
Potential Subject Lines

NAME, Viral Fan Page Commissions

NAME, Automated Fan Page Content - New app for affiliates!

NAME, Facebook Affiliate Marketing Commissions in 2014

NAME, Fan Page App Commissions – Free video shows how

NAME, ClickBank, meet Facebook. You’re welcome ...

NAME, Facebook vs ClickBank – the winner declared!

NAME, Auto build your ne FaceBook fan page!

NAME, FaceBook Marketing in 2014

NAME, Facebook Fan Page App "Hacks" Commissions

NAME, ClickBank: $543 Per Day with Facebook

NAME, FaceBook: $6.43 billion and counting …

NAME, Facebook Fan Page Builder Application Rocks!

NAME, FaceBook Fan Pages for Affiliates

NAME, FaceBook: The $1 Billion "Glitch"

Get Rid of Your Money Problems Once and for All!

Who Else Wants To Earn $1,200 Per Day Selling Other People’s Products?

Thousands of Facebook users are earning money who never thought they could...

Build an online business that you can be proud of...

Give me 30 minutes – And I’ll teach you how to make money online

The Lazy Man’s Way To Earn Money on Facebook

If you don’t make money with Facebook NOW – you will hate yourself later!

The 7 Step System to making Facebook Cash

How to make money on Facebook

7 Steps To Make Money Online – FREE VIDEO reveals fresh twist!

How lazy affiliates make money using Facebook

This is a GREAT video (brand new content too)

Proven System to Make Money Online (free video)


Your Facebook Fan Pages will love this!

Direct linking actually works! (frankly, I'm shocked)

The coolest thing I have ever shown you (free too!)

Good news ...very good news for Fan Page owners!

Brand New Video - (How to Make Money on Facebook)

Haha - you gotta be kidding me! It's 2003 again!

If you only watch one video in 2014...

Did HELL just freeze over --> FB & MS?

7 Steps to Facebook Wealth

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

Announcing Info Cash 2 – the re-launch of one of Clickbank’s most successful training programs of 2013. Affiliates get unlimited access to a custom developed, viral content aggregation system!

A killer Facebook application that helps you find the most viral content online, then duplicates it direct to your fan page in seconds - alongside your personal affiliate links. This is the fastest and easiest way to connect buyers to sellers, and it really works!

With the updated training and the new Facebook application, you can make money today:

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or face to face selling ...

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever!

Sounds too good to be true?

Check out this free video presentation and decide for yourself!

- watch it free (for now)

Chris Carpenter’s new video presentation reveals a simple “7 Step System” to generate wealth using Facebook fan pages, subsidized pay per click marketing and direct linking.

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

Facebook fan pages represent the *PERFECT* publishing platform to promote affiliate offers – yet most affiliates are doing it wrong. You can earn thousands if you tap into the right traffic …

To succeed, you need to harness the viral consciousness of Facebook ...

This new video is going to blow your mind:

- watch it free (for now)

Chris Carpenter just updated “Info Cash” with brand new training and a custom Facebook app that helps you find the most viral content on Facebook, so you can quickly duplicate it direct to your fan page, alongside your personal affiliate links.

Info Cash 2 is the fastest and easiest way to make money online, and it’s a real game changer!

The new Info Cash Fan Page Builder application can explode your income, bringing together the very best viral content, the best products and the most engaged fans – all together on your fan page, so you earn massive on-going affiliate commissions.

With this new Facebook application, you can make money today:

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or face to face selling ...

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever!

Sounds too good to be true right?

Check out this free video presentation and decide for yourself!

Chris is actually giving away his proven “7 Step System” to Make Money Online for FREE!

Take the time to watch this free video now:

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

10 years ago, one man helped shape an entire online ‘Work At Home’ industry ...

Chris Carpenter’s new Facebook product will blow your mind:

- watch it free (for now)

Chris Carpenter has just re-launched “Info Cash”, a stunning follow-up to his #1 best selling ‘Work At Home’ guide! This guy is the real deal, and he has made millions of dollars - selling other people’s products on the Internet. His system is almost 10 years old, and it now works better than ever!

The new Info Cash Facebook viral content aggregation system is just incredible!

The custom application allows you to find the best content on Facebook, and quickly duplicate it direct to your fan pages, along with your personal affiliate links for faster affiliate commissions!

With this new Facebook application, you can make money today:

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or face to face selling ...

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever!

Sounds too good to be true right?

Check out this free video presentation and decide for yourself!

Chris is actually giving away his proven “7 Step System” to Make Money Online for FREE!

Take the time to watch this free video now:

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

Discover the fastest and easiest way to Make Money on Facebook - without getting scammed!

It’s all about connecting buyers to sellers, and becoming an over-paid middleman (or woman!)

A self confessed ex “ski-bum” mastered this concept, and has taught tens of thousands of people how to make money online. His name is Chris Carpenter, and he just released a brand new (FREE) video presentation:

With the new Info Cash system, you can make money on Facebook:

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or even face to face selling

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever ...

Sounds too good to be true right? Decide for yourself!

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

Discover a FAST, EASY & “SCAM FREE” way to Make Money Online ..

Chris Carpenter’s new video presentation reveals a simple “7 Step System” to generate wealth online – and for a limited time, his 30 minute video is now completely free to watch!

Check it out now:

With the new Info Cash system, you can Make Money using Facebook:

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or even face to face selling

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever ...

Sounds too good to be true right? Decide for yourself!

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

Learn how to earn up to $1,000 per day, selling other people’s products online.

Chris Carpenter just released a free video that reveals a proven “7 Step System” to Make Money Online. This guy is the real deal so watch it now:

Check out the new Info Cash Fan Page Builder application and learn how to find the most viral content on Facebook, then duplicate it to your fan pages in seconds along with your affiliate links. Check out the video for details!

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

Learn how to make money with Facebook fan pages and viral content!

Chris Carpenter’s free video reveals a proven “7 Step System” to Make Money Online:

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

What’s the fastest, easiest way to make money online – without getting scammed?

ANSWER: Insider Affiliate Marketing – powered by Facebook fan pages.

This free video reveals a proven “7 Step System” to Make Money Online:

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

Forget the paid surveys. Drop the cold calling. Get away from the MLM fools ...

Want to make real money online – without getting scammed? Trust the guy who has helped tens of thousands of people earn millions of dollars over 10 straight years. His new video presentation is completely FREE (for now) – and reveals a simple “7 Step System” to Make Money Online:

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

Learn how to setup and grow your own Internet business – from start to finish...

FREE VIDEO PRESETNATION reveals a proven “7 Step System” to Make Money Online:

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

ANNOUNCING a brand new, completely FREE VIDEO

Discover a proven “7 Step System” to Make Money using Facebook fan pages!

Watch the free video now:

You get simple ‘Step-by-Step’ instructions to Make Money with Facebook ...

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or even face to face selling

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever ...

A low start-up cost, a dead simple approach, a fast and proven opportunity and a risk free, “No Questions Asked”, money back guarantee!

It’s a winning combination of Pay Per Click advertising through Facebook, killer viral content and affiliate marketing. Info Cash is a 100% legal, guaranteed work at home system that you can do in your spare time. So sit back, grab a coffee and watch this free video:

Chris Carpenter has already helped thousands of people just like you, to start earning money online.

His new video is packed with useful information and will help you save money, and valuable research time. It offers an up to date, realistic perspective on the entire “work at home” industry, and reveals the reason why affiliates are moving towards Facebook fan pages – and AWAY from Google Adwords.

Don’t miss this opportunity to earn huge commissions by exploiting Facebook fan pages!

This email is targeted towards total beginners in the “Work At Home” niche:

FINALLY ... someone with a proven track record has revealed the truth!

The truth about affiliate marketing in 2014. Everything has changed...

Facebook fan page content now appears in the most powerful search engine in the world – yet most affiliates have no idea how to capitalize on this huge change. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to earn money, connecting buyers to sellers!

Chris Carpenter, best-selling author and master affiliate has just released a FREE VIDEO that reveals a proven “7 Step System” to Make Money Online, through Facebook fan pages!

This is a total game changer (

If you have ever wanted to earn money using Facebook:

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or even face to face selling

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever ...


Chris has dumped his best information online - for free (for now) and this is one of the best videos you will see all year. Don’t miss out!

This email is targeted towards failed affiliates and jaded internet marketers:

ATTENTION: Tired affiliates, jaded marketers and anyone who has simply HAD ENOUGH of Google’s advertising BS. This video is for you:

Chris Carpenter, author of the now famous Google Cash – has turned his back on Google and has embraced the newly updated Facebook fan page platform. His new video exposes a dead simple, proven “7 Step System” to make money online, selling other people’s products.

Direct linking is BACK baby ... and Facebook’s social system has turbo-charged the opportunity like never before. Watch the free video presentation below and RE-LEARN how to make money:

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or even face to face selling

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever ...

If you tried and failed to make money as an affiliate – then this video can change your life.

There is a tremendous opportunity unfolding RIGHT NOW in 2014 – and it’s “game on” for all affiliates ... but this time, the marketplace just increased to a BILLION CUSTOMERS.

You thought Chris Carpenter’s original Google Cash concept was great?

Well think again ... this is even bigger ... even better ... and it’s FREE to watch:

This email is targeted towards failed affiliates and jaded internet marketers:

Chris Carpenter has done it again!

ANOTHER block buster video that shows you how to make money online using Facebook fan pages. If you have had ENOUGH of Google’s advertising BS, then watch this video:

Chris reveals a proven “7 Step System” to make money online using Facebook’s new search engine, and his custom viral content aggregation system – and this is tremendous news for affiliates!

Direct linking is BACK and it’s sooooo 2014!

You can make money hours from now, by leveraging the power of this new search engine, and special affiliate opportunities. Check out the video and learn more. It’s completely FREE! (for now)

This email is targeted towards failed affiliates and jaded internet marketers:

Tired of “Quality Scores” – silly Adwords rules, manual reviews and unfair business practices?

Perhaps – you’re just tired of Google being EVIL.

If Google has cramped your affiliate marketing style, and you want to MAKE BIG MONEY (again) – then you must watch this new video by Chris Carpenter:

This is a total game changer.

Facebook fan pages are the perfect place to connect buyers to sellers, and it’s now easier than ever thanks to the Info Cash 2 Fan Page Builder system!


Make money, selling other people’s products through Microsoft Bing and the new Facebook social graph search engine. You can start earning just minutes from now.

You must watch this video now:

Direct linking to affiliate offers is STILL the Fastest and Easiest way to make money online. Learn how the pros do it – and repeat their exact process. Chris Carpenter’s new video shows you a proven “7 Step System” to make money online – and it’s FREE to watch!

This email is targeted towards failed affiliates and jaded internet marketers:

Love Facebook?

Then why not make money, promoting products through their brand new search engine!

Watch this video FREE (for now) here:

What ... you don’t know? That’s ok ... you’re not alone ...

Recently, Facebook updated their fan page platform. In response, Chris Carpenter and his team developed a custom application that finds the most viral content on Facebook, then duplicates it direct to your fan pages, along with your personal affiliate links.

This new application is a GAME CHANGER for affiliates.

Someone who knows EXACTLY how to exploit this situation, is Chris Carpenter – best selling author of Google Cash, and some say “the god-father of PPC affiliate marketing”.

Chris has been helping affiliates earn money online for almost 10 years, and has generated millions of dollars in commissions. His tactics continue to work to this very day, and he has just released a free video that reveals how to make money using Facebook:

- Without a website

- Without an email list

- Without your own product

- Without cold calling or even face to face selling

- And with little or no technical skills what so ever ...

Watch this video FREE (for now) here:

Just like before ... Chris is set to turn the affiliate marketing world upside down. You really need to see this video. This is quite simply, the fastest and easiest way to make money online – and now it’s turbo charged by social media !!!

This email is targeted towards bloggers:

Love writing ... blogging?

So many people do - yet ... so many bloggers are still broke!

If you’re a “voice” – without the bank balance to back it up, then you need to see this new video by Chris Carpenter. This is a total game changer:

Chris reveals a simple “7 Step System” to make money online, exploiting the brand new partnership between Facebook and Microsoft Bing.

As a blogger or writer – you’re in a unique position to profit, creating affiliate reviews, direct linking and becoming a well paid middleman (or woman).

Check it out now:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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