
NEW JERSEY ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATIONSOUTH JERSEY SECTIONMinutes of the December 9, 2020 Business MeetingPledge of AllegianceThe virtual business meeting of the New Jersey Environment Association South Section was called to order by President Bob Carlson at 12:03 hours. The following members were present at roll call:Bob Carlson, PresidentJoe Pantalone, Vice President Kathy Collinge, TreasurerRick Eustace, TrusteeFrank Hartman, Trustee (Retired)Frank Deyhle, TrusteeRocco Maiellano, TrusteeJosh Palombo, Past PresidentJohn Reardon, NJWEA President Approval of Minutes: Carl Janson made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 27, 2020 business meeting, seconded by Bill LaPorte and unanimously approved.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTSPresident’s Report: Bob CarlsonAttended Executive meeting on December 9th.We had a few resignations and retirements,Frank Hartman has retired as Trustee; over the past 52 years he has been Chair of close to every committee. Thank you for your dedication, congratulations. Rocco Maiellano made a motion for Frank Deyhle to fulfill the unexpired Trustee term, seconded by Frank Hartman and unanimously approved.Carl Janson has retired; he is our liaison to the Editorial Committee and has dedicated years of service to both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Thank you and congratulations. Carl’s Assistant, Mike Wilkes has accepted the editorial position and who is present today. Thank you, Mike.John Manganaro has resigned as Chair of the Golf Committee and as Delegate. John has done a wonderful job and will be missed. We are presently seeking a Golf Committee Chairperson.Craig Loper has resigned as Secretary of the South section.Bill LaPorte made a motion for Joe Weber to fulfill the unexpired Secretary term, seconded by Chris Jepson and unanimously approved.The Nominating Committee has met and recommend the following Delegates and Alternates:DelegatesDave Kennedy, Rocco Maiellano, Tim Fisher, Josh Palombo, Joe Weber, Bill LaPorte, Bill Cathcart, Frank Deyhle, Dennis Palmer and Chris JepsonAlternatesJeff Rolands, Rick Eustace, Jeannie Maiellano, Kathy Collinge, Joe Pantalone, Joe Rizzuto, Pat Witts, Bart Brophy and Samantha LicckettoCarl Janson made a motion to approve the Delegates and Alternates, seconded by Dennis Palmer and unanimously approved.Vice President’s Report: Joe PantaloneAttended the Executive meeting on December 9th.2021 Scholarship description and application are available on the NJWEA website – South.Urges to submit Award nominations to Rocco as soon as possible.Treasurer’s Report: Kathy CollingeAssociation checking account reconciled balance as of November 30, 2020 was $44,432.01.The Section’s Wells Fargo Investment portfolio is as follows: $20,000 in CDs with varying maturity dates; Closing value of cash and sweep balances is $1,042.00.Made various disbursements.The most recent reconciliation, current budget vs. actual reports and profit/loss statements are submitted for ratification.Attended the Executive meeting on December 9th.Secretary’s Report: Joe Weber, No ReportPast President’s Report: Josh Palombo, No ReportCOMMITTEE REPORTSHealth & Safety: Harry Smith, No ReportMemberships: Carl Janson, No ReportSick & Welfare: Rocco MaiellanoContact Rocco with any information.Nominating & Awards: Rocco MaiellanoPlease submit nominations as soon as possible.Seminar & Technology Transfer: Jim Neville, No ReportRick Eustace informed members that the Association has been granted the ability for virtual seminars. Information can be found on the NJWEA website.Affiliates: Bill LaPorteAt Vendor’s Day we sold 82 tables, received 310 tenants and 144 vendors, 166 combos registered. The $ 4,600.00 profit was split with SJWPA. The South sections proceeds will be awarded to this years’ Scholarship recipients.Scottish Rite is currently booked for February 5th. Everyone agrees the 5th is too soon. Hoping that Scottish Rite is flexible and the Covid rules relax for the summer, July may be the best alternative date. Bill will speak with Mimi Heims from SJWPA and report at next meeting.Industrial: Chris Jepson, No ReportEager to have facility tours once Covid restrictions relax.Legislative Report: Dennis W. PalmerUp for consideration on Monday Dec 7th are the following bills:A5053?Amends list of environmental infrastructure projects approved for long-term funding for FY2021 to include new projects and modify estimated loan amounts for certain projects; modifies terms and conditions for certain loans utilizing federal funds.A5054?Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend additional sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2021; modifies terms and conditions for certain loan utilizing federal funds.Both bills are also up in the Senate Committee on Thursday.On Thursday, the following bills are up in the?Assembly Special Committee on Infrastructure and Natural Resources.A2200?Requires water purveyors to conduct, and report to DEP, water loss audits.A4825?Revises cybersecurity, asset management, and related reporting requirements in "Water Quality Accountability Act."A5015?Reduces allowed diversion of funds from stormwater, water, and sewer purposes to municipal and county budgets; requires municipalities and counties to notify Division of Local Government Services of diversions. Lowers the 5% to 3%.A5018?Requires NJ Infrastructure Bank to provide incentives to environmental infrastructure projects that, where feasible, employ residents.Separate from Legislation, the Joint AEA NJWEA Legislative Committee had written a letter to the Governor to request priority for COVID vaccination to water and wastewater professionals. David Smith, our lobbyist, had reached out to George S. HelmyChief of Staff to the Governor who acknowledged our interest, and he sent an email response that this matter would be raised with the Vaccine Working Group. NJWEA Report: John ReardonThere is a State meeting on Friday, December 11th.John read the requirements for the “Hall of Fame” Award; candidates where discussed.Program: Frank Deyhle, No ReportGolf Outing: VacantJosh to set up meeting with the Executive Committee to combine golf outing and reschedule vendors day. Ladies Night: Josh PalomboLadies Night is booked for April 9, 2021 at the Mansion and will be rescheduled.Scholarship Awards: Joe PantaloneThe 2021 Scholarship application is available on the NJWEA website in the South Section tab.Operations Challenge: Timothy FisherNew Jersey teams did not participate in the virtual Operations Challenge. Tim ran 15 judging sequences. Teams are unable to practice currently due to Covid restrictions.Young Professionals: Emily ZidanikWe are doing the Santa Sleigh drive once again; an email blast was sent out. Please check your Spam Folder if you have not received the email. Help spread the word. Fernanda Luiz is the YP Chair.Archives: Carl JansonHanded over the box of archives to Bob Carlson.New Business: None.Old Business: NoneGood of the Membership: NoneAdjournment / Time: Tim Fisher made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dennis Palmer and unanimously approved at 13:37 hours. ................

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