The Third LevelCharley31 years oldThird LevelLoses wayFinds himself at third levelEverything is totally different Enters corridor of second levelFlickering - Open flame gas lights.Old fashioned locomotivePeople in old fashioned clothsThe world-A newspaper not published for yearsFinds himself in 1894DiscoversGalesburg a small peaceful town in 1894Men and Women had leisure Fails to get ticketsDoesn’t have appropriate currencyComes back and buy old currencyNever finds third levelWants two tickets for GalesburgStops him from seeking third levelTreat incident as his as his day dream and a sort of wish fulfillment.His desire to escape from realityFriend’s reactionsCharley finds Sam’s letter in a first day coverSam in Galesburg set up business of hay, feed and grain in GalesburgRequest Charley to keep looking for Third levelSam’s disappearanceShort Answer Questions:What does the ‘Third Level ‘refer to?--- Strange experience of CharleyWhat are the different means of temporary escape from reality?----philately, hobbies create delusionsDo you think that third level was a medium of escape for charley? Why?---Yes, product of Charley’s mindWhat do you infer from Sam’s letter to Charley? The letter brought home the point to Charley the gap between dream and realityWhat did the author think about Grand Central Station? -growing like a tree, creating new passages and staircasesWhy did the author talk to a psychiatrist friend about his visit to the Third Level?-- author was intrigued and mystifiedWhere did Charley and his wife Louisa want to go?--Galsberg, IllinosHow did they visualize Galsberg Town?-wonderful town ,peaceful worldWhy did the clerk at the ticket counter refuse to accept the currency Charley offered ?--clerk demanded the old style currencyCould Charley find the Third Level again?----NoLong Answer Questions:-Give a brief account of Charley’s curious experience at Grand Central . Do you think it is believable?----- noticed strange things, rooms small, fewer ticket windows, dressed like late old century ,date on newspaper june 11, 1894, his currency rejected by the clerk, it is not believableGive a brief account of the writer’s discussion with his psychiatrist friend Sam.--Waking dream wish fulfillment, fear, war and worry led him to seek a temporary escape,Sam wished that the author was right ADDITIONALWhy did charley go to the grand central station?Where did he find himself and what did he observe there?What do you learn about Galesburg of 1894?Why did charley go to the ticket window?Why was charley unable to buy the tickets for Galesburg?How did his friend react to his account of their level?What is the first day cover?What is this third level and why does Charlie find himself at third level?How did Sam make a living at Galesburg?What strange thing was found among the oldest first day concern?What did Charley insist on which everybody contradicted?What was Charley unusual experience at the ticket window?What were Sam views about Charley having found himself at third level?What did Charley did of his hobby of collecting stamps?What makes you believe that Charley lived in the world of fantasies?What was Sam’s business at Galesburg?Why couldn’t Sam go back to his old business in Galesburg Illinois?The Tiger KingShort Answer Questions:Who was the ‘Tiger King’?---The Maharaja of PratibandhapuramWhat astonishing thing happened at the time of his birth? Ten day old prince spoke and wanted to know the manner of his deathWhich matter of the Tiger King is of extraordinary interest?--aspect of his demise as foretold by astrologer‘I shall cut my tuft, crop my hair and become insurance agent’. Who said thee words and why? Astrologer said if his prediction proved wrong he would leave his profession.How did Maharaja come to be known as the “Tiger King”? Prediction Tiger king would meet his death from tiger, Tiger king’s mission to kill hundred tigers. What led the Maharaja to start out on a tiger hunt?--Maharaja is determine to kill 100 tigers in self defenceOn what pretext did the Maharaja begin killing the Tigers? If cow can be killed in self defense killing a tiger should not raise objectionsHow did the Maharaja devote himself to realize his ambition?-- pursued with single minded devotion, vowed to attend to other matters after killing hundredth tigerWhat measures did the Maharaja take to reserve the tigers for himself? He ordered a ban on tiger hunting, No one was allowed to hunt tigers except Tiger King. Why was Maharaja in danger of losing his throne?--prevented a British officer to fulfill his desireHow was the king able to restore his kingdom? ---- sent the whole lot of expensive rings to British officer’s ladyWhy was Maharaja anxious to kill the hundredth tiger?----has to be extremely careful with the hundredth tiger, chief astrologer warned him for hundredth tigerWhy was Maharaja sunk in gloom?--impossible to locate the last tigerWhat caused the Maharaja to go into depression? Not able to find the hundredth tiger, frustration, officers lost their jobs, common people suffered, taxes raisedWhat hurdles did the Maharaja ran into after killing seventy Tigers? How did he come out of this problem? Tiger population started declining, married the princess of a state with plenty of tigers. How did the Dewan try to help the Maharaja achieve his mission?--brought an old tiger from Madras, dropped it near Maharaja’s campHow was the Diwan resourceful? Advised the king not to raise taxes, arranged an old tiger from Madras for hunting. How did the hundredth tiger take his final revenge up on the tiger king?---Bought a wooden tiger to gift his son , one sliver pierced into right hand, infection flares up, king dies during operation.Long Answer Type Questions:-What problem did Maharaja face in pursuit of his mission? How did he resolve them?--- danger of losing his kingdom , tigers in his kingdom disappeared, couldn’t find the hundredth tigerHow does the author satirize the hunting instincts of the persons in authority?---- Considered a royal sport, king banned the tiger hunt by all others except himself, hunting - an obsession, postponed all affairs, married for sake of tigers, whimsical craziness of hunters.3. Dewan of Pratibandapuram proved to be very resourceful. Elaborate in the light of the story ‘Tiger King’. -Dewan’s important role in the life of tiger King. -Coming to king’s rescue with suggestions.- Suggested Maharaja not to double the tax.- Arranged hundredth tiger.4. The operation is successful The Maharaja is dead, Comment on the irony. Doctors concerned about the success of the operation and not the life of the patient. Prophesy turned out to be a true one.JOURNEY TO THE END OF THE EARTHShort Answer Questions:Q1.How do geographical phenomena help us to know about the history of mankind? To understand our past, present and future.Q2.What are the indications for the future of mankind? Increasing population, limited resources, burning fossil fuels lead to global warming.Q3.How did the narrator reach Antarctica? By crossing nine time zones ,six check points, three water bodies and as many ecospheres. Q4.What was Gondwanaland and how did it disappear? Existed 650 million years, the land mass separated by the Continental Drift into countries. Q5.What is Drake Passage and how was it formed? Due to continental drift India pushed northwards jamming against Himalayas North America drifted towards South America opening Drake Passage.Q6.What was the narrator’s impression about Antarctica? Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and the driest place, lost all earthly sense of time, impressed by seeing the microscopic and mighty life. Q7.What are the reasons for increasing global temperature? Human civilization, pressure of population, burning of fossil fuels. Q8.Why does Antarctica feature as an important element in our environment concern?Antarctica, the only place not populated, holds carbon records to give information about past, present and future.Q9.What is ‘Students on ice programme’? What is its aim? Project started by Canadian Geoff Green, takes high school students to remote corners of world, develop better understanding and respect of the planet.Q10.In the parable of Phytoplankton there is a great metaphor for existence. Explain Phytoplanktons, single celled microscopic plants, make food through photosynthesis, depletion of ozone layer would affect their activities, disturb the food chain and affect marine life.Long QuestionsQ1.Why is Antarctica the place to go to, to understand the earth’s present, past and future? Value Points:-Place to know about history.-Knowledge about the present scenario.-Showing the danger of future.Q2. What is the future of Mankind and the planet as a whole with reference to the lesson? Value Points:-Dismal.-Resources depleted.-Excessive burning of fossil fuels.THE ENEMYPearl S. BuckCharacter Map of SadaoPatriot unconcernedDiligentAssiduousCaringSadao MagnanimousConsiderateAltruisticPhilanthropist Short Answer Questions: Q1.Who was Dr. Sadao and where was his home located? Highly skilled Japanese doctor and scientist. His house built on the Japanese coast .Q2.Why was Sadao not sent with the Japenese troops though he was good surgeon? General was selfish and needed Dr Sadoa for his own treatment. Q.3 Why did Sadao not marry Hana though he liked her at first sight? Because needed permission of his father.Q4.How did Sadao & Hana establish the identity of the misty figure that washed ashore? Identity established by the white colour of his skin, yellow hair, cap and his bleeding wounds. Q5.What moral dilemma did they face? To save him or not to save.Q6.What did Dr Sadao and his wife decide to do with the wounded American? They decided to take him home first and save him and them hand him over to police.Q7.We must think of the children and your position. Why did Hana say this? Because helping an enemy would put the family into trouble. Q8. Do you think Sadao was justified in helping the enemy? Yes, humanity is above patriotism. Q9. What does Hana think of the scars on the POW‘s neck? Feels bad, he was tortured by Japanese soldiers.Q10. What two things happened on the seventh day after the soldier was brought? The servants left the house, General’s messengers came to call Sadao. Long QuestionsQ1. Give a character sketch of Sadao Hoki on the basis of the reading of ‘The Enemy.’ Value Points:-Obedient Son.- Skillful surgeon.- Experienced cultural prejudice.- Excellent husband.- Professional.- True patriot. Q2.Why did the servants in the house refuse to cooperate with Sadao and Hana? What were their reactions? Value Points:- True Japanese hated Americans.- Superstitious nature of the servants.- Deserted the couple.SHOULD WIZARD HIT MOMMYShort Answer Questions:Q1.Who is Jo and how did she respond to her father’s story tellingJack’s four year old daughter, growing up, did not fall asleep, asked questions.Q2. What did Jo look forward to on Saturday? Enjoyed story telling session.Q3.Why did Jack find his story telling sessions boring? The purpose of telling stories defeated as the girl did not sleep. Q4. What were the common features of the stories told by Jack? Stories had a basic story line. Q5. What was Roger skunk’s problem? Smelled bad, not liked by his friendsQ6. Do you see the autobiographical elements in Roger Skunk story? Tones of Jack’s childhood. Q7. How did Jack make the basic theme of the story interesting? Stories, creation of his mind although basic theme same.Q.8 Why didn’t Jack like his woman to question him?Wanted woman to take his words without any questions and respect him.Q9. Do you think the character of the wizard is fashioned as he would have liked himself to be? Wizard has answers to all questions.Q10. What did Roger skunk do to get his problem solved? By going to owl who directs him to the wizard.Long QuestionsQ1. Justify the title of the story “Should Wizard Hit Mommy?” Value Points:Raises moral issues.Adult’s perspective is different from that of a child.Conflicting views of a child and a parent. Q2. What issues does the story raises? Are they relevant in today’s context? Value Points: -Should parents impose their view on children. -Should the institution of marriage be treated as a cage -Should parents take decisions on behalf of their children -The issues are relevant as they are universal On The Face of It Susan HillThe Play by Susan hill brings out the idea that One can learn to ignore the unpleasant things and discover beauty in the things.Physical impairment takes a person away from things & the people.Learn about Derry Unhappy and concernedLeft side of the face burntInferiority complexAvoid and hate peopleDerryA Young boy of 14 PessimistLeads hopeless lifeDerry is a young boy of fourteen. The left side of his face is burnt.Draws Lamb’s attention towards his face.Things that the people avoid him and hate him.The people say nasty things about him so he hates people.Says no girl will ever fall in love with him and kiss him.Even his mother kisses him on the right side of his face. Learn about LambCheerful and unconcernedCripple (Lame)Likes the company of peopleKind, wise and helpfulLambAn old man OptimistLeads meaningful lifeLamb is an old man. He is lame and has a tin leg.Remains busy with crab apples.Prepares jam and toffees for children and attends to his trees.Buzzing of bees is singing for him.Don’t mind children calling him lamey lamb leg.Thinks bitterness and hatred damaged more than acid. Short Answer Questions: Who is Mr. Lamb? - Mr. Lamb – old man - tin leg gardener: gives good advise to Derry.What is that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb in spite of himself? - Both Derry and Mr. Lamb suffer from physical impairment. - Lamb provides a new approach. He tells him to see, hear, and feel. - Do not hate others God given limbs.How does Mr. Lamb react to Derry’s query ‘Aren’t you interested?-There’s nothing -God made that does not interest him.How should people be judged?-Not be judged by what they look like. -Appearances may be deceptions.What peculiar things does Derry notice about the old man?- Peculiar, ask questions, not understood likes the light and ment on the ending of the play ‘On the Face of it’?-Pathetic but dramatic ending, physical disability loses balance falls down along with the ladder.How does Mr. Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry?-Develops withdrawal symptoms, -story went into the room and locked picture fell wall head killed.‘Mind the apples’ says Mr. Lamb. Why do you think does he issue these instructions, to whom and how many times?-Mr Lamb to Derry, -twice fall hurt.‘You got burned in a fire’ says Mr. Lamb. What do you think had happened to Derry’s face?- Acid burn ate up him ugly. Long Answer Type QuestionsWhat is the theme of the play?Value Points: -Consequences of physical impairment affected body mind soul. -Sense of alienation, considerate thoughtful overcome, physical disabilities, interaction of two characters peculiar way positive pare and contrast the characters of Derry and Mr. Lamb?Value Points:Physical impairments victims of disabilities after birth Derry face burned Lambs leg blown off. Lamb old man Derry fourteen, enjoys company Derry withdrawn and defiant, does not bother lameness, loves reading books, calm and patient.ADDITIONALWho is Mr. Lamb and what is his physical impairment?What has happened the Derry’s face?Why does Derry avoid people?‘There’s plenty of other things to stare at’. Which things are worth staring at?How does lamb console Derry?Why does Derry like lamb?What happens to Lamb in the end of the play?How does Lamb inspire Derry?Who is Derry?What does Lamb enjoy besides human company? Long Answer type Question Answer the following Questions in 120 words Compare and contrast the philosophy and attitude of Lamb and Derry towards life?How does Lamb’s interaction with Derry transform him ? Do you think that the title of the play On the face of it is appropriate ? EVANS TRIES AN O - LEVELShort Answer Questions:Who visited Evans on the morning of the examination? What did they visit him for? -Mr. Jackson and Mr. Stephens, the prison officer visited -to ensure that he had not retain any weaponHow was the reverend Stuart McLeery dressed and why? -put on a black overcoat, clerical hat -wearing spectacles, carrying a suitcase -chilly day & steady drizzleWhat were the contents of the small brown suitcase Mcleery carried? -sealed question paper envelope, a yellow - invigilation form, a paper knife, a bible, a -current copy of ‘the Church Times’.What request did Evans make about half an hour before the end of the exam? How did Mcleery and Stephens react to it? -to put a blanket round his shoulders -Mcleery told to be quick -Stephens surprised.What did the inmates of the prison come to know by tea-time? -Actual plan -Evans impersonating Mcleery stayed in and not walked out -Their earlier presumption was wrongWhat sort of hair did Evans have? How then did he impersonate Mcleery? -long, wavy hair -Mcleery’s hair amateurishly clipped -Evans used his razor to crop his hair -covered with a hatWhat two purposes did the correction slip serve? Which of them did Evans consider more important? -name of the hotel and its location -contained exact time the exam started -important thing for Evans: ringing of the phone just before the examWhat kind of person was Evans? -escaped thrice -pleasant sort of chap -not violent -kleptomaniacWhat truth did the enquiries about injured Mcleery from Carter and the Radcliff reveal? -Carter in Radcliffe -rang for the ambulance -Radcliff department informed there was no Mcleery.Who had the last laugh: Mcleery or the Governor? Explain. McleeryLong Answer Type Question 1. Comment on the aptness of the title, Evans tries an 0- level”Value points: The play starts with the mention of O- level exam in German. ends with the mention of O-level in Italian middle portion – holding of the O- level exam consequences exploitation of the facilities given in the prison2) How did the governor overtake Evans at the hotel but let him slip away again?Value points: Golden Lion Hotel used the hat to hide himself found the girl at reception car arranged by his own men governor found him little knowledge of German proved handy for the governor Evans caught. Explained the use of rubber ring Evans handcuffed taken to the van prison officer his friend he escapes ................
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