
Constitution NotesArticles of Confederation 1st Constitution of United States1 Branch – Legislative (Congress) Each state 1 VoteNational Government very weakCould not taxEnforce lawsNo military9 of 13 states had to approve lawsTo change the Articles all 13 states had to agreeShay’s Rebellion- Rebellion of Massachusetts farmers over taxes. Exposed the national government as to weak as it could not stop people from revolting and aid states.Constitutional ConventionPhiladelphia 1787Virginia Plan ( 3 Branches of Government) Strong National GovernmentBicameral legislature- 2 houses of CongressRepresentation based on population (Proportional Representation)Large states liked this planNew Jersey PlanWeak national government- more power to statesUnicameral legislature- 1 house congressRepresentation would be equal (each state 1 vote)Smaller states liked thisGreat CompromiseBicameral legislature (2 houses of Congress)1 Based of population (House of Representatives)1 Based on equal representation (Senate)3/5’s Compromise – in determining representation in congress, slaves would count as 3/5 of a personSeparation of Powers & System of Checks and Balances3 Separate Branches with different powersLegislative- make lawsExecutive- enforce lawsJudicial- interpret lawsPresident can veto lawsCongress can impeach the PresidentSupreme Court can strike down laws as being unconstitutional Federalists- men who favored the new Constitution ( John Jaye, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison)Wrote the Federalist Papers (Articles and pamphlets supporting the Constitution)Anti-Federalists- opposed the new ConstitutionIn favor of strong states rights and weak national governmentFelt the Constitution gave to much power to the government Demanded a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution ................

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