PDF Complete List of Stems (Lists 1-20)

[Pages:1]Week 1 Stems vita (life) demo (people) stereo (solid) ism (doctrine) cogn (know)

Week 2 Stems sur (over) alter (other) astr (star) dyna (power) chron (time)

Week 3 Stems hyper (over) luna (moon) octa (eight) gyro (turn) contra (against)

Week 4 Stems geo (earth) helio (sun) thermo (heat) tetra (four) meter (measure)

Week 5 Stems scope (look) son (sound) dec (ten) Stell (star) amat (love)

Week 6 Stems germ (vital or related) greg (group) mar (sea) prim (first) pyro (fire)

Complete List of Stems (Lists 1-20)

Week 7 Stems clam (cry out) plu (more) tang (touch) string (bind) liber (free)

Week 8 Stems junct (join) clud (close) se (apart) trib (pay) dign (worthy)

Week 9 Stems luc (light) rupt (break) grat (pleasing) medi (middle) soph (wisdom)

Week 10 Stems curr (run) tempor (time) migr (wander) trans (across) gamy (marriage)

Week 11 Stems numer (number) fort (strong) osteo (bone) ornith (bird) polis (city)

Week 12 Stems fus (pour) ego (I) spir (breathe) dia (across) acr (sharp)

Week 13 Stems acro (high, point or tip) culp (blame) derm (skin) zo (animal) per (through)

Week 14 Stems pac (peace) brev (short) necro (death) urb (city) pugn (fight)

Week 15 Stems ecto (outer) plasto (molded) agog (leader) cle (small) il (not)

Week 16 Stems sed (sit) leg (read) anim (mind) tort (twist) nym (name)

Week 17 Stems sanct (holy) meta (change) petr (rock) mir (wonder) man (hand)

Week 18 Stems rect (right) volv (roll) demi (half) retro (backward) sens (feel)

Week 19 Stems fy (make) ocul (eye) cur (care for) ultra (beyond) oid (appearance)

Week 20 Stems gest (carry) apt (fit) tact (touch) voc (voice) rid (laugh)


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