Stitch Vore

Stitch Vore!!!

Sometimes life will take pretty turns, and you find yourself having both a home and a lifestyle completely opposite of what you was born to be.

Such was the case of Stitch who was created to be Experiment626, an unstoppable weapon meant to unleash chaos all across the universe!

Instead he found himself now living stuck on a literal island, stripped out of both his suit and weapons, and even reduced into being a pet to a little girl.

Not that he was complaining or anything, given how the girl in question (Named Lilo) happen to be one of the most sweetest person one could imagine, and who had been giving Stitch nothing but love and care since taking care of him.

If his new life meant having to do nothing all day and then get rewarded for it then he saw no reason in wanting to escape this planet, or his new role as "Dog".

It did have a few downsides however, and one of those was that some of the humans living on the island could be "Annoying" to say the least.

One such human was another young girl named Mertle who Lilo said was a bit of a "Bully", which Stitch didn't know what it meant but he sure didn't like the way she would often talk to Lilo and him.

Luckily they wouldn't see her very often, as it was only on some times when Lilo was taking Stitch out for "Walks". (And whenever that happen Lilo would always pull into the leash tied around Stitch's neck, to keep him from trying to attack Mertle.)

During one day however Stitch had decided to do a little walk on his own, and just as luck would have it he ended up running into Mertle. (Who was walking her own "Dog" named Gigi)

When almost running into each other Mertle pulled Gigi back quickly and said, "Don't let that blue freak get any close to you! I bet he has fleas the sizes of Cats!"

Stitch didn't know what these things called "Fleas" are, but he knew it was meant as an insult as he started to growl loudly at Mertle and Gigi. (The latter starting to bark non-stop at Stitch.)

"Why isn't your owner here to keep you at a safe distance? Shouldn't be all that surprised that she can't keep track on her own ugly pet, when she is pretty much useless at everything." Mertle kept on rambling, as Stitch started to get more and more annoyed over hearing that little girl whining, and just wanting it to end!

So without warning Stitch suddenly came laughing straight at Mertle, and grabbed her with his front paws as he open up his big jaws wide open!

Being so in shock over starring down the dark pit of Stitch's throat Mertle ended up letting go of her leash on Gigi, as Stitch lifted her quickly up and stuffed her down inside before she could get a chance to call for help!

Pushing her down by force Stitch wasted no time getting that annoying brat all the way into his stomach, as he ended up forced to sit down to better let her settle inside.

Having now a belly bulge about the size of himself weighting him down Stitch felt pretty pleased with how things had played out, since he for one wouldn't miss seeing Mertle around anymore.

Rubbing his blue furred tummy with both his paws Stitch had to admit that he really liked the feeling of stuffing himself silly, and the added feelings of his still living meal trying to get out was almost feeling like an inside belly rub to him.

Not to mention the fact that what he did get to taste of the human child as he devoured her was most splendid, and he still enjoyed licking his own lips to get some of what was left of it.

Feeling something building up inside of him Stitch ended up letting out a loud "BUUUURRPPPP!!!!" over all the commotion being caused inside of him, and with all that air escaping him he could finally feel Mertle beatings against his fleshy walls coming to an end.

Trying to relax himself for a few more minutes with his massive meal Stitch found his peace disturbed by Gigi still being near him, and still barking!

At this point Stitch was so tired of listening to it that he simply grabbed a hold onto the leash holding Gigi and starting to slurp it up as a noodle, eventually dragging the pet itself into his mouth with it.

Once swallowing the "Dog" as well Stitch still could hear some muffled barks being made from inside of him, but at least these ones was low enough in volume that he could still rest without being distracted by them.


Stitch had no idea for how long he had been sleeping, but he could see the sun had been moving a good bit so it had been for at least a few hours.

Looking at his belly he could see that his alien metabolisms had been working it's magic since it was now reduced to just half it's size, meaning he could now get himself back onto his legs and start walking home.

When lifting it with both his hands he could feel how it was still pretty heavy in weight, and when poking at it he did feel a lot less resistance as his finger was able to go really deep into it.

He had always been such a well trained creature so the very concept of "Stomach Fat" (Even less, this big amount of it) was really foreign to him.

Still he had to say he found this to be feeling very warm onto his frame, as he had no problems letting all this extra weight stay onto him.

Feeling something working it's way up his throat Stitch puked up what was the leash that once belonged to Gigi, which Stitch promptly took and tossed into the nearest bush for hiding.

Besides feeling a bit more pudgy in shape now Stitch still had that special taste of Mertle stuck in his mouth.

Was this a taste he could only get from her, or did ALL humans taste like this?

If they did then Stitch would gladly make Humans his new diet of choice! (Even if they seemed to be making him put on some weight in the process)

As he made his way back home there was still one certain human in his mind that he couldn't stop thinking about, and that was Lilo.

She had been the one to care for him all this time, but would that mean she would be immune from eating?

Or would she in fact taste even better, just cause she meant that much for him?

There was only one way to find out, and since his stomach was mostly empty now it meant plenty of room for Lilo!


Returning home Stitch open the door expecting to met Lilo asking about his sudden fatty gut, but instead he found the home to look like there had been a massive fight inside! (about on the level of what happen when Jumba and Pleakley tried to take him back the first time)

Searching through the rumbles Stitch could hear the sound of noming and swallowing, and as he made his way to Lilo's room on the second floor he couldn't believe what he got to witness.

Sitting on Lilo's bed was Angel (Another experiment that one could describe best looking like a female version of Stitch, who naturally was having a bit of a romantic interest in each other), with Lilo's kicking legs sticking out of her mouth as she was in the middle of swallowing the girl down!

Stitch just watched in awe as his lady love took and finished up eating Lilo, resulting in a similar sized belly bulge that he had got from before.

Angel had a look on her face that looked just like he had right after eating Mertle (A mixture of full and euphoric), before she then her face got deadpan scared when she saw Stitch being at the door watching her!

Having just consumed her lovers very best friend in front of him Angel started to worry over just what Stitch would be doing to her, only to them feel all her worries stop as he placed one of his paws onto her struggling stomach.

It was then that she could see Stitch sagging belly fat, realizing that he too must have recently been eating a kid of his own!

Seeing how she was feeling a bit tense over Lilo struggling a lot Stitch said to her "Try burping.", and Angel did just as he suggested.

Feeling how all her pressure escaped along with the air inside Angel felt a lot more relax feeling Lilo's movements stop, and enjoying a lot more the whole new experience of hers.

When being able to focus on Stitch again Angel remembered how he must have eaten someone himself and naturally asked him, "So who was your victim?", as Stitch simply replied back "Mertle."

"You mean that annoying kid that was always picking on us? Pretty surprised nobody ate her until now!" Angel said with a laugh as Stitch asked her, "Why did you eat Lilo?"

"Honestly, I don't know why. I was just feeling really bored today and when seeing Lilo doing the dishes I couldn't help but wonder to myself on what she might taste like? Naturally I wanted to just "try a lick", and once I did I simply wanted more! Lilo of course didn't like the idea of it, so we ended up causing a small mess before I finally cornered her in her room and ate her up." Angel explained before then adding, "And I guess that's when you came back and saw me like this."

For Stitch it was pretty weird to think that when he was placing his paws onto Angel's bloated out belly, he was actually touching Lilo for one last time. (But given how he had just moments before decided that he wanted a chance to try taste her he figured he didn't have much reason missing her now.)

Joining her in bed Stitch soft belly ended up pushing deep into Angel's hard belly, as the two embraced each other in a tight hug as Stitch could hear Angel's stomach working hard on it's meal.

Neither of them had ever before thought about what eating another living creature would be like (A human none the less!), but it had become one of the best things ever for either of them!

Hearing the stomach of Angel working hard on Lilo inside Stitch couldn't help but asked "Will Lilo turn to soft belly?", as Angel told him she could actually feel how the fat Lilo was creating was spreading over her body.

"It feels like most of this is going to end up settling on my hips, but I'm sure I too will have a pretty noticeable belly hanging down after this." Angel said before then placing one paw deep into Stitch's one and adding, "But not as big as yours, tubby."

Stitch already liked having a soft belly like this, but if Angel also liked it then he would be sure to try keeping it as big and soft as possible for her!

Once enough time had passed for Angel to better move around Stitch could confirm she had been right with her predictions, since while her belly was only half the size of his her hips was looking more then twice as wide as his own!

Looking at how the sun was setting they both knew that Nani would soon be coming home from her late nightshift, and she would be pretty mad when she would see the mess that Lilo and Angel had created. (Not to mention when finding out Lilo herself was no more.)

Deciding to not end up caught both of the alien creatures took off getting out of the house and deep into the wilderness of the island, planning on staying hidden for anyone looking for them. (And planning on hunting down for future preys!)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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