Putting Evidence in Action to Prevention and Control Cancer




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Sources of Data

General Health and Demographic Data ? U.S. Census QuickFacts: .g ov/q uickfacts/fact/tab le/US/PST045217 ? National Vital Statistics System: htt s://cdc .gov/nchs/nvss/index.htm# ? Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR): ? Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS):

.gov/brfss/data too Is. htm

? County Health Rankings: ? Government Health Data: .gov/ ? Community Commons: .org/maps-data/ (note: requires registration). ? Uniform Data System: .gov/data reporting/index.html ? Vital statistics from State and Local Health Departments

Data Specific to Cancer ? Cancer Control PLANET: la net.planet/ ? CDC Cancer Data and Statistics: . gov/ca ncer/dcpc/data/index. htm ? American Cancer Society Cancer Facts and Statistics:

.org/research/ca ncer-facts-statistics. html

Data on Hospitals and Health Care Systems ? Compendium of U.S. Health Systems, 2016 :

)/compendium/i ndex. html

? Medical Expenditure Panel Survey: ? MEPSnet Query Tools: stats/meps q uery.jsp ? National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report:

ov/research/ti ndings/nhard r/index. htm I

? Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP):

.gov/research/data/hcup/i ndex.html

? HEDIS: ? Rural Health Information Hub: ? Hospital Electronic Health Records

Disparities and Access to Care Data ? National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report:

httQs://research/fi ndings/nhqrd r/nhqdr16/i ndex. html

? Rural Health Information Hub : orql



Intervention Programs and Strategies

? The Community Guide : h p:// ? Research Tested Intervention Programs (Chronic Disease/Cancer Prevention)

? Cochrane Collaboration: .org/ ? Center for Reviews and Dissemination: . uk/inst/crd/index. htm ? Campbell Collaboration: http ://ca mpbeIlcol laboration .org/ ? What Works for Health:

health/what-works-for-hea Ith

? CDC's Community Health Improvement Navigator Database of Interventions (chronic disease) :

l1ttps://wwwn.cdc .gov/chidatabase ? Counter Tobacco: ? Health-Evidence.ca (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) : ? U.S. Preventive Health Services Taskforce: .uspreventiveservicestaskforce .org/ ? Canadian Best Practices Portal for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention :

? Evidence Based Practice for Public Health: .edu/ebpph/ ? Model Practices Database (National Association of County and City Health Officials):

htto://ics/mode !practices

? National Guideline Clearinghouse (Clinical Guidelines) :

HPV Vaccination and CRC Screening Resources ? HPV IQ: Immunization Quality Improvement Tools : ? HPV Roundtable: Clinician and Health Systems Action Guides :

http ://hpvro undtab /action-guides/

? American Cancer Society HPV Resources :

ncer/ca ncer-ca uses/i nfec1igus-age_nts/hpv. html

? National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT): http ://resource-center/ ? NCCRT's 80% by 2018: Hospitals Working Together to Save Lives :

2018-HOSPITALS-4-PAGER-11-10 .pdf

? American Cancer Society's ColonMD: cancer.R[gfcolonmd

Cervical Cancer Resources ? American Cancer Society cervical cancer information and guidelines:

https?//ca ncer orq/ca ncer/cervical ?canc;er html

? Cervical cancer information and statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention: https //cdc gov/ca ncer/cervical/inclex.htm ? National Cervical Cancer Coalition: ? National Cancer Institute cervical cancer resources for the patient:


? National Cancer Institute cervical cancer resources for the health professional:

https ://ca ncer . ~1ov/types/cervi cal/hp



Putting Evidence in Action to Prevention and Control Cancer


~ a i1;y Improvement Resources

' ' 'nstitute for Healthcare Improvement: ihi .org

ublic Health Foundation's Quality Improvement Resources:

ttp://focusareas/q ua lityimp roveme nt/Pages/Q uality lmproveme nt Resources .as



Evaluation Resources ? CDC:,S Framework for Program Evaluation: . htm ? National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Evaluation Toolkit:

http ://reso urce/eva Iuation-too lkit/

? HPVIQ Assessment and Feedback Evaluation Instruments:

vi reso urces/assessme nt-feedback-e va luation-instrume nts/

Resources to Improve Relationship Building/Communication Skills ? Emotional Intelligence tools and tips from the Institute for Health and Human Potential: resource-center/ ? Strengths Finder Personality Assessment: ? Duarte Communication Resources: ? Social media and graphic design resources: o Free and safe-to-use stock photos: and o Easy social media video and graphic design programs: and .com/


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