|[pic] |Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction |INSTRUCTIONS: This form includes the form needed to write a PDP. The form |

| |PDP WRITING FORM AND CHECKLIST |includes questions that follow each component for you to review your work. |

| |PI-PDP-1 (Rev. 06-07) | |

| |PDP Forms available at |


|Educator’s Name |Educator’s Telephone Area/No. |

|      |      |

|Educator’s Address Street, City, State, Zip |Educator’s Fax Area/No. |

| |      |

|E-Mail Address |Educator’s License File No.* |

|      | |

|Educator’s School District |

|      |

|Current Educational Assignment |No. of Years in Current Assignment |Years of Educational Experience |

|     Math and Science Teacher 9-12 |1.5   |1.5   |

|Month/Year Plan Submitted |License(s) to be Renewed Indicate license number(s) only |Licensure Renewal Date |

|1/09      |     610, 400 | |

|*Educator file numbers may be found on the DPI Educator License lookup at: . |

|Present Licensure Stage |Licensure Category |Date Current License Expires |

| Initial Educator | Teacher |6-30- 12 |

|Professional Educator |Administrator | |

|Master Educator |Pupil Services | |


|Step 1: Preparing to Write the Plan—REFLECTION |

|(Not required to be included in the PDP.) |

|      After a year of teaching in both science and math I have discovered that there is a discontinuity of curriculum in the sciences during the transition |

|between middle school and high school. Part of this discontinuity stems from the fact that no one has taught science 9 for more that one year and have not |

|invested time into the science 9 curriculums. Some of my students mention that they have covered some of this material in the exact same way last year and want |

|to go more in depth with some topics. Some of my students also mention that some things that I thought they covered last year were not talked about at all. I |

|have discovered that some of the lesson plans and instructional techniques used in the science 9 classrooms are not appropriate for the individual learning |

|styles and needs of the students in the class. Many of the students in this class are not strong in math and science and need to have more hands on and |

|different instruction in order to succeed in the class. Some of the topics in the science 9 class I am unfamiliar with and hope to gain more knowledge about. |

|Varying what is done in the classroom will also effect classroom management. |

Step II: Writing the Plan—COMPONENTS

(If more than one goal has been identified in the plan, follow Step II, A-E for each goal.)

A. Description of School and Teaching/Administrative/Pupil Services Situation

|      I am a teacher of math and science at xxxHigh School. I have taught the following classes: Algebra as a skinny and on block scheduling, Geometry block, |

|Science 9 block (4 times), and Chemistry block. This is currently the beginning of my second year of teaching. |

| |

|Our district goal is to get students prepared to make informed life and career decisions as caring and responsible citizens. |

| |

|xxx is a rural school district, consisting of 4.8% minority students (2.1% Hispanic, 1.2% Black, 0.9% Asian, and 0.7% American Indian). We have 16.4% students |

|with special needs, 1.2% with limited English proficiency, and 11.3% of our students are on free or reduced lunch. Each graduating class consists of around 100|

|students coming from one elementary (including 4K) and one middle school into the high school. |

Review Checklist for Description of School Situation

Did you include a description of your teaching, pupil services, or administrative position?

Did you include the number of years you have taught, been an administrator, or been in pupil services?

Did you include whether the school is located in an urban, suburban, or rural setting?

Did you include the ethnic, cultural, special needs, and socioeconomic makeup of the school population?

Did you include your building and/or district goals?

B. Statement of Goal(s) to be Addressed

(It is recommended that you use this stem: I will… [research, study, learn, apply, etc.] So that… [describe what you want to see happening differently with student learning].)

|I will investigate the ninth grade physical science curriculum goals and plan lessons that integrate technology and a variety of instruction so that the student|

|have more continuity through the K-12 science curriculum, meet the requirements for graduation, and are better prepared for higher level science classes. |

Review Checklist for Statement of the Goal(s)

Will your goal(s) impact your professional growth?

Will the professional growth you identified have an effect on student learning?

C. Rationale for Your Goal(s) and Link to Reflection, Educational Situation, and Standards

(Relate how your goal(s) is/are linked to your reflection and your educational situation, and write out the standards that you will focus on for your professional growth.)

|      After review this year I have noticed that lack of continuity in the science curriculum especially with ninth grade science and also have noticed that the|

|instructional techniques do not align with the learning styles of the students in that classroom. Based on this observation I plan on revamping the ninth grade |

|science curriculum to better suit the school and state curriculum and meet the needs of the students. I have begun thinking about how to change the curriculum |

|and work technology (SMART board) into my instruction. Next year I will be teaching 3 section of ninth grade science and will start this implementation. I also|

|plan on taking classes to learn more knowledge about some of the topics covered in ninth grade science. |

| |

|Through this goal I will be meeting the following Wisconsin Educator Standards: |

|1) Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. |

|3) Teachers understand that children learn differently. |

|7) Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons. |

Review Checklist for Rationale for Your Goal(s)

Does the rationale include how you related your reflection (Step 1) to your goal(s)?

Does the rationale tell how your goal(s) connects to your school/teaching/administrative/pupil services situation? (Choose the category that applies to your situation).

Did you list the Wisconsin Educator Standards that will promote your professional growth (must select two or more)?

D. Plan for Assessing and Documenting Your Goal(s)

|      I will document my understanding of the ninth grade curriculum by attending and participating in science curriculum meetings and university courses and |

|also by aligning my ninth grade science curriculum with the state and national standards for science. I will document my understanding of integrating |

|technology in a variety of instruction by attending and participating in workshops and working with other science teachers. |

| |

|I will assess student learning through talking with the student’s future science teachers and seeing how they compare to students who have not taking ninth |

|grade science. I will give students in the ninth grade science class assessments from higher-level science classes to determine when the curriculums align and |

|where my students compare to theirs. I will also assess student learning by the percentage of students who meet science graduation requirements. |

Review Checklist for Plan for Assessing and Documenting Achievement of Your Goal(s)

Did you include methods to assess your professional growth?

Did you include methods to assess the effect of your growth on student learning?

E. Plan to Meet Your Goal(s): Objectives, Activities and Timelines, and Collaboration

(Note: Completion date will be filled in as each objective/activity is completed.)


|I will research the ninth grade physical science curriculum and uses of technology.      |

|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

|I will attend and participate in Smart Board software |Spring and Summer 2009 |I will talk with other teachers | |

|training and how I can use the Smart Board in the classroom | |who use the Smart Board in their | |

| | |classroom. | |

|I will take classes or find other materials that will help me|Summer 2009 and 2010 |      |      |

|better understand the Science 9 curriculum. | | | |

|I will collaborate with the other science teachers and |Spring 2009 |I will talk to the other science | |

|special education teachers and discuss the science curriculum| |teachers during curriculum time. | |

|with them and see what topics would be beneficial to have the| | | |

|Science 9 students learn before coming to the upper level | | | |

|science classes. | | | |

|I will attend conferences and workshops that are geared |Summer 2010 |I will participate in the |      |

|towards teaching science and writing science lesson plans. | |discussions during the | |

| | |conferences. | |

|I will modernize the Science 9 curriculum by purchasing new |Summer 2010 |I will talk with the science |      |

|videos that have more applications of Science 9 topics and | |department chair and the | |

|are more relevant to students. | |librarian about new resources. | |


|I will implement my research and what I learned in the classroom to create lessons with a variety of instruction and use technology in that instruction that |

|shows more in depth knowledge of the ninth grade physical science curriculum.      |

|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

|I will use the new Smart Board technology and implement it in|Fall 2009 |I will work with other teachers |      |

|my classroom with new lesson plans involving student | |who use the Smart Board in their | |

|participation on the Smart Board. | |classroom. | |

|I will implement more hands on activities. |Fall 2009 |      |      |

|I will use large group and small group discussions in class |Fall 2010 |      |      |

|to enhance my students understanding of a lesson, by using | | | |

|Jigsaws and other small group discussions. | | | |

|I will find an out of school activity that correlates with |Fall 2010 |Talk to teachers from other |      |

|one unit of science 9. | |school districts with have | |

| | |science 9 and see what out of | |

| | |school activities they do | |

|I will reflect on each unit of science 9 to modify or add to |Fall 2009-Fall 2011 |      |      |

|the curriculum continuously. | | | |


|I will assess my students by using upper level science benchmarks to mark their progress. |

|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

|I will meet with upper level science teachers to see how |Fall 2009-Spring 2011 |Meet with other science teachers |      |

|students who have taken science 9 compare to students who | |at the end of each term. | |

|have not in meeting their benchmarks. | | | |

|I will assess student learning by matching up the science 9 |Fall 2009-Spring 2011 |Meet with the science department |      |

|outcomes with the science graduation requirements | |head and principal | |

|I will align the science 9 curriculum with upper level |Spring 2010-Spring 2011 |Consult with other science |      |

|science curriculums, making sure to meet their entrance | |teachers | |

|benchmarks | | | |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |


|      |

|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |


|      |

|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

Review Checklist for Objectives, Activities and Timelines, and Collaboration

1. Objectives

Did the objectives directly address the goal(s)?

Are the objectives observable and verifiable?

2. Description of Activities and Timelines

Do the activities align with the goal(s) and objectives?

Do the activities extend through multiple years of the licensure cycle?

Is the timeline stated?

3. Plan for Collaboration

Does the plan include collaboration with others?:

|Initial educators must submit Step II, A-E, for Goal Approval Process. |

Step III: Annual Review of your PDP

(Note: You must complete an annual review for each goal identified. Annual reviews are done in years two, three, and four and will be submitted as part of your completion plan in the last year of your licensure cycle.)

Completion dates for objectives and activities completed during each year.

Reflection of how you grew professionally.

A reflection of how that growth had an effect on student learning.

Description of any revisions made in the goal(s), objectives, or activities.

|Annual Review |

|Completion Date |Reflection |Revision (if needed) |

|      |      |      |

|Note for initial educators: If there are significant changes to your goal(s), you must complete and submit this section to the PDP team for review by April 1 of|

|the year in which significant changes to the goal(s) occur. |

Review Checklist for Annual Review

Did you include a reflection of how you grew professionally.

Did you include a reflection of how your professional growth had an effect on student learning?

Did you include a reflection of collaboration?

Did you include any revisions in your goal(s), objectives, or activities?

Did you fill in dates for objectives and activities completed this year (refer to Step II E of your plan)?

Step IV: Documentation of Completion of Your PDP

(Must be completed at the conclusion of your licensure cycle.)

A. Evidence of Professional Growth and Student Learning

|      |

Review Checklist for Evidence of Completion of Your Plan

Did you provide three to five pieces of evidence and a description of each?

Does your evidence verify your professional growth?

Does your evidence verify the effect of your professional growth on student learning?

Did you include your annual reviews for each year of your plan except the first and final?

Did you include your approved and signed Goal Approval Form (Initial Educators only)

B Reflection and Summary

|      |

Review Checklist for Summary and Reflection Statement

Did you provide a summary and reflection of how you grew professionally in the standards identified in your plan?

Did you provide a summary and reflection of how your growth had an effect on student learning?

Did you provide a summary and reflection of how you collaborated with others?

Did you fill in completion dates for all objectives and activities.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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