
1. Original name of video: 1929 Wall Street Stock Market Crash

2. What was the farming situation in the 1920s?

3. (2:13) What is described as the cause of the stock market crash? Complete the word: "s p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _."

4. (2:39)There's an old story about Bernard Baruch -- that he had his shoes shined every morning by the same shoe shine boy. One morning, the shoe shine boy gave him a stock tip." What was the stock tip and how did Baruch respond? (Hint: stock broker is a stock sales representative)

5. (3:15) What does the narrator mean when he says, "Investors grew increasingly uneasy?"

6. (4:25) "In less than two hours, nearly ____________________ invested in stocks was simply wiped out."

7. (4:55) "It was a collective moan of horror and grief, and stunned disbelief, rising up from thousands of ____________, _________________ men."

8. (5:47) What happened on October 29th, 1929? (Black Tuesday) "Another tidal wave of ______________ hit the exchange, and this time, no one came to the ___________"

9. (7:14) How much was lost in the week of the stock market crash? How does this compare to the cost of WWI?

10. (8:00) What did individual people lose in the crash?

11. (8:41) Based on the image in the video, people were so desperate that....


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