
Synonym & Antonym Musical Match-UpPurpose & SOL:Students will learn to distinguish the difference between synonyms and antonymsStudents will be able to use knowledge of synonyms and antonyms Language Arts 2.7cMaterials:Adequate space for students to walk, skip, and/or dance around the classroom and meet up with partnersLaminated cards with a variety of words to be matched up as either synonyms or antonymsLength:25 minutesIntroduction:To begin teacher will review the definition of synonyms and antonyms Synonyms - words with similar meanings (ex. small, little, tiny).Antonyms - words with opposite meanings (ex. off/on, fast/slow)The teacher will ask the students to stand up and disperse themselves around the classroomThe teacher will then lead students through a series of movements to warm up for the activity20 jumping jacks, 20 jump ropes, 10 body twists, etc.Implementation:The teacher will pass out the laminated synonym and antonym word cards Each student will receive one card The teacher will play music and ask the students to walk, skip, or dance calmly around the classroom until the music stopsOnce the music stops the teacher will call out, “Match up with a synonym of your word” or “Match up with an antonym of your word”Students will then walk around the room looking for a partner to match up with them to create a pair of synonyms or antonymsAfter all of the students have paired up the teacher will ask them to form a circle around the classroomStudents will go around the circle and say the words they had and explain why they matched up with their partnerFor example, if the teacher called for antonyms and the students had cards happy and sad they would explain that they matched up because those words are oppositesAfter the class discussion the teacher will ask the students to change cards by passing them down the circleFor example the teacher could say, “Pass your cards down three times to the right” or “Pass your cards 5 times to the left” -- that way each student will have a new wordThe teacher will then ask the students to take their places around the classroom and begin to play the music again and repeat the exerciseCool Down: Deep breathing and a series of simple stretchesBreathing in and stretching/reaching up to the skyBreathing out and stretching/reaching down to the groundModifications:For physically disabled students, for example being in a wheelchair:The student would still be a part of the warm up and cool down activities. Their warm up and cool down activities would include exercises such as, arm circles and stretches.Before the game starts the teacher would push back desks in order to make a clear path for the student in the wheelchairThis student could then wheel themselves around the room if able or have a helper push them around the classroom while the music is playingThis way they still get to be involved in the movement portion of the activityFor a mentally disabled student:The teacher would give the directions both vocally and with a quick demonstration of the activity The teacher would give the directions step by step as neededThe teacher would hand out the word card right before the students started the activity instead of at the beginning of instruction in order to cut back on additional stimuliThe teacher would give additional time for the students to match up with either their synonym or antonym partner to assure that every student understood and had adequate time to relate the two words ................

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