
Department Standard Timesheet (Manual)Employee Name:Calendar Year:Employee ID#Established Work Hours:Job Title: Work Period: Division/Office/Location:FLSA Designation: Exempt FORMCHECKBOX Nonexempt FORMCHECKBOX Department Number:Employment Status Full-time FORMCHECKBOX Part-time FORMCHECKBOX DateDayTime Work Day BeginsTime Lunch Period BeginsTime Lunch Period EndsTime Work Period EndsAfter Hours Work(Hours/Min.)TotalHours/Min.WorkedLeave, State or Holiday CT Used(Hours/Min)StateHolidayCreditComments Total Hours and Minutes in Pay Status:++=Employee’s Signature: Date:I certify that I have completed this timesheet and it accurately reflects the time I worked and the leave used during this work period.Supervisor's Signature: Date:I certify that this timesheet is complete and accurate and in accordance with the requirements of SOP HR502. This timesheet is being used for practical purposes. However, I understand that a Time and Labor Time keeper will enter the time and leave into the employee’s TeamWorks Time and Labor timesheet. # Hours/Minutes Earned FLSA Compensatory Time:# Hours/Minutes Earned State Compensatory Time:# Hours/Minutes Earned Holiday CT:Retain in the local personnel office for three full years.6/2021 ................

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