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Starbucks in India

Why partner with Tata?

Starbucks's International Strategy

? Approximately 9,400 company-controlled retail locations. ? Expanding in countries with growing middle class.

? China ? Vietnam ? India ? Colombia

Tata's Dominance

? Conglomerate: 100 Companies.

? Major Companies: Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Television Services, Titan, Tata Communication, Indian Hotels, Tata Global Beverages.

? 2011-2012 Revenue: 100.09 Billion Dollars.

? Revenue in India: 42%.

Indian Economy

? Growing middle class.

? "Next big spender is India's middle class."

? Population growth. ? Changing demographics.

? 50% of population under 25. ? 65% of population under 35.

Indian Coffee Market

? Demand shifting.

? Away from tea. ? Coffee consumption

increased by 80% from 2000 ? 2010.

? Starbucks as a third place.

? Store design. ? Meeting place. ? Free Wi-Fi.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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