Business Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2020

TIME: 10:00 a.m.

PLACE: VIA Google Meets

Baltimore, MD  21202

Third Floor Conference Room

PRESENT: Steven P. Wions, Chair

Jane M. Bourassa, Vice Chair

Victoria Kelly

Symon M. Manyara

Janice Shih

Javier Solis



PRESENT: Shanai Jordan, Executive Director

Christopher Dorsey, Assistant Executive Director Matthew A. Lawrence, Legal Counsel

Alicia Coar, Board Secretary


PRESENT: Michael Kohler, MSATP

Mary Beth Halpern, MACPA


Mr. Wions, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.  


Upon a motion (I) by Ms. Bourassa and seconded by Ms. Kelly, the Board unanimously approved the minutes for the November 9, 2020 meeting with corrections.


Report of the Chair


Mr. Wions introduce to the board to Ms. Janice Shih, Esq. from the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service. Ms. Shih gave a brief introduction discussing her background.

Mr. Wions asked Ms. Jordan about the expiration date for the licensees during the pandemic. Ms. Jordan explained to the board that until the State of Emergency is lifted, the expiration date for all licensees is extended per Governor Hogan’s Executive Order.

Upon a motion (II) made by Ms. Bourassa and seconded by Ms. Shih, the Board unanimously accepted the Chairman’s Report. 


Executive Director’s Report 

Ms. Jordan again welcomed Ms. Shih to the board and let the board know that the Governor’s office has also appointed another member to the board. This board member should be joining the board’s meeting shortly.

Upon a motion (III) made by Ms. Shih and seconded by Ms. Bourassa, the Board unanimously accepted the Executive Director’s Report. 



Examination Committee Report 


Ms. Bourassa reported on the examination committee’s review of the PSI examination results for November 9, 2020 through December 14, 2020. The examination was administered to 92 candidates: 53 passed, 39 failed, and there are 80 candidates scheduled to take the examination from December 14, 2020 through December 31, 2020. 


Upon a motion (IV) made by Ms. Shih and seconded by Ms. Kelly, the Board unanimously accepted the Examination Report. 


Old Business


No Old Business.


New Business 


The board reviewed a submission from Federal Direct Tax Services, an organization that provides continuing education courses to licensees.

Upon a motion (V) made by Ms. Bourassa and seconded by Ms. Kelly, the Board unanimously approved Federal Direct Tax Services to provide continuing education to the licensees.

Ms. Jordan presented to the Board the new meeting schedule for the upcoming 2021 calendar. All meetings will start at 10:00 a.m. and will be online meeting until further notice.

Meeting Dates:

January 11, 2021

February 22, 2021

March & April – no meeting

May 10, 2021

June 14, 2021

July & August – no meeting

September 13, 2020

October – no meeting

November 15, 2021

December 13, 2021

Executive Session


Upon a motion (VI) by Ms. Bourassa and seconded by Ms. Kelly, the Board unanimously voted to go into closed session at 10:38 a.m.

At 11:30 a.m., upon a motion (VII) by Ms. Shih and seconded by Mr. Solis, the Board unanimously voted to return to open session.

Upon a motion (VIII) by Mr. Manyara and seconded by Mr. Solis, the Board unanimously voted to approve the decisions made in closed session.

Next Meeting Date

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.


There being no further business, upon a motion (IX) by Mr. Manyara and seconded by Ms. Kelly, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 11:31 am.  

_____With corrections _X_ Without corrections

Signature on File January 11, 2021

Steven P. Wions, Chair Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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