Age and Inequality

At what age should people stop working and retire?

- What should they do after they retire?

- At what age are people considered “old?”

- How much do “old” people know?

How are older people viewed in our society?

• Are they respected or ridiculed?

• What are the stereotypes of the Elderly? Teens? Kids?

• Are they treated differently in America vs. around the world?

• What are some of the challenges that older people face?

• What are some of the advantages that older people have socially? Economically?

• Agism: A set of beliefs that justify prejudice and discrimination against a group based on age

• The elderly are a minority group- how does that affect how they are treated in society?

• Explain why the elderly have high rates of poverty

Life expectancy: avg # of years ppl can expect to live

• Higher income countries= higher life expectancies and vice versa- WHY?

• Life expectancy varies based on sex, ethnicity, SES due to life chances

• At each age we have a different set of expectations placed on us- should grandma be rollerblading??

Chronological age: person’s age based on date of birth

Functional age: physical appearance, mobility, strength, coordination, and mental capacity

To be young is to…

To be old is to…

What does it mean to be young at heart?


United States Population Pyramid for 2010

Age and sex distribution for the year 2010:


What is happening in these age pyramids- what is happening to American society?

- Are people having as many kids as they used to?

- What issues may come up with Americans becoming older?

- What pattern of population boom do you see, and what are the causes?


Pre-Industrial Societies

- Hunter Gatherers- young people are useful, elderly are a liability

- With farming advances, being elderly has its benefits for all of the knowledge of farming

Industrial and Post-Industrial Societies

- People live longer due to medical advances

- Elderly people are changing locations- sunbelt area, moving to a warm climate

- Do they still feel as useful to society?

- Whose responsibility is it to take care of the aging population?

- Should the government step in to take care of the aging population?

- Since the elderly have the highest voter turnout of all subgroups, how does this affect American politics?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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