These are some of the people, places and things you need to know by the end of the unit.

Do not rely solely on the list below.

|“The New Frontier” |Medicare and Medicaid (1965) |Women (NOW) |

|Election of 1960 |National Endowment for the Arts and |Treaty (SALT) |

|Televised election debates |National Endowment for the Humanities |Paris Peace Talks |

|“Flexible response” |(1965) |“Christmas bombings” |

|Peace Corps |“War on Poverty” |Khmer Rouge |

|Fulgencio Batista |Head Start |Vietnam syndrome |

|Fidel Castro |Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) |War Powers Act (1974) |

|Bay of Pigs invasion (1961) |Chief Justice Earl Warren |“New Federalism” |

|Berlin Wall |Baker v. Carr (1962) |Tet Offensive (1968) |

|Cuban revolution |Griswold v. CT (1965) |Sen. Gene McCarthy |

|“Ich bin ein Berliner” |Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) |Spiro Agnew |

|Cuban missile crisis |Miranda v. AZ (1966) |Chicago Convention |

|“Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963) |Michael Harrington The Other America |Mayor Richard Daley |

|“hot line” |Ho Chi Minh |Gov. George C. Wallace |

|Mercury space program |Domino Effect |“silent majority” |

|Alan Shepard |Dien Bien Phu |Henry Kissinger |

|John Glenn |“Military advisers” |bombing of Cambodia |

|Space program |Ngo Dinh Diem |Vietnamization |

|Greensboro sit ins |Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) |Kent State |

|Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee |Def. Sect. Robert McNamara |My Lai massacre |

|(SNCC) |Port Huron Manifest |Détente |

|Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) |Students for a Democratic Society |Nixon goes to China |

|“Freedom rides” |Rock music of the 60s |Strategic Arms Limitations |

|Bull Connor |“Summer of Love” (1967) |Warren Burger |

|James Meredith |de jure and de facto segregation |Roe v. Wade (1973) |

|“Letter from Birmingham Jail” |Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) Elijah |George McGovern |

|Gov. George Wallace (AL) |Muhammed |Election of 1972 |

|Murder of Medgar Evers |Malcolm X |Daniel Ellsberg |

|March on Washington (1963) |“Black Power” Stokely Carmichael |Pentagon Papers |

|Bombing of Birmingham Church (1963) |Black Panthers |Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) |

|Lee Harvey Oswald |Huey Newton and Bobby Seale |Watergate |

|Jack Ruby |“long hot summers” |Woodward and Bernstein |

|Kennedy Assassination |Mexican American Political Association |Saturday Night Massacre |

|Lyndon Baines Johnson |(MAPA) |Gerald Ford |

|“Great Society” |Cesar Chavez |Pardon of Nixon |

|Election of 1964 |United Farm Workers |Energy crisis |

|Barry Goldwater |American Indian Movement (AIM) |OPEC |

|Civil Rights Act (1964) |Wounded Knee occupation |Yom Kippur War |

|Mississippi Summer Freedom Project |Stonewall riot |Wage and price controls |

|Selma to Montgomery march (1965) |Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique |Stagflation |

|Watts riots |National Organization for |Rachel Carson Silent Spring |

|Voting Rights Act (1965) | |Three Mile Island |

|Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) | |Earth Day |

|Higher Education Act (1965) | |Endangered Species Act |

|Immigration and Nationality Act (1965) | |Ralph Nader Unsafe at Any Speed |

| | |Affirmative action |

| | |Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) |

| | |Equal Rights Amendment |

| | |Phyllis Schlafly |

| | |Bakke v. University of CA (1978) |

| | |Indian Self-Determination Act (1974) |

|Moral Majority |

|Jimmy Carter |

|Depts. of Energy and Education |

|Panama Canal Treaty |


|Camp David Accords |

|Iranian hostage crisis |

|New Right |

|Reagonomics |

|Supply Side Economics |

|Strategic Defense Initiative |

|Iran-contra scandal |

|Sandra Day O’Connor |

|Mikhail Gorbachev |

|Fall of the Berlin Wall |

| |

|Read JFK’s Inaugural Address. In what ways does his speech express continuity with the foreign policy of Presidents Eisenhower and Truman? What is new? |

|Summarize or make a bullet-point list of the information on JFK’s foreign policy. Make sure you remember the major foreign policy events of Truman and |

|Eisenhower’s presidencies. Study the information on Cold War events you learned last unit. |

|Summarize or make a bullet-point list of the information on JFK’s domestic policies. |

|Briefly take notes on the following: Greensboro Sit-ins, SNCC, freedom rides, Birmingham protests and Bull Connor, March on Washington, Civil Rights Act of |

|1964, Freedom Summer, Voting Rights Act of 1965. |

|Make a list of the Great Society programs. Make sure you know what each one did. |

|How and why did America enter the war in Vietnam? Briefly trace the steps. |

|What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? Why didn’t the escalation of American involvement in the War succeed? |

|How did the conduct of the Vietnam War affect American domestic affairs and how did American domestic affairs affect the conduct of the war? |

|Analyze the origins, methods, and ambitions of the student movement of the 1960s. What was its effect on American political, intellectual, and social |

|institutions? Make sure you include the SDS, Port Huron Statement and Free Speech Movement. |

|How did the civil rights movement change in this period? Why did racial and civil unrest turn violent? Make sure you include Malcolm X, Black Muslims, |

|Stokely Carmichael, Black Panthers, long hot summers. |

|Make a list of changes achieved in the social reform movements of the 1960s and 1970s that were the legacy of the civil rights movement. Make sure to include|

|Cesar Chavez, AIM, Wounded Knee, and Stonewall. |

|What elements contributed to the women’s movement of the 1960s and 1970s? |

|What factors contributed to the election of Richard Nixon in 1968? |

|What policies were adopted by the Nixon administration to extricate the U.S. from the Vietnam War? |

|What was the legacy of Vietnam? |

|What were the social movements that blossomed in the 1970s? |

|Summarize or list the elements of Nixon’s domestic agenda |

|What were the significant revelations of malfeasance in the Watergate affair? |

|What effect did Nixon’s presidency have on domestic politics? |

|List the economic reasons why this period is called an era of “diminished expectations.” |

|What were the main events/issues of Jimmy Carter’s presidency? |

|Why did Ronald Reagan win in 1980? |


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