Custer County Weed & Pest Board Minutes:

Custer County Weed & Pest Board Minutes:

Board Meeting: 12/14/09 – 10:00AM

Custer County Highway Department – Conference Room

Meeting called by: Bill Kirsch

Facilitator: Kirsch

Note Taker: Steve Wiese

Time Keeper: Kirsch


• Bill Kirsch – Weed & Pest Supervisor

• Leonard Wood – Commissioner Representative

• Myron Eggers – Board Member

• Martin Mahrt – Board Member

• Steve Wiese – Weed & Pest Field Supervisor

• Tom Barnes – Board Member

• Earl Stombaugh – Board Chairman


• Irv Evans – Board Member

Meeting called to order by Stombaugh at 10:07AM


Budget/Treasury Report:

Attendees reviewed the budget/revenue reports completed 11/30/09. Kirsch reported that as of the end of November 2009 total budget expenditures were at 85.99% of the total budgeted fro 2009 with 3.3% utilized in November 2009. Kirsch indicated that December 2009 is projected at 4.0% with an end of year under budget usage projection of 90%. With $234,916.00 budgeted for 2009 projections estimate 10% or $23,400.00 left in the budget at the end of 2009. Leonard Wood addressed the Board and indicated that he appreciated that the department would be under budget as the Commissioners are looking at a tight budget in the future.

Kirsch reviewed the total revenues/projection for 2009 and reported that approximately $93,194.00 had been collected so far with $30,000.00 unpaid as of November 2009. Kirsch indicated that DOT had not paid as of this date and noted that they were late last year.

$93,194.00 collected

$30,000.00 outstanding

$14,000.00 grant funding

$137,194.00 total Revenue


$23,400.00 returned from budget 2009 =

Total Budget = $234.916 - $160,594.00 revenues/grants/returned budget money = $74,322.00 – cost to the county to run the department in 2009.

Kirsch reported that 2010 would be a defining year for the department as, “we will not be doing private spraying and government contracts are hit and miss depending on funding availability”. Kirsch reported that Pennington County Weed & Pest’s revenues had exceeded expenditures in 2009 due to government contracts mainly Forest Service/DOT/County Highway. Kirsch indicated that 2010 could turn out the same way or the department would need to cut back on staff and equipment with a corresponding decrease in expenditures and revenues. The Board again expressed their opinion that Custer County Weed & Pest needs to be a viable program and continue to offer services in Custer County.

Kirsch submitted travel/grant approvals from the Commissioners as well as recertification class fees/travel for review. The Board approved requests and expenditures.

No other concerns discussion noted.

Old Business/Minutes:

Minutes from the 10/13/09 Board meeting were reviewed with no changes or amendments.

The following topics were discussed:

1. Kirsch discussed ongoing Declarations of Infestations and submitted letters/inspection reports mailed to the landowners in November 2009. Earl S. continues to have concerns about out of state landowners not maintaining their land and indicated that the Board needs to leave the Declarations open until the landowner has controlled the noxious weeds and pests. The Board reviewed the letters mailed to landowners in 2009. Leonard Wood again expressed concern about Forest Service lands in Custer County. Kirsch informed the Board that letters will be mailed to Forest Service in January with locations of hot spots to be treated. Kirsch indicated that about sixty new enforcement letters will be mail out along with a review of letters already mailed to assure compliance.

2. Leonard Wood initiated a brief discussion on the legal affidavit developed by the States Attorney Office. Leonard questioned why the affidavit was developed and, “then not cleared for use by the Deputy States Attorney”. Leonard feels,” the department should use the document as a last resort for landowners but is not clear on the legality if the States Attorney office is advising not to use it”. The Board agreed that if the document is out there then, “we should use it”. Leonard also reported that the attempts to change state statute on the issue of competition with private/commercial sprayers is at a stand still and may have little chance of changing. Kirsch reported to the Board that Leonard Wood and Travis Bies may be appointed to the South Dakota Weed & Pest Commission which would be a forum to discuss the change in the statute.

3. Kirsch followed up on a question submitted by Marty M. about Tordon and neutralization in the soil. Kirsch submitted the information to Marty prior to the meeting. Some information indicates activated charcoal would help. A discussion was held on chemicals and their long term affect on planting and soil especially Tordon. Kirsch indicated that the department has phased out most Tordon use for that reason.

4. Kirsch reviewed the District meeting notes.

No others items from the 10/13/09 meeting were discussed.


Kirsch informed the Board that all contracts had been completed and billed out for 2009. Kirsch as noted in the budget section reported that DOT has not submitted payment as of this date. Kirsch again indicated that he is hopeful that the department will get contracts with Forest Service, DOT, DOC, City, County, Schools, Grasslands… in 2010 which will allow the department to continue full operations and increase revenues.

No others discussions held.


1. Kirsch as noted previously submitted requests for travel and fees for recertification and meetings. Board signed off on requests to the Commissioners.

No other discussions held.

Prairie Dog Season:

1. Kirsch indicated that the department will not be doing Prairie Dog work this fall due to the ongoing legal issue, (competition with private/commercial applicators). Kirsch informed the Board that the department will be doing some follow-up work on towns from last season that did not get a good kill.

2. Kirsch indicated that he is in contact with the South Dakota Department of Game Fish & Parks about bidding on state contracts, 2010 for Prairie Dog control.


1. Kirsch reviewed status of ongoing Declarations of Infestations and indicated that all are following their Plan of Actions. Kirsch felt that some may be discontinue next year. The Board reviewed letters mailed out in November 2009.

2. Leonard Wood requested that documentation be forwarded to the County Commissioners pertaining to Wind Cave National Park and the Declaration of Infestation issued previously. (Kirsch completed/forwarded the requested information on this date).

3. Kirsch reviewed the District meeting notes on enforcement activity and noted that Fall River, Custer and Pennington Counties had mailed out a high number of notifications.

No other discussions held.


1. Kirsch reported that he has submitted FY2011 Grant A to the Ag department which if approved will be $4000.00.

2. Kirsch reported that he has submitted FY2011 Competitive Grant B to the AG department which if approved will be $20,000.00 for new invasive weed control. The Board reviewed the grant requests and approved.

3. Kirsch reported that the Landowner Reimbursement Grant Program is waiting for the Conservation District to approve protocol for joint participation and reimbursement.


1. Kirsch submitted the 2009 Annual Inspection Report for review. No discussion held.

2. Kirsch will be completing the annual fiscal/activity reports in January 2010, these reports will be forwarded to the South Dakota Agriculture Department.


1. The Board reviewed the annual maintenance report prepared by Steve W. Kirsch noted that it has been a good year with no major repair costs to spray units.

2. Kirsch and Wiese requested approval of equipment purchases prior to the end of the fiscal budget year 2009. Kirsch indicated that the equipment was needed for contract work. Wiese reviewed the following purchases with the Board:

• ATV – used $2500.00-$3000.00

• Transfer pump - $800.00

• Jack Rabbit spray unit $900.00

The Board agreed to purchase the equipment prior to the end of the budget year 2009, (funds not utilized in the overall 2009 budget). Marty M. suggested waiting with the ATV until the department has contracts in place for 2010. The Board voted to purchase the ATV in 2009 if contracts do not come in or the department has to reduce operations/equipment may be placed in auction to recoup purchase costs.

General Notes/Discussions:

1. Kirsch submitted the survey from Boston University that the department participated in. The Board reviewed the findings and documentation. Kirsch noted that, “a lot of people think we do nothing in the winter months but we keep busy doing reports, surveys, grants, mapping, reports, public relations, prairie dogs, classes, training, documentation… this is just one example of what we do to get Custer Counties programs out there”

2. Kirsch reviewed notes from the District meeting. Kirsch noted that he did bring up the subject of Counties competing with private/commercial sprayers and state statute.

3. Kirsch reviewed the South Dakota Health Department audit results and indicated that,”it went well the only problems being reporting location and dating on applicator records”.

4. The Board reviewed the 2009 client evaluations – (of the Department). Most evaluations were favorable with a small amount of negative comments. Kirsch indicated he will continue the evaluations as a tool to help the department improve.

5. Kirsch indicated he had attended a meeting of the committee to develop the County Employee Manual.

6. Kirsch reported that the department had raised $70.00 in donations and purchased gift cards at Pamida. The cards were turned in to the Department of Social Services to distribute to needy families in the area to by food and gifts. Kirsch also reported that the department was second in donating to the United Way per departments involved.

7. Kirsch submitted for review and approval the addition of Black Henbane and Common Tansy to the local noxious weed list. The Board reviewed the additions and approved submittal to the South Dakota Weed & Pest Commission.

8. Kirsch distributed the 2009 Game Fish & Parks treatment list for prairie dogs. A number of landowners on the enforcement list were noted on the treatment report.

9. Kirsch submitted for review the 2009 APHIS Grasshopper Survey and memo. Kirsch indicated that the eastern part of Custer County appears to be the most involved with infestations. Kirsch also noted that Perkins and Fall River Counties are APHIS priorities in 2010. Kirsch stated that he had applied for grant money to assist landowners in treating infestations and is compiling a list of landowners for an APHIS meeting in the spring.

New Business:

1. As noted purchase of new equipment.

2. As noted additions to the local noxious weed & pest list.

Board Member Earl S. made a motion to adjourn. Myron Eggers seconded the motion.

Meeting Adjourned 11:32AM


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