
PurposeThe purpose of this unit is to introduce the student to the many principles of effective weight training. The student should be able to identify the differences and similarities among the weight lifting equipment and, after practice, be able to demonstrate the various weight training lifts. The student should also be able to discuss the facts and myths related to weight training, as well as the safety concerns of lifting. There should also be a familiarity with the basic terminology required to carry out a successful weight training program.EquipmentVariable Resistance Machines: most common example is the Universal GymNautilusIsokinetic Equipment: often used in rehabilitation, such as CybexFree Weights: Olympic, BarbellSpecific Lifts and the Muscles or Muscle Area that BenefitsBench Press: helps develop the anterior deltoid muscle (front shoulder), the tricep muscle in the back of the arm, and the pectoralis major across the chest.Lat Pulldown: posterior shoulder (latissimus dorsi) and the tricepsIncline Press: anterior deltoid and tricepsParallel Squat: quadriceps (front of upper leg), hamstrings, buttocks, and to a lesser degree, the abdominal and shoulder musclesKnee Extension: quadricepsKnee Flexion: hamstrings and buttocksPower Clean: best total body lift, improves vertical jumpDead Lift: lower back, stomach, shoulders, and legsSit-ups: abdominal areaHip sled: hamstrings, quadriceps, and buttocksSafety in the Weight Room Stretching exercises and a warm-up should precede the training program.Until you are familiar with the movements involved with the lift, do not attempt a great amount of weightAlways use spottersDropping of weights other than on a lifting platform is unnecessary. Likewise, weight sticks on machines should not be banged up and down.Replace all weight plates after use.Use weight belts when lifting in a vertical position.Keep plenty of room between lifters and equipment in the weight room.No horseplay.VocabularyCheating: a lift which is executed with the addition of muscle groups other than the prime movers in the lift.Dumbbell: a short barbell, 12-16”, with fixed or removable weight plates“Lats” – the latissimus dorsi muscles of the backOverload principle: progressively increasing the intensity of the workouts over the course of the training“Pecs” – the pectoralis major muscles of the chestRep – repetition or the continuation of identical motionsSet – the completion of a predetermined number of repetitionsSpotter – individual responsible for the safety of the lifterHamstrings – large, cord-like tendons behind the knee joint ................

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