| |Working Title of Position |
|STATE OF CALIFORNIA |Office Technician – Finance |
|PO-199 (06/16) | |
| |Division and/or Subdivision |
| |Tulare Unit - Mountain Home Conservation Camp |
|INSTRUCTIONS: The Director is required by Government Code Section 19818.12 to report|Location of Headquarters |
|(or to record) “…material changes in the duties of any position in his or her |Springville |
|jurisdiction”. The Position Essential Functions Duties Statement is used for this | |
|purpose. Enter identifying information and effective date at the right. Enter brief| |
|description of each of the important duties and responsibilities of the position | |
|below. Group related duties in numbered paragraphs and indicate the percentage of | |
|total time occupied. Indicate the "essential functions" of the position by placing | |
|an asterisk (*) in front of those individual duties you determine to be essential to | |
|the job. Discuss the duties with the employee assigned to the position. Both the | |
|employee and supervisor sign the document where indicated. The supervisor retains | |
|the original document and provides a copy to the employee. | |
| |Class Title of Position |
| |Office Technician (Typing) |
| |Position Number |
| |541-433-1139-001 |
| |Effective Date |
| |July 1, 2020 |
|Percentage of Time Required |Effective on the date indicated, the employee assigned to the position identified above performs the following duties and |
| |responsibilities. |
| |Under the general supervision of the Assistant Chief (Conservation Camp), the Office Technician (Typing) performs the following |
| |duties and responsibilities. This requires a detailed knowledge of CAL FIRE and California Department of Corrections and |
| |Rehabilitation (CDCR) camp regulations, policies, and procedures as well as good judgement in the application of that knowledge. |
| |The position is similar to that of a one-person field office where assignments are comprised of a wide variety of |
| |responsibilities. |
| | |
|50% |*Audit and approval of all pay documents through the FI$Cal database system for Mountain Home Conservation Camp (MHCC) and |
| |Mountain Home Demonstration State Forest (MHDSF). Reconcile and aid purchasers in reconciling their statements at the end of |
| |monthly bank card cycle. As coordinator of the procurement cards at MHCC and MHDSF, submits changes to the Business Services |
| |Office in Sacramento, also maintains State fuel cards. Check the Intranet for procedure updates/new forms and see the new |
| |procedures are followed. Receive and process applications and other documents for the Camp Projects Program. Prepare invoices|
| |and correspondence for reimbursement from work project sponsors, while maintaining a positive working relationship with these |
| |sponsors. Assist the Camps Products Captain with that program by maintaining the products sold versus the cost of running the |
| |program. Receive, track, ship and invoice camp products orders. Assist the Stationary Engineer with the budget for their |
| |operation. When needed, assist with purchases. Assist Camp Division Chief in maintaining fiscal budget by preparing reports and|
| |estimated expenditures. Submit biweekly CSR Camp counts to Camps Chief. Maintain and submit emissions reports for MHCC and |
| |MHDSF, maintain and submit documentation of the Work Program Analysis Report (FC79). Responsible for ordering fuel, office |
| |supplies, postage and computer ink for MHCC. Assist MHDSF with fuel and propane orders for various locations within the State |
| |Forest. This work requires following procedures and accuracy so vendors will be paid on timely basis. Attend training classes |
| |as required and prepare updated information for staff. Maintain currency in Public Safety CPR and AED. Run FI$Cal reports, |
| |correcting discrepancies where required. Implements adjustment to ensure budget integrity. Provide additional reports and |
| |recommendations as requested using data from the FI$Cal Data base. |
| |*These are the essential functions for this position. Essential functions are those functions that the individual who holds the |
| |position must be able to perform unaided or with the assistance of a reasonable accommodation. |
|Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Statement: All CAL FIRE employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner that demonstrates respect for |
|all employees and others they come in contact with during work hours, during work related activities, and anytime they represent the department. Additionally, |
|all CAL FIRE employees are responsible for promoting a safe and secure work environment free from discrimination, harassment, inappropriate conduct, or |
|retaliation. |
|Job qualifications and/or conditions of employment: Maintain ability to work with various levels of staff and management, multi task and prioritize, pay |
|attention to details and complete accurate work. Must type at a speed of not less than 40 word per minute and obtain a valid typing certificate confirming your|
|ability to meet the minimum. |
|"We have discussed this document in its entirety and understand the duties of this position." |
|Employee Signature | |Date | |Supervisor Signature | |Date |
|Personnel use only | Posted to Directory | | |
| | |Initials and date | |
| |Working Title of Position |
|STATE OF CALIFORNIA |Office Technician -Finance |
|PO-199 (06/16) - PAGE 2 | |
|Percentage of Time Required |Effective on the date indicated, the employee assigned to the position identified above performs the following duties and |
| |responsibilities. |
| | |
|30% |*The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection-California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) |
| |Interagency Agreement requires clerical support to CDCR up to 20 hours a week, if requested, preparing sensitive and confidential|
| |documents. Prepares the FC77(Camp Emergency time report) package for reimbursement to CDCR on fires. Requires gathering the |
| |FC33’s (Overhead Crew equipment Report) from the fire captains, FC33As (Fire Crew Activity Record) for inmate crews, FC33Cs |
| |(Incident Timekeeping Summary for Custodial Personnel) for CDCR staff, meals consumed at the camp, fuel usage and supplies used. |
| |Review for accuracy, compiles costs and prepare documents for signature. |
| | |
| |*Receptionist duties require a broad knowledge of operations. Responsible for answering questions, take messages or connect to |
| |appropriate person. Listen for radio calls to the camp that may require a fire dispatch, request for CDCR to pick up an injured |
|10% |inmate or a disciplinary problem. Maintain a daily log of staff on and off duty and of fire activity. Pick up mail, opens and|
| |distributes daily. Keeps a diary of upcoming events for staff. Make arrangements for annual camp inspections with California |
| |Highway Patrol of the camp’s Emergency Transport Vehicles and with contractor to inspect and service the fire extinguishers for |
| |MHCC and MHDSF. During fire season when other camps are covering MHCC, if asked, assist them with questions. Assist in the |
| |supervision of the inmate porter for the CAL FIRE office. |
| | |
| |*Prepares service contracts with vendors as necessary. |
| | |
| | |
| |*Maintain some personnel records. Responsible for keeping all paperwork confidential and away from inmates. This includes |
|5% |telephone numbers, addresses, social security numbers, messages and conversations. |
| | |
| | |
|5% | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |*These are the essential functions for this position. Essential functions are those functions that the individual who holds the |
| |position must be able to perform unaided or with the assistance of a reasonable accommodation. |
|Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Statement: All CAL FIRE employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner that demonstrates respect for |
|all employees and others they come in contact with during work hours, during work related activities, and anytime they represent the department. Additionally, |
|all CAL FIRE employees are responsible for promoting a safe and secure work environment free from discrimination, harassment, inappropriate conduct, or |
|retaliation. |
|Job qualifications and/or conditions of employment: Maintain ability to work with various levels of staff and management, multi task and prioritize, pay |
|attention to details and complete accurate work. Must type at a speed of not less than 40 word per minute and obtain a valid typing certificate confirming your|
|ability to meet the minimum. |
|"We have discussed this document in its entirety and understand the duties of this position." |
|Employee Signature | |Date | |Supervisor Signature | |Date |
|Personnel use only | Posted to Directory | | |
| | |Initials and Date | |
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