
History CurriculumAutumnSpringSummerYear 1Kings and Queens: introduction to the monarchy from reign of Queen Victoria. The children will begin to develop an understanding about our monarchy through creating a timeline. This will be added to throughout the year.Changes within living memory: toys and pastimes (from Victorian era to technology today). The children will explore Victorian toys and pastimes; they will explore toys and pastimes of grandparents and parent. They will make comparisons with their own toys and pastimes.The children will begin to understand how we learn about the past by looking at different sources of information.Lives of significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements:The children will learn about Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell. They will learn about changes in healthcare over time (the Victorian period and the Georgian period). They will make comparisons with medicine today (eg transport: ambulances etc; male and female medical staff, levels of cleanliness etc)Lives of significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements; significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.The children will learn about Grace Darling, who she was, where she lived, and why she is famous. They will relate their learning about lighthouses to what life was like for Grace Darling. They will relate this historical event to the work of the RNLI today.Year 2Timeline from Year 1 will be displayed and added to throughout Year 2.Events beyond living memory that are significantly nationally.The children will learn about the Great Fire of London and the lasting impact it had. They will trace the key events of the story, showing understanding of the way life in London at the time of the event. The children will look at sources of evidence from the time to consider why the fire spread so easily and was so difficult to contain.Lives of significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements:The children will learn about different types of explorers – Christopher Columbus, James Cook and Neil Armstrong. They will consider similarities and differences between the explorers and their journeys. They will visit HMS Trincomalee to relate their learning to life aboard a ship.Changes within living memory; significant historical events, people and places in their own locality:The children will learn about Sunderland’s status as a shipbuilding town. They will learn about what life was like for ship-yard workers. They will find out about the closure of the ship-yards and impact of this. They will find out about the growth of the car-manufacturing business in Sunderland and make links (Nissan)(Source: BBC.co.uk – History of shipbuilding on Wearside)AutumnSpringSummerYear 3Stone AgeThe children will be introduced to a timeline which will be added to throughout KS2 history. The children will learn how long ago the Stone-age was, and how archaeologists find out about this period. They will learn there were three periods (Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithis), and the developments made over time.Paleolithic: Cave-peopleMesolithic: adopted different hunting techniquesNeolithic: Began to settle into communities and domesticate plants and animals. Transition from food collection to food production.The children will learn about homes, tools, hunting etc, what animals lived then. They will learn about Skara Brae.(Sources: –stone age facts for kids)Iron AgeThe children will use their time-line to identify when the Iron Age took place. They will learn about Iron Age Hill Forts, and how Iron Age people lived. They will know about life in a Hill fort, tools developed by Iron Age people and also find out about Iron Age art and culture. (Source: BBC Bitesize)Roman invasion The children will learn about the Roman Empire and how it conquered different places. They will look at key events on a timeline:55BC: Julius Caesar’s first attempt to conquer Britain54BC: Julius Caesar’s second failed attemptThey will consider why these attempts failed.AD43: Emperor Claudius orders his legions to conquer BritainAD43: Romans capture ColchesterAD44: Romans capture Maiden Castle (Hill fort)The children will learn about the power of the Roman army at this time, what life was like for a Roman centurion, and why they succeeded this timeAD61: Conquests are continuing and taking over more placesThe children will learn about the Iceni rebellion, led by BoudicaAD121: The children will learn about the construction of Hadrian’s wall – Why?(Source: BBC Bitesize)Year 4Romanisation of BritainThe children learn about the legacy of Roman Britain and the impact on our lives today.They consider how the Romans changed Britain, focusing in particular on: Technology (roads and bridges);Religion;Language, writing and numberDevelopment of towns(Source: BBC Bitesize)Anglo Saxon invasion:The children learn about the invasion by the Anglo-Saxons, formation of settlements and kingdoms, place names and village life.The children will find out who the Anglo-Saxons were and why they came to Britain. They will learn about an Anglo-Saxon settlement, and compare it to a Hill fort.They will learn about how Britain was divided into sub-kingdoms and how they were ruled. They will discover how place names today reveal links to Anglo-Saxon history.(Source: BBC Bitesize)Jarrow HallAncient GreeceThe children will carry out a study of Greek life and achievements, and their influence on the western world.The children will consider how our modern lives have been influenced by Ancient Greece. They will learn about how some specific concepts such as democracy have their roots in Ancient Greek civilisation and how the very first Olympic games was held in Ancient Greece. The children will develop an understanding of the significance of this period of history on our modern lives.Year 5Local history miningThe children will carry out a local history study of mining in our region. They will find out about the importance of mining for industry, and research uses of coal. They will discover about mining in Washington, and find out about life in a mining community. They will know about a day in the life of a miner (around 1930’s). They will find out how mining has changed, and declined in our region.(Source: Durham Mining Museum website)F-PitViking Raids and invasionsLearn about the Viking invasions during Anglo-Saxon times, and the ongoing struggles between the two groups.The children will learn that the Vikings invaded parts of Britain whilst the Anglo-Saxons were settled here. They will find out about the invasion of Lindisfarne. They will learn about the Viking Longboats, weaponry etc.They will learn about Alfred the Great, an Anglo-Saxon king, who fought the Vikings before making peace with them. They will find out about the policy of Danegeld.They will learn about the death of Edward the Confessor in January 1066, leaving no successor to the throne and the implications of this. Ancient EgyptLearn about the achievements of the earliest civilisations – Ancient EgyptiansThe children will learn about the Pyramids and how they were built. They will find out about Tutankhamun’s tomb, and how this has helped us find out about this king and his life. They will learn about farming in Ancient Egpyt, such as the development of basin irrigation, different tools, and the positioning next to and use of the River Nile.Year 6World War 2 Battle of BritainLearn about reasons for the war, the Battle of Britain and the Blitz.The children will learn about the reasons behind WW2 and the subsequent desire Nazi Germany to invade Britain. They will learn about the Battle of Britain, and the reason for it being fought in the air. They will find out about the Blitz, blackouts, sirens, wardens, gas masks etc, and life in a city or town during this time. They will learn about evacuation. They will know the outcome of the war.Queen Victoria, Industrial revolution and local impactLearn about a specific aspect of change during Queen Victoria’s reign – the industrial revolutionThe children will use a variety of sources to consider how life changed for different levels of society during the industrial revolution.EG: The story of the steam engine (travel for the well off people); development of mills and factories (children working)The children will investigate how our local area evolved during this time.MayanThe pupils will lead an independent study into the Mayan civilisationThe children research the Mayan civilisation, and present their knowledge to the class ................

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