
Bracing himself, Noah maneuvered his head around his boulder of a belly so he could read the number on the scale: 202.6 lbs. He sighed; it was only a pound below what he weighted two weeks ago. All of those two hour jogs, frequent gym visits, and calorie restrictions were essentially worthless. What was even the point of trying if he could only lose 2 pounds a month? Stepping off the plastic scale and placing it to the side, he considered munching on his uneaten stash of donuts. He was saving them as a reward for when he dropped five pounds, but by the time he reached that milestone, they would just get stale.

He opened his cupboard to retrieve said stash and tore apart the plastic bindings, popping one of the powdered treats in his mouth. Moaning at the sweet taste, he realized this was ten times more enjoyable than torturing himself with his insane workout techniques. If he could let go the stigma of being fat, maybe he’ll find being overweight wasn’t all that bad. That settled it; he was officially through with trying to lose weight. If his body wanted to have a slow-as-snail metabolism, he would just have to make the best of his sluggish body.

As he was working on his fifth donut, he heard a low rumble from across the room, his phone playing his favorite song. He walked towards his phone and flipped it around, briefly looking at the caller ID before picking it up.

“Maine, what’s up?” he answered, munching on yet another donut while listening to his friend respond.

“Nothing much. I was just wondering if you were up to going out somewhere tonight.”

Noah finished chewing his donut while he pondered his friend’s proposal. “Where to?”

“Eh, I’ll rather keep it a surprise if you don’t mind.”

While it wasn’t the answer Noah was hoping for, he knew better than to mistrust his friend of five years. Besides, with his mood more sour than an orange, spending a couple hours winding down with a good friend sounded splendid. “Yeah, sure. What time?”

Maine rattled off the details of his little event, including where and when to meet him and the directions to their destination. “Alright, sounds good,” Noah responded, chowing down on his tenth donut, already tearing through half of the bag. His chewing was apparently loud enough to be heard on the other side of the line.

“Eating your victory donuts already, pal?” Maine poked cheerfully. “Don’t get too carried away; you wouldn’t want to gain back the five pounds you lost.” Noah blushed deeply at the remark, his shame boomeranging instantly. He completely forgot he told his friend about his personal goals.

“Yeah, don’t worry about me...” Noah nervously chuckled, wishing the conversation would end already. Fortunately, Maine wasn’t too much of a talkative type.

“Alright man. See you there, alright?” Without waiting for a response, Maine hung up the phone. Noah was silent as he placed his phone face down on the counter, his cheeks burning bright red. There was no way he could finish his donuts now without feeling incredibly guilty. With an ashamed frown, he slam dunked the rest of the them in the nearby trash can.


The sky was pitch black when Noah started driving. Maine’s directions were easy enough to follow and within ten minutes he was turning into the parking lot of his destination. His optimistic smile faded when he read the large neon sign on the dome-like building: Maple Leaf Casino. Noah didn’t accept Maine’s invitation just to fall deeper into depression by blowing all his money on poker. Still, if this was what Maine wanted to spend his time doing, Noah would be fine acting as a spectator, maybe grabbing a beer or two to pass the time.

Noah pulled up in one of the empty parking places and exited the car, double checking to make sure he locked it behind him. It was only a hundred steps to the double doors of the building, a suitable walking distance for a furry his size, and seconds later he was surrounded by colorful decorations and excited furries. It took a bit of work to weave through the congested crowd, especially for a largely built fur, but he eventually made his way to the spot Maine indicated.

From there, it didn’t take long to spot the yellow cheetah with his signature blue ball cap, but Noah admitted there was something unusual about him. Looking him up and down, he realized why he looked so different: he lost a lot of weight, and in a disturbingly brief period. Just yesterday, Maine had trouble fitting his 190 pound self into a pair of pants, but now he was only a six pack away from being an attractive male model. Noah realized Maine’s weight wasn’t the only thing weird about him. Maine seemed incredibly hyper, with a wide smile on his face and a pair of feet that couldn’t stop moving. He quickly pulled Noah by the arm and dragged him past the swarm of furries into an isolated corner.

Maine lead Noah through a long, quiet hall, a noticeable departure from the bustling center. Noah got a disturbing vibe as he passed by each plainly painted door, with not even a number or name to set each other apart. At a seemingly random one, Maine dug into his pockets and pulled out a pair of keys, unlocking it with a quick twist. Once inside, the first thing Noah noticed was how desolate the room was. The only object of interest inside the black-painted room was a cabinet that looked identical to a typical slot machine. A single dangling bulb was the only source of light, enhancing the chilling atmosphere of this deserted section of the casino.

“What is this?” Noah inquired.

Maine smiled confidently, eager to share his knowledge with Noah. “It’s a whole new genre of slot machines, so obscure that they have to put them in hidden rooms so that no one gets embarrassed.”

Noah raised an eyebrow. “Embarrassed? But why would anyone be-”

Maine put a finger to Noah’s mouth, looking deep into his eyes like he was about to tell him something that could completely change his life. “This machine has a game-changing twist; instead of gambling your money, you’re gambling your weight.” Noah lifted his other eyebrow, which only brought a grin to Maine’s face. “Confused? Let me show you.”

Noah’s eyes widened as Maine bent towards the large, foot wide hose that laid on the floor beside the machine. The wolf noticed it right when he walked through the door, but thought it was merely left over from a plumbing job.

Maine picked up the hose and placed it in Noah’s hands. While Noah examined it, Maine reached in his pocket yet again, this time for a five dollar bill. “I’ll pay for your first round,” Maine explained as he slid the crumbled paper inside the machine. “Just follow the instructions on the side of the machine to secure the nozzle tightly on your muzzle.”

Scanning over the bullet list, Noah slipped the hose into his mouth and dug the hose’s prongs firmly in his cheeks. Despite them being made of steel, the prongs didn’t sting him as they dug an inch into his cheeks. Giving the hose an experiment shake, he was pleased to find it didn’t swerve from the face up, confirming it was fully secured.

Maine smiled, glad his friend didn’t need any help with the hose. He returned his gaze to the machine, tapping a few buttons on the wide touchscreen display until he came across the slot game he was looking for, titled Fatpot Jackpot.

When it opened up, a short, portly chef greeted the pair. The pig twirled a frying pan in his left hand while his right hand made wide circles over his large pot belly, conveniently covered by a spotless, white apron. “Welcome to Fatpot Jackpot!” the chef proclaimed with a thick, Italian accent as he winked with his left eye. “Let’s cook up some big wins today!” Noah thought the theme went ten times overboard with the cooking cliches but admitted the mascot was cute, even if he was painfully stereotypical.

There was a fair selection of options on the screen, far more than Noah thought there needed to be on a simple slot machine, but Maine’s hand only glided towards one of them: the bright blue spin. As soon as his finger pressed against the glass, a whirling noise startled Noah. He gagged as the hose automatically slid down his throat before resting comfortably inside his stomach. A second later, a tingling sensation rang all over his body. His eyes widened as he saw his own fat slide through the translucent tube, disappearing behind the floor board.

“This is the fat-extracting part of the process,” Maine explained. “The hose extracts fat from all of your body, not just your stomach – don’t ask me how – and transports it to an underground vat that’s bigger than the casino itself. For every five dollars you feed into the machine, it extracts five pounds from your body, but you have to wait for the slots to roll to a stop to see if you gain any of them back.”

One by the by, the columns settled in place. Afterwards, a line of three frying pans flashed on the screen, a blue “2” appearing at the top. The machine roared to life once again, but this time it worked in reverse, pumping a brown substance into Noah’s body. Maine placed his finger next to the blue number on the screen. “This tells you how much you ‘won’ with your spin. Three pans in a row means a gain of two pounds, which means you lost three pounds overall.”

Noah jiggled his body for a few seconds, in disbelief that he lost more weight in two minutes than he did in a whole month, all for the price of an appetizer. It sounded too good to be true, yet he was there to witness the whole ordeal. “Maine, this is truly unreal. I just can’t help but worry I might hit a huge win and become even fatter than I am now.”

Maine chuckled as he knocked him on the shoulder, but his smile faltered when Noah wasn’t looking. He wanted to completely dismiss his friend’s worries, but he couldn’t mislead him either. “Honestly, I’ve seen a few guys walk out of here with ten extra pounds and a thousand less dollars. But for every one gainer, there are ten that lose more weight in ten minutes than they ever could in a lifetime. I saw you ogle me when you saw my slim form for the first time, heard how grumpy you sounded on the phone when you pretended to be fine. I know how much you want to lose weight, Noah, so now I’m giving you the chance for this machine to change your life the same way it did mine. What do you say, pal?”

Noah let a smile creep on his face. Just this morning, he was moaning about how he could barely lose a single pound, and now he can potentially shed off all his excessive weight for a couple hundred dollars. The deposit would repay itself several times over when Noah found himself swooning cute mates and hiking for miles without breaking a single sweat.

“Alright, I’m all for it,” he said. Maine tap danced on the carpet in response, wrapping an arm around his friend’s shoulder.

“Perfect!” Maine beamed. “Do you mind if I leave for now? I want to go out and get a few drinks, and then when I get back I’ll be all like ‘Whoa Noah, look at how much weight you lost!’”

Noah chuckled as his finger hovered over the spin button. “Sure, do what you want man. I’ll be fine.”

“Cool. I’ll just- Wait! One more thing...” Maine reached over his friend’s shoulder, pressing the “Set Bet” button and subsequently the one that said “$10”. “You’ll want to choose the biggest bet so that you won’t go through as many spins.”

“There’s only two bets?”

“The slot’s still in beta; it has a few quirks here and there,” he said as he moon walked towards the door. “Also, make sure you slide your credit card in so you don’t have to waste your time dollar bills. Later,” he added, shooting his friend a finger gun as he left the room.

The next few spins were just as rewarding as the first. It only took fifty dollars for Noah to mow thirty two pounds off his bulky frame. He examined his body giddily, awed by how his stomach was a small bump instead of three months pregnant, how his arms resembled bones more than drumsticks. If he lost this much weight within six months through normal exercise and dieting, Noah would be content enough to never work out again. However, now that the possibility of losing even more weight was only a finger press away, the convenience was too good to pass up. Besides, Maine wanted to come back to see Noah positively thin, and Noah didn’t think he could disappoint his best friend.

Disappointingly, the next round of spins didn’t glean the same jaw-shattering results. Some of the spins provided no wins at all, but most of them resulted in a net positive gain. After ten spins, he ended up gaining ten pounds overall, putting his weight at 178. Noah frowned as he pinched his stomach fat but was positive he’ll hit another losing streak soon enough.

Noah pressed spin once again and purred as he felt his fat slither up his body. He saw the slots slow down in an innocuous matter, having no reason to suspect this spin would be different from any other. However, when he saw the entire screen flash a multitude of colors while triumphant music blasted through the speakers, he knew something was very, very wrong. Looking over the results, he saw he landed on three “Free Spins” symbols, which did what it said on the tin.

What Noah didn’t realize was that free spins, unlike paid spins, didn’t extract any fat at all; he was practically guaranteed to gain weight. His first free spin was fairly innocent; three frying pans on a line only meant four extra pounds. The next spin had less thrilling results: a row of jalapenos put an extra twelve pounds on Noah. The third spin was blank, but the fourth spin was two four-symbol lines: one with pots and another with cinnamon, which meant another twenty pounds. Noah gawked in horror as his progress was being undone in front of his eyes, his weight ten pounds heavier than when he first stepped into the casino. He sighed as his belly ballooned into its familiar pot shape and his arms reverted to a liter-bottle thickness. With one more free spin to go, things couldn’t possibly get better.

He examined the reels very carefully as they rolled to a stop. He sweated as he saw two chefs pop up, then four, then eight. The entire top two rows were filled with chefs, the second highest paying symbol in the game, save for two wilds in the middle of the rows. His eyes widened as the win results scrolled to an insane value of 110, but that wasn’t the worst part. The wilds in the middle rows revealed themselves to be multipliers of the highest caliber, eight, scaling his win to a jaw-dropping 880.

The pump roared louder than ever before as it pushed lard through the tube. Noah, naturally, didn’t feel like putting on an extra 880 pounds. He tugged at the hose, hoping it would pop out through his throat, but stopped abruptly when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He realized the safety precautions weren’t in place to stop cheaters; they were designed to protect gamblers from ripping their stomachs out. Not wanting a trip to the hospital, Noah forced himself to suck it up and take in all 880 pounds of pure lard.

He felt the fat disperse all over his body, but the inflation was mostly concentrated in his stomach, which was starting to round out into a beach ball shape. A blush emerged on Noah’s face when he felt his clothes become a bit tug. They would surely burst if he left them on, but he didn’t feel comfortable being naked in a public facility, even in a private room. Reluctantly, he scrambled to unhook his belt and unbutton his pants as they struggled to hold his ballooning buttocks. Fortunately, his pants went off undamaged, the rest of his articles coming off easily after that.

Fully naked, his bloated body parts became more noticeable to the terrified wolf. At 300 pounds, his cauldron gut and two-seat wide rear made him comparable to a sumo wrestler who forgot his belt at home. He was already horrified with his body, and he wasn’t even halfway through with his expansion. As 300 pounds gave way to 500 pounds, he looked like someone who used mobility carts on a daily basis. The last few hundred pounds eventually poured into Noah’s body, causing his stomach to grow so huge it scrapped the floor while his buttocks expanded to the size of squishy melons.

When the flow of fat stopped, Noah took a minute to examine the damage done to his body. Within minutes, he turned from an overweight fur into a morbidly obese slob. His arms and legs were heavy, flabby weights that were barely movable. His face was equally flabby, with puffy chipmunk cheeks and two too many chins. Even his moobs were large enough to be attractive on a fair lady, which only deepened the blush on Noah’s face as he contemplated whether it was worth it to continue pushing forwards.

Jiggling his humongous belly, he knew there was no way he could work this off through exercise. Paying for surgery was too expensive for the poor fur, so that wasn’t an option either. Given he was breaking a sweat from merely standing, he doubted his ability to walk a few hundred feet without collapsing; he would likely be bed bound within a week if he didn’t lose any weight. He had no choice, then. He would have to keep playing until he lost a good majority of his quarter ton figure, then never have to look at another slot machine again.

It took him twenty seconds just to lift his barrel of an arm and scrape his finger against the screen. The reels spun around as usual and stopped at no particular combination of symbols, which was a good sign at least. Eleven spins later, he struck a losing-streak, making him a hundred pounds thinner. Of course, the difference between a thousand pounds and nine hundred pounds was negligible, thus forcing Noah to continue spinning.

The next ten spins didn’t provide nearly as spectacular results. At the end of it all, he only lost an additional thirty pounds. Noah was starting to sweat, more from worry than being fat. He took deep breaths in and out, reminding himself that he was more favored to lose weight than gain in the long run. Fortunately, he made gradual progress over the next ten spins, losing another fifty pounds in the process. Unfortunately, he hit a huge win with the very next spin, signaling a gain of 85 pounds. Noah braced himself as fat once again began pumping into his body. Within a minute, Noah gained back most of the fat he lost, making the several hundred dollars he spent pointless.

His patience ran as dry as his wallet, and he had to clench his fist to control the urge to smash it against the machine. His anger morphed into panic – if he couldn’t lose his weight off here, there was no hope for him to ever return to his former body. He took more deep breaths to try and reign in his emotions. This stroke of bad luck was incredibly rare according to his friend, so there naturally had to be a stopping point. Maybe this was the last straw; maybe he’ll hit a losing streak once again and break himself out of this living nightmare, but he’ll never know unless he continues forward.

He tapped his finger against the screen and watched the reels spin for the umpteenth time, eyeing each column carefully as the machine extracted another ten pounds. At the bottom of the first column, he saw a symbol that was quite rate: an extravagant steak dish with “JACKPOT” written across the top in a golden arch. He thought nothing of it until he saw the bottom row slowly fill up with more jackpot dishes. A bead of sweat dripped down his face as he noticed the fourth jackpot symbol falling to the bottom row; he was only one jackpot symbol away from “winning” the jackpot.

Glancing at the jackpot total, he chuckled to himself. There was no way the machine would pump 367,392,019 pounds of fat into his body. Either the casino would be destroyed or he’ll explode from the large influx of weight. The latter was more likely, but neither painted a good image for the casino. Still, despite all odds and practicalities, he won what furs only dreamed of: the jackpot.

The game went absolutely ballistic, flashing an assortment of colors and displaying an animation of dancing pots and pans. The chef mascot consumed the middle of the screen, congratulating the player in his forced accent. His smile and hearty laugh were cute when Noah first started playing, but now he saw a mischievousness in his eyes and a cruel crookedness to his smirk that he didn’t notice before now. The machine roared as loudly as gears in a factory, diverting Noah’s attention towards the tube, which was currently being filled with lard and inching its way towards the wolf.

Noah desperately tugged and pulled at the tube, caring less about ripping out his stomach and more about getting out of here with some semblance of mobility. He only ended up working himself in a sweat, so he attempted to carry out plan B: get help from outside. However, he didn’t take so much as a step before a mouthful of lard jammed itself inside Noah’s mouth, the force so powerful it knocked him on his bare butt. Noah instantly gained fifty pounds, his stomach bulging out six inches before sinking in slightly.

A few more burger-sized gulps of pure fat left Noah completely immobile. With no operational limbs and no way to call for help, he was forced to suffer the machine’s wrath. He quickly reached a half ton within a minute and a full ton shorty afterwards. When he reached two tons, his person-sized stomach pressed against the machine. By four tons, his umbrella-wide buttocks started to brush again the back wall. With the machine crushed between the wall and his stomach, its lifespan was running short. In a loud crunch, the machine began to condense like a water bottle. The screen cracked and its motherboard broke apart; before long, the machine was no more.

With a diameter of 12 feet, Noah began to feel uncomfortably cramped by the room’s barriers. He heard small cracks, loud snaps, and ear-shattering booms as the walls broke apart, his gut and butt spilling out into the neighboring halls and rooms. His stomach began to press against another wall, but it didn’t take long for this one to break either. When it did, his belly avalanched into the dining area, exposing his body to the majority of the casino.

Some people cussed, some screamed, and some ran around like maniacs, but the reaction was universally negative. The bar’s inhabitants were the next to catch a glimpse of the grey, continuously growing blob. The majority of the customers screeched and rushed towards the front door while the bartender hurriedly called management and explained what he saw with rushed speech, reassuring them that seeing a room-sized blob of wolf was not merely a figment of his drunken imagination.

Maine, who was there to grab his third drink, sat there with flabbergasted eyes and a guilty frown. He knew he should desert the casino, but he also knew good friends never leave each other behind. Slamming his glass on the counter, he ran towards the still expanding wolf despite the bartender’s pleas and warnings. When he was only feet away, he made a leaping lunge towards his friend, firmly grabbing onto the fur of his titanic butt.

Noah continued growing out of control while the casino goers escaped. His stomach rolled over tables and chairs like a bulldozer while his ass turned the remaining slot machines to microchips, chunks of plastic, and shards of glass. The manager of the casino soon arrived to see what was causing all this commotion. One look later, he was bee-lining to the back of the building, calling up every utility guy he knew to stop this chaos.

When they arrived two minutes later, Noah took up more than half of the casino, but the manager was determined to spare whatever was left of his prized establishment. The workers flipped on and off a few switches and the owner tapped his index fingers together as he nervously looked over his shoulder. Suddenly, a loud beeping noise rang throughout the whole casino, causing everyone in the room to reflexively cover their ears. What none of them realized – not even the manger himself – was that any attempt to shut off the pump’s power source not only caused it to resort to its emergency power reserve, but ramped up the feeding process significantly to ensure it can finish before it is disturbed again. They realized their mistake when they saw a grey wall of fat burst through the brick wall and approach them at a foot a second, and they evacuated the power room faster than you can say fire.

Thanks to Noah’s hemispherical shape, he fit snugly against the dome ceiling. However, with his body expanding at a more rapid rate, that snugness quickly turned to pain as his body squeezed into every square inch of the building. With a bang that could drown own fireworks, the ceiling and outer walls crumbled to the ground, taking with them the casino’s prized neon sign, which shattered as soon as it made contact with the concrete. Completely free from the indoors, Noah’s body was free to expand past the realms of the building. While his belly crushed the left over cars in the parking lot, his butt climbed over the nearby hill, threatening to dismantle the surrounding businesses.

Noah frowned as his mouth continued to be bombarded with blast after blast of lard. He regretted ever thinking there was a secret short cut to weight loss, and now he was paying deeply for his cocky gambling. Scraps of metal dug into his skin and his stomach toppled down the nearby light posts. Noah winced, praying the end of his growth was right around the corner.

Just before the situation became catastrophic, the feeding abruptly stopped. With the feeding done and the machine presumably “off”, the hose detached itself from Noah’s mouth. As it slid out, Noah heavily panted, performing a few mouth exercises to relieve the numbness on his lips. With his stomach an expansive lake, Noah could only see anything that rose above the altitude of his twelve story gut. Thus, he was oblivious to the police cars and ambulances that crowded around the crumbled casino.

His gargantuan body was 500 feet wide, his front-side easily taking up half the road and his back-side mere feet from tearing down the back wall of a fast food restaurant. Those below had no way of knowing this blob of fat was once a wolf, with any prominent features of an average furry – a tail, a head, a set of legs and arms – noticeably absent, absorbed deep within his thick skin. The massive being palpitated and groaned frequently, barely able to adjust to the sudden transformation.

Maine dangled a few feet from ground, maintaining a tight grip on his friend’s squishy butt. When he was positive his friend was done growing, he slowly climbed up his body, a task made easier thanks to the great support provided by his multitude of rolls, even if they were a bit slimy. He heard a snippet of the casino owner’s desperate case to defend himself before it became drowned out by the wind and Noah’s persistent rumbling.

“We had no idea anyone would win the jackpot!” the owner claimed. “We only left it in as a joke. It wasn’t even one in a million, that’s how unlikely it was!”

“Yet you still allowed a chance for it occur?” the cop retorted.

“We just forgot to take it out! We didn’t mean any harm by it!”

“Leaving in a possibility to not only destroy your entire casino but also disrupt surrounding traffic is frankly quite stupid. Are you sure everyone got out alive?”

“It’s not like you can miss something that big! I doubted anyone stayed behind, even the more curious ones.”

“What if they were in the bathroom?”

“Well I’m sure they would get the heck out of there if they heard a strange noise coming from...”

No longer tormented by the constant stretching and swallowing, Noah’s mind was free to criticize itself for thinking gambling would ever bring him anything good in life. Forget whatever concerns he had with weighing half a ton. Now that he weighed nearly two hundred thousand tons, how was he going to function in society or pass the time? If he were bed bound, at least he could play video games or browse the internet, but now that he couldn’t move a finger and his hands were as far apart as a football field’s end zones, he’ll be lucky if he could even balance a television on his rocky gut.

In the midst of his worrying, he lifted an ear to the pair of footsteps that gradually became louder. “What’s up, buddy?” Maine asked, the cheetah sitting crossed-leg in front of Noah’s head.

“Everything’s up!” Noah growled. “I doubt my feet will ever touch the ground again never-mind actually take me where I need to go! You were half right. This machine did end up changing my life, but in the exact opposite way it did yours. Now I’m so fat I could fill a warehouse, and you’re here grinning like a dumb puppy.”

Maine was caught off guard by Noah’s barking, but he couldn’t blame him too much. “I’m sorry, that was a stupid question to ask. I didn’t mean to be smiling. It’s just that I’m a bit too trigger happy at times...”

“No, that’s okay,” Noah responded, his tone much quieter than moments ago. “I didn’t want to lash out on you. It’s just that I’m so stressed out right now. I mean, what do I do now that I’m so fat I crushed a casino? Even if they have the technology to make me slim again, it might take days, weeks, months to return to my old self. And it’s not like I can do anything while I wait here.”

Maine smiled sympathetically. “Don’t worry,” he reassured him. “I’ll try to be with you as much as I can. After all, I was the one who was so sure you’ll walk out of here with a body that even I’ll swoon over.”

“Really?” Noah said, his heart growing fuzzy. “I don’t want to force you to do it. I was the one who got carried away with the slots after all...”

Maine nodded. “You’re one of my best friends. This is the least I can do for you. We can talk, watch TV, or eat while we pass the time.” His mouth twisted into a cocky grin. “Whatever we do, I’m sure we’ll have a swell time.”

The disgruntled expression on Noah’s face was absolutely priceless.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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