CATE Board Reports for February 16, 2017 Board Meeting at the Hyatt in Santa ClaraDenise Mikkonen, PresidentSince our last meeting in December I have been busy with Classroom Excellence Awards, Scholarships, Distinguished Service, and Awards of Merit.? All award winners have been notified by mail.? Each packet contained a letter explaining the award, the date of the award, and the procedure for registering – which included a pre-filled out conference registration form and a stamped addressed envelope.? Certificates and plaques have been created and are ready to go.? Michelle and I have been in close communication about the ins and outs of the convention, changes, adjustments and challenges.? There is so much going on behind the scenes – we are very fortunate to have some very dedicated folks on the CATE Board. In my district I just completed the first of two ELA pilots, the second one starting today.? The books study I was leading of “A mindset For Learning”, wrapped up this week as well. ?And note…. I changed grades this year so everything I am developing from scratch. The good part of that is I am able to just look at the standards and not get bogged down by what I have always done.? I am implementing the Next Generation Science Standards, which involves and great deal of creativity.? The training in ELA had been extremely helpful and I am able to integrate reading/writing in science and social studies. ?We are piloting the NGSS 5th grade science test this year.? We set up our Writing Camp director meeting for March, and I am busy securing rooms, insurance and posting flyers for our 4 writing camps in PUSD in partnership with SMWP, one high school, one middle school and 2 elementary. Liz McAninch, Past PresidentJill Hamilton-Bunch, Vice PresidentVice President Report Since December, I have been working with our local Kern Council to register participants for a local event with Kelly Gallagher, which will take place on March 4.In preparation for the February Board of Directors meeting, I facilitated an Advisory Phone Call among committee leadership and convention leadership. I have also been preparing for the CATE 2017 convention and will be providing a session on Saturday morning. In January and early February, I have had the opportunity to present regarding language and literacy to teachers Kern County in the Norris School District (K-12), Arvin High School and Independence High School, as well as the Exeter Joint Union School District (6-12). Respectfully submitted,Jill Hamilton-BunchCarole LeCren, SecretaryI ordered new business cards for our DSA, Bill Younglove. I’ve worked on several things for CATE 2017, including new “Ask Me About CATE” buttons, the reception invitations, the leadership cards for membership, and the bookmarks advertising CATE 2018.Greg Johnson, Co-TreasurerHello all,I have completed the financial report and am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.In addition to the co-treasurer stuff, I have been involved in ERWC training in Kern, as well as fulfilling my duties as a RIAP leader, working with Dr. Kim Flachmann. Mary and I have worked with John Pearson to finish off the end-of-year taxes for CATE, and all of our 1099s have been mailed out. I will be bringing envelopes and letterhead with me to the board meeting, so if you need some, please grab it.Attached is the financial report in Excel. It has two tabs - one for CATE budget, and one for convention budget - if you have a chance to peruse prior to our meeting Thursday. If not, we will discuss.Safe travels, GregConvention Budget2017?INCOMEBudgetActualCollege Credit$10,000.00?Exhibits/Program Ads$20,000.00$15,100.00PreConvention$15,000.00?Sponsors$2,000.00$2,275.00Registration$240,000.00$107,864.21Misc. / Rebates??TOTAL$287,000.00$125,239.21From Councils$0.00?GRAND TOTAL$287,000.00$125,239.21???EXPENSES??Attrition$0.00?AV$10,000.00$743.96Bags$1,000.00?CWP Reception$2,500.00?College Credit$5,000.00?Conv. Ctr. Costs$20,000.00?Conv. Planning$200.00?Decorations$500.00?Exhibits?? Booth Fee$0.00? Commission -Ads&Exh$6,000.00? Decorators -E=exhibit hall$2,500.00? Hospitality -for exhibitors$500.00? Security/Staff$700.00?Gifts for local comm.$400.00?Hospitality$0.00?Insurance$200.00?Mailing/Postage$500.00$826.00Meal Function cost$80,000.00$13,140.00Misc.$1,000.00?New Teacher booth$500.00?PreConvention$10,000.00?Presenter Honorarium$7,500.00?President's Reception$0.00?Printing/Copying$9,000.00$4,198.63Registrar$15,000.00?Scholarships, Refunds, Awards$1,000.00$680.00Speakers$18,000.00?Friday Night$0.00?TOTAL$192,000.00$19,588.59Mary Adler, Co-Treasurer/MAL CollegeBoard ReportOn January 7 I hosted a regular board meeting for Southland Council of Teachers of English at my home. Everyone seemed very engaged in discussing upcoming opportunities on the board as well as some upcoming events.?As co-treasurer for CATE, I have been busy paying bills and anticipating payments needed at convention; in awe at ?the behind the scenes efforts that so many dedicated board members are putting into the CATE experience.The semester at CSU Channel Islands began just a month ago, so we are settling in to the rhythms of the semester. ?I am teaching an absorbing class on young adult literature and really enjoying the group of students I have this year. I decided to begin every class with a poem; it’s amazing what a lift a poem can give—lasting the whole day, and beyond. I also have undergraduates out in middle schools doing participant observation; it is interesting to hear these early preservice teachers develop insights on the teaching and learning they observe.?Looking forward to several ERWC workshops coming up later this month and in March.See you all on Thursday!—Mary AdlerAngus Dunstan, Capitol RepCapitol Council ReportNothing to report since last time.?Policy and Censorship Chair ReportI’ve been working with Bill Younglove on a couple of resolutions.?Volunteer Chair Report?With Mary Adler’s help, I’ve solicited over 30 student teacher volunteers, most of them from CSU. Not all will show up, of course, but we should be able to provide much-needed support at the convention.Submitted by Angus DunstanSusan Dillon, Central Rep/CATE 2017 Co-ChairCentral Council Representative ReportThe Central Council has communicated via email on the upcoming convention and our volunteer positions. We regret that our beloved local registration chair, Charley Schaefer, can’t join us this year due to health issues. We appreciate all the work Frannie Chamberlain did as writing contest coordinator, and she is looking forward to facilitating this year’s celebration for our young writers. Liz McAninch was instrumental in interesting new teachers to attend CATE, and she helped with scholarship recipients. The present representative is signing off, and she is grateful to the CCCTE for all their work and support. She looks forward to hearing about the success of the council as it moves forward without her, under the trusted leadership of Liz McAninch and Kathy Nichols. Respectfully,Susan DillonCATE 2017 Convention Co-ChairsCATE 2017 is here, and we are breathing. We are breathing due to the generous and enthusiastic support of the CATE Executive Board. We asked for your trust to try some new ideas, and you agreed. Thank you. We look forward to the constructive criticism that the evaluations will share, and we look forward to your critiques, too. Many of the people reading this have served as convention chairs/co-chairs. They are aware of the important role the convention coordinator holds. Without Michelle, we would be lost. Yes, the convention handbook is excellent, but it does not provide the warmth and support needed to sustain our efforts and enthusiasm. We are presenting a quality convention with meal event speakers, spotlight speakers, super session speakers, and our favorite speakers, the classroom teacher, whether active or retired. We are gratified that we can offer this opportunity for quality professional development with your help. And we know that although we will not see the numbers other conventions may have attracted, the number of folks who participated becomes the most important number as they will make an effort to come back. Of course, our efforts are only as good as our convention committee. We welcomed some new people to CATE this year through convention work, and we recognize all of you who continually say yes and make it look easy. Thanks. We look forward to a formal recognition of the Convention Committee with a small, perhaps cheeky, token of our appreciation at the President’s Reception Saturday night. Sincerely,Susan DillonKathy NicholsJanina Schulz, FACET RepFACET Board Report:Since December we have been working to plan Yosemite Conference 2017! Our planning committee has 9-10 people and Marina Santos is our committee chair. We are planning to have a reception for FACET members at CATE to promote YC17. See you all on Thursday.Janina Schulz FACET PresidentJeannine Ugalde, GSDCTE RepGSDCTE hosted a wonderful event: Nachos and Novelists.? On the Border (Mexican eatery) hosted about 30 teachers who delighted in the dozen local authors who joined us for Happy Hour.? It was quite a win-win because many authors said that they live a rather solitary life when they are writing.? Getting out and talking about their books brings them such joy.? We also celebrated our CATE Classroom Teacher of Excellence, Vivian Bangle, who brought two tables worth of people (greatly adding to our numbers!).? I am also busy searching for and making contact with just the right speakers for CATE18.? I'm feeling the weight of the world trying to anticipate the needs and interests of veteran teachers, newer teachers, those who have been to nearly every CATE Convention, and those who never knew we existed but wonderfully end up at CATE in San Diego.? I will be closely shadowing Kathy Nichols in Santa Clara and brainstorming with my partner-in-crime, Carole LeCren.As Publications Chair I try to stay on top of necessary changes to CATEweb, make sure that our FB has plenty of posts to remind our viewers that we are educational leaders, and coordinate with Carol Jago for California English.Last August I participated in NWP training for the College-Ready Writers Program created to support students in argument writing. This school year, we are required to incorporate at least four of their text sets plus utilize the classroom materials.? The group that trained through the SMWP has met twice since our August training.? On a similar but separate note, I have also started to incorporate NWP's Academic Writing Continuum in both my writing and reading instruction.In addition to teaching 9th and 10th college-prep English, I have added to my schedule an English Prep course (for incoming 9th with low skills and failing grades) plus an Academic Success class (for 9th grade students who haven't yet found, well, academic success). Jeannine UgaldeGSDCTE President?Kim Flachmann, Kern RepCATE: KERN COUNCIL Feb 2017Board MembersPresidentKim Flachmannkflachmann@csub.eduVice PresidentJill Hamilton-Bunch jhamilto@pointloma.eduResolutions ChairRobert PolskiRobert_Polski@TreasurerGreg JohnsonGreg_Johnson@ SecretaryCrystal Huddlestoncrystalhuddly@Writing Competition ChairKatie McNamaraKatie_Mcnamara@ Membership ChairLori CampbellLori_Campbell@ KHSD LiaisonsVickie SpanosVSpanos@ KCSOS LiaisonTeresa Twisselmantetwisselman@AVID LiaisonBrad Ruffbruff@ Middle School LiaisonJulie Paulsenjpaulsen2621@Writing Project LiaisonMark OlsenMark_Olsen@ MeetingsScheduled for Mar 8, 2017Membership DrivesJanuary 13, 2017: Cris Tovani speaking on Academic Vocabulary and ReadingEssay ContestsOn-going in the schoolsOne Book/One Bakersfield: To be announcedAnnouncement of OBOB choice planned for our Building Bridges Conference on Mar 31Book Club Meetings[Sept 25: The International Bank of Bob by Bob Harris (One Book/One Bakersfield)][Dec 11: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee][Mar 4: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins][May 27: Book Club, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi] [October 26, 2016: Book Club Meeting, The Big Thirst]RecruitmentSummer: Planned Postcard Blitz and phone calls by membership chair Upcoming EventsMarch 4, 2017: Kelly Gallagher speaking on Academic WritingKern Online Presence KERN CATE: by Kim FlachmannPresident of Kern CouncilFeb 2017KERN COUNCILCALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH2015-16 ACTIVITIES2015-16: Jill delivers recruitment speech for CATE at all RIAP activitiesSept 18, 2015: Back-to-School party at Temblor Brewing Company; every Kern County board member brings at least one guest; honor our Writing Project participants and our CATE Excellence in teaching awardees; drawing for paid conference registration and 3 Runner Reader books; 1 ticket per guest; 1 ticket for members; Starbucks cards for those who join CATE on the spotJanuary 2016: Advertise writing competitions, including Runner Reader (see list below, compiled by Tammy McDonel)*Feb 2, 2016: Presenter Prep Night at the PadreWine and Cheese social “Basket of Books” drawingsFebruary 18-20, 2016: CATE state conference; sponsor memberships for college participants; free membership through AVID newsletter; “ditto exchange” for Kern meeting at conference.March 8, 2016: KCTE meeting; debriefing after conferenceLori: Recruit members from BTSA w/ Jan KenneyKeep Facebook presence updated (Lori)Send Summer Recruitment postcard (Lori)*Writing Contests and Possible Rewards: Forthcoming (Katie)[vacant], Redwood RepCourtney Lockwood, Southland RepFebruary Update – SCTE President’s ReportSCTE has not been very active since my December report.? We met in January and discussed the Spring activity and how we can improve our Fall Conference.? We also talked about themes and speakers for the Conference, which is again chaired by Tracy Sprague.? We want to cut costs, too, since our expenses are still higher than our income, since turnout was so low. We discussed ideas for the spring activity, which board members will follow up on.? Our election this spring will be for president (I will be finishing my maximum of two two-year terms in June), vice president, and member at large.? We had a new teacher attend our January board meeting, and she was thrilled to be invited to become a MAL.? Randy Seligson, MAL, has agreed to work with Mary Adler to see if she can transition to treasurer.? The slate of officers will be presented at the March board meeting.? At each meeting, we have a fascinating update on all things legislative and Common Core from Bill Younglove, but he was absent in January.? The board members who attended the NCTE convention reported back on the resolutions, shared ideas from the affiliate meeting, and showed our Membership Award. No news from me, personally, since December, except that I became a grandmother (first) with a grand daughter in Sydney, Australia, starting January 31.Carol Surabian, TUCATE RepTUCATE has been working with FACET on The Yosemite Conference. ?It is shaping up to be a wonderful weekend. ?You can learn more at the convention.? Carol Surabian?TUCATE representative?Gina Cole, Upper Rep Dear Board Members:As representative of Upper Council, I continue to promote CATE memberships and the CATE Convention to English teachers in the Marysville, Sutter, and Yuba City school districts.? I am looking forward to introducing Theron Hopkins, who will be a presenter at the convention.? He has also been nominated by Upper Council to receive the Classroom Excellence Award.? Theron is also considering becoming a board member and sharing the duties of representing Upper Council.? Gina M. ColePatrick Keough, MAL ElementaryKristy Orona, MAL MiddleSee below.Marina Santos, MAL SecondaryAs a MAL Secondary representative, I have increased awareness of FACET and CATE?by attending a?CTA Think Tank in Burlingame and National Writing Project new Civically Engaged Writing Anaylsis Continum in Emeryville in January. Both experiences enabled me to have one-on-one conversations about the CATE Convention and the Yosemite Conference.? On the local level, I promoted the CATE Convention by spearheading an email?campaign that requests Fresno Unified School District?principals?and teachers to attend?the?CATE convention.?As the publication committee board member, I promoted the CATE Facebook page by doing online?posts to CATE Facebook members and by default,?our posts populated the CATE Twitter page.??As the Yosemite Conference Chair, I signed a contract with Tenaya Lodge at Fish Camp for November 3-5, 2017. The theme is Creating Spaces: Narratives, Products, Processes. The?theme incorporates elements of the?Maker Movement. FACET?anticipates a?successful Yosemite Conference in the Fall of 2017.?Respectfully,?Marina SantosRobert Polski, MAL SecondaryMember at Large- Secondary ReportI promoted and attended the SCWriP fall renewal and submitted to the Winter Post-SCWriP publication focusing on the promotion of poetry and it’s use in the CC classroom and community.I promoted and attended Chris Tovani’s On Academic Vocabulary and Reading in January as part of an on going effort to provide local professional development and involvement in CATE sponsored events.I participated in KCTE’s annual Christmas Bookclub receiving the highly recommended The Sellout by Paul Beatty (Thanks Greg).?I have been promoting the CATE Convention and supporting colleagues and fellow members in preparing for their presentations.Respectfully submitted,Robert Polski?Richard Hockensmith, MAL UnspecifiedCarmen Carrillo, MAL UnspecifiedAnnie Gervais, MAL Small CouncilJoan Williams, MembershipCATE MEMBERSHIP REPORTJanuary 2017# COUNCIL2/155/159/1512/152/16 5/169/1612/162/17+/-1 Redwood223433342624262118-32 Upper12222114616172012-83 Capitol319290903272739485-94 Central245412406472302333328267262-55 Fresno177476711936363627-96 TUCATE193128261016151616--7 Kern619988973662119118109-98 Southland169278281310232618614591267-3249 San Diego5865666410914013813550-8550 Out-of-state141722231526272915-14 55 Libraries141414 141112131212-- 99 Comps332221111--TOTAL 662114111271218800135614071340874-466Requested copies of roster to distribute to board members as requested.Received Precision’s monthly roster updates and bad addresses and worked to resolve the inaccuracies and inconsistencies.Ordered mailing supplies for use by PrecisionAssisted members with questions and concerns regarding their memberships as related to convention. Participated in the Advisory Board conference call.Requested current NCTE roster for CaliforniaOrdered new membership giftsGathered items for the membership booth (pins, magazines)Created clear procedures for processing memberships pre-conventionSent out information to Redwood Council area administrators regarding convention and Redwood Writing ContestMentored 21 North Coast Teacher Induction Program participantsMichelle Berry, Convention CoordinatorBoard Report – Feb. 2017 – Convention CoordinatorI can’t thank the Board enough for the support given to Kathy, Susan, and me as we worked to bring CATE 2017 to fruition. ?Our co-chairs this year have put incredible efforts into a program we hope will exceed the Board’s hopes. Carole’s beautiful construction and design of the flyer and program is, as always, quite notable, and many of you (Angus, Joan, Denise, Greg, Mary) have not only worked behind the scenes, but will rarely leave your designated posts throughout the weekend in Santa Clara. ?Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you.?I’m happy to report that the exhibit hall, under the direction of our new manager, Yisel Parra, will be filled with 36 booths, plus a few tables. CETA (CA Educational Theatre Association) has requested a renewed relationship with CATE, which is terrific for both of us. Please commend Yisel for doing such a fine job on our hall after a late start and the challenge of a learning curve like few others. Curtin has also worked beyond the requirements of their duties to provide CATE with discounts and patience as Yisel learned the scope of her job.We were fortunate to fulfill our room block at Hyatt Regency in early January. ?At that point I negotiated, with Group 360’s help, an overflow hotel room block at the Santa Clara Marriott, which was advertised on our FB and CATE web pages, and to all of you to communicate with your council members. ?We did not meet the room block at the Marriott, but there is hope we may not have to pay as much attrition/penalty as we first thought.?As for working through this convention, negotiating and renegotiating has been often difficult, including to the challenge of dual (actually three) entities with which to deal, and both the hotel and CC having so many subcontractors for services. ?But we have AV and wifi internet at both sites, a snack bar in the exhibit hall, security guard, and all other needs met. Thank you to those of you who have brought LCD projectors to augment what CATE has purchased, and to Jonathan Lovell who is lending us 4 LCDs and 10 screens, saving us much money. (ACTION ITEMS HERE)Our registrar hired a specialist to fix the software problems associated with registration, and the “fix” that was contracted out two years ago, and that’s now done, which made processing registration much less arduous this year. Our committee will discuss Cindy’s report on the situation, along with the software developer’s invoice, and bring them to the Board as an action item.Especially because we are opening registration on Thursday night, but also because conventions rely almost completely on volunteer efforts, I ask that all Board members not already committed to long-term volunteer stations please sign up on the clipboard of opportunities Thursday morning for 4 hours or more of service to CATE 2017 during this weekend. Two of those hours might be tonight, and two tomorrow, Saturday, or Sunday. Yes, student teachers also volunteer, but they are not appropriate for some spots, and need Board partnership in others. Remember this is a great chance to mingle with our CATE members while serving their needs by answering questions and welcoming them to the fold that is CATE and superb professional development!I will distribute the Events of Interest to the Board, a “cheat sheet” of the convention and your places to be. Please remember that when sitting at meals, one Board member per table except for Saturday night when we might choose to sit together at the head tables. At the meal at which your council’s award winner is being honored, please sit at the head table with them. Kathy and Susan will go over the expectations for Sundays Collaboration and Conversation.Many of you received an email invitation and/or a printed invitation from Pearson inviting you to their free Friday night dinner at a local restaurant. Our committee will discuss this issue and bring to the Board their thoughts.Thanks to Carole again, Board members will each wear lovely “Ask Me About CATE” buttons throughout the convention. We will distribute to each of you, to Jayne for her CWP leaders, and to the local committee, invitations to President’s Reception on Saturday night. Please bring these invitations with you then. There will again be a cash bar and some appetizers to enjoy while we celebrate the hard work achieved by the committee and especially its co-chairs for a job well done.Finally, thank you all for your support once again this year, especially as we look at some of the experimental concepts we’re trying out. I look forward to a productive weekend, and seeing smiling faces at convention, yours and our grateful attendees. Kathy Nichols, CATE 2017 Co-ChairSee Susan Dillon’s reportKristy Orona-Ramirez, Liaison CTACATE BOARD, As your MAL rep, I have been able to inservice and provide professional development to the Hoopa Reservation/Education Department.? I was the keynote at their gathering as well as a workshop lead for a writing group.? I continue to work with local tribes in the development of their educational components of their tribal schools or in some cases public schools.? I attended my first National Indian Education Association Conference in the fall and presented in two strands: Urban Indian Education and Classroom Practices.As your CTA Liason, please find attached CTA's decision not to fund me or any level of sponsorship to our conference this year. ?CTA continues to advocate against the appointment of DeVos as our appointed Secretary of Education.? As I am part of the American Indian Alaskan ?Native Caucus, we are currently resolution writing against the Pipeline in Lakota Country and given stage time to inform CTA of current and historic issues pertaining to American Indians. ?CTA is actively working on policy and advocacy that will take us through the Trump administration... We are looking at some bleak years ahead.This past summer I was accepted as a presenter for the National Education Association Conference in Washington DC.? There I presented twice on the topic of Mascot change in California.Unfortunately, ?I am unable to attend this year's CATE Annual Convention due to a family crisis.? As many of you may be aware, my father has taken a turn in his health and I am staying with him until he can be admitted to a fulltime care facility.? You will be missed.Kristy OronaCATE MAL MiddleCTA Liaison?Bill Younglove, Liaison Common Core Consultant?See y'all soon (enough),Post-Burlingame and hollydaze:? Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon meetings (3), one a Civic Engagement Workshop (i.e., Voting)? Attended Assn. of Holocaust Organizations Winter Conference in New Orleans, at WW II Museum ? Attended AERA "Supporting College Acceptance & Success" confab at L.A.'s Dorothy Chandler Pavilion? Met with Senator Mendoza staffer Adam Galia? One day workshop with Facing History and Ourselves in L.A., on Close Reading? UCLA Advocacy Training (for lobbying) Workshop for Students, in Westwood? Researched the 4 Bs that empower CATE members (Stay tuned on that one...)Bill Younglove :-)Jane Medina, Siegrin Heiss, Rosaline Huddleston, Liaisons CYRMCalifornia Young Reader Medal ReportJane MedinaFebruary 1, 20171. In October, the CYRM Committee voted for the final list of nominated books for children to read and vote for 2017-2018.They are:Picture BooksNight Animals by Gianna MarinoIf You Plant a Seed by Kadir NelsonThe Snatchabook By Helen DochertyThe Book With No Pictures by BJ NovakGaston by Kelly DiPuccioPicture Books for Older ReadersThe Right Word: Roget and his Thesaurus by Jennifer Fisher BryantBarbed Wire Baseball by Marissa MossThe Noisy Baintbox: The Colors and Sounds of Kadinsky’s Art by Barb RosenstockIntermediate BooksMs. Rapscott’s Girls by Elise PrimaveraPax by Sara Pennypacker andJon KlassenDash by Kirby LarsonMiddle School/Junior HighA Night Divided by Jennifer NielsenTesla’s Attic by Neil ShustermanAll Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook by Leslie ConnerYoung AdultOrbiting Jupiter by Gary SchmidtSalt to the Sea by Ruda SepetysThe Hired Girl Laura Amy SchlitzThese nominees are being announced today, February 1, at Our Webmaster is designing an announcement of the nominated books. We are requesting that CATE and the other three organizations post the announcement on their websites until the end of the voting period, April 1, 2017. I anticipate that it will be created this week. *We hope that you will take board action to include this announcement on your main page until April 1. We also request that you put a link from the announcement to our website to facilitate CYRM voting participation from your site visitors.2. In January, we met once again. The presidents of the four sponsoring organizations were invited in order to facilitate communication between us. We discussed ways to improve our communication and sought information from the representatives of the organizations in attendance.3. The following are issues addressed during the January meeting. a. New committee positions were assigned. b. We made arrangements for balloting that will take place between February 1 and April 1. c. We made arrangements for book donation distribution for the conferences of the sponsoring organizations. d. We decided to ask the sponsoring organizations to post information about the CYRM voting on their websites. e. We assigned research tasks to various committee members in order to provide information for teachers and librarians who would like information and teaching ideas to present to students. f. We discussed the publication and distribution of bookmarks and posters announcing the nominated books. The publishers who are providing them are Permabound and Bound to Stay Bound. g. Our Google doc access was compromised in December. We are not certain of the cause. It is possible that it was hacked. The technology chair volunteered to create a new Google doc access for CYRM members with heightened security. We voted to limit administration access to the committee chair and the technology chair. All members will receive hard copies of all CYRM documents. h. The CRA representatives reported our financial balance and explained to us the method of requisitioning our funds to pay for medals, book award stickers, costs involved in maintaining the CYRM website, and other expenditures. Our balance as of January 28 was $1864. i. We would like to be able to post links from our site to the sponsoring organizations’ teacher and librarian resources, such as Read/Write/Think. *Does CATE have any specific links to CATE or NCTE resources they would like us to post? j. We investigated the possibility of conducting a logo design competition for California students. Our current logo, we feel, is somewhat dated, and we would like to update it. This question will be raised at the CRA board meeting, since they have administrative authority over the CYRM, and must approve of such actions. This is a long-term process that would probably take place over a two-year period. k. We asked the sponsoring organizations’ representatives if they would consider advertising for future members of the committee. A current member told us of the difficulty she had requesting permission to represent CATE on the committee. *Can CATE post on its website and publish in California English information for teachers who may be interested in joining the CYRM committee?4. Our next meeting will take place in April, when we will count the ballots for the 2016-17 medal finalists.5. I will be asking the other committee members to request that their organizations give them hard and digital copies of their organizations’ expectations of the CYRM and the representatives they assign to the committee. *Please provide me with the above information. Thank you.Respectfully submitted byJane Medina, CYRM chair and CATE representative to the CYRMJayne Marlink, Liaison CWPJennifer Howerter, Liaison CDECarol Jago, California English Editor ................

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