How much does a starbucks venti pink drink cost


How much does a starbucks venti pink drink cost

Hip2Save ? Recipes ? Drinks yield: 1 SERVINGS prep time: 20 MINUTES total time: 20 MINUTES Brought to you by Hip2Save. Starbucks never tasted so sweet! Skip the long line at Starbucks and save money by making the famous Starbucks Pink Drink at home with our easy copycat recipe! It's the perfect sweet and fruity drink recipe everyone in the family will enjoy this summer. I am a huge fan of making copycat recipes. Not only is it fun to try whipping up our fave treats, but making recipes at home can save you big money. Using Tazo passion tea is great because you get over 25 servings in one box! Did you know the Starbucks Pink Drink costs $4.95 at Starbucks while our homemade recipe costs less than $1 per 16 oz.! SAY WHAT?! You can use any type of milk for this recipe: I'm a fan of coconut milk (and it's what Starbucks uses for their infamous drink), but almond milk or regular dairy milk will work great for this recipe as well. Did you know that you can buy Starbucks Vanilla syrup at your local grocery stores? If you don't want the hint of vanilla, classic simple syrup (just sugar and water) or even honey work all the same to give the sweetened taste to this drink. As a fun idea, you can add more strawberry sweetness to the drink by mashing up some of the berries into the tea. Have you had a chance to grab one of the new Starbucks reusable cups? They're perfect for sipping your Starbucks copycat drink in style! yield: 1 SERVINGS prep time: 20 MINUTES total time: 20 MINUTES Slightly sweetened tea gets a creamy twist from a splash of coconut milk. Brought to you by Hip2Save. Refreshing and summer-ready! So long, Starbucks! We're making our own Pink Drink at home for less money and in less time than it takes for us to head to the cafe. Summer days are now a whole lot sweeter. Check out the low carb version of this drink over on Hip2Keto! Photo via Foodbeast If you check out Instagram on a regular basis, you'll have noticed these deliciously summery Pink Drinks from Starbucks Secret Menu popping up all over your newsfeed and discover more areas. In fact, they've been so popular that if you step into your local Starbucks and ask for the "Pink Drink" they'll likely know exactly what you're talking about! Oh the power of social media! But if you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, we've got you covered. The Pink Drink as it is so aptly named is simply: A Strawberry Acai Refresher Made with Coconut milk (instead of water) With scoops of strawberries or blackberries or both! The taste has been compared to the popular asian beverage, Calpico as well as Strawberry/Raspberry Milk Tea albeit slightly lighter. We have our own Raspberry Milk Tea recipe version if you're looking for something a little stronger. Photo via the_dr._is_in Photo via healthnutlife We definitely see the Starbucks Secret Menu Pink Drink being a staple this summer. After all, look at how Instagram worthy each cup is? My morning beverage obsession for the last few months has been a slightly-altered version of the Starbucks Pink Drink. It tastes like a delicious strawberry smoothie but slightly caffeinated and lower in calories. Like all of my Starbucks favorites, I tried my hand at making it. Behold my homemade Starbucks Pink Drink recipe. Typically, I order a Venti, but with my free drink rewards I order a Trenta, because it's just that good. Ultimately, it's simply ordered as a "Strawberry Acai Refresher with soy milk instead of water." How to Make a Homemade Starbucks Pink Drink As much as I love Starbucks, I also love cost-efficiency. Given the cumulative cost of enjoying Starbucks everyday, I started to explore my at-home options for making the beverage and have found a pretty close second. Since Starbucks does not make Strawberry Acai Refresher packets I needed to improvise a bit. Thankfully, the strawberry lemonade packets are a close taste! My Pink Drink Ingredients .Making a Homemade Starbucks Pink Drink Mix the Refreshers packet with 12 oz of water. Packet says 16 but we are also adding soy, so you want to save room for soy and ice in your 24 oz cup.Blend 8 oz of soy milk with your fresh strawberries.I do this to create a richer strawberry flavor that hides the lemonade factor in the packet mix. You can also just add the soy to the mixture, try both to find your preference.Add your soy milk to the Refreshers mixture.Pour over ice, garnish with fresh strawberries. The Starbucks Venti-equivalent is approx. 215 calories (135 for the drink, soy sub estimated to be an extra 90 calories) so you're actually saving a few calories by making it in-house. My 24 ounce homemade version is a total of 165 calories. Here's the breakdown: 1 cup of soy milk = 90 calories*1 Starbucks Via packet = 70 calories4 strawberries = 5 calories *may vary slightly with type and amount of soy milk used There you have it, your own homemade version of a fruity, caffeinated, low-cal morning beverage. Have you given my homemade Starbucks Pink Drink a try? Any alterations you suggest? I'd love to improve upon the recipe and welcome any suggestions. And I always credit my pals for their insight! Leave your thoughts in the comments below! More Starbucks Drinks This post contains referral/affiliate links. A small commission may be earned if products are purchased through my links. Thank you for supporting the brands that support this blog. Similar Articles Every Starbucks barista is about to throw their black hat at me for giving you this information... Did you know that if you order a cold beverage, you can get your ice on the side? That's right. Anytime you order your Iced Teas, Iced Lattes, Refreshers, or Iced Caramel Macchiatos, ORDER THAT ICE ON THE SIDE! You can get a full 12, 16, or 24 ounces of actual drink, and pour it over ice yourself. Just ordered a strawberry a?a? refresher from Starbucks with no ice, and asked for a cup of ice on the side. They looked at me like dammmitttt she knows the trick. Sometimes you gotta F the system. I'm woke now -- Cdolnick (@cdolnick13) July 12, 2019 Will you annoy the barista? Yes. Will you get your money's worth of drink? Also yes. This is a secret that not many people have caught onto, but it's a thing! If you feel embarrassed to order your drink this way (which you totally shouldn't, by the way), you can always order on the app. They call it mobile ordering, and you just go in and pick up your drink when it's ready. You don't even have to say anything ... except Thank You. Somebody in this Starbucks asked for an iced coffee with ice on the side. I'm just a little shook right now because of it. I didn't know that was possible.-- Chris Salvemini (@Salvemanny) December 23, 2018 You're welcome! Looking for more awesome Starbucks drinks? Try this Frankenstein Frappuccino, this IT Frappuccino, this Sally Frappuccino, or this Jack Skellington Frappuccino. They aren't on the official Starbucks menu, but you just have to ask. You Can Get An (Inspired) Oogie Boogie Frappuccino At Starbucks I am Married, But I Want To Hang With The Guys. Why Isn't That Okay? Caffeine level45 mgCaffeine strengthMODERATECalories140Serving size 16 fl oz cup Different serving size? Adjust the size and levels will recalculate. Starbucks Pink Drink was once part of their "secret menu" but since so many people Instagrammed the drink, it became part of Starbucks' regular menu due to sheer demand. The caffeine in Pink Drink is derived from green coffee beans. The calorie and caffeine amounts listed above are for the Grande (16 fl oz) size. Caffeine by Pink Drink Size Tall: 35 mg Grande: 45 mg Venti: 70 mg Trenta: 90 mg Ice, Strawberry Acai Base [water, Sugar, White Grape Juice Concentrate, Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Natural Green Coffee Flavor, Fruit And Vegetable Juice, Rebaudioside A], Coconutmilk [water, Coconut Cream, Cane Sugar, Contains 2 Or Less Of Tricalcium Phosphate, Coconut Water Concentrate, Sea Salt, Natural Flavors, Xanthan Gum, Gellan Gum, Corn Dextrin, Guar Gum, Vitamin A Palmitate, And Vitamin D 2], Freeze Dried Strawberries Includes 24 grams of sugar (per 16 ounces) for a total of 140 pare sugar levels of other drinks Compared to Other Items Starbucks Pink Drink contains 2.81 mg of caffeine per fl oz (9.51 mg per 100 ml). A 16 fl oz cup has a total of 45 mg of caffeine. RELATED ITEMS Jun 10 2016 1. It's not thick like a strawberry Frappuccino... It's lighter and super fruity! The drink is actually a spin on the Strawberry Acai Refreshers Beverage, which is lightly caffeinated with green coffee extract. But instead of water, the Pink Drink is made with coconut milk. It's like a drinkable pink Starburst! 2. It features freeze-dried fruit, something we love here at Hungryland. The Pink Drink is made with either freeze-dried strawberries or freeze-dried blackberries, both fantastic. Unlike traditional dried fruit (think raisins), freeze-dried fruit isn't shriveled and dense; it's light and airy! (It's also MUCH lower in calories than dried fruit.) On it's own, it's a crispy snack. In drinks, freeze-dried fruit softens and packs a major flavor punch! 3. A Grande Pink Drink contains less than 150 calories! According to the official stats, a 16-oz. Pink Drink has 140 calories, 2.5g fat (2.5g sat fat), 60mg sodium, 27g carbs, 1g fiber, 24g sugars, and 1g protein (SmartPoints? value 8*). We did the math, and a Tall will run you around 105 calories, while a Venti has roughly 210 calories. 4. You can make a super-low-calorie version at home that we think tastes even better than the original... Here's how! Entire recipe: 50 calories, 2g total fat (2g sat fat), 9mg sodium, 6.5g carbs, 1.5g fiber, 5g sugars, Prep: 5 minutes or less Half a packet of Crystal Light with Caffeine Wild Strawberry sugar-free powdered drink mix 1/2 cup (4 oz.) unsweetened coconut milk beverage (like the kind by So Delicious) 1 cup (about 8) ice cubes 1/4 cup freeze-dried strawberries Optional toppings: light whipped topping, cinnamon Directions: Pour about half of the drink mix packet into a tall glass. Add 1/2 cup (4 oz.) cold water, and stir to dissolve. Add coconut milk, ice, and freeze-dried fruit. Stir until cold and well mixed. MAKES 1 SERVING FYI: As an Amazon Associate, we may receive compensation from some of these links. Happy National Herbs & Spices Day, June 10th. This Mexican Chicken Soup is hearty, healthy, and loaded with fresh cilantro... Click "Send to a Friend" now -- you KNOW you're not gonna remember to tell your pals about all this later. We may have received free samples of food, which in no way influences whether these products are reviewed favorably, unfavorably, mentioned with indifference, or mentioned at all. Click for more about our editorial and advertising policies. SmartPoints? value* not what you expected? We follow the same method as WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) when calculating the value of a recipe: We add up the SmartPoints? values* of the individual ingredients using the Recipe Builder, not the calculator. (Many foods have a value of zero and remain zero in recipes.) *The SmartPoints? values for these products and/or recipes were calculated by Hungry Girl and are not an endorsement or approval of the product, recipe or its manufacturer or developer by WW International, Inc., the owner of the SmartPoints? trademark. Hungry Girl provides general information about food and lifestyle. This information and any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Click here for more information.

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