Dunkin large iced coffee nutrition


Dunkin large iced coffee nutrition

I can't seem to find this specific combo What to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight UPDATED 6/2021: Any mom will tell you that we have our regular "spots" in our daily travels when driving our kids around to school and their many activities. For 2 years, I spent 3 afternoons per week in my Dunkin Donuts "office" while my son attended taekwondo next door. Although they are known for, well, donuts- there are actually a considerable number of items on the menu that fall into my acceptable guidelines. Here's my take on what to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight: First, you can find nutrition information for almost any menu item online. There's even a customize your beverage tool to account for changes in type of milk and added flavors. First and foremost, watch out for hidden sugar! Let's do a quick review of added sugars before we start choosing menu items. The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugars to 24 grams (6 teaspoons) per day for women and kids, and 36 grams (9 teaspoons) per day for men. We are talking about ADDED sugars here like the kind in syrupy coffee drinks, NOT the kind present in milk. That's important when looking at the nutritional info in Dunkin Donuts beverages. For reference, 1 cup of milk (any kind) contains 12 grams of naturally occurring sugars and 8 grams of protein. For example, a medium iced coffee with skim milk and no calorie sweetener contains 40 calories and 5 grams of sugar, all from the milk. Therefore, none of the sugar grams are ADDED. Basically, if you want to enjoy a coffee drink for the fewest number of calories, the way to go is: -a hot or iced latte lite (made with skim milk and no calorie sweetener) -a hot or iced macchiato or cappuccino with skim milk and no-calorie sweetener, or -regular or cold brew coffee with skim milk. Example: A medium hot macchiato with skim milk will only cost 70 calories and 11 grams of naturally occurring sugar. The bonus is the protein provided- 8 grams which are found in 1 cup of milk. The same size French Vanilla Macchiato will set you back 240 calories and a whopping 46 grams of sugar, most of it added. That's almost 2 days' worth. Not worth it to me. *NOTE: While I don't love artificial sweeteners, I will consume them on occasion. I prefer stevia, monk fruit, erythritol or allulose when I need to add sweetness to coffee, etc. As Dunkin Donuts doesn't offer them (YET), I often bring some with me and add my own. Note: Shot vs. Swirl If you want a flavor added to your coffee, Dunkin Donuts offers "shots" which are nearly calorie-free flavor enhancers NOT syrups. They are more of an essence, the same as if you brewed hazelnut coffee in your kitchen. There's a hint of flavor but no added sugar. These can really help to add fun to your drink and are available in: blueberry, caramel, coconut, French vanilla, hazelnut, raspberry and toasted almond. Just make sure not to order a "swirl"- that's another word for syrup. So SWIRL=SUGAR! Don't forget about the tea! One of the healthiest drink options is iced green tea. It's available in unsweetened flavors like peach and raspberry. Nearly calorie free, you'll get a slight metabolic boost from the green tea and with the extra flavor, you won't miss the sugar at all. Dunkin Donuts coffee menu calories What to order at @DunkinDonuts when trying to lose weight: Click To Tweet NEW- Dunkin' Refreshers Following the lead of Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts now offers 2 flavors of Dunkin' Refreshers: Strawberry Dragonfruit and Peach Passion Fruit which are made without artificial dyes or flavors. With 80 calories in a small and 130 calories in a medium, they are a pretty low-calorie option. They do contain all of their calories from added sugars- 27 to 29 grams in a medium which is more than a full day's worth for women. But compared to nearly 500 calories in a large blended frozen drink, a Dunkin' Refresher is a lighter option. Also, the ingredients are pretty clean, (I don't like that word) and wholesome and the refresher provides B vitamins as well: Ingredients in the Strawberry Dragonfruit Refresher: Brewed Green Tea; Strawberry Dragonfruit Flavored Concentrate: Water, Sugar, Natural Flavors, Citric Acid, Green Tea Extract, Vegetable Juice for Color, Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), D-Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12). The bottom line on refreshers: They contain a reasonable amount of calories but all from sugar. If you are closely watching your carbs or following a keto-friendly type of diet, this is probably not your best choice. They also contain caffeine from green tea- 66mg in a small which is about 1/3 of the amount of a Dunkin' small iced coffee. Low Calories Drinks at Dunkin Donuts New for 2021: Dunkin' Coconut Refreshers: Now at Dunkin' you can get a refresher with coconut milk to mimic the famous Starbucks "pink drink". There are three varieties: Golden Peach, Pink Strawberry and Purple Pomegranate. Calories in a small = 110-120, medium= 170-180 and large= 230. Keep in mind, that like the regular refreshers, they do have a significant amount of added sugars. On average: 20 grams for a small, 30 grams for a medium and 40 grams for a large with the Pink Strawberry coming in a little lower. On the positive side, these Coconut Refreshers have a significant amount of calcium and potassium which are two nutrients of concern in the American diet, so that's a bonus. Dunkin Donuts Coconut Refresher Purple Pomegranate Be cautious with seemingly "healthy" food options! Don't be fooled by fake health foods like the Reduced Fat Blueberry Muffin? it has 410 calories and 39 grams of sugar! That's basically a meal-sized bucket of sugar and flour. No thanks. Also, a multigrain or whole grain bagel, while sounding wholesome, will still provide 320-350 calories before you add the cream cheese or butter. That's the equivalent of 4 slices of bread. Of course, I'd choose whole grains over a donut, but just beware that even whole grain items can be too large and contribute an excessive amount of calories. Recommended food items at Dunkin': DD used to feature a "DDSmart" designation which identified items that were "reduced in calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar or sodium by at least 25% compared to a base product or other appropriate reference product and/or contains an ingredient or nutrient that is nutritionally beneficial". That seems to have disappeared of late. Honestly, it didn't mean much without checking into the nutrition info anyway, so always use some common sense. There are a few items to choose if you need to order food at Dunkin' while trying to include more nutrients and fewer total calories. For a quick breakfast or lunch, there are some go-to items that are not bad nutritionally if you are in a hurry. -The Veggie Egg White Omelet on a Multigrain Thin is filled with ingredients to fuel you through your day like egg whites, spinach, bell peppers, onions, aged cheddar cheese and olive oil. It has 290 calories, 17g protein, 5g fiber and 550mg sodium. This is my favorite if I have to order food at DD. Add a small macchiato or latte with skim and no-calorie sweetener and you have a pretty balanced breakfast with a good source of protein. -Another option is an Egg White Veggie Wake-Up Wrap for 190 calories and 9g protein. Those are smaller than the multigrain thin sandwich so consider pairing one with a skim latte or macchiato for extra protein. -NEW: Avocado Toast: It's a pleasure to see a "fresh" item on the DD menu. The new avo toast is a pretty good lower calorie option and paired with a skim latte will up the protein content for a pretty decent breakfast with heart healthy fats, fiber and protein. The avocado toast contains: 240 calories, 11g fat, 0g sat fat, 0mg chol, 530mg sodium, 34g carbs, 6g fiber, 1g sugar, 0g added sugar, and 6g protein. -The Multigrain Brown Sugar Oatmeal with Dried Fruit Topping seems like a good choice, BUT, it comes ready made with added sugar (compared to Starbucks that's unsweetened). One serving has 36 grams of sugar with 19 grams of ADDED sugar which is equal to almost 5 teaspoons. With 300 calories and only 6g protein, I'd choose something else unless you are in need of a plant-based option. What to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight NEW! Beyond Sausage plant-based meat options: Ok, here's the deal. I love that more meatless menu items and plant-based meat substitutes are breaking into the mainstream market. However, these are very highly processed foods. Just because something is trendy, does not make it healthy. These Beyond Meat items are high in saturated fat and calories, sometimes more than meat itself. Enjoy them if you love the taste or are looking for a vegetarian/vegan menu item to fit your lifestyle. At DD, the better option is the Veggie Egg White and Beyond Sausage Wake-Up Wrap with 250 calories and 14g protein. It still packs 15g total fat and 6 grams saturated fat, 15g total carbs and 530mg sodium (which is not bad for a processed fast food sandwich). This is better than the Beyond Sausage Sandwich that packs 510 calories and 26g fat. That's not too far off from a Big Mac! Takeaways: -Do your homework and don't assume something is "good for you" just because the marketing makes it sound healthy. -All foods can fit into a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. There are no never-evers (unless for medical reasons). This is meant as a quick guide to help navigate the options at Dunkin Donuts. By all means, if a donut is what you crave, savor and enjoy every bite. Just make sure to include lots of veggies, fruit, nuts, beans, seeds, lean proteins and fiber rich grains in your overall diet as well. Note: all of the options I've featured are generally appropriate for people with diabetes, assuming the carbs and sugars are considered as part of their personal meal plan. If you have any questions, consult a registered dietitian or your doctor. If you are a Dunkin Donuts fan, I'd love to hear what your faves are...and if you have any ordering secrets to share. Please leave me a comment with your suggestions! If you like the info in the post, check out all my "What to Order..." posts for Starbucks, Panera and more fast food offerings!

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