
TangerineBy Edward BloorName _________________________Period __________TangerineSection One:In your notebook, list the page numbers and answer the question completely (at least 3 sentences). Refer back to the novel to answer the questions, and you aren’t limited to the pages listed to find your answers. On a separate sheet of paper in your journal, list the new characters who are introduced and who they are (i.e. Antoine Thomas: starting quarterback).PagesQuestion Characters1 – 4In your own words, what do you think really happened to Paul? Was Erik involved?Name and who the person it.Friday, 8/18The author keeps referring to a zombie. This is a metaphor. What do you think he is really talking about?Saturday, 8/19 & 8/19 laterDescribe Lake Windsor Downs and its living conditions.Monday, 8/21Make a chart listing the way Lake Windsor Middle school is set-up.Monday, 8/21What does Paul feel self conscious about and why?Wednesday, 8/23What are the weather conditions in Tangerine County?Monday, 8/28 & Wednesday, 8/30Why was Paul called Eclipse boy? Where did it come from?What do you think the Erik Fisher Football Dream is?Thurs, 8/31 & Fri. 9/1Describe the players on the Middle School Soccer team. How does Paul measure up?Tues, 9/5 & Wed, 9/6 & Thurs, 9/7What tragedy occurs? How does the community and characters in the book react?Friday, 9/8What second tragedy occurs for Paul?Which tragedy is the worse for him and why?Fri, 9/8 later & Sat, 9/9What was Mrs. Costello referring to when she said “Life goes on”? And later Mrs. Fisher is upset because life is going on. Why?Monday 9/11 & 9/11 later, Tues 9/12What was Paul questioned about that happened at the carnival? Why do you think that this will become important later in the story?Describe how Paul feels during the sinkhole scene.Friday9/15Seventh grade students have two options in the emergency relocation plan. What are they and why does Paul choose as he does?Section One Mini ProjectAt the end of this section, you have the choice of the following mini projects: Pick OneWrite a one page description of sinkholesLook up information on people who are visually impaired (legally blind) and write a one page paperWrite a news article about the disaster at Paul’s school (one page and include a picture)Pick a character and completely describe his/her personality, likes, dislikes, behaviorWrite a letter that will be sent home to all of the students at Lake Windsor Middle School describing the emergency relocation programMake a small collage of the events that have occurred so far in the storyDraw a scene from the story and include a caption that completely describes the sceneMake a Graphic Organizer for this part of the storyEach project is worth 25 points. For #1 and #2 you must include your source/s. For #s 1,2, 3, 4, 5 you must write at least one page worth of text (12 font). For #s 6, 7, 8 your project must be neat, colorful, relevant, and show an in depth knowledge of the book.Section TwoTangerineBy Edward BloorNotes:Tangerine Section TwoIn your notebook, list the page numbers and answer the question completely. Refer back to the novel to answer the questions, and you aren’t limited to the pages listed to find your answers. On a separate sheet of paper in your journal, list the new characters who are introduced and who they are (i.e. Antoine Thomas: starting quarterback).DaysQuestion CharactersMonday, 9/18Summarize this sectionTuesday, 9/19What do the TMS boys say happened at the carnival? How does Paul feel about all of this?Describe the TMS soccer team. How is it different from the LWMS team?Wednesday9/20What do Erik and Arthur do towards Joey? How does this make him feel? What is his explanation to Paul about the shoes?Friday,9/22Make a graphic organizer summarizing this section.Saturday,9/23What happens during the first LWHS football game and how does Paul feel about this event?Tuesday, 9/26Make up 4 questions that cover the important points of these pages. (include answers)Wed. & Fri,9/27 & 9/29Summarize the key points for these pages.Mon &Tues. 10/2, 10/3Discuss Joey’s “attitude”. Why do you think he is acting as he is?Wednesday,10/4Describe the problems that the people in Lake Windsor Downs face.Thursday, 10/5Summarize these pages.Describe Lois CruzThurs, Sat. & Sun. 11/2, 11/4, 11/5Summarize these pages. Come up with two discussion questions.Tues, Wed. & Fri 11/7, 11/8, 11/10What is the significance of Erik attending school in Lake Windsor and Paul attending school in Tangerine? What could the two places symbolize?Section Two:Mini ProjectAt the end of this section, you have the choice of the following mini projects: Pick One (1)Write a one page paper about the history of soccer.Look up information on growing citrus fruit and write a one page paper.Explain the rules of soccer and draw a diagram of a soccer field.Pick a character and completely describe his/her personality, likes, dislikes, behavior (must be different from last section).Write a letter from the Homeowners Association that will be sent to all of the people living in Lake Windsor Downs describing the current problems that the development is experiencing.Create a drawing of a Quonset hut, include information about these structures.Each project is worth 25 points. For #1,#2, #3 and #6 you must include your source/s. For #s 1,2, 4, 5 you must write at least one page worth of text (12 font). For #3 and #4 your project must be neat, colorful, relevant, and show an in depth knowledge of the book/subject.Section ThreeTangerineBy Edward BloorNotes:Tangerine Section ThreeIn your notebook, list the page numbers and answer the question completely. Refer back to the novel to answer the questions, and you aren’t limited to the pages listed to find your answers. On a separate sheet of paper in your journal, list the new characters who are introduced and who they are (i.e. Antoine Thomas: starting quarterback).DaysQuestion CharactersMonday, 11/20What does Erik do to Tino at Paul’s house? How do you think Tino will react? Why is Paul “sick to his soul?”Tuesday, 11/20What is the discovery made at the storage bin? Predict it’s significance?Describe the scene that Paul sees (hears) while hiding under the bleachers?Thursday,11/23What does “fighting the freeze” mean? What are the three ways to “fight the freeze?”Why does Paul feel compelled to help “fight the freeze” and why does Luis question Paul’s willingness to help?Friday,11/24After reading this section, how does the football team feel about Erik and Arthur?What does Paul see on the wall and how does he react?Monday, 11/27What is Paul’s explanation for the disappearance of the koi? What does this say about his “sight”?What events are happening that cause Paul to say his father is coming “unglued?” Tuesday,11/28How does Luis Cruz die? Who does Paul think is responsible?Wednesday, 11/29Describe the scene with Paul and the little boy at the pond? Why does Paul tell the boy these things?Thursday, 11/30How did Paul observe Luis Cruz’s death since he was not at the funeral?Friday, 12/01 Create a graphic organizer for the events of this section (at least 8 events).Who is Vincent Castor and what event was he involved in?Why is Vincent Castor’s “name” so important?Saturday, 12/02Why is Betty Bright outside Mr. Donnelly’s house?Name 3 important things they discuss.Sunday, 12/03There are two important articles in the “Tangerine Times”. Summarize them:“Lake Windsor Athlete Confesses in Football Scandal”“Thoughts on an Imaginary Porcelain”Sunday, 12/03 later What do we find out about at Mom and Dad’s meeting? What is the outcome?After the meeting, as people are leaving, what happens on Paul’s front lawn?Monday, 12/04Mom and Paul have a meeting with Dr. Johnson. What is the outcome for:Tino & Victor – and whyPaul – and whyTues. & Wed 12/5, 12/6Make a graphic organizer for the events of these days (at least 5). What is the importance of Dad driving Paul to school? ................

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