An Attack Power with this Bonus (usually Energy Blast) can be used to suffocate fires.

Can Tap Racial Memories (+4FC):

Description: Characters with this Bonus to Recall can tap the racial memories of their entire species.

Can Teleport to Unfamiliar Places (+1FC):

Description: A Teleporter with this Bonus can appear in places he has never been or seen.

Can Track Specific Targets (+1FC):

Description: A Sense Power with this Bonus can be used to track specific objects and/or creatures. Can Use as An Attack (+1 FC): Description: A Power with this Bonus can create or transform matter in high pressure streams or as high velocity projectiles. The APs of the Power are the AV/EV of a normal physical attack.

Can Use Ranged Weapons while Dispersed (+2 FC): Description: A character with this form of Dispersal can make ranged attacks against normal targets, even while Dispersed. Catfall (+1FC): Description: With the Catfall Bonus, a Character can subtract their APs of Jumping plus one from the distance of any fall. For instance, Selene (Jumping: 02, Catfall Bonus) leaps from the seventh story (3 APs distance); the Catfall bonus reduces this to a 0 APs fall. She thus takes no damage and can pretty much hit the ground running, her Acrobatic score trivialising a 0 APs fall. Chain Burst (+2FC): Description: A Dice Power with this Bonus can generate multiple bursts of the same attack (ignoring the usual Multi-Attack penalties against multiple targets), but each burst reduces the Power's AV/EV by 1 AP per additional burst. The Power has its normal range, but if the Power is bought with the Range Bonus, the Power-user can target a specific target within Normal Range of the Power to serve as a primary target, in which case the primary target takes full damage, and the other secondary targets take the reduced damage. Designer's notes: The above description includes two separate versions because D & D and the Diablo series both have the Chain Lightning spell, but they do not work the same way. Diablo's Chain Lightning is projected out from the caster, while the D & D Chain Lightning spell is sent from a point in space chosen by the caster. Chain Extension Bonus v1.0 (+1FC): Description: A power with this Bonus can pass along physical objects in contact with each other at a maximum distance equal to the Range of the power. Each significant object in the chain (excluding the target) reduces the effect of the power by 1 AP (cumulative with the Diminishing Limitation if applicable). The last object in the chain is what is targeted by the power. For instance, 2 thugs are about to shoot an innocent bystander. The hero has Mental Blast with Chain Extension and the thugs are within Normal Range of the power, so he touches a lamp post which touches the ground which the thugs are standing on, allowing him to use Mental Blast on them at -2 APs. Combinations (+1FC/level): Description: A Martial Artist with this Bonus to Martial Arts has practiced using several maneuvers together. In game terms, he can use two Martial Arts Subskills in the same phase. The character can have multiple Combinations, which each Combination being a separate +1CS Bonus. This differs from the Combat Mastery Advantage in that the Martial Artist must choose which Subskills can be used together when this Bonus is first purchased. Combined Power Usage v1.1 (+0FC/+1FC/+1FC per number of Dice Powers in the array): By Sebastien Andrivet Helpers: John Colagioia, Phil Dixon, Pufnstuff, Joel Rojas Description: 1) Combining two Automatic Actions (Example: Running and Air Walking) - Can usually be done without restriction or special cost. 2) Combining an Automatic Action and a Dice Action (Example: Fog with Poison Touch or Chemical Attack) - This is a + 1FC modifier for each Power. Standard terminology is, for example, "Fog acts as a carrier for Poison touch (+1 FC)" and "Poison touch can be carried by Fog (+1 FC)". If one of the Powers can only be used with the other, this is a – 1 FC for that Power. 3) Combining two or more Dice Actions (Example: Claws with Poison Touch or Projectile Weapon discharging Lightning on contact) - In each such array, one Power must be designed as the primary Power. The array is then handled using the following rules: * For each Power in the array, apply a +1 FC to all Powers in the array. Thus a combination with two Powers means +2 FC to all Powers that can be combined, three Powers means +3FC each, etc. * The whole attack is resolved with one roll, which is then used as the Dice Action roll for all Powers in the array. Only the main Power of the array can benefit from doubles; if doubles are rolled, use the initial value of the roll for Powers in the array that aren't the main Power, and perform the additive reroll(s) for the main Power only. * If Hero Points are used to defend against the attack, the HPs spent count against each and every power in the combination at no extra cost. For instance, if the target attacked by a Projectile Weapon/Lightning combination uses LDD to negate 5 RAPs of damage, 5 RAPs are subtracted from the damage inflicted by Projectile Weapons and 5 RAPs are also subtracted from Lightning's damage. This Bonus can be bought in conjunction with the Restricted Penetration Limitation (-1 FC applied to all Dice Action Powers in the array): None of the secondary Powers can get more RAPs than the carrier Power, with extra RAPs simply being ignored. The Factor Cost rebate becomes 0 instead of -1 if the secondary Power has half or fewer APs than the carrier Power. Contagious Effect (+4 FC): Description: This bonus causes the power’s effects to be spread by touch from target to target. The initial attack on a defender is handled normally. RAPs less than the defender's RV mean that the defender is infected, but not consumed. RAPs equal to or greater than the defender's RV mean the character is consumed. Multiple attacks can be used to achieve cumulative RAPs, but RAPs healed are still healed and must be earned again once removed. A consumed character gains the attacking power at APs equal to the RAPs of the attack- thus, the power has now infected the target. Once imbued with the power, the defender's power is also contagious and anyone he attacks will also become infected. Continuous (+2 or +3 FC): Description: This bonus allows an automatic power to continuously work without any concentration from the user. Typically using an automatic action, except for a protection power, costs an automatic action every phase. With this +2 FC bonus, it will continue to work for a number of phases equal to the APs of power after it has been activated. For an extra +1 FC, the power will continue even if the character is knocked out, enduring until its time expires. For a +2 FC this can be purchased for a protection power, allowing it function even after the character is unconscious for a number of phases equal to the APs of Power. Continuous Invulnerability (+1 FC): Description: Invulnerability may be rolled every phase by the expenditure of a Dice Action as long as the character is still alive and until Current BODY condition has been restored up to 0 APs. This may already be a standard part of the House Rules for Invulnerability depending on how the GM views the power. Suggested for: quite a lot of characters that have Invulnerability – it may be better to have this as a part of the default Power. Controllable Radius (+1FC): Description: This bonus may only be purchased for a power with the Area Effect or Explosion Bonuses. It enables the user to alter the size of the area affected, from a single target up to the maximum area the Power can affect. Counteracts Others Powers (+1FC): Description: Adaptation with this Bonus actually gives the user the ability to conteract another's Powers – it does not give the Power user the same Powers as the target. Counterstrike (+2/+3 FC): Authors: Mike Winkler and Roy Cowan

Description: Offensive Powers with this Bonus automatically attack a target when a particular condition is met. For example, a character might buy Mind Blast that Counterstrikes against anyone attempting to manipulate them via mental means such as Control. Counterstriking Powers do not consume a Dice Action. Such Powers can also be used normally and the character can choose not to Counterstrike if they so desire. This standard version of the Bonus has a +3 Factor Cost. If a Power cannot be stopped from Counterstriking—that is, it attacks whether or not the character wants it to—then the Bonus is referred to as a Reflexive Counterstrike and only has a +2 Factor Cost. If the character has a Power that only works when Counterstriking and cannot be used normally, this is a separate Limitation: Can only Counterstrike/Reflexively Counterstrike. This is a -1 Factor Cost Limitation. Cross-time Travel (+3FC): Description: Time Travel with this Bonus is not only capable of reaching the past and/or future, but also alternate realities. It cannot be used to travel into magical realms such as Heaven or Hell – the character must purchase Dimension Travel as a separate Power in order to do that.

Cumulative (+2BC):

By Gareth Lewis

Helpers: Peter Piispanen

Description: This Bonus allows attacks whose RAPs aren't enough to affect a target

accrue as it continues to attack that target on consecutive rounds. The Power must strike the target each turn, even if it scores no RAPs. While it continues to do so the RAPs are added together until they're high enough for the Power to take effect. If the Power does not successfully strike the target one turn, the target gets a Recovery Check against the accumulated RAPs. Delay (+1 FC): Description: A Power with this Bonus can have its effects delayed by up to 5 phases. The exact time is chosen by the Power-user when the Power is activated. Deceptive Duplicates (+2FC): Description: Illusion with this Bonus can create multiple duplicate images of the Power-user to deceive attackers, up to a maximum number of duplicates equal to the APs of Illusion. The APs of Illusion substitute for the character's OV when used in this manner. If an attack that misses the character would have hit if not for this OV increase, one of the illusory decoys has been struck instead. Delayed from beyond death (+1 FC): Description: The character is allowed one additional, but conditional delayed Invulnerability roll some time beyond his/her original clinical death at an appropriate moment. An appropriate moments may be days or even months later when a dead character's decapitated head is put back on by someone, when a drowned character is brought up from the water or when the character has completed a spiritual afterworld subplot. Failing this one last roll, however, means permanent death so the character better spend all available and allowed HPs on this roll. I realized that the original suggested cost of +2 FC was too high, and that is reserved for the one below. Suggested for: Roma, the Superman that was killed by Doomsday, Casca, Blastaar, Soseh Mykros and others. Diagnostic Smell (+1 FC): Description: The character can use his Analytical Smell (if purchased with this Bonus) to smell diseases and toxins (including poisons and drugs) in the bloodstream of others. The AV/EV of these attempts is equal to the APs of power and the OV/RV is equal to the Plague Touch or Poison Touch APs of the contaminant. The range of this is 0 APs. Dissolvable (+1 FC): Description: The Character may dissolve items produced by this Power at will. Doesn't Fail (+3FC): Description: Energy or Kinetic Absorption with this Bonus doesn't fail if overloaded. If the RAPs of damage taken exceeds the APs of the Power in question, the APs of Energy or Kinetic Absorption are subtracted from the RAPs of damage, with the remaining RAPs affecting the character normally. Doesn't Need Oxygen (+1FC): Description: A flame-based Power with this Bonus does not require oxygen or combustible fuels.

Does not Melt (+1FC):

Description: Crystal or Ice Production with this Bonus does not melt when in high temperatures.

Does not reduce RV (+1FC):

Description: Flame being and Icing with this Bonus do not lower the user's RV against heat- or cold-based attacks.

Drained Attribute(s) and/or Powers Can Be Used to Heal (+2FC): Description: The RAPs drained during the attack can be applied immediately to any lost RAPs, provided it is the same Attribute or Power. BODY that was drained by the character. This cannot increase the character’s APs of that Attribute or Power, it only restores lost RAPs.

Effortless (+2FC/level):

Description: If a Power does Fatiguing damage (i.e. Sorcery), purchasing this Bonus reduces its APs to zero for determining the Bashing Damage it causes. If taken for Omni-Power each level reduces the HP cost by 100 points, to a minimum of zero HP. Note: Each level of Effortless beyond the first requires a level of the Improved Mimicry Bonus (see below).

Elemental Absorption (+3 FC):

Description: This Bonus for Energy Absorption allows the character to absorb damage from attacks relying on the elements (air, earth, water, and fire), including Flame Project, Water Jet, Sand Blast, Ice Production, etc.

EV is affected By Mass (+2FC/+3FC):

Description: This Bonus for Martial Artist enables characters with Density Increase and/or Growth to add their APs of these Power(s) to the character's Martial Arts EV. If it is bought at the +2FC level, it only applies to a single maneuver (such as Planned Knockback attacks for sumo wrestlers). Characters with the full +3CS bonus can apply it to all their melee attacks.

Designer's Notes: This optional Bonus was intended to make Martial Arts more useful to giant robots. If the campaign is using the rules from BOH:SE, it might not be necessary.

Extended Duration (+1 per +4APs):

Description: Each level of this Bonus adds 4 APs to a Power's Duration. If applied to Time Travel (or a Meta-Power emulating Time Travel), each level adds 4 APs to the APs of Time that may be Traveled through.

Extended Range (+1 or +2 FC):

The power with this bonus has a longer than Normal Range. For +1 FC, the range is +1 AP more than the APs of power. For +2 FC, the range is +2 APs more than the APs of power.

Expandable (+2FC):

Description: A Protective Aura with this Bonus can be expanded up to a volume equal to the APs of the Power. It is still possible for protected characters to attack other characters outside the affected area while getting the RV Bonus. Otherwise the Power acts identically to the corresponding Field Power (Force, Mental, or Mystical).

Exponential Alter Ego / Split (+4FC): Description: The total number of Alter Egos / beings the character can split /transform into is decided by using the APs of the Power as an exponent of two (1 AP splits into 2, 2 AP splits into 4, 3 AP splits into 8, etc.). AP loss per split is minus one (1) for each active AP of Split. If a duplicate dies, the character receives a Burnout of 1AP of the Split Power. (The Alternative AP Loss Bonus, and the No Reduction of Attributes on Split death Bonus, are both incompatible with this Bonus);

Explosion (+1FC):

Description: An attack Power with this Bonus creates an explosion at the target point, where everything within 0 APs is attacked with an AV/EV equal to the APs of the Power. Nearby targets are also attacked, but the AV and EV are both reduced by 2 APs for every 1AP between the target and the initial point of the explosion. The maximum radius of the Explosion is equal to half the APs of the Power. Note that, unlike the Bomb Power, if the Power user is in the explosion's blast radius, the character will take normal damage, unless the Power is bought with the Personal Immunity Advantage.

Extended Radius (+1 FC):

This Bonus may only be purchased for Bomb, or attack Powers with the Explosion Bonus. It increases the radius of the explosion to the APs of Power (instead of half APs).

Extended Space-Time Manipulation (+2FC per +4APs):

Description: This Bonus may only be used for powers that traverse both space and time, such as Continuum Control. Each level of this Bonus adds 4 APs to both the Teleport range and the APs of Time Traveled. Characters may also purchase the Extended Range or Extended duration Bonuses for characters who can Teleport or Time Travel greater ranges than this Bonus would allow.

Fast Recharge (+1FC/+2FC):

Description: The first level of this Advantage reduces the time it takes to recharge Solar Sustenance by 4 APs, to 6 APs, while the second level reduces the recharge time to 2APs.

Form Function (a.k.a. Innate) (Author: Brian Mendus) (+1FC): Description: A Power purchased with this Bonus is a direct result of a Character’s physical form, such as a bird’s Flight being derived from its wings. This power is therefore immune to the effects of Neutralize and Power Theft. Many animal forms assumed through Shape Change (and some forms assumed through Self Manipulation) are considered to have this Bonus for Powers though no Factor Cost modifier is applied to Shape Change or Self Manipulation. These powers with Form Function may not be Neutralized, Adapted nor Mimicked, though Shape Change and Self Manipulation may be used to recreate them. Note that special circumstances may allow certain characters to ignore some of the above restrictions. For example, a character who prevents his targets from accessing their Powers using subconscious suggestion might be able to effectively Neutralize such innate Powers by imposing a mental block. Likewise, a character who mimics abilities by some esoteric means such as “tapping into the morphic field for the animal’s ideal form” can mimic animal abilities without taking on the necessary form.

Fuels Power Reserve (+3FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus adds its RAPs to the APs of the character's Power Reserve. (If the character has multiple Power Reserves, the exact Power Reserve this Power boosts must be specified when the Power is purchased).

RAPs derived from this Power must be immediately assigned as desired among the Powers and Attribute eligible for augmentation. This increase lasts for APs of time equal to the APs of the Power, minus the RAPs drained from the attack. A character may never have more total RAPs drained at one time than his APs of Power Reserve.

Note that the increases gained by the use of the power are independent of the increases gained from the Power Reserve’s own APs.

Full Sensory Illusion (+3FC): Description: This Bonus allows a character with the Illusion power to affect all five senses of those in the illusion’s area of effect: sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. The illusionist may create an illusion of a brick wall with smoke and flames all around them. Those within the illusion’s effects may strike the illusory wall and “feel” the impact of their fists against brick, feel the heat of the flames and choke from the smell the smoke. Those outside the illusion would simply see the individual throwing punches and coughing in the clear air. This would still not allow someone to climb and illusory staircase, but they would have sworn they felt the stair under their feet, as such the illusionist could actively be controlling the illusion to make the target believe he is climbing stairs by moving the illusion’s perspective around him, or make the target believe that a set of rickety stairs feels strong and solid. Targets with senses beyond the normal five senses (such as Radar) or those with superior senses (such as Sonar or Thermal Vision) are more likely to be able to find a discrepancy between their normal senses and may apply those senses to attempt to determine whether or not the illusions are real. Those particular senses allowable depend on the illusion cast. For example Empathy would not help against an illusion of a brick wall, but it might help against an illusion of an angry mob or a rampaging beast. Radar and Sonar, likewise, would be ineffective in piercing the illusion of a ghost. Which senses are in play should be up to the GM based on the description of the illusion by the player. A Character need only employ those illusory senses they wish to, such as creating an illusory wall that can easily be passed by anyone in the affected area. Gas Effect (+3 FC): Description: This bonus allows the user’s power to roll outward like a fog or gas. It covers a circular area in APs equal to the APs of power to a height of 0 APs, with the user at the exact center. Alternately, indoors it fills a volume in APs equal to the APs of power. Within the gas, everyone is attacked by the power with no Multi-Attack penalties. The gas also obscures vision, causing all attacks within, out of, or into its area to suffer a +2 CS to OV. It moves with the character as long as he does not move faster than the APs of the power, and it can be instantly dissipated by any wind or volume of air moving at more APs than the APs of power. Half Effective Vs. Energy Attacks (+1FC): Description: Skin Armor with this Bonus adds 1 AP to the character's RV against energy attacks for every 2 APs of Skin Armor. Hardened (+2FC): Description: If attacked by an attacker using the Sharpness Power, the APs of Sharpness are reduced by the APs of the Defense power, to a minimum of 0 APs. Hardening (+2FC): Description: This Bonus for Glue indicates that the medium used to Glue becomes more efficient past the first Phase. If an opponent is Glued (ie, RAPs are scored by the Glue attempt) during one full Phase, automatically add the APs of the Glue power as supplementary RAPs. For instance, if Spider-Man successfully webs somebody with 5 RAPs, on the next Phase and following the opponent will have to struggle against 15 RAPs with his STR/STR, instead of the base 10APs of the Glue Power.  Has Unusual Defense (+1FC/+2FC): Description: An Attack Power with this Bonus is least effective against a specific defense. In game terms, the target(s) only get their base RV against the attack unless they have protection against that attack form (e.g. a Force Field or Sealed Systems vs. Radiation against a radiation-based attack). The Bonus value depends on how common the defense is: if several defenses protect against it it's only a +1 FC Bonus, if only one Defense Power protects the target, it's a +2 FC Bonus. Hellfire (+1FC): Description: An Attack Power with this Bonus generates hellfire- that is fire summoned from Hell itself. Demons usually suffer a Partial Attack Vulnerability of -2CS to RV against hellfire. High-Band Spectra (+3FC): Description: This Bonus to Ultra Vision gives the character the ability to see the higher frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, not just UV radiation. It does not, however, give the character the ability to see through solid objects – the character has to purchase the X-Ray Vision Power to do that. High energy transfer (+1 FC): Description: The High energy transfer Bonus is given to ammunition that tend to inflict unusual damage after penetration due to fragmentation, disintegration, unusual flattening and widening and such. If the shot gains positive RAPs, one RAP is automatically added to the result.

Hyperwarp (+2FC): Description: The character can slip into a parallel dimension that allows faster-than-light travel. The minimum APs required for this ability is 29 (light speed), and the +2 FC only applies to APs of 29 or more. 28 APs or less are bought at the regular FC.

With this bonus, the character can still travel at sublight speeds, but assumes the parallel dimension at 29 APs of movement or more. This power cannot be used inside of an atmosphere.

While in this parallel dimension, the character cannot attack or be attacked except by others travelling through the same dimension at the same speed. The character is also nearly impossible to track or detect. Only other characters with this power have a chance at all, and even then, the active APs of power are the OV/RV of such attempts. Note that this power is not the only means to travel at FTL speeds. The Green Lanterns and the silver age Superman, for example, travel at such speeds in real space. This power represents the traditional ‘warp speed’ or ‘hyperspace’ of Star Trek and Star Wars fame.

Ignores Non-Magical Defenses (+2FC):

Description: The Power ignores Energy Absorption & Immunity, unless the Power in question is Mystically Linked, in which case it functions normally.

Ignores Visual Combat Penalties (+2FC):

Description: The Power can be used to ignore any penalty linked to invisible characters, lack of visibility, etc. 

Improved Mimicry (+1FC/level):

Description: Effortless Omni-Power can mimic any Power or Skill with a Base Cost of 100 HP or less. Each level of this Bonus raises that limit by 100 HP, though the player has to pay the HP cost (equal to the Base Cost of the Power or Skill, minus 100 HP times the level of the Effortless Bonus).

Increased Range (+1 per +4APs): Description: Each level of this Bonus adds increases the maximum range of the Power by 4 APs.

Increased Size (+1 per +4APs): Description: Each level of this Bonus adds 4 APs to the surface area or volume affected by the Power in question. Instant Recharge (+3FC): Description: Solar Sustenance bought with this Bonus takes 0 APs to recharge. Instant Repairs (+2 FC): Description: Damage Restoration and/or Damage Transference with this Bonus takes 0 APs to repair the object or person. Interdimensional (+1FC for Automatic Powers/+3FC for Dice Powers (or Auto/Dice Powers)): Replaces: n/a. Thanks to Peter S Piispanen for the name. Description: The Interdimensional Bonus allows Powers to be used across dimensional barriers. The Travel Distance to the dimension (see Dimension Travel: Travel Distances, p. 68) in which the target is located is added both to the Range to the target and to the OV/RV for any Dice Actions used on the target. Interdimensional adds +1 to the Factor Cost of Automatic Powers and +3 to the Factor Cost of Dice (or Auto/Dice) Powers. Interdimensional may not be purchased on Movement Powers; for that, use the Dimension Travel Power. Limited by APs of Power (+2FC): Description: When Mutation with this Bonus bestows Powers, they are not limited to 2 APs- the APs of the Power(s) equal the APs of Mutation. Martial Power (+1FC): Description: Any Power with a Range of Touch and that inflicts Physical damage can have this Bonus. A Martial Power can use the APs of Martial Arts or Weaponry as AV or use Martial Arts (EV) to add to the EV as per normal rules. Characters with both Martial Arts and Weaponry can use Weaponry (Melee) APs for AV and Martial Arts (EV) to modify the characters melee EV as normal.

May add APs of the Power to the range of any thrown (or kicked) object (+1FC): Description: A character with this Bonus may add the APs of a specific Power (that must be purchased with this Bonus) to the range of any object that the character throws or kicks. This Bonus must be purchased for each Power that the character wants to use in this manner.

May Mimic Mental Powers (+2FC):

Description: Self Manipulation is generally limited to mimicking Physical Powers only.

If the character wishes to mimic objects with Mental powers (such as computers or sensors), he must take this Bonus.

Multi-Bonus (+3FC / +2FC/level):

Description: A Power with this Bonus can mimic any one of up to four different Bonuses up to +2FC maximum value, with each additional level raising that amount by +1FC.

Multi-Shot (+2FC/level):

Description: Each level of this Bonus reduces the penalties (both on OV and RV) by 1 CS when using that Power for a Multi-Attack, Critical Blow or Devastating Attack.

Multi-Strike (Vibro-) (+2FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus strikes the target multiple times (or vibrates multiple times in the case of the Claws power, in which case the Power gains the Vibro- prefix). In game terms, the APs of the Power are added to the characters EV in melee combat (but only to overcome the target's RV – RAPs cannot exceed the character's melee EV, plus any bonus APs from Column Shifts).

Mythical Form (+1FC):

Description: If a character's Animal Form has this Bonus, the character can turn into a mythological or unknown creatures, using the rules for exotic Powers given in the Meta-Morph Power. The APs of Animal Form can augment these exotic Powers as normal.

Natural Weapons (+1FC):

Description: If the character's Martial Arts skill is purchased with this Bonus, the character can use the full APs of Martial Arts when attacking with natural weapons (i.e. the Claws power).

No AP Restriction (+5FC):

Description: This Bonus can only be bought for a Power in which APs must be shared among several abilities (i.e. a Meta-Power such as Bestow, Force Manipulation or Self-Manipulation), though no single Power can exceed the APs of the Meta-Power in question. Thus a being with Bestow: 05 and the No AP Restriction Bonus could bestow Superspeed: 05, Martial Artist: 05, Iron Will: 05 and Skin Armor: 05 simultaneously for a total cost of 25+25+5+50=105 HPs.

Non-Conductive (+1FC):

Description: A power with this Bonus does not conduct electricity. Thus,if a character had Claws with this Bonus, he could attack an electrified object without taking damage. If applied to Skin Armor, the APs of Skin Armor also add to RV versus electrical attacks.

Non-Corrosive (+1FC):

Description: A Defense Power with this Bonus resists acid, and therefore adds its APs to the character's RV against acid attacks. This Bonus cannot be combined with the Non-Conductive or Reflective Bonuses, use the Protects Against Energy Attacks Bonus instead.

Non-Lethal (+1 FC):

This bonus allows a power that is otherwise lethal to be used as Bashing damage, avoiding the Killing Combat penalty. It can be used in the design of weapons to prevent them from being automatically Killing Combat.

No Purchased Components Required (+5FC): Description: Instead any electronic base can be used as building materials to create any gadget the character wants to produce completely free of Wealth rolls .

No Risk Of Backfire (+1FC):

Description: Occultism (Ritual Casting) with this Bonus does not cause Backfire upon a failed Ritual Casting attempt.

Normally Invisible (+2FC):

Description: An attack Power with this Bonus cannot be seen without an appropriate Vision Power (such as Infrared Vision to spot Superman's Heat Vision), so any targets have a -2CS penalty to their OV, unless they have the Vision Power in question..

No Time Limit (+1FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus has no time limit on how long it operates.

No Unfamiliarity Penalty (+1FC):

Description: A Skill with this Bonus can operate gadgets the user has never seen before without any penalties.

Nova Mode (+2FC):

Description: An Attack Power with this Bonus can either attack at Normal Range, or flare out from the Power-users body, without damaging the Power user. (In game terms, treat as an Explosion with the No Range Limitation.)

Not Vulnerable (+1FC/level):

Description: A Power with this Bonus does not suffer the usual penalties to RV the normal power does- that is, a character with the Crystal and/or Ice Production Power(s) would not have the -2CS to RV against certain attacks, provided this Bonus was taken on the Power(s) in question. The cost of the Bonus is +1 FC per Column Shift penalty eliminated from the Power.

Omni-Bonus: (+2FC/level):

Description: A Power with Omni-Bonus can (and must) duplicate +1FC/ level worth of Bonuses. The character can choose the Bonus used each phase.

Partial Boost (+2FC):

Description: Power Reserve with this Bonus boosts one Attribute or Power at full APs, and also boosts a second Attribute or Power at half value.

Example: A character with 10 APs of Power Reserve and a 5AP Protective Aura has this Bonus applied to the Power Reserve. Each 2 APs of Power Reserve in use adds 1 AP to the APs of the Protective Aura.

Partial Charge (+1FC):

Description: Solar Sustenance with this Bonus doesn't have to take a full hour (10 APs) to Recharge. However, for each AP reduction in recharge time, the APs of Solar Sustenance are reduced in proportion.

Partial Effect (+1FC/level):

Description: Each level of this Bonus is the equivalent of a +2FC Bonus. The catch is, the effect is halved: e.g. a character purchases Skin Armor with this Bonus, and defines the effect as” Skin Armor protects vs. energy attacks”. The Skin Armor Power therefore only adds half its APs to the RV against energy attacks.

Permanent (+5 FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus has permanent effects. (Though if the Power in question is a Dice Power, the RAPs of a single Result Check must equal or exceed the target's current Resistance Condition (Body, Mind or Spirit.)). The effect can be reversed, but only by a Power of equal or greater APs. If the base Power requires the user to expend HPs to use it (e.g. Bestow), the character must pay the Base Cost of the Advantage, Power or Skill plus the Factor Cost of the APs (if not an Advantage), based on the AP Purchase Chart (not the Increasing Attributes Chart).

Petrifaction (+2 FC):

Description: Paralysis with this Bonus transforms the target into stone (or some similar substance). The target remains transformed and unable to change back until the character who froze him is rendered unconscious or dead or until APs of time equal to the attacking character’s APs of power pass.

Phasing (+2 FC): Description: If the character passes through electronics while Dispersed he damages them. This is treated as a physical attack with APs of power as AV/EV and the object’s BODY as OV/RV. It only has an effect on electrical devices. It will affect robots.

Polygraph Hearing (+2 FC):

Description: Super Hearing with this Bonus can be used to hear changes in the pulse of someone who is lying and the character with this Power is therefore able to tell when someone isn’t telling him the truth. The AV/EV of the attempt is equal to the APs of power and the OV/RV is equal to the INFL/AURA of the subject who is lying.

Power Training (+2FC):

Description: Omni-Power with this Bonus can be used to give the character the Powers he's mimicking. 25% of the Hero Points the character spends to mimic are retained by the character, and must be spent on purchasing the mimicked ability.

Protects against Energy Attacks (+2FC):

Description: Skin Armor with this Bonus also adds its APs of Power to the character's RV against all energy attacks.

Protects Personal Items (+1FC):

Description: A Defense Power with this Bonus adds its APs of Power to the RV of any personal items used by the character.

Recallable (+1FC for Recallable Skills / +2FC for Recallable Powers):

Description: If a Character possessing the Recall Power as well as Adaptation with the Recallable Bonus has previously duplicated a Power or Skill using Adaptation, he may make an Action Check using the APs of Recall as the AV/EV vs. an OV/RV of 6/6 or the APs of Time since the Power or

Skill was last duplicated (whichever is greater). If the Character from whom the Power or Skill

was previously copied is currently within Range, but not currently using the Power or Skill, the

OV/RV of the Recall Check is simply 6/6. Positive RAPs indicate that the Character may

duplicate the Power or Skill in the current Phase as if the target Character was currently using it

within Range. The Character must still expend the Automatic Action necessary to use

Adaptation; the Recall Check only allows him the opportunity to re-Adapt the ability. The

maximum number of APs that may be Adapted (or Mimicked) in this manner is equal to the APs

of the Power or Skill that the Character had previously duplicated or the RAPs of the Recall

Action Check (whichever is less). Recurring Attacks (+2FC):

Description: A Power with this Bonus inflicts ongoing damage, such as an acid continuing to dissolve a substance or a flaming gel sticking to a target and continuing to burn it. Once a successful attack has been made using a Power with Recurring Attacks, the target is attacked again on each subsequent phase using the APs of Power as the AV/EV and the target's BODY as OV/RV. These successive attacks continue until one of them fails and do not count as an Action for the character using the Power. Reflective (+1FC): Description: Skin Armor with this Bonus has a metallic appearance, as it reflects light, adding its APs to the character's RV against light-based attacks. This bonus cannot be combined with the Non-Conductive or Non-Corrosive Bonuses, use the Protects Against Energy Attacks Bonus instead.

Regrowth (+1 FC /+2 FC):

Description: The standard Regeneration Power merely reduces the time needed to make Recovery Checks. In order to actually regrow lost body parts, characters need to purchase this bonus. It comes in the two following levels:

Basic Regrowth: (+1FC): The character can either regrow a single limb or extremities such as the hands or feet.

Regrow Limbs: (+2FC): The character can regrow limbs and organs, provided the character's vital organs are still working.. Reintegration (+2 FC): Description: With this Bonus on the Disintegration Power, the character can reintegrate a target he has previously disintegrated. This is a Dice Action with the APs of Disintegration as AV/EV and the OV/RV being equal to the RAPs of the original attack. The character cannot reintegrate targets disintegrated by others, only his own. The character to be reintegrated cannot have been disintegrated a length of time in APs longer than the disintegrating character’s APs of WILL. Resurrection (+10 FC): Description: Regeneration with this Bonus can be used to bring the dead back to life. It should be noted that Regeneration must also be bought with Usable on Others in order to bring back other people. Reverts to Human Form (+1FC): Description: If a character with either the Mega Morph and/or the Meta Morph Power has this Bonus, and takes enough RAPs to be knocked unconscious or killed, that character reverts to human form, and RAPs that would exceed the character’s current BODY are taken as MIND damage. Scattershot (Author: Sébastien Andrivet) Base Cost Modifier: +0 Description: An effect with the Scattershot Bonus is an indiscriminate blast. For simplicity’s sake it is best imagined as a cylinder about one yard or one meter in diameter, affecting whatever and whoever it hits. In most circumstances, it is impossible to perform a Trick Shot to be selective as to whom is affected – the one-yard is not precisely aimed with an exact awareness of its boundaries, it is collateral effects. Thus, Scattershot is considered cost-neutral. Hitting two opponents standing next to each other with a single attack done without penalties is a boon, but being unable to attack two persons wrestling, or a person holding a hostage, without friendly fire is problematic. In most cases this represents shotguns firing buckshot or a similar ammunition – or rather it represents the common cinematic and video game depiction of these weapons, who usually display a projectiles spread far in excess of how they perform in the real world. Occasionally a Power displays the same behaviour, for instance an energy blast wielded by a young mutant still training to use their powers. Selective (+1FC): Description: This Bonus may only be bought for a Power with three or more Bonuses, including this one. It enables the user to select which Bonuses apply to the Power each phase. Semi-Fatiguing (+1FC): Description: This is the same as the Semi-Fatiguing Limitation, save that it's been applied to a Power that normally is Fatiguing (i.e. Sorcery). Simultaneous Boost (+4FC): Description: Power Reserves with this Bonus boost two Attributes and/or Powers at full APs, instead of sharing the APs of Power Reserve between them. More than two Attributes and/or powers can be Simultaneously Boosted, but each additional such power raises Power Reserve's Factor Cost by +2FC, in addition to the +5 BC per additional Power required for Power Reserve to boost three (or more) Powers. Developer's notes: This Bonus was originally developed for Ultra Boy but it would work better for other characters or gadgets, such as the Saiyans or Sovereign's armor. Steal Memories (+2 FC): Description: Mind Drain with this Bonus to the Power may be used to steal the memories from the minds that are drained. RAPs of MIND drained act as temporary APs of the Recall power that the character may access. This acts to allow the character to access the memories of the target. The Recall power disappears after an amount of time equal to the APs of Mind Drain. Substitutes for Skill APs (+1FC/+2FC): Description: A Power with this Bonus may substitute its APs for the APs of a Skill with the same Link Attribute. This Bonus must be purchased once for each Skill affected by the Power. If the Skill is Linked, it is a +1FC Bonus, if it is not Linked, it is a +2FC Bonus. Example: The (Early) version of Quicksilver on was able to substitute his APs of Superspeed for his APs of his Linked Vehicles Skill. If I ever was to write up Cyborg 009 (the 2001 anime version), he would have the same Bonus on his Superspeed, but it would be applied to his Weaponry Skill. Super Cold (+2 FC): Description: In addition to being able to blow people away, the character with this form of Super Breath can choose to freeze them solid. If freezing the target, the user may trap him in a block of solid ice. RAPs equal the ice APs which have trapped the target. While the target is trapped, his DEX and Initiative is reduced by the APs of ice and he cannot move. To break free, the target must make a successful physical attack (i.e., earn positive RAPs) against OV/RV equal to the ice APs of the attack. Used in this way, Super Breath never causes Knockback. Targeting (+1 FC): Description: This bonus allows a power that normally functions only as EV to also function as AV for its uses. The APs of the power are the AV of its use. Technical (+1FC): Created by Phil Mason Description: This Bonus can be applied separately to both Vehicles & Weaponry. It allows the character to modify, create and repair the said vehicles/weapons. This bonus does not allow the character to create gadgets that would require the Genius advantage. That must be bought separately. Time Stop (+6 FC): Description: Time Travel with this Bonus can be used to halt time. This is resolved as a Dice Action with the APs of Time Travel as AV/EV and the OV/RV equal to APs of time the character wishes to stop. RAPs are the APs of area in which time is stopped for the desired duration. Characters with Time Travel are not affected and may act as normal. If they attack a character who is frozen in time, then that character is automatically broken free of the frozen time the following phase and can act as normal. In addition, characters with Superspeed may roll to break free of frozen time using their APs of power as AV/EV against an OV/RV equal to the APs of the character’s Time Travel. Characters frozen in time are helpless and can be attacked normally, though they do not age, cannot get sick, and cannot be poisoned. Triggered Power (+1FC / +2FC): Description: A Power with this Bonus automatically activates if a certain condition occurs. If the trigger event cannot be changed, it's only a +1FC Bonus; if the Power-user can change the trigger event, it's a +2 FC Bonus. Undetectable by Non-Mystical Powers (+2FC): Description: Invisibility or Obscure with this Bonus cannot be bypassed by Mental Sensory Powers unless the Power(s) have been Mystically Linked. Unstable Molecules (+2FC): Description: This Bonus to a Gadget's Body prevents the Gadget from being damaged by the user's Powers and allows the character free use of her Powers, even if the Gadget in question is an item of clothing. In DC Heroes terms, the gadget uses the higher of it's own RV or the user's RV (including the user's Defense Powers). Usable against hand-to-hand/melee attacks (+2FC): Description: This Bonus enables a character with Reflection/Deflection to use it against hand-to-hand or melee combatants.

Usable as an Automatic Action (+3FC):

Description: A Dice Power with this Bonus is now treated as an Auto Power, as it now only takes an Automatic Action to use.

Usable for Grapples (+1FC):

Description: This Bonus enables a Dice Power to perform a Grapple. In order to do so, the Dice Power has to have a Physical effect.

Usable with Objects and Locations (+1FC):

Description: This version of Postcognition doesn’t require an object and is also usable with places and locations. User does not suffer risk of injury (+3 FC): Description: Damage Restoration and/or Damage Transference with this Bonus does not harm the user, regardless of how many APs of damage the character heals.

Warp Reality (+4 FC): Description: Dimension Travel may be purchased with the Warp Reality Bonus. With this bonus, the character can actually alter an area of the dimension he is currently in, overwriting with the reality of another dimension. This is a Dice Action with the APs of power as AV/EV against the travel distance difficulty of the overwriting dimension. RAPs indicate the APs of area affected by the warping. When a dimension is overwritten by a reality warp, everything within the affected distance is altered to a form more suitable to the overwriting dimension, including buildings, life forms, weapons- even the heroes and villains themselves.

For example, a character with this power could alter Metropolis by turning it into a dark Faerie Tale Realm. In this realm, the Daily Planet would be a small village in the heart of an enchanted forest governed by Perry White. Lois would be the princess, Superman the shining knight, and Lex Luthor an evil sorcerer bent on destroying it all. All of Superman’s powers would be translated into magic items like a cape that allows him to fly, armor that makes him invulnerable and super strong, a helmet that amplifies his senses, etc.

Objects and characters without mystical attributes transform instantly upon entering or leaving the altered area. Objects and characters possessing mystical attributes that travel into the altered area will transform, becoming natives in APs of time equal to their AURA. Those trying to leave the altered area must make a mystical attack using INFL/AURA as AV/EV against the RAPs of the warp roll as OV/RV. RAPs indicate that the being will transform back into its original form in a number of phases equal to the RAPs of the warp roll.

The overwriting lasts until the character wishes it to stop, is knocked unconscious, or until an amount of time equal to his APs of power have transpired.

Works even after the point of death (+5FC): Description: Invulnerability with this Bonus works even after the character has dropped below negative APs for one of his (or hers) Current Conditions. Bonus Extras: Bonus Extras are Bonuses that increase both the Powers Base Cost and Factor Cost. For convenience, I have given them their own section. Alternative Power Source (+25BC, +1FC) Description: Power Reserve with this Bonus can be fueled by Multiple Powers with the Fuels Power Reserve Bonus. This Bonus can be taken multiple times, but each time it is taken it means the Power Reserve is fed by another Power. Automatic Power: (+50 BC, FC+3): Description: If the Healing Factor Power is bought with this Bonus Extra, it only takes an Automatic Action to use, instead of a Dice Action.

Can Attack Through Wall (+30 BC, +2 FC): Description: Characters on one side of a Force Wall (defined at the time the Wall is created) may freely Attack targets on the other side of the Force Wall

Categorical Attribute Distribution (+50 BC, +3 FC): Description: Images Animated with this Bonus have the APs of Animate Image distributed among the Image's Attribute Categories rather than the individual Attributes. However, each Category must contain at least 1 AP.

Hard to kill (+2 FC; +25 BC): Description: The character may continue to roll Invulnerability rolls as long as his current BODY condition is higher than minus five times negative BODY. This may be the closest Bonus to what you are asking about, Al. I'd be very vary to create further ones (i.e. until double, until triple, until four times etc. negative BODY) as it would clutter the picture and not really provide any reasonable granularity to the Power: "Works beyond death" and "Hard to kill" are probably sufficient to

cover the really hard cases (pun intended!). Suggested for: no one

May Mimic Mystical Powers (+10 BC, +2 FC):

Self Manipulation is generally limited to mimicking Physical Powers only. To mimic objects with Mystical Powers is a +2 FC Bonus and Self Manipulation must be Mystic Linked (which is included in the above cost).

No AP Loss (+50 BC, +3 FC):

Description: The character does not suffer any AP losses when using the Split Power.

No Reduction of Attributes upon Split Death (+ 50BC/+150 BC, +3 FC): Description: If one of the character's Splits is killed, the character's main body does not suffer any loss of Attributes. (The second BC modifier is only used if the Split Power also has the No AP Loss Bonus Extra listed above). Overwhelm Bonus: (+50BC, +1FC): Description: For each successive round an Automatic Action is used to successfully maintain the Vertigo effect the target suffers 1 AP Damage to their Mind, representing the disorienting and debilitating effects of vertigo, and will pass out when their Mind reaches 0 APs.

Selectable Bonus (+5BC,+1FC/level):

Description: This Bonus is only for Power Reserves with the Simultaneous Boost Bonus. It enables the character to exchange one of the Powers Simultaneously Boosted for another Power possessed by the character. Every time this Bonus is purchased, it enables the character to switch one Power for another possessed by the character. (The above cost includes the +5HP to Base Cost per additional Power beyond the second required for Power Reserve to boost said Powers).

Developer's notes: This Bonus was originally developed for Ultra Boy, so he could use the same Power Reserve to switch between two different Simultaneous Boosts. Since each Simultaneous Boost has three Powers, the Power Reserve's Base Cost is raised by 30 HP and the Factor Cost is raised by +9 (+6 for the first Simultaneous Boost and a further +3 FC for the Selectable Bonus).

New (& Revised) Drawbacks

Acts as a Mental Power [Bonus: 10 HP] Description: Sorcery with this Drawback acts as a Mental Power as follows: it uses Will as the Link Attribute and Mind instead of Spirit to resist the Bashing Damage caused by the use of the Power. It also cannot be used to emulate Mystical Powers such as Magic Sense and Mystic Blast. Altered Biology (Bonus: 5/25/50) Description: A character with this drawback has a physiology very different from a normal human being’s. This means that receiving medical care has unusual complications. Characters applying the Medicine skill to an Altered Biology character suffer penalties to all of their OV/Rvs. Incorporeal characters may not employ any of these drawbacks, since they cannot be harmed physically in the first place. None of these drawbacks affect a character’s ability to heal himself through the use of HPs or Recovery Checks. Cybernetic Biology is worth 5 HPs and indicates that the character is still predominately human with human physiology except for cybernetic or similar artificial parts. Doctors suffer a +1 CS to OV/RV on Medicine skill checks. The Gadgetry skill is required to repair damaged inorganic parts. Furthermore, without the Genius advantage, the healer suffers a +1 CS to OV/RV on Gadgetry skill checks.

Near Human Biology is worth 5 HPs and indicates that the character is very similar to normal humanity, though with subtle differences, such as Amazons, Atlanteans, elves, or humanoid aliens. Generally, this means that the character can reproduce with humans. Doctors suffer a +1 CS to OV/RV on Medicine skill checks.

Inhuman Biology is worth 25 HPs and indicates that the character is not human, but still operating on the same principles of science: carbon-based with cells and organs that function in similar fashion to a human’s, etc. This is usually reserved for more unusual aliens like Kryptonians, Martians, or Skrulls; fantasy races such as satyrs, lizard people, or mermaids; or for characters that have Always On powers that significantly alter them, such as Invulnerability or a Self Linked power. Doctors suffer a +2 CS to OV/RV on Medicine skill checks.

Mechanical Biology is worth 50 HPs and indicates that the character is an artificial life form, such as a robot or golem. In this case, the Medicine skill cannot be used to heal the character at all. Instead, the Gadgetry skill is required. Furthermore, without the Genius advantage, the healer suffers a +2 CS to OV/RV on Gadgetry skill checks.

Mystical Biology is worth 50 HPs and indicates that the character is a life form radically different from a human being, such as a vampire or elemental. It is based on completely alien laws of life, usually rooted in the arcane. In this case, the Medicine skill can barely be used to heal the character at all. The healer suffers a +4 CS to heal the character. If he has the Occultism skill, this penalty is reduced to +2 CS.

Amnesia & Memory Implants [Bonus: 5 HP] Description: The character has been mentally reconditioned by person or persons unknown. In game terms, he (or she) has forgotten what happened before the campaign started, and any memories are likely to be false, created by whoever meddled with the victim's mind. Designer's notes: This Drawback was originally for Wolverine, but there are other characters who've had this Drawback, such as Kamen Rider Faiz and Vampirella. Arrogant v1.0 [Bonus: 15 HP] By (unknown) Description: This drawback is for characters that are exceptionally overconfident. They talk down to everyone, believing they know best, whether they do or not. These characters thus have a +1CS to the OV/RV of their Persuasion attempts, as people usually do not respond well to their attitude. Characters with this Drawback will also not accept Hero Points from characters with the Leadership advantage: obviously, this character is the most qualified to lead, and should be the one giving orders, not taking them. It's a GM call on whether this ability should be given to those with a villainous motivation, as it's fairly standard on most villains. Bulletproof Syndrome v1.1 [Bonus: 5/25/50 HP] By Jackson Helpers: kittenloveseverybody Description: This Drawback represents a character not using his full ability to evade attacks, either due to his basic naiveté or supreme overconfidence. It is common for characters that are invulnerable to most attacks and thus slow to acknowledge imminent threats when faced by hostile beings. The character therefore suffers an OV against new opponents until said attackers score any RAPs of damage, after which the character can use his full normal OV. The penalty is determined by the level of the drawback. Intensity OV Modifier HP bonus Minor -1CS 5 Serious -2CS 25 Catastrophic -3CS 50 Developer's Note: This was previously known as Superman or Übermensch Syndrome. Cannot Enter Holy Ground [Bonus: 10 HP]: Description: A Character with this Drawback cannot enter holy ground (this also applies to the character's equipment). Cannot Swim [Bonus: 10 HP]: Description: A Character with this Drawback cannot swim, which can be fatal if the character falls into water. Captain Kirk Syndrome [Bonus: 20 HP]: Description: This Drawback is usually only taken by males. (The female version should probably be called “Black Widow syndrome”). The character is unable to maintain a long-term relationship, usually because his lovers die or go insane. (This does not apply to one-night stands, or if the lover decides to leave him). In game terms, if the character falls in love, the GM should run a Relationship Subplot at the end of the adventure. Failure indicates the lover leaves him permanently. If the character somehow gains a permanent partner, the Drawback must be bought off ASAP. Concealed Features (Bonus: 5HP): Description: This Drawback may only be taken by characters with the Strange Appearance (Serious) Drawback. It represents a character with the Strange Appearance (Serious) Drawback who has managed to hide his (or hers) unusual features or is not well-known (i.e. does not have the Public ID Drawback). Dependent (Bonus: 10HP): Description: If you think being married is tough, you should try having kids. A character with this drawback has family that relies upon him financially and emotionally and whose well-being is worth more to him than his own life. This is typically a child, but it could also be an elderly or handicapped relative. The dependent should be detailed for the use in subplots. Villains who discover a hero’s dependent have a serious advantage over a hero, though kidnapping or harming a child is a very dangerous route to take against most heroes, as it is not unheard of for even the best to go to any lengths to recover or avenge their child. A character who adopts this drawback may only receive the bonus HPs once, no matter how many dependants he has. If the child also has superpowers it does not affect the HPs of this drawback, since the hero has the added responsibility of training the child. If the child fights along side the hero, then he is a Sidekick, not a dependent. Doesn't Add to Initiative (Bonus: 5/10HP): Description: This Drawback may only be taken by a character with Brawling or Martial Arts Skill. Each level of this Advantage negates the +1 bonus to initiative provided by either Brawling or the first two Martial Arts Subskills. Eclipsed Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Helper(s): Roy Cowan

Bonus: This Drawback is not meant for use by Player Characters, as it would generally be counter-productive in play. It is meant to help model the behavior of certain Non-Player Characters. As such, it has no associated cost. When working with a specific Character or team, the Character with the Eclipsed Drawback is significantly less competent, sharp and dynamic than usual.

In such circumstances, the following penalties apply:

* All the OVs and RVs of their Actions are raised by one CS

* For Automatic Actions, their scores are considered to be one AP lower (e.g., if they wants to lift something, they’re treated as having one less AP of STR)

* They operate one Genre to the right of everybody else as far as Hero Points expenditure are concerned Most Characters suffering from such penalties are reluctant to spend Hero Points given the reduced bang for their buck. In many cases they won’t spend any, assuming that the Character or team triggering this Drawback will save the day. Conversely, this means enhanced efficiency in other circumstances, as they can use the points they did not spend while labouring under Eclipsed penalties. The penalties are temporarily lifted if the Character with the Eclipsed Drawback is the only person who can save the Character or team triggering the Drawback from certain death. This is called by the GM. Designer’s notes: The Eclipsed Drawback was originally developed for Catwoman under the name Shadow Of The Bat (with Batman as the triggering Character) and for the 1970s and 1980s Black Widow (with Daredevil being the triggering Character, and the Drawback renamed Shadow of the Devil). It was also used for Ron Stoppable (from Kim Possible).

Elemental Evil [Bonus: 75 HP]:

Description: A character with this drawback is a damned creature according to one or more metaphysical realities. As a result the Elemental Evil character is vulnerable to certain attacks from the faithful or divine in nature. The classic example of this is the Vampire, but it could be any number of kinds of evil: daemons, devils, elder gods, even the spawn of Yog-Sothoth from H. P. Lovecraft, etc. When a creature which appears to be supernatural lacks the Elemental Evil drawback, this is often a clue that the creature may be instead the result of mad science. For example, a zombie which is the creation of a damned body unable to rest even after death would have the Elemental Evil drawback, whereas a zombie which is the result of mad science gone out of control would not. A redeemed vampire or werewolf may or may not have the Elemental Evil drawback, depending upon the extent to which the creature has been redeemed, according to game master adjudication.

Sanctified items will do physical damage to the Elemental Evil character as a 4 AP attack using the Elemental Evil characters Influence and Spirit as OV/RV. The classic example is holy water.

The entity with Elemental Evil drawback cannot enter (Catastrophic irrational Dislike) recently sanctified areas unless invited or unless the entity manages to defeat the combined might of all those involved in the sanctification in an Aura vs Aura struggle; an example of this would be a blessed private residence. Some highly sanctified areas -- i.e. areas which were sanctified by angels or gods or which may have been sanctified centuries ago -- may be considered impossible for an entity of Elemental Evil to enter until he or she finds a way to corrupt it, but this should be the exception. The classic example of such an area is a centuries old Roman Catholic church or Stonehenge.

The entity with the Elemental Evil drawback is detectable as evil (demonic, a vampire, damned, etc.) by those with the proper means. If the Elemental Evil entity manages to push through the effects of the religious icons or ceremonies without being harmed, the religious items or hallowed ground are corrupted and must be re-consecrated or re-sanctified before they will have any further extraordinary effects against entities with the Elemental Evil drawback. Emotionless (Bonus: 25 HP): Description: A character with this Drawback has few or no emotions. He could be an emotionless alien race, a robot, an ancient being long past feeling, etc. His mystical attributes all come with a +1 FC to purchase and increase, he cannot purchase mystical powers or mystic link any powers, and he cannot possess the Charisma skill without also having the Mastermind advantage. Even then the skill has a +2 FC to purchase. However, it isn't all bad- the character is extremely resistant to emotional attacks and interaction manoeuvres. All such applied to the character suffer a +4 CS to OV/RV. This penalty is in addition to any others resulting from higher attributes. An emotionless character is always considered to have a Neutral attitude. (Flaws) (Bonus: 5+ HP): Flaws are Drawbacks that reduce the Base Cost of the Power (to a minimum of 0 APs), and hence either reflect Power Limitations that don't affect the Factor Cost or are Drawbacks that only affect the character when the character uses a specific Power, and hence have their value reduced by 5 HPs. Essentially, they are the opposite of Extras. Example: Sil (from Species) is Attractive in human form, but has the Strange Appearance Drawback in her alien form. Since she has Claws in alien form, but not in human form, she could have 10 APs of Claws with the Strange Appearance Flaw. Normally the Strange Appearance is worth 30 HP, but as it's a Flaw, it's only worth 25 HP, which is subtracted from the Base Cost of Claws, reducing it to 0. Note: If using the revised Strange Appearance Drawback listed below, Sil's alien form would have the Strange Appearance (Catastrophic) Drawback. I have also included a list of other Flaws below- for convenience’s sake, they are all headlined in brown. Adapted Powers are Discarded After Use [Bonus: 50 HP]: Description: Adaptation with this Flaw can generally only Adapt a Power once. If the character wants to Adapt the Same Power again, the character with Adaptation must try to Adapt the same Power again. Advantages as Powers: [Bonus: 5 HP]: Description: It is also possible to convert an Advantage into a Power. This reduces the total cost of the Advantage by 5 HP. The player (or GM) then must determine what effects the Power would have if bought at 2 APs (or whatever APs are required to provide a Column Shift Bonus). The Power's Factor Cost must then be determined, using whatever Bonuses and Limitations seem appropriate in order to properly emulate the Advantage. The cost of those APs of the Power is then also subtracted from the HPs required to purchase that Power, with the remainder being the Base Cost of the aforementioned Power. Example: A character wishes to determine the BC and FC of Enhanced Initiative, using the above rules. Assuming that the Power is bought with the Act like An Advantage Bonus, she determines that the total cost of the Power (ignoring the above Bonus) is 15 HP. She also determines that the base BC and FC are BC 5, FC 6 (from the Ability Boost Power). Adding the Affects Initiative Bonus raises the FC to 7. As Enhanced Initiative doesn't affect AV or OV, taking these Limitations reduces the FC to 5. As the HP Cost of 2APs would be 5 APs, Enhanced Initiative must have a Base Cost of 10 HP. Since the Base Cost of Ability Boost is 5 HP, the GM decides that another Advantage also applies, as Lightning Reflexes is cumulative with the Initiative boosts provided by Martial Artist and/or Superspeed. (See the Affected by Other Abilities Advantage below). Note: You can also use these rules to determine the cost of an Advantage that the character can only use in conjunction with a Power. In order to do so, the character must be able to turn the Power off and on at will. The cost of this is equal to the combined HP of all the Advantage(s) in question, minus 5 HP, applied as an Extra to the Power in question. (See the Extra rules in this document for more information). (Unless the Advantages cannot be used together, or they are used with different Powers. In such cases, the 5HP reduction is separately applied to the HP cost of each Advantage). Can Only Bequeath: [Bonus: 250 HP /500HP/ 750HP]:

Description: Characters with this Flaw for the Bestow Power can only bestow abilities that they themselves possess and can only do so up to the APs of that ability or of Bestow, whichever is lower. This reduces the Base Cost of Bestow to 750. Further reductions include Can only Bequeath Attributes and Advantages (BC 500), Can only Bequeath Skills and Advantages (BC 500 BC), and Can only Bequeath Advantages (BC 250). Cyborg Body: [Bonus: 25 HP]: Description: This Flaw for Self Link (Gadgetry) represents a Character whose body is entirely or almost entirely robotic but is controlled by an organic brain or another central biological component. Such Characters are vulnerable to Character Interaction as well as Mental and Mystical abilities just like any other living Character, though Mental or Mystical Damage heals normally rather than needing to be Repaired. The Character may also be affected by organic ailments such as disease or poison if they can be introduced to the organic portions of the cyborg's body (GM's call). The organic components will need nutrition but at a vastly reduced amount due to the small amount of living tissue. The APs of SLG are thus added to the time that must elapse before the cyborg suffers from lack of oxygen, food, or water, similar to Sealed Systems but without the +4 Duration. Characters with Full Conversion can purchase Life Support as needed to represent recycling systems or other mechanisms to obviate the need for sustenance. Energy Traces Are Normally Consumed by Power [Bonus: 50 pts]: Description: This Flaw can only be taken by Adaptation with the Can Adapt From Energy Traces Bonus. If taken, the energy traces are wiped clean when Adaptation is used. Limited APs Available [Bonus: 1 HP/ level]: Description: A Power Reserve with this Flaw can only allocate so many APs to a particular Power. Normally, a Power Reserve can allocate as many APs as the APs of Power Reserve to a particular Power. For every 20% reduction in the number of APs that are available to that power, the Base Cost of Power Reserve is reduced by one Hero Point per level per power. Example: My altered version of Vartox can only allocate 12 APs to Animate Image. This is two levels of the Limited APs Available Flaw, and is worth a 2 HP Bonus. Not much of a Drawback, but it is taken for every 12 AP Power Vartox possesses. Designer's Notes: The cost of this Drawback is based on the fact that it costs only 5 Hero Points to add another ability to the character's Power Reserve. Only Certain Dimensions [Bonus: 400/300/200/100 pts]: Description: This Flaw can only be taken for the Dimension Travel Power. A character with this limited version of Dimension Travel can only travel to and from certain dimensions. In general the fewer Dimensions the Character can travel to, the greater the value of the Flaw, as follows: Only Two Dimensions (-400 HP): This Dimension Travel only works between two specific dimensions, chosen when the Power is purchased. Only Four Dimensions (-300 HP): This Dimension Travel only works between a set of four dimensions. Only Eight Dimensions (-200 HP): This Dimension Travel only works between a set of eight dimensions. Only Sixteen Dimensions (-100 HP): This Dimension Travel only works between a set of sixteen dimensions. Only While Dreaming [Bonus: 10 pts]: Description: A Power with this Flaw can only be used while the character is dreaming. This does not mean the character has to be unconscious. In game terms, the character sacrifices an action each phase the Power is in use. Partially Limited APs Available [Bonus: see below]: Description: Unless a certain condition is met, the character can only allocate so many APs of the Power Reserve to a specific Power. The HP bonus is equal to half that of the Limited APs Available Flaw (rounded down). Example: Vartox has 45 APs of Flight, but he can use only 18 APs in the atmosphere. To represent this, Vartox takes the following modifiers on his Power Reserves: All Power Reserves now boost Flight, instead of just P.R.'s (1) & (2) (+5 BC to all Power Reserves)

P.R. (1) takes the following Flaw: Can only boost Flight by 16 APs in atmosphere (-1 BC) (P.R. (2) still boosts Flight by another 2 APs)

P.R.'s (3) & (4) both take the following Flaw: Can only boost Flight in Space (-2BC each) Slightly delayed (-5 BC): Description: Invulnerability with this Flaw may only roll after a set-at-creation period of time which is just beyond what is critically needed in combat and may be a maximum of five minutes, enough to keep the character in the adventure. Suggested for: Staff Commander Mandala Shepard, Lieutenant Jacob Taylor, Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, Thane Krios and other Mass Effect characters, Ulysses Bloodstone, Isambard Prince. Uncontrollable (-25 HP): Description: An Alter Ego Power with this Flaw may only transform under certain conditions, chosen when the Power is first purchased. The triggering condition(s) may be changed later in the campaign, with the permission of the Gamemaster. In general, Each Alter Ego the character has must have a different triggering condition: the point cost is the same, regardless of the APs of the Alter Ego Power. Foe Author: Vincent Paul Bartilucci

Helper(s): Roy Cowan, Morgan Champion, William Chamberlin, Pufnstuff, Peter Piispanen

Designer’s notes: This is a more detailed version of the Enemy Drawback, based in part on earlier iterations of the Arch Enemy Drawback from which Enemy arose. The level of detail above was chosen to reflect standard superhero tropes, particularly the classic tales of a character being confronted by a doppelganger whose motivations are the opposite of the hero’s despite their similarity in most other ways.

Enemy and similar Drawbacks are sometimes considered questionable for two reasons. The first is that they can be seen as double-dipping as characters already get HPs for fighting opponents and this Drawback in some respects gives them additional HPs during character creation for the same thing. The counter-argument is that this is an extension of the HPs awarded for background development and as such also provides additional plot fodder for the GM.

That point is also the second concern of the Drawback, namely that it forces the GM to use a particular character on a regular basis. This is why it is particularly important to consult with the GM ahead of time when using this Drawback to make sure it will fit well into the campaign.

Bonus: Varies A Character with this Drawback begins play with an implacable adversary who will do everything within their power to harass, ruin, or even kill the character. A synopsis of the Foe’s origin and why they have set themselves against the Character must be included in the Character’s Background in order for the Player to receive the Hero Point bonus. The GM must approve this Drawback and create the Foe using the Hero Point base listed for the appropriate level of Foe. Because hero/villain conflict is central to most superheroic games, a Foe must be more than merely a recurring opponent to warrant the Hero Point bonus. In order to qualify as a Foe, the adversary must be unwavering in their crusade against the Character. They must appear often and at inopportune moments to bedevil them. In short, they must pose an ever-present, never-ending threat to the Character. The Hero Point Bonus gained from taking this Drawback is dependent on both the level and type of opposition that the Foe represents, and the nature of the defeat they wish to inflict on the Character. Villains may never receive a Hero Point bonus for the Foe Drawback. Enemy [Bonus: 10 points*] Description: An Enemy is a Foe who lacks the power and inclination to challenge the Character in combat, either directly or through subordinates. Instead, the Enemy will use what influence and resources they have to relentlessly harass, annoy, or threaten the Character. Usually, an Enemy’s ultimate goal is the end of the Character’s superheroic career rather than the end of his life. Alternately, the Enemy may be unaware of the Character’s double life, instead carrying on a vendetta against the Character’s civilian identity. A newspaper publisher who uses his tabloid as a platform to question the Character’s integrity, a police detective who employs legal powers to harass the Character despite the Mayor’s official stance of cooperation with super-heroes, or a classmate whose constant bullying inadvertently endangers the Character’s dual identity are all good examples of an Enemy. It is important to remember that a Character’s Enemy need not have a villainous motivation. For example, the aforementioned newspaper publisher may honestly believe that the Character is a dangerous menace, the police detective may feel the Character’s presence in the area invites super-powered trouble, and the classmate may think he is doing the Character a favor by “toughening him up.” On rare occasions, the GM may introduce a Subplot wherein the Enemy gains the power to strike at the Character directly. This is always a temporary situation and before long the Enemy should be back to his more indirect harassment. An Enemy is built by the GM using a 225 Hero Point base. A Character who takes the Foe: Enemy Drawback gains 10 Hero Points. If the Enemy ever loses their ability or desire to carry on their vendetta against the character because of a change of heart, incapacitation, or death, the character immediately forfeits 50 Hero Points. Arch Enemy [Bonus: 15 points*] Description: An Arch Enemy is a Foe who possesses the power and inclination to challenge the Character in direct combat or through subordinates. More importantly, an Arch Enemy’s primary goal is always the elimination of the Character. To represent this all-consuming aspect of the Arch Enemy’s psyche, they should possess either an Irrational Hatred of the Character or an Irrational Attraction to defeating them. The Arch Enemy should have access to Powers, Skills, and/or Resources that allow him to be a true threat to the character. To that end, the GM should build the Arch Enemy using the same Hero Point base as the Character then increase his statistics, if necessary, to make him sufficiently powerful to provide a challenge for the Character. A Character who takes the Foe: Arch Enemy Drawback gains 15 Hero Points. This Drawback cannot be removed in play unless the Arch-Enemy is permanently incapacitated or is somehow convinced to abandon their enmity toward the Character. If this occurs, the Character must pay 75 Hero Points whether they were responsible or not. If the Character does not have the Hero Points available at that moment, they will be subtracted from their HP awards at the end of the Adventure. Nemesis [Bonus: 20 points*]: Description: A Nemesis is a special class of Foe that bears many similarities to an Arch Enemy. A Nemesis possesses the power and inclination to challenge the Character in combat directly along with the Irrational Hatred of the Character or Irrational Attraction to defeating him that is the hallmark of the Arch Enemy. What sets these two types of Foes apart is the design of the Nemesis. While an Arch Enemy is equal in power to his rival, a Nemesis goes one step further: they are a twisted version of the Character, essentially the Character with a villainous motivation. The GM should design the Nemesis as the Character’s “evil twin,” ensuring that the Nemesis possesses the same Powers, Skills, and/or Resources as the Character at approximately the same levels. The Nemesis’ Background and History should also mirror the Character’s and they should wear a similar or perhaps inverted version of the Character’s costume. A Character who takes the Foe: Nemesis Drawback gains 20 Hero Points. This Drawback cannot be removed in play unless the Nemesis is permanently incapacitated or is somehow convinced to abandon their enmity toward the Character. If this occurs, the Character must pay 100 Hero Points whether they were responsible or not. If the Character does not have the Hero Points available at that moment, they will be subtracted from their HP awards at the end of the Adventure. Bonus modifications, examples, Drawback loss The final Hero Point Bonus for this Drawback is modified by the frequency of the Foe’s appearance. The base Bonus above assumes that the Foe appears in every adventure or as part of an on-going Subplot. If the Foe only appears in every other adventure, the Bonus is halved (rounding up). If the Foe only takes part in every third adventure, the Bonus is divided by four, rounding up. Examples of enemies: J. Jonah Jameson to Spider-Man during the 1970s, Cliff Carmichael toward Firestorm during the early Firestorm volumes.

Examples of arch-enemies: Lex Luthor during large swathes of Superman’s career, Brainiac for Superman during parts of the Silver Age, Dr. Octopus and/or the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) during large parts of Spider-Man’s career, Shadow Moon for Kamen Rider Black.

Examples of nemeses: Reverse Flash/Dr. Zoom, Venom (Edward Brock), Bizarro, or Sinestro during the high points of their career ; the Golgum cult for Kamen Rider Black. The loss of a Foe for whatever reason should be a very dramatic event for the Character, very likely taking place the end of a current campaign or series of adventures and having effects that lead into the next campaign. If the Character is responsible for the death of a Foe and the Genre rules being used inflict penalties for killing others, the Character will have to pay both the standard penalty for killing an NPC as well as the specific penalty for losing a Foe. There should also be additional situational repercussions. A Character whose Foe has been killed may be criminally charged or sought for investigation whether they were responsible for the death or not. A reformed Foe might become an anti-hero for whom the Character feels responsible, forcing them to keep an eye on them in case they act excessively or fall back into their villainous ways. Or perhAPs the Foe was keeping an allied individual or organization in check and they are now running rampant without the villain acting as a moderating influence. Harem [Bonus: 10+ HP]: Description: A character with this Drawback has two or more suitors that are regularly competing for the character's romantic attention. The HP bonus for this Drawback is 10 HP, plus 5HP for each additional suitor. Ignorant [Bonus: (No. of skills *5HP per level]: Description: The character is ignorant of something in the campaign, which gives the Ignorant one a cumulative +2CS to the OV/RV of the relevant skill for each level of the Drawback. Incomprehensible (Bonus: 5/10 HP): Description: A character with this drawback cannot communicate with others in a normal fashion. This goes beyond a language barrier. It indicates that the character is actually incapable of direct communications, either as a result of a physical difference or as the result of a radically different approach to language. The bonus is worth 5 HP if the character is capable of understanding others and others are generally able to understand him. The bonus is 10 HP if others are as incomprehensible to the character as he is to them. Irrational Dislike Author: Roy Cowan

Helper(s): Eric Langendorff, Pufnstuff

Bonus: Same as other Irrational Behaviours Description: A Character with an Irrational Dislike has an unreasonable desire to avoid a particular situation, item, or person. While the Character will not actively attack or truly wish harm on the object of his Dislike, they will go to great lengths not to interact with it. As with other Irrational behaviours, the subject of the Dislike must be specified when the Drawback is purchased. When exposed to the object of the Dislike, the character must make a roll equal to or greater than the Resistance Number in order to overcome their dislike. Otherwise, they will take whatever steps necessary to avoid their Dislike. If successful, the Character can tolerate their Dislike until they are re-exposed to it. If they fail, they will make whatever excuses or do whatever is necessary to avoid their Dislike, though they can roll again in subsequent phases until they overcome their aversion. Example: Captain Curmudgeon has a Minor Irrational Dislike of modern social media, including any sort of mobile device. Whenever he has to check his email or voice-mail, use a cellphone or other wireless communication device, or do research on the internet, he must roll against his Dislike. If he fails, he will find some other activity that he argues needs more immediate attention or claim he did not have a network connection. Designer’s Notes: This is designed as a middle ground between Irrational Hatred, which requires that the Character attempt to destroy the object of their Hatred, and Irrational Attraction, which can be used to similar effect albeit sometimes using counter-intuitive descriptions to do so. Irrational Nausea [Bonus: Variable]: Description: Identical to Irrational Fear in effect, a Character with this Drawback has a weak stomach when encountering a certain stimuli, a disadvantage that leaves him shaken and upset. This situation, condition, object, or even animal (e.g.: high velocity, strange odour, warm temperatures, spilled blood or octopi) disturbs the Character enough to effectively paralyse him. Irrational Nausea comes in three degrees of Severity: Minor, Serious, and Catastrophic. The degree of disgust must be selected with this Drawback is adopted. Associated with each degree is a Resistance Number. A Character encountering the source of an Irrational Nausea must make a "Nausea Roll." In each phase that he is exposed to the source of the Nausea he must roll greater than or equal to the Resistance Number on 2d10 to overcome the Nausea.

Success indicates the Character does not succumb to the Nausea and may act normally, not needing to roll again to defeat the Nausea until exposed under different circumstances. Otherwise, the Character must attempt to withdraw from the location and flee in disgust; if the

Character cannot withdraw, he can take no action whatsoever, being immobilized with nausea the entire phase. Such a Character may attempt to over come the Irrational Nausea during subsequent phases. Hero Points may never be spent to affect the Nausea roll in any way.

The following chart summarizes the varying degrees of severity for Irrational Nausea, their Resistance Numbers, and the Hero Points gained by adoption of the Drawback.

|DEGREE |Resistance |Common |Uncommon |Rare |

|Minor |5 |8 |5 |3 |

|Serious |11 |38 |25 |13 |

|Catastrophic |18 |75 |50 |25 |

Jinx [Bonus: 10 HP]: Description: This Drawback works just like Unluck, except the recipient of the Unluck is one of the Jinx’s companions, *not* the Jinx himself. The effect may be obvious or subtle. That is, bad luck might just occur, or it might be a result of the Jinx’s clumsiness that the Jinx’s companion is stymied. Gilligan of “Gilligan’s Island” has this Drawback.

Legacy of Heroes [Bonus: 15 HP]:

Description: Usually used in concert with the advantage, Popularity, and the drawbacks, Limelight and Uncertainty, this drawback adds in those specific complications common to a hero who is a legacy hero. Namely, the character inherits old enmities, rivalries, and expectations, and is constantly being compared to his or her predecessor. In addition to any uncertainty, he or she may also be plagued by a constant sense of trying to live up to the legend his or her predecessor created. In fact, before he changed his name to Nightwing, Dick Grayson had a version of this drawback, trying to get out from under the shadow of Batman.

Limited HP Use [Bonus: 5 HP]: Description: This Drawback reduces a Power or Skill's Base Cost by 5 HP. The maximum HP that a character can spend on that Power or Skill cannot exceed the APs of the relevant Attribute or Power or Skill, whichever is less. Magician’s Code [Bonus: 15 HP]: Description: Many older occultists and sorcerers live up to a stringent code of honor dating back to the magi of ancient Atlantis. The Magician’s Code, as it is called, has four provisions. 1. A magician must bear the price of magic without emotion. This means that any suffering inflicted on the magic user that results from his practice of the Art (that is, Occultist Rituals or Sorcery) must be met with stoicism. Sargon the Sorcerer was ashamed to have violated this tenet temporarily just before his death during the battle against the Shadow Creature. 2. A magician may never take unfair advantage of another magician. In other words, magic-using Characters may not launch surprise attacks against other mages or attempt to defraud them for personal gain. 3. A magician may not share the secrets of the Art with anyone but a duly recognized apprentice. 4. A magician is never allowed to refuse hospitality to a visiting colleague. A mage must always accept a visiting mage into his home, regardless of whether the visitor is a friend or enemy. Visitors taking advantage of such hospitality, of course, are required to honor their host’s reasonable requests and are enjoined from harming the host in any way for the duration of the stay. Violating either of these conditions instantly removes the host’s obligation. Any Character who purchase Magician’s Code and violates any of these tenets automatically forfeits any Hero Points he would have gained during the current adventure. Not all magicians must purchase this drawback. In fact, most modern magicians, such as John Constantine and Zantanna, do not place any faith in the Code. Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom, by contrast, both do! Mass Consumption [Bonus: 15 HP]:

Description: A character with this drawback will need to consume 20,000 calories a day or more. This is more than three world class body-builders in training, or more than a dozen normal meals a day. If the Character cannot get this level of intake it is considered a Fatal Vulnerability losing 1 BODY point per day until his/her intake can be restored or s/he dies. As a side thought, in any pie eating or drinking contest, a character with this drawback will always beat anything human. Combined with a few APs of Systemic Antidote this character could drink an entire division of marines under the table. Fat Cobra, the Immortal Weapon has this mixed blessing as does Mile Teg from the Dune novels. Mature-Only Drawbacks: Description: The following three Drawbacks should only be used by mature GMs and players. (They are in red to distinguish them from other Drawbacks). Homosexuality[see below]: Description: Treat as an Irrational Attraction to the same sex. If homosexuality is illegal in the campaign, it's a Dark Secret. Nudism (Minor/Serious/Catastrophic) [5/10/50 HP]: Description: This is treated as an Irrational Attraction to operating nude. The three levels work as follows: Minor: The character only goes nude under certain circumstances, usually with fellow nudists. Serious: The nudist prefers to live in the nude, but will wear clothes if circumstances require it. Catastrophic: The nudist not only prefers to live in the nude, but will strip off unless forced to wear clothes. Prudery (Minor/Serious/Catastrophic) [5/10/50 HP]: Description: This is treated as an Irrational Fear of the naked form. The three levels work as follows: Minor: The character will avoid nudists if possible, and will ask them to put their clothes on if not. Will join (but not start) anti-nudist campaigns. Serious: The prude will actively force nudists to cover up and will campaign to close nudist resorts, nude beaches, etc. Catastrophic: The prude will avoid going nude, except when there is no other choice (i.e. has been forcibly stripped or is taking a bath). Will prefer to wear as much clothes as possible. Media Bias (Bonus: 20 HP): Description: A character with this drawback is mistrusted among the citizenry due to the media’s negative bias against him. How this bias got started is up to the player and the GM. It could be that some editor simply hates the character, the character had a highly publicized snafu, the character is a member of an unpopular minority (like a mutant), etc. Such a character tends to attract a huge crowd of paparazzi and/or protesters at public appearances. His name is always being smeared in the headlines and tabloids, on talk radio, on the Internet, and on the news.Most NPCs, including other heroes, begin play with an Attitude of Suspicious toward characters with the Media Bias advantage. Additionally, the Multi-Attack penalties on Persuasion attempts against NPCs are increased by +1 CS when made by a character facing Media Bias. The character would receive a +2 CS for Persuasion of 2 targets, a +3 CS to the targets’ OV/RV against 3-4 targets, and so on. A Media Bias character doesn’t have it all bad. In an age of obvious media bias and irresponsibility, many people may assume the character is actually a real hero and attempt to help him out when they can, even without his asking. In addition, some villains and crackpots may even assume the bias is correct and the hero is one of them. The GM has final say on this, but about one in ten NPCs should react positively. Villains do not receive any HPs for this drawback. Missing Time (Bonus: 15 HP): Description: A character with this drawback has events in his past that he cannot recall. The missing time acts as a sort of Dark Secret about which the character himself has no recollection. This could lead to a great many problems, from unknown enemies suddenly appearing to discovering evil deeds one committed to being accused of crimes to any other shadows from the past coming forth to haunt the character. No Sense of Humor [Bonus: 10 HP]: Description: A character with this Drawback does not get jokes, and is always deadly serious. They also tend to assume that everybody else is also deadly serious unless shown otherwise. Oblivious (Bonus: 15 HP): Description: A character with this drawback is easily distracted or not very observant. When making Perception Checks, this character suffers a +1 CS to OV/RV. Person of Interest (Bonus: 25/50 HP): Description: A character with this drawback is being watched and manipulated by a shadowy organization over which he has no control. The agency should be specified at the time the drawback is taken. Most commonly, this is a government the character is associated with, but it could also be a cult, a powerful villain, aliens, a secret society, etc. This drawback functions like a forced connection. The agency always watches the character and it occasionally exerts direct influence in his life, either demanding he perform some task or complicating his life or the lives of his associates. This should occur every few sessions. In other words, the agency is a constant part of the character’s life, for good or for ill. The agency need not be evil, only intrusive and inconvenient. The character may even be employed by the agency- he may even have a connection associated with it. However, the interference of the agency is always a trade off. It may provide some assistance, but is just as likely to have caused the problem in the first place. For 25 points, the agency is relatively benign, such as an employer or a government agency that simply has too much red tape- like SHIELD, the FBI, or Checkmate. For 50 points, the agency is wicked to the bone and very dangerous, such as a potent super-villain like Galactus, a powerful and evil company like LexCorp, or a sinister group like the Illuminati. Personality Change (Bonus: 25/50 HP): Description: Under certain conditions, the character’s personality radically and uncontrollably changes. The conditions could be an Alter Ego change, exposure to certain substances, like red Kryptonite, the failure of a psychological instability or rage roll, or a very hard knock on the head. The change in personality is usually from the character’s normal personality to one almost opposite- usually from hero to villain or vice versa. To represent this, the player should choose an alternate Motivation for the character that takes over during his time as the alternate personality. The character recalls his actions as the alternate personality, though he has no control over them, unless he also takes the Missing Time drawback. The duration of the change is always highly variable. It could last until the character recovers from the instability or rage, changes back from the alter ego, until the altering substance is destroyed or removed far away (3 APs or more), or after a brief amount of time (15 APs). In these cases, the change is considered a Minor one and is worth 25 HPs. A Major change is worth 50 HPs. This change is completely unpredictable. It lasts until the character rolls a 2. Once per day, the character is allowed a roll to recover from the change. He rolls the dice and if the result is a 2, he returns to his original identity. Also, if the character rolls a 2 on any check, he recovers. Radiation Recharge Requirement [Bonus: 15 HP]: Description: A Character with this Drawback can only make Recovery Checks to regain lost APs of DEX and/or STR and/or his Powers (such as losses due to Burnout or Power Drain) while directly exposed to radiation or sunlight. Real Armour Drawback [Bonus: 15 HP]:

Description: This Drawback is a package of limitations that apply to realistic, commercially available suits of body armour. Equipment with this Drawback presents the following shortcomings:

It takes time to put on and adjust properly. The exact length varies by type (especially if somebody is helping), but it cannot credibly be equipped in combat. Light medieval armour (e.g., leather armour) takes about a minute, medium medieval armour (e.g., chainmail) takes five minutes and heavy medieval armour (e.g., field plate) takes ten minutes.

If the armour is just a chest piece, divide time per three. A cuirbouilli breastplate or a modern flak jacket would thus take about twenty seconds (four Phases).

It takes time to take off – usually a minute but up to five for heavy, low-tech armour such as full plate.

It is heavy. The Real Armour Drawback doesn't mean a penalty to movement or manoeuvring, but carrying the armour around isn't trivial (especially the heavier suits) and wearing it for prolonged whiles is tiring, even for a person in good shape. Sleeping in a Real Armour is

impossible, and many common models (or any model donned carelessly) cause chafing problems that may become serious. It is hot. This further cuts on the amount of time most Characters can wear Real Armour, and in exceptionally hot climates could easily lead to heat stroke even for a Character in good shape.

It is body-shape-specific. Real Armour will have to be adjusted for wearing unless it was made for somebody of a very similar size and body type. As a common example, most women wearing men's tactical vest will experience issues with chafing at the hips, insufficient shoulder width for the straps to rest properly, overlong rigid sections making it difficult and/or painful to bend forward or even move one's arms, inconvenient access to weaponry and ammunition, etc.

It must be maintained – if not, it will at the very last start to think then experience the growth of parasites such as fungi.

It is meant to protect human bodies, or those close to it. As such a Real Armour cannot increase RV beyond 08 – a superhumanly tough person will not benefit from it. The Gamemaster might allow exceptions for very specialized RV boosts, such as Lightning Immunity.

Armour that presents most but not all of these problems might be allowed by the Gamemaster to take a custom 2-point or 3-point version of this Drawback. This would for instance be the case of good quality concealable soft body armour.

Power armour is normally ineligible – if the shortcomings are down to donning time and maintenance requirements, as with most power armours, it reasonably falls under the umbrella of the Equipment price divisor.

This Drawback is intended for super-heroic environments, where unrealistic armour will be available to connected professionals – a typical example would be the S.H.I.E.L.D. beta cloth jumpsuits in the Marvel Universe. If such unrealistic armour is non-existent or exceedingly rare, the Real Armour Drawback doesn't apply to the campaign.

Strange Appearance (revised) (Minor/Serious/Catastrophic) (5/10/30 HP): Description: The Strange Appearance Drawback has been revised as follows: Strange Appearance (Minor) replaces the Creepy Appearance Drawback. Strange Appearance (Serious) replaces the Distinct Appearance with Public ID Drawback. Characters with this Drawback, but not Public ID, must also take the Concealed Features Drawback (see above). Strange Appearance (Catastrophic) replaces the old Strange Appearance Drawback. Slow feet [Bonus: 20 HPs]

Description: The character is slower than the usual, and so loses 2 (-2) points of his initiative score. Synergy (Author: Sébastien Andrivet) [Bonus: 20HP] *

Description: Some fictional characters are much more efficient when working together than when separated. Usually it applies to a pair of characters – examples encountered so far have been the Double Dragon, the Dee Dee Twins and Val and Earl (Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward in the movie Tremors). If the characters are separated – they cannot clearly see and hear each other using standard human senses – their Hero Points use becomes penalized by two columns on the Genre Table. For instance characters in the Action Genre spend HPs as if operating in the Gritty Genre, Mock-Real characters spend points as per the Real Genre, etc. If the characters are not separated, their Hero Points work normally. Thus, Characters with this Drawback tend to save Hero Points for when they are together, making them even more markedly competent and enduring when together than straight maths would suggest. Other comparable game elements include the Fighting Array Schtick, the Brainstorming Schtick, the Dream Team Advantage (it is possible to have both the Synergy Drawback and the Dream Team Advantage if the difference in performance when together is very much marked), or Loss Vulnerabilities to not being together (such as Andrea & Andreas Strucker). The Three Laws of Robotics [Bonus: 25 HP]. Isaac Asimov more or less invented the idea of a robot, and when he did so, he assigned them 3 laws that restricted their behavior:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Artificial Intelligences that obey these laws have the Three Laws of Robotics as a 25 HP Drawback. An AI that disobeys any of the 3 laws suffers feedback from it. This is resolved as an attack, with the AI’s own INT/WILL behaving as AV/EV and its INFL/AURA as OV/RV. RAPs of damage are applied to MIND.

Uncoordinated (Bonus 15) v1.0

Description: The character is physically extremely clumsy and receives a +1 CS OV/RV penalty on all physical actions that derive on DEX for their success. These include the use of DEX for unskilled acrobatic maneuvers and the use of the Acrobatics skill itself. Such characters also tend to trip on their own feet while just walking around. Additionally, a character with Uncoordinated will fumble (i.e. automatic failure) on a dice roll concerning an acrobatic or dexterous maneuver when rolling a ’2‘ or ’3‘ (in contrast to the ordinary ’2‘ only (snake eyes)).

Example: Sergio Aragonès’ Groo has this Drawback and it has even become a way of recognizing him.

Unholy [Bonus: 15 /40 HP]:

Description: The Character's very make up is offensive to the various faiths of the universe. By taking this drawback the character is subject to attack from characters with the True Faith advantage. Character's with True Faith are capable of attacking the character with their faith, AV/EV equalling their Infl/Aura while the subject of this drawback has OV/RV equal to their Infl/Spirit.

The range of this attack is always line of sight/hearing/ or touch; that is capable of perceiving the faithful character. Examples would be; Sight: The vampire looks at a strongly presented cross and recoils. Hearing (a shout can be heard from 4 APs clearly): The angel sees the demons charging the gate and says "Stop!", The demon's ears bleed... Touch: (usually threw a symbol: Priest on the Exorcist touches a cross to the girl's head and it burns; same with holy water.). This drawback may be taken at two levels, affected by all faiths for 40 hero point bonus, or affected by one specific faith for 15 hero points. This drawback may be taken with the only affected through a limited number of senses (sight, touch, or hearing), by subtracting 5 points from the amount gained from this drawback for each sense not included.

Unpopularity [Bonus 50 HP] v1.0

Description: A Character with this Drawback is very unpopular among the citizenry and the media. Such a Character tends to attract huge anti-Character demonstrations and ridiculing people wherever s/he appears. A forceful Character will in the long run lead to ordinary citizens leaving the City of the Character and the general reputation of the City will falter. A Character with Unpopularity receives a special +1 Column Shift modifier to the OV/RV of all normal Persuasion attempts. This modifier is always applicable against any individual or group of individuals and it is always applicable contrary to the Popularity rules. A Character would not receive an Unpopularity modifier against aliens from Mars who just landed (as they probably haven’t heard of the Character), but all other individuals, good or bad, are subject to the modifiers. All individuals are automatically considered to be Hostile towards the Character. Additionally, Multi-Attack penalties on Persuasion attempts are increased by one Column Shift when made by a Character with Unpopularity. The Character, unlike those with Mistrust, will only rarely be arrested or hunted by the Police, but will not gain any help from them either. A Character with Unpopularity tends to have extremely few Connections and has a very hard time making new ones, thus the Character is an unpopular loner. Enemies also tend to group together against the Character and getting sued or getting a price on his head is not uncommon.

Examples: Fightman and Groo the Wanderer.

Vulnerability (Unarmed):[ Cost: Treat as a Common Attack Vulnerability]

Description: Characters with this Vulnerability use an armed combat style exclusively to the point that they have trouble dealing with unarmed opponents (In other words, they have Martial Arts and Weaponry at DEX APs or higher). Whenever they fight such an opponent, they suffer a -1CS to their AV and OV per level of this Vulnerability. Note: I suggest that most characters cannot purchase more than two levels of this Drawback.

Designers notes: I thought up this writeup to explain how Kodachi Kuno (from Ranma ½) could not win against Akane Tendo, and still seemed to be a threat to everybody else. Giving her a penalty vs. unarmed opponents seemed to be the best way to represent this.

Weirdness Magnet [Bonus: 25 HP]:

Description: Weird, inconvenient (but usually not malign) stuff happens to the character. This hero is always getting into strange situations; Demons drop by for coffee, The Husk stops by to ask for directions, His lounge gets constantly possessed. The hero seems to be drawn into many "one in a

million" incidents, some good, some bad, some neither, making a normal life almost impossible. This is not on a scale that would sideline the adventure or remove the Character from the adventure, but just annoy him whenever the chance is allowed.

Being a Weirdness Magnet is the equivalent to signing and handing to the GM a contract, which says: "I [fill-inname-here] hereby give the GM permission to hose my character with any and all weird and bizarre events and/or beings. I hereby sign away all rights to object to said weirdness

by taking this drawback I am choosing to have this thrust upon me. However, it is a mutual understanding between myself and the GM that said weirdness shall, upon average, be inconvenient, irritating and just plain strange rather than detrimental."

Flawed Limitations:

Can only be used while sleeping (-10BC, -1FC):

Description: A Power with this Flawed Limitation can only be used while the character is sleeping. In most cases, only sensory Powers have this Flawed Limitation.

Must Be Fueled by Drain (-75 HP, -5 FC):

Description: A Power Reserve with this Limitation can only be taken by characters who also have either Mind Drain, Spirit Drain, or Vampirism with the special bonus “Fuels Power Reserve.” With this Limitation, the APs of Power Reserve only represent the maximum RAPs that can be absorbed at one time. Without any absorbed RAPs, the Power Reserve is empty (0 APs).

Once APs are added to the selected abilities, they are considered ‘spent’ and are subtracted from the Power Reserve total until replenished again by the absorbing or draining power. The added APs remain for APs of time equal to the absorbing or draining power, at which time they return to their normal levels unless augmented again.

Only usable upon initial transformation (-5BC, -1FC):

Description: Self Manipulation with this Limitation can only be used to form one shape at a time. Any attempts to change the Power(s) selected require the character to revert back to his normal form, and then transform again.

User Must Bleed (-15BC, -1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation (usually Projectile Weapons) can only be used if the Power-user takes a minimum of 1 AP of damage that causes bleeding.

New (& Revised) Limitations:

Acceleration (-1/-2FC): Author: Dr. Peter S Piispanen

Helper: Eric Langendorff

Description: A movement power with this Limitation cannot be used at its full APs in the first phase (as is normal) but has to build up speed turn by turn according to the following formula: Result Speed in APs = (Acceleration Factor + APs of time accelerating, using linear addition) + Current Speed in APs, using AP addition; The APs of Result Speed cannot exceed the top speed of the vehicle. The Acceleration Factor (A) is the exact APs of speed gained by the vehicle in one round of acceleration, calculated using the formulas listed below. An A of 4.6 or higher is a -1 FC Limitation, an A below that is a -2 FC Limitation. This is based on current automotive standards of high performance vehicles being able to go from 0 to 100km/h (60mph) in 6 seconds or less. The GM may wish to adjust this number depending on the setting. A 1930s pulp fiction setting would probably have lower accelerations in general, while a campaign focusing on jet fighters in the future would have much higher ones. Example A numbers are listed below, after which are two examples of cars with accelerations in that category and those cars’ top speeds. These numbers are usually based on manufacturers’ statements and may not match with actual tested performances.

2.5 seconds* = A of 5.865

2006 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 — Top Speed: 407.47 km/h (253.19 mph); 7.213 APs

2007 Caparo T1 — Top Speed: 330 km/h (205 mph); 6.909 APs 2.8 seconds = A of 5.701

2006 Saleen S7 Twin Turbo** — Top Speed: 322 km/h (200 mph); 6.874 APs

2007 Ascari A10 — Top Speed: 350 km/h (220 mph); 6.994 APs 3.1 seconds = A of 5.555

2006 Koenigsegg CCX — Top Speed: 395 km/h (245 mph); 7.168 APs

2006 Mosler MT900 Photon — Top Speed: 241 km/h (150 mph); APs 3.4 seconds = A of 5.422

2007 Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera — Top Speed: 315 km/h (196 mph); 6.842 APs

2007 Porsche 911 Turbo — Top Speed: 310.59 km/h (193 mph); 6.822 APs 3.7 seconds = A of 5.299

1997 Ferrari F50 — Top Speed: 325 km/h (202 mph); 6.887 APs

2006 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 — Top Speed: 318.64 km/h (198 mph); 6.858 APs 4 seconds*** = A of 5.187

2005 Lotus Exige 240R — Top Speed: 249 km/h (155 mph); 6.503 APs

2006 Dodge Viper SRT-10 — Top Speed: 314 km/h (195 mph); 6.837 APs 5 seconds = A of 4.865

1999 Porsche 911 Carrera — Top Speed: 260.7 km/h (162 mph); 6.569 APs

1998 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible — Top Speed: 265.53 km/h (165 mph); 6.595 APs 6 seconds**** = A of 4.602 7 seconds = A of 4.379

1987 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am GTA (auto) — Top Speed: 257.49 km/h (160 mph); 6.551 APs

1999 Honda Civic SI — Top Speed: 241.39 km/h (150 mph); 6.458 APs

8 seconds***** = A of 6.187 1994 Saab 900 SE — Top Speed: 211 km/h (131 mph); 6.264 APs

1998 Chrysler Concorde LXi — Top Speed: 185.07 km/h (115 mph); 6.075 APs

10 seconds = A of 3.865

1992 Buick Skylark GS — Top Speed: Unknown

1998 Toyota Corolla LE — Top Speed: 177.02 km/h (110 mph); 6.01 APs

12 seconds = A of 3.602

1993 Subaru Impreza LS AWD — Top Speed: 220 km/h (137 mph); 6.324 APs

* This is the highest acceleration speed currently (as of 2008) available for line production cars.

** At 257 km/h (160mph), the Saleen S7’s airflow creates its own weight in downforce, theoretically producing enough downforce to drive upside down.

*** This is the current cut-off for “super cars.”

**** This is the current cut-off for “high performance” cars.

***** Most current production cars can reach 100km/h within this time.

Detailed example — 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GST:

0-100 km/h in 6.8 secs = 5.187 APs of speed in 0.7655 APs of time

Result speed = (A + APs of time) + current speed

5.187 = (A + 0.7655) + 0 = A + 0.7655

A = 5.187 – 0.7655 = 4.4215

Top speed: 209.2 km/h ( mph) = 6.252 APs.


[STR: 04, BODY: 05, Running 6.252, Limitation: Acceleration (A=4.415), R#2]

Other applications of the A parameter: Question: What is the current speed of an accelerating Spyder after 1 second?

Answer: 4.4215 + (-2) = 2.4215 APs of speed (or 14.71 km/h)

Question: A Spyder has 6.252 APs of Running; how long acceleration is required to reach top speed?

Answer: 6.252 = 4.415 + APs of time => APs of time accelerating = 1.837 (or 14.3 seconds).

Calculations used for real-life Acceleration parameters (A values):

Speed = v + at = a * time (since v = 0 if vehicle is starting from standing still)

Log speed = log a + log t = A + log t

0 APs of speed (0 APs of distance in 0 APs of time) = 10 feet in 4 seconds = 2.745 km/h

Speed in km/h = 2.745 * 2^(APs of speed)

APs of speed = log (speed in km/h / 2.745) / log(2)

100km/h (60mph) = 5.187 APs of speed

Time in seconds = 4 * 2^(APs of time)

APs of time equals = log (time in seconds / 4) / log(2) Activation (-1FC/-2FC/-3FC): Author: Rezcat Description: An ability with this Limitation does not always activate every time it is needed. The Power does not burn out or need to be recovered, it simply fails to start in the first place. If any initial roll made with this ability is equal to or less than the appropriate Activation Number, the ability fails and cannot be used that phase; In the case of Auto Powers, simply make a roll before use. This failure still consumes an Auto or Dice Action, depending on the Power or Skill. Another attempt may be tried in the character’s next phase without penalty. Success means the power activates and is used normally. Auto Action Powers will operate until shut down and re-activated while Dice Action Powers must be re-activated for each use. Minor Activation may not be used along with the Catastrophic Burnout Limitation. This Limitation is useful for emulating gadgets with stubborn starting mechanisms, or newly empowered characters that simply have no idea how to get their powers to work. Most characters with this Limitation buy it off rather early in their careers.

|Severity |Activation # |Factor Cost Modifier |

|Minor |5 |-1 |

|Serious |8 |-2 |

|Catastrophic |11 |-3 |

Airborne Targets Only (-1FC):

Description: A power with this Limitation can only affect targets in the air. Usually bought for Projectile Weapons, to represent ground-to-air or air-to-air missiles.

All Power Reserves Must Be Active (-2FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation can only be used when all the character's Power Reserves are applied to specific Abilities (which I call a Power Configuration). If this Limitation is applied to a Power Reserve, all the Power Reserves must have this Limitation, unless one or more Power Reserves can affect three or more different Abilities.

Animals Only (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation (usually a Mental Power) can only be used against non-sapient beings. (i.e. living creatures with an INT of 1).

Armour-Piercing (-1/-2FC): Description: This Limitation simulates armor-piercing attacks by adding 02 APs to the EV but dividing the total RAPs gained by 2 (-1FC) or 4 (-2FC). Designer’s notes: This may be redundant if you are already using the Sharpness Power.

Attrition (-1, -2, or -3 FC)

Description: This power diminishes with use. Each time it is used or activated, it loses 1 AP until it reaches 0. It recovers by 1 AP for each phase that passes in which it is not used. Hero points cannot offset this loss. The power functions at it’s reduced APs of power even for purposes of Hero Point application. For example, if the power normally has 10 APs and is reduced through attrition to 6 APs, a maximum of 6 HPs can be applied to it.

Alternately, the power could be recharged by another item by dropping the FC to -1. In this case, touching the recharge item and spending an entire phase doing nothing else restores all lost APs of the power. However, the power cannot be recovered except by touching the recharge item, so if the item is inaccessible, the power remains at 0 APs.

For -3 FC, the lost APs must be Recovered and cannot be regained through Last Ditch Defense. Recovery Rolls may be made for it even if it is not at 0.

Blunt Attacks Only (-2FC):

Description: Skin Armor with this Limitation can only protect against blunt attacks, not blades or bullets.

Calling The Lightning (-2FC):

Description: Lightning with this Limitation takes a full phase to activate, as the user must use Weather Control to create thunderclouds.

Can Be Blocked (-1FC):

Description: A Mental or Mystical Power with this Limitation can be blocked by a specific physical object or material, chosen when the Power is purchased.

Cannot Affect Living Creatures (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation cannot affect living creatures, even the user, though it can affect non-living or undead creatures. This Limitation may not be applied to Movement Powers (unless the user isn't alive) – use “Cannot Transport Other Lifeforms” instead.

Cannot Be Used For Travel (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation cannot be used as a Movement Power, even if the Power description says it can.

Cannot Be Used Together, Unless Power X Is Active (-1FC):

Description: Powers with this Limitation can only be used in the same phase if another Power is active.

Can't be used to shorten time for tasks (-1FC):

Description: Superspeed with this Limitation cannot reduce the time for tasks.

Can't undo other magic (-1FC):

Description: Sorcery with this Limitation cannot undo other magic.

Cannot Do Transformations (-2FC):

Description: Matter Manipulation with this Limitation can only reshape existing matter. It cannot be used to change an objects composition or create new objects.

Cannot Move while [Power] is active (-1FC):

Description: The Power's user cannot move while this Power is active.

Cannot Transport Other Lifeforms (-1FC):

Description: A Movement power with this Limitation can affect the user, but not any other living creatures. It can affect nonliving or undead creatures, though.

Can only Be Used against Human Opponents (-1FC):

A Power with this Limitation can only be used against human beings.

Can Only Mimic A Specific Animal Type (-2 FC):

Description: The character can only mimic a specific type of animal (EX. Shark, wolf, eagle)

Certain Artifacts/Gadgets Only (-1FC):

Description: Gadgetry or Occultism with this Limitation can only be used to create certain Gadgets or Artifacts. The exact Gadget or Artifact must be chosen when the Skill is purchased.

Certain Realms Only (-1FC):

Description: A Dimension Travel Power with this Limitation can go either to alternate Earths only or only to magical realms, not both. This Limitation is only valid if it would be more expensive to buy several Dimension Travel powers, Only to a Single Dimension and back, all with the same APs of Power.

Channeling (-1 FC):

Description: This Limitation represents a character who calls upon powerful mystical entities from other planes for magic. He channels the energy of the entity. The character purchasing Sorcery with this Limitation must also have the Speak to Spirits power. The character can only call upon a single entity at a time and the character’s Motivation must be the same as his chosen patron entity’s.

When Channeling, the sorcerer must use a Dice Action to invoke his spells. When invoking spells, he must roll a Sorcery check using his APs of power as AV/EV and the Travel Distance (see Dimension Travel) of the contacted entity as OV/RV. RAPs are the APs of power that the sorcerer may use in the invoking of the desired power. Characters that channel their spells do not suffer mystic bashing damage.

Cybernetic (-2 FC):

With this limitation, the ability is actually a cybernetic implant. Cybernetics can be targeted and damaged with Trick Shots like any Gadget. Damage to a cybernetic implant is reflected by subtracting the RAPs of the attack from the implant’s APs of power, skill, or attribute. This does make the implant less effective as it takes damage. The lost APs must be repaired as if they were damage to a Gadget, but may require the Genius advantage. A character can repair his own implants, but suffers a +1 CS when doing so. If the implant is reduced to negative APs, then it is destroyed and needs to be replaced.

A player who wishes his character to have cybernetically enhanced attributes or skills should take the Power Reserve power with this limitation.

Decaying (-1FC):

Description: A Decaying Power gets weaker the more it is used. The Power takes 1 Ability

damage at the end of each phase in which the Power is used and each time the Power adds to or

substitutes for OV or RV (if applicable, to a maximum of 1 Ability damage per Dice Action).

Ability damage must then be Recovered normally.

Default(ing) (-1FC): Description: A Power Reserve with this Limitation has one or more settings that it defaults to unless the Character uses certain Powers and/or Skills. The Power Reserve can have one default setting for every two Abilities it boosts. If the Character has two or more Power Reserves with this Limitation, the Character can only use one Power Reserve set to default in a phase.

Defensive Adaptation (-2 FC):

Description: This limitation can be used on any sort of protection power, like Skin Armor or Force Field. The first time the user is attacked by any new form of attack, his defensive power functions with a -2 CS to OV/RV. After that, it adapts to the attack and functions normally. Defensive Powers Don't Stack (-1FC): Description: This Limitation prevents two additive Defensive Powers from adding to the same Resistance Attribute. It must be taken on all the Powers in question. Delayed (-1 FC Limitation): Description: The character may only roll his Invulnerability after a set-at-creation period of time which is long enough to put the character out of the current adventure. This may range from days to months. Suggested for: The Tall Man, Supersonic, White Tiger I, Proteus, Thor of the Incredible Hulk Returns movie, Lyekka. Delayed Onset (-1FC/level): Description: Infection or Poison Touch with this Limitation takes extra time to work. If it takes an hour for the Power to work, it's a -1FC Limitation, a day, a -2FC Limitation, or a week or more a -3FC Limitation. Derived v1.0 (a.k.a. Contingent) (-1FC): By Brian Mendus Helpers: Morgan Champion, Chris Cottingham Description: A power with this Limitation is not an individual power. Rather, it is a side effect or special use of another Power the character possesses (much like a Trick Power, but one that the hero uses so frequently they no longer need to make a check or pay HP to do so). When a power is assigned this Limitation, the player also selects a "main" power, the Power which this Power is derived from. The main Power must be of equal or higher APs than this power. Since it is not a separate Power, the derived Power suffers the same penalties as the main Power and must, if the GM thinks it is necessary, have the same Limitations as the main power. The derived Power cannot be used to perform Trick Powers (use the main Power for this instead). The derived power may not be targeted by Power Drain, Mimicry, Adaptation nor Neutralize. However, if the main power's APs are reduced in any way, the derived Power's APs are reduced in the same proportion (round down). The derived Power's APs cannot be Recovered separately, but will increase when the main Power's APs are Recovered. Example: A speedster has Superspeed: 18 and Air Control: 07 (Derived from Superspeed), representing his ability to move so fast he can create vortices and whirlwinds. He can use Air Control freely so long as he can use Superspeed. An opponent uses his Neutralize: 16 power on the speedster. He can't target Air Control, but he can target Superspeed, which he manages to reduce to 07 APs (about 39% of his original APs). Air Control is also reduced to 02 APs – he can still use it, but it is much less effective at this level. Developer's Note: This Limitation was designed to supplement Elemental. While Elemental Linking can do a fair job of representing Powers that are aspects of a singular ability, it was not a fair representation of lesser Powers that were applications of a single dominant ability. Disruptible (-1FC): Description: Images cast by Illusion will disappear if something solid passes through. Doesn't add to Initiative (-2FC): Description: Superspeed with this Limitation doesn't add its APs to the characters Initiative. Doesn't add to RV (-2FC): Description: Density Increase or Growth with this Limitation doesn't add its APs to the characters RV. Doesn't affect carried items (-1FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation doesn't affect items the user carries. Only applicable if the Power in question would affect carried items (such as Invisibility). Effect Usable Only Once (-1FC): Description: A Meta-Power with this Limitation can only duplicate a particular effect once. Either.....or (-1FC): Description: A Power Reserve with this Limitation has can only boost one Attribute or Power each phase. This differs from Non-Variable in that the Character doesn't have to use the full APs of the boosted Attribute or Power, and that it can be taken on any Power Reserve of 2 APs or greater. Emotion-Based (-1FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation requires the user to be in a specific emotional state. If the power user takes RAPs from a Power or Skill that affects emotions (or an Interaction Check), the RAPs are subtracted from the APs of the Power. (In most cases this is because the emotion is counter to the user's own emotional state, but in some cases it might strengthen the emotion in question, thus temporarily boosting the APs of the Power in question). Extra Time (-1 FC): Description: A power with this limitation requires extra time to use. It may need to be charged up, a summoning of self confidence, require incantations, require acceleration, or need elaborate gestures. In any case, it is the only action the character may perform in a phase, whether it is a dice action or automatic action. Extremely delayed (-2 FC Limitation): Description: The character may only roll his Invulnerability after a set-at-creation period of time that may range from years up to centuries. The character may appear dead during this time and

even decayed, but will restore to healthy form with a successful roll. This practically only works together with the "Hard to kill" or "Delayed from beyond death" bonuses. Suggested for: possibly Apocalypse, and any resting deity in Suspension. Eye Contact Required (-1FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation requires the subject to see the user's eyes, and does not work if either the user or target has their eyes covered. (Even sunglasses will prevent eye contact.) Fixed Allocation (-1FC): Description: This limitation may only be taken by a Power that adds its APs to certain Attributes, Powers, and/or Skills, such as Enchantment or Power Reserve. The Power may only allocate a certain number of APs to each ability, and the precise allocation of APs must be chosen when the power is first purchased, only changing if the APs of the Power change. Fails If Damaged (-1FC/-2FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation will fail if the character takes damage. If only one damage type causes the Power to fail, it's a -1FC Limitation, if it's any Resistance Attribute, its a -2FC Limitation.

Focused v1.1.2 (-1FC): Description: An Automatic Power with this Limitation requires immense concentration to use and thus prevents use of Dice Actions while the Power is active. This Limitation is normally assigned only to Automatic Powers. It may be assigned to Auto/Dice powers, but is only in use when the power is used as an Automatic Action. A power may not have both the Focused and Always On Limitations. Full Force (-1 FC): Description: With this limitation, a power can only be used at full EV. Normally, most powers can be used at any EV desired. Gender-Based (-1FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation only affects those of a specific gender, chosen when the power is purchased. Gestures (-1 FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation requires the user to make a certain gesture to use the Power. If the Power is a Meta-Power (usually Sorcery) the character must make a different gesture for each Power to be emulated. Gradually Fatiguing Limitation (-1FC):

Description: This limitation represents a power that taxes the character the more he uses it. The character must make an Action Check using half (rounded up) the APs actually used (which may be less than maximum) as the AV/EV. The OV of the check is equal to half the APs of the power (regardless of how many APs were used), while the RV is either the Character’s Body, Mind, Spirit, depending on whether the Power is Physical, Mental, or Mystical, respectively. Hero Points may be spent to increase the OV/RV of this check. Each Phase the Character uses the power within a 15 AP time period (every day) the above procedure must be repeated adding one AP to the AV/EV of the check past the first, up until a maximum AV/EV equal to the amount of APs being used of the Power. Half-Dex (-1 FC): Description: A frequent Limitation for any Animation Power(s) is where the Dex value of the plant creature (before any reduction for weight) is halved (rounding down) once the creature starts moving. Implements (-1 or -2 FC Limitation): Description: The character must possess a mystical charm to cast his spells, such as a staff, wand, hat, amulet, or other such. The implement is useless to anyone else, but without it, the sorcerer is powerless. If the item is one that cannot easily be taken away, such as a ring or amulet, then it lowers the FC by -1. If the item is one easily taken away, such as a wand, hat, or staff, then it lowers the FC by -2 FC. Incantations (-1 FC Limitation): Description: The character must speak his spells aloud. If he cannot speak or is otherwise silenced, he is powerless. Lack of Control (-2 FC): Description: With this limitation, the character’s control over the power is inconsistent. Every time he uses it, he must first make a control roll using the APs of power as AV/EV and OV/RV (requiring an 11 for success) as an automatic action. The RAPs of this roll are the APs of power the character can use, up to a maximum of twice the APs of power. However, the power cannot be Pushed, used with any Combat Maneuvers or Going for Broke, and HPs cannot be used to increase it. The control roll can be modified by HPs. On the roll of double ones on the control roll, the character loses control of his power altogether. The effects of this are up to the GM, but could include backfiring, burnout, explosions, or even the power becoming always on for a few phases. Lethal Backlash (-4 FC Limitation): Description: The mystic damage the sorcerer suffers from the casting of his spells is Killing damage instead of Bashing. Limited APs (-1FC/-2FC): Description: This limitation may only be purchased for Powers with the Power Linked Limitation (see below, it replaces the Derived Limitation). If the character must use up to 2APs of the Power for every 3 APs of the base Power, it's a -1FC Limitation, if the power can only use 1 AP for every 3APs of the base Power it's a -2FC Limitation. Limited Penetration Limitation (-1 FC):

Description: An attack with this Limitation receives +1CS penalty to RV when

impacting hard metal, hard rock or a similarly inflexible, solid material.

In case of doubt and/or dispute, materials that are sufficiently unyielding to qualify have a 4+ hardness on the Mohs Scale. A convenient table can be found at

- the most salient point being that copper, bronze and brass are too soft to qualify whereas iron passes. Further specific materials can be researched on the Internet within seconds in the unlikely case this becomes necessary.

Force constructs (Force Wall, Force Shield, Force Field, Skin Armour used to model a skin-tight force field...) usually qualify, but the GM might decide they do not if their in-universe description means that fragile projectiles are unlikely to shatter against them. For instance this may be true of force fields that strip incoming projectiles of their mass and/or speed, as in Dune and Mass Effect.

Non-rigid body armour such as most chainmail or most undershirt ballistic vests doesn't usually qualify, barring a GM call.

Designer's Notes:

The description-based approach is an artefact of RV scores in DC Heroes, which are often abstract rather than corresponding to quantifiable physical resilience. For instance, Batman clad in but a leopard-print thong has a higher RV than a fit soldier (BODY 03) wearing full modern body armour (Skin Armour: 02). An RV-based threshold would thus produce far too many absurd cases.

Likewise, Skin Armour is routinely used in DC Heroes to perform abstract RV adjustments that have little to do with having an armoured skin – for instance to indicate a vulnerability to energy attacks or represent a Character or Gadget with an RV higher than their maximum BODY Condition so they'll fold quickly if they can be damaged. The Mohs scale was chosen because a/ it's the best-known one and b/ it uses simple numbers. The exact breakpoint was selected so that low-tech games can feature bronze weapons being inefficient against iron armour.

The Limited Penetration Limitation is typically used for weapons that are sharp but brittle, or have a fragmentation/mushrooming effect. Typical examples include broadhead arrows, blades made of low-tech and/or exotic materials (such as bronze or obsidian), hollowpoint bullets and less-than-lethal rounds. Limited Substitution (-1FC): Description: This Limitation may only be taken for a Power with The [Attribute] Substitution Bonus. The Power with this Limitation may only substitute for an Attribute under certain conditions. Claws, for example could be considered to Substitute for STR, have the Lethal Limitation and be Limited to strikes.

Living Creatures Only (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation can only affect living creatures. This Limitation is not suitable for Movement powers – use the Must Be Nude Limitation instead.

Lockout (-1FC):

Description: Two or more of the characters Powers cannot be used in the same phase. If only one of the character's Powers has this Limitation, then that Power cannot be used when the character is using any of his other Powers.

Low Energy Transfer (-1FC):

Description: The Low energy transfer Limitation is given to ammunition that tend not to cause wide wounds as it does not deform inside it’s target, simply perforating it. If the shot gains positive RAPs, one RAP is automatically subtracted to the result.

Low Penetration (-1 FC):

Description: The Low Penetration Limitation is given to ammunition that tends not to penetrate strong armor. Ammunition with this Limitation reacts as if the opposing RV was one CS higher *if* the RV is equal or superior to their own EV + 1CS.

Made Manifest (-2 FC):

Description: Powers with this Limitation requires the character to manifest an object that performs the Power's function. Projectile Weapons may be Made Manifest as guns appearing in a holster at the character's side or Running might activated by a horse suddenly appearing at the character's side as if out of nowhere. It takes an Automatic Action to make a Power manifest itself, which is separate from any actions needed to use the manifestation itself. In the above examples, another Automatic Action would be needed for the character to draw the guns or to saddle himself on his ride.

The manifestations have a BODY equal to the APs of the Power as well as the usual abilities associated with the Power itself. Manifestations are vulnerable to Take Away attempts. If the character breaks contact with a manifestation due to a Take Away or any other reason, the manifestation immediately disappears but can be re-manifested in the next phase as normal. If a manifestation is destroyed by taking damage equal to or greater than BODY, the Power itself is Burned Out and must be Recovered normally.

(FWIW, the character concept is for a hero and villain who can take on the personas of pulp heroes and movie monsters respectively through a combination of Animate Image and Personality Transfer. The images are taken from encyclopedias devoted to the characters types in question and once a character or character is given physical form through Animate Image the invoking party then steps into that body via Personality Transfer. Split can be used to summon and inhabit multiple characters, but the higher the number of characters invoked, the more they react according to their own paradigm rather than the summoner's original personality and the harder it is for the summoner to end the effect and return to his normal form and mind.) Marginal v1.0 (-1FC/-2FC/-3FC): By Sebastien Andrivet Description: A Power with this Limitation is not very frequently used, even when it would be ideal to do so. This may be a matter of personal preference, lack of practice, absent-mindedness, or (metafictionally) inattentive writers. In addition to those potential personality issues, the Marginal Limitation may also represent an ability that is difficult for the character to activate under normal circumstance. Note that it is not a Power Burnout – the Power is not inherently unstable, just seldom used. A Power with a Marginal Power Limitation can only be activated by spending a number of Hero Points, as indicated below. An activated Marginal Power lasts for a whole "scene", as determined by the GM.

Severity Activation Cost Factor Cost Modifier Minor 5 HPs -1 Serious 15 HPs -2 Catastrophic 30 HPs -3 Mirror Image (-2FC): Description: Mirror Image creates a duplicate of the Character for every AP of Invisibility, making it difficult to know which image to target. The Power acts in most ways like Obscurity, except that the Power does not protect against area effect attacks, and the OV for Multi-Attacks is increased by the normal Multi-Attack modifier, plus only the APs of Mirror Image in excess of the number of images targeted rather than the full AP value. In addition, for each image that is hit, the image disappears, and the Power is reduced (damaged) by 1 AP and must be Recovered normally. Must Be Boosted by Power Reserve (-1FC): Description: One or more of the character's Powers can only be used if Power Reserve is adding its APs to the APs of the Power in question. It's one of my house rules that, if the character has bought only 0APs of a Power or Skill, and it can be boosted by Power Reserve, that Power or Skill can only be used when that Power or Skill is being boosted by Power Reserve. Must Be Nude (-1FC): Description: One or more of the character's Powers cannot be used while the character is wearing clothes. If the character is a teleporter and can only teleport herself, the Teleport Power must also be bought with the Cannot Transport Other Lifeforms Limitation. Needs to be invited (-1FC): Description: Dimension Travel with this Limitation requires the user to be invited by a native of the dimension. No AV/OV (-1FC each): Description: A Power or Skill with this Limitation cannot substitute its APs for AV or OV in a Dice Action, even if the base Power or Skill could do so. This limitation reduces the Factor Cost by -1CS if it cannot substitute for one of the above. If the Power or Skill cannot substitute for both, it is a -2CS Limitation. No EV/RV(-1FC each): Description: A Power or Skill with this Limitation cannot substitute its APs for EV or RV in a Dice Action, even if the base Power or Skill could do so. This limitation reduces the Factor Cost by -1CS if it cannot substitute for one of the above. If the Power or Skill cannot substitute for both, it is a -2CS Limitation.

No Knockback (-1 FC):

Description: Use of an attack power with this limitation never causes Knockback and cannot be used with the Planned Knockback combat maneuver.

Non-Combat Only (-2FC each): Description: Superspeed with this Limitation is only usable for non-combat situations such as typing, cleaning a room or changing clothes rapidly. The above Limitation value assumes that this version of Superspeed doesn't raise Initiative.

No Short Range (-1 FC):

Description: This limitation causes a power with Normal or greater range to have no short range. This could be used to simulate an attack that must speed up to be effective, one that does not originate with the character (like a lightning bolt called down from the sky), or one that arches overhead like a mortar. This power cannot be used in melee combat at all. At any range of half the APs of power or less, it suffers a +2 CS to OV/RV due to its inaccuracy.

Not if Grounded (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation does not function if the subject is grounded - that is is not only in contact with the earth, but has a ground (a conductive medium) attached, not only to the Power user but to another place on the ground.

Not vs. Mirrors(-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation has no effect against mirrors. This Limitation is not only for Attack Powers – the Horla, the Invisible vampire in Guy de Maupassant's Le Horla, had Always On Invisibility, but could be seen in a mirror.

Obscurity (–1 FC):

Description: Obscurity leaves the Character still "visible," but the APs of the Power are added to any attempts to target the Character with the appropriate sense unless the Character has been detected as per the rules of Invisibility, in which case, the OV is affected by either the Column Shift modifiers or the APs of Obscurity, whichever is less.

One at a Time (-1CS):

Description: The Power or Skill can substitute for (or add to) two or more of the following: AV, OV, EV, or RV, but can only substitute for (or add to) one of the above each phase.

One Sense Only (-1CS):

Description: A sensory power with this Limitation only affects one sense, chosen when the Power is purchased.

One Specific Material Only (-2CS):

Description: Matter Production or Molecular Chameleon with this Limitation can only be used to create/imitate a specific material, chosen when the Power is first purchased. Examples of this would include: Water, Crystal, Sand or Mud, or Glass. One Subskill Only (-1CS): Description: A Power with this Limitation can substitute or add its APs to one Subskill, chosen when the Power is purchased. One Way Only (-1CS): Description: A Movement Power with this Limitation can only move the target in one direction, chosen when the Power is purchased. If applied to Dimension Travel, the subject cannot return to the previous dimension without help. If applied to Time Travel, the Power sends its subjects into either the past or the future (not both). Only Affects Controlled / Hypnotized Targets (-1FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation may only affect people who are subject to the character's Control and/or Hypnosis Power(s).

Only Affects Gadgets (-1FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation may only affect Gadgets. Only Affects Grounded Targets (-1FC): Description: This Power only affects targets in contact with the ground. Usually the Power propagates through the ground, but Projectile Weapons with this Limitation can also be used to build air-to-ground or ground-to-ground missiles. Only Affects Solids (-2FC): Description: Earth Control with this Bonus only affects solid objects, so it cannot be used to create dirt or dust storms.

Only for Killing Damage Recoveries (-1FC):

Description: Regeneration with this Limitation may only be applied to Killing Combat Recovery Checks.

Only for Long-Term Recoveries (-2FC):

Description: Regeneration with this Limitation may only be applied once per 20 APs. This sort of Regeneration is usually bought with the Regrowth Bonus.

Only one target at a time (-2FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation can only affect one target at a time.

Only simple shapes (-2FC):

Description: Force (& Self) Manipulation with this Limitation can only be used to form simple shapes such as walls. With this limitation, the power cannot mimic the effects of any moving parts. Thus, the character could not become a car, air-plane, or wagon, but could become a wall, raft, parachute, bridge, or to flatten himself out, assume a slightly altered appearance, or transform into a set of clothing.

Only to resist Fatiguing Damage (-2FC):

Description: A Defense Power with this Limitation can only be used to resist the Bashing Damage from either Sorcery or another Power with the Fatiguing limitation.

Only usable underwater (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation can only be used while underwater. This Limitation can not be applied to Powers that can already only be used underwater, such as Water Freedom.

Only while flying (-1FC):

Description: A Power or Skill with this Limitation can only be used while the character is flying. This Limitation can also be used for Projectile Weapons, to build either air-to-air and/or air-to-ground missiles.

Only while holding a sword (-1FC):

Description: A Power or Skill with this Limitation can only be used while holding a sword. May also be used for other weapons, with the only difference being the name of the weapon i.e. “Only while holding a staff” instead of “Only while holding a sword”.

Only while other Power Reserve is active (-1FC):

Description: This Limitation is only valid if the character has two or more Power Reserves. One Power Reserve can only be used if another Power Reserve, with equal or greater APs, is also active. The other Power Reserve should be usable on its own, however, or what the character really has is a Power Reserve with the Fixed Allocation Limitation (see above).

Only Works In A Non-Organic State (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation may only be used when the target is in a non-organic state. In order to affect the Power user, the character in question must be able to shift from organic to a non-organic state.

Only vs. Demons/Demonic Energies (-1FC):

Description: Powers with this Limitation may only be used against demon (or their energies).

Only vs. Drained Targets (-1FC):

Description: Powers with this Limitation may only be used against targets that have been subject to Power Drain.

Only vs. Ghosts (-1FC):

Description: Powers with this Limitation may only be used against ghosts.

Only vs. Metal, Glass & Plastic (-2FC):

Description: Powers with this Limitation may only be used against targets made of metal, glass or plastic.

Only vs. Mirrors (-1FC):

Description: Powers with this Limitation require a mirror in order to function. The exact number of Mirrors depends on the Power's capabilities: Sensory powers require only one mirror within sight of the Power user, while communication Powers need one mirror per person communicating. The literary Dracula (and presumably his spawn as well) had Always On Invisibility with this Limitation.

Organic Forms Only (-1FC):

Description: Self-Manipulation with this Limitation may only be used to form organic forms (no machinery).

Painful (-1 FC):

Description: This power is painful to use, causing Bashing damage to keep it functioning. It can only be applied to a power that normally functions as an Automatic Action. It cannot be applied to a power that is Fatiguing. With this limitation, the power automatically attacks the character after 4 APs (1 minute) of continuous use. The APs of power act as AV/EV and the character’s WILL/MIND are OV/RV. RAPs are bashing MIND damage.

Partial Invisibility (-1FC/-2FC): Author: Quintanads Helper: Ambrose Tallis, Roy Cowan, Pufnstuff

Description: When purchased with this Limitation, Invisibility renders the character transparent but not completely invisible. This allows other characters to make a standard visual Perception Check to see the invisible character, even if they do not have special visual Powers. A successful Perception Check will reveal the invisible character's position, but will not reveal precise visual details regarding the invisible character. The standard version of this Limitation is Partial Invisibility Only at a -2 Factor Cost. For characters who are completely invisible while motionless but can be seen more easily when moving, the Limitation is purchased as Partial Invisibility While Moving at a -1 Factor Cost.

Power Link (-1 FC): Description: Many characters with powers actually have only one power that can be used in a variety of ways. To reflect this, players can use the Power Link. Linking a power to another power reduces its FC by 1. This is a permanent reduction and even applies when improving characters. When linking powers to other powers, it is not necessary to purchase the same number of APs in the linked power as in the linking power. More or fewer can be purchased. However, after character creation when raising a power that is linked, the player must also increase every other power that is linked by the same amount. For example, if a player has Flame Being of 10, with Flame Project of 5 and Flight of 12 linked to it and he wishes to increase his Flame Project by 2 APs, he would also have to raise his Flame Being and Flight by 2 APs each, so that his scores would read Flame Being 12, Flame Project 7, and Flight 14. Linking a power indicates that it is based on the power to which it is linked. This means that anything that impacts the linking power likewise affects all powers linked to it. Thus, powers like Mimic, Neutralize, Adaptation, and Power Drain impact linked powers much more than others. For example, if the above character’s Flame Being is Neutralized, then all the powers linked to it are likewise affected. However, the attacking character in that case needs only to neutralize Flame Being. Vulnerabilities that affect the linking power work in a similar fashion. On the plus side, anything that temporarily boosts the linking ability, such as Enchantment, Mutation, or Power Reserve, also increases all powers linked to it. In short, if the linking power is altered in any way, up or down, it has an effect on all powers linked to it. Linking to Skills: In comics, some skills (especially Martial Arts and Occultist) can be honed to such a degree that they allow the character to possess powers. This is simulated by this Limitation, functioning as described above. However, before any power can be linked to a skill, the character must possess a nearly superhuman level in the skill- 11 APs or more. Rampage (-2FC): Description: The character’s Power Reserve is triggered by his anger. The angrier he gets, the more APs of Power Reserve he can activate. The character gets angry enough to activate his Power Reserve when he is provoked. This activates 1 AP of his Power Reserve. This is automatic if he is attacked, but otherwise is up to the player to declare. It must be declared before Initiative is rolled. Once in combat, the APs of Power Reserve are activated 1 AP per phase until the full APs are operating. However, getting hurt gets the character angry faster. Every RAP of damage he takes adds an AP to his Power Reserve until the full APs are operating. If he has the Rage drawback, any failed Rage roll will automatically activate the full APs of power and, vice versa, any time the full APs of power are activated, the character automatically fails his Rage and does not come out until he has ceased using his Power Reserve and has calmed down as normal. Repair/Reconfigure Equipment (-1FC): Description: Gadgetry and/or Occultism with this Drawback cannot be used to create new Gadgets, but can be used to repair damage and/or add new functions to an existing Gadget. Reduced Functionality (-1FC/level): Description: A Power with this Limitation normally has multiple functions (i.e. Continuum Control) but lacks a function the core Power normally has. For each missing function, the Factor cost is reduced by one. If the Power can imitate any Power, then each broad category the Power cannot imitate is a -1CS. Example: Magic in Middle-Earth cannot be used for travel. Therefore a GM should ban Mystic Linked Movement Powers and Powers such as Sorcery must be bought with the -1FC Limitation: Cannot duplicate Movement Powers. Reduced Range (-1 or -2 FC): Description: The power with this limitation has a shorter than Normal Range. For -1 FC, the range is -1 AP less than the APs of power. For -2 FC, the range is -2 APs less than the APs of power.

Regretful (-2FC):

Author: Rezcat

Description: A Power or Skill with this Limitation symbolizes an ability the character regrets having or ever needing and is hesitant to use except under the most dire circumstances. Use of said ability for a particular scene (length of which determined by the GM) costs the character 5 Hero Points, a situational "Guilt Fee" of sorts. Non-payment of this fee will cause the character to temporarily develop the full Guilt drawback until the debt is paid off. Regretful may not be applied to an ability along with the "Always On" limitation, as there is no way to avoid the ability's use.

Designer's notes: The thematic difference between Regretful and Marginal is that Marginal represents an ability that is actually difficult to use or, metafictionally, that some writers forget the character has, while abilities with Regretful are easily used and often commonly acknowledged (however obliquely) but the character is personally hesitant to do so. The high FC modifier reflects the possibility that this Limitation can lead to temporary imposition of a 50 point Drawback.

Requires Concentration (-1 or -3 FC):

A power with this limitation requires the user to focus on the use of the power to keep it active. This can only be applied to a power that normally functions as an Automatic Action. For a -1 FC bonus, the power consumes a dice action when it is first activated and every 4 APs (1 minute) of time afterwards. For a -3 FC bonus, the power is always treated as a dice action. Note that despite the fact that the power consumes a character’s dice action, no roll is actually required.

Requires DNA Sample (-2FC):

Author: Morgan Champion

Helper: Black Adam, Adam Fuqua

Description: A Power with this Limitation requires the character to collect a DNA sample -- a hair follicle, flakes of skin, a drop of blood, etc. -- from the target before the Power can be used. This most often applies to Powers that mimic or affect others' physiological abilities or traits, but might apply to other types of Powers with the GM's approval. This Limitation is usually combined with the No Range Limitation, as characters with this Limitation usually have to come into physical contact with their target.

Requires Light Source (-1 FC):

Description: A light-based Power with this Limitation requires a strong light source in order to function.

Requires Line of Sight (-1 FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation cannot be used unless there is nothing blocking the line of sight between the Power user and the intended target.

Requires A Blood Transfusion (-2FC): Description: A Power with this Limitation requires the user to perform a blood transfusion (which normally takes one minute) before the Power can be used.

Requires An Environment Of Opportunity (-1FC): Description: The target(s) of a Power with this Limitation must be standing on or near a surface that the Power can affect, and the RAPs can’t exceed the BODY of that substance.

Semi-Fatiguing (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation weakens the user. Treat as the Fatiguing limitation, save that the APs of the Power are halved before determining damage. Furthermore, to be a valid Limitation, the character's Resistance Attribute must be low enough that the character takes damage from the Power when used at full strength. (Alternatively, the RAPs are automatically halved before being applied to the character.) Self-Destruct (-2FC): Description: An Attack Power with this Limitation destroys the user (or Artifact/Gadget) whenever it is used. In game terms, the EV of the attack is applied against the user's Resistance Attribute as a Killing Attack, and the attacker's Defense Powers do not apply against this damage. This Limitation may only be taken if the attack would reduce the user's current Resistance Condition to zero APs or less.

Single Gadget Type (-2FC): Description: The Power only affects a single type of Gadget.

Sonic Limitation (-1FC):

Description: With this Limitation the Power is a sonic-based attack targeting an opponent's inner ear. As a sonic-based attack it may be countered by other sonic-based Powers (either blocked by Sound Nullify, Shade (audio) or similar Powers, or countered by Sonic Beam or other sonic-based offensive Powers [which may perform a Block manoeuvre, with the APs of their Power replacing their RV against the attack if greater than their MIND]), and may not be able to affect deaf Characters (GMs discretion). It also can't affect those without ears, or similar audio receptors (and characters with No Vital Areas have a +1CS to their OV/RV against Vertigo). Targets possessing Super-Hearing or Extended Hearing suffer a -1CS to OV/RV. APs of Gymnastics, Dodging, or Dancer may be used in place of DEX for resisting the power.

Specialized Skill (-1FC/level):

Description: A Skill with this Limitation tends to be more efficient at a specific function (i.e. the Master Jailer's Gadgetry works best with jails & traps). For each level of this Limitation, the Skill receives a cumulative penalty of -2 CS, except for the specific function.

Speed-based (-1 FC): Description: Speed-based Invisibility is only effective up to an AP level equal to the Character’s current APs of movement – (Distance to the viewer + viewer’s APs of Superspeed + 7). This form of Invisibility is always on when the Character is moving, but has no effect if the Character’s current APs of movement – Distance to the viewer is less than 9 APs. Speed-based Invisibility comes from the Character’s ability to move through a viewer’s field of view too fast to be seen. Because of this, if another Character uses a perception Power (i.e., something other than normal senses) to detect the Character with Speed-based Invisibility, he does not need to make another attempt to spot the Character if the Character’s movement rate — and thus his effective rank of Invisibility — increases.

Straight Lines Only (-1FC):

Description: A Movement Power with this Limitation can only move in straight lines – whenever the character wishes to turn, he (or she) must stop, turn his (or her) body, and then move in the new direction.

Symmetrical (-2FC): Description: Both subjects of Mind Probe gain RAPs of knowledge, deeply intimate in nature, about each other.

Strenuous (-1FC/-2FC/-3FC):

Description: A Power with the Strenuous Limitation requires a considerable amount of effort to

use. In order to use the Power, the Character must pay a Hero Point Fee equal to the APs being

activated divided by the Threshold number (rounded down) as determined by the Severity of the

Limitation (see below). This fee must be paid for each use of a Power in a Dice Action, or for

the first use as an Automatic Action in any given encounter or “scene.”

Severity Threshold Factor Cost Modifier

Minor 3 –1

Serious 2 –2

Catastrophic 1 –3

Example: A Power with Minor Strenuous would be freely usable at 1 or 2 APs, would require 1

Hero Point to use at 3-5 APs, 2 Hero Points to use at 6-8 APs, etc. A Power with Catastrophic

Strenuous requires 1 Hero Point for each active AP of the Power.

Time Limit (-1, -2, or -3 FC):

Description: A power with this limitation only remains active for a short period of time before it automatically burns out. It powers up as an automatic action and remains usable by the character for a time in APs. Once the time has passed, the power drops to 0 and must be recovered normally. If the time is 10 APs (one hour) the limitation is worth -3 FC. If it is 15 APs (one day) it is worth -2 FC. If the power can be recharged by another item, then the FC bonus is reduced by 1. In this case, touching the recharge item and spending an automatic action restores all lost APs of the power. However, the power cannot be recovered except by touching the recharge item, so if the item is inaccessible, the power remains at 0 APs.

Time Limit (-2 FC): Description: The powers adapted only last APs of time equal to the APs of the Adaptation Power before they cease to work and must be adapted again.

Unaware While In Use (-2FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation (usually a Mental Power) shuts off the user's awareness of the outside world.

Vehicles Only (-1FC/-2FC):

Description: A power with this Limitation (usually the Interface power) can only be used on vehicles. If the power can only be used on a specific type of vehicle (i.e. motorcycles) it is a -2FC Limitation.

Visible (-1FC):

Description: A Power with this Limitation is clearly visible when in use. To be a valid Limitation, the Power user must be able to turn the Power on and off, or it's just the Strange Appearance Drawback. It cannot be purchased for Powers that already have a visible manifestation (such as most attack Powers).

Winged (-1 FC):

Description: The character uses wings to fly. If his Wings are entangled, grappled, or otherwise restricted, he cannot fly. Realistically, a character cannot have more than 8 APs of Flight if he has wings, but comics are full of exceptions to this.

Wizardry (-1 FC):

Description: This limitation represents a character who does not invoke his magic, but rather is vastly schooled in the mystic arts and spells. The character must also have the Occultist skill and his APs of the Occultist skill always acts as the AV for all powers imitated by Sorcery.

This character does not suffer mystic bashing damage when casting spells and his spells are cast as a dice, not an automatic, action. Instead, Wizards cast spells by rolling a Sorcery check with his APs of power as AV/EV and the APs of the spell he wishes to invoke as OV/RV. RAPs are the APs of power actually invoked.

New (& Revised) Powers:

One can never have enough new Powers in a superhero RPG, and frequently some power concepts have an exorbitant HP cost (especially superluminal and time travel).

Also, I do not think that a Drawback called Power Loss should affect Attributes. An Attribute-boosting Power, on the other hand....

Acuity Author: Peter S Piispanen and additional unknown author

Helper(s): John Colagioia, Roy Cowan, Eric Langendorff, Michael A. Ficklin, Adam Fuqua, Jackson

Mental Power

Link: INT

Range: Special

Type: Auto/Dice

Base Cost: 350

Factor Cost: 10 Description: Acuity grants a Character every form of extra-sensory perception and information-gathering possible. The Character may mimic any Power used to gain information, or divide his/her APs of Acuity among several Powers. No use of Acuity may have a physical effect, or any effect other than the transfer of information to the Character using it. This Power may represent several different phenomena. A Character using Acuity may have some blanket form of extra-sensory awareness and thus not actually ’see‘ through walls or ’hear‘ distant conversations, but just ’knows’ what is behind said wall and what the conversation was about. They thus do not have any single mimicked ability, but instead an intuition of what is occurring. Acuity may also represent a panoply of different perceptual abilities used in tandem, such as the vaguely-defined sensors often featured in science fiction. In this case Acuity often presents a summary of the relevant information rather than specific data points, though the latter is also available. Acuity may sometimes automatically activate at GM discretion (even overriding current attempts to use the power) in cases where there is information of interest to the Character. In such cases, the Character may suddenly have an astounding insight into his or her situation or a particular circumstance may have drawn their immediate attention. Powers mimicked through Acuity are subject to all limitations and rules normally associated with them. When Detect is mimicked through Acuity, it is limited to a physical object, energy form, or condition. For instance, Detect The Best Way to Vanquish the Evil Villain will not work. Using Microscopic Vision to spy out the weak point in his armour will be much more effective. The powers that may be mimicked by use of Acuity include Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent, Danger Sense, Detect, Directional Hearing, Empathy, Extended Hearing, Full Vision, Hypersensitive Touch, Life Sense, Microscopic Vision, Object Awareness, Radar Sense, Remote Sensing, Sonar, Superhearing, Telescopic Vision, Thermal Vision, Truesight, Ultra Vision, Weakness Detection and X-Ray Vision. Additional sensory Powers may also be mimicked depending on the GM’s judgment. Acuity may be purchased with the following special Bonus: Supernatural (+1 FC), allowing the Character to also mimic mystical detection powers such as Awareness, Comprehend Languages, Danger Sense, Magic Sense and Postcognition. This Bonus requires Acuity to be Mystic Linked.

Air Control (revision)

This power also allows a character to create barriers of air that add his APs of power to his RV against physical attacks that do not rely upon energy. He can also create constructs of whirling air that possess a STR and BODY. The APs of these attributes can be designated by the character by dividing his APs of power between them.

Age Manipulation

Author: Angry Rabbit

Mystical Power

Link: INFL

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 50

Factor Cost: 8 Description: This power allows a character to increase or decrease the age of a target as an attack. He cannot turn the target into a foetus or age him to death- the power does not actually shorten the lifespan, only creates a state of age. The power is resolved as a mystical attack with APs of power as AV/EV and the OV/RV being the target’s INFL/SPIRIT. RAPs are subtracted from the target’s Initiative, representing either feebleness of body or mind. If RAPs equal half the target’s RV, then the target also suffers a -1 CS penalty to physical and mental RVs. If the RAPs equal or exceed the target’s RV, then he suffers a -1 CS to physical and mental OVs and RVs. The effect lasts APs of time equal to the APs of power. Immortal characters are immune to this power. Alter Ego By Morgan Champion Special Power

Link: Special

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 90

Factor Cost: 10 Description: Characters with Alter Ego have a number of additional forms equal to the APs of Alter Ego. These forms are essentially different characters, as they can be totally different from each other. The only thing they have in common is that they all have the Alter Ego Power. (Not necessarily at the same AP level, though – I can think of at least one fictional character who could shift gender and then transform into a magical girl). They need not be the same power level, either. To determine the actual cost of the Alter Ego, use the following procedure:

Determine the HPs required to build the base form and the Alter Ego(s).

Subtract the HPs required to create the base form from that of the Alter Ego(s).

Multiply the remainder by the number of forms with those abilities, then divide that amount by the number of forms.

Add the total above to the Base Cost of Alter Ego. If the Alter Ego (s) are weaker than the base form, the Base Cost cannot be reduced below zero.

Example: Standard Alter Egos have a base form built on 225 Hero Points. To replicate this using the new Alter Ego Power, subtract the 100 HPs required for 1 AP of Alter Ego from the base 450 HP; double the remaining 350 HP (since the character has two forms) and then subtract the 225 HPs the base form is built on from the 700 HP, leaving the remaining 475 HP for the Alter Ego form.

Special Limitation: Random Change (-1FC):

Whenever the character uses Alter Ego, the Alter Ego is a different character each time, with different abilities. The player must roll one or more dice (dependent upon the number of forms available), with the form being chosen dependent on the result of the dice roll. It is possible to roll the same form more than once, as Robby Reed did on several occasions, but in most cases, this is not guaranteed.

Special Limitation: Shared Abilities (see below):

The powered & normal forms may share one or more of the following five sets of abilities: (1) Powers, (2) Skills & Wealth, (3) Physical Attributes, (4) Mental Attributes, or (5) Mystical Attributes.

The cost of each shared ability set is added to the Base Cost of Alter Ego. If any ability is shared, all forms have those abilities at the listed AP levels (and don't have to pay any further points for them).

Morgan's Notes: Many different characters (notably the later Kamen Riders) have multiple Alter Egos. (The first Kamen Rider with multiple Alter Egos was Kamen Rider Black RX aka Kotaro Minami, who had three Alter Egos: BioRider, Kamen Rider Black RX and RoboRider.) Since Alter Ego can also be Neutralized in certain circumstances, I always thought Alter Ego was better described as a Power.

Mix & Match Forms: Certain Kamen Riders (Double, OOO and Fourze) can mix and match the abilities of different forms. This is currently beyond the scope of the rules, so if a player wishes to either emulate or play one of the above heroes, it might be better to use Power Reserve (combined with Alter Ego for some forms, such as some of OOO's Combos).

More Designer's Notes: If we assume that each “mix & match” form is effectively a different Alter Ego, and apply the Logarithmic Bonus (a +4FC Bonus) to the Alter Ego Power, it should be possible to duplicate the above Kamen Riders.

Animal Form Version 6.31

Created By: cocurts

Helper: Morgan Champion

Mental Power

Link: WILL

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 6

Description: This Power allows a Character to alter his/her Shape into that of a specific animal. Werewolves are the classic example of this. The animal the character becomes is picked when the power is taken. The Character automatically gains the animal's Attributes, Powers, Skills, and natural attack forms while also maintaining all of his/her own Powers and Skills. The BODY of the animal form assumed cannot exceed the Character's APs of Shape Change. For animal statistics, see the Animals index. If, in changed form, the character takes enough damage to be knocked unconscious or killed they revert to human form. Any RAPs of damage beyond zero are taken as Mind damage For each AP of power the character can permanently add one AP to the power or Attribute of his animal form. Example: Markov (Animal Form: 06) becomes a black bear. He adds 3 APs to the strength of his bear and 3 APs to his running.

Animal Mimicry V6.31 Created By: cocurts. Revised by Angry Rabbit and Morgan Champion

Mental Power

Link: Will Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 50

Factor Cost: 6

Description: This Power allows the user to mimic the Powers, Skills, and Physical Attributes of any animal. The Character takes on the necessary aspects. Eg, claws, gills or horns, wings, etc in a spectral vaguely visible overly. No actual changes happen to the characters body. The powers possessed by many animals can be found in the Animals Index section.

The Character can Mimic as many powers as a specific animal has at up to his/her APs of power. EX an alligator has Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 02, Claws: 01, Density Increase: 01, Extended Hearing: 02, Extra-limb: 07, Growth: 02, Jumping: 01, Sealed Systems: 06, Skin Armor: 01, Swimming: 04, Ultra Vision: 03, Water Freedom: 03 (12 powers). Character can also mimic Physical Attributes. Eg. Dex: 01 [03] Str: 06 Bod: 05 for that same alligator. The Character need not mimic any attribute or power that they do not want.

The character could mimic each of the Powers and Attributes of the animal up to the APs of Power they have. E.g. With 3 APs of Animal Mimicry the Character can have 3 APs of each of the alligator's powers, up to the maximum level the alligator himself has. With 7 APs of Animal Mimicry the character can have the full Powers and Attributes of the alligator.

If all an animal's Powers (but not by necessity, Attributes) have been mimicked to their full extent, and the character still has APs of power unspent, these APs can be used to enhance the Animals powers. E.g. 7 APs for the alligator. The unspent APs of power can be added to the individual animal abilities in a fashion identical to power reserve. Each Point augments only one ability (Eg. 1 AP to Extra Limb and one to Ultra -Vision with an Animal Mimicry of 9)

Xerox (Animal Mimicry: 12) has mimicked a chimps Physical Training skill (6 APs). He uses his other 6 APs of power to double it to 12.He could do similar things with an elephant's strength.

As the mimicked animals grow to higher power levels the spectral effects of the power use will grow more pronounced and of more powerful animals.

Characters with Animal Mimicry have the ability to mimic the power of insects. When doing so, assume all insects have a “proportional” ability of 7 APs. Therefore, an Animal Mimicry character could absorb 7 APs of Strength from the ant, 7 APs of Cling from a spider, and 7 APs of Jumping from a grasshopper, etc. There must be suitable insects within range.

Attribute Boost

By Morgan Champion

Special Power

Link: Special

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 5

Factor Cost: 06 Description: Characters with the Attribute Boost Power add the APs of Attribute Boost to a specific Attribute, chosen when the power is purchased. Attribute Boost may only be applied to Action Attributes if the Attribute Boost Power has the Affects Initiative Bonus. Attribute Boost may be purchased more than once. Each time it is purchased, it must be applied to a different Attribute. Attribute Boost may be Linked, but it uses the Attribute it Boosts as the Link Attribute. Attribute Reserve By Morgan Champion Special Power Link: Special Range: Self Type: Auto

Base Cost: 50

Factor Cost: 06 Description: Characters with the Attribute Reserve Power split its APs between two (or more) Attributes, chosen when the power is purchased. The Power-user cannot change which APs are allocated to which Attribute without either raising the APs of Attribute Reserve by Character Growth (when the extra APs must be assigned an Attribute once purchased) or taking the +1 FC Bonus Can Allocate Attributes on that Attribute Reserve. Each Attribute beyond the second raises the Base Cost by 5 HP. Attribute Reserve may only be applied to Action Attributes if the Attribute Reserve Power has the Affects Initiative Bonus. Furthermore, the character must define an event or condition in which the Attribute Reserve does not function. Morgan's Notes: This Power is a limited version of Power Reserve that only affects Attributes. Bestow v1.1

By Peter S Piispanen (revised, original creator unknown)

Helpers: Roy Cowan

Mystical Power

Link: Aura

Range: Normal

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 1000

Factor Cost: 10

Description: The Bestow power allows the user to give special abilities to another being. Any Power, Skill or Attribute may be given to others, regardless or not of whether the bestower himself has those abilities. For each Power or Skill Bestowed, the bestower must pay the ability's Base Cost in HPs. Attribute Base Cost is as per the Gadgetry rules. No single ability given can have a higher BC than 100 HPs. The total maximum number of APs that can be given is equal to the APs of the Bestow power. Bestow can be used to empower more than one person at a time, but the cumulative amount of APs that can be granted is still limited to the APs of Bestow. Advantages Bestowed upon another have the same cost as they do during character creation and each Advantage counts as 1 AP toward the maximum that can be Bestowed. Advantages that provide an effective AP bonus to specific actions can only be Bestowed as long as the total APs of the Bestow Power used is equal to or greater than the AP level that the Bestowed Advantage reaches. Example: Bestowing the Iron Nerves Advantage, which provides +2CS to RV versus Intimidation Attempts, upon a character with SPIRIT 02 would require a Bestow Power of at least 6 APs (2 APs plus two Column Shifts) The duration that these abilities are in effect is equal to the character's APs of Bestow or until the user chooses to remove the abilities. The given abilities can be retaken at any time by the bestower as long as the subject is within the Power's Range. Partial retaking is also possible, leaving the subject lessened but not powerless. Once Bestowed abilities are retaken or the duration expires, the bestower regains half of the HPs spent on the original bestowment. Bestow can be purchased with the following standard Bonuses and Limitation: No BC Restriction (+5 FC), No AP Restriction (+5 FC), Full HP Refund (+5 FC), Permanent (+5 FC), Can Only Bestow certain abilities (variable) and Can Only Bequeath (variable).

*No BC Restriction:

A Character with the No BC Restriction Bonus to Bestow can provide any ability to others, regardless of the Base Cost. Thus powers such as Sorcery (BC: 750), Omni-Power (BC: 500) or Mutation (BC: 200) can be Bestowed also. The bestowal works as normal for these abilities and the bestower should have hundreds of HPs handy to give away such abilities.

*Full HP Refund:

When the character takes back Bestowed abilities from a subject or the Power's Duration expires, he regains all of the HPs spent rather than half of them.


A Character with the Permanent Bonus can bestow powers to another that will never expire. To do so, the bestower must pay the normal Base Cost plus the Factor Cost based on the AP Purchase Chart (not the Increasing Attributes Chart). Thus permanently Bestowing Flight of 10 APs would require 10 HPs (Base Cost) plus 48 HPs (10 APs at Factor Cost 3) for a total of 58 HPs. Once Permanent the Power, Skill, or other ability is added to the subject's Character sheet as a permanent stat. The bestower still has the ability to retake the power from his subjects as usual but regains no HPs for doing so.

*Can Only Bestow certain Abilities

The character can only bestow abilities in certain categories. Possible Limitations include Can Only Bestow Powers (-3 FC), Can only Bestow Skills (-4 FC), Can only Bestow Advantages (-4 FC), or Can only Bestow Attributes (-4 FC). Blunting Author: Sébastien Andrivet based on a concept by Peter Piispanen

Helper(s): Roy Cowan

Physical Power

Link: BODY

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 10

Factor Cost: 03 Description: This Power is usually used to represent flexible lightweight but puncture-proof body armour, such as the costumes of some super-heroes and early generations of concealable body armour. This Power turns RAPs of Killing Combat inflicted upon the Character into RAPs of Bashing Combat, up to a number of RAPs equal to the APs of the Blunting Power. APs of the Blunting power can be used against any Physical or Energy attack that causes damage to BODY through direct damage. Attacks performed with gas, radiation, drowning, attacks against MIND or SPI, etc. cannot be defended against with Blunting. Remaining RAPs in excess of the APs of Blunting remain Killing combat RAPs - a Character with Blunting: 04 receiving 6 RAPs of Killing damage still receives 6 RAPs of damage, but the first four of those become Bashing damage and last two remain Killing damage. The Killing combat RAPs are applied first, followed by the Bashing combat RAPs. This is important if a Character is reduced to 0 BODY or less: If the Killing combat RAPs are not enough to reduce him to 0 Current BODY but the following Bashing RAPs do so, the Character is simply knocked out as per a Bashing attack, not a Killing one. The conversion of RAPs from Killing to Blunt is done before Last Ditch Defense can be applied. If mixed RAPs are received, the Killing combat RAPs are the ones that are negated first by LDD. BODY Armor Author: Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: BODY

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 70

Factor Cost: 07 Description: The APs of BODY Armor are added to the character's RV against all attacks that cause Physical damage (including poison & radiation). It does not enable the character to survive without breathing though – the character should either purchase Life Support (doesn't breathe) or the Sealed Systems Power in order to do so. Morgan's Notes: This Power is a shorthand combination of Skin Armor with the Protects Internal Structure Extra and the Protects Against Energy Attacks Bonus. Broadcast Empath (revised) Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Mental Power

Link: WILL

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 05 Description: The Power allows a Character to make another Character feel any emotion the user wishes. For example, the user could make an opponent run away in fear (see Aura of Fear and Phobia for Powers that only induce this), feel too sad to do anything, or feel blissful and calm. The brute force use of Broadcast Empath is to impose a feeling on the target’s mind. This use of Broadcast Empath is treated as a normal Mental Attack with AV/EV equal to the user’s APs of Power; however a successfully attacked victim takes no Mental damage. Instead, if the RAPs earned by the attack roll are greater than or equal to the opponent’s Mind, the opponent succumbs to whatever emotion the user broadcasts. This emotional state will last for RAPs of time (or the Power user may choose to release the opponent at any time beforehand). A Character will normally realize he is affected By Broadcast Empath, and may attempt to break free through willpower. This is an Action Check with the Int/Will as AV/EV and the RAPs of the Broadcast Empath attack as OV/RV. A more subtle approach is to permeate the target’s mind with a vaguer feeling and then use conventional Persuasion. The user of Broadcast Empath can choose to improve (or degrade) the target’s Attitude. This is also a normal Mental Attack with AV/EV’s equal to the user’s APs of Power. The target’s Attitude can be shifted according to the following table:

|RAPs |Effect |

|1/2 target’s MIND |One step |

|Full target’s MIND |Two steps |

|Twice target’s MIND |Three steps |

Thus, if a broadcast empath is about to be arrested by a policeman for gross disorderly conduct (MIND: 03, Suspicious Attitude), he can attempt to change the policeman’s attitude. Using his Broadcast Empath power, he gets 4 RAPs against the cop - which is more than the full MIND score of his target, but less than twice the policeman’s MIND. He chooses to move up the cop’s Attitude two steps – from Suspicious to Friendly. The policeman is now willing to discuss the matter and will probably let the Character go after a stern lecture and a warning. The subtle approach to Broadcast Empath can also enhance Intimidation and Interrogation. This is also a normal Mental Attack with AV/EV equal to the user’s APs of Power. The Character doing the Interrogation or Intimidation against the target will then benefit from bonuses according to the following table:

|RAPs |Effect |

|1/2 target’s MIND |-1 CS to OV/RV of Intimidation/Interrogation Check |

|Full target’s MIND |-2 CS to OV/RV of Intimidation/Interrogation Check |

|Twice target’s MIND |-3 CS to OV/RV of Intimidation/Interrogation Check |

A Character will not necessarily realise that they are affected by these subtle applications of Broadcast Empath. If they have serious, substantial reasons to doubt that their emotions are their own, they can attempt an INT/WILL check against the user’s INT/Broadcast Empath. Gaining RAPs will allow them to realize something is not kosher ; the target can then attempt to break the control as above. Capacitor

Author: Morgan Champion Physical Power

Link: BODY Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 40

Factor Cost: 5

Description: Characters with this Power can store electricity in their bodies for later use. The total amount of electricity they can store at one time is equal to the APs of the Power. At will, they can release that energy as APs of the Lightning Power. The APs of Lightning are then subtracted from the APs of Capacitor, until the APs of stored electricity are reduced to 0. (This Power can also be used to absorb characters with Self Linked Lightning. They are trapped in their Self Linked form until released. Note: Absorbing a character with Self Link (Lightning) does not give the character with Capacitor the Power to transform into lightning. If you wish to build a character who transforms into lightning when struck by electricity, the Capacitor Power must be built Self Linked). Cell Rot Immunity Author: Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: BODY

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 5

Factor Cost: 1 Description: Characters with this Power add their APs of Cell Rot Immunity to the character’s RV against the Cell Rot Power.

Chain Lightning (D & D Version) Author: Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 15

Factor Cost: 6 Description: The Chain Lightning Power allows a character to can attack a number of targets equal to the APs of Chain Lightning, including one primary target, with no Multi-Attack penalties. All targets are Physically Attacked with an AV/EV equal to the APs of the Power. However, only the primary target is struck with the full APs of the Power – all the secondary targets receive a two Column Shift bonus to their OV/RV. Morgan's notes: This is intended to represent the Chain Lightning spell from D & D. The half-damage to all secondary targets” doesn't work too well in MEGS, so I replaced it with a Column Shift bonus to the OV/RV of all the secondary targets. Chain Lightning (Diablo Version) Author: Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 15

Factor Cost: 5 Description: The attacker can generate multiple bolts of lightning from his (or her) own body, with no Multi-Attack penalties vs. multiple targets. However, each additional bolt produced reduces the AV/EV of Chain Lightning by 1 AP per bolt. Morgan's notes: This is intended to represent the Chain Lightning spell seen in the Diablo series. Chameleon (revised)

Mental Power

Link: INT Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 10

Factor Cost: 2

Description: A Character with this Power can alter his/her appearance to resemble any other person.

Condition Modifier

The impersonated Character is the same height, weight, and build as the Power user -2 OV/RV

The impersonated Character is the opposite gender, and build as the Power user +1 OV/RV

The Power user is interacting with someone that knows the duplicated person very well +2 OV/RV

The impersonated Character has highly elaborate tattoos, clothing or other details. +1 OV/RV

On any change the character will appear to be the targeted person to under a casual examination. The larger the difference between the Power user and the targeted character the more difficult it will be to duplicate flawlessly. The Chameleon's clothing also transforms to resemble that of the target. Weapons and special gear are not duplicated. When the Character using Chameleon interacts with others the APs of power are the AV/EV of the attempt to fool the perception check of those interacted with. The OV/RV are the INT/WILL of those being deceived subject to the following conditions (see table). Chameleon adds to the APs of the character's Fine Arts: Actor skill (using AP math) in attempts to convince others that the power user is the targeted character. If the detecting character has sensory powers that could assist in the detection (Analytical smell and tracking scent, super vision, true sight etc.) the character may use the power as AV/EV of the detection attempt of make the check with INT/Will as standard with a +1 CS per sensory power.

Special Bonus: Cellular Chameleon (+1 FC): The Chameleon Power can be used as the OV/RV of fooling any variety of medical or body scan tests. With this variation the character can duplicate any test results or medical conditions they desire. The character could fool a heart monitor and falsely show that they are having a heart attack, or have a brain scanner show that they are asleep or brain dead. If a character wants only Cellular Chameleon the FC is 2 (no mod). Special Limitation: Chameleon Does Not Affect the User's Clothing (-1FC): Nemesis, of Suicide Squad has this Limitation as does the X-Men foe Mystique . Special Limitation: Chameleon Does Not Change the User's Internal Structure (-1FC): The character's Chameleon Power does not affect the user's internal structure. This prevents the character from actually changing gender, as it is essentially an illusionary effect. Charge Objects Author: Angry Rabbit

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Special

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 5 Description: The Charge Objects power allows a character to infuse items that they touch with explosive energy, causing every item to be a grenade. The item can be charged as an Automatic Action. It will hold a charge as long as the character is in contact with it. Once it is released it will detonate at the beginning of the next phase or as soon as it is impacted with something. The item can be thrown like any other item and it will explode on contact. The explosion of a charged item functions like a bomb, though far less lethal. It starts at the point of contact, called ground zero, and extends out to a distance equal to one quarter the APs of power (round down). It is a physical attack against everyone and everything within range, except the user, with an AV/EV equal to the APs of the power. The explosion suffers no Multi-Attack penalties. AV/EV is reduced by 2 APs for every 1 AP of distance between the target and ground zero. The maximum size of the object that can be charged is equal to half the APs of power in APs of weight. For a +1 FC, the AV/EV of the explosion is only reduced by 1 AP for every 1 AP of distance between the target and ground zero. For a -1 FC, the explosion will affect the user as well.

Charm Author: Angry Rabbit Mystical Power Link: INFL Range: Normal Type: Auto Base Cost: 15 Factor Cost: 2 Description: This power allows a character to exert mystical influence on others when making Persuasion dice actions. He may add his APs of power to his AV/EV when making such attempts. Also, he may add his APs of power to his INT or AURA attributes when making Bluff or Charm maneuvers, respectively. Chi Blast v1

By Morgan Champion

Mystic Power

Link: Defaults to SPIRIT, but see below

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base cost: 25

Factor cost: 3 Description: This Power, which is a staple in shōnen manga and martial art themed video games, allows the wielder to throw a bast of chi energy at his opponents. Though this is a Mystical Attack, it is still treated as a normal Physical Attack, with the APs of Chi Blast acting as the AV/EV of the attack, and the target's DEX/BODY serving as the OV/RV. It should also be noted that the exact damage type is chosen when this Power is purchased, as per Energy Blast: the ability to change damage type should be at least a +1FC Bonus. (Ranma fans note: The above description assumes that the character uses determination, and not a specific emotion. If Chi Blasts in your campaign are powered by a specific emotion, assume that the Chi Blast Power must be purchased with the Emotion-Based Limitation, and reduce the Factor Cost to 2). Chi Redirection v1

By Morgan Champion

Mystic Power

Link: AURA

Range: Self

Type: Auto/Dice

Base cost: 75

Factor cost: 9 Description: This rare Power enables the user to redirect chi energy that strikes the character, either harmlessly into the user's own body (The APs of Chi Redirection are treated as APs of Energy Absorption, that may only be used against ki-based attacks) or against another target (use the APs of Chi Redirection as equivalent APs of Reflection/Deflection that may only be used against chi-based attacks).

Chi Sense or Detect Combat Strength v1

By Bryan Gittens

Mystic Power


Range: Normal

Type: Auto/Dice

Base cost: 10

Factor cost: 2 Description: This power, which is a staple in shōnen manga, allows the wielder to get an fairly accurate sense of the relative strength of an opponent. In order to calculate the combat strength of a character, do the following:

1. Take the highest AP value of a characters physical Attributes, Powers, Occultist Skill, Martial Artist Skill or Ritual Effect.

2. Add 1 AP for each additional combat based power the character has under 15 APs.

3. Add 2 APs for each additional combat based power the character has over 15 APs. Use these values on the Mystic Strength table to determine the OV/RV for Chi Sense Power, with the APs of Chi Sense Power actingas the AV/EV. If any RAPs are generated, the power succeeds and the character wielding the power can tell how strong their opponent truly is. The APs of the Obscure power can be used to “hide” a targets true power level. When calculating the individual's power level, subtract the APs of the Obscure power directly from his total before calculating the OV/RV from the Mystic Strength table. Bonuses to the Chi Sense power include: Detect Motivation (+1FC). Chronal Blast By maficklin@ Helper(s): Rewritten by Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: Body

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 50 Description: The Chronal Blast Power allows its user to age or rejuvenate a living being by a gust of chronal energy. * Age: This is a Physical Attack with the APs of Weaponry as AV and the APs of Chronal Blast as EV against the target's Dexterity/Dexterity as OV/RV. The APs of Longevity can be added to the RV against the attack. The duration of the aging effect is equal to the RAPs achieved, Percentage of RAPs gains relative to the body are the percentage of age as the victim gets old for your age. The victim may have any of their attributes, powers or skills more or less modified by RAPs achieved (max. of -3 or +3 in each). The GM should use common sense: characters with disadvantage Age (young) receive more APs; normal characters or disadvantage Age (old) receive less APs. The duration of effect is equal to the RAPs achieved. If at any time these RAPs indicate that the victim has reached the maximum age allowed for their race,the victim must suceed on a Dice Action with the APs of BODY as the AV/EV and the total RAPs of Chronal Blast as the OV/RV or die of old age. Example: Let's assume that Batman (,35-year-old, BODY6 ) is attacked by a Chronal Blastreceives 4 RAPs a Chronal Blast attack, which represents 66% of his body. Consequently he ages by an additional 66%, adding 26.1 years to his chronological 35, which raises his physical age to 61.1 years, and acquiring the disadvantage Age (old). The GM said he loses 1 AP in all physical attributes and WILL, but adds +1AP to AURA. If the RAPs achieved had been 6, he would have aged by100% to 70 years and would have to roll his current BODY of 5 APs against the 6 RAPs of Chronal Blast or die of old age.Several members of the Justice League and Justice society revived by Klarion. * Rejuvenate: This is a Physical Attack with the APs of Weaponry as AV and the APs of Cronal Blast as EV against the target's Dexterity/Dexterity as OV/RV. The APs of Longevity can be added to the RV against the attack. The duration of the rejuvenating effect is equal to the RAPs achieved, Percentage of RAPs gains relative to the body are the percentage of age as the victim gets young for its age. Percentage of RAPs gains relative to the body are the percentage of age the victim rejuvenates. The victim may have any of their attributes, powers or skills more or less modified by RAPs achieved (max. of -3 or +3 in each). The GM should use common sense: characters with disadvantage Age (young) receive less APs; normal characters or disadvantage Age (old) receive more. If the total RAPs of Rejuvenate outweigh the target's BODY (but is less than 2* Body APs), the target must suceed at a Dice Action with the AV/EV equal to the character's BODY APs and the OV/RV equal to the RAPs of Rejuvenate or die of childhood! If the RAPs are greater than 2 x the characters BODY APs, the character is not born. Claws (revised) By Morgan Champion

Helper(s): Physical Power

Link: Dex

Range: Touch

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 01 Description: A character with this version of Claws is assumed to have twin blades on both arms. When attacking with both blades, the Claws user adds +1AP to either AV (Dex, Martial Arts or Weaponry (melee)) or EV (APs of Claws, modified by high Str or Martial Arts). The blades are not detachable: if they are bought as part of a Gadget they may have the Detachable Flaw, which reduces the base cost by 5 points. The character may only have a single blade – if such is the case, the Base Cost is reduced by 5 points, as the character has to use the base AV or EV. Claws (major revision) By Angry Rabbit

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Touch

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 4 Description: A character with the Claws power possesses claws of other sharpened attack methods (such as teeth, spines, or quills). When using this power to attack or to cut and rend materials, the character’s DEX acts as the AV while the APs of power are added to the character’s STR for the EV. The use of claws on a living being is always considered Killing Combat. Claws Being Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Helper(s): Roy Cowan

Physical Power

Link: BODY

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 04 Description: This Power usually represents a Character covered with spines, quills, or other sharpened protrusions. Anyone or anything touched by or touching a Character with an activated Claws Being Power, including contact made in hand-to-hand combat, incurs a Physical Attack with AV/EV equal to APs of Claws Being. This special attack form does not count as an Action for the Claws Being Character. The APs of Claws Being may also be substituted for a Character’s STR as the EV of any hand-to-hand attack. Depending on which set of Genre rules are in play (see page 219), use of the Claws Being Power on another Character could automatically constitute Killing Combat. Gamemasters are encouraged to determine this before play. Characters with non-retractable protrusions should buy this Power with the Always On Limitation. Cleanse by Sebastien Andrivet Mystical Power Link: Aura Base Cost: 5 Factor Cost: 1 Range Normal Type Automatic Description: If it just destroys dirt it's basically a decorative power—make it a FC 1 BC 5 affair, affecting APs of Volume. Thanks Adam and Sebastien! Clobber

By Morgan Champion Physical Power

Link: Str

Range: Touch

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 5

Factor Cost: 02 Description: Characters with this Martial Power may substitute their APs of Clobber for their EV in melee combat instead of STR. Unlike Claws, Clobber may be used to do either Bashing or Killing combat damage. Clobber cannot normally be used in Grappling combat: to do so is a +1FC Bonus. Cloud the Mind Author: Angry Rabbit Mystical Power Link: INFL Range: Normal

Type: Auto Base Cost: 50 Factor Cost: 4 Description: This power allows a character to temporarily alter a target’s personality by changing his Motivation. This is resolved as a mystical attack with APs of power as AV/EV and the target’s INFL/SPIRIT as OV/RV. If the RAPs of the attack are equal to half the target’s AURA, then his Motivation may be altered to a similar one (heroic or villainous). If the RAPs exceed the target’s AURA, then the character’s motivation is changed to an opposing one (from heroic to villainous or vice versa). RAPs less than half AURA have no effect. The changed motivation lasts for a time in APs equal to the APs of the power.

Compel Truth Author: Angry Rabbit Mental Power Link: WILL Range: Normal Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 5 Description: The character can force others to tell the truth. This truth will be only the truth that the target believes or is aware of. It could still be misinformation or incomplete if the target does not know better. This power is resolved as a mental attack with APs of power as AV/EV and the target’s WILL/MIND as OV/RV. RAPs are the number of questions that can be asked that a target must answer truthfully. Confusion Author: Angry Rabbit Mental Power Link: WILL Range: Normal Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 5 Description: The character can cause disorientation and confusion in a target, making it hard for the target to think clearly and move normally. This power is resolved as a mental attack with APs of power as AV/EV and the target’s INT/MIND as OV/RV. RAPs are subtracted from the target’s DEX and INT for a number of phases equal to the RAPs of the attack. Continuum Control (clarification) It takes an Automatic Action to use one of the powers mimicked by Continuum Control, even if that power is normally a dice action. Thus, up to three powers per phase can be used. This is a really scary power. Cosmic Awareness Link: Int Mental Power Range: Special Type: Dice Base Cost: 5 Factor Cost: 1 Description: Cosmic Awareness is essentially the same as the Awareness Power, except that it applies to non-mystically related events. This allows "technology/science-related situations" such as artificially created time fluxes, the destruction of planets, and other such "stellar events" to be detected.

Cosmic Vision v1.1 By Hominid71

Link: INT Mental Power Range: Normal Action Type: Auto Base Cost: 25 Factor Cost: 05

Description: This Power allows the User to see an entire array of subtle cosmic energies extending far beyond the conventional electromagnetic spectrum.  It incorporates Detect (Cosmic Energy), Detect (Magic) and X-Ray Vision, which actually involves being able to see one of these forms of energy rather than conventional X-rays, although the User may be unable to see through certain kinds of Force Fields. The User can select which energies he wishes to see, in any combination, and filter out the rest. Most Users will not usually choose to see the entire array at once, as this will tend to overwhelm them with a flood of visual data too great for their brains to effectively process. Beings or objects which possess Mystical or Mystic Linked Powers or which have been lastingly affected by such Powers emit a distinctive aura in the cosmic energy spectrum which is readily identifiable through the use of Cosmic Vision. The aura intensifies while such Powers are in active use, but this does not give any indication as to the nature of the magic being performed if it is not already evident. Crystal Production Author: Pufnstuff

Helper(s): Sébastien Andrivet, Azrael, William Chamberlin, Chris Cottingham, Roy Cowan, Gareth Lewis, Peter Piispanen

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Normal

Type: Auto/Dice

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 08 Description: This Power allows a Character to spontaneously generate crystalline structures using trace elements in the atmosphere. These structures may be created in any shape the user wishes, such as bridges, melee weapons, or enclosures, with a BODY score and maximum total volume equal to the APs of Crystal Production. The colors and opacity of the crystals produced by the Character should be determined at the time of the power’s purchase. A Character with an appropriate Artist Skill can even create aesthetically pleasing mosaics using a variety of colors. Note that stone is also a form of crystal and can thus be generated by this Power. Once chosen, the opacity or transparency of the crystals remains fixed unless the Character has purchased the Selective Opacity Bonus.

Specific applications include:

Creating barriers or enclosures around the user or other objects. These are treated as inanimate objects with a BODY equal to the APs of Crystal Production. Destroying or breaking through them thus requires a Physical Attack with the AV/EV equal to the EV of the attack and an OV/RV equal to the BODY/BODY of the barrier. A single RAP is sufficient to shatter such objects unless the Crystal Production Power is purchased with the Hardened Defenses Bonus.

Trapping targets in blocks of crystal. This requires an Action Check with AV/EV equal to DEX/APs of Power versus an OV/RV equal to the target’s DEX/STR. RAPs from this Check equal the BODY and volume of crystal that has trapped the target. The target’s DEX and movement speed is reduced by the RAPs achieved. To break free, the target must make a successful Physical Attack using STR/STR as AV/EV against an OV/RV equal to the RAPs of the original Check.

Making crystalline projectiles to Physically Attack others with DEX as AV and the APs of Crystal Production as EV.

Objects made with Crystal Production will dissipate after APs of time equal to the character’s APs of Crystal Production. Crystalline structures have a -2CS to their RV versus sonic or vibratory attacks. Those encased in an airtight crystalline structure may suffocate once the oxygen within runs out, depending on Genre. This can be avoided by purchasing the Porous Limitation. Other options to avoid suffocation include the purchase of Sealed Systems (Only Usable by those within Crystal Production Structures) to represent the crystalline enclosures generating a breathable atmosphere or Suspension (Only Usable within Crystal Production Structures) to allow the character to force those enclosed in his crystals to enter a state of hibernation. Crystal Production may be purchased with the following special Bonuses and Limitations:

Selectively Opaque (+1FC): The character can choose whether or not to make the crystals transparent or opaque, and can also opt to make some segments of a single structure opaque while other parts remain transparent. This can be used to practical or artistic effect.

Porous (-1FC): The crystals created by this character are porous, allowing free gas exchange. There is thus no possibility of people within a crystal structure being suffocated, but those same structures cannot be made airtight to protect against gas attacks or other atmospheric hazards. Porous crystal structures also suffer a -1CS to their RV as the porosity weakens the structures’ overall integrity.

Selectively Porous (+1FC): The character can choose whether or not to make any given crystal object Porous. This cannot be purchased in conjunction with the Porous Limitation as it already includes that option.

Sliding (+1FC): The Character may create a crystalline slides and chutes to move along the ground at a speed equal to her APs of Crystal Production (maximum movement speed of 8 APs).

Permanent (+3FC): By exerting extra effort, the character can make a crystal structure that will not dissipate when the normal time limit has elapsed. However, this structure still counts against the maximum total volume of crystal that can be created until the normal duration has elapsed, after which it is no longer counted against the total volume.

Ubiquitous Source (+2FC): The crystals are not derived from atmospheric trace elements but instead come from another inexhaustible source such as extra-dimensional summoning or solidified psychic energy. This allows the creation of crystals in any environment including total vacuum and allows the Character to ignore the maximum total volume restriction, though the total volume of crystal that can be created per phase is still restricted to the APs of Crystal Production. Characters with this Power include Krystalin of X-Men 2099, Kole of the New Teen Titans (pre-Crisis), Legion of Super-Heroes associate Crystal Kid, the Star Sapphires, and Superman X of the Legion of Super Heroes Animated Series. CYBERCONNECTION (or any better name) Author: Unknown Mental Power Link: Mind Range: special Type: Dice Base Cost: 25 Factor cost: 4 Description: This power allows the character to project his consciousness into a computer or electronic system. The body of the connected character enters a coma-like state or is paralysed with vacant looking eyes while his mind is in the net and can not perceive anything that is happening around him, but if he is physically hurt (killing combat) the character will feel it in the cyberspace. The character initially may only enter a system he is able to see or feel (by the use of some power) and only if it is up to a distance up to his APs of cyber connection. But once in he may travel the electronic medium with no limitation (so the special range). While in cyber space a character may 'travel' in the electronic media, as long as there are connections between the systems (internet, cable connections etc.). To enter a computer or intelligent system (any one with a Int score) the character must make an action check with the APs of power as AV/EV and the Int of the system as OV/RV, positive RAPs allow entrance and travel. Firewalls and protections (like antivirus and need of passwords) will increase the difficulty by 1 to 5 APs depending on it's complexity as judged by the game master. Once he is in, to be able to access any information from a given system the character must make an action check as described above. If a character accesses the information he can change, erase or transfer it at will. Of course the character may be unable to store that much information, unless he has the recall power or some mean of transferring the data somewhere (a linked computer to where he sends it, for instance). The character may also 'close' or 'open' (if it can be connected to some net) the system, which severs or connects its links to other parts of cyberspace. It is a Dice Action using the above rules but can only be done when you are INSIDE the system. The character may disconnect at any time, as long as the way back is possible. If the system is physically disconnected from the internet after the character enters it, for instance, this particular way is out of the question and he must make a forced exit. A system that has been 'closed' is also a good example of this case. A forced exit is an Auto Action, but doing it is very dangerous as the character suffers an attack with an AV/EV of 5 (the trauma of the exit) plus 1 for each AP of distance between his body and the machine he is in. he resists with his Int/Mind and the damage is Bashing Combat. CYBER COMBAT An intelligent system (with Will stat) or another cyberconnected character will be able to engage the character in cyber battle, which follows the normal hand to hand rules, but using Int/Will/Mind as Dex/Str/Body respectively and 'Identify Gadgetry' as if it was the Martial Arts Skill (Ok, it is not the perfect skill, any suggestion is welcome!). A system without a Mind score is considered to have 0 APs of it. The GM must be careful about which powers will and which will not be useful in cyberspace, superspeed will be used as normal, since his mind is also accelerated giving him bonus to initiative, replacing his INT score (that is his Dex in cyber combat), EV or RV. A character may 'run away' from 'cyberspace' by disconnecting in a hush, taking one full action (move dice and simple actions), but doing so he will receive a Mental Killing Attack with APs equal to the system's or opponent's Int, whichever is higher and, additionally take the forced exit damage if such is the case (the system was closed during the fight). A character who falls unconscious in the net is in a coma and his consciousness is trapped there until he can disconnect, if killed in the net his body dies of Mental Damage. A system that is knocked out (subdual damage) is out until a good old reboot brings it up again, which may take some time for a main frame for instance. If it is 'killed' (killing combat) it will have to be re-written and will take a very long time to recover its data and be able to run again, a gadgetry roll is needed to bring each of it's Powers and Attributes back to full operation, positive APs meaning full success for each one. A failed roll means the system lost that particular Power or Attribute and it must be built again with the gadget rules. of course cyber combat will not directly affect the physical equipment (causing body damage) CONTROLLING EQUIPMENT Many kinds of equipment are basically mechanical, but use electronic dedicated systems, dumber but more reliable means of doing the computational task. Cars, planes, weapons, powered battle armors and many other gadgets have this kind of feature. A character may try to control them through the Cyberconnection, but it is a very hard task, since their dedicated systems leave very little room for anything but the task it was designed to perform. If the equipment has electronic components but no Int score the OV/RV of the task is equal to the gadget's Body value and each round the character must check the power to be able to control it, if he fails at any time he suffers a forced exit. Bonus: (+5FC): The body disappears and is transported to the net, if you decide to exit cyberspace your body will reappear in the location of the system where you are. With this bonus there is no 'forced exit', but you take the killing attack normally if fleeing an enemy. Cybertelepathy Author: Angry Rabbit Mental Power Link: WILL Range: Normal Type: Auto/Dice Base Cost: 75 Factor cost: 10 Description: This power allows a character to mentally attack a machine and then access all of its programming and dictate all of its actions. It is an extremely versatile power, allowing the character remotely operate vehicles and weapons, manipulate computer databases and programs, psychically dominate robots, etc. If the character lacks the Genius advantage and uses this power against advanced technology, he suffers a +1 CS to all of his OV/RV. Against machines that have mystical attributes, the character with the power suffers a +2 CS to all of his OV/RVs due to the sentient machine’s innate resistance to outside control. The power will not work against magical artifacts, even those designed to resemble or mimic machines, nor will it affect machines that operate without electricity, like ancient weapons and vehicles.

To control a machine, the user must make an action check with the AV/EV being the APs of Cybertelepathy and the OV/RV being either the computer’s INT/WILL or the machine’s APs of power in its primary function (movement power for vehicles, attack power for weapons, sensory power for sensors, protection power for defenses, etc). If the RAPs exceed the computer’s MIND or the machine’s APs of power in its primary function, the machine falls under the user’s control and will remain controlled until the user voluntarily releases the machine, the character is knocked unconscious, or a skilled character takes back control of the machine.

While controlled, the machine’s actions are entirely dictated by the power user. The user must expend an Automatic Action each phase to transmit instructions to the any and all machines under his control, with no need for direct communication (instructions are given mentally with an unlimited range).

Controlling a computer, the user may perform any of the following actions:

The character can locate, browse, access, and steal information from the computer’s memory banks or from a website. If the information is freely and readily available, this is an automatic action. This is resolved with a Dice Action using the character’s APs of power as AV/EV and the computer’s INT/MIND as OV/RV. RAPs are the APs of information gathered from the computer. These RAPs are limited by the computer’s APs of Recall.

The character can implant false information into the computer’s memory, including false images and recordings, or alter a website. The AV/EV of this attempt is equal to the character’s APs of power and the OV/RV is the target computer’s Recall/WILL. RAPs indicate the APs of false or altered information that the character can implant, as well as the OV/RV of Perception Checks to recognize that information has been altered or planted.

The character can attack the computer or network. This attack has an AV/EV of the character’s APs of power and an OV/RV of the computer’s INT/MIND. RAPs are MIND damage done to the computer. Using Spy (Hacking), Weaponry, or Vehicles (or other appropriate skill), or an appropriate power, a character can wrest control of the machine from the user. Doing this requires an action check with the APs of skill acting as AV/EV and the APs of Cybertelepathy being the OV/RV. Hero Point expenditure on the OV/RV is not allowed. If/when the cumulative RAPs of this check exceed the cybertelepath’s APs of power, then the control is broken. A machine with mystical attributes can attempt to break free on its own each phase with an AV/EV equal to its INT/WILL against the cybertelepath’s APs of power as OV/RV. Hero Point expenditure on the OV/RV is not allowed. If/when the cumulative RAPs of this check exceed the cybertelepath’s APs of power, then the control is broken. Damage Absorption Author: J.D. Marquart for Pulsar Games based on Mayfair

Physical Power

Link: BODY

Range: Self

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 75

Factor Cost: 08 Description: This Power allows a Character to absorb APs of damage from Physical attacks and add it to his own Attributes and/or Powers. Every time the Character is hit by a Physical attack, he makes an Action Check using the APs of Damage Absorption as AV/EV against an OV/RV equal to the RAPs done by the attack. The resulting RAPs are subtracted from the RAPs done by the attack. If any attacking RAPs remain, they are applied against the Character as normal. The subtracted RAPs can be distributed among one or more of the Character's Powers or Attributes. This increase in APs will last for a time in APs equal to the APs of Damage Absorption. The Powers and Attributes that Damage Absorption applies to must be defined when the Power is purchased. Five Hero Points must be added to the Base Cost of Damage Absorption for each eligible Power or Attribute past the second. Damage Absorption may be purchased with the following Limitations: Only Useable Against Hand-to-Hand Attacks (-1 FC), and Only Useable Against One Energy Type (Electrical, Light, Sonic, etc.) (-2 FC).

Damage Absorption (as seen on Sudden Death’s Who’s Who entry) Author: Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: BODY Range: Self Type: Dice

Base Cost: 75 Factor cost: 8

Description: This Power allows a character to absorb APs of damage from Physical attacks and add it to his own Attributes and/or Powers. Every time the character is hit by a Physical attack, he makes an Action Check using the APs of Damage Absorption as AV/EV against an OV/RV equal to the RAPs done by the attack. The resulting RAPs are subtracted from the RAPs done by the attack. If any attacking RAPs remain they are applied to the character normally. The subtracted RAPs can then be distributed among one or more of the character’s Attributes or Powers. The increase in APs will last for a time in APs equal to the APs of Damage Absorption.

The Powers and Attributes that Damage Absorption applies to must be defined when the Power is purchased. Five Hero Points must be added to the base cost of Damage Absorption for each Power or Attributes past the second.

Damage Absorption can be purchased with a -1 Factor Cost Limitation: Only Usable Against Hand-to-Hand Attacks, or a -2 Factor Cost Limitation: Only Usable Against One Energy Type (Electrical, Light, Sonic, etc.).

Damage Capacity v1.3.1 Author: By Patrick Good and Paul “Z” Ewande

Helper(s): Andrew J. Aitken, Mark Ayen, William Chamberlain, Roy Cowan, Phil Dixon, Adam Fuqua, Kal-El el Vigilante, Phillip John Mason

Physical, Mental, or Mystical Power

Link: Body, Mind, or Spirit

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 06 Description: Damage Capacity increases the amount of damage the user can sustain and still function, without increasing the user’s resistance to damage. These Powers, purchased separately for each type of damage, raise the user’s maximum Current Resistance Condition (Body, Mind or Spirit) by the APs of the power. The type of Damage Capacity should be noted (Damage Capacity (Physical), for example) but can be assumed to be Physical if unlisted. Damage Capacity has no affect on the user’s RV and the Character cannot use more than his base Resistance Value in HPs to bolster his RV. While Damage Capacity does not enhance the Character’s RV, it does add to the Resistance Attribute when determining the point of death, the amount of RAPs that can be negated by Last Ditch Defense, and when determining Stun results on the Character. Example: A Character with BODY 10 and Damage Capacity (Physical): 10 starts with 20 Current Body Condition, has a base Physical RV of 10, can add up to 10 APs to his RV with HPs, can negate up to 20 RAPs with LDD, is only Stunned if taking 20+ RAPs in a single attack, and dies upon reaching -21 or lower Current BODY. Damage Capacity can be purchased with the following Limitations: No Negative Capacity (Power does not affect point of death, -1 FC); Negative Capacity Only (Power only affects point of death, -3 FC); and No Extra LDD Capacity (-1 FC). For those who think that the BODY of stock vehicles in DC Heroes is high, Damage Capacity is a good solution — lower BODY a bit and add Damage Capacity APs so vehicles are easier to damage but not necessarily easier to wreck.

Damage Restoration

Author: michael

Mystical Power Link: Aura Range: Touch Type: Automatic Base Cost: 15 Factor Cost: 5 Description: The character with Damage Restoration can mend the physical damage of objects and takes that damage into him/herself. The use of this power takes 4 APs of time (15); the user must stay in contact with the inanimate object during this time. The number of APs power will eliminate the same number of damage APs to the object. The user is at risk of being injured by the process. Use the RAPs of damage that have been restored in the object as the AV/EV and the INFL/Spirit of the user as the OV/RV. RAPs will be distributed as damage between the Spirit and the Body of the user randomly.

Note: this power does not repair broken Gadgets! It makes whole the components but not the function e.g. it will restore and renew the face, hands, gears and et cetera of a clock but it does not assemble them or even start the clock; a Gadgetry (Build Gadget) roll is still required to repair the broken clock. The GM will rule on any advantage this restored damage provides to the clockmaker's repairs. The Power can be purchased with the following bonus:

* Cure type of additional damage [Mind, Spirit] (+2 FC)

Designer's notes: this mystical power was inspired by the Mending type spells found in the Dungeons & Dragons type games. This power would typically be taken with the following bonuses: Ranged; User does not suffer risk of injury and Without limitation of time. Data Storage Author: Sébastien Andrivet and Roy Cowan

Helper(s): Clarkus, Elias dosSantos, Adam Fuqua, Eric Langendorff, Dr. Peter S Piispanen

Mental Power

Link: WILL

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 01 Description: This Power represents the ability to store data, commonly in a computerized format. Basic playback and access is included in the Power, but detailed searches of the data included therein may require use of the Recall Power at the GM’s option. The Base Cost includes 20 APs of information capacity, so 1 AP of Data Storage is 20 APs of data or 1 GigaByte. Data Storage can be bought with the Low Tech Limitation, which reduces Base Cost to 1 and eliminates the bonus +20 APs of Data that the Power typically begins with. The Increased Capacity Bonus adds 4 APs to the starting Bonus APs for each +1FC; for example, +8 Increased Capacity (for a total beginning base capacity of +28) would cost +2 FC.

|APs of Data |Data Capacity |Examples |

|22 |4 GigaBytes (GB) |Single-Side Single Layer DVD (4.7 GB) ~130 minutes (11 APs) of high quality audio/video* |

|25 |32 GB |Blu-Ray DVD (25 GB) |

|30 |1 TeraByte (TB) | |

|39 |500 TB |Internet Archive as of 2004 (300 TB) |

|40 |1 PetaByte (PB) | |

|43 |8 PB |Google’s Server Farm Capacity as of 2004 (5.625) |

|48 |250 PB |Total printed information on Earth as of 2004 (200 PB) |

|60 |1 ZetaByte | |

|61 |2 ZB |Information density of 1 gram of DNA (2.25 ZB) |

*Different durations of similar quality recording can be determined by adding or subtracting the difference in APs of time. One day of recording capacity (15 APs of time) would require an additional 4 APs of data storage. Lower quality recordings can reduce the total needed APs of data capacity by 1 to 3 APs while higher quality recordings will add at least as many APs. Estimates of the data storage capacity of the human brain vary greatly. Common suggested numbers range from 3 Terabytes (Tb) to 1,000 TB (32 to 40 APs of data), though there are some higher and lower estimates. Sufficient capacity to hold not just a person’s total memories but a functioning mind will likely require a thousand-fold increase (an additional +10 APs). A complete copy of a single human genome is 2.9 GB (22 APs of data). Up to 80% of the human genome may be entrons (“junk” DNA that serves no purpose) or redundancies, so a more complex lifeform could still have a smaller genome sequence by virtue of less “wasted space.” Conversely, simpler lifeforms may have much larger genomes because of an even greater abundance of those fillers. The genome sequence of common e coli bacteria is 4.7 GB (23 APs of data) and that of wheat is 16 Gb (25 APs). Developer’s note: This Power replicates (with some adjustments) the original functioning of Recall, which was changed in the later editions of the game from being simple storage of information to an information retrieval Power.

Devour Author: Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: BODY Range: Touch Type: Dice Base Cost: 75 Factor cost: 10 Description: This power allows a character to eat anything that will fit into his mouth without harm. This includes guns, rocks, knives, etc. As long as the item will fit into the character’s mouth, he can eat it. This is a physical attack with the character’s APs of power as AV/EV. The OV/RV of objects is their BODY. For living beings, OV/RV is their DEX/BODY. The character can also eat explosive devices, though if the Bomb power of the device is high enough, it still causes damage. Subtract the character’s APs of Devour from the device’s APs of Bomb. The remainder is the EV of the explosive after it has been eaten. Make no roll for this attack- the explosive automatically hits- simply compare the modified EV to the character’s BODY on the Result Table. RAPs are Killing Damage taken by the character. Devour used against living targets is considered Killing Combat. Note that a creature that simply possesses jaws and teeth large enough to eat living beings, like a shark, does not have this power- they have the Claws power. Disinfect Author: Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Touch

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 02 Description: This Power enables the Character to disinfect objects and people- the APs of Disinfect are applied as the AV/EV of a Physical Attack against the APs of Infection as the OV/RV, and the RAPs of Disinfect are subtracted from the APs of Infection.If the APs of Infection are reduced to zero, the Infection becomes dormant. The Infection will only be completely gone if the RAPs of Disinfect reduce the APs of Infection to its negative value- a 4 AP Infection has to be reduced to -4 APs or greater. The Infection Power can regain lost APs by making a Killing Recovery Check every day (15 APs). Inorganics Only (-1FC): The Disinfect Power harms organic tissue. In game terms, the RAPs of Disinfect are subtracted from the Current BODY Condition of any organic tissue touched by the Disinfect Power, as if the being had been Physically Attacked. Dispersal v2 Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Mental Power

Link: WILL

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 100

Factor Cost: 02 Description: This Power enables the Character to become intangible – for instance by dispersing their atoms, or somehow becoming out of phase when compared to the normal world. An intangible Character can freely move through physical objects and other Characters; they cannot affect matter and matter cannot affect them. Likewise, energy in the physical world (fire, electricity, etc.) is normally irrelevant for the Character – they cannot affect it and it cannot affect them. Somehow, the Character remains able to breathe when in a Dispersed state. Characters with Dispersal are frequently, but not always, able to use the Air Walking Power. This Power should be bought separately, and possibly made Contingent Upon the Dispersal Power. Force fields (such as those produced by the Force Field, Force Wall or Force Shield Powers) can stop a Dispersed Character. To pass through one, the Character must pit their Dispersal APs as AV/OV against the force field’s AP value as OV/RV. If RAPs are scored the Character can pass through the force field, which takes an amount of time equal to the APs of the force field minus the RAPs. In some campaigns, Dispersal-resistant material exists as a plot device to stop intangible Characters. Such material would have APs of Force Wall in addition to its BODY, possibly with the Only To Oppose Dispersal (-2FC) Limitation. Dispersal makes a Character tougher to locate using Radar, Sonar or Thermal Vision – any Perception Check using this Power against a Dispersed Character have the activated APs of Dispersal added to the OV/RV. Two Characters capable of Dispersal may be able to physically interact with each other. This is automatic if both Characters are willing to interact; if a Character with Dispersal is attempting to affect another Character with Dispersal without their consent, this requires an Action Check. Such an attempt takes an Automatic Action and pits the attacking Character’s Dispersal APs as the AV/OV against the defending Character’s Dispersal as the OV/RV. One or more RAPs allow the Characters to physically interact with each other, yet both remain intangible to the real world. The “solidify inside a target” ability and Partial Dispersal Bonus remain unchanged from the standard rules. Wallpass Limitation (-1FC): Wallpass makes it harder to pass through matter. When walking through an obstacle, the Character takes an amount of time equal to the BODY of the obstacle minus his APs of Dispersal. If the object has APs of Density Increase, those are added to its BODY for the purposes of this calculation. Only To Affect Dispersed (BC becomes 10): The Character cannot use Dispersal to become intangible or make themselves harder to locate via Radar, Sonar or Thermal Vision, but only to attempt to affect Dispersed Characters. The APs of Dispersal for such a Character can only be used to touch a Character with Dispersal, as explained above. Earth Control (revision) This power also allows a character to create barriers of earth that add his APs of power to his RV against physical attacks. He can also create constructs of earth that possess a STR and BODY. The APs of these attributes can be designated by the character by dividing his APs of power between them. Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) v1.1.1 Author: Bryant Berggren

Helper(s): Unknown

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 03 Description: This Power allows a Character to generate a powerful burst of electromagnetic energy, which disrupts electrical equipment and radio transmissions. The Character makes an Action Check, using the APs of Power as the AV/EV against the target’s DEX/BOD as the OV/RV. RAPs gained by the attack are subtracted from the APs of any electronic-based Power or Attribute the target possesses (including Mental Attributes, the Data Storage and/or Recall Power of computers, and any Radio Communication or similar Power). Any equipment being carried by the target is automatically “hit” as well. Developer’s Note: This Power was written to replace the modified application of Magnetic Control for atomic weapons in earlier editions of the game. Another version of EMP rules can now be found as part of BoH:SE’s Electrical Control Power; The two differ primarily in that EMP is an active energy discharge while the damaging portion of Electrical Control uses electricity already existing in the target (and thus uses BOD/BOD as its OV/RV instead). As with the earlier use of Magnetic Control, Electromagnetic Pulse can substitute for Electrical Control in nuclear weapons at the GM’s preference. Electromagnetic Vision v1.0

By Hominid71

Mental Power

Link: INT

Range: Normal

Type: Auto Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 05 Description: This Power allows the User to see the entire conventional electromagnetic spectrum (gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared rays, radar waves, microwaves, radio waves and extremely low frequency or ELF waves). It incorporates Truesight, Ultra Vision and Thermal Vision. It does not incorporate X-Ray Vision, since despite its name that Power does not actually involve being able to see X-rays. The ability to see radio waves only allows the User to detect when a radio or television signal is being broadcast and to locate its source. It does not equate to Radio Communication, since he cannot decipher the information content of the transmission. The User can select which electromagnetic wavelengths he wishes to see, in any combination, and filter out the rest. Most Users will not usually choose to see the entire spectrum at once, as this will tend to overwhelm them with a flood of visual data too great for their brains to effectively process. EMP Shielding v1.0 By Bryant Berggren Helpers: Unknown Physical Power Link: Body Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 05 Factor Cost: 04 Description: This Power allows a Character or Gadget to protect himself from an Electromagnetic Pulse. The APs of Shielding are added to the RV against any EMP attack. APs of Shielding are not transferable unless purchased with the Usable By Others or Area Effect Bonuses. EMP Shielding normally will not protect equipment the character has on his person, without taking the Protects Personal Items Bonus (+1 FC). Energy Animation Author: Angry Rabbit Mystical Power Link: AURA Range: Normal

Type: Auto Base Cost: 30 Factor Cost: 8 Description: This power allows a character to summon into being a creature of pure energy. The being will follow the instructions of the character for a time in APs equal to the character’s APs of power. After that time, the being dissipates. A character using Energy Animation divides the APs of power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the energy elemental’s DEX, STR and BODY while the second number serves as its INFL, AURA and SPIRIT against mystical attacks. Elementals do not possess mental attributes and, as such, are immune to all mental attacks. The energy elemental occupies a volume equal to its APs of STR and moves at a speed equal to its DEX. Energy Being Replaces: Electric Being (p. 72), Flame Being (p. 75), Frostbite (p. 78), & Icing (p. 81). Physical Power Link: STR Range: Self Type: Dice Base Cost: 10 Factor Cost: 6 Description: Characters with Energy Being can cover themselves with a sheet of energy (the exact energy is chosen when the Power is first purchased, though, as with Energy Project, the character can purchase different types of Energy Being) while sustaining no damage. The energy covering lasts as long as the Power-user expends an Automatic Action or remains conscious. If the character is attacked by an attack with the same energy type as the Power, the APs of Energy Being are added to the RV. Conversely, any attack by an opposing energy type (e.g. heat vs. cold) causes the character to suffer a -2CS penalty to the RV. (This penalty is not cumulative- two different Powers with the same special effect do not make the character suffer a -4CS penalty, just a -2CS penalty). Furthermore, anyone touched by (or touching) a character with active Energy Being incurs a Physical Attack with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Energy Being; this special attack does not count as an Action for the character with Energy Being. Characters with Energy Being may also substitute their APs of Energy Being for their STR in hand-to-hand combat. Designer's Notes: This Power was intended to serve as a replacement for all the above listed Powers, and to be used as a base to design other, similar Powers (Anybody want Acid Being, to name just one possible example?) Energy Control Author: Angry Rabbit Mental Power Link: WILL Range: Normal Type: Auto/Dice Base Cost: 20 Factor cost: 9 Description: This power allows a character to control energy. This includes all types of energy, including electricity, heat, solar, radiation, etc. It does not include elemental energy types like magma, fire, air, water, etc. Nor does it include sonic or kinetic energy. This allows the character to mimic the following powers:

* The character can create bursts of energy that can be blasted at targets. This is a physical attack with APs of power as AV/EV. Each time an energy attack is made, the character must declare what kind of energy he is using in the attack.

* The character may add his APs of power to his RV when resisting any energy-based attack.

* The character can also create constructs of energy that possess a STR and BODY. The APs of these attributes can be designated by the character by dividing his APs of power between them.

* The character may drain the energy from objects, including robots. This is a physical attack with APs of power as AV/EV and the object’s APs of primary power as OV/RV. Primary power is the power which the object uses as its primary function, like a vehicle’s movement power or a weapon’s attack power. Only objects that require energy are affected by this drain. RAPs of the attack are added to the R# of the object until it either fails a reliability roll or is recharged.

If attacking a robot, each of the robot’s powers must be targeted separately for attack. RAPs become the burn out number for power burnouts when the robot uses affected powers.

* The character can recharge an object. This requires that he touch the object and dedicate his Dice Action to the recharge. The object is restored to operational status. Only objects that use energy are affected by this power. The character can restore lost MIND and SPIRIT to damaged robots as if healing them. He can also restore lost APs of burnt out powers. In this case, the user makes a Dice Action with APs of power as AV/EV and the RAPs of damage or lost power as OV/RV. RAPs are restored APs. Only one damaged ability may be restored at a time.

Energy Control

Mental Power Link: INT

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 75

Factor Cost: 09 Description: A character with Energy Control can remove or summon electro-magnetic energies of all types in all forms. Examples include: Heat/Fire, light, Electrical, Radio waves, Gamma-rays or Exotic high energy particles. The character can split the AP’s of power between uses (example: attack and defense) A character with Energy Control can:

The user may use beams or bursts of energy at an opponent in an attempt to damage him/her/it. This is treated as a Physical Attack using the APs of Energy Control as AV/EV and the target’s DEX/BODY as OV/RV. Note: Whatever resistances the target may have are applicable to Energy control attack. Example: A character with Energy Control aims a heat beam at an opponent with Flame immunity. The target would be able to use the flame resistance as normal. If the Attacking Character had chosen an electrical attack the defensive power would not apply.

The Character can us Energy control as a defense against any energy based attacks in a fashion similar to flame immunity but to any energy type.

The character can control ambient energy up to a normal range. This includes blocking or jamming TV and radio signals (both wired and wireless). S/he can simply shut down power to any or all devices in range. OV/ RV to this attack are as a normal physical attack. Any positive RAPs will indicate Shutdown for the same RAPs of time.

The character can cause a flash as the power of the same name at the APs of Energy Control.

The character can broadcast TV or radio signals like a normal transmitter inside their normal range. The OV/RV is 03 for radio and 08 for TV. Energy Control is available with the Limitation: Can only control one type of energy, which reduces the Base cost to 30 and the Factor cost to 05. Energy Conversion By maficklin@

Helper(s): Rewritten by Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: Strength

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 50

Factor Cost: 7 Description: The Energy Conversion Power allows the user to transform one form of energy into another. A character could convert electrical energy (or any other) into sound, thermal energy, gamma rays, radio waves, etc.

|Types of energy |Associated Powers |

|electrical |Lightning |

|sonics |Sonic Beam |

|kinetic |Attraction/Repulsion |

|thermal |Pyrotechnics |

|radio waves |Radio Communication |

|gamma rays |Energy Blast (specific) |

|light |Flash, Laser Beam |

|anti-matter |Disintegration |

|explosive |Bomb |

Energy Conversion can convert another willing characters energy Powers into another energy type, provided the subject are within the APs of Range of the Power, and the character with Energy Conversion sacrifices his Dice Action for the phase. The APs that can be converted are equal to the character'sAPs of Energy Conversion. Note that Energy Conversion does not alter the power of a character, just the effect produced by him when Energy Conversion is being used. This is particularly useful to face certain opponents who are vulnerable to certain types of energy.

If an enemy attacks the Power-user with an energy attack, the character with Energy Conversion can convert it into some kind of innocuous radiation that does no damage (radio waves for example), by performing a Dice Action with the APs of Energy Conversion as the AV/EV, the attackers Dexterity, Weaponry or Accuracy) as the OV, and the APs of the energy Power as the RV. RAPs indicate success, and the character is not hurt by the blast. If a character with Energy Conversion is attacked during a phase before he's declared any actions, he can declare he's using Energy Conversion that phase, thus using his Dice Action. A character physically attacked during a phase not declared using Energy Conversion has the option to cancel his action for the phase and use Energy Conversion. If he performed a Dice Action that phase, he can still use the power but cannot perform a Dice Action in the next phase (unless he uses Energy Conversion again.) Energy Conversion can be purchased with the following Limitations: Only converts one type of energy into any specific type of energy. ( -1 FC) Only converts one type of energy to another specific type of specific energy. ( -2 FC)

Energy Project Replaces: Flame Project (p. 75), Lightning (p. 84). Physical Power Link: STR Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 15 Factor Cost: 3 Description: Characters with Energy Project can project a bolt of energy (usually flame or lightning, but it may be of any energy type) from their body as a Physical Attack, using the APs of Power as the OV/RV and the target's DEX/BODY as the OV/RV, with the Range equal to the APs of Power. The character can purchase this Power multiple times, but each Energy Project must be different in some way. (This doesn't mean just different APs levels. It could mean they have different Bonuses and/or Limitations, or it could mean they are different energy types.)

Energy Resistance (All)

By Morgan Champion

Helper(s): None

Physical Power

Link: Body

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 50

Factor Cost: 06 Description: Characters with Energy Resistance add their APs of this Power to their RV when affected by Physical attacks that burn or freeze their targets. Each attack form that Energy Resistance doesn't protect against reduces the Base Cost by 5 HPs, to a minimum of 10 HP. (If the character wants to be resistant to a particular energy type, that character must purchase the Immunity Power). Enhanced Initiative

By: Morgan Champion

Helper(s): Joshua Marquart

Physical Power

Link: Dex

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 5

Factor Cost: 05 Description: Characters with this Power add the APs of Enhanced Initiative to their Initiative. This is cumulative with the Initiative boost from Martial Artist and/or Superspeed. Designer's Notes: Yes, I know about the standard version of this Power. However, I don't agree with the given BC & FC. The above Base & Factor Cost are figured as follows: I take Attribute Boost (BC 5 FC 6) add the Affects Initiative Bonus (+1 FC) and the No AV & OV Limitations (a total -2 FC for a final FC of 5) and the Affected by Other Abilities Extra. I've also assumed that the Enhanced Initiative is normally bought with the Acts Like an Advantage Extra. Enhanced Movement

By: Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: Str

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 5

Factor Cost: 03 Description: Characters with this Power use their strong leg muscles to move at superhuman speeds. A character with this power may substitute their APs of Enhanced Movement for their APs of DEX when running or swimming (but without the caps on maximum movement rates.) The character with Enhanced Movement may also substitute the APs of Enhanced Movement for equal APs of the Jumping Power.


By: Morgan Champion

Mental Power

Link: Will

Range: +7

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 50

Factor Cost: 04 Description: Characters with this Power can teleport other objects and beings within the listed Range (but not themselves - to do that requires the Teleportation Power.) Example: Cyborg 001 (from the Cyborg 009 manga & anime) has tremendously powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities (in the 2001 anime he's demonstrated Telepathy, Mind Probe, may have Life Sense, Force Field, has either Mind and/or Mental Blast, and Telekinesis). He can also teleport unconscious beings or objects (as shown when he teleported 009 away from the 0010 twins Combined electrical attacks). Extra Limbs (revised) Replaces: Extra Limb (p. 74). Link: STR Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 5 Factor Cost: 5 Description: A Character with the Extra Limbs Power has a fully functional additional limb or appendage that is not possessed by normal human beings. Examples include prehensile tails, extra arms, etc. When making a Grappling Attack, or when attempting to break a Grapple, a Character with Extra Limbs may add his APs of Extra Limbs to the AV of the attack. Likewise, a Character with Extra Limbs may add his APs of Extra Limbs to his OV when resisting an opponent’s attempt to break a Grapple. Additionally, once involved in a Grapple, a Character with Extra Limbs may still make Physical Attacks on Characters other than the opponent with whom he is Grappled, but he must accept Multi-Attack penalties to account for the Grappled opponent. Additional limbs may be purchased for an additional +5 Base Cost per limb. Extrasensory Perception or ESP

Author: Roy Cowan

Helpers: Sebastien Andrivet, Pawsplay, Peter Piispanen

Mental Power

Link: INT

Range: 1/2 APs, rounding down.

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 15

Factor Cost: 4

Description: When this Power is active, which requires the expenditure of an Automatic Action each phase, it allows its user to perceive the environment around them as if they could see it clearly despite visual impediments. Such characters seem to have eyes in the back of their head, reacting to events behind or above them as if they were looking directly at them. It is impossible to Blindside someone with this Power unless the attack originates outside the Power's Range and they can Block or otherwise respond to attacks and other events taking place out of their line of sight as if they were in view.

The APs of this Power can also be used to overcome penalties for visual impediments such as the Fog or Flash Powers or being blindfolded or in darkness. When these penalties are measured in APs or RAPs, the APs of ESP can offset them on a one-to-one basis. If the user has 6 APs of ESP and takes 7 RAPs in a Flash attack, he can reduce the result to 1 RAP. If the penalties take the form of Column Shifts, then the APs can be used to lower the OV and/or RV to normal levels. If the user is suffering a +2CS to OV due to natural darkness, then APs of ESP can be subtracted from the OV to reduce it to its pre-modifier column. Perceiving the environment with Extrasensory Perception does not count as eye contact for purposes of Powers and other qualities triggered by directly viewing the phenomenon in question. However, it does count as telepathic contact in cases where that is a factor.

This perception attenuates rapidly with successive solid physical obstacles the character is attempting to see past. Sensing events in this instance requires a Perception Check with an AV/EV equal to the APs of ESP and a base OV/RV equal to twice the APs of the distance using normal math. Thus, no Check would be needed within 0 APs as it will automatically be fully successful, while anything taking place 1 AP away would have an OV/RV of 02/02, and so forth. Each intervening obstacle such as a wall adds +1CS to the OV/RV, possibly more if said obstacle is especially thick or dense or the material has an unusual resistance to penetration by psychic abilities (GM's judgement).

If the above Perception Check achieves at least 1 RAP the Character has a vague sense of what they are "seeing", as if through a dense fog. RAPs equal to at least half the RV (rounding up) give a strong general perception as if viewing the scene through a slightly out of focus lens. RAPs equal to or greater than the RV gives the Character a crystal-clear image. This Perception Check is considered part of the Automatic Action spent to keep the Power active and does not prevent the Character from making another standard Perception Check with their normal vision at the same time. Blind psychics often purchase this Power with the Compensatory Bonus (+2FC). This gives ESP a Normal Range and using it no longer consumes an Automatic Action each phase—it is treated as being Always On. Characters with Compensatory ESP treat blindness as a MPR, as the Power eliminates most of the disadvantages of that Drawback.

Many Jedi have this Power between 4 to 8 APs. Madame Web from the Spider-Man comics also had this Power. Extra-Sensory Tracking Author: Chris Cottingham

Helper(s): Eric Langendorff, Frank Murdock

Link: WILL

Range: Special/Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 04 Description: This Power allows a Character to hunt down other characters through the use of extra-sensory insights, independent of any physical tracks or traces. It may function through a variety of methods, depending on the character. The hunter may be telepathically detecting the quarry’s mind, following psychic or ectoplasmic residue, be guided by clairvoyant or precognitive visions, have a subconscious knowledge which gradually surfaces at need, etc. It may simply be a highly developed intuitive sense, where the tracker has ill-explained hunches guiding his/her steps. The Extra-Sensory Tracker must be within Normal Range of the quarry in order to initially “tune” his or her particular brand of insight to follow a particular quarry. Once a quarry has been tuned in, Range no longer matters, so long as the Character is following the trail. Note that this Power does not immediately reveal the quarry’s location, as Life Sense or Detect might. The Power reveals the trail, the Power user must follow the trail step by step to arrive at the target’s current location. The AV/EV of a Telepathic Tracking attempt is the APs of Power; OV/RV are the quarry’s INT/MIND. Any active APs of Mind Blank are added to RV while Obscure adds to OV and RV. A +2 CS OV/RV penalty applies if the Character is unfamiliar with the quarry. (GM discretion on what constitutes “familiarity” with a quarry, it may be through a personal relationship, through a prior psychic contact such as a telepathic communication or a vision via Precognition or Postcognition, etc.). If the Character has a limited familiarity, or is operating from a detailed description and/or a photograph, then the OV/RV penalty is reduced to +1 CS. RAPs of a successful check are the length of time the Character can follow the trail before a new Action Check is needed. Typically, a failed Action Check simply means a delay, as the Character can try the next Phase to pick up the trail again. Some versions of Extra-Sensory Tracking may have a Decaying Limitation (-1 FC) where a failed action check means the psychic trail has faded beyond the point where it can be followed. In that case, the quarry would have to be reacquired through the “tuning in” process mentioned above before tracking could presumed. (This explains why many police psychics might carry a photo with them, in case they need to “tune in” on the target again.) If the quarry has gone outside of normal Range in the interim, then the trail is lost. Extra-Sensory Tracking would be possessed, most famously, by Dawnstar of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Dr. Strange, or his amulet, often seems to use this ability, sometimes following a trail in astral form. Other characters who have or could develop Extra-Sensory Tracking include many police psychics and fictional “psychic detectives”. Saturn Girl has a Limited version of it, Derived from her Telepathy and requiring her to have had previous telepathic contact with the quarry. Many other characters may have this Power with similar Limitations. For example, some police psychics may have Extra-Sensory Tracking Contingent on clairvoyant or psychometric skills such as Postcognition or Object Awareness. (Think again of that police psychic who carries a photo or something from the crime scene to “tune in” the quarry.) Rachel Summers, with her ability to detect psychic residue and her skill as a telepathic “hound” might also develop this ability. Fabricate Author: Angry Rabbit Mystical Power Link: AURA Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 100 Factor Cost: 10 Description: The character can produce objects from thin air, either creating them or pulling them forth from a pocket dimension. The items created can be anything that can be worn or carried (like a weapon or armor) and appears on the body of the character or in his hand. Once created, the item remains created for a time in APs equal to the APs of power or until it has taken enough damage to destroy it. The item functions exactly like a Gadget- hand held objects can be taken away or dropped in combat and worn objects cannot. The creation of an item always takes the user’s dice action, even though he does not have to roll any dice. The item can have any physical attribute, including italicized attributes, or powers the character wishes, but the total APs of the abilities cannot exceed the character’s APs of Power. This power can be purchased with a special +2 FC Bonus: Items May Possess Mental or Mystical Abilities. Each is a separate bonus. Fireball Author: Morgan Champion


Physical Power Link: STR

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 15

Factor Cost: 04 Description: A character with the Fireball Power can project a burst of flame that explodes when it hits an intervening object or person (usually its intended target). The explosion uses the APs of Fireball as the AV/EV against everything within 0 APs of the center explosion. Nearby objects are also damaged, but every AP of distance between the Fireball and an object or person reduces the AV/EV by 2 APs. (In other words, it's like the Bomb Power, but with the following important differences: it can be projected at up to normal Range, and the Fireball-user is not protected from the Fireball damage.) Morgan’s notes: This is the classic Fireball, as per D & D. Flame Control (revision) This power also allows a character to create constructs of fire that possess a STR and BODY. The APs of these attributes can be designated by the character by dividing his APs of power between them. Flexible Body Author: Sébastien Andrivet – rewritten & renamed by Morgan Champion

Helper(s): Ethan Roe, Eric Langendorff, Roy Cowan

Physical Power Link: BODY

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 10

Factor Cost: 02 Description: This limited form of the Fluid Form Power can only be used to pass through small passages and holes, or fit into small spaces (substitute the APs of Flexible Body for Shrinking on the Shrinking Table). None of the other effects of Fluid Form apply. For instance, Flexible Body: 05 can be used to fit through any aperture, or hide into any space, something the size of a house cat could reasonably fit in – since house cats have 5 APs of Shrinking. Such movement is performed at a speed of 1, unless the Character also has a +1 FC Bonus from a suitable movement Power (such as Running) to have it apply to Squeezing movement. A Character can have both Shrinking (often Always On) and Flexible Body – do a straight addition (e.g. 3+3=6) to see what the Character can Squeeze Through. For instance the aforementioned house cats have one AP of Flexible Body on top of their Shrinking, at least when they are young. Flexible Body is often the produce of flexible bones (or being an invertebrate!), but can also be used to describe Characters who have a very limited form of Fluid Form or Anatomical Separation, some advanced form of circus contortionist training, etc. Designer’s notes: For years we gave characters who can do that one or two APs of Fluid Form, but it gradually became obvious that it didn’t really work – and in fact created more problems than it solved. Flexible Body emerged as the best approach after trying numerous angles to model Characters with flexible bones such as the Cobra, Ragdoll, Hepzibah, Morbius, etc. Focus By Morgan Champion Mental Power Link: Will Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost 50 Factor cost: 7 Description: Whenever the character uses the Focus Power, one of the Character's Powers is boosted by the APs of Focus, and all the other innate Powers (i.e. Powers not bought as Gadgets) drop to 0 APs until the Focus power is turned off. Force Field (revision) A Force Field that can protect others can contain air and environment allowing travel through space or under water without harming the interior occupants. In this case, the APs of power function as the STR of the Field for the weight it may carry. Half of the APs of power (round up) function as the APs of time the environment will last before expiring. Force Grip v1.0

By Hominid71

Physical Power Link: STR Range: Touch Type: Auto Base Cost: 50

Factor Cost: 08

Description: This Power has many similarities to Telekinesis, except that its Link Attribute is STR, not WILL. It is also related to Force Manipulation and Force Field. It has a Range of Touch. It is normally channeled through the hands, allowing the User to anchor them to any object with which they are in physical contact (effectively functioning as Joined) and to maintain the structural integrity of the object for as long as his hands remain in contact with it, provided that its APs of weight do not exceed his APs of the Power. He must still exert his STR as usual to actually lift the object. The primary function of the Power is to give the User the equivalent of a secure grip on a massive and bulky but comparatively fragile object, one which could not otherwise be moved intact at all. (One example of such an object would be an entire large building, which under normal circumstances would, obviously, be far too large and cumbersome to be grasped and lifted by the hands and also would almost certainly collapse if uprooted from the ground.) The Power can also be channeled through the feet, allowing the User to anchor them to whatever he is standing on and thereby (for example) resist being subjected to Knockback by the attack of an opponent (again effectively functioning as Joined).  It can also effectively function as Paralysis, with a Range of Touch and the Limitation that the User must keep at least one hand in physical contact with the target in order to keep them immobile. Their Paralysis will then normally lift as soon as he moves his hand away. However, if desired, the User can Paralyse a target so completely that their heart will stop beating. If he does so, their heart will not normally start beating again even if he then removes his hand, resulting in their death unless CPR is successfully applied. Obviously, this is Killing Combat. Force Wall v1.4.1 Author: Sébastien Andrivet and Eric Langendorff

Helper(s): William Chamberlain, Roy Cowan, Kal El el Vigilante

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 15

Factor Cost: 07 Description: The Force Wall Power allows a Character to erect a simple defensive barrier in the form of a wall or a bubble. The barrier has a Body equal to the APs of Force Wall and is usually composed of the same types of energies as those created by the Force Manipulation Power, but without the extensive flexibility of Force Manipulation. A wall is a flat or slightly curved structure with a maximum surface area of 2 APs (2 square yards) that must be manifest within arm’s reach of the user. A bubble is spherical in shape, centered on the user, and contain a maximum volume equal to the APs of the Force Wall Power (unless such a volume is insufficient to contain the Power user, in which case the bubble’s volume is the minimum necessary to contain the user himself). Force Wall with the Ranged Bonus enables a Character to create a Force Wall at Normal Range (not just around himself), and changes the Action Type to Auto/Dice. Projecting a Force Wall at Range allows the user to entrap another Character within a bubble. Trapping an unwilling target is a Dice Action with an AV/EV equal to the Character’s Dex/APs of Force Wall, and OV/RV equal to the target’s Dex/Str. Force Walls are attacked as inanimate objects, using the Character’s Str/Str or APs of an appropriate Power as AV/EV vs. the wall’s Body/Body as OV/RV. Unless the Force Wall has Hardened Defenses (see below), 1 or more RAPs is sufficient to shatter ("breach") the Wall, although the Power user may apply Last Ditch Defense against the damage. If a Force Wall is breached, the Wall disappears and the Power takes an AP of damage, which must be Recovered normally. An Attacker may attempt to Multi-Attack the Force Wall and one or more targets behind it (provided all such targets are within Range of the Attack), but the Attack must inflict enough damage to shatter the wall. If the Multi-Attack would have different AVs vs. the individual targets, use the lowest AV. If a Force Wall is breached, the Power user’s Actions on the following phase take place at the end of the Initiative order as if the Character had been Intimidated (although no other effects of Intimidation apply as a result of this effect). Players should decide when the Power is purchased whether the Force Wall is transparent or opaque to sight, sound, or gas diffusion. Force Wall bubbles that are opaque to gas diffusion may protect against gas attacks, but also carry the risk of eventual suffocation from lack of fresh air. Airtight Force Wall bubbles are considered to have Sealed Systems (Only Versus Gas Attacks) with APs equal to the current APs of Force Wall. Force Wall may be purchased with the following special Bonuses:

Variable Transparency (+5 BC per factor, defined at the time Force Wall is purchased): the transparency of the Force Wall to sight, sound, and/or gas diffusion may be defined at the time the Force Wall is created;

Air Supply (+1 FC): Characters enclosed within a Force Wall bubble are supplied with air for an amount of time equal to the Force Wall’s APs plus 4;

Increased Size (+1 FC per additional AP of surface area or volume);

Hardened Defenses (+3 FC): Force Walls with Hardened Defenses are not breached unless they accumulate damage equal to their APs of Body (i.e., their Current Body Condition reaches 0);

Continuous (+1 FC): RAPs of damage to the Wall are not applied to the Power itself so long as the user spends one Automatic Action each phase to maintain the Power.

Force Wall may be purchased with the following special Factor Cost Limitations:

Force Wall Loses 2 APs Per Breach (-1 FC);

Force Wall Loses 4 APs Per Breach (-2 FC);

Force Screen (-3 FC): Force Wall loses 1 AP per RAP of damage taken to the Wall;

Wall Only (-2 FC);

Psychic Feedback (-1 FC): any RAPs of damage applied to the Force Wall are used as the AV/EV of an immediate Mental Attack using the Int/Mind of the Power user as OV/RV. RAPs scored on this Attack are taken as Mental Bashing damage against the Power user.

Developers’ Notes: This serves as a rewrite of sorts for the Force Field and Force Shield Powers, which normally provide only RV additions. Force Wall can either substitute for those Powers or supplement them to represent different types of force fields. The well-known example of the official version of Force Field is the shielding of most science-fiction ships, which make the vessels harder to damage but allow some damage through even when they are not breached. An example of Force Wall would be standing shields which completely block damage until they are overloaded or the generator itself is destroyed, at which time the field collapses completely.

Fortean Rain

Author: Angry Rabbit

Mystical Power

Link: INFL

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 1 Description: This power allows the character to make strange, small things fall from the sky. These things could be toads, locusts, blood, yellow rain, pebbles, money, etc. They cannot directly cause harm, but they can cause havoc by panicking people and triggering Irrational Fears or Attractions. At the GM’s discretion, some objects could shatter glass or render water undrinkable. This is a Dice Action with APs of power as AV/EV and the area in APs the character wishes the rain to fall on as OV/RV. RAPs of the attack indicate the number of phases these things fall from the sky, covering the area. The Fortean objects dissipate after a time in APs equal to the APs of the power. Freeze Breath By Morgan Champion Physical Power Link: Str Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 30 Factor Cost: 06 Description: A character with Freeze Breath can exhale a stream of frigid air that damages the target, using the APs of Power as the AV/EV and the target's Dex/Body as OV/RV. (Note: Unlike most Physical Attack Powers, Freeze Breath does not cause Knockback). The target is normally encased in ice (Treat as Ice Production) unless the target is affected by heat-based Powers. Freeze Breath also negates heat-based Powers, with the RAPs of Freeze Breath, being first applied to the APs of all heat-based Powers (using AP math), and the remainder (if any) are applied to the target. Frictionless Aura By Morgan Champion Physical Power Link: Str Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 60 Factor Cost: 05 Description: Characters with a Frictionless Aura active reduce the environmental effect of their speed by the APs of Power. Frictionless Aura also provides minor Physical protection, with the character's base RV (with the aura active) equal to the characters APs of BODY or Frictionless Aura, whichever is higher.

Frictionless Aura By Morgan Champion Physical Power Link: Body Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 5 Factor Cost: 04 Description: Characters with a Frictionless Aura active reduce the environmental effect of their speed by the APs of Power. FTL Travel/Communication By Morgan Champion Mental Power Link: Will Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 100 Factor Cost: 06 Description: This Power enables a character to open a portal to another dimension (normally called hyperspace or subspace) that has a tenuous connection with the earth dimension (Travel Value of 1). 0 APs in hyperspace corresponds to 38 APs in the Earth Dimension, thus making faster-than-light (or FTL) travel possible. Note that there are three different forms of FTL Travel that I have listed below: 1) Hyperspace Travel: This is where the ship travels through hyperspace. Treat as Flight or Warp Contingent on FTL Travel. 2) Jump drive/gates: Treat as Teleport, Contingent on FTL Travel. Jump drives have FTL Travel bought with the Travel Only limitation, while jump gates have FTL travel without the Travel function. 3)Warp Travel. As per Hyperspace Travel, but FTL Travel has the Warp Travel limitation. New Limitations: Information Only (-1FC): FTL Travel with this Limitation may only be used to send & receive information, not physical objects. The APs of the Power do not determine the maximum weight load, but rather the APs of information that can be sent (or received) each phase. This Limitation is only available for FTL Travel if the character (or Artifact or Gadget) has a communication (or sensory power if the FTL Travel Power can only receive) Power such as Radio Communication or Telepathy. If the FTL Travel Power also has the Limited Functions below, it can only communicate with other beings possessing both FTL Travel and the same Communication Power. Limited Functions (-1FC/-2FC): FTL Travel has the same three basic functions as Dimension Travel (though they are renamed Retrieval, Sending & Travel), with each function the character cannot use reducing the Factor Cost of FTL Travel by 1. Only In Certain Locations (1FC): This form of FTL Travel can only be used in certain locations. Most applicable to jump drives, this limitation is incompatible with the Information Only limitation, as in such settings, the fastest means of communication is usually by starship. Warp Travel (-1FC/-2FC/-3FC): This form of FTL Travel works by generating a field that warps space-time, instead of sending objects (and data) through hyperspace, thus it is considerably less effective than the standard form of FTL Travel. It has the three following Limitation values: Basic Warp (-3FC): The vehicle's effective Speed is raised by 8APs. Standard Warp (-2FC): As for Basic Warp, except the vehicle's effective Speed is raised by 18APs. Super Warp (-1FC): The vehicles effective speed is raised by 28 APs. This should be restricted to space-opera or superheroic campaigns. Optional Extra: In some campaigns, hyperspace also allows access to time travel. This is worth a base 100 points as an Extra, but the character must also purchase the Time Travel Power separately. The temporal range is equal to the APs of Time Travel +38, minus -10 APs for each level of the Warp Limitation.

Fusion By maficklin@ Helper: Rewritten for clarity by Morgan Champion Physical Power Link: Strength Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 35 Factor Cost: 6 Description: The Fusion Power allows its users to merge two or more living creatures in a single, more powerful form. This requires a Physical Attack, with the APs of Fusion serving as the AV/EV and the subject's DEX/BODY as the OV/RV (Willing subjects have an AV of 0), The subjects remains merged for a number of phases equal to the RAPs. Fusing 3 or more subjects requires the Fusion user to perform a Multi-Attack. The resulting being has all the Powers & Skills of every being fused, and uses the maximum values of all the component creatures for the fused beings Attributes, Powers and Skills. If multiple component creatures have the same Attributes, Powers and/or Skills (including matching Subskills) within 6 APs of each other, AP math is used to determine the additional APs added to the ability in question. Hero Points are the sum of all the creatures in the Fusion. The fused characters also share the same Advantages and Disadvantages, but repeated advantages and disadvantages are not cumulative [two characters merged with Lightning Reflexes don't add +4 to initiative, only +2, and two characters with Age (old) don't lose -4 to initiative, just -2]; Any Fatal Vulnerability or Attack Vulnerability are shared with the combined form; Loss Vulnerability or Power Restriction only would cause the loss of power according to the corresponding part (that is, if a character with Strength 7 fused to another with Strength 9, but the latter with Power Restriction to iron, and is attacked with iron, would only have a Strength of 7 APs). Normally Fusion affects objects of similar masses: eg an ox and an ant could not be Fused together. One of the major problems of Fusion are mental conflicts; merging a hero and a villain, for example, would result in a character wanting at the same time to save a victim and kill her. In such a case, each being in the Fusion must perform a Dice Action using INT/Will as AV/EV; the OV/RV will be the INT/Mind of the opponent. The one that get larger RAPs may control the body for a period of time equal to the RAPs. Cumulative RAPs which are equal to or greater than the mind of one of the opponents should immediately cancel the merger.

Fusion can be purchased with the following Bonuses and Limitations:

Merging with machines allowed (+2 FC)

Merger between beings of very different mass permitted (a rhino and a bee, for example). Abilities of Insects are 7 APs or the RAPs of Fusion, whichever is lower. (+2 FC)

Maximum Fusion 2 índividuals (-1 FC)

Merger required a specific number of individuals (3, 4, 5...) (-1 FC)

Individuals must be of the same biological order (mammals, birds, reptiles, etc.) (-1 FC)

Individuals must be of the same species (-2 FC)

The user must always participate in mergers (-1 FC)

Only a number of specific individuals can perform the merger (-4 FC, and the total cost can be split between participants) Gaseous Form Physical Power Link: Body Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 100 Factor Cost: 07 Description: This Power enables a Character to transform his entire physical form into a gaseous state – for instance by expanding the space between their body's molecules, or by exchanging their physical mass with extra-dimensional matter. A Character that has assumed a gaseous form is completely immaterial, and unable to physically interact with the world about them. Physical attacks pass harmless through them. Likewise, under normal conditions, energy in the physical world (fire, electricity, etc.) cannot affect the Character when in this form. While in their gas form, Characters are still hindered by normal physical barriers (walls, windows, etc.). However, they may flow through any openings (gaps, holes, cracks, etc.) at a speed equal to the APs of Gaseous Form minus the APs of Shrinking required to pass through the holes.

Characters with the Gaseous Form power can propel themselves through the air at a speed equivalent to the APs of the power itself. A Gaseous Form that has been split into separate parts cannot reform until it is back together unless the Character has the Split or Anatomical Division Power. This Power may be purchased with the following special Factor Cost Bonuses:

Partial Solidification (+1FC). Partial Solidification allows the Character to use an Automatic Action to solidify parts of his body while keeping the rest a gas.

Obscure Vision (+1FC). This allows the Character to use his Gaseous Form to obscure vision and vision based powers. The OV/RV of an attempt to see through the Character is equal to the Character’s AP of the power. Any attacks made by Characters in the Gaseous Form receive a +2 Column Shift to their OV.

Area of Effect (+1FC). This allows the Character to spread his Gaseous Form over a large area. The maximum volume that the Character can cover with his form is equal to the APs of the power + 5. Geoforce v1.1 Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Mental Power

Link: INT

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 06 Description: This Power allows a Character to sense and control local tectonic activity and volcanism such as faults, subterranean geography and magma flow. A Character with Geoforce may use the Power toward a number of applications, including:

Awareness of major conditions underground within a distance equal to the APs of Power. With concentration the Character can determine local volcanic activity, presence and location of fault lines, underground temperature, large caves of any origin, presence of specific minerals or bodies of water, especially large beings moving underground or other large sources of underground vibrations, etc.

Create earthquakes. Those earthquakes are centered around the Character, who is immune to the direct effects but not incidental ones such as falling buildings and other earthquake hazards. The maximum intensity is equal to half the APs of Power on the modified Mercalli scale (see below), rounding down. The maximum radius is equal to two-third of the APs of Power. For instance, a Character with 14 APs of Geoforce can create an Intensity VII earthquake with a radius of 9 APs around them.

The effects of such artificial earthquakes drop sharply at the end of the radius. Note that in some regions, near tectonics edges, an artificial earthquake may well trigger an actual quake.

Diminish the intensity of earthquakes. As above, but the Mercalli rating of the earthquake is lowered.

Grow volcano. This feat takes about an hour; the maximum above-ground height of the volcano is half the APs of Power – for instance 8 APs is sufficient to create a volcano that is about 150 feet high. This may or may not be accompanied by an earthquake effect as above, at the Character’s discretion. The artificial volcano appears in a state of eruption, and will remain eruptive for APs of time equal to the APs of Power.

If the region has no history of volcanism, the volcano will then cool and shut off. If not, it is now considered to be a normal volcano.

Widen or close natural fault lines. A clear natural fault must exist in order to perform this. A Character able to manipulate the ground by creating faults of his own has Earth Manipulation.

Redirect flows of magma. Magma will have the Flame Being power ranging from 10 to 17 APs according to temperature.

Modified Mercalli scale (from the pamphlet The Severity of an Earthquake prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1986):

(I) - Not felt except by a very few under especially favourable conditions.

(II) - Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of buildings. Delicately suspended objects may swing.

(III) - Felt quite noticeably by persons indoors, especially on the upper floors of buildings. Many do not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Vibration similar to the passing of a truck.

(IV) - Felt indoors by many, outdoors by few during the day. At night, some awakened. Dishes, windows, doors disturbed; walls make cracking sound. Sensation like heavy truck striking building. Standing motor cars rocked noticeably.

(V) - Felt by nearly everyone; many awakened. Some dishes and windows broken. Unstable objects overturned. Pendulum clocks may stop.

(VI) - Felt by all; many frightened and run outdoors, walk unsteadily. Windows, dishes, glassware broken…books off shelves… some heavy furniture moved or overturned; a few instances of fallen plaster. Damage slight.

Standard Action modifier: Challenging.

(VII) - Standing is Challenging (OV/RV 02/02). Furniture broken. Damage negligible in building of good design and construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable damage in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken. Noticed by persons driving motor cars.

Standard Action modifier: Difficult.

(VIII) - Standing is Difficult (OV/RV 04/04). Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse. Damage great in poorly built structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture moved.

Standard Action modifier: Strenuous.

(IX) - Standing is Strenuous (OV/RV 06/06). General panic… damage considerable in specially designed structures, well-designed frame structures thrown out of plumb. Damage great in substantial buildings, with partial collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations.

Standard Action modifier: Extreme.

(X) - Standing is Extreme (OV/RV 08/08). Some well-built wooden structures destroyed; most masonry and frame structures destroyed with foundations. Rails bent.

Standard Action modifier: Extreme.

(XI) - Standing is Pushing the Limit (OV/RV 10/10). Few, if any (masonry) structures remain standing. Bridges destroyed. Rails bent greatly. Standard Action modifier: Extreme.

(XII) - Standing is Herculean (OV/RV 12/12). Damage total. Lines of sight and level distorted. Objects thrown into the air. Standard Action modifier: Pushing the Limit. These rules can replace those on pp 151-153 of BOH:SE if you want. Grasp Revised By Morgan Champion Mystical Power Link: Inf Range: Normal Type: Auto Base Cost: 10 Factor Cost: 3 Description: This Power allows a Character to cause his disembodied hands to appear at a distance. He may grab or manipulate objects or even make hand-to-hand attacks at a maximum distance equal to the APs of Grasp. The hand of the user disappears from the end of the arm and appears at the target location, where it can be used normally (both in combat and Power use). Other than the hand itself, no object may be grabbed and brought back to the Character unless it can be entirely palmed. The Character must also be able to see the target. A hand may be targeted with a +2 CS penalty to the OV Trick Shot, but a -1 CS penalty to the RV the RAPs of damage and shock affecting the owner of the hand appropriately. Grasp is not the Anatomical Division Power as the hands are still theoretically "attached" to their owner. Grease v1.1

Author: Brian Mendus Link: Str

Range: Special

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 10

Factor Cost: 3

Description: This power allows a hero to emit a greasy, slippery substance. When applied to a surface, anyone who runs or drives over top of it must make an Action Check (the character forfeits their Dice Action for this phase or the next phase if they have already gone this turn if he was unaware of the Grease; if aware it does not count as an action) using their Dex/Dex (or Vehicles (land)/Vehicles (land) if they are driving over top of it) as AV/EV against an OV/RV equal to the APs of Grease. If the character has the Acrobatics (Gymnastics) skill, he may substitute that for his Dex. Positive RAPs indicate they were able to move over the Grease without slipping. If the Check gains no RAPs, the character continues in the direction he was travelling as if he was Knocked Back a distance equal to the APs of speed he was moving this phase minus the APs he already travelled before reaching the Grease. If applied to a vertical surface, the APs of Grease are added to the OV and RV of Acrobatics (Climbing) attempts. It also acts as the OV/RV versus the Cling power. The hero can also coat himself and others in Grease, making it hard for anyone to grab hold of them. When a Grappling attempt is made against the Greased character, he substitutes his Grease APs for the RV of the attempt. If the grappler gets a hold of the Greased character, he can use the APs of Grease as the AV/EV of the attempt to break the hold. Should the Grappler attempt to attack the Greased character (using the rules for attacking a character being Grappled), the APs of the grappler’s Str are first subtracted from the APs of Grease. If the remaining total is 1 or more, the Greased character automatically breaks the grasp and is shot forward the difference. The Character can generate enough grease each round to cover an area with radius equal to the APs of Grease. He must make physical contact to Grease another character.


Author: Angry Rabbit

Mystical Power


Range: Touch

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 15

Factor Cost: 8 Description: This power allows a character to heal the physical injuries of others by touching them. To Heal a target, neither the target nor the user may do anything else in the phase. Healing is a Dice Action with the APs of power as AV/EV and the RAPs of damage as OV/RV. RAPs are Current BODY Condition restored to the character. This power cannot raise a character’s Current BODY Condition above his BODY attribute. This power can be purchased with a special +2 FC Bonus: May Heal Mental or Mystical Damage. Each is a separate bonus. Heat Vision Replaces: n/a. Mental Power Link: INT Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 20 Factor Cost: 3 Description: This Power allows the Character to project beams of heat from his eyes. The AV/EV of this Attack is equal to his APs of Heat Vision, while the OV/RV is equal to the target’s DEX/BODY. RAPs from the Attack represent Physical damage. Characters employing Heat Vision against cold-based targets receive a –1 CS bonus to RV. If purchased with the No AV Limitation, Heat Vision uses INT as AV (the same as for Perception Checks). Healing Factor Author: David Maugard Physical Power Link: BODY Range: Self Type: Dice Base Cost: 50 Factor Cost: 6 Description: The character can use this Power's as the AV/EV against OV/RV equal to the RAPs of damage the character had taken previously (no time limit ). The RAPs of the Power are subtracted from the damage. You cannot gain more RAPs than the RAPs of damage. Hex Author: Angry Rabbit Mystical Power Link: AURA

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 200

Factor Cost: 10 Description: This power, the opposite of Dumb Luck, allows the character to inflict bad luck on a target. This is treated as a mystical attack, with AV/EV equal to APs of power. The target’s INFL/SPIRIT acts as OV/RV. RAPs from the Action Check, if any, are subtracted from the target’s AV, EV, OV, or RV the following phase (attacking Player’s choice). This occurs regardless of the type of the Dice Action that follows. In addition, on any successful roll of doubles, the targets gains the Unlucky Drawback for an amount of time equal to the APs of Hex. This power allows the character to inflict bad luck on targets by causing objects in the area to malfunction or break. This is treated as a mystical attack, with AV/EV equal to APs of power. The target’s INFL/SPIRIT acts as OV/RV. Groups of people can be affected with a Multi-Attack, but all of the targets must be within 1 AP of one another.

RAPs from the Action Check are used to affect objects within 1 AP of the target. The RAPs can be divided among numerous objects or focused on one. They can be used in two ways.

* The RAPs can be added to the Reliability Number of gadgets. If the gadget has no Reliability Number, treat it as having a R#0 and add RAPs to that. This increased Reliability lasts until the item malfunctions or for APs of time equal to the APs of power. When the Reliability is rolled, the gadget is broken and must be repaired before it can be used again.

* Against more static objects, like walls or floors, Hex is simply an attack causing physical damage. However, the debris resulting from the attack always impedes the original target, either by falling on him, slowing his movement, or otherwise obstructing his actions. The power user chooses which.

If the debris falls on the target, treat the RAPs of the attack as AV/EV of an attack against the target’s DEX/BODY as OV/RV.

If the debris slows the target, subtract the RAPs of the attack from the APs of speed of the target. If reduced to 0 APs or less, the target is tripped and falls to the ground.

If the debris obstructs the target, then subtract the RAPs of the attack from the AV of the target’s actions in that phase.

This power can be purchased with a special +3 FC Bonus: Affects Organic. With this bonus, the power can be used to directly affect targets. In this case, the RAPs of the attack can be divided among any powers the target has. The applied RAPs act as a Burn Out number, causing the target’s power to become subject to Burn Out while the power endures.

If the target has no powers, the RAPs can be subtracted from the AV of any one action. Used this way, the Hex’s effects last only a single action.


By: GM for Protectors DC Heroes campaign

Helper(s): Unknown

Physical Power

Link: Dex

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 100

Factor Cost: 03 Description: Hyper-Flight allows the character to move through interstellar space at tremendous speed. While using Hyper-Flight the character has a Flight Speed equaling APs of Hyper Flight + 28 (for a minimum Speed of 29 APs). Hyper-Flight may not be used in an atmosphere or in the vicinity of a large celestial body, unless the character has many APs of Dispersal. Example: Green Lanterns have this power rated at 12 APs giving them an Interstellar Flight Speed of 40APs!

Ice Control (revision)

This power also allows a character to create constructs of ice that possess a STR and BODY. The APs of these attributes can be designated by the character by dividing his APs of power between them. Remember, he cannot create the ice, only rearrange existing ice.


Replaces: Cold Immunity (p. 65), Flame Immunity (p. 75), plus any variations of the above that have been entered into the database (e.g. Lightning Immunity).

Physical Power Link: BODY

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 5

Factor Cost: 4

Description: This Power allows a Character to protect himself against certain types of

environments and attacks. The type of environment or attack to which the Character is Immune

should be defined at the time of purchase. Examples include fire and heat, cold, electricity,

sonics, and virtually any other kind of energy the player can think of (for kinetic energy, use

Skin Armor instead). A Character with Immunity adds the APs of Power to his RV when defending

against attacks of his chosen type of energy. This Power may be purchased multiple times, often with different AP levels. Each time it is purchased, it must be applied to a different environment or attack.


Replaces: Invulnerability (p. 82).

Physical Power Link: BODY

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 50

Factor Cost: 9

Description: This Power allows a Character to survive otherwise mortal injuries (including aging checks). When reduced to negative BODY or below, the character with Immortality takes a Dice Action, with the APs of Immortality as the OV/RV and the characters BODY APs as the OV/RV. The RAPs of the Dice Action are then added to the character's Current BODY Condition. Unlike Invulnerability, the character can continue making Dice Actions beyond negative BODY, to a maximum of -100 APs, when the Power fails. Immortality can also apply to either Mental or Mystical Damage, provided the Immortality Power takes a +1CS Factor Cost Bonus for each additional damage type it protects against.


By Morgan Champion


Physical Power

Link: Str

Range: Touch

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 60

Factor Cost: 05

Characters with this power have been infected by a disease (or curse, if the Power is Mystic Linked). They can also infect others by making a Physical Attack, using Dex/APs of Infection as the AV/EV and the opponent's Dex/Body as OV/RV (as per Poison Touch). Any successful RAPs indicate the victim is infected, with the RAPs being the APs of the Infection Power the character now possesses, up to the APs of Infection from the person who infected him. The Infectee also now has some (if not all) Advantages, Drawbacks and Powers of the person who Infected him. Mystical Powers are only transferred if the Infection Power is Mystic Linked. This Power may be bought with the following Limitations: Must be Wounded (-1FC/-2FC): Which means the character can only Infect characters it has inflicted Killing Damage on. If the damage must be caused by a specific power (usually Vampirism), the Limitation is now -2FC. Reduced Infectivity (-1FC/-2FC): If the Infection only takes effect if the RAPs of the Power equal or exceed the character's BODY it is a -1FC limitation. If the Infection requires RAPs equal to twice the character's BODY to affect the character, it is a -2FC limitation. Designer's Notes: I looked at the Poison Touch Power given to the Blade vampires and I thought that it actually worked out better as a different Power. Inflation Author: Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: DEX Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 20 Factor cost: 8 Description: This power allows a character to inflate himself like a giant ball and bounce himself around as an attack and a defense. While inflated, the character may choose to add his APs of Inflation to his physical AV, EV, OV, or RV against physical attacks. However, each attribute it is added to consumes an automatic action. This means that the character can add to no more than two attributes per phase.He may also use his power to move in amazing ways. He can bounce to heights and distances equal to his APs of power. He can roll at a speed equal to half his APs of power. Finally, the character can float without fear of drowning for an amount of time equal to his APs of power. While floating, he can hold up an amount of weight equal to his APs of power. This power can be purchased with a special +2 FC bonus: Insulated. While inflated, this character is insulated against electrical attacks. He always adds his APs of power to his RV against such attacks. Interdimensional Transference v1.0 By Hominid71

Mental Power

Link: WILL

Range: Special

Action Type: Auto Base Cost: 500

Factor Cost: 05 Description: This Power functions in much the same way as Dimension Travel, except that its Link Attribute is WILL, not AURA. Also, it is powered by scientifically-based energies rather than magically-based ones, which makes it somewhat easier to control, and its use therefore only requires an Automatic Action rather than a Dice Action. It cannot normally be used to travel to Dimensions whose physical laws are governed entirely by magic. The GM should decide in advance whether or not any new Dimension he creates for a campaign will be accessible through the use of Interdimensional Transference. Limitations available: Can Transfer Self Only (-1 FC), Can Only Transfer Others And Not Self (-1 FC), Can Transfer Only Between Two Dimensions (-1 FC, -400 BC) [If used, this Power should replace Dimension Travel in all cases of that Power being possessed by a machine that, from the context, should logically be presumed to operate on scientific principles rather than magical ones. Example: The Phantom Zone Projector used by the Silver Age Superman would have Interdimensional Transference: 25 with the Can Only Transfer Others And Not Self and Can Transfer Only Between Two Dimensions Limitations. Intuition Author: Angry Rabbit Mental Power Link: INT Range: Self Type: Dice Base Cost: 5 Factor cost: 1 Description: This power allows a character to make intuitive jumps, guessing things correctly that they do not know and have not researched. It also allows him to experience psychic hunches that allow him to notice or locate things with uncanny accuracy, such as lost items, directional north, or what the weather will be like the next day.. The APs of power are used as the AV/EV of Knowledge Checks or Perception Checks. If the check fails, the character cannot make another Intuition check for the same knowledge until he has been exposed to new information. Invincibility

By Ethan Roe Physical Power Link: Body

Range: Self Type: Auto

Base Cost: 75 Factor Cost: 9

Description: Invincibility makes the character nearly invincible to physical damage. A character who is damaged and possessing Invincibility immediately makes a dice roll versus the damage he just sustained (before last ditch defense or anything else) to negate this damage. The AV/EV is the APs of Invincibility versus the RAPs of damage sustained. Example: Rath has Invincibility of 5 APs and has just sustained 3 RAPs of damage, he immediately rolls an Invincibility check against the 3 RAPs of damage. Rath rolls a 9 resulting in 2 RAPs, he negates two RAPs of damage and takes one as normal.

Invincibility does not protect against any damage done through aging, disease or poison.

Invincibility may be purchased with the following bonus; protects against mental damage as well (+1FC), Protects against Spiritual damage as well (+1FC). Jinx v0.2

Author: Gareth Lewis

Link: WILL

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 05

Description: This Power allows a character to make a Gadget more likely to stop working. It increases the target’s Reliability Number, forcing it to check against the number, with failure leaving the Gadget completely inoperative. The Power targets a single Gadget, with the APs of Power as the AV/EV, and the APs of the Gadget’s highest stat as OV/RV. Success results in the RAPs being added to the Reliability Number of the gadget (if a Reliability Number is not stated, assume it’s 0). The gadget must then succeed at a Check to continue working.

Junk Field Replaces: n/a. Link: BODY Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 10 Factor Cost: 5 Description: A Character with an active Junk Field creates around himself a maelstrom of scrap and debris that will violently strike anyone who gets too close to the Character. Anyone touched by (or touching) the Character with an active Junk Field (including contact made in hand-to-hand combat) incurs a Physical Attack with AV/EV equal to the APs of Junk Field. This special attack form does not require an Action on the part of the Junk Field user. The APs of Junk Field may also be substituted for the Character's STR as the EV of any hand-to-hand attacks. Junk Field requires an Automatic Action to maintain each phase. Lift

By Morgan Champion


Physical Power

Link: Str

Range: Touch

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 02 Description: Characters with this Power add their APs of Lift to Str when lifting and throwing objects. Lift does not add to EV, unless the character is throwing something. Designer's notes: Yes I know this is similar to Gravity Decrease with the No Range Limitation. However, this Power does not provide flight, or improve jumping distance, it just enables the character to carry more weight. Lightning Animation

By: Morgan Champion

Mystical Power Link: AURA Range: Normal

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 8

Description: Lightning Animation enables the character to summon from nowhere a being composed of pure electrical energy that will obey the character for a number of APs equal to the APs of Lightning Animation, before harmlessly dissipating into nothingness. Matter Production allows a character to produce a volume of material seemingly from nowhere. The Power user must split the APs of Lightning Animation into two sets: the first serves as the creatures Physical Attributes (plus the lightning creatures APs of Speed and Volume), and the second serves as the Characters Mystical Attributes (plus the character's APs of Electric Being). In addition, animated lightning creatures suffer a -2CS modifier to its RV against water-based attacks (including ice).

Longevity By creator of DC Heroes Wiki Rewritten by Morgan Champion Physical Power Link: BODY Range: Self Type: Automatic Base Cost: 35 Factor Cost: 4 Description: This Power increases the lifespan of its possessor. Example: The Amazons of Themyscira have Longevity, each one living for thousands of years. The APs of Longevity are subtracted from the APs of time to determine how much the character ages. It also adds its APs to the character's OV/RV against such attacks as the Chronal Blast Power. If the character also has Suspension, he can add the APs of the two powers to determine the rate of aging when you enter in a trance. Example: Suppose a character with Longevity of 13 APs has been alive for 1000 years (33 APs of time). At the end of this time, he only ages 1 month (33-13 = 20 APs, or 1 month) Magic Resistance Author: Angry Rabbit Mystical Power Link: SPIRIT Range: Self Type: Auto

Base Cost: 50 Factor Cost: 5 Description: This power allows a character to add his APs of Magic Resistance to the RV (SPIRIT) against mystical attacks. However, Magic Resistance has no effect against interaction attempts. Magma By Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: BODY

Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 15 Factor Cost: 5 Description: This power allows a character to fire a blast of molten rock or metal (magma or lava) at a defender. It could also represent plasma (superheated gas). This is a physical attack with APs of power acting as AV/EV. The OV/RV is equal to the target’s DEX/BODY. Any object that is combustible will burst into flames upon contact with Magma. Armor offering protection always suffers damage from magma. RAPs of damage the target takes, the armor takes as well. There is no way to use Magma safely. It is always considered Killing Combat. Matter Production Replaces: n/a. Physical Power Link: STR Range: Normal Type: Auto Base Cost: 20 Factor Cost: 5 Description: Matter Production allows a character to produce a volume of material seemingly from nowhere. This material may be of any non-living substance, and in any form. Matter Production may create solid material constructs, such as walls, bridges, etc., with Weight, Volume and BODY equal to the APs of Power. These constructs may not have abilities of any kind other than BODY. The material exists for an amount of Time (in APs) equal to the APs of Matter Production minus the APs of BODY. The APs of Matter Production are the total APs of material (in Weight or Volume) that can exist at any one time. If the Character wishes to Produce additional material and does not have enough APs left, he must wait until the necessary amount of material already Produced dissipates. Special: Matter Production may be purchased with a special +1 FC Bonus: May Dissolve Produced Matter at Will. Matter Production may be purchased with a special –1 FC Limitation: May Only Produce One Specific Kind of Material. The material must be chosen at the time Matter Production is purchased. Meta Morph V 6.86

Mental Power

Link: Will Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 35

Factor Cost: 7

Description: Characters with Meta Morph can alter their shape into a normal animal, (not Fantasy or Exotic Animals), automatically gaining the animal's Attributes, Powers, Skills, and natural attack forms while also maintaining all of his/her own Powers and Skills. The BODY of the animal form assumed cannot exceed the Character's APs of Meta Morph. For animal statistics, see the Animals index. In addition to assuming animal form, the Character may add the APs of Meta Morph to any of the animal's Attributes, Powers, or Skills. The character can divide the APs of Power between several different Attributes, Powers, and Skills, as desired. No Power, Skill, or Attribute of the animal can be raised above the APs of Meta Morph power. This limit does not affect an animal's powers that are already above the animals Body (Example: a scorpion's Poison Touch).

Example: Beast Boy of the Titans has Meta Morph of 10 APs If he becomes a gorilla Changeling could add 3 APs to the gorilla's DEX (doubling it to 6) and 5 STR to the gorilla's STR (doubling it to 10).

A Character with this Power can automatically assume a new animal form (and thus new statistics) each phase, if desired. Any damage taken by one animal form is carried over to any other forms assumed, including reversion to the Character's original form.

The Detailed Way: many animals have the Growth power (Always On and Already Factored in). This power cannot be enhanced by use of the Meta Morph Power.

Special Limitation: The character can only turn into a single class of creature (-1 FC). (Examples: Fish, Cats, Lizards, Birds, etc.) Mega Morph V6.86

Physical Power

Link: Body Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 75

Factor Cost: 10

Description: This Power is the most versatile of all the shape shifting abilities. It allows a character to take the form of any animal. The Animal must be real within the characters experience. This includes Fantasy or Exotic Animal. Eg. Petrov (Mega Morph: 09) meets a bat winged flying horse while travelling to distant worlds. He can then become a bat winged flying horse any time he likes. At no time can this power be used to duplicate intelligent beings.

It can be assumed that a character with this Power has spent time at zoos or watching the Discovery Channel and is aware of all common animals in the context of the game setting.

When the Character shapes a known Animal s/he automatically gains the animal's Physical Attributes, Powers, Skills, and natural attack forms while also maintaining all of his/her own Powers and Skills. The BODY of the animal form assumed cannot exceed the Character's APs of Mega Morph. For animal statistics, see the animal's index. In the cases of Fantasy or Exotic Animal the APs of power can be used as APs of unusual powers of that creature. Those Powers can be:

Movement powers (Flight, Running, Swimming, etc. but not Superspeed),

Blasting Powers (Energy Blast, Projectile Weapons, Willforce Weapon, Bomb, etc.)

Protective Powers (Sealed Systems, Shielded Senses, and Cold Immunity etc.)

When applicable any of the Atmospheric Adaptation Advantages can be used at no AP cost

APs of Power can also be added to any of the animals Powers, Body or Str and divided as the character wishes. Eg. Petrov becomes an alligator. He adds 4 APs to his Swimming and 5 to his Body. The Character will always retain their own Mental and mystical stats when transformed. No Animal will ever have duplicable Mystical Powers. Memory Impairment

Mental Power Link : INT

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost : 50

Factor Cost : 7

Description: This ability can be used to create, delete or alter the memory of a victim.

To do this the user must declare the amount of information he wishes to alter (see the information table ). The importance of change in APs is added to the OV of the victim.

The user of this power then uses his WILL / APs of Power as the AV / EV against the OV / RV equal to the target 's INT / MIN . The APs obtained indicate the time during which the alteration will last. It is possible to use hypnosis or Alteration of Memory to restore the spirit of the victim as she was at first, but in this case the APs obtained must exceed the APs obtained when using the original power. If the target is willing then the user of this power gets a -2 Column Shift modifier to the target's OV and RV. This ability can be taken with the following Bonus:

Bonus (+2 FC): Permanent. If APs equal or exceed twice the MIN of the target then the changes are permanent. Meta Morph v6. 751

By cocurts

Helper(s): Morgan Champion

Physical Power

Link: Body

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 75

Factor Cost: 10 Description: A character with Meta Morph can assume the form of any non-sapient animal with BODY less than or equal to the characters APs of Meta Morph the character has knowledge of (including mythical or unknown forms), gaining the animals Physical Attributes, Powers and Skills and natural attack forms (use the animal index to determine the animal's statistics), while retaining his/her own Mental Attributes, Mystical Attributes, Powers and Skills. Example: Petrov, with 9 APs of Meta Morph, encounters a batwinged flying horse on a distant planet and can now assume that form whenever he likes. Characters with this Power are assumed to go to the zoo or watch the Discovery Channel to gain knowledge of common animals in the campaign. Characters with Meta-Morph can also assume the form of alien or exotic animals gaining their Physical or Mental Powers such as Movement Powers (except Superspeed), Attack Powers or Defense Powers. Characters with Meta-Morph can also assign the APs of this Power to the animals Str, Body or Powers as the character wishes. Example: Petrov uses his 9 APs of Meta-Morph to become an alligator, and assigns 4 APs to the alligators Swimming and 5APs to BODY. Molecular Reading By maficklin@

Helper(s): Rewritten by Morgan Champion

Mental Power

Link: Int

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 10

Factor Cost: 4 Description: Molecular Reading lets you know what elements compose as substance. This requires a Dice Action, with the APs of Molecular Reading acting as the AV/EV, and the APs of the objects BODY as the OV/RV, and the Amount of RAPs obtained determining the accuracy about the exact percentage of elements in a substance. The player can add the APs of Molecular Reading to the APs of the following Subskills: Medicine (Forensics) and/or Military Science (Tracking) when trying to track down a specific substance within a range (in APs) equal to the APs of Molecular Reading. If the character is able to track living creatures by their molecular compositions, the power Life Sense must be purchased. Morphic Stability v1. 1

By Gareth Lewis

Helper(s): Dr. Peter S Piispanen, Sebastien Andrivet, Eric Langendorff

Physical Power

Link: Body

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 06 Description: The APs of Morphic Stability are added to the RV against offensive Powers that attempt to alter the Character's body, such as attempting to transform them into an animal. This includes Powers such as Diminution, Dismember, Enlarge, Mutation, Petrification, Transform and Transmutation. The character may choose to voluntarily drop their resistance, to accept beneficial alterations from their allies, unless they take the Always On Limitation (-1 FC) at character creation. This Power may be purchased with the following Bonus: Transform Immunity (+1 FC). The Power protects against any and all attempts to change the base template, form and physical characteristic of the character. Examples would include Dispersal with the Area Effect Bonus, or Fluid Form with the Usable on Others Bonus. General Note: When a Power such as Morphic Stability, which has a list of Powers I protects against, actually only protects against a subset of the listed Powers, the Cost of the Power is reduced for each two Powers removed from the list by -10 BC and -1 FC (it should never be reduced below BC: 05 and FC: 04).

Mystic Fire

Author: Angry Rabbit

Mystical Power

Link: AURA

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 4

Description: A character with the Mystic Fire power can fire forth a stream of the mystical flames from his body like a flame-thrower. Use of this power is an attack with AV/EV equal to the APs of power. The OV/RV of the attack is the target’s DEX/SPIRIT. RAPs are applied as damage to Current SPIRIT Condition. Mystical Fire will not cause things to burst into flames and has no effect on ice, nor is it affected by ice or water in any way. Flame Immunity cannot protect a character from Mystic Fire. Mystic Fire can attack characters on the Astral Plane. When doing so, the OV of the attack is equal to the target’s INFL.


Author: Angry Rabbit

Mystical Power

Link: INFL

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 150

Factor Cost: 9

Description: The character can call upon the dead for assistance and they will answer. This power allows a character to summon the spirit of any dead person with an area in APs equal to his APs of power. That spirit can then enter the user and allow the user to substitute the any of the spirit’s skills as his own. In addition, he gains the benefit of any of the spirit’s advantages that do not involve contacts and physical abilities. The spirit has all the abilities in death that it possessed in life. The character gains the abilities at the same APs that the spirit possessed in life.

To use this power is a Dice Action with the APs of power as AV/EV and the spirit’s INFL/SPIRIT as OV/RV. RAPs are APs of time the user may substitute the spirit’s abilities. This Dice Action does not indicate that the spirit is forced into cooperating, but that the user and the spirit are forming a mystical link to each other. An unwilling spirit will never aid a character unless he first Persuades it to do so. A character cannot call on a spirit that has been dead for a time in APs greater than the user’s APs of Necroscope.

This power may be purchased with a special +2 FC Bonus: May Substitute Attributes. The user can substitute the spirit’s attributes for his own.

This power may be purchased with a special +3 FC Bonus: May Gain Powers. The user gains any of the powers the spirit possessed in life.

This power may be purchased with a special -2 FC Limitation: Gains Drawbacks. The character gains any Drawbacks such as Irrational Fears, Attractions, and Hatreds or Vulnerabilities that the spirit possessed in life.

Nemesis By Morgan Champion Mental Power Link: INT Range: Special Type: Auto Base Cost: 250 Factor Cost: 10 Description: This Power allows a Character to counter any attack thrown at them, using the APs of this Power to determine the effect (If the Power user is attacked by multiple attack forms, the APs of the Nemesis Power must be split between the various attacks, unless a +3FC Bonus is taken as per the Nemesis Kid writeup). However, the Nemesis user must first be attacked – the Nemesis Power cannot be used to make a pre-emptive strike without a +1FC Bonus (and presumably the Detect Power must also be bought, also as per the Nemesis Kid writeup). Example: For Whom The Death Tolls is attacked by Jiggawatt using her Self Linked (Lightning) Power. His Nemesis Power imitates the Capacitor Power (see above), trapping her in his body. The skull-masked one is then attacked by Stalwart. Instead of imitating Skin Armor with Nemesis, FWTDT instead releases Jiggawatt at Stalwart, zapping him with her Self-Linked Lightning. Numb v1.0 By Sebastien Andrivet Physical Power Link: STR Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 25 Factor Cost: 05 Description: This Power allows a Character to numb opponents, making them slower and weaker - possibly to the point of unconsciousness. Such an attack involves an Action Check with AV/EV equal to the APs of Numb and OV/RV equal to the victim's DEX/BODY. Half the RAPs gained are subtracted from the target's STR, and the other half from his DEX ; any odd RAP is applied against STR. So, for instance, getting 5 RAPs from the Numb Power would reduce the target's STR by 03 and DEX by 02, while 6 RAPs would reduce both Attributes by 03.When both an opponent's DEX and STR reach 0, his BODY automatically reaches a Current Condition of 0 and he's knocked out ; all Physical Attributes are Recovered normally. A powerful enough organism can rapidly recover from the effects of the Numb power - as long as the subject is still conscious. This is a special Recovery Check, which can be attempted every (APs of Numb Power) - (BODY of target + APs of Regeneration Power) APs of time, with a minimum of O APs of time. The Check itself is done using an AV/EV equal to (BODY + APs of Regeneration + APs of Systemic Antidote) against an OV/RV equal the APs of the Numb power. Half the RAPs gained via this Recovery Check are used to recover the target's STR, and the other half his DEX ; any odd RAP is applied to STR. Desperation Recovery can also be attempted.

Perception By Morgan Champion Helpers: None Mental Power Link: Intelligence Range: Special Type: Dice Base Cost: 5 Factor Cost: 5 Description: Characters with the Perception Power may add their APs of Perception to either the AV or EV of their Perception Checks, with the maximum HP expenditure on eiher portion of the Perception check equal to the character's APs of Int and/or Will. A character may use Accuracy (Perception) and Perception in the same phase, as long as both the Power and Skill are assigned to different parts of the Perception Check. Perception may be applied to a single Sense Group, as a -1FC Limitation. The character may also buy the Perception Power with either the No AV or No EV Limitations, to better reflect certain characters (such as Smallville's Clark Kent) who can only apply this Power to one of the above. Morgan's Notes: I originally designed the Perception Power for Ultra Boy, but it became clear that in many cases the Accuracy (Perception) Subskill was inadequate to model certain characters. I've always thought that Accuracy (Perception) being a Subskill, merely represented characters who have been trained to better use their normal senses. So a Power that improved a character's Perception Check seemed like a good idea. Pheromones By Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: BODY Range: 1 AP Type: Auto

Base Cost: 20 Factor Cost: 8 Description: A character with this power emits powerful pheromones that affect others near him. To use Pheromones on a target, the character must be within 1 AP of the target (20 feet). In addition, the target must have an active sense of smell. If the target can be affected by the Pheromones, then the user may add the APs of power to the AV/EV of Interrogation, Intimidation, or Persuasion attempt. In addition, when comparing attributes during an interaction maneuver, the user may add his APs of power to the attribute being compared. High winds (whether natural or the result of rapid movement or Superbreath), strong stinks (like in a sewer, chemical plant, dump, etc.), or a lack of air (as in a vacuum, under water, or in smoke) render Pheromones useless. Characters with Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent suffer a -2 CS to their OV/RV in interaction manoeuvres with users of Pheromones. Plague Touch By Angry Rabbit

Physical Power

Link: STR

Range: Touch

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 30

Factor Cost: 5 Description: A character with this power is able to infect defenders through skin contact with fast acting, serious illnesses. The initial attack uses the attacking character’s DEX as AV and the APs of power as EV. RAPs are damage the defender takes. In successive phases, the defender is further attacked by the APs of Plague Touch as the AV/EV against his BODY as the OV/RV. These attacks continue each phase until one of them fails. These continuing attacks simulate the spread of disease throughout the defender’s body. The attacker may not make another Plague Touch attempt on the same victim until the previous attack fails. While sick, the defender suffers a +2 CS to all physical and a +1 CS to all mental and mystical OV/RV. This effect continues even after the attack has ceased causing damage. It continues for an amount of time in APs equal to the APs of power. If the defender is attacked again by Plague Touch, this penalty is not increased in duration or effect, regardless of the results of the subsequent attacks. Photographic Reflexes Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Helper(s): Roy Cowan, Michael A. Ficklin, Adam Fuqua, Eric Langendorff

Mental Power

Link: INT

Range: Special

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 100

Factor Cost: 10 Description: This Power allows a Character to duplicate DEX or any existing Physical Skill from any other Character. To utilize Photographic Reflexes, the Character must have access to extensive visual data about the Character whose DEX or Skill they want to duplicate - movies, film footage, detect observation, Remote Sensing (visual) and such are all valid sources. It takes about half a week ((17 APs) to study one person and duplicate their DEX and/or the Skills they’re seen using. This time can be reduced under certain circumstances as allowed by the GM. For example, a Character with Superspeed could subtract its APs from the time necessary assuming that they also have the means to speed up the visual input (such as watching recordings played back at high speed). The Character can duplicate any number of Skills and Subskills. However, the maximum value of duplicated DEX or Skills is equal to the APs of Photographic Reflexes. Only the absolute value of Skills is used, with no consideration as to whether the original Character bought them linked or not. Physical Skills that can be duplicated using Photographic Reflexes include Accuracy (Physical), Acrobatics, Martial Artist, Thief, Vehicles, and Weaponry. However, Characters with Photographic Reflexes can only duplicate the actual physical aspects of these Skills. Studying a pilot might allow the Character to learn what controls to manipulate to a particular effect such as sending the plane into a turn, but it would not grant him an understanding of instrument panel readings or the knowledge of how to compensate for damage to the plane’s control surfaces. Watching a safe-cracker open a lock would allow the mimic to unlock similar mechanisms but not to defeat locks with different designs. Some elements of non-Physical Skills can also be mimicked, subject to the GM’s judgement. Animal Handling (Riding) might be duplicated to the extent of using observed techniques on mounts taught to respond to those orders, such as watching an equestrian and then riding a trained horse. The physical bases of Artist Subskills could also be mimicked — the Character could replicate a piano player’s performance but would not be able to read musical notation. Specific applications of Medicine (First Aid) and Military Science (Demolitions) can be duplicated after observation but only within the limits of that singular example. The Character might be able to perform a particular first aid procedure such as CPR but would not know how to deal with a complication not seen in the original studied event. Watching a demolitionist arm or defuse a certain type of bomb would only allow the Character to do so with other bombs of the same type. If the GM accepts, some Powers that are actually Skills (i.e., they have the Skilled Power Bonus) can be duplicated; likewise some Skills that are actually Powers (with the Powered Skill Limitation) can be excluded from Photographic Reflexes. When using duplicated combat techniques against the original Character, the Character with Adaptation (Photographic Reflexes) is at an advantage, since they know the exact moves the Character will perform. They thus benefit from both a -1CS to that opponent’s Physical OV when attacking them and a +1CS to their own Physical OV against attacks by that opponent. Like any physical skill, the Skills acquired through Photographic Reflexes must be maintained and trained or they will atrophy – each Adapted Skill and Adapted DEX loses one AP per week after the initial study. The loss of each AP can be prevented with a 10 HPs fee. This represent basic and advanced physical conditioning needed to physically “carry” the skill, as well as further study of the subject and other users of that Skill to gain a deeper understanding besides the immediately useful. HPs used for the maintenance fee are not lost, however—they can be used to buy the Skill or raise DEX as per normal Character Advancement. Unlike Adapted Skills and DEX, the knowledge of the individual’s fighting skills for the OV bonuses does not fade, nor does the ability to imitate specific movements from a studied Character. However, at the GM’s call an opponent’s fighting style may have changed enough since he was last studied that the Character with Photographic Reflexes cannot use the OV bonuses until the opponent has been studied again. Example: The Street Mime has Photographic Reflexes: 10. One day he breaks into an abandoned gymnasium and discovers that it is the place where Kung Fu Lad himself is training. The Street Mime avidly watches the Lad’s katas and by returning there several times actually manages to get the hang of Kung Fu Lad’s techniques. He thus adapts Kung Fu Lad’s Martial Artist: 10. Since everybody’s kung fu fightin’, the Street Mime wants to keep Kung Fu Lad’s skill as long as possible and work out to keep the necessary muscles, suppleness and so on. Each week for twenty works he spends 10 HPs to keep his Martial Arts at 10 APs. He has chosen to spend a total of 200 HPs on the Martial Artist skill – that’s hard work and real training. Before seeing Kung Fu Lad the Street Mime had no Martial Artist skill, so those 200 HPs slowly pay for the 125 HPs entry fee to buy Martial Artist using the standard Character advancement rules. The first AP costs 60 HPs, so after 185 HPs spent he has Martial Artist: 01, and 15 extra HPs remaining to buy the next AP. At this point, he has *both* Martial Artist: 10 Adapted from Kung Fu Lad, with a maintenance fee, and Martial Artist: 01 that he has bought with his own HPs as a normal skill. The back story in how he learned it is linked to his power, but that’s just back story. The first Martial Arts score is actually a Power, while the second is a native Skill. Note that by using Character advancement the Character can have Skills higher than anybody he ever Adapted a Skill from – for instance purchasing Artist (Juggling): 06 although he never Adapted any Artist (Juggling) Skill higher than 5 APs. The Recall Power and the Data Storage Power do not allow for longer retention of the APs of Adapted Skills – Photographic Reflexes is committed to muscle memory instead. This Power can be purchased with the following special Bonus: Can Adapt Non-Physical Skills (BC +100), although this requires some mean of observing the thought processes of the Character whose Skills are to be duplicated – such as the Telepathy power. If the Character can *only* Adapt non-physical skills, BC and FC are the same as for standard Photographic Reflexes. Designer’s notes: Those Characters could conceivably be modelled by simply giving them high DEX and numerous Physical Skills. The point of Photographic Reflexes is to add the following points:

Characters with Photographic Reflexes have to locate and study people who are actually good enough in the given skill. This is unimportant for NPCs but if PCs are to have this one this is part of the fun. They also have to find ever-tougher Characters and specialists.

Photographic Reflexes provides an advantage against people the Character has specifically studied. It’s one of the big aspects of the ability as depicted in comics.

Characters with Photographic Reflexes can get pick-up skills and then never use them again, particularly non-standard background skills sometimes found in writeups such as Artist (Cooking).

Some skills are not Skills — a Character with Photographic Reflexes watches a great basketball game, learns the killer shot that won the match – now they have a power that simply allows them to redo that specific gesture over and over again, as often as they like. If they later want to talk with some street kids on a playground about the murder last night, the ability to do that is a guaranteed ice-breaker. A psionic with this ability can copy a surgical procedure from a top surgeon to save someone’s life, and then delete the skills from their mind.

There is also the matter of Skilled Powers. A Character with Photographic Reflexes would be able to duplicate abilities such as the Missile Reflection/Deflection trick some superheroic martial artists use. Plant Animation Author: Angry Rabbit Mental Power Link: AURA Range: Normal Type: Auto Base Cost: 25 Factor Cost: 8 Description: This power allows a character to summon into being a creature made of plants and wood. The being will follow the instructions of the character for a time in APs equal to the character’s APs of power. After that time, the being dissipates. A character using Plant Animation divides the APs of power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the elemental’s DEX, STR and BODY while the second number serves as its INFL, AURA and SPIRIT against mystical attacks. Elementals do not possess mental attributes and, as such, are immune to all mental attacks. The plant elemental occupies a volume equal to its APs of STR and moves at a speed equal to its DEX. PLANT ANIMATION

Author: Sebastien Andrivet Mystical Power

Link: Aura

Type: Auto

Range: Normal

Base cost: 05

Factor Cost: 08

Description: This Power allows a Character to animate plants such as brushes and trees into creatures following their instructions. They will remain animated and obedient for a length of time (in APs) equal to the Character's APs of Plant Animation. At the end of this time, the plants

revert to their previous existence where they stand. A character using Plant Animation divides the APs of Power into 2 numbers as desired. The first number serves as the plant creature's Dex, Str and Body while the second number serves as the creature's Infl, Aura and Spirit against Mystical Attacks. Plant creatures do not possess Mental Attributes and, as such, are immune to all Mental Attacks. No plant creature can possess an Attribute with an AP value above its APs of weight, plus 3. Thus, a typical 10' tree, weighing 4 APs, cannot have Attributes above 7. Of course, a Character who also has the Plant Growth Power has ways around that.

Poison Fog v. 6.31 Author: cocurts Helper: Morgan Champion Physical Power Link: STR Range: 2x volume Type: Auto Base Cost: 45 Factor Cost: 7 Description: Identical to the Power: Fog except being in the cloud is poisonous and considered a conditions attack (see special combat conditions). The AV/EV of the attack is the APs of the Power. Like Poison Touch the damage from the cloud is persistent. The OV/ RV is Body/Body unless the character can move out of the cloud. In that case the OV is transit speed (or Power) and the RV is Body. The Area of effect is the 2x APs of power in volume, As with Poison Touch, the Player must pick at creation whether the poison is lethal or not. (To switch between lethal and non-lethal is a +1 Bonus to the Factor Cost).Leaving an opponent in a lethal cloud is considered killing combat. Anyone caught in the AP (distance in volume) of the outer layer of the poison cloud gets a +2 CS to their RV. Human Skunk of the Aces has this power, as would any gas grenade device. Poison Touch (revised) Replaces: Poison Touch (p. 91). Thanks to Sebastien Andrivet. Physical Power Link: STR Range: Touch Type: Dice Base Cost: 20 Factor Cost: 1 Description: A Character with this Power is able to generate some form of toxin that can damage an opponent on contact. The initial Attack is made with the user's DEX/APs of Power as AV/EV and the opponent's DEX/BODY as OV/RV. RAPs indicate the amount of Physical damage. (As with most Attacks, Poison Touch can cause either Bashing or Killing damage.) If the initial Attack scores positive RAPs, the target is further Attacked (without requiring an Action on the part of the Character with Poison Touch) at set intervals of time with AV/EV equal to the APs of Poison touch vs. OV/RV equal to the victim's BODY/BODY. These Attacks continue until one of them fails to get positive RAPs. These continuing Attacks simulate the spread of the toxin through an opponent's organism. Further Poison Touch attacks against the victim will have no effect as long as the toxin is still able to score RAPs against the victim (i.e., until one of the Attacks fails), as the target's system is already saturated. The standard time interval for continuing Poison Touch attacks is 9 APs of Time (about half an hour). Poison Touch can be purchased with a special Factor Cost Bonus changing that interval. For every +1 FC, the number of APs of Time decreases by one. For instance, at FC 03 the interval of time is 7 APs. Poison Touch can also be purchased with a special Attack Medium Bonus (+25 BC +2FC). Using this Bonus, Poison touch is carried by another Power (such as Projectile Weapons, Claws, Energy blast, etc.), which is the attack medium. The Character uses the other Power normally, and any person subjected to the Power suffers the effects of the Poison Touch Power in the Phase that follows that exposure. Poison Touch Attacks delivered via an Attack Medium do not require an Action. If the Attack medium covers a volume (Fog, Darkness, Bomb...), then the cost of the Bonus increases by an additional +25 BC +2FC (to +50 BC +4 FC). ally exotic variants, Poison Touch can be purchased with a special +1 FC Bonus allowing it to do Mental or Mystical damage instead of Physical damage. The type of damage that the Power does must be chosen at the time of purchase. Polymorph Author: Angry Rabbit Mystical Power Link: AURA Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 100 Factor Cost: 10 Description: This power allows a character to alter the shape of another into that of any known and normal animal. The target automatically gains the animal’s attributes, powers, skills, and natural attack forms, while maintaining his own mental and mystical attributes. This is resolved as a mystical attack, with APs of power as AV/EV. The target’s INFL/SPIRIT is AV/EV. RAPs must exceed the target’s BODY. If they do, the target is transformed into the animal for a time in APs equal to the APs of power. If used benevolently on a willing target, the user gets a -2 CS to OV/RV. This power may be purchased with a special -1 FC Limitation: Target Maintains Powers. With this limitation, the target of the power maintains any powers he possessed. This power may be purchased with a special -2 FC Limitation: Chaotic. With this limitation, any time the attacking character rolls double tens he is affected by the power in similar fashion to the target and his Polymorph power burns out. This power may be purchased with several special effects that can be Bonuses or Limitations. In the case of these special effects, the transformed target maintains all of his powers, so that special limitation is not available if any of these bonuses are selected. As a Bonus, the effect is worth +1 FC and allows the character to transform the target as normal and as indicated by the special effect. As a Limitation, the effect is worth -3 FC and it is the only transformation the character may utilize. *Apes: This is technically a normal animal, but the target is not quite as altered as normal. Still, this is bizarrely common in comics, so it is presented here. Targets are transformed into apes. They still possess all their normal abilities, but they get +2 APs to STR and +1 AP to BODY, -1 CS to the OV/RV of any rolls involving Climbing, the Extra Limb (Prehensile Feet) power at APs equal to their unmodified STR, and the Strange Appearance drawback, and are going to have a very hard time if they have Secret Identities. The transformation lasts a time in APs equal to the APs of power. *Kids: Targets are transformed into 12 year olds. They gain the Age Drawback for youth. The transformation lasts a time in APs equal to the APs of power. *Scramble: Everyone, excluding the user, in Normal range switches bodies. They will have the physical abilities and mental and mystical powers of their new body, but will retain their own mental and mystical attributes and all their own skills. To determine who gets what body, put all the names of the affected targets in a hat and have the players draw the names out one at a time (it is possible that some targets will not change bodies). The switch lasts for an amount of time equal to the user’s APs of power. *Sex Change: Targets are changed into an attractive member of the opposite sex. They still possess all their normal abilities, but now have the Attractive bonus, even if they normally didn’t. Significant others are going to be very surprised. The transformation lasts a time in APs equal to the APs of power. Preface: I came up with this make-shift so it may need a lot of work. The premise is that I have a character who gets her power from sunlight. She has to take in solar energy (bask in the sun) once a day to recharge or else her powers drop very quickly to zero. To that effect, I have been using Solar Sustenance and having the Loss Vulnerability for each affected power state that while Solar Sustenance no longer sustains the character, all powers are reduced to 0. Instead I was thinking to make this a power to which other powers are linked, much as Mystic Linked or Self-Linked powers... Power Battery Author: Link: Body Physical Power Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 0 Factor Cost: 2 Description: This power does not stand on its own but is a condition set upon another power. All powers linked to Power Battery weaken after a period of time equal to the APs of Power Battery has passed. These powers become “recharged” once a particular condition is met (i.e.: touching a Green Lantern power battery, being exposed to yellow sun radiation, etc.). This power can be taken multiple times, where each time a different condition must be met to recharge the powers linked to it. Each power linked to Power Battery gain an FC modifier as per the chart below (minimum FC 1) to its Factor Cost. The same power can be linked to multiple instances of Power Battery, but must meet all conditions to regain its APs of power. Power Battery has the Always On and Non-Variable limitations by default and this has already been factored into it's Factor Cost. These limitations do not carry over to powers linked to Power Battery. Meeting the condition for at least 1 minute (4 APs of time) before Power Battery expires resets the counter on all associated powers.

Linked Powers FC Modifiers:

(-1 FC) Gradual Power Loss – Linked powers lose an AP of power for each minute (4 AP’s of time) after the APs of Power Battery expires, they lose an AP of power for each round (0 AP’s of time).

(-2 FC) Rapid Power Loss – Instead of linked powers losing an AP of power for each minute after the APs of Power Battery expires, they lose an AP of power for each round (0 AP’s of time).

(-3 FC) Immediate Power Loss – All linked powers are reduced to 0 AP’s immediately after AP’s of Power Battery expires.

(0 FC) Immediate Power Recovery – Linked powers regain all AP’s as soon as the condition to recharge the power is met.

(-1 FC or -2 FC) Delayed Power Recovery – Linked powers regain all AP’s 1 minute (4 AP’s of time, -1FC) or 1 hour (10 AP’s of time, -2 FC) after the condition to recharge the power is met. The character must be exposed to the power the entire time. If the recharge condition ends early (such as moving away from the recharge battery or stepping out of the sunlight), no AP’s are regained and the character must begin again from scratch.

(-1 FC) Gradual Power Recovery – Linked powers regain 1 AP for each round (0 AP’s of time) while the condition to recharge the power is met, if the recharge condition ends early (such as moving away from the recharge battery or stepping out of the sunlight), the number of AP’s regained remains, but no additional AP’s of power are gained.

(-2 FC) Slow Power Recovery – Linked powers regain 1 AP for each minute (4 AP’s of time) while the condition to recharge the power is met, if the recharge condition ends early (such as moving away from the recharge battery or stepping out of the sunlight), the number of AP’s regained remains, but no additional AP’s of power are gained.

Example: Blue Beacon gains her powers from solar energy. She has Power Battery of 15 AP’s. All her other powers have been linked to Power Battery and have the Rapid Power Loss and Gradual Power Recovery FC modifiers, giving each of those powers -3 FC to their Factor Costs (minimum FC of 1). Blue beacon must spend time in the sunlight to recharge those powers. For each round she spends in the sunlight, her powers regain 1 AP, up to their maximum AP’s of power. If she spends at least 1 minute in sunlight before 15 hours has passed since the last time she’s completely recharged all her powers, the timer resets without any ill effects to those powers.

Power Immunity By Helper: Morgan Champion Mystical Power

Link: Spirit

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 5

Factor Cost: 4 Description: Characters with Power Immunity adds their respective APs of Power Immunity to the characters RV against any Power(s) the character is able to use, regardless of Power type (including powers the character has copied from another character). Note that this only protects the user from direct attacks – it does not protect carried or worn items (such as a gun) (unless the Power is bought with the Affects Carried Items Bonus), and does not prevent the character with Power Immunity from being harmed by indirect attacks, such as a character with Telekinesis using it to throw objects. Power Immunity also doesn't protect the character from Skills (even an attempt to emulate Power(s) using a Ritual), as was shown on Charmed, where the warlock Matthew was defeated with a specific Ritual. Example: The warlock Matthew, on Charmed, had 9 APs of this Power, and once he had copied the Powers of the Charmed Ones, was immune to Prue's Mental Blast attacks and couldn’t be shoved or thrown away from her. Prue could still use her telekinesis to snatch a gun from his hand (she was affecting the gun, not Matthew) and could still telekinetically throw objects at him. Presumably Phoebe wouldn’t have been able to see his future any more once he copied her power. Designer's Notes: Yes I adapted the rough description of Power Immunity provided in the Matthew writeup. I decided to write it up as a Mystical Power because the most famous character with it is a warlock, which by definition uses Mystical Powers, and also because Power Immunity affects all three Power categories, so it makes the most sense to Have Power Immunity be a Mystical Power. Power Reserve (revised) By Morgan Champion Mental Power

Link: Will

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 50+

Factor Cost: Special Description: Characters with Power Reserve may add the APs of the Power to any of the character's Abilities. Power Reserve may boost multiple Abilities in the same phase, but the APs of Power Reserve must be shared among the Abilities in question. The Base Cost of Power Reserve is 50 HP plus 10% of the highest Base Cost of the Abilities affected by Power Reserve. The Factor Cost of Power Reserve is that of the power with the highest Factor Cost, plus 1 to the Factor Cost (or +5BC, if that would be more expensive) for each additional Ability beyond the first. OPTIONAL RULE: Power Reserve can normally boost Attributes, Powers and Skills. For each category beyond the first, add 50 HP to the Base Cost, to a maximum of 150 HP. (Alternately, if using the standard form of Power Reserve, being unable to affect a specific category of Abilities is a 50 HP Flaw, while being only able to affect Attributes (for example) would be a 100 HP Flaw, reducing the Base Cost of Power Reserve to 50 HP). Power Reserve (Zoomorph) Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Mental Power Link: WILL

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 10

Factor Cost: 10 Description: This is a packaged set of Limitations for the basic Power Reserve Power. Said Limitations are:

APs of Power Reserve (Zoomorph) can only be used to augment scores that have been adopted from an animal using the Zoomorph Power. This includes Growth and Shrinking.

No such score can be augmented by more than 2 APs

The Power Reserve APs are assigned when a new form is taken using the Zoomorph Power. A new assignation cannot be done without changing form Power Sense Author: Angry Rabbit Mental Power Link: INT Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 5 Factor cost: 2 Description: The user has the ability to sense the powers of others that are within an area equal to the APs of power. This is resolved as a Perception Check, with APs of power acting as AV/EV and the OV/RV equal to the target’s INT/MIND. 1 RAP indicates that a target has powers and maybe which category they belong to (he is a psychic, she is a magician, he is a mutant, etc). Half RV indicates all that 1 RAP reveals, and also a vague sense of how powerful or versatile those abilities are (he is a very potent psychic, she is novice magician, he is a mutant with a lot of powers, etc). Full RV indicates all that half RV reveals, but gives specifics on the individual abilities of the target (he is a very potent telepath who can also control minds, she is a novice magician who uses the elements, he is a mutant with claws, regeneration, and a mastery of several unpleasant martial arts, etc.). Protective Aura

By Morgan Champion

Physical, Mental, or Mystical Power

Link: Body, Mind or Spirit

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 40/60

Factor Cost: 05 Description: Characters with this Power can generate a protective field of force around their bodies (Unless the character has (and uses) the Expandable Bonus for this Power) that adds its APs to the character's RV against a particular damage type (Mental, Mystical or Physical), which must be chosen when the power is purchased. The character can have multiple versions of this power (which must be purchased separately) which has a Base Cost of 40 HP if it protects against Mental or Mystical Attacks, but 60 HP if it protects against Physical Attacks. As the Protective Aura moves and changes shape as the character does, the character can make attacks normally, regardless of the type of Protective Aura possessed by the character. This Power replaces Force Field, Magic Field, and Mind Field with the Can Attack Through Field Bonus and the Limitation: Field Protects Power User Only. Psychokinesis

By Morgan Champion

Mental, Power

Link: Will

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 10 Description: Characters with this Power can move objects with their mind alone. This enables them to perform any of the following feats (If using more than one feat, the total APs of Psychokinesis are split between the various feats.)

Moving objects at a distance, as if the character had equivalent APs of Telekinesis.

Moving oneself at up the APs of Power, as per the Flight power.

Punching targets at a distance, using the APs of Psychokinesis as the AV/RV. The damage is purely kinetic, so Skin Armor protects against it. Pulse Author: Angry Rabbit Mental Power Link: WILL Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 20 Factor cost: 3 Description: This power allows a character to emit a powerful EM Pulse, attacking all electrical devices within range. The APs of power are the AV/EV of the attack. It has an explosive radius that moves outward from the character, extending to a range of half the power’s APs (round down). It attacks all targets within range separately and with no Multi-Attack penalties. It loses 2 APs of EV for every 1 AP of distance outward it travels. The OV/RV of the attack is the target’s INT/MIND if it has one. A Pulse will damage cyborgs, robots, and androids like an ordinary mental attack. This means that those characters do not suffer a CS against this power. RAPs are subtracted as damage from MIND and must be repaired. If the attacked device lacks mental attributes, the Pulse will target the power that defines the device’s primary function. On sensor devices, it will target the device’s sensory power, recording devices have their Recall targeted, vehicles will have their movement power targeted, weapons will have their attack power targeted, etc. The GM will have to make the call based on the criteria that the Pulse is designed to stop the device from functioning. Only electrical devices can be harmed. RAPs are subtracted as damage from the targeted power and must be repaired. Radar Sense (revision) This Power is similarl to Telepathy in that the range is only applicable when the first connection is made. After that, range is meaningless. If the character or device can go out of range, this should be a special -1 FC Limitation: Limited Range. For devices with a Reliability Number and this power, the first failed reliability roll indicates that the device has lost the signal and will have to be returned to within Normal range to reacquire the signal. In science fiction settings, this power is slightly expanded to include starship sensors suites. It can be used to scan and map planets, stars, starships, and space. It can detect anomalous energy sources, weather patterns, gravity or radiation patterns, and generally any one of a dozen other science fiction plot devices.

Radio Communication (note)

Any modern or futuristic device with this power can also access and surf the Internet. Using this, he can also communicate with computers that have modems and are within range. If he possesses the Spy (Hacking) subskill, he can infiltrate and attack those computers. If the device is part of the computer’s network, or can be hacked into it, he can download a Split of the network’s central computer.

Reaction Control By maficklin@ Helper(s): Rewritten by Morgan Champion

Mental Power

Link: Will

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 30

Factor Cost: 7

Description: The Power of Reaction Control) allows its user to control chemical reactions, eg: The character can affect the time or the yield of the chemical process by performing a Physical Attack using the APs of Reaction Control as AV/EV, and the Body/Body of the resulting substance as the OV/RV, with the difficulty modifiers the same as for the Transmutation Power. RAPs result can be added or subtracted as desired to the APs of time it takes the reaction, the volume/weight of the final product, or the amount of electricity generated/absorbed by the reaction. The character can cause damage to materials or creatures, increasing the processes of decay. It is treated similarly to Cell Rot, but may affect any substance that is markedly affected over time by the environment; very inert substances such as glass, are not subject to this effect, while resistant substances such as aluminum win +2 columns for OV/RV. (Combustion and rust are basically the same chemical process: oxidation, but at different speeds). The character can neutralize (see Neutralise) any power or Gadget that requires chemical reactions in order to function, such as bullets, batteries and motors. Powers affected include (but not limited to): Acid, Glue, Flame Project, Bomb, Fog, Cell Rot, etc. Examples of characters who could be affected: hourman (using Miraclo pills), the Jumper, Tom Thumb and the Invisible boy (powers of a serum), The Flash (Jay Garrick) (he got his powers from heavy water), and even Superman, since the chemical reaction between their cells and the solar radiation is what grants him his powers. The character can slow down a creature's metabolic processes in a manner similar to the Suspension Power by making a Physical Attack with the APs of Reaction Control as the AV/EV and the target's Dexterity / Body as the OV/RV; the RAPs represent APs of time where the character goes into Suspension. An opponent can resist this attack with Last Ditch Defense. The target can also use their strength/Will as AV/EV with the RAPs as the OV/RV. If the RAPs achieved by user were equal to twice the target's body, the target dies. (A new use of Reaction Control can revive the target, with the APs of time after the target dies being added to the characters OV/RV, to a maximum of +8/+8, whereupon the target cannot be revived. The power does not allow resurrection for other reasons.) The character can accelerate a creature's biological processes, in effect increasing their strength and speed (treat as Superspeed). This requires a physical attack with either the target's Dexterity or Strength (whichever is largest) as OV and the target's APs of Body as RV; RAPs are added the strength and speed of the target for a number of phases equal to the RAPs , but the target also takes an equivalent amount of Body damage each phase, which is not subject to Last Ditch Defense. The Chemical King, late member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, had this very different power.

Reality Check Link: Int Mental Power Range: Self Type: Dice Base Cost: 100 Factor Cost: 3 Description: If your adventures or campaigns are nice solid down-to-reality types, read no further. However, if they include strange dreams, unreality, extra-dimensional crossovers, and Player to Character interaction, read on. This Power is used to determine whether or not the current situation the Character is in is a hoax, dream, imaginary tale, or taking place in an alternate universe. Reality Check tends to make the game more of a free-form interaction between the GM and the Players as opposed to the normal, nice, well-constructed game. With Reality Check, Players can cut through to the truth of the matter, much in the same way that a burst of clear thinking would work. A Player may even use it to discover if something is really happening, cutting through game-illusions or GM-created silliness. However, if a Player attempts to dispute a situation and the roll fails, the Power will backfire, attacking the Character's Mental Attributes as he tries to deal with the backfire. To perform a Reality Check, AV/EV equals the APs of Reality Check, while the GM's age is the OV/RV. Resulting RAPs deem how much information (in Knowledge Points) the GM may tell the Player concerning what is really happening. The GM may use money to boost the OV and RV in the same manner that Hero Points are used in the roll. He does not have to give any money away, but must show that it exists. Five dollars (or nearest value in foreign countries) equals one Hero Point. When a Reality Check backfires, there's usually trouble. The APs of Reality Check become the AV/EV in an attack on the Player Character's Int/Mind. This damage is never Killing Combat, and Mind will never go below zero due to any backfire, cumulative or not. This Power is best suited for the Humor Genre, to help simulate comics where the Character interacts with the writers and editors.

Regeneration (revised)

By Roy Cowan Link: Will

Mental Power

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 8

Description: This Power accelerates a Character's natural recuperative abilities, restoring Current BODY, MIND and SPIRIT Conditions at an exceptional rate. The Character's APs of Regeneration are subtracted from the APs of time needed for Recovery Checks. For each AP of Regeneration over the time needed to make a Recovery Check, one additional Recovery Check can be made.

Regeneration-assisted Recovery Checks still consume a Dice Action for the phase in which they occur. Multiple Recovery Checks during one phase count as a single Dice Action regardless of how many Checks are made. A Character with Regeneration need not be conscious to utilize this Power.

Examples: A Character with 8 APs of Regeneration can make a Bashing Recovery Check every 2 APs and a Killing Recovery Check every 7 APs. Ten APs of Regeneration allow a Bashing Recovery Check each phase while 12 APs would allow three Checks per phase. A Character with 15 APs of Regeneration in an Action Genre setting can make a Killing Recovery Check each phase during combat, while a Character with 16 APs can make two such Checks per phase.

Characters with Regeneration usually heal without scarring. If the Character does retain scars after Regenerating, this is a -1 Factor Cost Limitation and may lead to Power Complication Subplots if the cumulative scarring inhibits them in some way. For example, such a Character might acquire an Appearance Drawback until they receive restorative plastic surgery or suffer a Column Shift Penalty to movement action due to bones healing out of alignment until they can be medically broken and reset. Regeneration also allows recovery from injuries that normally would not heal, such as nerve damage. Such drastic injury might require additional time for recovery, subject to the APs of Regeneration and the GM's judgement. A severed spinal cord might take several months to a year at 1 to 2 APs of Regeneration, while 10 APs would allow complete recovery within a week or two. If a Character's Regeneration does not allow for this kind of recovery, it is a -2 Factor Cost Limitation.

Many superheroic regenerators have an extraordinary ability to heal from lethal wounds but do not recover consciousness any more quickly than their compatriots. These Characters have -2 Factor Cost Limitation that Regeneration only Reduces the Time for Killing Recovery Checks. This Power may also be purchased with a -1 Factor Cost Limitation for each Attribute (BODY, MIND or SPIRIT) that Cannot Be Regenerated.

Reinforce v0.1

Author: Gareth Lewis

Link: WILL

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 25

Factor Cost: 05

Description: This Power allows a character to make a Gadget less likely to stop

working by decreasing its Reliability Number. The Power targets a single Gadget, with the APs of Power as the AV/EV, and the APs of the Gadget’s highest stat as OV/RV. Success results in the RAPs being deducted from the Reliability Number (to a minimum of 0).

Sand Blast By Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: BODY Range: Normal Type: Dice Base Cost: 15 Factor Cost: 4 Description: A character with the Sand Blast power can blast targets with a mass of fast moving sand. Use of this power is a physical attack with AV/EV equal to the APs of power. OV/RV is equal to the target’s DEX/BODY. In addition to the damage, if the attack earns half RV or more RAPs, the target is blinded for a number of phases equal to the RAPs of the attack. While blinded, the RAPs are subtracted from the defenders’ DEX and Initiative. Selection By Morgan Champion Mental Power Link Attribute: Will Range: Self Action Type: Auto Base Cost: 50 Factor Cost: 9 Description: A character with this Power can add all the APs of Selection to a single Power, as per Power Reserve. The catch is, any Power that is boosted by Selection drops to 0 APs (becoming unusable) until the Power is boosted by Selection again. Selection can affect a minimum of two Powers, and can affect additional Powers by adding 5HP per additional power to the Base Cost.

Self-Link (Gadgetry) a.k.a. SLG v2.1

By Sean MacDonald and Dr. Peter S Piispanen

Helpers: Roy Cowan

Link: None

Range: Self

Type: Auto

Base Cost: 75

Factor Cost: 7

Designer's Note: Gadgetry's normal Factor Cost is 8, but SLG is Always On.

Description: A Character with this Power is a Gadget, or at least a mostly-mechanical Cyborg, and not a biological life-form. Therefore, certain abilities and environmental factors have different effects on this Character than on a living being. The Character can also be modified as with any Gadget as a much less expensive version of Character Improvement. Furthermore, if destroyed the Character can be rebuilt if plans are available. APs of Self-Link (Gadgetry) represent the maximum APs of any Attribute, Power, or Skill that the SLG Character may possess.

Some of the consequences of being a Gadget are as follows:

* Since an SLG Character is a Gadget he does not heal normally, receiving no Recovery Checks at all unless equipped with self-repair systems. Having self-repair systems is a +1 FC Bonus to SLG and allows the Character to make Recovery Checks as normal. The Regeneration Power has no effect on SLG Characters without self-repair systems, since that Power only reduces the time between Resting Recovery Checks, but functions normally for Characters with self-repair systems. However, even a Character with self-repair systems cannot be healed by Damage Transference (barring special variations upon that Power). Of course, any SLG Character can be repaired by a gadgeteer using the Repairing Gadgets rules.

* Gadgets can be affected by damage more easily than humans. If the optional rule for Gadget damage is being used, then a SLG Character will have his R# increased by 1 for every RAP of damage that he suffers (after Last Ditch Defense) until this damage is repaired. For a discussion of an SLG Character's R#, see below.

* Optional Rule: An SLG Character that wishes to withstand damage like a living Character has to buy the Hardened Defenses Advantage. This Advantage adds +2 FC to purchased BODY. Unless the Gadget has this Advantage it will, in accordance with the standard Gadget rules, be damaged so much by even 1 RAP of Physical Damage that it contains "a hole big enough to climb through."

* The SLG Character is made of non-living material which various abilities might affect differently than flesh. For example, a Character that is made of metal would be affected by Magnetic Control. A SLG Character made of any nonliving substance could be affected by Transmutation. The material the Gadget is primarily composed of must be stated during Character Creation. Any particular Attack Vulnerabilities of that material have to be taken separately as Drawbacks.

* The SLG Character does not have a human brain or soul. Therefore, the Character is completely immune to attack forms which attack these human qualities, such as Mind Blast, Control, or Magic Blast. However, many gadgeteers build devices with variants of these powers designed to attack Gadgets, so this protection is not as impressive as it might otherwise seem. Some examples of machine-specific powers include Telepathy (only against machines) and Metal Manipulation.

* Any Gadget that is self-aware has to possess both Mental and Mystical Attributes. Due to the extreme complexity of creating such a system the builder has to possess the Genius Advantage to create this self-awareness in his creation. Such a task is considered Herculean or Beyond the Limit. A self-aware Gadget is fully capable of taking independent action without needing orders and has inner emotional processes that mimic those of a human being. Such Characters are capable of using and being affected by Character Interaction, unlike non-sentient automatons, and may even be affected by certain Mental and Mystical abilities subject to the circumstances, the metaphysical rules of the campaign setting, and the GM's judgement.

* A Gadget may be reprogrammed in a manner similar to brainwashing a living person. Reprogramming requires the use of a power like Hypnotism, Control or Personality Transfer with a Bonus that allows it to work on Gadgets. Deleting the mind and/or original programming of the Gadget Character in question (which would effectively kill a sentient Gadget) requires another power such as Mind Blast with the appropriate Gadget-affecting Bonus. Reprogramming can be done without erasing the original programming, but such a trick is dangerous since the original programming may break through the new programming and reinsert itself as the main programming. Reprogramming may change Motivation and insert mental Advantages and Drawbacks (like an Irrational Attraction) into the Gadget's personality.

Optional Rule: The Computer Use Skill can be used for reprogramming. In such a case the OV/RV is the highest of either the INT/MIND of the Gadget, the APs of SL: Gadgetry, or the original programmer's Computer Use Skill APs. RAPs equal or greater than the full RV must be scored to make such changes permanent. Otherwise, the changes last for a number of APs equal to the RAPs scored before the original programming reasserts itself.

* The Character is completely immune to disease, poison (Poison Touch), attacks that induce sleep and other factors that target physical vulnerabilities unique to living beings. The Character has no need for food or sleep and does not age in the conventional sense. However, gadgets do require a certain amount of maintenance. Treat any damage that the Character suffers from aging normally, except that this damage is repairable just like any other damage that a Gadget suffers.

* A Gadget may multitask just like any human being can. If lacking such an ability it is a separate Drawback and any Gadget that has an increased multitasking capability should possess the Split (Computational) Power. Since the default for a Character is to be able to perform a small number of tasks simultaneously already, such a power is purchased at a reduced price (HP cost is calculated based on the APs of power minus 2).

* The Character does not need air to breathe. However, it still will require certain atmospheric conditions to function properly unless Sealed Systems is purchased. For example, many robots do poorly in water, while others might have difficulty functioning in a vacuum. Such details are left to the GM, but a simple means of adjudicating these circumstances is to subtract the APs of SLG from the APs of time spent in an airless environment for purposes of calculating when to make Checks against "suffocation" or similar environmental damages.

* The Character is assumed to have a R# of 0. However, a SLG Character may optionally choose to have a higher R#. The benefit to having a higher R# is a reduction in the Factor Cost of SLG (but not the Factor Costs of any other abilities).

A R# of 2 is a -1 FC Limitation.

A R# of 3 is a -2 FC Limitation.

A R# of 5 is a -3 FC Limitation.

A R# of 7 is a -4 FC Limitation.

A R# of 9 is a -5 FC Limitation.

A R# of 11 is a -6 FC Limitation.

Failure of the R# represents that the Gadget has run out of power. Having a high R# may mean that the Gadget runs on a quickly expended source of fuel. A low R# means that the Gadget very rarely needs to be recharged. Commonly a Gadget with a very low R# has either an internal energy creating device (such as a fusion reactor) or a Power that regularly collects the necessary energy such as Energy Absorption, Solar Sustenance, or Vampirism. The exact details of what the R# represents and what sort of energy the Gadget runs on is stated during its creation. A limitation that the Gadget needs a specific energy intake regularly to function properly is a Drawback and taken separately.


By Angry Rabbit

Mental Power

Link: INT

Range: 1 AP

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 15

Factor Cost: 3 Description: This power is the classic psychic power. It allows a character to detect the presence of unseen forces and entities such as ghosts, spirits, demons, or the scrying of powerful psychics or sorcerers. The APs of power are used as the AV/EV with the OV/RV being the appropriate power of the entity: Invisibility, Spirit Travel, Sorcery, Personality Transfer, etc. 1 RAP indicates that the being is detected and its general location revealed: “We are not alone in this house.” Half RV RAPs reveals the exact location and general identity of the entity: “This house is haunted by a ghost that lives in the cellar.” Full RV RAPs indicates the exact identity and general intent of the entity: “This house is haunted by Will Hamlin, the man who built it and who committed suicide in the cellar. He means to drive us out at any cost.” If the check fails, the character cannot make another Sensitivity check for the same entity until he has been exposed to new information or the entity takes some new action that affects the character. Shadow Animation By Angry Rabbit Mystical Power

Link: AURA Range: Normal Type: Auto Base Cost: 25 Factor Cost: 8 Description: This power allows a character to summon into being a creature made of shadow. The being will follow the instructions of the character for a time in APs equal to the character’s APs of power. After that time, the being dissipates. A character using Shadow Animation divides the APs of power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the elemental’s DEX, STR and BODY while the second number serves as its INFL, AURA and SPIRIT against mystical attacks. Elementals do not possess Mental Attributes and, as such, are immune to all Mental Attacks. The shadow elemental occupies a volume equal to its APs of STR and moves at a speed equal to its DEX. Shadow Form v.6.3 By cocurts Helper: Morgan Champion Physical Power Link Attribute: DEX Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 75 Factor Cost: 7 Description: This Power allows a Character to move along the surface of objects as a Shadow at whatever speed they can in normal form. While using the power if the character is observed he will look like a Shadow cast by nothing. While a Character is using Shadow Form the Character is immune to most forms of physical attack (excluding other characters in Shadow Form, light-based attacks (Flash, Laser Beam, etc.) or Trans-dimensional attacks, which inflict full damage). The character has their normal DEX and STR and can make hand to hand attacks from Shadow Form. Any Physical Powers that are Touch or Self range will function as normal but ranged Physical Powers cannot be used in Shadow Form. The Darkness Power can be used as an RV Stacker against a Shadow Formed Character. A Character using this Power is invisible when viewed from the side. The APs of Shadow Form are subtracted from the RAPs of any Perception Check used to find the character. This Power can be combined with the advantage Shadow Self so the character can move in Shadow Form. It can also be combined with the Power Shadow Hop. The Shadow Thief and Obsidian have this Power. [dc-heroes] Sharpness v1.6 -- An Even Closer Shave (2)


Roy Cowan roy_cowan2000@ [dc-heroes]

To DC/Blood-of Heroes


In general I've made the final tweaks suggested in the last round of comments. Given the breadth of his contributions to the Power, I've made Eric a full author. I think I have all the other contributors credited, but let me know if I missed anyone.

A couple of more specific points:

* Base Cost has been reduced to 25. I went a little higher than the suggested BC 15 as a combination of reflecting the rarity of the Power as well as erring on the side of caution regarding cost balance.

* Eric, do you mind if we add your Psychic Link house rule (currently available in the "BoHmods" house rule doc in the list's file section if anyone wants to take a look) to the new Bonuses page WORG? Also, I assume you went with Psychic Link instead of Mental Link so that it could be noted on the associated Power with a P instead of an M, right?

* Two of the characters listed as examples do not have currently have Sharpness as statted on WORG.

-- Wolverine has the earlier Armor-Piercing Bonus. Suggested adjustment: Claws dropped to 6-8 APs with 4-6 APs of Sharpness.

-- Aliens: Acid reduced to 04 with Sharpness: 04 added. Sharpness v1.6 By Nick Yankovec, Sébastien Andrivet, and Eric Langendorff Helpers: William Chamberlin, Roy Cowan, Pawsplay, Peter Piispanen, Quintanads Link: BODY Range: Self Type: Auto Base Cost: 25 Factor Cost: 07 Description: Powers augmented by Sharpness have an extraordinary ability to penetrate defenses even if they do not otherwise inflict extreme amounts of damage. The comic-book exemplar of Sharpness is the X-Men's Wolverine, whose adamantium claws only do damage equivalent to very sharp short swords against human opponents but can still slash through foot-thick steel walls with ease. When an attack is made using Sharpness, the APs of Sharpness are subtracted from the RV of the target versus that attack. An attack using Sharpness: 04 versus an RV of 14 would reduce the RV to 10. The target's RV cannot be reduced below the base EV of the attack it is augmenting. If Sharpness is used with Claws: 08, the final RV cannot be reduced below 08 APs. The Sharpness modifier is applied before Hero Point expenditure or Column Shifts of the EV or RV are added. Sharpness only reduces RV for the purposes of calculating the RAPs achieved by that attack. It does not reduce the amount of HPs that could be spent on raising RV versus the attack or to reduce RAPs with Last Ditch Defense. The attack that Sharpness augments is designated when it is purchased. For each attack after the first that Sharpness enhances, the Base Cost is increased by 5 points. Sharpness is usually partnered with offensive Physical Powers but can also be connected to Martial Artist EV. Sharpness can be purchased with Psychic Link or Mystic Link to enhance Mental or Mystical Powers respectively. If a Character has Sharpness for abilities in multiple categories, Sharpness must be purchased separately for each type. For example, Razorr wants to enhance Claws, Projectile Weapons and Mystic Blast (No Range) with Sharpness. She purchases standard Sharpness for the first two Powers and then buys Sharpness with Mystic Link for Mystic Blast.This Power may be purchased with a special Factor Cost Limitation: Ineffective versus Energy Barriers (-1FC), which includes force fields and similar "hard-energy" constructs. In addition to Wolverine, other characters with Sharpness include Silver Samurai and Harpoon of the Marauders (augmenting their Martial Artist EV when applied to weapons), Mantis of the Avengers and Magnus Robot-Fighter (augmenting their Martial Artist EV), and the Aliens from the eponymous movies (enhancing their acidic blood). Designer's notes: Sharpness being unable to reduce the opposing RV below the EV of the attached attack makes it less useful for high EV abilities. This is deliberate, as it is intended to represent lower-EV attacks that still routinely inflict damage against high-RV targets. It also limits the potential abuses of the Power. For this reason, it is not recommended that the Power be purchased with a Bonus to ignore that innate limit. Shockwave By Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: STR Range: Normal Type: Dice

Base Cost: 15 Factor Cost: 4 Description: The character can create a wave of force that causes Knockback and damage. Many very strong heroes have this power and use it to slam the ground or clap their hands as an attack. The character can attack all targets within one AP-wide corridor extending from the site of origin with no Multi-Attack penalties (i.e., the attack is made against each target separately). This is resolved as a physical attack with the hero’s STR as EV and APs of power as AV. RAPs are split evenly between damage to the targets' BODY and APs of Knockback. The Knockback is reduced by the target's APs of weight.

Note: When a character is Knockbacked in this fashion, he may sustain auxiliary damage from contact with objects (buildings, the ground, spikes, vehicles, etc.) This damage is considered as being sustained in Killing Combat, although the character using Shockwave is not penalized as such during the distribution of Standard Awards unless the resulting damage actually killed a character or unless the attacking character intended to harm the target deliberately in this fashion.

If slamming the ground, this power does significant collateral damage. The GM should be creative in the description of cars flipping over, pavement cracking, trees toppling, etc.

Shockwave Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Helper(s): Eric Langendorff, Black Adam, William Chamberlin

Link: STR

Range: Touch – Explosive Radius

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 05 Description: A Character with the Power of Shockwave can knock down and unbalance nearby persons with but a Dice Action. A Shockwave doesn't inflict damage per se - it staggers, dazes and knocks prone. A Shockwave attacks the following values :

The Character makes an Action Check using the APs of Power as the AV/EV against the target(s) DEX/DEX as the OV/RV.

APs of Density Increase can be used to increase one's RV against Shockwave. APs of Joined can be used to increase both OV and RV against Shockwave. APs of Growth do not usually provide a defense.

The Bracing Manoeuvre (BOH:SE) p150 can be used to reduce the RAPs from a Shockwave attack.

Targets who are currently in the air – more than a metre or so above the ground – receive a +1CS OV/RV Bonus against a Shockwave.

RAPs from a Shockwave have the following effects:

The target's AVs and movement rate are all reduced by the RAPs inflicted by the Shockwave Dice Action. This concerns all AVs (Physical, Perception, Mental, Character Interaction, etc.) and movement rates (Running, Swimming, Flight, DEX-derived running speed, etc.)

On the Phase that follows the Shockwave Dice Action, targets can attempt to shake the RAPs inflicted by the Shockwave attack. This is a Dice Action using DEX/STR against the RAPs gained by Shockwave; each RAP erases one RAP inflicted by the Shockwave Dice Action.

The RAPs inflicted by Shockwave automatically fade, at the rate of 2 RAPs per Phase. This is on top of any RAPs gained by a Dice Actions to shrug the effects off. This fading effect takes place at the very end of the Phase, once all Actions have been resolved.

It is not uncommon for this Power to be a Skilled Power that is Contingent on STR - and it sometimes appear as a Trick Power based on STR. This is the most common form of Shockwave - hitting the ground to knock nearby persons prone. Note that very unusual grounds (for instance a super-metal with a BODY well above the Character's STR) may make Shockwave impossible. Some Characters who deliver particularly violent Shockwave attacks may also have a Bomb Power that is Combined with their Shockwave Power. Designer's notes: Some GM's may opt to make Shockwave attacks a Combat Manoeuvre based on STR, but we find the Power-based approach cleaner. Most super-strong characters never pull that trick (or just once or twice, which is within the remit of a Trick Power), the APs are not necessarily correlated with the STR and should be set independently, producing effects comparable to some Powers without having bought a Power isn't clean, etc. Though chronologically Shockwave was designed before Stagger, it is now best considered as a version of Stagger with various changes already built on to keep the notation short. Shotgun Blast Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Helper(s): Eric Langendorff

Link: STR

Range: None — see below

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 10

Factor Cost: 01 (plus Range, see below) Description: This Power allows a Character to fire blasts of small projectiles at an opponent or target. The AV/EV of an attack using Shotgun Blast is DEX/APs of Power while OV/RVs is the target’s DEX/BODY. If the Shotgun Blast Power is part of the Powers of a Gadget, the AV becomes the relevant Weaponry Subskill instead - as normal for a DEX-based Power. A Shotgun Blast automatically has both the Scattershot Advantage and the Diminishing Limitation. The Shotgun Blast’s Range should be bought separately (BC 0, FC 1) and is listed immediately after the Power — for instance Shotgun Blast (Range 03): 05. In details-oriented stories such as techno-thrillers, equipment with Shotgun Blast will usually also have Projectile Weapons, to represent firing solids (“slugs”) rather than pellets (“buckshot”). This Projectile Weapons Power usually has the Ammo Switch Drawback — noted as Projectile Weapons (Ammo Switch): XX. This subtlety is not present in most stories, where shotguns always fire buckshot. Designer’s notes: Shotgun Blast is simply a shorthand to avoid writing over and again “Projectile Weapons has no Range and uses the listed Range instead” and “Advantage: Scattershot”. This makes the game stats for shotguns much briefer.

Shouting (as seen on page 126 of the Justice League Sourcebook) Author: Angry Rabbit Mystical Power Link: AURA Range: Special Type: Dice Base Cost: 5 Factor cost: 3 Description: Shouting gives its user the ability to suddenly launch into a dramatic monologue of such quality that everyone who hears it is forced to stop and listen to it. Everyone within range of the user’s voice can hear the shout.

To shout, the user makes an Action Check against the target’s INFL/SPIRIT (using the standard Multi-Attack Penalty if there is more than one target). If this Action Check earns one or more RAPs, all targets must pause and allow the user a chance to finish his monologue before they take any action against him, her, or anyone else, regardless of Initiative scores. In addition, the user automatically receives one free Hero Point per target successfully shouted per phase, though the maximum number of Hero Points that can be gained in this way per adventure is five.

Shrinking (revision)

If using this power at 40 APs or more, the character falls out of our world and into the Microverse, an alternate dimension that exists at sizes smaller than electrons.

Skim By Morgan Champion Link: Dex

Type: Auto Range: Self

Base Cost: 5 Factor Cost: 2 Description: This Power enables the user to traverse any reasonably smooth horizontal surface, even liquids. The speed while doing so is either equal to the APs of Skim or the character's APs of ground movement if the character is on a solid surface. If Skim only works on a particular surface (i.e. ice), this is a -1FC Limitation. Designer's Notes: I always thought that there should be a Power that enabled the character to move over liquid, and so designed one. Skin Armor (revision) Skin armor primarily protects against physical attacks relying on impact like Claws, Projectile Weapons, Strike, falls, and knockback. Against energy or elemental attacks, like Flame Project, Lightning, Ice Production, Sand Blast, Super Breath, or Water Jet, it offers a reduced level of protection. Against such attacks, it suffers a -1 CS to RV. It will still offer full protection against attacks that do impact damage, even if the attack is normally an energy or elemental attack. For example, a chunk of ice or the concussive force from an explosion will have full protection. Skin Armor (Usage clarification) Author: Sébastien Andrivet Description: Skin Armor is normally interpreted on as not protecting against attacks that do not rely on physical impact. This includes Energy Blast, Flame Project, Acid, Lightning, Cell Rot, etc. This comes from an early, and debatable, reading of the terms “Physical Damage” in the Power’s description. Unless otherwise noted, all profile follow this definition. As it turns out, this interpretation has been fruitful. Many characters appear to be more resistant to physical impact than other attack forms, and this take on Skin Armor has been useful hundreds of times to model characters. If a different approach is sought, you will see Bonuses and Limitations as “Skin Armor also protects against energy attacks” or other such clarifications for a specific character. A second interpretation is that Skin Armor does not protect against Planned Knockback Attacks – which attempt to displace the character, but do not in themselves inflict the Physical RAPs that Skin Armor defends against. This also corresponds to how things usually work in comic books, where strong characters can sometimes knock back foes they cannot hurt. Sleep By Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: DEX Range: Normal Type: Dice

Base Cost: 15

Factor Cost: 3 Description: This power allows a character to put another into a deep sleep. This is resolved as a physical attack, with APs of power as AV/EV and the target’s DEX/BODY as OV/RV. RAPs are the APs of time the target is put asleep. While asleep, the character cannot be wakened by any normal means. He is completely vulnerable to attack, with his OVs all reduced to 0. Each phase, the sleeper can try to break the spell over him by making a Dice Action with his BODY as AV/EV and the total RAPs of the attack as OV/RV. A successful roll allows the character to awake, but he is stunned the next round. Slick By Angry Rabbit Physical Power Link: STR Range: Normal

Type: Auto Base Cost: 15 Factor Cost: 1 Description: This power allows a character to coat an area with a slippery substance like oil or grease. This slick covers an area equal to the APs of power and lasts for a number of phases equal to the APs of power. Any movement across the slick is impossible without a Dice Action against an OV/RV equal to the APs of power. The user can skate across this surface at a speed equal to half his APs of Power. Slow (EQ)

Author: Sébastien Andrivet

Mystical Power

Link: INF

Range: Normal

Type: Dice

Base Cost: 20

Factor Cost: 03

Description: The Slow (EQ) Power allows a Character to slow and hinder the actions

conducted by the target. This is generally used to blunt the effectiveness of their assaults. However it also affects other Dice Actions such as Character Interaction, Perception Rolls, etc. The movement speed of the target (and their gross mobility in general) is unaffected – the effect only hampers fine coordination. Likewise the *strength* of the target's attacks isn't diminished – but they are easier to see coming. The APs of Slow (EQ) Power are the AV/EV tested against the target's INF/SPI. RAPs are interpreted using the following table:

RAPs Effects

01 | LDD against the target's Dice Actions receives a 1 Genre Column Shift Bonus

02 | Both LDD and OV boosting against the target's Dice Actions receive a 1 Genre Column Shift Bonus

03 | As for 2 RAPs. Furthermore OVs for the target's Dice Actions are all raised by 1 AP

04 | OVs for the target's Dice Actions are all raised by 1 AP. LDD, OV boosting and RV boosting against the target's Dice Actions all receive a 1 Genre Column Shift Bonus

05 | OVs for the target's Dice Actions are all raised by 1 AP. OV boosting and RV boosting against the target's Dice Actions all receive a 1 Genre Column Shift Bonus. LDD against the target's Dice Actions receives a 2 Genre Column Shift Bonus

06 | OVs for the target's Dice Actions are all raised by 1 AP. RV boosting against the target's Dice Actions all receive a 1 Genre Column Shift Bonus. Both LDD and OV boosting against the target's Dice Actions receive a 2 Genre Column Shift Bonus

07 | OVs for the target's Dice Actions are all raised by 2 APs. RV boosting against the target's Dice Actions all receive a 1 Genre Column Shift Bonus. Both LDD and OV boosting against the target's Dice Actions receive a 2 Genre Column Shift Bonus

08 | OVs for the target's Dice Actions are all raised by 2 APs. LDD, OV boosting and RV boosting against the target's Dice Actions all receive a 2 Genre Column Shift Bonus

09 | As for 8 RAPs. Furthermore, the target receives a 1 Genre Column Shift Penalty to all AV boosting.

10+ | As for 9 RAPs. Furthermore, the target receives a 1 Genre Column Shift Penalty to all EV boosting.

"Genre Column Shift Bonus" are applied on the Genre Table on p. 227 of Blood of Heroes: Special Edition. Bonuses mean a leftward shift, penalties a rightward shift.

"Boosting" is used as a shorthand for the usual spending of Hero Points in a Dice Action, as explained in Idea Seven: Hero Points (BoH:SE pp126-127).

Designer's notes: This emulate the effect of the various slow spell lines in the original Everquest video game. It is named Slow (EQ) with the parenthetical in case we later need a Slow Power that works differently. This approach seeks to replicate the tactical applications and general feel of these spells. *Technically* it could be a Time Slow Power, but that doesn't carry over as well and completely fails for lower-level versions of the spells (such as Drowsy, that slows attackers by but 10-ish percent). There are ample precedents of RAPs-based result tables (though not usually that detailed), and the DCH online community has used Genre Column Shift mechanics before. The combination of the two is unusual, but it does give a precise control of the output of the Power to avoid weirdness. If you are looking for a more traditional approach, consider the Numb Power.

The Slow (EQ) Power assumes the use of one-AP-wide columns via variant Action Tables and Result Tables. Otherwise, raising the OV by one AP would have almost zero effect in more than half the cases, eh? Snare (revision) A Snare can be used as a swing line or a rope. In this way, it has any length the character desires, up to a maximum equal to his APs of power. The line has a STR and BODY equal to the APs of power. The character can move using the swing line at a speed equal to half his APs of power.

Solar Reserve Physical Power Link: Body

Type: Auto Range: Self

Base Cost: 125 Factor Cost: 9 Description: Some subset of this character's powers (specified at creation time) derive from absorption of solar radiation, his physiology basically being a living solar battery such that his cells literally contain a reserve of energy. The character does not need to eat, nor does he require an external power source of any sort for these powers when within range (four times APs of Power) of an appropriate star or as long as any reserve (see below) remains. When away from a star, all Powers suffer from Minor Burnout. If the Burnout takes effect, all Powers greater than 10 are decreased by 5APs, and the Burnout becomes Serious. If this takes effect, all Powers greater than 5 are reduced by 5, and the Burnout becomes Catastrophic. When this finally fails, all Powers are reduced to 0APs.

The character with Solar Reserve also has the equivalent of a Power Reserve at the APs of Solar Reserve, but diminishes by 2APs each time the current Burnout is triggered. For example, for a character with 9APs of Solar Reserve, the progression of Power Reserve against the current Burnout level is:

|None (Normal) |9APs |

|Minor |7APs |

|Serious |5APs |

|Catastrophic |3APs |

Upon re-entering a field of stellar radiation, the character must spend an amount of time equal to (15 – Power APs) APs to recharge back to normal power levels.

Finally, a character with Solar Reserve may gain additional APs of Power Reserve by gaining RAPs on a roll with AV/EV of Solar Reserve APs, and OV/RV of Power Reserve size desired. However, in doing so, the character is treated as if his power source is cut off, and is subject to Burnout, as detailed above.


Requires a certain type of stellar radiation (-2).

May not overdraw Power Reserve (-1).

A substance or radiation exists which inhibits solar absorption similar to how carbon monoxide inhibits respiration by blocking oxygen (-1). This substance increases the Burnout by one step for every AP the character is near the substance (Near: Distance ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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