Special Tribunal for Lebanon

Special Tribunal for Lebanon

National Visiting Professional Program (NVPP)

Application Form

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|The NVP Program was established in 2010 through support provided by the European Union, to afford the opportunity for talented Lebanese lawyers, Judges, law |

|professors and other legal practitioners to contribute to the STL’s work and at the same time to enhance their professional development. |

| |

|The program will be open to Lebanese legal professionals residing in Lebanon, either at a Junior level (less than seven years of experience) or at a Senior |

|level (more than 7 years of work experience). |

|Please indicate in the subject line of the email the NVP announcement reference number and the Organ to which you are applying. |


|Family name(s) |First (and middle) name |Sex |Date of birth (dd,mm,yy) |Place of birth |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|Present nationality(ies): |Marital status: |

|      |Single Married Separated Widowed Divorced |

|Permanent home address (incl. telephone no.): |Present address (incl. telephone no.): |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|Email address: |In case of emergency notify (incl. telephone no.): |

|      |      |

| Are any of your relatives or partner employed or currently applying within The Special Tribunal for Lebanon? |

| |


|If answer is “yes”, give the following information: |

|NAME |Relationship |Organ/Section |

| | | |

| | | |


|Please indicate your preferred start and end dates for your NVP placement. |

|From:       To:       |

| |

|Please also indicate the earliest and latest dates you are available to start and end the NVP placement |

|Earliest start date:       Latest end date:       |


|What is your mother tongue?       |

|Other language skills |READ |WRITE |SPEAK |

| |

|University or equivalent |


| | |OBTAINED | |

| |Month/Year |Month/Year | | |

|      |      |      |      |      |

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|Schools or other formal training from age 14 (e.g. high school, technical school or apprenticeship) |


| | |Month/Year |Month/Year | |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |

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|23. Please include all work experience, including present employer/placement if applicable. Continue on a separate page if necessary. |

|EMPLOYER/PLACEMENT DETAILS |Dates (Month/Year) |Paid employment* |Funded Internship** |

|      | | | |

| |From |To |*Net annual salary       |**Sponsor details       |

| |      |      | | |

| | | |Voluntary work |Unfunded internship |

|Summary of main duties |

|      |

|EMPLOYER/PLACEMENT DETAILS |Dates (Month/Year) |Paid employment* |Funded Internship** |

|      | | | |

| |From |To |*Net annual salary       |**Sponsor details       |

| |      |      | | |

| | | |Voluntary work |Unfunded internship |

|Summary of main duties |

|      |

|EMPLOYER/PLACEMENT DETAILS |Dates (Month/Year) |Paid employment* |Funded Internship** |

|      | | | |

| |From |To |*Net annual salary       |**Sponsor details       |

| |      |      | | |

| | | |Voluntary work |Unfunded internship |

|Summary of main duties |

|      |

|EMPLOYER/PLACEMENT DETAILS |Dates (Month/Year) |Paid employment* |Funded Internship** |

|      | | | |

| |From |To |*Net annual salary       |**Sponsor details       |

| |      |      | | |

| | | |Voluntary work |Unfunded internship |

|Summary of main duties |

|      |

|EMPLOYER/PLACEMENT DETAILS |Dates (Month/Year) |Paid employment* |Funded Internship** |

|      | | | |

| |From |To |*Net annual salary       |**Sponsor details       |

| |      |      | | |

| | | |Voluntary work |Unfunded internship |

|Summary of main duties |

|      |

|List activities in civic, public or international affairs: |

|      |

|List any significant publications (please do not attach copies of these to your application): |

|      |

|Career Plans - please provide a brief summary of your career aspirations: |

|      |

| |


|27. You are required to submit two written references with your application, one should preferably be academic. Please provide full details of the referees |

|providing the references below. NB referees should not be relatives. |


|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|Do you have any objections to the Tribunal making inquiries to your present employer/supervisor? YES NO |

| |


|The Tribunal has limited funds and offers a compensation for a National visiting professional. The funds are made available by a grant from the European |

|Commission. The selected applicant will receive a monthly compensation of 1,600 Euros for a NVP Junior and 2.400 euro for a NVP Senior, to assist with the |

|costs of living in The Hague; travel costs and emergency medical insurance are also covered under this grant. |

| |


|To the best of your knowledge, do you have any personal or professional connection or affiliation with: |

|Any of the parties to a situation pending before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon? YES NO |

|Any person working for the Tribunal? YES NO |

|If you have answered “yes” to any part of this question, please provide full particulars below: |

|By signing this NVPP application form, I declare that all the information I have given is true and I have disclosed all relevant information that could |

|affect my NVP application. I understand that if I have made any incomplete or untrue statements or wilfully been misleading in any answers given, that this |

|may lead to a delay in a NVP offer, the withdrawal of an NVP offer or where a NVPP has already commenced, the termination of such. I authorise the STL or its|

|duly authorised agents to carry out all necessary enquiries to verify the information I have entered on my NVPP Application Form. I hereby confirm that I |

|have read and accepted the Rules and Conditions governing the NVP Programme. |

|SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________ DATE: _______________ |


|Applicants are required to submit copies of documents to support their application – full details of these requirements can be found on the website. The |

|checklist below is to assist you with the compilation of your submission. |

|Please do not do not submit the originals of documents unless they have been obtained for the sole use of the Tribunal. Incomplete applications will not be |

|considered. |

| |Two (2) references | |A short, unedited writing sample (maximum of two pages, single |

| | | |spaced, type written) |

| |Copies of university degrees and/or diplomas | |Optionally - recognised English/French/Arabic language proficiency |

| | | |certificates (including score reports where applicable) |

| |A concise written statement – motivation/benefits (maximum of 400 | | |

| |words) | | |

| |A transcript of courses taken during university studies | | |

| |

|All documents should be in English or in French. If official documents, such as university degrees or transcripts, are not available in English or French, |

|the candidate is requested to provide a complete and accurate uncertified translation into either English or French together with copies of the document. |

|Applicants may be asked to provide a certified translation if appropriate. |

Please make sure to have all the required additional documentation before submitting your application.

All applications should be sent to the following email address:



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