Health Care Administration


California State University, Long Beach

Health Care Administration Program

Management and Information Systems Course Outline

Fall 2009

|Instructor: Zeina Hawkinson |Class Number: HCA 416 |

|E-mail: zeinahaw@ |Class Meets: Sept 1st to Dec 15th, Tue 6pm – 9:45, Room: ET-009 |

| | |

|Office Hours Mondays 5-6 pm |Additional Contact Information: |

| |HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill, |

|Phone: 562 477 5257 |Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886 |

Catalog Description

Prerequisite/Corequisite: HCA 402.

Evaluation of concepts, analysis and design of management information systems; management decision models, strategies for implementing system changes.

Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture)

For more information on the university syllabus policy please go to the Faculty Center for Professional Development website at: .

The faculty handbook can also be found online at the following link:


California State University, Long Beach

Health Care Administration Program

Management and Information Systems Course Outline

|Course Description: |Background and overview of the analysis, design, evaluation, selection, installation, use, and management of information |

| |systems in health care settings. Review of the information management function and value of information. Role of |

| |information technology in the provision of high quality care and management decision making. Detail on computer hardware, |

| |software, networking, and telecommunications sufficient for understanding of concepts and relevant to health care managers |

| |and staff. |

| |Class consists of lecture, discussion of reading material and associated questions, case studies, and contemporary topics in |

| |health care information management. Student participation and regular class attendance are essential for course success. |

|Expected Outcomes: |At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to: |

| |Demonstrate an understanding of computer and computer related terminology. |

| |Demonstrate an understanding of the changing healthcare environment. |

| |Demonstrate an understanding of Online Transaction Processing Systems and Online Analytical Systems. |

| |Analyze the contribution of information technology to care processes and management decision making. |

| |Demonstrate understanding of basic statistical data used in healthcare industry |

| |Analyze healthcare data using MS Excel and MS Access |

| |Analyze the nature of information needs in the organization. |

| |Demonstrate understanding of relational database concepts |

| |Demonstrate understanding of data warehouse and data mart concepts |

| |Demonstrate an understanding of Extract Transfer and Load concepts |

|Textbook: |Information Systems for Health Services Administration |

| |6th Edition by Charles J. Austin and Stuart B. Boxerman |

| |Published by AUHPA Press/Health Administration Press. |

| | |

| |Essentials of Statistics in Health Information Technology by Carol Osborn |

| |Published by Jones and Bartlett, 2008 |

|Grading: |Class participation 10% |

|Check Grading power point |Attendance (5%) |

|in beach board for more |Participation in and contribution to class discussion of lecture material, reading assignments, and questions (5%) |

|information |Lab Work Sessions 20% |

| |Introduction to Access tables and queries |

| |Lab exercises: calculating statistics from an Access database (10%) |

| |Lab exercises: using Excel to calculate key healthcare statistics (5%) |

| |Lab exercises: creating Excel graphs and pivot tables (5%) |

| |Data Project 20% |

| |Project should include section (for more information please refer to Session 1 PowerPoint): |

| |Introduction |

| |Overall Statistics: State Statistic vs. National average |

| |Detailed Statistics by DRG (top vol DRG – Disch, Top ALOS DRGs) compare State to National |

| |Conclusion |

| |Examinations (multiple choice) |

| |Mid-term (multiple-choice)—50 questions 25% |

| |Final (multiple-choice)—50 questions 25% |

| |Extra credits class exercises on key terms provided by instructor in the previous session (10% applied to the final exam) |

| |Any delay in submission of assignment will result in 1 grade point reduction per week |

Class Schedule

|Class |Date |Topic |Reading |Turn In |

|1 |9/1/2009 |Course purpose, outline and structure |Chapters 1, 2 Austin and Boxerman | |

| | |Information Technology in the Twenty-First | | |

| | |Century |Session 1 PowerPoint | |

| | |I/T and Managerial Control | | |

|2 |9/8/2009 |Computer Hardware |Chapters 3, 4 Austin and Boxerman |No class |

| | |Computer Software | |Class exercise for |

| | | |Session 2 PowerPoint |session 1 concepts (1% |

| | | | |extra credits) |

|3 |9/15/2009 |Data Management |Chapter 6 Austin and Boxerman |Class exercise for |

| | |Relational Data bases | |session 2 concepts (1% |

| | | |Session 3 PowerPoint |extra credits) |

|4 |9/22/2009 |MS Access Lab – Introduction to Access |LAB – Access over view and basic exercises |Class exercise for |

| | | | |session 3 concepts (1 % |

| | | |Session 4 PowerPoint |extra credits) |

| | | | | |

| | | |Location: ET 109 | |

|5 |9/29/2009 |Data Marts and Data Warehouse |Session 5 PowerPoint | |

| | |OLTP and OLAP | | |

| | | |Utley, Craig. "Designing the Star Schema Database." | |

| | | |CIOBriefings. 4 Nov. 2006 | |

| | | |. | |

|6 |10/6/2009 |MS Access Lab Exercise |LAB exercises - students to answer key questions by |Class exercise for |

| | |Review Midterm Exam Topics |analyzing an Access database, using Access queries. |session 5 concepts (2% |

| | | | |extra credits) |

| | | |Session 6 power point | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Location: ET 109 | |

|7 |10/13/2009 |Mid Term | | |

|8 |10/20/2009 |EMR: Electronic Medical Records |Electronic Medical Records." Open Clinic. 4 Nov. 2006| |

| | |Decision Support Applications | ................

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