
American Library AssociationGreat Stories Club 2017: “Structures of Suffering: Origins of Teen Violence and Suicide:” SAMPLE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS FOR GRANTEESNote: Check your organization’s policies before posting photos/videos/audio recordings/quotes of book club participants. If your policies do allow you to post these materials, you will likely need a release form signed by the participant and possibly a parent or guardian. (Download a sample release form at .) Even if your institution or partner institution has strict privacy policies, you might find other ways to utilize social media; if you are not allowed to show participants’ faces, consider using a group shot in which individuals can’t be distinguished, or post photos of the books, posters and other GSC materials. If you are not able to attribute a quote/audio recording to a particular participant, you might attribute to a “GSC participant at (facility name), age ##.”Sample Tweets (ORGANIZATION NAME) is a proud recipient of a #GreatStoriesClub grant from @ALALibrary! @NEHgov (Link to online press release. Download a template press release at .) Reading ‘Thirteen Reasons Why’ at #GreatStoriesClub: “Everyone needs an olly-olly-oxen-free.”?@jayasherguy @ALALibrary @NEHgovReading ‘It’s Kind of a Funny Story’ at #GreatStoriesClub: “Things to do today: 1) Breathe in. 2) Breathe out.”?@ALALibrary @NEHgovReading ‘Romeo & Juliet’ graphic novel at #GreatStoriesClub: “You can’t speak of what you don’t feel!”?@ALALibrary @NEHgovOverheard in #GreatStoriesClub: (Post a funny comment or interesting question that came up in discussion.) @ALALibrary @NEHgovSample Facebook Posts(ORGANIZATION NAME) is a proud recipient of a #GreatStoriesClub grant from the American Library Association! (Link to online press release. Download a template press release at .)Kicking off the #GreatStoriesClub today at (ORGANIZATION NAME). (Post group photo of participants or empty room set up with books)Moving on to book #2 of the #GreatStoriesClub! “Dreams are only dreams until you wake up and make them real.” (Post photo of It’s Kind of a Funny Story cover)Additional Social Media IdeasPodcasts and oral historiesBroadcast the voices of your Great Stories Club participants by giving them the opportunity to share their thoughts and their histories. Using a basic audio recorder (or a smartphone), participants can record their reactions to a book, scene or character; continue a conversation sparked during the program; or document their own oral histories. Post the audio files to your library website, Tumblr or on an audio platform like SoundCloud. For inspiration: , can be a powerful way to showcase positive achievements of your library and/or your partner institution. Check with your institutions about hosting a blog on your website. Reflections of the Great Stories Club facilitators would be valuable, as would “guest blogging” opportunities for the young people. Again, if privacy policies forbid you from attributing blog posts, consider using a byline of “GSC participant at (facility name).” For inspiration: , , , micro-blogging platform Tumblr provides lots of opportunities for Great Stories Club grantees, particularly if you are allowed to post photos, audio or video. Consider recording some of your speakers or group presentations and posting them, with images, to a Tumblr page. For inspiration: , ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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