

1. Main Window…………………………………………………….5

2. File………………………………………………………………..5

3. Market…………………………………………………………...10

4. Reports………………………………………………………….68

5. Links……………………………………………………………80

6. Tools……………………………………………………………89

7. Research………………………………………………………...94

8. Windows………………………………………………………...99

• After successfully installing the trading software when User clicks on the icon of the Trader Terminal, it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-1



• As shown in Snapshot-1 User can get connected to the server by using Internet or VSAT connection. User will have to choose appropriate option before User clicks on login.

• User will have to enter the correct login ID and Password to login successfully into the software.

• User can change the old password by entering the new password in New Password field and same (new) password in the Conf. Password field along with correct login ID in login ID field and Old password in Password field.

• Neither the Login ID nor the Password is case sensitive.

• The first login is actually a registration process where the server captures certain key information about system and compares them with every subsequent login.

• If some User tries to hack into your account from any other system he/she will not be allowed to login even if he/she has your password since the machine credentials would not match. Also all such attempts will not be counted towards your unsuccessful attempts tally and therefore your account will never be locked out due to some User else’s mischief or unscrupulous attempt.

• User has option of changing the setting by clicking on the Setting before they login.

• When User clicks on the Setting then it shows the window as shown in the Snapshot-2.

• User can choose In HO Network or Use Proxy option. If User is opting for the Use Proxy option then User will have to enter the Proxy IP.



• After choosing appropriate setting, when User enters the correct login ID and Password and clicks on the Login User can enter into the software. It opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot on successful log in.

1. Main Window

• After successful login it opens the main window as shown in the Snapshot-1.1.[pic]


• In the Menu bar it will have following options as shown in the Snapshot-1.1.

✓ File

✓ Market

✓ Reports

✓ Message

✓ Links

✓ Tools

✓ Research

✓ Windows

✓ Help

✓ Contact us

• It will also have the SEBI registration no and NSE Code no in the Menu Bar.

• It will also have today’s date (mm/dd/yyyy) and time in the Menu bar.

2. File

• When User clicks on the File in Menu bar it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-2.1



• When User clicks on File in menu bar it will have following option as shown in the Snapshot-2.1.

✓ Log Out

✓ Reconnect

✓ Lock (Ctrl+O)

✓ Change Password

✓ Download masters

✓ Exit

• We will see all these option User by User.

Log Out

• You can logout any time by accessing the ‘Logout’ (File>Logout) option from the ‘File’ menu. On logout your terminal will still be active.



• When User clicks on the Logout system asks the question, ‘do you want to logout?’ as shown in the Snapshot-2.2

• When User clicks on the Yes then he/she will be logout of the software.

[Note:-This option is same as Exit]


• This option is active only when connectivity to the server is lost.

• User can reconnect to the server by accessing the ‘Reconnect’ option from the ‘File’ menu.


• User can lock the screen by accessing the ‘Lock’ (File>Lock) option from the ‘File’ menu.

• The shortcut key for the same is ‘Ctrl+O’

• When User clicks on File>Lock or press ‘Ctrl+O’ the screen will show the windows as shown in the Snapshot-2.3.



• User can access all other options except entering of trades which terminal is locked.

• As shown in the Snapshot-2.3 it shows the message that ‘Your terminal has been locked. Enter your password to unlock it’

• User will have to enter the correct password to unlock the terminal.

• When User clicks on the Exit User will exit from the trading terminal.

Change Password

• User can change password by accessing the ‘Change Password’ (File>Change Password) option from the ‘File’ menu.

• When User Clicks on File>Change Password it opens the window as shown in the Snapshot-2.4



• User will have to enter the Old Password, New Password and Confirm Password (same as new password) before they click on OK.

• When User clicks on the Cancel the Change Password window gets closed.

• Password is valid only for 14 days, after which User have to compulsorily change the password.

• The new password should not be User that was used in the previous two changes. In other words User cannot recycle a password for next two changes.

• Once User has changed the password it cannot be changed again within the next 24 hours.

• Rules for Password

1. Password cannot be same as login ID

2. Password has to be at least 8 characters and maximum of 10 characters

3. It should contain at least 1 alphabet and 1 numeric

4. It can contain special characters

5. It cannot start with a space or special character

6. It cannot be reused for subsequent two changes


• User can exit from the trading terminal by accessing the ‘Exit’ (File>Exit) option from the ‘File’ menu.



• When user clicks on Exit it will ask “Do you want to Exit?’ as shown in the Snapshot-2.7. If user clicks on Yes user can exit from the software.

3. Market

• When User clicks on the Market in Menu bar it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.1



• When User clicks on Market in menu bar it will have following option as shown in the Snapshot-3.1

✓ Market Watch

✓ Market Analyser

✓ Snap Quote

✓ Price Alert

✓ Indices

✓ Buy/Offline Buy

✓ Sell/Offline Sell

✓ Hedging Buy

✓ Hedging Sell

✓ Groups

✓ Ticker

✓ Historical chart

✓ Option Calculator

• We will see all these options User by User.

Market watch

• User can open the Market watch window by accessing the ‘Market Watch’ (Market >Market watch) option from the ‘Market’ menu.

• When User clicks on Market>Market Watch it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.2.



• Using this window User can see the market details of the various scrips.

• First of all User will have to add the scrip for which User wants to see the details.

• Market watch window will show following details of particular scrip.

✓ Category

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ Series

✓ Percentage change

✓ Indicator

✓ Last rate

✓ Bid quantity

✓ Bid rate

✓ Offer quantity

✓ Offer rate

✓ High

✓ Low

✓ Previous close

✓ Total quantity

✓ Last quantity

✓ Weighted Average

✓ Percentage Premium

✓ Time

✓ Value

✓ Total Bid quantity

✓ Total Sell quantity

✓ Open interest

• After opening the market watch window when User right clicks on the window then it will have following options as shown in the Snapshot-3.3.

✓ Buy F1

✓ Sell F2

✓ Historical chart Crtl+H

✓ Tick list

✓ Market Depth

✓ Load Group Crtl+G

✓ Append from Group Crtl+A

✓ Save to Group Crtl+S

✓ Export scrip List

✓ Import scrip List

✓ Market watch setting Crtl+W

✓ Hide/ Unhide Columns

✓ Grid Settings Crti+Shift+S

✓ Save to File

✓ Add Scrip Ins

✓ Add F&O scrip Crtl+Ins

✓ Option chain

✓ Remove Del

✓ Remove all Crtl+Del

✓ Option Pricing



Add Scrip (Ins)

• To add the scrip User will have to open the market watch window first then User will have to right click and have to click on the Add scrip as shown in the Snapshot-3.4.

• The short cut for the same is Ins.



• When User clicks on the Add scrip or press Ins on the keyboard it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.5



• As shown in the Snapshot User will have to select the segment for which User wants to add the scrip.

• There are three options available named NSE Cash, BSE Bash and NSE Derivative.

• Say for example User wants add the scrip of NSE’s Cash segment then User will have to check the NSE cash and it will show the scrip available in the NSE.

• The available scrip will have following details.

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Code

✓ Symbol

✓ Series

✓ Full name

• User will have to check for the particular security User wants to add and then have to click on Ok.

• User can also search for particular security based on Code/Symbol or Name.

• Say for example User wants to add two scrips in NSE segment named 20 Microns Limited and Aarti Drugs Limited whose symbols are 20MICRONS and AARTIDRUGS. To add these scrips first User will have to check on the NSE cash and then User will have to check these two scrips as shown in Snapshot-3.6.



• After checking for these two scrip when User clicks on the OK then it shows these two scrip as shown in the Snapshot-3.7



• The added two scrips will show all those details which we mentioned in the market watch window.

Buy (F1)

• Using this option User can buy particular scrip.

• When User adds the scrip to the market watch window and wants to buy particular scrip then User will have to click on that particular scrip.



• Say for example User wants to buy some quantity of scrip named CIPLA on NSE-cash segment then User will have to add that scrip to that market watch window and have to single click on it as shown in the Snapshot-3.8.



• After single click on CIPLA when User right clicks then it shows the options as shown in the Snapshot-3.9 and User will have to click on the Buy.


• User will have to single click on CIPLA as shown in the Snapshot and have to press F1(short-cut) then it will open the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.10



• As shown in the Snapshot-3.10 User will have to enter the buy quantity.

• User can buy the particular scrip at market price or User can limit the price.

• When User enters the buy quantity at market price and click on Place then it will buy the shares at a rate available in the market. (At the price of the best seller).

• User also has option to disclose quantity. This option is used to disclose the quantity. Say for example User wants to buy 500 shares of CIPLA and want to disclose only 100 then User will have to enter the 100 in the DiscQty field and it will disclose only 100 shares in the market.

• When User enters the buy quantity at limit price then User will have to enter the price at which User wants to buy that particular share and User will have to click on the Place. The limit price will get executed when it will find its match.

• User can also avail the option of the stop-loss order. User will have to enter the trigger price and limit price for both the order.

• User can also use the option of the IOC (Immediate or Cancel). When User enters the buy order using this option then if the order will not find the match immediately then it will get cancel.

Sell (F2)

• Using this option User can sell particular scrip.

• When User adds the scrip to the market watch window and wants to sell particular scrip then User will have to click on that particular scrip.



• Say for example User wants to sell some quantity of scrip named HDFC on NSE-cash segment then User will have to add that scrip to that market watch window and have to single click on it as shown in the Snapshot-3.11



• After single click on HDFC when User right clicks then it shows the options as shown in the Snapshot-3.12 and User will have to click on the Sell.


• User will have to single click on HDFC as shown in the Snapshot and have to press F2(short-cut) then it will open the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.13



• As shown in the Snapshot-3.13 User will have to enter the sell quantity.

• User can sell the particular scrip at market price or User can limit the price.

• When User enters the sell quantity at market price and click on Place then it will sell the shares at a rate available in the market. (at the price of the best buyer).

• User also has option to disclose quantity. This option is used to disclose the quantity. Say for example User wants to sell 500 shares of HDFC and want to disclose only 100 then User will have to enter the 100 in the DiscQty field and it will disclose only 100 shares in the market.

• When User enters the sell quantity at limit price then User will have to enter the price at which User wants to sell that particular share and User will have to click on the Place. The limit price will get executed when it will find its match.

• User can also avail the option of the stop-loss order. User will have to enter the trigger price and limit price for both the order.

• User can also use the option of the IOC (Immediate or Cancel). When User enters the sell order using this option then if the order will not find the match immediately then it will get cancel.


• Using this option User can view the chart of particular scrip.

• When User adds the scrip to the market watch window and wants to see the chart of particular scrip then User will have to click on that particular scrip.



• Say for example User wants to see the chart of scrip named CIPLA on NSE-cash segment then User will have to add that scrip to that market watch window and have to single click on it as shown in the Snapshot-3.14.



• After single click on CIPLA when User right clicks then it shows the options as shown in the Snapshot and User will have to click on the Intraday chart.


• User will have to single click on CIPLA as shown in the Snapshot and have click on the Chart icon on the bottom bar of the Market Watch window then it will show the chart as shown in the Snapshot-3.16.



• Using Z/O User can Zoom In/Zoom out the graph.

Tick List

• Using this option User can view the Tick List of particular scrip.

• When User adds the scrip to the market watch window and wants to see the Tick List of particular scrip then User will have to click on that particular scrip.



• Say for example User wants to see the Tick list of scrip named CIPLA on NSE-cash segment then User will have to add that scrip to that market watch window and have to single click on it as shown in the Snapshot-3.17.



• After single click on CIPLA when User right clicks on the Chart window then it shows the options as shown in the Snapshot-3.18 and User will have to click on the Tick List.



• When User clicks on the tick list it shows the details as shown in the Snapshot-3.19.

• The tick list will have following details.

✓ Time

✓ Last Rate

✓ Volume

• The latest executed quantity along with its rate and time on the top.

Load Group (Ctrl+G)

• Using this option User can load particular group’s scrip to the market watch window.

• When User right clicks on the market watch window then it shows various options, User will have to click on the Load group as shown in the Snapshot-3.20.

• The short cut for the same is Ctrl+G.



• When User clicks on Load group or presses Ctrl+G then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.21.



• User can load particular group on the market watch window.

• There are two main groups. Both the main groups will have sub groups as shown in the Snapshot-3.21.

• Predefined NSE

✓ Near future

✓ Next future

✓ Far future

✓ S&P CNX Nifty

✓ CNX Nifty Junior

✓ CNX 100

✓ S&P CNX 500

✓ CNX Midcap

✓ S&P CNX Defty

✓ CNX Midcap 200

✓ CNX IT Sector Index

✓ CNX Bank Index

✓ CNX FMCG Index

✓ CNX PSE Index

✓ CNX MNC Index

✓ CNX Service Sector Index

✓ CNX Energy Index

✓ CNX Pharma Index

• Industry NSE

✓ Its under construction.

• Business House NSE

✓ Its under construction.

• Predefined BSE

✓ BSE 100



• Industry BSE

✓ Its under construction

• Business House BSE

✓ Its under construction

• When User clicks on particular sub group it shows the details of the scrip of that sub group.

• Say for example User wants to see the details of the sub group CNX Bank Index. When User clicks on it, it shows the details as shown in the Snapshot-3.22.



• The sub-group will show the following details when User clicks on it as shown in the Snapshot-3.22.

✓ Scrip

✓ Scrip Name

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Category

• Say for example User wants to add CNX Bank Index scrips to the market watch window then User will have to double click on CNX bank Index then all those scrip comprising of CNX Bank Index will get added to the market watch window as shown in the Snapshot-3.23.



[Note: - When User loads the scrip of sub group using this option then the scrips which were already there in the market watch window will be removed and only sub-groups scrips will get added.]

Append from Group (Ctrl+A)

• Using this option User can load particular group’s scrip without removing the scrips which were already there on the market watch window.

• When User right clicks on the market watch window then it shows various options, User will have to click on the Append from Group as shown in the Snapshot-3.24.

• The short cut for the same is Ctrl+A.



• When User click on Append from Group or presses Ctrl+A then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.25.



• It will have same main group and sub groups as we discussed earlier.

• Say for example User wants to add particular sub-group’s scrip to the market watch window without removing the scrips which were already there.

• For instance User wants to add the CNX IT Sector Index’s scrip without removing scrips which were already there.

• For that User will have to double click on CNX IT Sector Index and those scrips will get added to the market watch window as shown in the Snapshot-3.26.



• Note that the scrips which were already there on the market watch window didn’t get remove.

Save to Group (Crtl+S)

• Using this option User can save scrip list of market watch window to the group list.

• When User right clicks on the market watch window then it shows various options, User will have to click on the Save to Group as shown in the Snapshot-3.27.

• The short cut for the same is Ctrl+S.



• Say for example User wants to add the scrips of the market watch window to the group with the name of My portfolio then User will have to click on the Save to Group or press Ctrl+G then it will open the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.28.



• When User right clicks on the User defined then it shows the option as shown in the Snapshot-3.29. User will have to click on Create new.



• When User clicks on the Create New then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.30. User will have to enter the name with which User want to create sub-group. In our case it is My portfolio. When User clicks on OK after entering the name of the sub-group it will get added to the group-list.



• User has option to make this group public or private. Depending on the requirement User can select that option.

• Now User can see that, the sub-group my-portfolio has been added to the group User-defined as shown in the Snapshot-3.31.



Export Scrip List

• Using this option User can save the list of the scrip User have added on the market watch window.

• So next time, when someUser login then he/she can load the same scrip list.



• After adding the desired scrip User will have to right click and have to click on the Export Scrip List as shown in the Snapshot-3.32.

• It will ask for the location and name to save the scrip list file as shown in the Snapshot-3.33.



• When User clicks on save the file with get save with the name entered. In this case it will be saved in the folder IIFL with the file name of Document1.

• The file will be saved in gsc format. It will be an Encrypted file.

Import Scrip List

• Using this option User can import the saved Scrip list file on the market watch window.

• User need not add the desired scrip again and again if User can import the scrip list file from saved location.

• User can only import the gsc(Encrypted file) format file.



• Say for example User wants to import the scrip list file named Document1 from the folder IIFL then after opening the market watch window User will have to click on the Import Scrip list.



• When User clicks on the Import scrip list it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.35 and ask for the location and the file name to import.

• User will have to select the file and have to click on the Open. In this case the file name is Document1.



• When User clicks on the Open it imports the scrip list of Document1 and shows the market watch window as shown in Snapshot-3.36.

Market watch setting

• This option is disabled currently will be enabled soon.

Hide/Unhide Column

• Using this option User can hide the particular column like percentage change, last price etc.

• After opening the market watch window when User right clicks it shows the options as shown in the Snapshot-3.37



• When User clicks on Hide/Unhide columns it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.38



• As shown in the Snapshot-3.38 the following options are available in the market watch window.

✓ Category

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ Series

✓ % Change

✓ Indicator

✓ Last rate

✓ Bid quantity

✓ Bid rate

✓ Order rate

✓ Order quantity

✓ High

✓ Low

✓ Previous close

✓ Open

✓ Total quantity

✓ Last quantity

✓ Weighted average

✓ % Premium

✓ Time

✓ Value

✓ Total Bid quantity

✓ Total order quantity

✓ Open interest

• User will have to uncheck the option User wants to hide.

• After unchecking the particular option User will have to click on the Accept.

Grid settings (Crtl+Shift+S)

• Using this options User can do the adjustment for the grids.

• After opening the market watch window when User right clicks then it shows the options as shown in the Snapshot-3.39.



• When User clicks on the Grid settling as shown in the Snapshot-3.39 (the shortcut for the same is Crtl+Shift+S) it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.40.



• When User clicks on the Grid settings it will have following option as shown in the Snapshot-3.40.

• User can check on the following option if User wants to have it.

✓ Display column lines

✓ Display row lines

✓ Allow row select

✓ Allow column resize

✓ Allow row resize

• User can also do the settings Header or Grid for the following options.

✓ Font

✓ Back colour

✓ Text colour

Save To File

• Using this option User can save the market watch window.



• After opening the market watch window User will have to right click and it will have the options as shown in the Snapshot-3.41. When User clicks on the Save To File it will have following options.

✓ CSV (.csv)

✓ HTML (.html)

✓ Tabbed (.txt)

• User can save the market watch window in the above mentiUserd format by clicking on it.

Add F&O Scrip

• User can add the scrip of the F&O segment to the market watch window using this option.

• The shortcut for the same is Crtl+Ins



• After opening the market watch window when User right clicks then it will have various options as shown in the Snapshot. To add the scrip from the F&O segment to market watch window User will have to click on Add F&O Scrip.


• After opening the market watch window User will have to press Crtl+Ins



• It will open the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.43 when User clicks on the Add F&O Scrip or Crtl+Ins

• To select a particular scrip User will have to check the option of the Symbol filer and it will show the scrip available in the F&O segment from which User can select the particular scrip.

• User can add the future, call or put of that particular security using the option of Type filer. To select which derivative User wants add User will have to check out on the Type filer.

• User can also select for which month’s contract User wants to add to the market watch window.

• On NSE User, two or three month’s contracts are available for both futures and Options (Call or Put) at any point of time.

• User can select the particular month’s contract using Expiry filter.

• Say for example User wants add the scrip named ABAN on NSE-F&O segment.



• As shown in the Snapshot User will have to check on the Symbol filter and have to select ABAN.

• Now say User wants to add the Futures of ABAN for all three months near, next and far.



• To add the Near, Next and Far month contract of future User needs to check on Expiry filter and then User needs to check on Near, Next and Far as shown in the Snapshot-3.45.

• After doing these when User clicks on Show it shows the future contracts of the ABAN for Near, Next and far month as shown in the Snapshot-3.46.



• The future contract will show the following details as shown in the Snapshot-3.46.

✓ Add

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ Expiry

✓ Strike price

✓ Type

✓ Market Lot

• User will have to check against particular contract User wants to add and then have to click on OK. When User clicks on OK it these contract details get added to the market watch window.

• If User wants to add all the futures contracts of ABAN then User will have to check on select all and it will check against all three futures contract as shown in the Snapshot-3.47.



• When User clicks on OK it adds the selected contract to the market watch window as shown in the Snapshot-3.47.



• In similar ways User can add the Put and/or Call contracts of the scrip available in the F&O segment.

• Option contract (for Call or Put) on NSE are available for near (1-month), Next (2-months) and Far (3-months) month at any point of time.

• Any month will have different contract (for Call and Put) available at different strike price for particular scrip.

Option Chain

• User can view the options contract details for particular scrip in the F&O segment. It will open a new market watch window.



• Say for example User wants to see the options contract details of scrip named DBI then User will have to add that scrip on the market watch window and have to single click on it as shown in the Snapshot-3.49.

• When User click on the IDBI as shown in the Snapshot-3.49 User will have to right click then User will have following options as shown in the Snapshot-3.50 and after that User will have to click on the Option chain as shown in the Snapshot-3.50.



• When User clicks on the option chain it opens the new market watch window showing the details of the IDBI’s available option contracts in that market watch window as shown in Snapshot-3.51.



Remove (Del)

• Using this option User can remove or delete particular scrip from the market watch window.

• The shortcut for the same is Del.



• Say for example User wants to delete the particular scrip named IDBI which is there in the market watch window then User will have to single click on that scrip as shown in the Snapshot-3.52.

• After the single click on the IDBI User will have to right click on the window and it will show the various options and User will have to click on the remove as shown in the Snapshot-3.53 then that particular scrip will get delete from the market watch window.


• After the single click on the IDBI User will have to press Del(short-cut) and the scrip will get delete from the market watch window.



Remove All (Crtl+Del)

• Using this option User can remove or delete all the scrip from the market watch window.

• To access this option User will have to right click on the market watch window and it will have different options as shown in the Snapshot-3.54 and User will have to click on the Remove all as shown in the Snapshot-3.54 and it will delete/remove all the scrip from the market watch window.


• The short cut for the same is Crtl+Del when User press it all scrip will be removed from the market watch window.



Option Pricing

• Using this option User can calculate the price of Put and/or Call option of any particular scrip for particular month.



• To access this option User will have to right click on the market watch window and it will show various options as shown in the Snapshot-3.55 and User will have to click on the Option Pricing as shown in the Snapshot-3.55.

• When User clicks on the Option Pricing it opens the window as shown in the Snapshot-3.56



• Option price (Call and Put) will be calculated according to the Black-Scholes formula.

• User will have to enter the following details to calculate the price Call and/or Put value.

✓ Share price (Rs.)

✓ Strike price (Rs.)

✓ Time to expiration (days)

✓ Annual interest rate (%)

✓ Volatility (%)

• After entering all these details User will have to click on the Compute and it will show the value calculated according to the Black-Scholes formula.

Market Analyser

• User can access this option by clicking on Market>Market Analyser as shown in the Snapshot-3.57 or pressing F6 (short-cut)



• When User clicks on Market Analyser as shown in the Snapshot-3.57 it opens the window as shown in the Snapshot-3.58



• It will have following options as shown in the Snapshot-3.58

✓ Action Watch

✓ 52 Week High

✓ 52 Week Low

✓ Top Traded

✓ Top Gainers

✓ Top Losers

✓ Traded Quantity

✓ Traded Value

• When User double clicks on any of them a separate window will open for that option.

• We will see all of them User by User.

Action Watch

• When User double clicks on Action watch it will open a separate window as shown in the Snapshot-3.59.



• User can view intraday new high or new low of particular scrip of the BSE or/and NSE of Cash and/or F&O segment. (F&O for NSE only) which are added in the market watch window.

• User can check on the NSE, BSE, Cash, F&O, High and/or Low to view various combinations. For example User wants to see the action for intraday new high of the scrip of the NSE-cash then User will have to check only on NSE, Cash and High then it will show the new intraday high details.

• It will show the following details as shown in the Snapshot-3.59

✓ Exchange

✓ Token

✓ Scrip name

✓ Status

✓ Last rate

✓ Time

52 Week High

• When User double clicks on 52 Week High it will open a separate window as shown in the Snapshot-3.60.



• This option will show the list of scrip of NSE-Cash segment which has made 52-week high today regardless of it is added in market watch window or not.

• It will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-3.60.

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ 52-Week High

52-Week Low

• When User double clicks on 52 Week Low it will open a separate window as shown in the Snapshot-3.61



• This option will show the list of scrip of NSE-Cash segment which has made 52-week low today regardless of it is added in market watch window or not.

• It will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-3.61.

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ 52-Week low

Top Traded

• User can view the top traded scrip using this option from the scrip added in the market watch window.

• When User clicks on the Top Traded it will show the window as shown in the Snapshot-3.62



• It will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-3.62

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ Total Quantity Traded

✓ Last Traded Price

Top Gainers

• User can view the top gainer scrip using this option from the scrip added in the market watch window.

• When User clicks on the Top Gainers it will show the window as shown in the Snapshot-3.63



• It will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-3.63

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ Previous close

✓ Current rate

✓ Change

✓ Percentage gained

Top Loosers

• User can view the top looser scrip using this option from the scrip added in the market watch window.

• When User clicks on the Top Looser it will show the window as shown in the Snapshot-3.64.



• It will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-3.64

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ Previous close

✓ Current rate

✓ Change

✓ Percentage loss

Traded Quantity

• User can view the all the trade of the scrip from the market watch window above some quantity.

• When User clicks on the Trade quantity it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.65



• Say for example User wants to see all the trade which were above 50 quantity from market watch window then User will have to enter 50 as shown in the Snapshot-3.65

• After entering 50 when User clicks on show it shows the all the trades which happened above 50 as shown in the Snapshot-3.65

• It will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-3.65

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ Traded quantity

Traded Value

• User can view the all the trade value of the scrip from the market watch window above some value.

• When User clicks on the Trade value it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.66



• Say for example User wants to see all the trade value which were above 20 from the scrip available in market watch window then User will have to enter 20 as shown in the Snapshot-3.66

• After entering 20 when User clicks on show it shows the all the trades whose value were on or above 20 as shown in the Snapshot-3.66

• It will have following details as shown in the Snapshot3.66

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Token

✓ Symbol

✓ Value

Price Alerts

• User can set the price alert using this option.

• To access this option User will have to click on Market>Price alert as shown in the Snapshot-3.67.



• When User clicks on the Price alert as shown above it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.68

• User can set the alert for two conditions. Either for >= or = or =514.75 it should give the alert ‘BPCL is a good share’ then User will have to enter the details as shown in the Snapshot-3.69.



• After entering the details as shown in the Snapshot-3.69 User will have to click on Add to set the price alert.

• When it the condition matches i,e when the price of the BPCL will be more than or equal to 514.75 then, it shows the message as shown in the Snapshot-3.70.




• To access this option User will have to click on Market>Indices as shown in the Snapshot-3.71.

• Using this option User can add or remove the different Indices.



• When User clicks on the Indices as shown above it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-3.72.



• User can add the following details about indices.

✓ Index name

✓ Value

✓ Change

✓ % Change

• Say for example User wants to add Index name, Value, Change and %Change for SP CNX NIFTY, BANK NIFTY, CNX MIDCAP and SENSEX then User will have to check against these indices as shown in the Snapshot-3.73.



• After checking against those indices as shown above when User clicks on OK it shows the all these indices in the market watch.

Buy/ off line buy (F1)

This option is already discussed earlier. Please refer to the page no.

Sell/ off line sell (F2)

This option is already discussed earlier. Please refer to the page no

Hedging buy Alt+F1

• This option is not enabled yet. It will be enabled soon.

Hedging sell Alt+F2

• This option is not enabled yet. It will be enabled soon.


• User can access this options by clicking on Market>Ticker as shown in the Snapshot-3.74

• This option is used to see the last traded price of the scrip added in the market watch window.



• When User click on the Ticker as shown above it shows the ticker as shown in the Snapshot-3.75



4. Reports

• When User clicks on Report in Menu bar it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-4.1



• When User clicks on Reports in menu bar it will have following option as shown in the Snapshot-4.1

✓ Order Book

✓ Trade Book

✓ Net Position

✓ Margin

✓ Holdings

✓ MF Report Book

✓ Confirmation

✓ Exch Messages

• We will see all these options User by User.

Order Book (F3)

• User can access this option by clicking on Report>Order book as shown in the Snapshot-4.2 or Pressing F3 (short cut).

• User can view, modify, cancel or save the order details using this option.



• When User clicks on Order book as shown above or presses F3 then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-4.3.



• Order book will show the following details as shown in the Snapshot-4.3.

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Scrip code

✓ Name

✓ Buysell

✓ Quantity

✓ At market

✓ Rate

✓ With SL

✓ Trigger rate

✓ SL triggered

✓ Traded quantity

✓ Average traded rate

✓ Pending quantity

✓ Status

✓ Broker order ID

✓ Exchange order ID

✓ Last exchange time

✓ Order requester

✓ Order Validity

✓ Order validity Date

• User can see the Order book based on the various order status, Exchange (BSE or NSE) or Instrument (Cash or Derivative).

• Various order status are as follow


✓ Sent to IIFL

✓ Received by IIFL

✓ Rejected by IIFL

✓ Xmitted

✓ Sent to Exchange

✓ Rejected by Exchange

✓ Pending

✓ Partly executed

✓ Fully executed

✓ Canceled

✓ Frozen

• User can modify, save or cancel the particular order. There is User more option to cancel all order.

Trade Book

• User can access this option by clicking on Report>Trade book as shown in the Snapshot-4.4 or Pressing F8 (short cut).

• User can see the trade details using this option.



• When User clicks on Trade book as shown above or presses F8 then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-4.5.



• Trade book will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-4.5

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Scrip code

✓ Name

✓ BuySell

✓ Quantity

✓ Rate

✓ Exchange order ID

✓ Exchange trade ID

✓ Trade time

✓ Trade type

• User can see the trade book particular Exchange (BSE or NSE) or ALL (Both the exchange) and/or Instrument (Cash or Derivative) or for ALL (Both).

• User can save Trade book by clicking no SAVE.

Net Position

• User can access this option by clicking on Report>Net Position as shown in the Snapshot-4.6 or Pressing F7 (short cut).

• User can view the details of the net position using this option.



• When User clicks on Net Position as shown above or presses F7 then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-4.7.



• Net Position will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-4.7

✓ Exchange

✓ Exchange type

✓ Scrip code

✓ Name

✓ TT

✓ Buy quantity

✓ Average buy rate

✓ Buy value

✓ Sell quantity

✓ Average sell rate

✓ Sell value

✓ Net quantity

✓ Booked PL


✓ Current rate

• User can see the Net Position for particular Exchange (BSE or NSE) or ALL (Both the exchange) and/or Instrument (Cash or Derivative) or for ALL (Both).

• User can refresh the Net Position details by clicking on Refresh.

• User can square off the open position by clicking on Square off.

• User can save the Net position details by clicking on the Save.

• It will also show the total no of records in terms of row.


• User can access this option by clicking on Report>Margin as shown in the Snapshot-4.8.

• User can view own margin details using this option.



• When User clicks on Margins as shown above then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-4.9.



• The Margin will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-4.9.

✓ Opening Margin Amount

✓ Additional Margin Amount

✓ Margin blocked for open position Amount

✓ Margin blocked for Pending Orders Amount

✓ Available margin Amount

• User can update the margin details by clicking on Refresh


• User can access this option by clicking on Report>Holdings as shown in the Snapshot-4.10.

• User can view the holding details using this option.



• When User clicks on Holdings as shown above then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-4.11.



• The Holdings will have following details as shown in the Snapshot-4.11.

✓ BSE code

✓ NSE code

✓ Name

✓ %Hair cut

✓ BOD quantity

✓ Bought quantity

✓ Sold quantity

✓ Net quantity

✓ Sell In

✓ Value

✓ NSE rate

✓ BSE rate

• It will also show the Cash short value, Cash long value, F&O short value and F &O long value and total holding value.

• User can also update the margin details by clicking on the Update.

• User can get the margin rates by clicking on the Get rates.

• User can save the margin details by clicking on SAVE.


• User can access this option by clicking on Reports>Confirmation as shown in Snapshot-4.12 or pressing F9 (short cut).



• When User clicks on Confirmation as shown above or presses F9 then it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-4.13.



• It will show different kind of messages as shown in the Snapshot-4.13.

✓ Messages

✓ Confirmation

✓ IIFL Equity Calls

✓ IIFL F&O Calls

✓ Market News

✓ Exch Messages (Equity)

✓ Dow Jones News Wire

✓ IIFL Commodity Calls

✓ Exch Messages (Commodity

• We will see all of them User by User.

5. Links

• When User clicks on the Links in Menu bar it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-5.1



• When User clicks on Links in menu bar it will have following option as shown in the Snapshot-5.1

✓ National Stock Exchange of India

✓ Stock Exchange of Mumbai

✓ Securities and Exchange Board of India

✓ India Infoline Website

✓ Privacy Policy

✓ Disclaimer


✓ Risk Disclosure

✓ Complaints & Arbitration Forms

✓ Investment in Indian Companies by FII’s/NRI’s/PIO’s

• We will see all these options User by User.

National Stock Exchange of India

• User can access this option by clicking on Links>National Stock Exchange of India as shown in the Snapshot-5.2



• When User clicks on the National Stock Exchange of India as shown in above Snapshot-5.2 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-5.3



• User can view the website of National stock exchange of India using this option as shown in the Snapshot-5.3.

• The name of the website is

Stock Exchange of Mumbai

• User can access this option by clicking on Links>Stock Exchange of Mumbai as shown in the Snapshot-5.4



• When User clicks on the Stock Exchange of Mumbai as shown in above Snapshot-5.4 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-5.5



• User can view the website of Stock Exchange of Mumbai using this option as shown in the Snapshot-5.5.

• The name of the website is

Securities and Exchange board of India

• User can access this option by clicking on Links>Securities and exchange board of India as shown in the Snapshot-5.6



• When User clicks on Securities and exchange board of India as shown in above Snapshot-5.6 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-5.7.



• User can view the website of Securities and exchange board of India using this option as shown in the Snapshot-5.7.

• The name of the website is .in

India Infoline Website

• User can access this option by clicking on Links>India Infoline Website as shown in the Snapshot-5.8



• When User clicks on India Infoline Website as shown in above Snapshot-5.8 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-5.9



• User will be directed to the home page as shown in the Snapshot-5.9.

• This is the website of IIFL.

Privacy Policy

• User can access this option by clicking on Links>Privacy Policy as shown in the Snapshot-5.10.



• When User clicks on Privacy Policy as shown in above Snapshot-5.10 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-5.11




• User can access this option by clicking on Links>Disclaimer as shown in the Snapshot-5.12



• When User clicks on Disclaimer as shown in above Snapshot-5.12 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-5.13




• User can access this option by clicking on Links>RBI as shown in the Snapshot-5.14



• When User clicks on RBI as shown in above Snapshot-5.14 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-5.15.



• User will be directed to the .in home page as shown in the Snapshot-5.15

• This is the website of Reserve bank of India.

6. Tools

• When User clicks on the Tools in Menu bar it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-6.1



• When User clicks on Tools in menu bar it will have following option as shown in the Snapshot-6.1.

✓ Settings

✓ Add new scrip

✓ Scrip Detail

✓ Application Diagnosis Tool

✓ Reset PLM/Binding

✓ Remove primary logon machine (PLM) Registration

✓ Remove Binding

• We will see all these options User by User.


• User can access this option by clicking on Tools>Settings as shown in the Snapshot-6.2



• When User clicks on Settings as shown in above Snapshot-6.2 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-6.3.



• As shown in the Snapshot-6.3 User can do general or Market watch setting.

• General

✓ Price alert color setting

✓ Terminal lock time

✓ Indices font setting

✓ Report window look i,e TT5 or ODIN

✓ User can also select which kind of message User wants to display

• User will have to click on OK after changing the settings.



• For Market Watch as shown in the Snapshot-6.4

✓ Header setting-back colour, text colour, text.

✓ Grid Setting- back colour, text colour, text.

✓ Open chart on-click or double click or alt+click or alt+shift+click or alt+ctrl+click or alt+ctrl+shift+click

✓ Open market depth on- click or double click or alt+click or alt+shift+click or alt+ctrl+click or alt+ctrl+shift+click

• User will have to click on OK after changing the settings.

Add new scrip

• User can access this option by clicking on Tools>Add new scrip as shown in the Snapshot-6.5



• When User clicks on Add new scrip as shown in above Snapshot-6.5 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-6.6



• User can quickly add particular scrip to the market watch window using this option.

• As shown in the Snapshot-6.6 User single row will appear when User clicks on add new scrip.

• User will have to enter the following details to add the particular scrip

✓ Exchange-BSE or NSE

✓ Instrument-Equity (E), Futures (F), Option (O)

✓ Scrip name or Scrip code

• After entering all these details when User press Enter that scrip gets added to the market watch window.

7. Research

• When User clicks on the Research in Menu bar it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-7.1



• When User clicks on Research in menu bar it will have following option as shown in the Snapshot-7.1

✓ Market Mantra

✓ Research Reports

✓ Weekly wrap

✓ IIFL Calls

✓ Dow Jones News Wire

• We will see all these options User by User.

Market Mantra

• User can access this option by clicking on Research>Daily market strategy as shown in the Snapshot-7.2.



• When User clicks on Market Mantra as shown in above Snapshot-7.2 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-7.3.



Research Reports

• User can access this option by clicking on Research>Research Reports as shown in the Snapshot-7.4.



• When User clicks on Research Reports as shown in above Snapshot-7.4 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-7.5.



Weekly wrap

• User can access this option by clicking on Research>Weekly wrap as shown in the Snapshot-7.6.



• When User clicks on Weekly wrap as shown in above Snapshot-7.6 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-7.7.



• User can view the weekly wrap (weekly summary) using this option which is posted by India Infoline Limited.

• It will have following information.

✓ Stock idea of the week- company background, financial details, valuation, share price chart and buy/sell recommendation

✓ Market overview-FII & MF activity, BSE Sensex & BSE 200 Five top gainers, BSE Sensex & BSE 200 Five top losers, Stocks in ND period, Currency and Crude movement, Global indices

✓ Technical stock idea of the week-Technically strong and technically weak scrips with chart details, buy-sell recommendation

8. Windows

• When User clicks on the Windows in Menu bar it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-8.1



• When User clicks on windows in menu bar it will have following option as shown in the Snapshot-8.1.

✓ Cascade

✓ Tile vertical

✓ Tile horizontal

✓ Close all

✓ Arrange icons

• All these options are used for multi market watch windows.

We will see all these options User by User.

TT Help

• User can access this option by clicking on Windows>TT help as shown in the Snapshot-8.2.



• When User clicks on TT Help as shown in above Snapshot-8.2 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-8.3.



• User can use this option when User wants to learn how to use trading terminal.

• TT Help will guide the user through the following points.

✓ Introduction

✓ Getting started

✓ Preference Guide

Technical analysis guide

About Us

• User can access this option by clicking on Windows>About Us as shown in the Snapshot-8.4.



• When User clicks on About Us as shown in above Snapshot-8.4 it opens the windows as shown in the Snapshot-8.5.



• It will show the following details as shown in the Snapshot-8.5.

✓ Copy rights details

✓ Version

✓ Interactive IP details

✓ Broad cast IP details

✓ Application path


• User can access this option by clicking on Windows>Cascade as shown in the Snapshot-8.6.



• When User has open multiple market watch windows and User wants to cascade it then User can click on cascade and it will cascade all the windows.

• This option is used to see how many market watch windows User has opened and/or User can click on particular market watch window after User cascade it to open it on the screen.



• As shown in the Snapshot-8.7 User can see that User has opened three market watch windows.

• Now User can click on particular market watch windows User can see that market watch window on the screen.

Tile vertical

• User can access this option by clicking on Windows>Tile vertical as shown in the Snapshot-8.8.



• Using this option User can vertically tile the market watch windows.

• Using this option User can see all market watch windows at a time.

• User should tile the windows vertically when User wants to maximum no of scrip of all market watch windows.

• When User tiles the market watch windows vertically it limits the no of field (High, Low, Open, Last price, change etc) User can see in each market watch windows.



Tile horizontal

• User can access this option by clicking on Windows>Tile Horizontal as shown in the Snapshot-8.10.



• Using this option User can horizontally tile the market watch windows.

• Using this option User can see all market watch windows at a time.

• User should tile the windows horizontally when User wants to maximum no of fields (High, Low, Open, Last price, change etc) of all market watch windows.

• When User tiles the market watch windows horizontally it limits the no of scrips User can see in each market watch windows.



Close all

• User can access this option by clicking on Windows>Close all as shown in the Snapshot-8.12.



• User can use this option to close all the windows.



Arrange Icons

• User can access this option by clicking on Windows>Arrange Icons as shown in the Snapshot-8.14.



• This option is not yet activated yet. It will be activated soon.


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