
| | | | | |

|Article |Status |State’s Proposals |Union’s Proposals |Comments |

|18-Wages |Open |State’s 01-27-10 Proposal: |Union’s 12-28-09 Proposal: | |

| | | | | |

| | |SECTION 1 - Performance Bonuses |Section 1-Pay Provisions: | |

| | | | | |

| | |(A) From each agency’s available funds in the Salaries and |Pay shall be in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 as| |

| | |Benefits category, each agency head is provided the authority to |provided for in this Agreement. | |

| | |grant non-recurring lump sum performance bonuses to permanent | | |

| | |employees in order to recruit, retain, and reward quality |Increases to base rate of pay shall be in accordance with | |

| | |personnel. Each eligible employee may receive a non-recurring |state law and the General Appropriations Act this Agreement.| |

| | |one-time lump sum bonus payment of up to one thousand five | | |

| | |hundred dollars ($1,500.00) plus applicable taxes. No lump-sum |Section 2-Savings Sharing Program: maintains status quo | |

| | |bonus shall be paid prior to June 1, 2011. |language. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Eligible employees are those who are, at a minimum, meeting their|Section 3-Performance Pay: | |

| | |required performance standards. | | |

| | | |Each agency is authorized to grant merit pay increases to |OPB costing of Union’s |

| | |SECTION 2 – Pay Provisions |employees based upon exemplary performance as evidenced by a|Proposal for Article 18, |

| | | |performance evaluation conducted pursuant to Rule 60L-35, |Section 3: |

| | |Wages shall be in accordance with state law and the General |Florida Administrative Code. Employees receiving an Exceeds|$1.1m. |

| | |Appropriations Act. Contingent upon the availability of funds |Expectations Performance Evaluation will receive a 3% | |

| | |and salary rate, each agency is authorized to provide: |increase in wages; an Exemplary Performance Rating a 5% | |

| | |Salary increases to any job classifications or job occupations |increase in wages. | |

| | |that are experiencing excessive turnover or recruitment | | |

| | |difficulties; |Creates Section 4-Competitive Pay Adjustments: | |

| | |Merit pay increases; and | | |

| | |Salary equity increases. |(A)Each employee shall, effective July 1, 2010 receive a 7% | |

| | | |increase in wages. The Governor will recommend such | |

| | |SECTION 3 – Savings Sharing Program |increase in his proposed budget to the Legislature. | |

| | | | | |

| | |(A) In accordance with section 110.1245(1), Florida Statutes, |(B)An employee who currently has satisfactorily achieved | |

| | |individual employees or teams of employees may be eligible for |Specialty Certification or does satisfactorily achieve such |OPB costing of Union’s |

| | |“profit-sharing” for ideas or programs that result in a budget |Certification will be recognized for such achievement by |Proposal for Article 18, |

| | |savings to the state. |receiving a certification adjustment of 5% in wages. |Section 4(A): |

| | |(B) Agency heads may recommend to the Legislative Budget | |$3.4m. |

| | |Commission employees who generated cost savings to share in a |(C)An employee assigned above grade or assuming additional | |

| | |portion of these savings. |responsibilities will receive an additional 10% in wages |OPB costing of Union’s |

| | | |while performing such duties. |Proposal for Article 18, |

| | |SECTION 4 – Wage Increases & Payments Subject to General | |Section 4(B): |

| | |Appropriations Act | |Indeterminate. |

| | | | | |

| | |In the event the 2010 Legislature provides a different or |(D)Current employees will have their rate of pay adjusted to| |

| | |additional funding for the above-specified wage increases and |a minimum of 5% above the rate of hire of any new employee | |

| | |payments, the State and the Union agree that such increases and |performing and assigned the same or similar duties. |OPB costing of Union’s |

| | |payments shall be administered in accordance with the provisions | |Proposal for Article 18, |

| | |of the FY 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act, and any other | |Section 4(C): |

| | |relevant statutes. The State and the Union agree to meet and | |Indeterminate. |

| | |negotiate with regard to the administration of any different | | |

| | |level of appropriation. | | |

| | | | |OPB costing of Union’s |

| | | | |Proposal for Article 18, |

| | | | |Section 4(D): |

| | | | |Indeterminate. |

| | | | | |

|19-Insurance Benefits |Open |State’s 01-27-10 Proposal: |Union’s 12-28-09 Proposal: | |

| | | | | |

| | | Health Insurance benefits will be provided in accordance with |Health insurance benefits will be provided in accordance | |

| | |the 2006 General Appropriations Act of the General Session of the|with the 2006 General Appropriations Act of the General | |

| | |Florida Legislature as enacted into law. |Session of the Florida Legislature as enacted into law. as | |

| | | |prescribed by this Agreement. | |

| | |(A) The State agrees to administer the State Employees Group | | |

| | |Health Self-Insurance Plan in accordance with the General |(A) The State agrees to administer the State Employees Group| |

| | |Appropriations Act for the applicable year and, if provided, the |Health Self-Insurance Plan in accordance with the General | |

| | |Summary Statement of Intent, as well as any statutory provision |Appropriations Act for the applicable year and, if provided,| |

| | |effecting the plan or its operation. |the Summary Statement of Intent, as well as any statutory | |

| | | |provision effecting the plan or its operation. | |

| | |(B) Further, as provided in Chapter 110, Part V, Florida | | |

| | |Statutes, and Chapter 60P-6.0075(4), F.A.C., the State shall pay |Section (B) is relabeled Section (A) with part of the first | |

| | |for the following Insurance coverage for each full-time member: |sentence stricken: | |

| | | | | |

| | |1: 100% of the premium for the State individual life insurance |Further, as provided in Chapter 110, Part V, Florida | |

| | |policy. |Statutes, and Chapter 60P-6.0075(4), F.A.C. The State shall | |

| | |2: 100% of the premium for the individual or family State group |pay for the following insurance coverage for each full-time | |

| | |health insurance plan; or up to an equal dollar amount for a |member and retirement benefits as follows: | |

| | |health maintenance organization premium. | | |

| | |3: 100% of the premium of the State individual disability |The remainder of relabeled Section (A) maintains status quo | |

| | |insurance policy. |language. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Creates (A)(4): | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Maintain the current retirement benefit as prescribed by law| |

| | | |except for those bargaining unit members that work at risk, | |

| | | |i.e., trial attorneys, interact with inmates behind the | |

| | | |fences, interact with patients in forensic institutions and | |

| | | |provide services in high health risk areas. Employees | |

| | | |working in the risk environment shall be placed in “Special | |

| | | |Risk” retirement. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Creates (A)(5): |OPB costing of Union’s |

| | | | |Proposal for Article |

| | | |Each Agency shall reimburse or pay directly bargaining unit |19(A)(4): |

| | | |employee Bar Dues. |$1.5m. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |OPB costing of Union’s |

| | | | |Proposal for Article |

| | | | |19(A)(5): |

| | | | |$151k. |

| | | | | |


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