America: The Story of UsEpisode 1: Rebels1. What does America have that the settlers hoped to get? 2. What changed Jamestown from “hell-on-earth” to a boomtown? 3. How were the Plymouth settlers different from the Jamestown settlers? 4. What problems faced the Pilgrims, and how did they respond to these problems? 5. What did the Wampanoag Indians want in exchange for their help? 6. How did the colonists differ from their relatives in Europe? 7. What natural resource was in demand by the British crown? 8. Why was the mob in 1870 so angry? 9. What new innovation allowed news to spread quickly? 10. The British repealed all taxes but one. Which one did they leave, and how did the Americans respond? 11. Describe the American militia. 12. What happened at the Battle of Lexington? 13. How effective was the roving attack on the British after Concord? ................

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