|Trauma: |Bonnie Sinz |State Trauma Advisory Committee (STAC): |

| |Extension |The STAC has had conference calls with the agenda focusing on data and the development of the Performance Improvement and Public |

| |460 |Safety Plan and the Regional Network for Re-triage guidance document. The committee will meet on February 23, 2015.   |

| | |  |

| | |Regional Trauma Coordinating Committees (RTCC) |

| | |Each Regional Trauma Coordinating Committee representative provides regional activity updates at the STAC meeting and provides |

| | |documents approved by the RTCC and available for statewide use.  Details of current activities can be found on the EMSA website at|

| | |emsa. |

| | | |

| | |Trauma 2015: California’s Future |

| | |The EMS Authority will host its 6th State Trauma Conference at two locations: |

| | |San Diego |

| | |May 6, 7, 2015 |

| | |San Francisco |

| | |June 2, 3, 2015 |

| | |The agenda is being finalized and will feature guest speakers from the American College of Surgeons (Nels Sandal) and the National|

| | |Committee on Trauma (Dr. Robert Winchell). The State Trauma Plan will be presented with the second day of the conference focusing|

| | |on Plan implementation. On line registration will be available soon at emsa. |

| | | |

| | |Performance Improvement and Patient Safety (PIPS) Subcommittee |

| | |The State PIPS Plan is close to being completed with the next step being to test the process through the use of CEMSIS. The Plan |

| | |focuses on system-wide performance issues through the use of state trauma registry data analysis and the analysis of case-based, |

| | |system-related events. Specific elements of the Plan include the development and reporting of system-wide performance indicators |

| | |and risk-adjusted outcomes measures. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Regional Trauma Network for Re-Triage Subcommittee |

| | |The guidance document is being developed to provide re-triage guidelines, non-trauma center early management protocols, data |

| | |collection and analysis regarding re-triage and IFT patterns throughout the state, and the identification and development of |

| | |functional regional trauma networks linked by regional cooperative agreements that will reduce delays and improve communication |

| | |and collaboration. |

| | | |

| | |Trauma Centers |

| | |There are two new Trauma Centers for California: |

| | |Natividad Medical Center |

| | |Level II Trauma Center |

| | |Monterey County – designated January 6, 2015 |

| | |Children’s Hospital Orange County |

| | |Level II Pediatric Trauma Center |

| | |Orange County – designated January 15, 2015 |

| | | |

| | |One Trauma Center was de-designated: |

| | |Oroville Hospital |

| | |Level III Trauma Center |

| | |Butte County (Sierra Sacramento Valley EMS Agency) – de-designated |

| | |January 1, 2015 |

|STEMI/Stroke Systems of Care |Farid Nasr |The EMS plan portion of the STEMI and Stroke draft regulations is completed. EMSA staff has completed a review of the STEMI drafts|

| |Extension 424 |of regulations and is working on revising the Stroke Draft regulations to ensure comments from previous Pre Public comment periods|

| | |have been addressed. The next step will be another Pre-Public comment period for these regulations to begin in the second quarter |

| | |of 2015. |

|EMS Systems, Standards, and |Lisa Galindo Extension 423|The EMS Systems, Standards, and Guidelines are available on the EMS Authority’s website. Updates to the Standards and Guidelines |

|Guidelines | |will be made following the finalization of the Chapter 13 regulatory process. |

|EMS Transportation |Laura Little |EMS Systems Regulations Work Group / Chapter 13 Task Force : |

| |Extension 412 |Since July of 2012, the EMS Authority meets monthly with individuals who have specific knowledge of HSC 17977.224/201 and the |

| | |AB1387. The Chapter 13 work group has continued making process in the development of a draft set of regulations related to EMS |

| | |systems. Once a draft set of regulations is completed, the Chapter 13 Task Force will be reengaged to review the draft |

| | |regulations. |

| | | |

| | |Request for Proposals: |

| | |Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Exclusive Operating Areas are going through a dual review process to ensure that they meet |

| | |statutory requirements as well as address EMSA Guideline #141 “Competitive Process for Creating Exclusive Operating Areas”. The |

| | |EMS Authority is providing technical assistance to LEMSAs by email, phone, and mail in order to help them create a RFP that meets |

| | |all required criteria. |

| | | |

| | |Bi-Annual Statewide Public Safety Air Rescue Inspections: |

| | |In December 2014, EMSA met with CAL FIRE about inspecting their Air Rescue helicopters. The meeting entailed an overview of the |

| | |inspection process and setting up an inspection schedule. An inspection schedule is being created, but there is currently no date |

| | |for the start of inspections. |

|Poison Center Program |Lisa Galindo Extension 423|The University of California, San Francisco, provides administrative services for the California Poison Control System, who |

| | |provides 24-hour statewide poison control services. Quarterly Reports and Call and Poison Statistic Reports are provided to the |

| | |EMS Authority for oversight, monitoring, and to ensure compliance with state standards, as required in the contract with UC, San |

| | |Francisco. |

|EMS Plans |Lisa Galindo |The EMS Authority is actively reviewing EMS Plan submissions from the LEMSAs and making plan determinations. The EMS Authority |

| |Extension 423 |maintains ongoing communication with the LEMSAs and provides technical assistance on the Plan development. Plan development |

| | |resources are also posted to the EMS Authority’s website, on the EMS Systems Planning webpage. |

|EMSC Program |Tonya Thomas |Staff will begin working with the EMSC Regulation Workgroup to continue revisions to the EMSC Regulations to ensure clarity of the|

| |Extension 441 |language. After revisions are completed and EMSA Administration approvals, the OAL process will begin. The projected date to |

| | |begin the OAL process is June 2015. |

| | | |

| | |The EMSC program is collaborating with CFED to integrate pediatric courses into the 2015 CFED Expo in Southern California in May |

| | |2015. In 2014, the EMSC program offered a preconference session which attracted many attendees. However, this year EMSC |

| | |Committee members decided to generate and submit several pediatric topics for inclusion into the EMS training component offered to|

| | |the attendees. This is a great opportunity for EMSC outreach into the system in California |

| | | |

| | |The next EMSC Educational Forum in northern California is scheduled for November 5, 2015 in Sacramento with a location to be |

| | |determined. |

|CEMSIS-EMS Data |Maria Alisangco |Since November 2014 the EMS CEMSIS database has grown from 1.1 to over 2.2 million records with 17 LEMSAs participating.  We are |

| |Extension 742 |now beginning development of reports based on NEMSIS V2 data elements and will be generating simple reports from data submitted by|

| | |the participating LEMSAs.   Beginning February 2015, we are organizing the data submitted in the EMS plans to show the local |

| | |agency data more clearly.  We will be able to compare these data to data in the Image Trend application which will allow us to |

| | |better review the quality of our system data.  |

|CEMSIS – Trauma Data |Bonnie Sinz |There are 27 Local EMS agencies (LEMSA) with designated Trauma Centers. Currently there are 22 LEMSAs transmitting into |

| |Extension 460 |CEMSIS-Trauma representing 45 of the 58 counties and 64 of the 77 Trauma Centers. For 2013/14 there are over 105,000 records in |

| | |the system. The remainder of the LEMSAs are working towards participating in CEMSIS. |

|Grant Activity Coordination |Kim Lew |EMSA has recently filled the position of a limited-term, full-time Grant Coordinator. The Grant Coordinator is responsible for |

| |Extension 415 |the research, acquisition, coordination, and monitoring of grant- funded projects and programs. The three (3) major grants |

| | |currently funding EMSA System programs are: the US Health & Human Services/ Prevention & Public Health Fund (PPHF), CA. Office of |

| | |Traffic Safety (OTS), and the US Health Resources and Services Admin. (HRSA). |

| | |Over the past 4 months, the Grant Coordinator has accomplished the following: |

| | |submitted 2 FFY15 grant applications to the CA. Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) |

| | |submitted 1 FFY15 grant application to the U.S. Health & Human Services/ Prevention & Public Health Fund (PPHF) |

| | |-completed 1 FFY14 annual report to OTS |

| | |completed 1 FFY14 annual report to PHHF |

| | |completed 1 FFY14 semi-annual report to PHHF |

| | |submitted 8 FFY14 program success stories for publishing consideration to |

| | |PHHF |

| | |reviewed 8 LEMSA grant proposals for local EMS program pilot projects funded by PHHF |

| | |developed 5 contract agreements w/LEMSAs to conduct the pilot projects (KL, 02/04/15) |

|Communications |Kim Lew |This program was recently assigned to a new EMSA staff member. EMSA staff attended the Northern California Chapter of the |

| |Extension 415 |Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (NAPCO) meetings on January 8th and February 12th, 2015. Due to significant|

| | |advancements in communication technologies, EMSA recognizes the need to update its EMS Communications Plan and Emergency Medical |

| | |Services Dispatch Program Guidelines. As a result, the Coordinator is reviewing both documents to develop draft recommendations |

| | |for revisions.(KL, 02/04/15) |

|Core Measures |Adam Davis Extension 409 |EMSA has published and distributed the 3rd Edition of the California EMS Core Measures. The updated document features minor |

| | |changes to the existing measures to obtain a higher level of accuracy of the information reported to EMSA. The document can be |

| | |found on EMSA’s website at: . The submission of Core Measure |

| | |data for 2014 is due to EMSA on March 31, 2015. (AD, 2/11/15) |

|HIE |Kathy Bissell |The 2014 EMSA HIE Summit November 17th – 19th, 2014 is moving forward as planned. The event will include several national level |

| |Extension 464 |speakers as well as a pre-summit “Boot Camp” that is an introductory course to HIE. EMSA staff have begun planning and |

| | |publicizing the “HIE in EMS” summit and pre-summit informational meeting. Information related to HIE activities, including the |

| | |“HIE in EMS Summit” can be found at: . |


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