49309980110054834745292600 HYPERLINK "" \o "\"View image details\" " ST. STEPHEN – ELCA HYPERLINK "" \o "\"View image details\" " HYPERLINK "" NEWSLETTERJUNE, 2019st. Stephen Lutheran church – elcaPastor Gail Sowell424 N 3rd Avenue, PO Box 95, Edgar, WI 54426Telephone: 715-352-2491 (St. Stephen Office)715-352-2492 (Pastor Gail Home/Cell/Emergency) Office Hours by Appointment Church Web Site: HYPERLINK "" Joint Mission Statement:Saints united to be the body of Christ in the world,freed by grace to live faithfully,witness boldly, and serve joyfullyPARISH STAFFPastorPastor Gail SowellHome/Cell/EmergencySt. Stephen Office715-352-2492715-352-2491SecretarySherry Gaykensarshe2@715-355-9039Outside CustodianSteve Doran715-393-5080Inside CustodianRachel Doran715-393-5076OrganistCharlotte Otto715-443-2007Handbell DirectorMarla Berg715-302-4768Altar GuildMillie BorchardtMarge CopelandDeb Pilgrim715-352-2451715-352-2977715-352-2621Media TeamSherry Gayken, Michael Maurer, Dale Pilgrim, Mark Schreier, Vern Spaulding, Kristin Zietlow, Rod Zietlow (Volunteers Needed)304811409702019 COUNCIL OFFICERSPresidentVicki Maurer715-574-0527MMaurer222@Vice-PresidentKeith PaulSecretarySherry Gayken715-355-9039sarshe2@TreasurerRod Zietlow HYPERLINK "" 715-680-8608Financial SecretaryJulie Haanstad 715-581-0308juliehaanstad@DeaconsMark SchreierDale PilgrimClarence Werner715-352-2392715-352-2968715-432-0997schreiermk@TrusteesRoy GuralskiWarren BraunelOpen PositionYouth LiaisonVolunteer Needed002019 COUNCIL OFFICERSPresidentVicki Maurer715-574-0527MMaurer222@Vice-PresidentKeith PaulSecretarySherry Gayken715-355-9039sarshe2@TreasurerRod Zietlow HYPERLINK "" 715-680-8608Financial SecretaryJulie Haanstad 715-581-0308juliehaanstad@DeaconsMark SchreierDale PilgrimClarence Werner715-352-2392715-352-2968715-432-0997schreiermk@TrusteesRoy GuralskiWarren BraunelOpen PositionYouth LiaisonVolunteer Needed 12594628225200 Pastor Gail, 20th -6350054071INSIDE THIS ISSUE HYPERLINK \l "Parish_Staff" Parish Staff/ HYPERLINK \l "Council_Officers" Council Officers/Contact Info1Pastor’s Ponderings for June 2June Birthdays/Anniversaries/Thank You/Prayer Chain3Open Position/Pastor Gail’s Ordination Celebration/Pentecost3Community Worship/Breakfast/Sympathy/Colorvision3Council Meetings/Summer Sunday & Mid-Week Worship4Evening Bible Study/Fellowship Hosts4Sunday School Recognition/Graduate Recognition4New Member Sunday/Fellowship Cake5Fitbit/Senior Day/Women’s Activities5Adventures of the Church Mice5Woodchucks/Brat Fry/Packer Raffle/Malawi6NW Synod Thank You/Address/Census Help Wanted6Upcoming Community Events6 & 7Pastor Steve Garnaas-Holmes7June Calendar800INSIDE THIS ISSUE HYPERLINK \l "Parish_Staff" Parish Staff/ HYPERLINK \l "Council_Officers" Council Officers/Contact Info1Pastor’s Ponderings for June 2June Birthdays/Anniversaries/Thank You/Prayer Chain3Open Position/Pastor Gail’s Ordination Celebration/Pentecost3Community Worship/Breakfast/Sympathy/Colorvision3Council Meetings/Summer Sunday & Mid-Week Worship4Evening Bible Study/Fellowship Hosts4Sunday School Recognition/Graduate Recognition4New Member Sunday/Fellowship Cake5Fitbit/Senior Day/Women’s Activities5Adventures of the Church Mice5Woodchucks/Brat Fry/Packer Raffle/Malawi6NW Synod Thank You/Address/Census Help Wanted6Upcoming Community Events6 & 7Pastor Steve Garnaas-Holmes7June Calendar8 Pastor Gail’s Ponderings for june, 2019 “May the force be with you!” “May the fourth be with you!” “May the faith be with you!”Picture the scene: over 350 clergy and lay delegates at a large church in Eau Claire, with clips from the first Star Wars movie playing, and 6 people with light sabers clashing and flashing against each other and finally forming a light saber cross. The crowds are cheering and clapping and stamping their feet. It’s almost as good as May 4, 1979, when that first Star Wars—A New Hope—was released.This was the opening of our Synod Assembly on May 4th, a 6-hour event in Eau Claire. If you aren’t a Star Wars fan, you probably won’t “get it.” But a lot of “older” pastors and other delegates grew up in the Star Wars era and thoroughly enjoyed the interweaving of faith and culture in both presentations and worship. We were reminded that the Church exists for those who don’t know Jesus, not for us. We learned a number of interesting facts throughout the day, about the many ways our ELCA is doing God’s work with our hands and monies. *Lutheran Social Services helped 39,000 people in 2018. *Lutherans who go to Washington, DC, to talk to those who make and enact our laws, are the only group who advocate for others, instead of asking for things for themselves. *There are 180 chaplains working for federal organizations (including military and prisons). *Human trafficking is an enormous problem, grossing over 32 billion dollars a year; that’s more than Nike, Starbucks, and Google (or Amazon, I’m not sure which) together.We were reminded that the Church exists for those who don’t know Jesus, not for us. We learned that the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin has one of the two “best” lay schools of theology from among the 65 synods in the ELCA. And that Lutheran Campus Ministry and other college campus programs are a major influence on young people who enter seminary to become either lay or ordained ministers.We were reminded that the Church exists for those who don’t know Jesus, not for us. Every September the ELCA (“church-wide,” meaning it’s intended for every ELCA congregation) plans a “God’s Work—Our Hands” day. Each congregation (or in our case, each united parish) is invited to participate by doing some activity that will make Christ’s presence known in our community. Put your heads together, beginning now. Talk to your neighbors, your pew-mates, your friends, and make suggestions as to what St. John/St. Stephen Lutheran Parish in Edgar can do to let everyone know we’re here, in their midst, to share the love of Christ with them!May the faith be with you! And remember, the Church exists for those who don’t know Jesus, not for us! Pastor Gail JUNE-95322038700300BIRTHDAYS 04 KrauseAshley15MroczenskiJake18PennoCarl18ReicheRon21WernerAlice29KingLyla30WernerRebecca30ThornRussell90/90+ BIRTHDAY CLUB: Carl Penno will be 97 years young on June 18. For cards and birthday wishes, his address is as follows:CARL PENNOC/O Aster Retirement Community305 S CHESTNUT AVE APT 2MARSHFIELD WI 544499489110420000JUNE ANNIVERSARIES 08Berg, Marla & Tom08 Werner, Perry & Jen 15Feltz, Jessica & Jesse 16Knetter, Michelle & Jesse 26Harm, Deb & David 30 Lang, Dennis & Shirley THANK YOU to the families who sponsored the Lenten soup supper. The free-will offering of $349 is being donated to the “WHAT’S THE BUZZ” CHALLENGE. The offerings received for Wednesday Lenten evening worships ($943) is donated to the Circle of Joy.PRAYER CHAIN – anyone interested in being a “link” on the St. Stephen Prayer Chain, contact Sherry. OPEN POSITION – remain in need of a Trustee for St. Stephen Council.-3937023177500PASTOR GAIL’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION CELEBRATION – Sunday, June 9th, at 9:30 AM at St. John on N. There will one combined service of St. Stephen and St. John with a special guest speaker and other invited guests. (no 10:00 AM service at St. Stephen). CONGRATULATIONS !!!! Following the service there will be a celebratory potluck meal at St. John. St. John will prepare the main dish, hot food items (for ease of transport) … and St. Stephen is asked to bring salads and desserts.Your presence would be so much appreciated and serve to make the day really special.263525014922500PENTECOST – this is also the Day of Pentecost (wear red). Pentecost is a day of promises fulfilled; the promised Spirit of God is poured out. The baptized have become “children of God” and “joint heirs with Christ.” By the power of the Spirit we have seen the face of the Father in his only begotten Son and been saved by him.-4381513970000community Ecumenical Worship in Oak Street Park – Thursday, June 13th @ 7:00 PM (hosted by St. Stephen – St. John ELCA and The Mill Church will participate).ST. JOHN BREAKFAST IN OAK STREET PARK/RAFFLE – Saturday, June 15th.WITH SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS to family and friends of Gertie Hendler who passed away on Thursday, May 30, 2019. Memorial service arrangements are pending. COLORVISION volunteers are needed. Speak with Marge Copeland about this St. Stephen ministry to get your name on the list or if you have any questions. April donations were $445.00.120658318500 TO ST. STEPHEN COUNCIL MEMBERS: Next Meetings: Sunday, June 23rd @ 11:00 AMSunday, July 21st @ 8:30 AMTuesday, August 13th @ 6:30 PMCONGREGATIONAL QUARTERLY MEETING:Sunday, July 28th @ 8:45 AM825510985500SUMMER SUNDAY SCHEDULEBeginning Sunday, May 26th, thruSunday, September 1st (except Ordination Sunday, June 9th): 8:30 AM – Worship at St. John10:00 AM – Worship at St. StephenSUMMER MID-WEEK WORSHIPSBeginning Thursday, May 30th, thru Thursday, August 29th: 6:00 PM Worship at St. Stephen (except June 13th Community Worship in the Park and July 4th)25825454508500EVENING BIBLE STUDY – due to Thursday evening worships, Evening Bible Studies for June, July, and August have been switched to Wednesday evenings – Bible Study will be held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening of each month at St. Stephen at 6:00 PM (commencing June 12th). ALL ARE WELCOME !!SUNDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP HOSTS needed (to bake or buy goodies). Coffee and tea are furnished. Sign-up sheet on coffee table in back. Donation jar is also on the table – donations welcomed and encouraged to cover the coffee/tea expenses. The Women’s Bible Study group have volunteered to host one Sunday a month. Won’t you volunteer to host one of the other Sundays? Sign-up sheet in back by the coffee pot. CONFIRMATION/SUNDAY SCHOOL/CRADLE ROLL PROGRAMS RECOGNITION/AND LAST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL – Sunday, May 12th. Jeff Reiche (Sunday School Superintendent), Colleen Dvorak (Confirmation Leader), Elaina Riehle (Cradle Roll), Mollie Maurer (Volunteer Teacher), AND students were recognized during the 10:30 AM worship service. Thank you for making a difference in the spiritual lives of our children. SENIOR053149500 GRADUATION RECOGNITION – Four senior graduates, members of St. Stephen, were recognized on Sunday, May 12th. They are:44455207000Jake Mroczenski, son of Larry and Tami Mroczenski – Jake is unsure what he would like to do for the future. ?He will be spending some time working trying to figure out what he wants to do.Devin Guralski, son of Roy and Lori Guralski – Devin will be attending Northcentral Technical College for a computer programming degree. As he said, he plans on staying in the basement at home as long as he can!!Simon Kohel, son of Ben and Patty Kohel – Simon is working at K&M Electric in Wausau. He will be in the electrical apprenticeship program to become an electrician.273057175500Katie Haanstad, daughter of Rick Haanstad and Julie Haanstad. This summer, Katie will be working full time?in the offices of County Materials Corporation and part time at The Back Room in Edgar. Katie will be attending UW Eau Claire in the fall – pursuing a degree in Health Care Administration.A quilt made by the St. Stephen quilting ladies was presented to each graduate.2571833-2835400It is the wish of the St. Stephen congregation, that with the Lord as your guide, the continuing journey for all of you will be blessed with success and happiness.2730522796500NEW MEMBER SUNDAY – two new members were received into membership at St. Stephen on Sunday, May 12th. Pictured are Michael Beattie (on left) – Michael is retired – formerly employed as an inkmaker; AND Katie King and daughter Taylor (on right). Katie, married to Patrick, is a certified medical assistant at Aspirus. Their daughter Taylor was baptized at St. Stephen on September 23rd. FELLOWSHIP TIME was had with cake and coffee following worship on Sunday, May 12th, to thank the Sunday School staff, congratulate the graduates, welcome our new members, and say Happy Mother’s Day !!FOUND Fitbit watch – see Sherry to identify.26841453365500SENIOR DAY continues the third Wednesday of each month at St. Stephen at 1:00 PM – next date Wednesday, June 19th. Senior Day is open to all seniors of St. Stephen and the surrounding Edgar community. surrounding Edgar community.1935996807800 CONGRATULATIONS to KINGS KORNER CHAMPION FOR MAY – Jane Ross4730755588000-72390-963500JOINT WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – ST. STEPHEN AND ST. JOHN – is held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM. For the summer into the fall months, these Bible Studies will alternate between St. Stephen and St. John. The next date is June 11th at St. John. The Bible Study lesson is from the Gather magazine. Every woman that is a member of St. Stephen and St. John is a member of the women’s group. All are WELCOME and encouraged to participate (along with family and friends).UPCOMING BIBLE STUDIESSummer 2019 "For just such a time as this: Lessons from Esther" by the Rev. Kay Ward: This three-session study will examine how we, like Esther, can find and use our voices to stand up for those in need. Session one – Esther the queen: Voices in the king’s court Session two – Esther saves the Jews: Finding our voices Session three – Remembering Esther: Using our voicesAdventures of the Church MiceHi, I’m Cleo! And I’m Patrick! We’re the tall twin church mice at St. Stephen, and this is the first time we get to write our very own news! We hope you’re having a great day!We don’t know if we should be HAPPY or sad. Sunday School is done for the summer, and we’re already missing all those little feet (and some BIGGER feet) on Sunday mornings. Oh and we can’t forget the SNACKS too! Children make the building seem brighter and more alive. After all the church is the body of Christ (isn’t that what Pastor Gail always says?) and the little members are maybe the most important cuz Jesus said let the little children come to me. I’m pretty sure that’s what he said. So it’s sad there won’t be so many little ones around this summer. BUT there will be an extra worship service every week starting May 30 at 6:00! So maybe some of the kids will come to that? We would be really happy to see them. Maybe the small ones would even play with us. So remember if you can’t come on Sunday at 10:00 you can always come on Thursday at 6:00! See you soon!206057511811000FUN AT THE BALL PARK WISCONSIN WOODCHUCKS? St. Stephen will attend as a group once again this year on Friday, July 19th at 6:30 PM. Group outing package rate ($12/ticket which includes hot dog and beverage) is available for 10 or more. Are you able to join us this year? Let Sherry know by Sunday, June 9th.ST. JOHN ELCA BRAT & HAMBURER FRY – Friday, June 7th, 8:00 AM - ?. ProVision (CWC Gas Station Parking Lot, Stratford).CELEBRATE 100 YEARS OF PACKER FOOTBALLSt. John Raffle – 1st prize – 2 tickets to preseason Chiefs at Packers, 7:00 PM at Lambeau Field – Thursday, August 29th; 2nd prize – signed Packer football; 3rd prize - $75 ProVision gift card; 4th prize – Framed Aaron Rodgers photo; 5th prize – Packers/Vikings line-up framed photo; and 6th prize – handmade quilt by St. John ELCA quilters. Proceeds from ticket sales will go to repair flood damage in the Sunday School wing at St. John ELCA. See Pastor Gail for tickets ($20.00 each).PASTOR GAIL is matching gifts/donations received for the Malawi need. Donations may be made until Sunday, June 9th. Please speak to her for more details.A THANK YOU has been received from the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin of the ELCA to St. Stephen Lutheran Church for our congregation’s undesignated mission support of the Synod’s shared ministries which has impacted the lives of many this past year.Because of the support of St. Stephen, the NW Synod has made a difference by working to alleviate hunger in Malawi, supporting three campus ministries in this Synod, encouraging young people to attend Bible Camps, trained and sent out leaders for the congregations. Thank you to the members of St. Stephen for your faithfulness in ministry and faithful support of the work that is done together.ADDRESS UPDATES – be sure to check and update your address on the blue sheets in back of church. Indicate an “OK” next to your name if your address is correct and will not change.ST. STEPHEN NEWSLETTER – The deadline for a combined July/August Newsletter is Wednesday, June 26th. HELP WANTED – Want to work in the 2020 Census? In your community? Census Day, April 1, 2020 is less than a year away but Census 2020 work begins in Summer of 2019 and continues intermittently through the Summer of 2020. Who is eligible? People (18+) are being sought – you decide how much and when you want to work. Weekly pay, mileage reimbursement, and paid training are all part of the opportunity. Apply online: jobs OR call: 1-855-JOB-2020. 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH – Anniversary worship on Sunday, June 9, 2019, at 10:00 AM. The service will be followed by a catered lunch designed to provide ample time for fellowship and re-acquainting one with another. ***********-1078953111500150th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION – St. John “High Steeple” Lutheran Church, W1145 Huckleberry St., Edgar – Sunday, June 30, 2019. Dinner 12:00 PM (RSVP requested) – Worship 2:00 PM – Fellowship 3:00 PM. ***********JUNE DAIRY BREAKFAST – The Edgar FFA Alumni will host a June Dairy Breakfast at the Baeseman Family Farm, 1547 CTH S, Edgar, on Sunday, June 9, 7:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Pancakes, eggs, sausages, cheese curds, ice cream, maple syrup, applesauce, beverages. Door prizes, petting zoo. Tickets $7.00; free for children under 8.*********************ANNUAL FIREMEN’S CELEBRATION – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 14, 15, 16, at St. John’s Catholic Church parking lot. Nightly entertainment. Ecumenical community worship service: Thursday evening, June 13 @ 7:00 PM in Oak Street Park, hosted by St. Stephen ELCA, St. John ELCA, and The Mill Church.There are two contestants in the Edgar Fire Department princess contest for 2019. The winner will be announced on Saturday, June 15th, at 8:00 PM at the Celebration beer tent.Contestants are: Savannah Bauman, a graduating Edgar senior, and daughter of Ken Bauman and Brenda Meyer; AND McKenzie Durr, Edgar High alumni/student at Stevens Point, and daughter of Dawn and Kevin Durr.The contestants will sell raffle tickets and vie for a college scholarship.**********Chalk Fest and Classic & Hot Rod Car Show – Friday and Saturday, June 21st and 22nd. Stroll the sidewalks (chalk artists will use downtown Edgar sidewalk squares as canvas) and take in a variety of artwork, enjoy food and beverages, take in the re-enactment at Oak Street Park, visit the many craft vendors, along with the car show! Registration information and an itinerary of the days’ events can be seen at HYPERLINK "" . There will be a Quilt Show in the Village Hall for those to enjoy.-444525019000********************25876256540500THE EDGAR FINE ARTS ASSOCIATION will again be sponsoring summer concerts in Oak Street Park on Thursday evenings @ 7:00 PM.The dates are: July 18 and 25 and August 1 and 8. The women of St. Stephen will be hosting the pie and ice cream social on Thursday, July 18 … keep those pie plates handy !!!!ATHENS OLD TIMERS BAND CONCERTS – every Friday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM on the Village Square in Athens (until the Friday after Labor Day).ATHENS GARAGE SALES – will be held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, June 13th – 15th.Dearly Beloved,Grace and Peace to you.??????????????????I ask ...that they may all be one. ?????????As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, ?????????may they also be in us...??????????????????—John 17.20, 21We are one. It is not our choice.Our unity is not opinionor willingness to get along. It is God's doing, not ours.There is only one thing,one Creation, one humanity,and we are all part of it. We are all members of one body,all fingers of the same hand,like it or not. Our choice is to honor or dishonorpeople who are part of ourselves.We needn't worship together,vote alike, agree or strive in parallel;we may oppose each other.But we do so as equals, as one,joined in the flesh of creation,in the oneness of Spirit.Even members of the Holy Trinitymay see things differently. We are in Christ, by God's will,and haven't the power to be otherwise. We are One. May we live as one. Deep Blessings,Pastor Steve__________________ Steve Garnaas-HolmesUnfolding Light HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ................

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