Bash script assign variable command output


Bash script assign variable command output

Shell scripts allow you to automate processes & tasks in Linux. We often run many commands in our shell scripts. Sometimes you may need to assign command output to variable in bash, capture output of command or set variable to command output. This is a common requirement and can pose difficulty to beginners. In this article, we will learn how to assign command output to variable in shell script. Here are the different ways to store the output of a command in shell script. You can also use these commands on terminal to store command outputs in shell variables. variable_name=$(command) variable_name=$(command [option ...] arg1 arg2 ...) OR variable_name=`command` variable_name=`command [option ...] arg1 arg2 ...` In the above command you need to enclose the command, with its options, within $(...) or within backquotes `...` Here is an example to store output of who command in Linux. $ CURRENT_USERS=$(who) Once you have stored the output of command in shell variable, you can access it by adding $ prefix at its beginning, as shown below. $ echo $CURRENT_USERS Here is the command to store the same command using backquotes. $ CURRENT_USERS=`who` $ echo $CURRENT_USERS Here is a simple shell script to illustrate the above commands. Create an empty shell script. $ sudo vi Add the following lines to it. #!/bin/sh CURRENT_USERS=$(who) echo $CURRENT_USERS Save and close the file. Change its permissions to make it an executable. $ sudo chmod +x Run the shell script with the following command. $ ./ 3 In this article, we have learnt how to store command output to shell variable. You can use them in terminal or shell scripts, as per your requirement. Also read: How to Disable Package Updates in Yum/DnfHow to Group By Multiple Columns in Python PandasHow to Access Environment Variables in PythonHow to Password Protect PDF in PythonHow to Read Inputs As Numbers in Python Browse Popular Code Answers by Language how to split string in elixir elixir random number elixir length of list pascal cheat sheett pascal data type declaration get date now groovy spring gradle plugin publishing how to write double quotation marks in string powershell smooth scrolling to div java script Browse Other Code Languages Different types of bash commands need to be run from the terminal based on the user's requirements. When the user runs any command from the terminal then it shows the output if no error exists otherwise it shows the error message. Sometimes, the output of the command needs to be stored in a variable for future use. Shell command substitution feature of bash can be used for this purpose. How you can store different types of shell commands into the variable using this feature is shown in this tutorial. variable=$(command) variable=$(command [option...] argument1 arguments2 ...) variable=$(/path/to/command) OR variable=`command` variable=`command [option...] argument1 arguments2 ...` variable=`/path/to/command` ***Note: Don't use any space before and after the equal sign when using the above commands. Single command output to a variable Bash commands can be used without any option and argument for those commands where these parts are optional. The following two examples show the uses of simple command substitution. Example#1: bash `date` command is used to show the current date and time. The following script will store the output of `date` command into $current_date variable by using command substitution. $ current_date=$(date) $ echo "Today is $current_date" Output: Example#2: `pwd` command shows the path of the current working directory. The following script stores the output of `pwd` command into the variable, $current_dir and the value of this variable is printed by using `echo` command. $ current_dir=`pwd` $ echo "The current directory is : $current_dir" Output: Command with option and argument The option and argument are mandatory for some bash commands. The following examples show how you can store the output of the command with option and argument into a variable. Example#3: Bash `wc` command is used to count the total number of lines, words, and characters of any file. This command uses -c, -w and -l as option and filename as the argument to generate the output. Create a text file named fruits.txt with the following data to test the next script. fruits.txt fruits.txt Mango Orange Banana Grape Guava Apple Run the following commands to count and store the total number of words in the fruits.txt file into a variable, $count_words and print the value by using `echo` command. $ count_words=`wc -w fruits.txt` $ echo "Total words in fruits.txt is $count_words" Output: Example#4: `cut` is another bash command that uses option and argument to generate the output. Create a text file named weekday.txt with seven-weekday names to run the next script. weekday.txt Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Create a bash file named with the following script. In this script, while loop is used to read the content of weekday.txt file line by line and read the first three characters of each line by using `cut` command. After cutting, the string value is stored in the variable $day. Next, If the statement is used to check the value of $day is `Sun' or not. The output will print `Sunday is the holiday` when if the condition is true otherwise it will print the value of $day. #!/bin/bash filename='weekday.txt' while read line; do day=`echo $line | cut -c 1-3` if [ $day == "Sun" ] then echo "Sunday is the holiday" else echo $day fi done

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