
?Exhibit 4Proposer Response Template[Insert Company Name Here]forRFP NUMBER – RFP-FS-2021-15-ALINTEGRATED WORKPLACE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IWMS) and Ongoing Support for FACILITIES SERVICES Proposals Due: October 5, 2021 NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. PACIFIC TIMETable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc80352012 \h 32Proposer’s Information PAGEREF _Toc80352013 \h 33Company Overview and Financial Information PAGEREF _Toc80352014 \h 34Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc80352015 \h 45Experience and Qualifications PAGEREF _Toc80352016 \h 45.1Résumés for Key Staff PAGEREF _Toc80352017 \h 46Response to Requirements PAGEREF _Toc80352018 \h 46.1Statement of Work, Exhibit 1 PAGEREF _Toc80352019 \h 46.1.1Statement of Work Overview (Exhibit 1, 2.0) PAGEREF _Toc80352020 \h 46.1.2Business and Technical Requirements, Exhibit 1a PAGEREF _Toc80352021 \h 46.1.3Council Report Requirements, Exhibit 1b PAGEREF _Toc80352022 \h 56.1.4Managed Services Requirements, Exhibit 1c PAGEREF _Toc80352023 \h 57Supporting Documentation PAGEREF _Toc80352024 \h 57.1Acceptance of the Master Agreement PAGEREF _Toc80352025 \h 57.2Certifications, Attachments, and Other Requirements PAGEREF _Toc80352026 \h 58Supplemental Documentation PAGEREF _Toc80352027 \h 58.1Third-Party Products PAGEREF _Toc80352028 \h 58.2Optional Attachments PAGEREF _Toc80352029 \h 59Cost Data PAGEREF _Toc80352030 \h 59.1Exhibit 3, Cost Workbook PAGEREF _Toc80352031 \h 610Response Checklist PAGEREF _Toc80352032 \h 6IntroductionBelow is an outline of the structure for the response to this RFP. The Proposer will replace the designator “[INSERT CONTENT HERE]” with]” with the Proposer’s response content. All worksheets must be saved in both .xlsx and .pdf formats. Filenames must be in the following format: [Worksheet name] – Exhibit x _Company-Name Proposer’s InformationCompany name:Address:Phone:Fax:Federal Tax IDID:Representative Name:Title:Address:Phone:E-mail:Company Overview and Financial InformationCompany InformationCompany nameName of Account Executive Serving as Lead on RFP Response 1a. Title of Account Executive Serving as Lead on RFP Response 1b. Contact Information for Account Executive Serving as Lead on RFP Response Number of full-time employeesTotal number of IWMS implementationsIndustry (NAICS) (North American Industry Classification System)Headquarters LocationDate FoundedCompany Ownership(i.e., private/public, joint venture)Number of years Proposer has been providing IWMS Implementation and Maintenance and Support ServicesProvide a list of at least 20 clients, including the number of users.If Proposer has fewer than 20 clients, provide the full list of pany nameName of Account Executive Serving as Lead on RFP Response 1a. Title of Account Executive Serving as Lead on RFP Response 1b. Contact Information for Account Executive Serving as Lead on RFP Response End of TableExecutive SummaryProvide a high-level summary of the response to this RFP. This part of the response is a free narrative section. The executive summary must describe the Proposer’sProposer’s approach for the implementation of the IWMS system software. [INSERT CONTENT HERE]Experience and QualificationsProvide a description of the team or teams that will deliver services. This should identify resources responsible for Project Management, Implementation, and Deployment, as well as Subscription Services.[INSERT CONTENT HERE] Résumés for Key Staff For each Key Staff member, the Proposer must provide a résumé describing the individual’s background, experience, and ability in performing their proposed role and activities. [INSERT CONTENT HERE]Response to RequirementsThe Proposer must present the proposed method for implementing stated requirements, data migration, testing, training, and managed services requested. Statement of Work, Exhibit 1The Proposer must include its response to Exhibit 1.Statement of Work Overview (Exhibit 1, 2.0)The Proposer shall provide a recommended approach and a Project Schedule (i.e., project timeline in Gantt or WBS format) for implementation of the included Statement of Work (SOW). The Proposer shall respond yes or no to the included SOW and optionally provide comments to its responses. [INSERT CONTENT HERE]Business and Technical Requirements, Exhibit 1aThe Proposer shall respond with yes or no. [CONTENT ATTACHED IN EXCEL FORM PROVIDED]Council Report Requirements, Exhibit 1bThe Proposer shall respond with yes or no. [CONTENT ATTACHED IN EXCEL FORM PROVIDED]Managed Services Requirements, Exhibit 1cThe Proposer shall respond with yes or no. [CONTENT ATTACHED IN EXCEL FORM PROVIDED]Supporting Documentation Acceptance of the Master AgreementProposer’s Acceptance of Master Agreement[INSERT CONTENT]Certifications, Attachments, and Other RequirementsAll applicable Attachments (See FS 2021 IWMS RFP Document 4.0)[INSERT CONTENT]Supplemental Documentation Third-Party ProductsFor third-party products/optional software, the Proposer must explicitly state the name of any third-party products that are part of the Proposer’s solution. For each third-party product, there must be a statement regarding whether the Proposer’s solution will encompass the third-party product and/or whether the Judicial Council will be required to contract for the product separately to contract on its own. The Proposer must include a description of any products, features, or other value-added components required to address this RFP. The Proposer must also provide proof of its ability to provide long-term support for the third-party software components. [INSERT CONTENT HERE]Optional AttachmentsAny other information submitted beyond that required by this RFP that the Proposer deems applicable to its Proposal should be placed in this section.[INSERT CONTENT HERE]Cost DataThe cost portion must be submitted in a separate file in the format .xlsx provided with the RFP. Exhibit 3, Cost WorkbookThe Proposer must complete all tabs in Exhibit 3, Cost Workbook.[CONTENT ATTACHED IN EXCEL FORM PROVIDED] Response ChecklistThe Proposer should ensure all items listed below have been completed and included or addressed in the provided RFP response to be considered as a viable solution for the Judicial Council. FORMCHECKBOX IWMS RFP Response FORMCHECKBOX Title Page FORMCHECKBOX Table of Contents FORMCHECKBOX Proposer’s Information FORMCHECKBOX Proposer’s Company’s Name, Address, Telephone, Fax, and Federal Identification Number FORMCHECKBOX Proposer’s Representative’s Name, Title, Address, Telephone, and Email Address FORMCHECKBOX Financial Statements FORMCHECKBOX Executive Summary FORMCHECKBOX Company Overview FORMCHECKBOX Proposer’s Experience and Qualifications FORMCHECKBOX Résumés FORMCHECKBOX Response to Exhibit 1: Statement of Work FORMCHECKBOX Exhibit 1a: Business and Technical Requirements FORMCHECKBOX Exhibit 1b: Council Report Requirements FORMCHECKBOX Exhibit 1c: Managed Services Requirements FORMCHECKBOX Proposer’s Acceptance of Master Agreement FORMCHECKBOX All Applicable Supplemental Documents (See FS 2021 IWMS RFP Document 4.0) FORMCHECKBOX California seller’s permit or certification of registration FORMCHECKBOX Proof of good standing and qualification to conduct business in California FORMCHECKBOX Current business license, professional certification, or other credentials FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 4: General Certifications FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 5: Small Business Declaration (only if Proposer wishes to participate in the Small Business Incentive) FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 6A: Payee Data Record (STD 204) FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 6B: Payee Data Record Supplement (STD 205) (optional) FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 7: Iran Contracting Act Certification FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 8: Unruh and FEHA Certification FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 9: Darfur Contracting Certification FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 10: Proposer Submission Questions Form FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 11: Letter of Intent to Bid FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 12: Qualifications Reference Sheet FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 13: Bidder Declaration FORMCHECKBOX Attachment 14: DVBE Declaration? FORMCHECKBOX Supplemental Document FORMCHECKBOX Third-Party Products FORMCHECKBOX Cost Data FORMCHECKBOX Exhibit 3: Cost Workbook ................

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