NURS 701 – Biostatistical Methods for Health Care Research

NURS 701 – Applied Biostatistics Fall Semester 2020This handout covers basic information about the course. It contains the tentative course syllabus, information about my website, and the D2L website. It also briefly discusses technology for hosting online meetings.COURSE INFORMATIONInstructor:? Brant Deppa, Ph.D.Office:? 124B Gildemeister Hall (Winona Campus)Office Hours: MWF 2:00 – 3:00 & T Th 2:00 – 3:30Phone:? 507-457-5457 (limited availability due to COVID-19)e-mail:? bdeppa@winona.eduWebsite: Courses NURS 701 DESCRIPTIONIn this course we will review most of the common statistical methods, research designs, and data procedures used in health care research. With the emphasis in health care today on evidence-based practice, it is more important than ever for health care professionals to understand essential information about measurement, sampling, and statistical analysis techniques. One component of the course will be reviewing published research in the medicine and answering short answer questions about different aspects of the study design or sampling protocol, statistical methods used, and conclusions reached.A second important component of the course will be conducting statistical analyses yourself, using the statistical software package JMP 14 Pro. You will be using actual data from published studies to conduct an appropriate analysis in JMP and then use the results to answer research questions of interest. In this course, you will receive much less guidance about which methods to use to answer the research questions of interest.DNP Program OutcomesRequired Materials: 1) 6-month academic license for JMP 15.1 Pro – see e-mail from Steve Heftman (forthcoming)2) One of the Optional References is recommended.Optional References (in order of importance):Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit (Pearson, ISBN 978-0-13-508507-3)e-book available: Basic Biostatistics by B. Burt Gerstman (Jones and Bartlett, ISBN 978-0-7637-3580-7) – covers methods primarily from prerequisite course!Biostatistical Analysis (8th ed.) by Wayne Daniel (Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-0-4714-5654-4 Fundamentals of Biostatistics (7th ed.) by Bernard Rosner (Brooks Cole, ISBN-13 978-0538733496) Evaluation: Course assignments and projects100%Course grades will be assigned as follows: A = 92%-100%, B = 82%-89.99%, C = 72%-81.99%, D = 60% - 71.99%, F = below 60%Assignments will consist of: readings from the texts, notes, tutorials and research articles.?research article reviews and short answer analysis tasks that involve conducting statistical analyses in JMP and answering questions related to the results.? All relevant computer output should be incorporated into your write-ups.? This is easily done by copying output and pasting it into Word.General Course Outline 1. Review of Statistical Methods from Prerequisite Course (2 Weeks)2. Effect Size, Power, and Sample Size (1 week)3. Multiple Regression and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) (1 - 2 weeks)4. Logistic Regression (2 weeks) 5. Advanced ANOVA Methods (2 weeks)6. Survival Analysis (1 week)7. Multivariate Methods (1 - 2 weeks)8. Methods used in Epidemiology (1 week) 9. Meta-Analysis (1 week) Content on my course1 website: Courses NURS 701Narrated PowerpointsNon-narrated (regular) PowerpointsCourse assignments and supporting materialsDatasets which you will use to conduct your own statistical analyses in JMP. Links to additional material of interest.Content on D2L:all software demos and assignment walk-throughsfull versions of the research papers used in the coursedropboxes for turning in assignments assignment grades discussion boards for each assignment COURSE WEBSITE – Courses NURS 701D2L Course Site ................

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