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| |Listen to the message from God’s Word. Use |

| |this sheet to make some personal notes. Go |

| |back over them through the week. Let God |

| |crystallize His truths in your life. |

|Scripture: |

|Topic: |

|Notes: |

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|Youth Memory verse for September 2019 |

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|II Corinthians 5:17, KJV: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are |

|passed away; behold, all things are become new. |

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|September 22, 2019 |

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|First Baptist Church of Guilford |

|“House of Faith” |

|7504 Oakland Mills Road |

|Columbia, Maryland 21046 |

|(410) 792-7096 |

|Rev. Dr. Tyrone P. Jones IV, Pastor |

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|Church Theme: L.E.A.P. Forward In Faith……Acts 3:6-8 |

|Leading, Evangelizing, Assembling and Proclaiming! |

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|Visit our website at and follow us on |

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|[pic]@fbcoghousefaith |

|[pic] @First Baptist Church of Guilford |

|[pic] @fbcguilford |

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|Welcome/Greeting Song |

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|We have gathered to worship Him and lift our voices in praise. |

|We are glad you have joined us in celebration to God Almighty, |

|Wonderful Savior, Lord of lords, and to the King of Kings. |

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|We are First Baptist Church! (We welcome you) |

|Where preaching, teaching, and healing takes place. |

|We are First Baptist Church! (We welcome you) |

|As we greet one another in love and embrace. |

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|We are glad you have joined us in celebration to God Almighty, |

|Wonderful Savior, Lord of lords, and to the King of Kings. |

|First Baptist Church of Guilford |

|“House of Faith” |

|The Church at Worship – Sunday, September 22, 2019 |

|Mission Statement: “Preaching, Teaching, Reaching & Healing” |

|Theme: L.E.A.P. Forward In Faith……Acts 3:6-8 |

|Leading, Evangelizing, Assembling and Proclaiming! |

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|7:15 a.m. | Prayer and Meditation |

|7:45 a.m. | Praise and Worship |

|*Celebration Hymn NBH #13 | Blessed Be the Name |

|*Prayer | |

|*Responsive Reading #576 | Forgiveness |

|Pastoral Comments | |

|Sermonic Song | Celebration Choir |

|Sermon | Rev. Dr. Tyrone P. Jones IV |

|*Invitation to Discipleship | Rev. Dr. Tyrone P. Jones IV |

|*Musical Interlude | |

|*Offertory Prayer | Trustee Ministry |

|Tithes and Offering | Ushers and Trustees |

|Blessing/Benediction |

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|*Congregation please stand |

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|*Congregation, please stand |

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|First Baptist Church of Guilford |

|“House of Faith” |

|The Church at Worship – Sunday, September 22, 2019 |

|Mission Statement: “Preaching, Teaching, Reaching & Healing” |

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|Theme: L.E.A.P. Forward In Faith……Acts 3:6-8 |

|Leading, Evangelizing, Assembling and Proclaiming! |

|10:00 a.m. | Baptism |

|10:15 a.m. | Praise and Worship |

|Celebration Hymn #13 | Blessed be the Name |

|*Prayer | |

|*Responsive Reading #576 | Forgiveness |

|*Glory be to the Father | |

|*Scripture | |

|Song | Celebration Choir |

|Acknowledgement of Visitors | Cherise Seals |

|Announcements | Robin Echols |

|Offertory Prayer | Trustees |

|Tithes and Offering | Ushers and Trustees |

|Sermonic Song | Celebration Choir |

|Sermon | Rev. Dr. Tyrone P. Jones IV |

|*Invitation to Discipleship | Rev. Dr. Tyrone P. Jones IV |

|Blessing/Benediction |

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|*Congregation please stand |

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|Tithing Affirmation: |

|I am a biblically based tither because the word of God teaches tithing, my experience bears witness to |

|tithing and my obedience to God requires tithing. I tithe my time, my talent and my treasure to God and |

|His house. For it says in Malachi 3:10 “Bring all the tithe into the storehouse, that there may be meat |

|in My house and prove Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of|

|heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” To God be the |

|Glory, Great things He has done.  To God be the Glory, Great things He has done.  To God be the Glory, |

|Great things He has done. |

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|Online Giving on ! |

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|You can submit your tithes and offering any time day or night – at home or away – when you click the |

|“DONATE” button from the home page of our website, ! Online Giving is a very simplified, |

|safe and easy process that allows you to dictate the payment type (i.e., tithes, offering, etc.)! Check|

|out online giving and ALL the updates at TODAY! This is a secure site! |

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|You can also go to Givelify and add the App to your phone to do online giving. |

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|To contact Pastor’s Administrative Assistant, Susan Omoniyi, send an email to admin@ or call |

|301-725-2600. |

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|The Intercessory Prayer Ministry Team welcomes those who have a burden for prayer that have given their |

|lives to Christ to be part of this prayer ministry team. We would ask there be a representative from |

|each ministry of First Baptist to stand in intercession praying the will of God for this branch of Zion.|

| We meet on Saturday morning in the main sanctuary at 8 am.  Should you have a prayer need and want |

|prayer covering you can send request to prayerministry@  |

|Bereavement Ministry |

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|When you experience a loss in your family, please contact Deacon Darrel Wilcoxon of the Bereavement |

|Ministry at 410-992-4536. If you desire, the information will be shared with the church family. |

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|Join the Women In White praise and worship service to be observed on Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 2:00 |

|p.m. Please support our committee and captains for this event. |

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|Committee |

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|Barbara B. Harding – Chair La Verne P. Barron – Co Chair Cynthia Bell |

|Bernice Cooper Wilda Camper Robin Steele|

|Marie Collins Gale Stone |

|Honorary Captains |

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|Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Sapp Jones Deaconess Ida M. Wright |

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|Captains |

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|Loretta Brown Beverly Everson-Jones |

|Marcella DeBerry Anne Lisbon |

|Diane Thurston Frye Bettie Miller |

|Leslie Holland Cherise Seals |

|Eleanor Holman Roz Talbert |

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|Young Adult Captain Representative |

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|Hailey Bell |

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|Contact Sisters Barbara Harding, Chair, Women In White Committee at chardi33@ or |

|301-776-1789; or La Verne Barron at lavbarron@. |

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|Lawrence Aaron, Jr. (son of Audre Aaron) | |

|Alvaline Baytops (cousin of Jean Brown) |Peter Lewin (brother of Flo Chase) |

|Eddie Belser, Sr.(father of Sherry Crawford & |Paula Lewis (mother of Karen Wright) |

|grandfather of Shamieka Belser) |Anita Parker (niece of Bobbie Wilkins) |

|Eddie Belser, Jr. (brother of Sherry Crawford and |John Parker, Jr. (step-father of Deacon Karen |

|uncle of Shamieka Belser) |Carter) |

|Kimberly Brown (daughter of Jean Brown) |Stacia Porter-Momoh (granddaughter of Sherman & |

|Jenai Carter (daughter of Cemora Carter) |Sarah Davis) |

|Demetrius Clark & family  (cousins of Sherry |William Sawyer (friend of Cemora Carter) |

|Crawford & Shamieka Belser) |Rose Stokes (mother of Ann Lisbon) |

|Lawrence Covington (brother of Lyvon Covington) |Mary Talbert (mother of Roz Talbert) |

|N. Idella Dorsey (mother of Wendy Pritchett) |Jacqulin Womack (sister of Bobbie Wilkins) |

|Doctor Leonard Dawson (friend of Liz Wolfe) | |

| |Deaconess Minnie Abrams |

|Bria Gibson (goddaughter of Sherry Crawford) |Edna Burley |

|Joseph Green (friend of James and Laura Grant) |Deacon Tyrone Coward |

|Cemora Harrison (daughter of Cemora Carter) |Hallie Dixon |

|Bessie Hubbard (niece of Mare Collins) |Edna Fowler |

| |Brenda Jackson |

| |Betty Jones |

| |Raegan Matthew |

| |Wendy Pritchett |

| |Trustee Mary Ward |

| |Thelma Washington |

| |**Harold Watson |

| |Inez Watson |

|Henry and JoAnne Dow and family in the home-going of her stepfather, Lloyd Bigby |

|Delores Peoples and family in the home-going of her brother, Harold Bennett. He is also the uncle of |

|Carmen Peoples |

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|The Week Ahead |

|Monday, September 23, 2019 |

|6:00 p.m. Dance Ministry (adults) |

|7:00 p.m. Bible Study – Conway House |

|7:30 p.m. Common Ground |

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|Tuesday, September 24, 2019 |

|6:00 p.m. Prayer Line – 1-218-895-3086 code: 732237729# |

|6:00 p.m. Dance Ministry (youth) |

|7:15 p.m. Willing Workers |

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|Wednesday, September 25, 2019 |

|12:00 p.m. Noon Day Service |

|6:30 p.m. Prayer and Praise Service |

|6:45 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study |

|7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study |

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|Thursday, September 26, 2019 |

|6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal |

|6:00 p.m. Missionary Society |

|7:30 p.m. Men of the Round Table |

|7:30 p.m. Common Ground |

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|Friday, September 27, 2019 |

|6:30 p.m. Distinguished Daughters |

|7:00 p.m. Marriage Ministry |

|7:00 p.m. Hospitality Ministry |

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|Saturday, September 28, 2019 |

|8:00 a.m. Intercessory Prayer Ministry |

|9:00 a.m. Health Ministry/Nurses Guild |

|10:00 a.m. AV Ministry |

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|September 28, 2019 – 11:00 am – Women In White – Ladies Afternoon Tea |

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|October 6, 2019 – 2:00 pm – 10th Annual Women In White |

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|October 20, 2019 – 3:30 pm – Ushers, Hospitality, Health and Nurses Guild anniversary celebration – |

|Featuring Patrick Lundy and The Ministers of Music |

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|Calling all individuals who have an interest in crocheting and or a willingness to work with a foreign |

|mission project entitled "Cords of Love, International", please meet with FCOG Missionary Society |

|church on September, 26, 2019 at 6pm. |

|Cord of Love, International makes hand crafted baby blankets with scriptures hand sewn into the |

|blankets and they are prayed over before they go out to be distributed world-wide as well as locally to |

|those in need. Bibles are also distributed to the caregivers. |

|If you have any questions, Please contact Sis. Irma Simon at (410)465-7151. Please leave a message, God |

|Bless! |

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|Deliverance— The Call to Deliverance |

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|September 1 – A Long, Hard Oppression……Exodus 1:7-22 |

|September 8 – The Birth of Moses ……………Exodus 2:1-10 |

|September 15 – A Comfortable Exile…………Exodus 2:11-25 |

|September 22 – Moses at the Burning Bush….Exodus 3:1-10 |

|September 29 – Let My People Go……………Exodus 5:1-9 |

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|Join us for Church School every Sunday beginning at 9:05 a.m. |

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|The fall quarter study is on the Exodus, God’s deliverance of Israel from Egyptian bondage. We will |

|review this crucial event and how God, through both providence and miracles, brought it about. Through |

|the lessons for this quarter, we gain a greater understanding and appreciation for God’s holiness, |

|power, justice, and grace. |

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|This month: |

|Lesson 1 starts the first unit of study and is focused on the circumstances of Israel’s bondage in |

|Egypt. Even though greatly oppressed, God multiplied the people and protected them from the pharaoh’s |

|plan to murder their male children. |

|Lesson 2 tells of the birth of Moses, his preservation through his parents’ faith, and the compassion of|

|Pharaoh’s daughter. |

|Lesson 3 discusses the grown Moses’ identification with his own people and the rash act that led to his |

|exile. |

|In lesson 4 we meet the now aged Moses and review God’s dramatic call of him to return to Egypt to lead |

|his people out of slavery. |

|Lesson 5 servers as the introduction to the second study unit and describes the initial meeting with |

|Egypt’s pharaoh and the negative results. |

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Announcements for September 22, 2019


• The Women in White service on Sunday, October 6th at 2:00 pm., and the guest speaker will be Dr. Glenda Glover who is the President of Tennessee State University..

• The Ushers, Hospitality and Health Ministry/Nurses Guild will be celebrating their anniversaries on October 20th at 3:30 pm here in the sanctuary. The guest artist for the afternoon service will be Patrick Lundy and the Ministers of Music.

There is still time for you to join the Diaconate on Wednesday nights in September at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary for “Say a little Prayer”.

Baptism at 10 am

Coffey Baby blessing at 10:30 am service[pic][pic]


LEAP FORWARD BY FAITH!!!!!!!! Acts 3:6-8




Judges 3:12-16

You qualify us to be used to bring protection, peace and rest in a world that does not raise likely heroes. Since systems, structures and controls of the majority are not for everyone, we believe that differences are not deficiencies. Your spirit makes us able. Our minds are from Your thoughts. Our voice is Your words. Our heart is Your love. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10, NIV). We pray we can be open to leadership that is spirit led; open to the move of God in whomever You raise up. Not from what we look for but whom You call. May we follow and stand up so God can move. Let us embrace our identity and make the most of our uniqueness. Although our voice, talent and mind may be perceived as a disadvantage to people, You can turn it into an advantage. Bring the knowledge, self-control, timing to seize the moment and creativity. We will trust in Your help because we can do nothing without You. We give You all the praise, glory and honor for the victory! Bless Your people we pray, Amen.

Ministry Activities

Every Tuesday Join the Prayer Line PIES (PRAYER, INSPIRATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, SUPPORT). The topic for 9/17/19 is “Prayer Mindset: Career”. All are welcome to join! Phone line is: 218-895-3086, code 732237729.

Every Saturday join us for Intercessory Prayer from 8 to 9 am in the Chapel Sanctuary.

Community Prayer September 26, 2019 at 7:30 pm on the Prayer Line listed.

Meditative: Spend time with the Lord and in The Word daily

Prayer needs contact: prayerministry@

“Standing on the Word falling in line to the Will of God”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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