Local Public Agency (LPA) Program Survey Results

Executive Summary

Local Public Agency (LPA) Programs

Organizational Results

November 2009

Resource Management requested Organizational Results complete a literature search on state LPA programs regarding the following topics: best practices, organizational structure, administration, education and training, along with the use of LTAP funds, Federal Highway Administration’s program involvement, and other state LPA practices. The following information was found:

Best Practices

In 2006 the U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), issued a report called “The Administration of Federal-aid Projects by Local Public Agencies” that provides guidance to states regarding LPA programs. This report identifies problems found within state LPA programs, alternative approaches, recommendations, conclusions, and successful practices. A handful of states were identified as having specific business practices that are “noteworthy,” which were Washington, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, California, plus resources provided by the Federal Highway Administration, Office of Real Estate Services. Web links are included in FHWA’s report located at: No other national level best practice guides were found.

Two additional documents issued by FHWA that provide guidance regarding LPA programs include Right of Way Local Public Agency Program Best Management Practices and Real Estate Acquisition Guide for Local Public Agencies website, which can be found at: and

Additional information regarding LPA programs is state specific. The only state that has issued best practices is Florida, whose report can be found at:

Organizational Structure

An AASHTO RAC survey was conducted to determine where the LPA program resides within state DOTs. Of the twenty-four states that responded, it was found that the majority of states have their LPA programs administered by the planning or design divisions, often within a local program unit. The engineering and funds management responsibilities are also typically housed in the planning or design division and local program unit. The survey showed that it is not uncommon for the same section that administers engineering tasks to also administer funds. Of the twenty-four states that responded to the survey, only one state houses the entire LPA program in a finance division and a few states have funds management responsibilities assigned to a finance unit. (Please see attachment.)


FHWA’s report “concluded that administration of LPA Federal-aid projects activities lacked a sufficient systematic or comprehensive stewardship and oversight approach.” However, FHWA identifies Washington, Florida, Iowa and California as having excellent reference material regarding administrative efforts.

The web links are as follows:





Education and Training

The National Highway Institute (NHI) provides several LPA courses available with many free of charge. Also, many states offer training, such as Florida who provides a computer-based training for transportation and LPA personnel. The training topics include certification, project selection and LPA agreements. California's LPA training is divided among twelve coordinators, with one in each district. Classes are provided upon request and over forty courses are offered with summaries of each course available online. Washington state provides training on work zone offerings, design course, construction courses and PS&E Word. ; LTAP funds are also used for many state training programs, including Washington, Nebraska, Ohio and Virginia.

; (p 15-7)

Federal Highway

Federal reviews of state LPA programs are being conducted. For this reason, many states are revising their current LPA program manuals and related information. However, because much of this information is in the process of being updated, current findings provide limited assistance. Furthermore, it appears that other states are in the same position as Missouri and are looking for guidance from FHWA.

Other LPA Practices

The information available regarding state LPA programs is vast and practices vary greatly between states. Some of the topics found include: roles and responsibilities; local agency certification; project authorization, agreements; financial management; project management; environmental procedures; field review; public hearings; civil rights and disadvantaged business enterprises; consultant selection; design standards; plans, specification, and estimates; right of way; utility facility; advertise and award project; administer construction contracts; project completion; maintenance, highway bridge program; railroad/highway crossing program; consultants; process reviews; emergency relief program; and deficiencies and sanctions.


FHWA’s report contains the best consolidation of information regarding LPA programs. The report outlines several states that have specific practices in which FHWA considers successful and enables a quick high-level review of the vast amount of information available. However, it is suggested that future research efforts are narrowed and focused on specific areas of the LPA program to ensure research efforts meet needs.


|LPA Program Survey Report from State DOTs |

|State |Reports to |Division |Engineering |Funds Mgt |

|Alaska |  |Regional MPOs |Regional/Districts |Regional Project Control |

| | | |Preconstruction and |Offices |

| | | |Construction Sections | |

|Arkansas |  |Programs & Contracts |  |  |

|California |Director of Transportation |Planning and Modal Programs |  |  |

|Florida | |State LAP Administrator |District LAP Administrator, |Federal Aid Office |

| | | |supported by planning, | |

| | | |environment and design | |

|Idaho |  |Local Highway Technical |Design |Transportation Investment and |

| | |Assistance Council | |Roadway Design Section |

|Illinois |Chief of Staff and Chief of |Division of Highways, Bureau of |Bureau of Local Roads and |Bureau of Local Roads and |

| |Operations |Local Roads and Streets |Streets |Streets |

|Indiana |Planning Deputy Commissioner |Division of Local Program, Office|Office of Local Program |Office of Local Program |

| | |of Local Program Assistance |Assistance |Assistance |

|Iowa |  |Highway Division, Operations |Local Systems Office |Local Systems Office |

| | |Bureau, Local Systems Office | | |

|Kansas |  |Bureau of Local Projects |Bureau of Design |Funds Management Section |

|Louisiana |  |Engineering Directorate & |Engineering Directorate, Road |Planning Directorate |

| | |Planning Directorate |Design | |

|Maryland |  |Office of Planning and |OPPE and for bridges, Office of|OPPE's Regional and Intermodal |

| | |Preliminary Engineering (OPPE) |Structures |Planning Division |

|Mississippi |Chief Engineer |Assistant Chief Engineer |  |  |

| | |Operations | | |

|Nevada |Director and Deputy Director |Assistant Director of Engineering|Design |Design |

|New Hampshire |  |Bureau of Planning and Community |  |  |

| | |Assistance | | |

|New Jersey |  |Local Aid Division |  |  |

|New York |  |Policy and Planning Division |Engineering Division |Accounting Bureau and Policy |

| | | | |and Planning Division |

|Oklahoma |  |Local Government Division & |Planning & Research Division |Planning & Research Division |

| | |Planning & Research Division | | |

|Oregon |Deputy Director |Highway Program Office |Local Government Section |Local Government Section |

|Pennsylvania |  |Office of Planning |Center for Program Development |Center for Program Development |

| | | |and Management |and Management |

|South Dakota |Secretary of Transportation |Division of Finance and |Local Transportation Program |Local Transportation Program |

| | |Management | | |

|Utah |  |Local Government Program - |Engineering Services |Systems Planning and |

| | |administered by a group of | |Programming |

| | |individuals from multiple | | |

| | |organizations | | |

|Vermont |  |  |Contract Services |Operations Division |

|Washington |  |Highway and Local Programs |Highways and Local Programs |Highways and Local Programs |

| | |Division |Division |Division |

|West Virginia |University |Not in DOT |  |  |


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