ID1 – Statistics in the Real World

ID1 – Statistics in the Real World

Hardin – Fall 2006

Abstract Feedback

Abstract Feedback

Remember that you are commenting on your peer’s writings, so you want to be helpful but not harsh. Feel free to praise what you think is good in the writing. Each comment should ask two questions (leading to suggestions) about the abstract. Keep in mind questions such as:

* Is the basic idea or insight a good one?

* Is it supported by logical reasoning or valid argument?

* Is it supported by evidence and examples?

* Is there a clear point of view (thesis!!)?

* Does the idea answer the question / address the topic?

* Is the idea succinct enough for the audience and purpose?

* Are there mistakes in grammar, usage, spelling, or typing?

* Is the tone or formality appropriate?

You should comment on 3 abstracts. If you find that you are accidentally the fourth person to comment, comment on another one that has fewer than three comments.

Example Abstract / feedback:

Q: How does Alexey’s belief in chance fulfill destiny in a Darwinian sense? Are his misunderstandings/mis-actions innate or learned?


In Dostoevsky’s The Gambler, the main character, Alexey, finds himself addicted to gambling though he knows the risks associated with his addiction. His innate attraction to risk causes him to lose everything – money, friends, love. Throughout the novel, he claims to understand the “arithmetic” of gambling, but he also clearly believes in the gambler’s fallacy. His inability to stop gambling is clearly internal and not conscious as if he has no control over his own destiny. In the end, Alexey gets what he deserves by losing the thing he loves most, his love Polina.

Good comments:

* How would you think of the gambler’s fallacy as being innate or not innate?

* Where do you think he shows his desire for risk most?

* In what way is his gambling internal, and is that the opposite of conscious?

* In what way(s) does his loss of Polina help motivate your thesis?

* Have you thought about using the part where he talks about his night of winning as a “miracle” as evidence?

* Your thesis seems to be about his belief in chance being innate. Can you make it more specific about Alexey or the novel?

Bad comments:

* Your sentences/ideas aren’t cohesive.

* Your thesis is not well-developed.

* Your last sentence doesn’t really help develop your point.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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