
Grosmont Events – Minutes of meeting 06/03/2020Present:Jan Chatfield (Co-Chair)Jo Whitaker (Communications)Alison Brown (Co-Chair/Secretary)Judy Mason (Committee)Chloe Skinner (Committee)Richard Brown (Committee)Martine Powell (Committee)Also Present:Gaynor HenshallMichele VilliersDebs NevilleJane MoggridgeGill ClarkStuart ChatfieldMark WhitakerApologiesAlex Minford (Treasurer)Mike Noakes (Committee)Jean Price (Committee)Lucy Gable (Committee/Publicity)Witek Mintowt Czyz (Committee)Karen FarrMinutes of the previous meeting:Table Tennis – this was currently “on hold” as although a bit of interest had been expressed on the Facebook post, nobody had contacted Karen directly. It was decided that before it was shelved as an idea, it might be a good idea to put a couple of posters out in the pub and on the village noticeboard, just so that anyone who didn’t access Facebook, could have the opportunity to comment. Might Karen be able to rough out a poster?As nothing else was arising, the minutes were agreed as an accurate record.Correspondence:Nothing received.Finances:Alex had circulated a current statement. The group made a small deficit of ?16.00 at the end of the previous year, which is not surprising bearing in mind the number of free events that have been supported recently. GE has funded the village Christmas tree, the Carols Around the Tree, craft events for the village children at the last two markets, a contribution to the pantomime visit, funding the village website for another year, PAT testing of all electricals, and the Bonfire Night event, and it was agreed that the group is functioning in exactly the way it should be. There are a few fund-raisers in the pipeline, which will help to ensure healthy finances. The account still contains the ?750 ring-fenced for the Grosmont’s Got Talent event; nothing has been requested from this as yet, but it is available for use or transfer to the new Grosmont Futures group when they are up-and-running.The Santander saga continues, with Alex having been into the bank to discuss the way forward. Jane Fleming (ex GADMAG treasurer) has managed to find documentation showing her old address in the village, so she and Jan will be going to the bank on 9/3/20 to registers Jane’s old and new addresses against the inactive GADMAG account. Jane can then write officially to Santander requesting closure of the account, and the funds should make their way into the GE account. Alex is hopeful that this can be done before the next GE meeting in April.Feedback from Previous Events:Clothes Swap - A very big Thank You to Jean for organising a very successful event, and to her team of helpers for sorting, hanging and clearing away at the end. The remaining clothes were bagged-up and taken to the Women’s Aid group in Abergavenny, who were very grateful to receive them. There was also a generous donation of about ?110 made by people on the day, who wished to pay a small amount for the clothes that they selected; that too will go to Women’s Aid. A couple of comments about the event were that if we repeat it, we can make the session shorter, as although it was very busy for the first couple of hours, after that it was quiet, so 2 hours rather than 4 would be fine. Several people attending also asked whether clothes swap could be done more regularly, so that may be something to consider, possibly speaking to Carli and Zoe about tying it in with children’s clothing swaps. We may think about another event in July.Rural Futures Event:Jean and Richard will be “manning” the GE stand, and there was discussion about what was needed for the stall. Gaynor suggested laminating any photos, as they look more professional and can be kept for future events. It was agreed that GE should also emphasize the things that they cover behind the sense (funding the website, PAT testing etc) as well as the more obvious events. In order to ask village people what events they would like, it was suggested that there was also a big sheet of paper pinned for people to write their ideas. Jan and Jo will meet to chat about posters, and anyone with any photos of previous events can send them to Jan or Jo. The ?750 is still in the GE account.Meeting with CADWJan, Judy and Alex met with CADW on 6/3/20, and were cautiously pleased with the tone of the meeting. Present from CADW were Ffion Reynolds (she oversees Public Programmes) and Emyr John (Health and Safety, Liability and Risk Management). Ffion is very keen to work with local communities to engage interest and participation, and was very positive about use of the castle, subject to some restrictions. The castle is currently open between 10.00 and 16.00 and outside of those times, the public enter at their own risk. They discussed with GE a map of the grounds showing the areas under CADW guardianship, which is basically the lower end of the site, down to the woods. In these areas, CADW rules apply, which include no sales of alcohol, no fireworks or other incendiary devices, no balloons, no marquees (unless weighted down, rather than pegged, as any disturbance of the ground is prohibited.) Electrics were not specifically discussed at the meeting, other than in passing (all electrical installations must be professionally done and regularly PAT tested; this also includes generators, unless agreed following approval of risk assessment.)Ffion asked about car parking, but since most events planned for the castle are aimed at local people, it was felt not to be too much of an issue, and for events such as the Cycle Weekend, parking arrangements were discussed and felt to be satisfactory. If any events are planned, GE must complete an event plan and a risk assessment (Ffion is going to send her own risk assessment sheet and an example event plan for us to see). We may need to increase our insurance, which currently stands at ?2.5 million, as CADW requires ?5 million. The event plan and risk assessment should be sent 6 to 8 weeks ahead, but since GE has an Easter Egg Hunt planned in April, they have agreed the event in principal, as long as the documents are completed and sent through ASAP. Jan agreed to complete and send.The one slight problem that arose from the meeting was that if GE planned to hold an event for which a charge was to be made (a fund raiser) then CADW will charge for the use of the castle, and when asked what the charge would be, it was “how long is a piece of string”. Regulations also stipulate that in lieu of a ticket price, donations are not allowed either, so this will be something to consider for the future. Richard wondered whether we might be able to offer an amount to CADW based on what we think an event will raise, but that is a question to be considered at another time. Emyr did point out that with the rise of social media, CADW will be able to monitor what we do, and may also send representatives to events, just to check that we are sticking to the rules and doing what we said we would do in the event plan! Ffion, who is keen on community involvement, noted that Grosmont Castle was taken on by CADW in 1923, so in a couple of years it will be the centenary. There might be the possibility of a joint event to celebrate the year, with some small archaeological projects being laid on to raise interest in the castle and the history of the area. Judy and Jan have agreed to write to CADW, thanking them for the visit and confirming the discussion.Actions: Jan to do risk assessment and event plan. Jan and Judy to write to CADW.Spring Craft Session:Planned for 07/03/2020 as part of the Spring Market. Time and action plan has been confirmed with Miriam, who is really pleased to have GE involved. Quite a bit of money has been spent on materials, but some will be left at the end, and will be used for future events, as GE builds up a stock of craft materials. Jo plans to do a couple of posters signposting children to the session, and crafts will be based around Mother’s Day rather than Easter.April QuizBooked for Saturday 18th April 2020. Bill and Elaine will be setting the questions, as Julie recently set questions for the St. David’s Day quiz. We need raffle prizes, and will wait until after the Grosmont’s Got Talent event to count up wine. Alison will do the shopping.Actions: Alison to check wine after GF meeting, and shop.VE Day CelebrationThis will need to be a major fundraiser, and after discussion, it was agreed to do Bangers, Mash and Beans, have fancy dress, 1940s music, a quiz, and possibly some jitterbugging! The event will run from about lunchtime through into the evening, and will centre on the Town Hall and the pub. It was agreed to ask Jean Cooper-Smith and/or Trevor for help with the sing-along. The subcommittee will be Jan, Chloe, Judy, Jo, Richard, Jane M, Lynne Potter (ask if she is happy to help) and Alison, along with anyone else who wishes to join. There will be a meeting on Monday 23rd March 2020, 7.00pm in the Angel to start planning.Actions: Speak to Lynne, Jean and Trevor. 1st planning meeting 23/03/2020, 7.00pm, Angel Inn.Summer BallFollowing the CADW meeting, a bit of thought needs to be given to this. Due to the stipulations around use of electrics, it was felt that for this event, it might be easier to try to find an acoustic band. Chloe will ask her contacts, and Alison said she would check with Part-Y Seal, as they sometimes have music that might be suitable for an acoustic set. We will also need to give thought to funding.Actions: Chloe and Alison to look at possible acoustic music.?Easter Egg HuntThis was outsourced last year, but it has always been a GADMAG/GE event previously. It is provisionally planned for Good Friday, 10th April 2020. Judy will contact the Young Mums, to alert them to the event and to ask if they wish to be involved. Things to bear in mind are – no eggs to be hidden on the Castle Walls, some children do not eat chocolate (need a selection to include gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan etc.), and all children must have a responsible adult in attendance. Jan will complete the risk assessment and event plan for CADW, and we need some posters nearer the time. Note post meeting – the date has been changed to Saturday 11th April as the Nave will not be available as a wet weather alternative on 10th.Actions: Jan to do RA and event plan. Judy to contact Young Mums.Involving Young PeopleAlready covered above.Any Other BusinessJudy had met Witek, who told her that the Welsh Government had approached the Community Council regarding the availability of funds to provide a small community gardens. The gardens should be wildflower, butterfly, or fruit, and should be no less than 30 square metres in size. This had been mentioned to CADW at the meeting on Friday, and they were supportive in principle, as long as there was no digging on land under their guardianship. There was a bit of discussion about possible places to site a garden, and how to deal with on-going maintenance, with the Churchyard or the bank being suggested. Is it worth involving the Gardening Club? It was agreed that GE was basically supportive, but it needed further thought.Jane M reminded the group about dates for publication in Church Link. Articles and items for the calendar need to be submitted to Giliy by the 9th of the preceding month.Draft Minutes of meetings – Jan said that although it had been agreed that draft minutes should be circulated to all committee members for comment prior to publication, it did seem silly to send drafts to members who had not been present. She suggested (and it was agreed by those committee members present) that the draft minutes go only to members of the committee who were present at a meeting, and when they were happy with the content, they could be sent to all the committee and those other people present.Dates of next meetings:Friday 17th April 2020, 7.30pm, Town HallFriday 22nd May 2020, 7.30, Town Hall ................

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