
Source : A Self Treatment Manual by Sagar Sagir.

The rules of Acupressure (part-1)

How does one start the acupressure treatment?

The pressing of the hand and feet point.s can be carried out by the rounded blunt end of a pencil or any such similar item. The first step is to familiar ourselves with all the different organs and glands that are represented in our hands and feet.

The next step is to become familiar with the location of the many different points.  Also we must learn the technique of how to apply the pressure and in what order.

Finally we all need to become experts in treating ourselves.

Which points do we start with ?


For the creation of bioelecticity we need to start with the tips of our fingers, our sinus points. Then, when we start pressing the points in our feet we again start the process with our sinus points.  

How many times should the sinus points be pressed ?

Each finger should be pressed 47 times. If one is suffering from sinus problems then it should be pressed 20-30 times. If any finger is very painful it should be pressed 50 times. The same applies to the feet.

How should we proceed ?

No rules as such, it depends on the person's illness and how much time the person has to do the therapy. In severe cases, all points, 1-37 should be pressed and up to 38 for children.

The most painful points should be pressed the most number of times i.e. up to 100 times on the hands and 200 times on the feet. The points where there is little or no pain can be done a maximum of 30-40 times.

If time is a problem, start with the sinus, do the very important points (pituitary, pineal and thyroid), then your individual disease points, and finally your supportive points.

When doing the points there should be fingers supporting the back of the hand behind the point for the correct pressure to be applied.

In points 2,5, and 7 pressure should be applied all around the bone with the fingers and thumb especially where it hurts the most (the pain point).

Points 8 and 9 cover a large area so it is important to press the whole area to find the pain point.

What is the first step in acupressure ?

The first step is to check the solar plexus to see if it is in the correct place.

What is the solar plexus ?

It is a network of nerves which control the glands in the body situated below the navel. Normally its position is behind the navel, at the pit of the stomach, though in certain circumstances it can be displaced. When this happens, digestion can be adversely affected and that is why it is essential to check if it is in its correct place.

The rules of Acupressure (part-2)

Why does the solar plexus get displaced ?

It is most likely to get displaced by either 1ifting and/or carrying heavy weights, or by excessive gas in the stomach.

How do we check that the solar plexus is in the correct position ?

By placing our hands horizontally in front of us with both the little fingers placed side by side; the lines of the fingers should match exactly with the little fingers being the same length. Also the life lines on the palms should match.


If displaced, how do we bring it back into alignment ?

As soon as we wake up every morning we should sit up with our back straight and stretch our right arm in front of us. Then make a fist with the thumb pointing upwards. Place the left hand over the crook of the right elbow and with a jerk draw the forearm over the shoulder and repeat 5-7 times. Then do the same with the left arm. If the solar plexus is found to be displaced we should do the exercise twice a day, otherwise once a day will suffice.


How much pressure should be exerted ?

The points when pressed shouldn't cause unbearable pain nor should it be so slight that one can barely feel it.

If, on any point there is little or no pain, 30 times is enough for preventative treatment. For middling pain, 30 - 60 times is enough. In points which are very painful 70 - 100 times for the hands and 150 - 200 times for the feet is sufficient.

After some weeks of regular acupressure treatment the pain will decrease and therefore the number of times a point is pressed can be reduced.

What is the process of pressing the point ?

The points should be p seed at 1 - 2 second intervals.

What is the process to a quick and permanent cure ?

To do acupressure 3 times a day.

What is the pain point and how do we find it ?

When we press our points and feel a sharp pain this is called our pain point (P.P.) and it is where most of the pressure should be applied.

The P.P. is usually in one small area of the pressure point. During diagnosis we will be able to tell that there is a problem by the reaction on the person's face or even by the flickering of the eyes.

When people are doing it themselves it is easy to tell when they come across the P.P.

The rules of Acupressure (part-3)

Does the pain point change its location ?

People`s pain point is individua1 to them and is not always in exactly the same area of the point. Also pain points can change location within the point when one starts acupressure.

Can one pressure point have more than one pain point ?

In our experience we have found that this is rare but if there is more than one pain point then both should be pressed. Generally we find more than one P.P. in points 8, 9, sciatica points, and the points of the nervous systems.

What are the rules regarding the pain points ?

When we find a pain point we should press it twice as many times as we press the rest of the point. E.g. the thyroid P.P. should be pressed 70 times and the rest of the point 30 times.

What is the process in starting pressing ?

We should never start pressing our points  suddenly.  Slowly touch the skin with the pointer before applying pressure, in this way if there is unbearable pain it will be more tolerable.

What does it mean when the pain lessens ?

With regular acupressure the pain will lessen which means that the flow of bio-electricity is improving and the resulting toxins are being eliminated from the body.

What does it mean if I have no pain ?

If there is no pain, when any to the points are pressed, it generally means that you are in good health. But, for the prevention of any disease, you should press every point at least 30 times and the important ones 50 times. If time is a problem then 10-15 times per point will suffice.

What is the meaning of the perfect treatment ?

Acupressure is a natural God given treatment devised by the sages and holy men who wanted people through this therapy to perfect themselves.

Also they wanted to create and establish a connection with God thereby enabling a real physical, mental and spiritual cure. This can only be done with a full meditative concentration when pressing one's points.

When doing acupressure one should avoid being distracted. One should be aware of the pain so that on a daily basis we can start to feel the curative process at work.

When we count the number of times we are pressing a point it enables us to fully engage with the healing process. We can try and maintain this awareness by focusing on each number while we do the pressing so that the whole process becomes a meditation for the body, mind and spirit.

What problems may arise ?

If we press too quickly or too roughly we could hurt ourselves. If we injure ourselves then we should stop doing our points for a few days, and start again just using the fingers.

How much time should we spend on the treatment each day ?

This depends on the disease, dedication and time of the patient. In our experience, we have found that if a patient is very dedicated in doing the treatment, then, 1 hour 15 minutes per session should result in a good level of cure in approximately 3 weeks.

If treatment is carried out by a practitioner, it could take up to 2 hours but if it is done according to one's own disease then it should take about an hour. After 3 weeks, 40-45 minute per session should be enough.

The rules of Acupressure (part-4)

What is priority therapy ?

If the patient has many problems we have to deal with the most important 2 or 3 first along with their supporting points. When these are better, then, we can start to focus on the less urgent problems.

What is the process of effective therapy ?

It is very important to find the precise pain point in the pressure points that hurt. The size of each pressure point varies e.g. the spine point is 2 inches long whereas the kidney point is the size of a finger tip. Because of these differences one has to feel around for the P.P and press it twice as much as the area around it.

Is it possible to do acupressure whilst walking, sitting or talking ?

Yes, hand points are easy to do at any time and usually one will get some benefit from doing them when one is not fully engaged in the process. But, when one can, it is best to do it with full concentration.

Which fingers do we use for this therapy ?

Usually when we press we use the thumb and for support we use the middle and index fingers. For some points we may need to use all our fingers.

What should we use when pressing children's points ?

For children under the age of 8 we should only use our fingers. Over the age of 8 we can use an instrument unless any of the points are very sensitive in which case we should only use the fingers. On point 19 on the feet we should use an instrument.

Can we do acupressure on children while they sleep ?

Yes, we can but not to the extent that we disturb their sleep.

In elderly patients or those with very sensitive points, what should we use ?

We should use only the fingers. On the feet only points 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 36 and 37 should be done using an instrument, At all times the pressure should be gentle.

How do you use the thumb when pressing the points ?

The thumb can be used in 4 ways: -

1) The tip of the thumb can be used as a pointer and for this we need to keep our nails short.

2) The flat of the thumb using the top joint.

3) The knuckle of the thumb is useful when trying to find the P.P.

4) The side of the thumb when we need to apply a lot of pressure on the points which have bones.

In children how do we use our thumb ?

The tip of our thumb can be used for all the points in a child's hand. But, for points 2, 5, 8, 11-16, 19, 29, and 31- 35 in both the hands and feet, the flat of the thumb should be used.

The knuckle can be used for points 1, 3 and 4. Also points 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, and 31- 37 can all be pressed using the knuckle.


 The rules of Acupressure (part-5)

Which points do we need to press before we finally finish? 

The point that must be pressed last is no. 26, the kidney point. When doing acupressure we release the toxins that have accumulated in various organs and glands and the elimination of these is helped by pressing the kidney point last.


How can I tell if I am getting better ?

If, by doing acupressure regularly the pain in my points improve then I am getting better and this will also become apparent in the symptoms I had before starting the treatment.

Why is the pain during acupressure worse on the feet than on the hands ?

Our feet are more sensitive then our hands because our hands are in constant us and may be desensitized.

How can I stay youthful?

Our bio- electricity is created in the finger- tips of our right hand. The central point is midway between our wrist and our elbow. This point is called the main switch and is a round point an inch across. If, this point is pressed daily, then the aging process is slower.


How many days does it take to cure a disease ?

In for instance, painful joints such as the neck or the shoulder we may get relief very quickly although to cure the problem completely will take longer. Generally the longer we have had the problem the longer it may take to cure it. Also we need to take notice of the way we eat and live, to help the curative process.

What are the instruments used in Acupressure ?

Generally we can use our Fingers and/or a blunt such as the rounded end of an unsharpened pencil.

The important thing to remember is that it doesn't matter what we use so long as we find the correct location of our pressure points by being aware of the pain, tenderness or sensitivity in the point being pressed. Always do it the way it feels correct to you. You may prefer to use your index finger rather than your thumb on certain points, it really doesn't matter.


This point can be done with either an instrument or with the fingers. 

Acupressure Points on the Feet and Hands. 

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|Acupressure Points. |

*    Sinuses

01. Brain

02. Cranial nerves

03. Pituitary gland

04. Pineal gland

05. Head blood vessels

06. Throat

07. Neck

08. Thyroid & Parathyroid

09. Spine

10. Piles

11. Prostate gland

12. Vagina & Penis

13. Uterus

14. Ovary

15. Testis

16. Lymph glands

17. Hip & Knee

18. Bladder

19. Small Intestine

20. Colon

21. Appendix

22. Gall bladder 

23. Liver

24. Shoulder

25. Pancreas

26. Kidney

27. Stomach

28. Adrenal

29. Solar Plexus

30. Lungs

31. Ear

32. Energy

33. Nerves of the Ear

34. Cold

35. Eye

36. Heart

37. Spleen

38. Thymus

*    Breast point   

*    Points of the Nervous system

*    Sciatica points  

*    Points of the Middle finger  

*    Allergy point

Introduction to the Acupressure Points :

(Sinus-Point 3 Pituitary gland)

Acupressure point: Sinus

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|Sinus point |

These points are located at the tips of the fingers and toes.

This point should be done with an instrument.

Acupressure Point No.1 The Brain :

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|Brain point. |

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A most important point which houses our knowledge and wisdom. It is full of nerves which facilitate the flow of bio-electricity. This bio-electricity creates energy and controls the physical processes of the body.

It also controls the emotions and the sub-conscious.

Some common problems :

* Headaches

* Migraine

* Giddiness

This point should be done with an instrument. 

Acupressure Point No. 2 Cranial nerves : 

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|Cranial nerves point. |

All the information processed by our brain is carried by our nerves. These form an extremely complex network and are responsible for conveying all commands to and from the brain.

The left brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa.

Some common problems : 

If around our nerves, there is not enough circulation of blood or oxygen, we may feel chronically stressed. If these connections become very weak, our organs may be affected adversely.

This point can be done using either an instrument or the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 3 Pituitary gland :

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|Pituitary gland point. |

This is located in the brain and is considered the control centre of all the endocrine glands. It is responsible for our judgement, our wants, and gives our mind its direction.

If this gland works perfectly then the person may be highly creative and skilled in whatever activities are conducted.

Some common problems :

* Obesity

* Children may be very naughty and/or dishonest

* After childbirth, it may be difficult for the mother to lose weight.

* Pregnancy with this condition may result in a brain damaged child.

* Adults may have a bad memory

* Sexual potency may be reduced.

* Rough skin and skin lesions.

* There may be hormonal deficiencies in men.

" Mental development may be retarded.

* In taller men there may be spinal defects.

 Introduction to the Acupressure Points :

( Point no. 4, Pineal gland - Point no. 7, Neck)

Acupressure Point No. 4 Pineal gland :

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|Acupressure points 4, Pineal gland |

The health and secretions of the other glands is dependent on the healthy functioning of this gland. It controls the sodium and potassium balance in the body.

If this gland is in good health, humans can reach great heights of inner peace and kindness and great powers of self-control in regard to pain and sorrow.

Some common problems :

 * High blood pressure

 * Sexual problems

 * Water retention in the limbs which is often mistaken as kidney disease

This point can be done with either an instrument or with the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 5 Head blood vessels : 


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| Acupressure Point 5. Head blood vessels |

These provide the connection between the brain and the body.

During headaches and migraines these dilate and give rise to throbbing pain.

This point should be done only with the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 6 Throat :

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|Acupressure points 6, Throat. |

There are 2 parts of the throat :

* Larynx and trachea

* Pharynx and esophagus

This point should be done only with the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 7 Neck :

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|Acupressure points 7, Neck. |

 Some common problems :

* Neck pain

* Stiff neck

* Tension. This point should be done only with the fingers.

Introduction to the Acupressure Points :

(Point No. 8 Thyroid and Parathyroid - Point No. 11)

Acupressure Point No. 8 Thyroid and Parathyroid :

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|Acupressure point no 8. Thyroid and Parathyroid |

This gland is situated in our windpipe and produces thy-Roxine. It has a huge sphere of control.

*  It plays an important role in child development

*  It helps us absorb calcium

*  Helps with excretion of waste and toxins

*  Maintains body temperature

*  Develops good mental qualities e.g. concentration, good behavior, generosity, love, self- control

*  It helps with the good functioning of the kidneys and the muscles

Some common problems :

*  Osteoporosis

* Lack of bone development resulting in bulky, short stature

* Overweight

* Rough and/or thick skin

* Loss of mental strength

* Anemia

* Stones form in the kidneys

* Diminished sexual potency

* Reduced calcium absorption leads to weakened bones and muscles

* The muscles may be affected by fine tremors

* Increased appetite

* Passing urine too frequently

* Increased heartbeat

* Quick to anger and over emotional

* In adults, the formation of kidney stones

* Fat deposits in the neck and midriff

This point can be done with either an instrument or the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 9 Spine : 

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|Acupressure point no 9. Spine. |

Problems may arise as a result of the lack of flow of bio-electricity e.g. a bad cold may result in lessening bio-electricity in the spine which may create pain around the heart, leading people to think they may have heart problems.

Also spinal problems could result in speech difficulties. Other problems which may occur are back pain, including that in the lower back.

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 10 Piles :  

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|Acupressure point no 10. Piles. |

This results when the vein in the rectum becomes engorged with blood and may lead to bleeding, severe discomfort and pain.

In severe cases, a permanent pile may be present externally or internally. Piles occur because of possible underlying liver problems, chronic constipation, diarrhea, smoking, alcohol, and too much fat, chilli or spice in the diet.

Sometimes the vein in the rectum can become infected. Piles can lead to a weakened heart and can also affect the prostate gland.

There may be headaches and also loss of blood which, in severe cases, could lead to anemia.

This point can be done with either an instrument or with the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 11 Prostate gland :

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|Acupressure point no 11. Prostate gland. |

In childhood this gland is inactive. At puberty it starts working and around the age of 50 it starts slowing down.

If the gland becomes enlarged or infected, passing urine becomes difficult.

Also women need to press this point because it prevents urinary infections and other urinary and kidney problems.

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Introduction to the 

Acupressure Points :

(Point No. 12 Vagina and Penis - Point No. 15 Testis)

Point No. 12 Vagina and Penis :

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|Acupressure point no 12. Vagina and Penis |

Some common problems :

*  Impotence

*  Pain during sex

*  Sexual problems

This point should only be done using the fingers. 

Point No. 13 Uterus :

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|Acupressure point no 13. Uterus. |

Some common problems : 

* Irregular, excessive or scanty periods

* Uterus may get displaced with heavy physical work

* Uterine prolapse

* Leucorrhoea

* Dysmenorrhoea

* Fibroids

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Point No. 14 Ovary :

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|Acupressure point no. 14 Ovary. |

This is a sexual gland, it creates the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Its proper functioning enables pregnancy to be carried to full term.

Some common problems : 

* Abortion

* Tumours

* Infertility

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Point No. 15 Testis :

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|Acupressure point no. 15 Testis. |

It creates sperm and sexual hormones.

Problems may lead to :

* Infertility

* Discharge

* Sexual problems

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Introduction to the Acupressure Points :

(Point No. 16 Lymph glands - Point No. 19 Small Intestine)

 Point No. 16 Lymph glands :

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|Acupressure point no 16. Lymph glands. |

This gland defends the body from disease by the creation of bio- toxins and helps cure infections when they occur.

Some common problems :

* Infections

* Cancers

* Diabeties

If it functions well we would never get cancer or diabetes.

On the hands this point needs to be pressed with the hands slightly upturned.

In the hands we should only the fingers but on our feet we can use an instrument if we wish.

Point No. 17 Hip and Knee :  

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|Acupressure point no 17. Hip and Knee. |

|Problems : |

|* Muscle and joint pain.  |

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|This point can be done with either an instrument or the fingers. |

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|Point No. 18  The Bladder |

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|Acupressure point no 18.  The Bladder |

it works with the kidney to rid the body of toxins and waste products. Its job is to store urine and pass it out at intervals.

Some common problems :

* Polyuria (passing to much urine)

* Oliguria (passing to little urine)

* Yellow urine

* A weak flow of urine

* Incontinence

* Burning sensation on passing urine 

This point can be done with either an instrument or the fingers.

Point No. 19 Small Intestine :  

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|Acupressure Point No. 19 Small Intestine. |

One  of the places where food is processed and digested.

Some common problems :

* Gastric problems

* Diarrhea

* Abdominal pain

* Dehydration

* The creation of uric acid which can result in gout.

On the hands we can use our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only an instrument.

Introduction to the Acupressure Points :

(Point No. 20 Colon - Point No. 23 Liver)

Point No. 20 Colon :  


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|Acupressure point no 20. Colon. |

The large intestine. In stores the body's waste.

Problems may result in :

* Constipation

* Piles

* Abdominal pain

This point should only be pressed using an instrument.

Point No. 21 Appendix :

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|Acupressure point no 21, Appendix. |

Situated on the right side of the body.

No important function.

Main problem is appendicitis which may result from eating too much and/or too fast as well as constipation.

Symptoms of appendicitis :

* Right-sided abdominal pain

* Vomiting

* Nausea

* Constipation

* Diarrhoea

This point should only be pressed using an instrument. 

 Point No. 22 Gall bladder :

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|Acupressure point no 22, Gall bladder. |

Its function is to make and store bile. It helps to digest fats and to facilitate in stool evacuation. It helps to activate the adrenals and the pancreas.

Some common problems :

* Right- sided hack pain from the shoulder down to the abdomen

* Vomiting

* Pain in the abdomen

* Cold sweat

* Burping

* Loss of consciousness.

This point should only be pressed using an instrument. 

Point No. 23 Liver :

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|Acupressure point no 23, Liver. |

Waste from food is passed to the liver. Also bile is created there. Fats, vitamins and iron are stored in the liver which is passed to the rest of the body when needed. It creates and controls heat.

Problems which may occur :

* Excessive acidity

* Heat and gas may be produced

* Burning sensation in the stomach

* Teeth and gum problems

* Ulcers in the mouth and stomach

* Eye problems 

* Vomiting

* Hair and skin problems

* Quick to anger

* Jaundice

* Water retention

* Stomach pain

* Feeling queasy

* Sense of weakness

Good foods for liver problems :

* Coconut water

* Sugar cane

* Oranges

* Glucose

* Potatoes

* Raw papaya

* Soft rice

* Small fish

* Half a lemon squeezed in water for 17- 21 days to be taken after meals, once a day.

* Avoid lifting and/or carrying heavy things.

* Avoid spicy food, chillies

* Avoid the sun and heat.

This point should only be pressed using an instrument. 

Introduction to the Acupressure Points :

(Point No. 24 Shoulder - Point No. 27 Stomach)

 Point No. 24 Shoulder :

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|Acupressure point no 24. Shoulder. |

Some common problems : 

* Pain

* Cramps

* Frozen shoulder

* Joint problems

This point should only be pressed using an instrument. Point No. 25 Pancreas :


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|Acupressure point no 24. Pancreas. |

This gland creates insulin. If the pancreas produces less insulin than it should, the result is usually diabetes.

If the pancreas overworks and creates too much insulin then the results are :

* Headaches

* Migraines

* Low blood pressure

* Addiction to sweet things

* Lethargy

* Alcohol dependency

On the hands we can use either our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only the instrument.

Point No. 26 Kidney : 

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|Acupressure point no 26. Kidney. |

Cleans 175 liters of blood every day. It sends waste to the bladder.

It controls blood pressure and water in the body. It controls sodium chloride and creates Vitamin D.

Some common problems :

* Burning on passing urine

* Strong smell

* Colour too yellow

* Infections

In the hands we can use either our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only the instrument. 

Point No. 27 Stomach :


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|Acupressure point no 27. Stomach. |

Digests and stores food. With the help of hydrochloric acid, it digests protein and fat. Water, glucose, alcohol and medicines go directly into the blood stream.

Some common problems :

* Stomach pain

* Headache

* Vomiting

* Giddiness

* Feeling bloated

* Bad smell in the mouth

* Inability to taste food

* Loss of appetite

* Constipation

* Diarrhoea

* Heaviness in the stomach

* Coating on the tongue

* Lack of saliva

Problems can arise from not chewing food properly or enough, excessive spice and/or oil in the food, eating too frequently, smoking, drinking tea, coffee and alcohol, stress, frustration, infection and the toxic effects of medication.

On the hands we can use either our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only the instrument.

Acupressure Points : (Point No. 28 Adrenals - Point No. 31 Ears)

Point No. 28 Adrenals :

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|Acupressure point no 28, Adrenal. |

Females have larger adrenals than males. It is a hormonal gland situated above the kidneys. It controls the fire/heat in the body.

When it isn't functioning properly it can effect the spleen, liver and gall bladder. It controls the body's minerals and metabolises water. It helps turn calcium into fat. It activates our muscles and helps coagulate blood.

It makes the spleen increase our red blood corpuscles. It aids the beginning of sexual development in children. Its good functioning creates people of high moral character and inner strength.

Some common problems :

* Indigestion

* High blood pressure

* Low urine pressure

* Lack of heat in the body

* Excessive fat

* Lack of mental development

* Lack of sexual power

* Lethargy

* Infertility

* Vomiting

* Headaches

* Greed, pride, anti-social activities

* Lack of concentration

* Excessive urination

* Heartburn

* Reflux

On the hands we can use either our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only the instrument.

Point No. 29 Solar Plexus : 

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|Acupressure point no 29, Solar Plexus. |

This point needs to be checked regularly because lifting heavy weights and excessive gas can displace it.

Some common problems when displaced :

* Constipation

* Dehydration

* Dysentery

In females, it can cause pain in the chest and the lower abdomen. If it is displaced for a long time, digestion could be permanently impaired.

On the hands we should only use our fingers and on our feet we should only use the instrument.

Point No. 30 Lungs :

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|Acupressure point no 30, Lungs. |

Some common problems :

* Throat pain

* Tonsillitis

* Goitre

* Diphtheria

* Cough

* Voice problems

* Whooping cough

* Throat infection

* Hemoptysis

* Bronchitis

* Chest pain

* Asthma

* Emphysema

* Pain on the sides of the chest

On the hands we can use either our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only an instrument.

Point No 31 Ears : 

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|Acupressure point no 31, Ears. |

Some common problems :

* Impaired hearing

* Tinnitus

* Ear infection

* Earache

On the hands we should only use our fingers but on our feet we should only use an instrument. 

Acupressure Points :

(Point No. 32 Energy - Point No. 35 Eyes)

Point No. 32 Energy :

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|Acupressure point no 32, Energy. |

Some common problems :

* Tiredness

* Insomnia

* Lethargy

On the hands we should use only our fingers but on our feet we can use either. 

Point No. 33 Nerves of the Ear :

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|Acupressure point no 33, Nerves of the Ear. |

Some common problems :

* Impaired hearing

* Tinnitus

* Ear infection

* Earache 

On the hands we should use only our fingers but on our feet we can use either.

Point No. 34 Cold : 

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|Acupressure point no 34, Cold. |

Some common problems :

* Headaches

* Sneezing

* Coryza

* Cough

On the hands we should use only our fingers but on our feet we can use either.

Point No. 35 Eyes :

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|Acupressure point no 34, Eyes. |

Some common problems :

* Lachrymation

* Dry eyes

* Burning

* Cataract

* Eye infection

* Eye diseases

* Vision problems e.g. myopia etc. 

On the hands we should use only our fingers but on our feet we can use either. 


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