
Weekly overview for Class 4 Home Learning week commencing April 27th 2020Wow Class 4. You have been so busy at home. It has been wonderful to see some of your work. Thank you for working so hard and thank you to your parents and siblings at home for helping you too. We do understand it can be difficult at times, especially when there are distractions. We hope you enjoyed the Cinderella theme in English last week. We loved reading your letters and stories. Mrs Holt has provided some more super lessons again based on The 3 little pigs. I have provided some other tasks and activities linked to the 3 little pigs story and other curriculum subjects. We hope you enjoy them.In Maths this week, we are moving on to using money. Please remind yourself of coin recognition and their value. Please follow the White Rose Maths on J2e –checking your answers each day. I have added additional tasks to support or extend your learning. This week, any new files or documents you need to look at or use are saved in your ‘shared files’ folders on j2e. 258625136238600 MathsEnglishReadingTimes tablesSpellingsTopicMondayRounding decimals.Use the White Rose interactive lessons on J2e and then complete the activities.All our English lessons are based on The 3 little pigs this week. (Separate sheet for details)Write a play scriptRead at least 20 minutes per day (hopefully a lot more!) and remember to record your reading in your journal.You can also read books from Bug Club!Look at the Guided Reading folder for different activities.Times TablesSpend at least 15 minutes a day practising your times tables; J2eblast did you get on with your spellings last week? Don’t forget to test your self on Friday!Group 1 Practicespellings from the Statutory word list for Years 3 and 4. (Choose words that you find tricky to remember)New spellingsGroup 2 MusicianElectricianMagicianPoliticianPhysicianOpticianMathematicianStory-storiesFairy-fairiesMemory-memoriesBaby-babiesChoose an activity from the grid belowTuesdayHalves and quartersWrite an advert WednesdayPounds and pence Write a letterThursdayOrder moneyWrite an alternative endingFridaySee J2e for further Maths tasks related to money.Look out for the differentiated worksheets. Write a different version of the story,Additional activities for home learning Mindfull momentsChoose one or more of Mrs Higgins Mindful tasks on J2e. Can I investigate pitch using house hold objects? Remember pitch means how high or low a sound is. Line up several bottles (Or cups) and fill them with different amounts of water. Gently blow or rub over the top. How does the water effect how high or low the sound is? Investigate different pitches. Can you play a tune?What else can you find around the home to create different sounds?Have fun investigating. Don’t forget to record it in your book or send us a video. This video clip is really impressive!! loved looking at some of the art work from last last week. Thank you to those who uploaded or sent in photos. Look again at the work of the artist Kandinksy. I’ve uploaded a power point on to J2e which explains how to explore colours.Have a go at creating his famous circles painting. Can I name all the colours in the rainbow in French?I have attached a worksheet for you to colour in J2e.Extension Can you remember to say I like or I don’t like in French?STEAMDramaCan you make puppets of the 3 little pigs and/or the big bad wolf? You may choose finger puppets using fabric, or make shadow puppets. 2059154-361500I’ve added a few ideas here Or you may have your own idea. Be as creative as you like!Can you act out your own version of the story you wrote in your English task? Use your puppets or yourself to act out one of the characters. using fortune teller templateYou can choose whatever you like to get physical. Some ideas belowA new dance routinePlay football, catch, netball.Joe Wick or my favourite; Jump start Jonny, Freeze.Did you watch Rev Annie’s assembly video or think about Miss Cameron’s thoughtful Thursday task? Look out for more this week. Here’s a story you may like to watch. – the road to Emmaus VE DAYWe are in the process of designing a banner for VE day celebrations. Mrs O’Donnell has asked us for some help- Please would you ask your children to think about words that describe how people must have felt on VE day and also words to describe the bravery of the people involved in the war. Please share They can share the words with you and please forward on to me so I can organise the banner! Some children may want to write a diary extract or a poem to add to the banner. ................

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